Alpharad is Testing My SKILLS! | Super Mario Maker 2

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[Music] zette more Solem at that time yeehaw solo adventures with matpat hey guys welcome to GT Live where I'm still on the couch alone because Stephanie's still taken some time to mentally breathe I'm very excited because this weekend is Father's Day so maybe I'll get a chance to mentally breathe that would be fantastic but before I get to mentally breathe I figured why not put myself through more emotional torture playing alpha rad levels because I'm really determined to beat them I don't know why it's kind of like playing I want to be the guy where you can tell that there's a really solid game there and it's it's awesome and the the care and detail and thought that went into it is amazing but it's all so crushingly difficult and unbelievably sad to play I would say alpha rads levels are a little bit less unfair than I want to be the guy but similar concept they're just brutally difficult and once you overcome that learning curve it's like I'm a better player as a result of getting through this and I feel myself becoming a better player by playing these alpha rad levels and so I really like them I hate playing them but I like them I've been really enjoying this uh this struggle say the least especially in in a Mario style he likes to use that kind of like 3d land style that 3d world style that is not something that I like I'm super comfortable with giving me old-school Mario give me super super mario world any day all day and that's like my bread butter even Mario for the week was great but he tends to you as the mechanics that I'm least familiar with and I feel myself learning more because his levels aren't just like difficult they're puzzles to figure out right like very clearly they're they're intricate pieces of like clockwork that have been put together and it's up to you to kind of figure out the puzzle and then execute on it it's one part puzzle solving and one part execution which I appreciate again I hate it cuz it's like exhausting to play like comments in a previous video call out the fact that like every time I finish a level I like it just hold my head in my hands cuz it's just like an emotional weight has been cleared off of me uh and so that's what I'm doing you know busy juggling babies and emails and Steph what Stephanie I'm trying to clear her plate so she doesn't have to worry about work and then the stuff that I normally have to do like theories and deals and all this stuff so a lot going on so I'm like you know what it's either this or baldies basics and six of one half dozen to the other let's hop into a game that I actually feel accomplished playing shall we so anyway last time we left off we were in a world - of super alpha red world at the castle stage there's a bomba there's a bomb level that I skipped I might come back - I need to practice catching thing catching bombs off of walls so I don't want to waste a lot of time with that yes and you see that correctly there is mirror Matt Pat is still there he's my good little buddy keeping me company on the couch we're in this together you and me mirror matpat you and me until I changed the input on the TriCaster at which point then you're gonna disappear and be replaced with gameplay uh leave a comment down below just for my own sanity it'd be nice I like reading your comments GT Live is a place where good comments happen so anyway I'm here at rebel AMA Boop I'm here with people Chu who's passed out in front of the camera right right below where you can see which I feel is appropriate for we're all feeling right now I'm gonna switch the input in an inelegant way so I'll be back on the couch here in a second boo boo hey on the plus side are even though everything else feels like a bit of a mess right now and this is jank tacular as it always has been more of the sound paneling has stayed up on the walls one of my projects has been to superglue again I'm so determined to protect the paint on the walls and not have a bunch of holes in the wall and I'm not using pins I really don't want to do the like cut out cardboard and a straight to the cardboard then you do the cardboard to the wall that seems like too many steps and yet here I am doing way too many steps because I've super glued a Velcro piece velcro pieces onto the back of these panels let them dry then stick the other velcro piece and then stick that velcro piece on the wall it's working and the walls seem to be preserved and I didn't have to cut out a ton of cardboard which is great but I don't think I've really saved myself a lot of time and headache so there you go just I'm being stubborn I feel like this is stubborn the livestream right Matthew being stubborn like Mario maker Matthew being stubborn you stupid sound panels on the wall oh all right am i emotionally ready for this I feel like the last couple streams probably the ones I film later today too will just be like have you coming to terms with his own emotions we're good we got this let's hop into this this is world to alpha rad this is the one that we left off on which is trick castle I believe what's the name of it so here we go I like that it's labeled not just as puzzle-solving but also art the label of art this isn't just a level my friends this is art in the making so I remember when we started this I was having some for some reason I can't grip the wall soon enough is that just as Super Mario fingers is that just like a Super Mario World or Super Mario Land problem is that you just can't wall grip fast enough it seems weird and I don't think he's like he's intentionally made like the wall slippery or something so I'm assuming that this has got to