Todd White - The Full Gospel Must Be Preached

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our righteousness is like it's it's just filthy rags it's nothing before a holy god i am so amazed of his love for us his mercy his goodness and his severity because we can't forget the goodness and the severity go hand in hand it goes hand in hand some people think because god's good that one day when we stand before him he'll excuse everything that we did because we'll think he's good in that day but i promise you the bible talks otherwise god's not a legalist he's a lover but in order to know him we must love him and loving him involves listening to him some people get born again and it's so exciting when we get saved and jesus becomes our savior but they never step into him being their lord and if we look through the bible in all the new testament when paul talks about jesus christ our lord and savior he doesn't say our savior our lord and savior lord means leader master and it's such a big deal i am so excited i want to share something that happened to me when i was on vacation because this just was a milestone moment [Music] i was riding an outdoor elliptical because i have a friend of mine that owns a company called street strider and it they make outdoor ellipticals it's the elliptical that you ride in the gym but you can do it outside so you're not staring at a wall you can like be cruising so i was riding it out there in newport beach in huntington beach i was going back and forth and i was i was up to about 18 miles every day but when i'm on the street strider i'm fellowshipping with jesus i'm listening to the word because no matter where we go it says that we always should be in the word no matter what we're doing and so i'm audibly listening to the bible and i'm going through the reality of who god is again and again and again and again it never gets old and every time i listen it's brand new every time i read it's brand new and god wants to speak to us and so i was going and i said you know what i'm going to go 20 today and i was going to push it farther than i ever did and i'm exhausted and i'm pushing it and i'm at about 18 miles and i had an accident and as i was going on the street strider where you're where your your foot hooks into the arm piece you're pushing and pulling at the same time in order to keep it straight you have to push and pull with equal on each sides which works your core it's like the greatest workout ever and so the screw i wasn't checking the screws like i should have been you should always check your moving parts and so what happened was that screw that held that together dropped out and i foot planet and i ended at 14 miles per hour so i went 14 miles per hour through the uprights field goal and i bent i held on so hard i bent i bent the steel the steel frame on the arm but when i landed i landed face first on a curb when i hit the ground immediately my face filled with blood i couldn't see anything and i hit right here right at my temple and when i hit the ground i hit with all my momentum on my face i didn't have anything stop me like my hand and i bounced off the curb and rolled up onto my feet and there was a thought that went through my soul immediately the thought was not yet lord i'm not ready i haven't touched enough people with my life not yet lord i'm not ready and it was like my life flashed before me in the moment of time i mean it was that quick there were three things that flashed through the first one is not yet lord help me the second thought was my family's not ready for me to be gone my wife and my kids and the new you know the the our our news our new baby boy that we just got full adoption of he's one year old and and then my third thought was not yet the ministry is not ready for me to be absent god you're doing something amazing it was all in a split second and i i like i said i hit this was all in my role all those things and as i got up and i'm bleeding from my face and i can't see i quickly tried to facetime my wife and tell her here's where i am because i needed her to know in case i passed out because i'm on the side of the road bleeding and my shirt is full of blood and and i facetime and my son azariah got the phone and he's looking at his dad all bleeding doesn't know what to say and i don't know what happened next but i'm sitting on the side of the road and i dropped a pin to my wife to come and get me my mom was with her and i watched all these people going by in the cars just going by like like i can't tell you how many people went by and while i was standing on the side of the road bleeding bleeding i thought in my heart am i not anybody's neighbor i've got to be someone's neighbor and that story about the neighbor hit me i wasn't waving anybody down all i could do was hold my face and try to wipe the blood because i couldn't see anything but i saw cars pass me by and then all of a sudden a car pulled over and it just happened to be somebody that was a part of a ministry called circuit riders now out of all the people hundreds of cars passing me by out of all the people a ministry stopped and they helped me and i went to the emergency room and all the you have to go through so many hoops to go to the emergency room now i mean it's a big deal with covet and everything i'm sharing the gospel with a fresh new just a fresh new perspective as i i might not have been able to hear the share of the gospel right now i might not have been able to witness i might not have been able to share because what if i hit my head and that was it what if it was over in a moment of time in the blink of an eye it could be over and i thought to myself my god my god and i'm sharing and they're stitching me and i'm sharing the gospel and i got like 12 stitches in the side of my head and people were being highly affected and i shared where i came out of and where my life was wrapped up in this and wrapped up in that and there became an urgency inside of me to be a witness but not just to be a witness to wake up a sleeping church my heart my heart is so convicted i can't even explain to you like i can't i'm i'm overwhelmed because i believe that we're all here to make a difference we're not here to point the finger we're here to point to jesus we're all here oh gosh why would people join a church that's fighting against themselves or hypocritical why do people want to be a part of that they don't they don't i'm overwhelmed with god's love for me i've been able to tuck away i've been able to go after jesus like never before i've been able last week i shared in my heart i shared i repent for not preaching the full gospel if any of you think that you know at all about the gospel you're deceived i don't care who you are i don't care what theologian you are i don't care if you're a doctor of of theology you are you've got your masters of divinity if you think you know it all i'm sorry you're wrong i have stepped into a new awareness of why i'm really here i feel like i just got saved i feel like i've just met jesus the truth is if i didn't meet jesus when i got saved i would have continued in sin but i'm very concerned for a large majority of the body of christ that says that they've met him and yet lives in sin i'm very very very concerned my heart is broken because jesus says all or none he says gather or scatter he says for or against he did not tell us to come to him for a better day he didn't say come to the altar if you've messed up he says come to the altar if you want to give up he didn't say come to the altar all of you who have messed up he said come to the altar all of you who want to give up on this life and enter into a life of eternity and eternal life i used an example last week of ray comfort's book i have read ray comfort since i've gotten born again i love his stuff i've read spurgeon since i got saved i mentioned it one time and people were like now he's reading the right stuff i got news for you i love them andrew murray is one of my favorite authors in the whole world i love those you know who else is the