be the little twirly jump which which I have practice and I've gotten a lot better at uh I used to think that you had to do everything at the same time which is why I had so many fails doing it but I've learned that you can actually just wind it up which again this is the reason I like playing these levels I'm learning a lot of mechanics that no other Mario game really expects you to do and so but for some reason they decided to program it 50 that's it that's how you do ok so ok here we go there's this ok good ok ok ok ok those guys are gonna crush me before long so I should go down throw you ok ok so what have we learned here ok so I'm safe for some reason it's telling me to go up through the pipe and like we just lead you back to unblock that maybe so you go here go down okay so all right so so we're back here so that's just kind of like a the trick castle as it were uh all right so there's no way that you're gonna be you're gonna have to throw like a box there's something into the fire or get a cat suit cuz the cats like we could diagonal jump and then maybe crawl up the crawl up defense because the cats are able to crawl up the fence or in a box you throw down and then jump up okay so we have Soho we did now Yolo oh and there's a checkpoint okay so that's not bad okay so it has to do with that pipe I'm assuming that's great for first and only time I will ever say that about an elephant oh that wasn't hard wasn't too bad okay so I got the spring so I'm assuming the spring will give me like a second to float so I have to like throw it and then immediately follow it and then hop up right that's we're all in agreement about this right I'm not I'm not going crazy here feel like I'm going crazy because this talking to you at the camera but like we can all agree with this okay so there oh wow that disappears really fast okay okay let's try it again nope good false start false start it's totally fine patent it for the run time gotta get those sweet sweet red alerts and for the run time okay there so no screen comes out so I can do this twice right because I can take the key which will bring me back around so let's so you have like a second you like toss Bob so fast I don't think there's a way I don't think there's a way for me to throw it and then jump behind it because there's always going to be such a delay and how this works so I have to throw it while I'm in the air right I have to throw it I have to be jumping because I have to throw it it lands and then I immediately land after it which means but if I'm throwing it my trajectory is never gonna be quite as far as it so I need to throw it against the wall oh yeah okay okay yes that was it okay great okay sorry I'm just really excited that that actually worked okay see it's a puzzle the puzzle it's a puzzlement guys watched um watch puzzlement I watched the king in the night the other day because at this point but we're digging deep for content to watch wow that's some makovan stuff and you know no new series and stuff come out oh yes oh my gosh that was great that was great that was great okay it's amazing okay okay okay oh okay okay so you know I lost the bomb okay there's no way back so so you need to okay so the Guam he's coming along this bottom line he comes over and he ends up over so you need to blow up that block over there and it ends up over there okay so so I missed my chance but so jump on the bomb throw through the best okay so this is this is just a fake out ah so anyway I was watching which is a lot better you might think for like it then you might think but one of the like signature songs is the canes [Music] it's a puzzlement [Music] I get it I I see it alright alright alright okay the I feel like I vaguely remember this if you climb this is I I feel like this was from can I see this I feel like I've seen this before where was it in Mario 3d Land where if you're a cat you can climb this so a B you can climb through invisible blocks without hitting them if you climb up the wall cuz the cat climbs up the wall that word oh that's great then you just write it back yeah this is a bad this is fun um but yeah it's one of those things where we got the Broadway HD streaming service ah this is brilliant I love this I love how this is structured we got the Broadway HD streaming service and just to see whatever like shows are online we're like what let's watch something your shows why not be come in the evening we got plenty of others too for work during the day but there but I'm assuming it's just gonna teleport [Music] [Music] great it was awesome gank no it's great awesome I'm very happy with that ok so these guys hello ok oh my god ok hi hi no no no come ok we're gonna reset we're gonna race I don't know but I was ok here we go let's read again so this becomes just like a jump challenge right we need this guy up or something ok so the bomb ends up over there but he walks off so we're gonna have to land on your [Music] great it's great for infinite 1ups this is great I've been I've been getting kinda after it all the deaths in these levels whoo this is actually fantastic from what they get for one of us can I sneak in great load me up I gotta get back to that lull 69 I need long 69 when it comes to live okay so here's this you jump on him oh [Music] no Buono Buono Buono Buono okay so if I can get back so don't hop on everyone need a couple that are still long [Music] they need here here see okay so I need whatever that one is for I feel like I need number four to stay long so I should hear all the kiss of the Piranha Plants but anyway uh Broadway HD there's a decent number of good shows you can like rent it for a month or like get it for a money and see a bunch of like decent image Broadway shows as well as like musicals and stuff but uh so much and I'm like I need all of these things but there was enough there they like keep me occupied for like a good couple weeks they're updating it with more stuff like I'm missing something there's something wrong here uh but anyway that's that long story short it's a puzzlement i-i've got King and I on my mind and I've been because of the Broadway HD stuff like degree watching oh that was interesting okay there okay [Music] okay okay here I love this one help you live this happening I do I do appreciate that get there oh okay not quite but almost almost and they hold up really well there they're actually shockingly good some of these old school musicals um like King and I yeah it's got definitely some slow business absolutely uh a bit dated on the cultural standpoint I would say but um I feel like I'm getting close now I need to jump on it and then just hop off wait for it to blow up and then okay but yeah there there's some really good ones watched uh Billy Elliot which is great if you've never seen it Billy Elliot is one of the most creatively big musicals out there it features an incredible kids super super talented like kid actors where it's just like killing it when it comes to um they're like stage presence and stuff super talented dancers it's all about I'm still missing something but anyway Billy Elliot if you're interested in anything like Broadway or stage I think they have Billy Elliot on there which is pretty oh oh so close but that's a really good one there's also there's there's a lot of you there's a lot of productions of like a lot of the classics that you would expect like like Phantom of the Opera and stuff you know which if you haven't seen it's worth your cultural edification to see a lot of times Stephanie we'll watch stuff that we don't necessarily anticipate liking a whole lot just so that way we can talk knowledgeably about it and so that's been one that you know we watch like this before to throw it back feel like I might be missing something oh yeah that was gonna be it guys we had it okay okay okay I just need to stay alive I feel good I'm feeling good we're back into this here we go I think we I think we haven't figured out shoot that guy that guy like to limit like to it's about sending more than the wrong cuz this it works I feel like it should be slightly which I know is like yes yes okay okay okay I don't think that's how it's supposed to do it but I think that works okay so now what do we do we're gonna need to and their income be emotional rushing did I mentioned earlier there there's that emotional sadness I was talking about nope I didn't work yeah refill I'm one up shall we let's reset okay okay we're getting good we're getting it we're getting a little bit more consistent so now the question is so we need to bounce on him but then they're gonna shoot a bomb of course it's always the times that I get it that I screw up something hey we're almost at 99 lives I will take that I feel like that's gonna come in handy at some point this is great I love this shoot I love this challenge section like this is hard but it's fun it's so creative again he's lovely do all things that I'd like never seen other shoot other levels do and again it goes back to that idea of he's making me better like there was a way in that game to kill them in one tap on the pronto plan I swear there wasn't there was it was it stomping on because I remember there was one look like there was the poison swamp level and these things were everywhere and that there was like oh you could hit him with fireballs and would knock him back one you could hit them with you could jump on them and it would not come back one but there were certain times that you had to butt slam always nobody was here here let's try it oh he's gone okay okay yes yes okay that makes sense now yes okay yes I'm learning bro okay oh this makes it a lot easier now though like a lot lot easier here what you said let's reset so it clears the way of all that section which i think is what i was missing before okay here we go whoa yes oh it's so much better now [Music] okay okay all right so if I miss or if I don't get all of the bombs it shoots another one and it just cleared the way that's actually really powerful oh that's great that's great oh my gosh all right power up so okay so this is a new that's right we learned this in the rubber boss level bed it's 3d wind it's really 3d when he hops over you um what can he do I've seen IRA vaguely remember this power of being revealed and it was I haven't played any levels with it the problem he has the camera and he can break blocks but he can also break you can create blocks okay it's okay so this is just like oh oh no no no okay okay if there's anything that we should be watching during quarantine let us know I'm actually watching Cowboy Bebop which is something I well yeah if there's anything that you think definite should be walking we're in the market for I mean shows we've been catching up on a lot of anime that we had either kind on or stuff that we had always heard that we should be watching it yeah or things that we haven't gotten a chance to to see caught up on Titan my hero a lot of stuff that we so that's a good one we're actually watching a lot of the Studio Ghibli video Ghibli I stopped because I outside of spirited away I had never really seen I had I that was one of those like big blind spot in my in my like hey these are important moving to watch like hi hi nope he's cousin no no no no okay okay hey okay all right great ha oh this level is great for one of okay so you me so you need the power-ups [Music] we like okay and so five that's like a video game trope right favorite