great author dr michael brown i don't know if you guys know who that is he was in brownsville revival i've never talked to anybody quite like it i am so thankful for these men of god and women of god and i want to thank again also there are a lot of people out there that have believed that i i'm deceived thank you for praying for me i need it i need prayer to say that someone's wrong and to not get on your face and cry out for their soul their soul their soul because if i'm deceived and you're not crying out for me and you say that you love god you're a liar because you actually you actually hate me if i'm gonna tell you that somebody's deceived but i'm not gonna be one to go on my knees and be human cries like jesus did and cry out for them to see the truth then i'm not a christian i don't love them i love my opinion i don't care who you are you better if you have a problem with somebody you better be praying for them not just while he's deceived in one day do you really want me to go to hell did you really want me to go to hell like what if i died in the position that you thought i was in your eyes i'd have been in hell but i'd be at the right hand of the father with jesus praying for you see here's the deal love looks like something love doesn't have an opinion love keeps no record of wrongs our god is an awesome god and he created us in his image and in the likeness of god he made man man fell because of sin because of sin but jesus restored that which was lost what was lost us i am overtaken with gratitude for people that have prayed for me and have said man he's going off they made a movie called the american gospel about me none of them called me to talk to me not one of them asked me to share my heart not one of them asked me what i believe they assumed and put me into a place of guilt because of association and friends like bill johnson or kenneth copeland now all of a sudden todd's the biggest heretic on the planet or benny hinn shame on you for not praying for me and talking to me but making a movie thinking that you're god's police you're gonna stand before a holy god an answer for your life of judgment and hate and it's called murder it's no different than racism it's the same thing it's called no love you have no love if you think that being god's police officer is love you're wrong because you haven't prayed with feheman tears what does it mean to go after god in your prayer closet because that's where all this is lots of people have opinions but do you have a prayer life are you really sold out are you really going after the lord like you say you are god sees everything everything is naked and open to him everything you're not hiding anything he sees it all we should be very careful about the things that we say about people i don't feel bad at all i feel you have no idea how free i really am when i came out on this stage tonight there are people that are here that said he didn't repent he didn't cut his hair shame on you but you won't be back i hope god cuts your heart i really hope he cuts your heart i love jesus with all my heart my life is a display of that my actions are a display of that my wife will tell you that i love the lord she sees me in my prayer closet she sees how i talk my kids will tell you that i love the lord i don't settle for anything less than jesus this isn't a defense of todd this is a i've been spending time with god and i'm about ready to explode jesus is amazing and he wants us to see just how amazing he is i really believe i heard leonard ravenhill uh he's one of my favorite authors like i i love leonard i'm like blown away you read it i don't know if you've ever read wow why revival terry's oh my goodness i'm like it's amazing like amazing that man's love for jesus his profuse love for god he was very strong in the things that he said but it was said out of a brokenness for our savior out of a love for god and of a love for the church and of a love for the lost but it was so intense david wilkerson who was another one i went to team challenge david wilkerson started team challenge if teen challenge didn't exist i wouldn't be here right now he's one of my favorite preachers in the whole world that's news to so many people they're like wow i can't believe that i love those guys i love holiness i love purity i love power not my power god's power some people think he's repented he won't believe in the miracles the only reason that you don't is because you don't believe the bible you tore out the pieces of the bible that you don't want to believe because you're uncomfortable not realizing that god actually sent a comforter because you're supposed to be uncomfortable see when i pray for the sick when i pray for the sick there has to be an act of demonstration of healing see and that might make us look bad if it doesn't happen that would be sad to live like that to to be bummed out about how people see you or perceive you if you're not willing to be a fool for christ you're not christ at all if you're not willing to be a fool for christ you're not christ at all you can say what you want and think what you want god did not pay a price for you to just bring jesus into your life so what you can get from him go through church services coast through life and leave all the work up to the evangelist god did not pay a price for that he said come out and be separate he said take my life as a sacrifice because we are here to burn for a god that is an all-consuming fire so that one day they don't have to burn guys this is real oh we have to fall in love i feel like i'm i've fallen in love all over again like i've i am i am blown away at how merciful god is with us because if he was like a lot of people's attitudes he would have smote you the second that you messed up do you know that we are in a day of mercy right now an amazing day of mercy but do you understand church that one day we are going to stand before the judgment seat of god if sin doesn't make you sick something's wrong with you if sin doesn't make you want to throw up something's wrong with you if sin doesn't bother you something's wrong with you if you can sit in front of a tv and love what's going on and that be your life you love the world and you can't love god there's no question the bible's clear there's no way out you have created a god that's in your own image but god created you in in his image we have a graven image of who we believe god is that he's this and he's that not biblical no when you read the word jesus christ talked about hell more than anybody else he talked about weeping and gnashing of teeth intensely read the parables in matthew it's unbelievable are you guys with me i don't know see i'm just getting started i'm not kidding do you know that the miracles that people have seen in the past through amazing preachers men and women of god that have loved god with everything in them the miracles were so profuse that some people got arrested for practicing medicine without a license why are we so quick to dismiss the reality of the power of god why would i want to believe half the gospel why wouldn't i want to give jesus everything he paid a price for everything why would i want to give him that much i want to read something i was reading dr brown dr michael brown by the way he's coming here to preach on the 16th he is you don't want to miss it oh my gosh in exodus 20 moses had summoned all the children to come all that came out of egypt to come to mount to come to the mountain to hear the lord consecrate yourself they came where god thundered from the mountain he thundered commandments from the mountain thundered commandments and what did the people say god thundered his law with lightning and thunder and it was like the people couldn't handle it they freaked out and said moses you tell us please don't let god speak to us or we're going to die moses said it is good god wants to show you what his fear is and if we get it we won't want to sin against him are you with me like this is real but they chose a man instead of god they said no you do it we'll listen to you they didn't listen watch watch how much they didn't listen this is crazy ten commandments were given moses descended the mountain to meet with god 40 days 40 nights caught up in supernatural presence he wasn't eating or drinking for the whole time he heard god audibly for six straight weeks spent time with the lord crazy now these guys what would it be like to come out of egypt what would it be like to be facing a sea i've said it before because when i see that i want to picture what it's like what would it have been like for pharaoh to be coming to kill him for moses to stretch forth his staff for the water to stand up on end for the winds to blow and it be a dry ground and then cruise through the red sea how crazy would that have been to see your god do that so they're cruising through they get through and then the water closes on him and kills pharaoh's army like for real so they're out they're fresh out of that they're fresh out of being delivered from bondage they just heard god speak the commandments but they didn't really hear god speak the commandments because they were afraid and said moses you tell us are you with me i just want you to follow through are you are you hearing me or no so in exodus 32 i'm just gonna go there and i'm just gonna read it you guys okay i won't be long so moses is on the mountain and moses delayed because they chose to not fix their eyes on god but to fix their eyes on moses saying you tell us moses has now been gone for six weeks where did moses go so what happened now when the people saw that moses delayed to come down from the mountain the people assembled about aaron and said to him come make us a god who will go before us as for this moses this man who brought us up out of the land of egypt moses didn't bring him out god did we do not know where it's become of him aaron said to them tear off why pressure of people the pressure of people to preach a certain way the pressure of people to do a certain thing man tear off the gold rings that are in your ears of your wives and your sons and your daughters and bring them to me then all the people tore off the gold rings that were in their ears and brought them to aaron he took this from their hand fashioned it into a gr with a graving tool and made it into a molten calf and they said this is your god o israel who brought you up from the land of egypt that should make your stomach and heart sick just listening to that right there about an old testament how many images have we had other than jesus now when aaron saw this he built an altar before and aaron made a proclamation saying tomorrow shall be a feast to the lord so the next day they rose early offered burnt offerings brought peace offerings and the people sat down to eat and drink rose up to play when the lord spoke to moses go down at once for your people whom you brought up from the land of egypt have corrupted themselves they have quickly turned aside from the way which i commanded them they have made for themselves a molten calf and have worshipped it and have sacrificed to it and said this is your god o israel who brought you up from the land of egypt the lord said to moses i have seen this people and behold they are an obstinate people now let me alone that my anger may burn against them and i may destroy them and i will make of you a great nation moses and treated the lord as god and said lord why does your anger burn against your people whom you brought out of the land of egypt with great power and a mighty hand why should the egyptians speak see look lord why does your anger burn against your people whom you have brought up moses didn't bring him out god did that's from god with great power and a mighty hand why should the egyptians speak saying with evil intent he brought them out just to kill them in the mountains and destroy them from the face of the earth turn from your burning age anger and change your mind doing harm to your people i want you to understand this is god and moses is god you can't what kind of relationship would he have with god oh i want i want that kind of relationship with god he met with people but he met with moses face to face mouth to mouth god wants to be so close to us i want that i yearn for that i long for that i'll die if i don't have it i know him but now i know him more and tomorrow i'm going to know more because i'm going to press it again and again and again and like moses all the people that hate me i'm gonna cry out for you you know only god knows my secret life remember abraham isaac and israel your servants to him you swore by yourself and said to him i will multiply your descendants as the stars from heaven and all this land which i've spoken i'll give to your descendants and they shall inherit it forever so the lord changed his mind the lord changed his mind about the harm which he said he would do to his people this is in the bible for a reason when moses turned around went down from the mountain he had two tablets of testimony now moses just interceded for the people and caused god to stay his hand are you with me he changed his mind about killing everybody wiping everybody out now watch tablets were god's work and the writing and god's writing engraved on the tablets now when joshua heard the sound of the people as they shouted he said to moses there is a sound of war in the camp but he said it's not the sound of the cry of triumph nor is it the sound the cry of defeat but the sound of singing that i hear in other words they rose up they were having a joyous occasion they were having moments in the flesh it came about as soon as moses came near the camp he saw the calf and dancing watch moses just interceded for the people he's like thank you wow thank you father he goes down there and he sees the people and moses is like oh moses anger burned he threw the tablets from his hands shattered them at the foot of the mountain took the calf which he had burnt which he had made and burned it with fire ground it to powder scattered it all over the surface of the water and made the sons of israel drink it that's pretty intense but that's not it moses said to aaron what did this people do to you that you have brought such sin upon them aaron said do not let the anger of the lord burn you know the people yourself that they are people prone to evil then he said when they said to me make a god for us who will go before us for this moses the man who brought us up from the land of egypt i don't like how he's justifying peer pressure i don't like it but then i wouldn't have had the relationship with god that moses did only moses did make a god for us to go before us for this moses a man who brought us up out of the land of egypt we do not know what has become of him i said to them whatever has i said to them whatever has any gold tear it off give it to me threw it in the fire and out came this calf he had to take time to make that calf what would be going through your soul if you're making a calf after you saw all the works that god had done see all the people knew his works but moses knew his ways mother saw the people were out of control aaron let them go out of control by it by derision among their enemies then moses stood at the gate of the camp whoever is for the lord i need you to understand this whoever is for the lord come to me and all the sons of levi gathered together to him he said to them thus says the lord god of israel every man of you put his sword upon his thigh go back and forth from gate to gate in the camp kill every man his brother and every man his friend and every man his neighbor so the sons of levi did this as moses instructed and about 3 000 men of the people fell that day moses said everybody that's for god come to me 3 000 of them didn't and they all died for it on the next day said to the people you yourselves have committed a great sin now i'm going to be the lord i'm going to up to the lord perhaps i can make atonement for your sin moses return to the lord alas the people have committed great sin you go through here and god says whoever has sinned against me i