blue it's your favourite room out Louisville for rad so I need to I need to do the twirl yep give me the hammer give me the power I need the power Mario Lisa so you got it you got a Twitter look you got to get ready to poop it out Mario and then you can do it if I do it too quickly you're not ready to poop it out I feel like if you feel good about this I haven't been confident about a lot of the stuff in a lot of these levels but I feel good about this one here we go yeah there to see okay good I'm so happy okay I will take that I will take that thank you twenty minutes later totally fine I feel like beating an alpha red level in 20 minutes is big thumbs up that's I'm comfortable with that number not happy about this okay momentum Mountain technical link to link level [Music] I feel like it's not gonna be as simple as just run off and jump you right like it we can all assume that some tells me no okay obviously I'm glad we I'm glad we did it I'm glad we learn from our mistakes yes clearly clearly that is not the right way to go and I'm assuming it's also not long jump but I'm just gonna double I'm just gonna double check here I just to cover all our bases okay okay just clearing the slate didn't want it didn't want to be one of those obvious solutions that we overthink so very clearly it seems tied to this right what am I seeing what a motion so as Stephanie said in in a previous video that we did above these levels alpha red likes to do mechanics that people don't know like I'm scared mechanics that kind of push the limits of what like Martin can do so I'm wondering can those boxes push you or launch you babies or like if I wall jump up here will meant a mountain math oh my gosh the reset time is so long risa time is so long okay so if I do nope that just you just phase through at that time man Mario that's that's an obscure mechanic that you don't know about Mario games Mario's ability to phase blocks ooh oh that seems like it helped a little bit I second guessed it but it seemed to work nope I didn't feel at that time at that time I felt it very briefly that I was doing something right so if I did start this way and then run kind of it's something it has something to do with this what am I doing wrong there's some mechanic that I'm doing around here Oh almost almost not quite so what if I have to run cuz if I if it's a reset block it seems like all this is happening in one motion so what if I run jump oh yes yes oh hi okay great that's brilliant that's brilliant that was brilliant that was awesome I again these are levels that make me these are levels that are so good like that's such a cool mechanic I've never seen anything like that before that's so awesome [Music] nope okay so here so this is for this icicle great gear what you have to get [Music] what is the deal here what do I do here so okay so this guy so you have to get because that guy's just gonna fire it off this guy up here is just going to launch that mother watch right and now you're blocked off and you can't get up there so it's real again it's it's momentum I'm overthinking this right you just got tried or you know I could just die on the spike I could think about it for 20 minutes and then die and spike that's that's totally fine later okay good good so it's it's later you have to delay the jump just slightly so that way whatever weirdo magic mario thing is going on affects you oh yeah anyway like I was like I was saying if there is any shows that you recommend us watching let me know or halfway through that we do that I didn't why hasn't that I have too much momentum all right something even just Oh God wall jump Matt everything else is going fine some tight wall jump just throwed me off here now nope okay alright alright alright it's fine fine we're all fine here it's all fine maybe got wait for that top window again nope just your wait for everything to reset reset it okay here yes yes yes okay okay if we can beat this before my meeting two levels before why do I feel like this is a lie this feels too simple right there's not no special [Music] it's just the odd that's just not one okay this is just okay small jobs I'm assuming if I miss it I get the spike or you missing you just just bumped your head on the wall right front of you that was okay great that's a long job nope certainly not so is this a is this supposed to be like a shell job like it's kind of like a rudimentary style shell of so he comes through nope nope here get back in your shell I mean I could just use the shell but that's a weak one real fast [Music] the timing of it feels a bit or I charge up the jump maybe that's what it is all right we've got a little bit of time before this meeting we're gonna do it gonna beat this before the meeting happens and we'll have done two levels and it'll be amazing and the world will rejoice with us come on can we do it yes we can great so you go here nope nope oh that was almost it that that was almost it or can I follow him out of the tomb I feel like an open to close so close like yeah if you follow him through this clear tube she followed through the clear tube yeah there it is that he would require okay so the and as we learned in that other levels if the if he bounces on you get sent through the bouncer but we don't wanna go down there okay so he's waiting there okay so it's gonna be a race it's a race to the end okay good okay sorry I'm trying to get warmed up for what I know is gonna be a race against the swamp come on who's gonna crush me nope nope nope okay oh yeah oh hey hey no no I wanted to go down and want to go down uh okay oh I get it I get it I get it I get it here and now we're teleporting down now we want him to crush us through okay here it is momentum