will blot them out of my book but go now lead the people where i told you behold my angel will go with you nevertheless in the day in the day when i punish i will punish them for their sin the lord smoked the people because of what they did with the calf which aaron had made but he didn't wipe out everybody when you go into exodus 33 you have moses pleading with god if your presence doesn't go with us we're not going god said i'll send an angel ahead of you moses said if your presence doesn't go we're not going how many of us in the church are going without his presence anyway how many of the church and and all these different camps that god never built in streams that god never dug our absence from the very presence of the lord and fight against it vehemently how many do you think that you're not going to answer for your life you're wrong outside of his presence there's sin that you can't get a hold of you can't change except for the presence of the lord you cannot make it through life outside of the presence of a holy god you can't you can't there is no life outside of the presence of the holy i say ghost people get scared holy spirit when we get born again something shifts something changes something here's what it is you die no no when you get born again you die to your opinions to your hates until you're pointing the finger you die to it and you become a man of prayer you become somebody that's after god's own hearts you become one that falls in love with jesus not just as your savior but as your lord he can be your savior you come to him you pray you say yes to jesus and then you're in a bar 10 years down the road someone says hey brother talks to you about the lord you say i already did that man i'm in i don't think so people like are you touching on the once saved always saved are you what do you believe here's what i believe i believe that you can't get by a whole lot of scriptures that are in that bible live in sin and like it and think you're okay i promise you're not god's not a legalist he's a lover but without his presence it's over there are people that think that the presence of their girlfriend is more important than the presence of the lord there are people that think that the presence of pornography is more important than the presence of the lord there are people that think that the presence of money and finances is more important than the presence of the lord there are people that think that if they don't watch out for the church and protect her that right there is more important for for for them than the presence of the lord but outside they look beautiful jesus called it what it was and he said to the pharisees outside you're all dressed up but inside you're full of nasty the bible says to be born again re-fathered brand-new father i am a brand new creation old things have passed away all things became new all of a sudden i get saved jesus pays this price i see it i see my sin for what it was separation from god hurting people destroying people and all of a sudden i fall in love with jesus he becomes my everything i repented but as i'm going through life if i don't have a constant awareness if something is wrong in my conscience because i'm no longer sin conscience i'm sun conscious i became sin conscious when i was born and in through life but when i got saved i saw my sin for what it was oh my god it's detestable it's unholy it's unlovely god why why would you love me yet he did god so loved the world that he said his one and only son that whoever would believeth in him would not perish but would have eternal life then he says jesus who knew no sin on that cross he who knew no sin became sin so that i might become something what if i got born again and don't really believe what i've become you will continue in sin and continue in that life there are people that are coasting through there is a large majority of the church that's sleeping they're not awake they're sleeping and we need to wake up we need to wake up people are dying my urgency to share the gospel my urgency to reach the lost my urgency to reach a church that thinks she's found is so big i can't even stand it i can't even tell you what i feel in my heart because one day we're gonna stand before him the fear of the lord is the beginning of wisdom that's what it says jesus was anointed by god but his delight was in the fear of the lord jesus was anointed above his companions because he hated lawlessness and loved righteousness how dare we press into the anointing outside of that [Music] jesus hated lawlessness and loved righteousness so god anointed him wait a minute that's what it says god anointed jesus above his companions because he hated sin he hated trespasses he hated lawlessness and he loved righteousness why would we think that we can proclaim that we love god and not hate lawlessness and love righteousness there is something wrong you guys okay this is pretty intense i promise it gets worse oh no it does because there has to be there has to be this behemoth desire inside of me to bless those who persecute me and pray for those who despitefully use me like despitefully use my name and say he's this and he's that without even listening that's dangerous that's called presumption and presumption is one of the greatest sins on the planet when i say its presumption is i say because it's one of the most prevalent sins that's on the planet not a lot of smiles it's okay jesus is king you don't have to smile at me he is why because i hate lawlessness i'm not kidding i can't even explain to you i was hooked on pornography so disgustingly i was hooked on immorality i was hooked on drugs so strongly nothing could break it nothing could stop me no person that manipulated everybody i lied to everyone to get my way and when jesus showed me what it was i was so amazed because he loved me all i did was hurt people all i did was destroy lives how can you be desensitized and be a christian and do it now we need a touch of the fear of the lord we need to be touched by the master we do we need to fall in love with god instead of saying that god loves me we need to know that we're actively being loved and pursued by a holy god who wants to display himself through you and display his manifold presence his manifold wisdom to the powers and principalities by you the church [Music] that's what he wants to do listen to this second corinthians it's so good at second corinthians 5. it's so good if you read three four just read on through it's just amazing but it talks about this because second corinthians 5 talks about our brand new creation scripture and sometimes we take it out of context even though the scripture is true there's a lot that's before it and after it and sometimes we build doctrine on one scripture but that's not the way to read your bible you better find out if there's a therefore why it's therefore you better find out there's a reason why it's there i personally love the new american standard because it has the original text i love the king james the new king james but my my go-to is usually the nasb that's what i love in chapter 5 of second corinthians it says for we know that if this earthly tent which is our house is torn down we have a building from god a house not made with hands eternal in the heavenlies for indeed in this house we groan longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven and as much as we having put it on will not be found naked reminds me jesus shares in the one parable about people at the wedding and he notices the father says that the master notices somebody that doesn't have the right clothes on they didn't wear wedding clothes so he says take him outside he gets taken out and it says there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth we need to put on christ guys for indeed while we're in this tent we groan being burdened because we do not want to be unclothed but to be clothed so that what is mortal can be swallowed up by life now he who prepared us for this very purpose is god who gave to us his spirit as a pledge therefore always being of good courage and knowing while we're at home in the body we are absent from the lord for we walk by faith and not by sight we're of good courage i say man i i just i want to tell you that we walk by faith and not by feelings we walk by faith and not by seeing hearing taste we don't walk by what we can sense we walk by faith faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god we need to hear god's voice not just take scripture and without his voice behind it even though he breathed it you can read the word as logos and it just be logic or you can read this with rhema god breathing on it because second timothy 3 16 says all scripture is god breathed it is used for correction for proof so many people hate correction i love it why because if i'm not corrected i'm an illegitimate child if god's not correcting me on a consistent basis i might not and probably don't have a relationship with him you think i'm kidding if you're not being corrected by god on a consistent basis there's a difference between you saying that god's your father and you being actively fathered by him he wants to father you he wants to talk with you we sing songs about walk with me and talk with me but do we really hear his voice if we're not being corrected you might not be a son take it up with jesus he's the one that put it in there read hebrews we walk by faith and not by sight but we are of good courage i say rather before we we prefer to be absent from the body and to be at home with the lord meaning it's going to be so amazing when i go to be with jesus it crosses the fear of death man if i die the next moment i'm in front of my lord in that moment die don't you want to hear him say well done then why would you continue in sin and like it it says therefore we have as our ambition what is our ambition the number one driving force that we have our ambition whether at home or at absent or absent to be pleasing to him what does that mean leonard ravenhill said this this life is a dressing room for eternity this is like we're getting dressed for eternity this is just a dressing room well let me ask you is your dressing room a mess because you don't need a lot of outfits all you need is one i don't know if you're hearing me or not nothing else will fit at the wedding i promise there'll be nothing else that works if this life is a dressing room for eternity and we want to be pleasing here and pleasing there how can i live a life that i know that i know that i know that there's no question that when i stand before him i'm going to be pleasing i would not have sinned actively in my life now so that i know i can live a life that's pleasing because in our flesh we can do nothing but in the spirit that he's given us and with the reality of the truth and being renewed in the spirit of our mind and not being conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our mind and using the words as weapons the word as a weapon of our warfare that's not carnal but mighty in god for pulling down strongholds taking every thought captive that rises itself against the knowledge of god every thought every thought as a living sacrifice your only service letting god correct you when correction is needed there's not a day that goes by that i don't ask the lord to correct me if anything's out there's not a day that goes by in my life that i'm not seeking the lord in a secret place not a death intimacy before was a priority intimacy in my life if any of you have ever heard me share about intimacy it's it's an absolute priority at lcu you have to be established in intimacy it's the number one thing why because that's where you're not hearing it from me or a teacher or moses that's where you've established your own relationship where you're actually hearing your father what can keep you from sinning against god him because you can't stop it there is nothing in your strength and power we are so do it people work it people we can do it we can work it we can get it done wrong there's no grace for you do it work at people you admit that you're an utter failure in your own strength and there's no possible way humanly possible for you to walk this gospel out you submit your surrender and you give it to the lord nothing you can do we must appear before him it says our ambition whether at home or absent to be pleasing to him for must all appear before the judgment seat of christ can i get the worship team up here please we must all appear now listen it doesn't say just non-believers it doesn't say just unbelievers it says we me and you you and me we must some of you don't believe this i don't care it's the bible take it up with jesus well i don't believe that that's not my god but you you're not your god isn't the god of abraham isaac and jacob your god isn't the god of the bible because if there's something in you that says that this isn't what you believe then you're an unbeliever no i'm a christian no you're not because if you were you would say the bible is god's word only god has the ability to shut down your sinful stuff it says we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ so that each one may be recompensed paid back for the deeds that are done in the body there's so many people that have come to christ for what he can do for them and i'm sorry if that's the way you came in if someone said come to jesus he's going to fix all your problems no come to jesus because he's going to be with you in all your problems come to jesus not because he's going to give you a better day a better life that you're going to just have the best life you're going to have peace peace is a benefit of righteousness righteousness gives you peace but your peace isn't with the world see sometimes we come to jesus and we're told he's going to give us peace so immediately in our hearts we go wow i'm going to have peace when i leave here oh my gosh you're in trouble you're going to be pounded as soon as you walk through the door probably before you go out the door someone might give you a weird look and you think well that wasn't loving do you have any idea how many weird looks i get that weird look doesn't affect my love for you it could affect your love for me but it won't affect mine let me ask you this sometimes we see people and we say they're preaching some kind of false doctrine here's my question for you would you be willing to be crucified for them [Music] no no would you be willing to die for them that person's deceiving people and he's out there in deception mode would you be willing to take a bullet if someone tried to take him out because you thought in your heart they're not ready but i am maybe self-righteousness has clouded the eyes of people thinking that their way is the best way not realizing that jesus is the way not everybody functions the same everybody has different functions so many people are cutting off the arm because we don't need it but the body of christ says we need the body i've got news for you i don't believe jesus is coming back until the body of christ comes together i really i really don't you can say what you want i believe the bride is so dysfunctional right now it's absolutely ridiculous it's either dysfunctional look dysfunction is thinking that my way is the only way look jesus is the way the gospel is the way when i say i haven't preached the full gospel it just means that god has taken me to a depth of his heart that i have not yet seen and i want to see more people come to christ i mean in our school at lcu like todd white repents is all over the internet well here's the crazy thing like this isn't justification i'm telling you what's out there like we should all want to be able to be repentant repentance isn't the day you get saved only if something's wrong you repent what does that mean repentance isn't just changing your mind i understand that like that's taught and it isn't about face but it's an about face with godly intention with godly sorrow repentance it says godly sorrow leadeth unto repentance so if there's no godly sorrow there's no repentance if repentance is just changed the way