Mountain great check there oh okay here we go so this is gonna help break the block to the left that we saw [Music] [Music] that's five the first one I threw out was okay first one I threw out was oh yes okay okay nope that didn't work oh there okay so there's the Icicle back there so I need to run real fast okay oh no no go go go okay we got one and done to do this I think you real go go go okay wait oh no we don't we don't have time we don't have time good done game set and match fantastic that was brilliant level I loved it that was so fun oh that was great okay we got some castles here this one's only got seven seven speed run so let's try this one real quick how much time we got 1141 cuphead tutorial oh we played this one this one was submitted to us before I think we played this during the charity livestream yeah we played this during the st. Jude charity livestream and it's you remember this and it's literally the cup head tutorial oh look at that we're able to rebound it's great oh this is so hard this this is the peak of gaming right here cup head tutorial who else brutal brutal I don't know how we managed to do it great fantastic best best alpha rad level I've played yet feeling real good about that one here what's this other one I'm assuming that this one was also a joke level then it's only got one scooter whatever comedy is hard reach the goal after defeating all one of the dry bones does that mean like dropping the lava Bujang comedy is hard true comedy that would be me dying here [Music] yes for alpha rad levels one video BAM flying through them this is great see I told you when you get to the old-school Mario games that's where I really shine right that's where my mechana that was you know Mario one and you see I was able to handle it no problem that's that's the sort of gameplay I'm talking about Mario 3 my good more three I didn't even notice the style this is twenties so maybe this is also a joke level labyrinth alpha hmm something tells me this might not be a joke level [Music] he done so much at this point not do not troll me feel kind of betrayed we go there okay great first check mark that was not bad oh hi fun facts fun fact about those piranhas plans okay but I just oh oh I get that's not I did I mean I'm thinking like oh I can but stomping this hopefully I'm assuming what I said the trickier is is I'm gonna need the star through the pipe nope a big old note there the old train okay okay so that means you rest up I need to throw bombs so I need to cook the bomb a little bit harder I guess yeah cook the bomb nope not that long don't come on that long need a little bit happier of a middle ground there dear cook yeah oh great great I don't take that any day of the week wow we're already out of time okay I'll jump that way it makes a lot safer where we going hey breathe so I'm just gonna make the bridge cuz I think that's gonna be important oh okay great it's one of those Mario things that you just see like a bottomless pit you're like no not going down there one up oh yeah give me all those 1 ups keep them coming mine's will get all full up one more don't do this to me don't do this to me go on really there's a limit cutting me off bad enough you've had enough one up great yes yes I will take that take that that wasn't too bad actually that was just fun that was just a fun kind of level a little bit Mazie but not even like labyrinths I expected actually it'd be a lot more complicated than that great that was a fun level really fun so with that ladies and gentlemen that is what one two three four five five levels done in one level in one Street one stream and by stream I mean video of me talking to myself the entire time about puzzlement and King and I and anime great and I have this meeting content minutes so I'm gonna run I'm gonna upload this and hopefully you'll see it on the channel a little bit later today as I film it and that was progress guys that was progress I feel good granted the levels that we did today weren't as hard I think momentum mountain was actually pretty tricky it was more than getting the mechanic but they were fun these are fun level they found like that right balance of like hard but not too too hard that Piranha Plants stairway man that was rough anyway I'm gonna cut things here I'm gonna record more videos for you hopefully to come out over the next couple days hey thank you for being here for me for staff for everyone hopefully you are also getting some mental time to relax this was actually a lot more mentally satisfying than I expected I thought I would leave this being like oh my god everything but I feel really empowered after doing this I feel really good so tune in next time alpharetta come for you I'm getting trained up so I can take on super Alfred world - I'm excited about it and in the meantime remember that wasn't a stream it was a video but it was a video just for you I'll see you in a next time but now I'm gonna awkwardly turn off the camera so let's awkwardly shut this thing down bye guys [Music] [Applause]
Channel: GTLive
Views: 227,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario maker 2, mario maker, mario, switch, mario maker 2 update, world maker, mario maker 2 world maker, mario maker 2 world maker update, rubberross mario maker, rubber ross mario maker, ross mario maker 2, mario maker 2 levels, mario maker 2 speedrun, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, matpat, matpat mario maker, gtlive mario maker, super mario maker, super mario maker 2, super mario maker 2 level, super mario maker 2 course world, alpharad, mario maker alpharad
Id: GTVjbZS5sh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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