you think then why did john the baptist say repent you brood of vipers he didn't say you pharisees change the way you think i promise you you know what he said bear fruit worthy of your change what does that mean that means it doesn't look like it did before you repented things are changed see here's the problem all your prayers have worked now i'm more on fire and more intense than i've ever felt before in my life ever ever i'm more in love with god scripture and god's holiness than i've ever been in my life i am more convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that the time is now i am i am more convinced right now than ever before ever and i am fearful for a church that is walking half-heartedly i am fearful for the body of christ that is walking haphazardly just walking so so well yeah i'm with jesus yet sin is priority still in their life see this scripture right here totally blew me away for we must all appear before the judgment seat of christ so that each one may be recompensed for the deeds done in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad therefore knowing the fear of the lord we persuade men but we have made manifest to god i hope that we are made manifest also in your consciences here's the deal if you've had hatred towards somebody if you've had anger towards somebody in a place of judgment but you have no vehement tears if you have anger and unforgiveness towards somebody because because they've hurt you or you believed a certain thing but you have no vehement tears praying for them if you're living in a life with a boyfriend or a girlfriend and you think that it's okay to have sex before marriage because you think that's okay god's okay with it he knows i'm a good person you are greatly deceived you are greatly deceived if you're watching movies in front of your kids that are twisted and showing carnality at its finest yet you're trying to tell your kids that you're a christian you are deceived [Music] you are deceived [Applause] if you're in a place where you're watching pornography and you believe that masturbation is okay because no one's watching i've got news god is watching you there's really no way out god's a holy god some people like some of what i say and they cut out the rest that they don't like i've got news for you i am trying to warn you look the time is closer than ever the end is closer than ever i want us to run hard but i want us to run holy here's what i want to do i'm going to ask you one time if you're in a place where that hatred thing has gripped you that unforgiveness thing has gripped you where you know you have a pointy finger but no love in your heart where you actually love yourself way above loving others and loving others isn't even a part of your life if you're in that place where you're slipping into conversations with your friends joking about people and making fun of people and you're okay with that repent repent and change the way you think if you're in a place where you know that if you stood before the lord right now today if you were taken out today if today was your last day because someday is some every day is somebody's last day when you face him you're gonna answer for it if you get free from it you won't answer from it so if you want real freedom real freedom because you're getting free from it now i want you to run to the altar right now i don't want you to play when it comes to the miraculous because so many people think that this is like something that that camp over there this camp that they need to repent of if anybody ever tells you that something that jesus said that you're actively pursuing because he said to do it that you need to repent from that doesn't know jesus if jesus said pray for the sick and someone says that's deception be very careful because jesus is the same yesterday today and forever he doesn't change look when we pray for the sick it's not because we're the ones claiming to have healed people there's no healing virtue inside of me that doesn't that comes from me there's no healing virtue inside of of theo there's no healing virtue inside of chris or ben or or anybody for that matter look this isn't reiki which is not jesus jesus christ paid a price for us to be healed in isaiah 53 it says that by his stripes we are healed in first peter 2 24 it says that by his stripes we were healed healing is the children's bread the disciples were anointed and healing happened because of jesus is the anointing god anointed god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy spirit and power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil god anointed jesus healing happened at the at the when he got baptized in the river jordan no miracles had happened at all in jesus's life for 30 years when he got baptized in the river jordan and the holy spirit rested upon him and remained when he went out into the wilderness and came back out in the holy spirit in power he went about healing because god the father was working with god the son through agency of god the holy spirit are you with me so we as believers have the same holy spirit romans 8 11 that raised jesus christ from the dead so when we pray for people to be healed it's not because it's wishful thinking it's because it's a command he said these signs will follow them that believe be very careful not to be shaken because of a theory be very careful to be moved by god's scripture and his truth and never allow circumstances that didn't happen that were supposed to happen determine god's word in other words if i pray for somebody and don't see the miracle i'm not going to bring god's word down to my experience that didn't happen i'm gonna raise god's word so that my experience lines up with god's word are you with me when we take communion we don't just drink the juice if it was just about forgiveness of sins alone not that that's small in itself but he paid for the full package we eat the bread too for his body that was broken it says having believed unto righteousness by his stripes you were healed so it's healing and forgiveness when they lowered the men through the roof i keep going back to it it's so important in mark 2 they lowered the man through the roof to be healed they didn't lower him through the roof to be forgiven when jesus looked at him and said take heart son your sins are forgiven people freaked out and said only god can forgive sins who does this man think he is and he said so that you would know that the son of man has authority to forgive sins pick up your man walk he was saying healing and forgiveness go hand in hand in james 5 14 it says if anybody if anyone among you is sick let him call the elders will come anoint them with oil and the prayer of faith will save the sick he uses the word save there save the sick it doesn't mean go to heaven the sick that word save is a greek word and the greek word is sodzo and sojo means saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do well to be kept safe from harm so it says that when we believe in our heart and confess with our mouth we shall be saved we believe that jesus is lord and was resurrected crucified resurrected for our sin that word right there says that we that healing comes right then so because we've taught that that's not for today we fail to see what we need to see we need to go back to the basics of the bible believe the truth and we need to preach the truth believe the truth but remember healing requires demonstration me getting you to an altar to pray a prayer doesn't require demonstration on my behalf me saying that god believes in healing and he wants us to heal the sick requires demonstration that means i actively lay my hand on the sick but here at lifestyle what we don't want to do see we believe three things we believe that all of us need to encounter jesus we believe that all of us need to walk out the truth and come to the truth and be set free from the truth in righteousness are you with me and then we need to live the lifestyle what is the lifestyle the lifestyle of christ the lifestyle that he paid a price for us to walk out lots of people can test this lots of people fight this but why do we fight jesus if he paid a price for it why would i deny him the right that he paid a price for us to walk in we're not healers god flows through us as the body of christ watch it says our father who art in heaven i'm just laying down the basics because what we want to do is we want to establish a community of believers that actually believe the bible but we all know we want to establish a community of believers that actually take this outside of the four walls of the church that actually walk knowing that god wants you to pray for others says our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name great hallowed revered is to be your name reverence just to be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth the same as it is in heaven my question to you is are there any sick people in heaven god's will is for it to be on earth the same as it is in heaven people say well that's not what he said but if you look at it that's really what he said his will is for earth to look like heaven is it going to be heaven no but is it supposed to look like it yes how because we're ambassadors of christ as though the lord was pleading through us be reconciled to god we don't impute trespasses against but we're trying to reconcile people back to a holy god god is completely supernatural supernatural from being born again at birth supernatural to being transformed to not being the person that i once was complete i mean supernatural there's no way that that's not supernatural there's no way that todd white a drug addict an atheist an alcoholic a pornography addict one that was addicted to selfishness and sin gets saved and doesn't live that life anymore that's supernatural no one does that in her own strength no one that's supernatural the same way the supernatural has to happen for a miracle i don't care if it's a pinky cancer a blind eye doesn't matter god wants to heal he loves us and he paid a full putt a fade a full price some people say well healing's from the devil here's the deal if i'm praying for somebody in the name of jesus and the devil heals them we're all in trouble it sounds funny but that's what people say that miracles are from the devil why because scripture like in matthew 7 where it says not everybody that says to be lord lord will enter into the kingdom but he that does the will of my father what is the will of god the life of jesus everything jesus did was exactly god's will everything he said was god's will so if you want to find out what god's will is look at jesus he was the visible image of the invisible god that's not hard to figure out he only came to do god's will did he heal yes why because it's god's will if jesus healed people that god made sick he'd be going against his father that's why the bible says he went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the people like well i smoked my whole life and now i have lungs that are damaged because of smoking i reap what i sow wrong when you give your life to christ and you repent of smoking and you wish you never did god can't go back and fix like the time take you back in time to stop you from smoking but what he can do is remove the damage from your lungs from something that you didn't know better to do you did it are you with me if you are we're a drug addict a hepatitis and you have hep c or you have some kind of sexually transmitted disease and you repent once you repent change the way you think thinking from a godly perspective that i wish i'd never done that i mean how many times have we been around people that they have something in their body from yesterday they wish they'd never done come on people carry that in their body for life thinking that it keeps them humble which is more humbling you're going back to the doctor and it's gone are you keeping it no keeping it makes you depressed makes you sad makes you can't believe that you did that god knows that you did that but when you repent and you become a new creation and old things pass away and behold all things become new behold your body is in that thing when somebody has hep c in their body and they repent what does repentance look like physically repentance for me would look like i am so i'm so sad and remorseful that i live that way but what does repentance look like when you go to the doctor and they check and it's gone what happens a godly sorrow with a joy that comes from that place of saying my god you didn't hold it against me it's out of my blood what do you do you're in a new place of freedom with the lord because you can't believe that he actually took the stain that was in your body the cross the cross is way more than just forgiving your sin he forgives it and he removes it as though you never sinned when i come to him and i get born again i'm a sinner in need of a savior in need of a lord the lord now he becomes my lord and my savior now that's the last thing i want to do now i've stepped into this life with christ where he doesn't want me to remember where i came from in that it's a reminder stain in my body he wants me to never forget where i came from but he wants those things to be removed because there are stains of a life that it wasn't me that lived this is so hard we've watched so many people with hep c get free aids get free no cutting scars that are on people's arms because of depression anxiety and all these things that they wish they'd never done in life and all of a sudden they looked down and they got brand new skin people were like well i don't believe that that's from the devil wait a second god removes scars on an arm because they were a cutter now they've repented they're a brand new creation they see god's love for them in a completely different way than ever before they're falling deeper in love with god they look down after a prayer of faith for their arms to be clean and their arms are clean and you're going to tell me that the devil did that how could we stoop so low the pharisees did it to jesus he cast out demons with the help of beelzebub jesus he said that one's not a very good sin to commit as a matter of fact he goes a little deeper than that and he says sins against the father be forgiven sinning against the son forgiven sinning against the holy ghost do you think that scripture has changed because it's 2020 i think we better be very careful about us pointing the fingers and really start to read our bible and believe every word and not tear out stuff that we're uncomfortable with healing is uncomfortable like it's uncomfortable you pray for somebody you really want them to be healed like and when you don't get to see it happen what happens is the mind tries to do a lot of different things the first thing it does is try to come up with reasons why not but jesus didn't have any when jesus prayed for somebody to be healed i didn't know i was going to go into a healing class but it is what it is because when you pray you want to pray with faith knowing that god wants to do it why do you think i have people pray for people when we have a service i don't come out there and just lay hands on people because what does that do that has people come to todd but it's christ in us the hope of glory it's not christ in todd are you with me it's time for the man of power for the hour to be over with and for the body of christ to step into her full potential are you with me oh gosh okay enough teaching if you got sickness or any kind of stain in your body from yesterday it doesn't matter what it is and i don't need anybody to ask where to come from it doesn't matter needs to go got it we're not gonna say well you shouldn't have done that well they know that so if you have problems with your lungs problem with blood problem with kidneys problem with the liver hepatitis c any kind of drug initiated from a drug addiction that you've been set free of or sexual immorality that you could have just one time got bit or several times got bit either way it's still a disease that needs to go and no one needs to know exactly what it is what i would tell people is if you want to know if it's real i tell people that don't believe in healing all the time let me pray for you and see if it's real like i'm serious you've got somebody as well i don't believe in miracles yet they're hurt well let's pray and find out what he got to lose except pride i have seen countless people healed that didn't believe before they were why because they've been taught their whole life this isn't for today this isn't for today this isn't for today that died with the disciples where's that bible sorry see my problem is i went into my bedroom and read the bible i didn't just get taught by a person i went in and that's 16 years of feeding on a constant basis every day and having a heart for god that i don't want to have a heart just for humanity outside of god's heart for humanity looking at people the way that he sees them not allowing people sin against me to produce sin within me people have been taught be careful you don't want to lay hands on people hastily in the area of healing that scripture is about ordaining people into ministry it said timothy says don't lay hands on people hastily lest they fall you partake in what they fell in why because i've now condoned them to be in leadership i put my stamp of approval meaning my hand and said i believe you're fit for ministry that's a big deal but we've taken that over to the healing side and said don't lay hands on people hastily why because you think what's in them can jump on you what are we thinking either greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world or the sickness that they have is more powerful than the jesus you have are you guys okay all right let's just pray if you have any kind of sickness doesn't matter what it is whatever any kind of pain sickness disease that you need healing of i need you to just lift one hand body of christ let's gather round we're going to pray for them come on jesus put your hand up if you need prayer i need everybody to have somebody around them that has their hand up she has her hand up he has his hand up come on guys let's do this two people that have their hands up could have other people that don't have their hands up praying for them again todd white does not claim that he's a healer i do not have a healing ministry i love jesus he is the healer todd white does not get glory when someone claims they're healed i am not a magician i love the lord i love the lord the time is coming when amputated legs paralytics all kinds of amazing miracles are about to hit in the body of christ there's a man up here with his arm up and nobody around him there's two people here that have their hand up and nobody around them come on guys i want you to say this because it's only in the name of jesus i want you to say this with me in the name of jesus we command all sickness all disease to get out right now all pain in jesus name get out right now if you can physically check your body for a symptom that you had and you can physically check right now i want you to move around and check do something that was hard for you to do just check it's really quiet if it was your knees check your knees if it was your ankle check if it was your back bend and check i want you to check if you have a freedom in your body physically that you did not have before and you can physically tell at this moment something has really changed i want you to wave your hands above your head [Music] if you can physically tell that you have change in your body i want you to wave both hands over your head right now so i can see what's happening [Music] if you know that it's moving that it's leaving but you still need prayer for it to go put your hand up come on right here let's do this come on guys [Music] father i thank you in the name of jesus for everyone in here that needs prayer for healing god you said in your word paul said that he fully preached the gospel with signs following [Music] he fully preached the gospel with signs following that is healing miracles deliverances father we thank you for the fully preached gospel healing and wholeness necks shoulders knees elbows every joint all arthritis leaving lungs being clear hearts being healed kidneys being healed 100 wholeness for every organ pancreas be healed in jesus name we thank you for brand new organs galt i thank you for medically documented going back to the doctor and seeing it completely gone i thank you for blood streams being healed in jesus name i thank you for brand new that hepatitis c would scream out of the body in jesus name i thank you for brand new hearts god physically and spiritually brand new hearts god wholeness in jesus name god i thank you for every sleeping disorder being completely healed that tonight you would have rest like you've never had in jesus name that your sleep will never be robbed from you again [Music] father i thank you for prodigal children coming home right now the heart cry of parents boy that hit me really hard right now the heart cry of parents that says come home in jesus name i thank you for prodigals coming home father i thank you that people are in here saying i need to pray for my aunt i need to pray for my uncle we need to play and pray in proxy father i thank you that everyone here that has somebody on their heart right now whether it be cancer whether it be a heart attack a stroke any kind of physical issue [Music] god i thank you that it says the prayer of faith will save the sick it says the prayer of the righteous availeth much in the name of jesus god we thank you for physical healing for our relatives in jesus name i thank you for complete wholeness for people that need miracles in their life father i thank you for children that have learning disabilities like adhd that you would smoke that thing in jesus name that you would clear their thinking right now that grades would reflect the touch of jesus upon their minds god i thank you for the fertility of married couples being able to have children that what doctors said can't happen does happen in jesus name [Music] i thank you father that there's somebody that has the misdiagnosis you will say miss diagno the doctors will say misdiagnosis of a baby in the womb i thank you for complete wholeness of that child i feel like somebody's been diagnosed with a child that has downs that when you deliver your baby that's not there in jesus name god i thank you that dementia dementia and i feel like it's a nighttime thing i feel like at night you're attacked it's night terror but it's also like it's gone into a place of where you're like hallucinating in jesus name we break that right now and we say peace at night time no more of that in jesus name father i thank you that you are putting an end to worry you are putting an end to anxiety lord i thank you that you are putting an automatic i believe god said i'm putting an automatic default into their soul that when anxiety comes they immediately turn to me i really heard that an automatic default that when something comes to scare you and puts you into an anxious place your automatic default is to fall into jesus father i thank you god we also thank you for anybody that has been affected by covet that you would completely heal everything that was affected by that in jesus name lord i thank you that you're breaking off fear in the church fear of catching it fear of contracting it fear of being around it that whole covet thing that god you would give us faith in jesus name god you're amazing i thank you for everybody's job that has been affected by this covet thing i thank you for waiters and waitresses that's jobs have been wrestled with i thank you for teachers for everybody that has been affected by this lord i thank you for complete restoration that anything that was taken would have to be restored seven fold in jesus name
Channel: Todd White
Views: 104,984
Rating: 4.7543187 out of 5
Id: rBp1AzJB__0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 39sec (5259 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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