Todd White - Representing Jesus Well

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I'm gonna try to share my heart um I wanna I want to show you a video in just a minute and just if just a little bit this was I when I've when dan Mohler was the associate pastor of a church in New York then I was released to go from that church I ended up I ended up here on the floor in a puddle literally every week there was a stain on the carpet from my face and my snot right underneath of you right I'm not kidding like I would get wiped out by worship the girls would even come out with their sticks and I'll be like done on the ground mess and there was such a place of just wholeness and just just worship and just free freedom free to worship and I was just so overwhelmed by that and I remember tugging on pastor charles jeans hey can i share story cashier testimony with you like okay i was just we just it's just been amazing so the memories and my heart and then jesus is so good because you're because you're at a pulpit doesn't mean that that you're accomplished this isn't the measuring stick of the love of God the pulp that's not actually the pulpit is a place where you'll be way more strictly judged when you stand before God oh my cuz you won't just be judged for the words that you said you'll be judged for everybody that took your words as gospel that's a pretty intense intense thing here Georgian can you take my watch because they're trying to call me I'm so sorry hold on well happy birthday bro now I'm not taking it back I love you he had no idea um gosh I'm really stumbled forwards i sat on the floor over here and I had to change my shirt because I was drenched soaking wet I'm like this isn't good to start out like this so I'm gonna you know pastor Don Wawa who was a pastor from harvest chapel whom I love with all my heart to you Pastor Dawn's over here just amazing man of God he was my pastor for years - so this is like a family reunion it is well for those of you that don't know we moved to Texas a lot of you do know we moved in January because the Lord said time to go well sharing a story about reinhardt in the back and Reinhard bunkie I got if I've had the privilege of being able to run with him and and just learn and sit at his feet and listen and oh my gosh say it again are you kidding say it again please don't just one more time it's got to go in there just being around these mothers and fathers Heidi and pastor Charles and and and all these different men and women of God now Lou Engel and all these different amazing people learning and growing and gleaning never thinking that I know it don't ever think you know it all be very careful you make sure you stay in a place and be teachable you make sure you stay in a place where you're poor in spirit because if you don't stay in a place and poor in spirit you'll be strong in spirit and then you don't need the strength of the Lord being strong in spirit towards the devil is one thing but being strong in spirit and arrogance is another we can't afford to have arrogance and let our head be so puffed up I don't care how much Bible you know or think you know or how much you've memorized how many deliverances you've done how many blind eyes have opened stay teachable stay on your knees and make sure that you should stay before the king because he's the only one respect and honor people make sure that you don't ever let that slip and slide from you be careful people are calling good evil and evil good and it's all over the planet hmm Jesus let me bring glory to your name [Music] god I love you 2015 God spoke to me and he said to move when God speaks we jump I heard Reinhardt chair when I first met him about seven years ago he shared the reality of Africa and he was a German he was a missionary from Germany and he was sponsored by a certain group and they were paying for his mission work and Reinhardt believed that God wanted him to do this and wanted him to do that and the Mission Board said well we don't agree with that and Reinhardt Reinhardt said well the Lord is telling me this has got a this is gonna be so Reinhardt stepped into it in the mission everybody cut off funding cut off finances cut off everything from him and so Reinhardt said I need to hear the Lord because this is not good this is not good and he had to make a final decision because the threat to cut off everything was there they said we're stopping now you have to make a decision Reinhardt went told his wife he was gonna go pray fast and pray until he heard the Lord Reinhard had had already three dreams of a blood washed Africa from from Cape Town to Cairo literally saw the continent of Africa being blood washed and the third dream would stuck with him he couldn't he couldn't he couldn't let it go so when he told the Mission Board they said we're cutting off funding this is not of God Reinhardt's and I'm fasting and praying he went into a room too fast and pray and the Lord spoke to Reinhardt I've given you the vision if you drop this I'm dropping you I'll find somebody else that sounds mean we don't know the Lord that way God is good but God is there's a severity to God so Reinhart came out of the room and called his wife and he said at work we're going to do this and Annie said you didn't even pray Reinhardt he said God spoken when he speaks item when I need him to see that I jump and that hit me in the core of my being no I've lived by faith and without faith it's impossible to please God so God says that we live by faith but you can't live by faith and to tell you realized you're just and you can't be just until you believe the cross because the cross justifies you before God because by faith were saved by faith through grace were saved Jesus Christ we have peace because of that we've been just we've been made justify just as if we never sinned just as if we never missed it and so faith starts there and so Reinhardt as you know right now they're at 78 million million people that have come to Jesus Daniel kolenda has headed this thing and Daniels the head of it and [Applause] it's astounding to see what happens when one person obeys God's looking for one person that would obey one person that would say yes and not falter delayed obedience is disobedience period if he says it it's time God will tell you he'll father you so he said to me I want you to go I want you to move the Dallas I'm gonna do a ministry training center a hub an international hub that's gonna train up people to walk like Jesus walked all over the planet and I'm like okay and I want you to do this and this and this and I'm like I don't want to move to Dallas in my heart I wrestled I was tired I wrestled in my heart it wasn't like an immediate thing I thought it was like at first I thought it was just a weird dream from eating food I did and then it went all night long so in the morning time after I had no more reasons for not I said to the Lord I say Lord Gideon had a fleece and Gideon said make it wet and the ground dry and then he said make it dry in the ground wet I'm not asking you for two I'm just asking you for one I don't know this is you because my wife thinks that I came down here because I was in Texas I came down with plans to build a little in-law quarters for my mom my stepdad or whoever would come and stay maybe a speaker from the church whatever on her house in Pennsylvania I'll know because my wife will heard you too it's not arrogance my wife and I are one we've been through a whole lot so I called my wife and I said last night cuz I brought the plans on the house the little addition we were gonna do down and showed my friend when I went to bed my wife knew that I showed him the plans because he was a builder and so I my wife is like what did Robert think I said God spoke to me last night honey she said what did he say he told me we're not supposed to we're not going to build on her house that we need to move to that we need to move to Dallas and NORs the silence and then my wife's voice said I guess then were moving to Dallas I didn't even tell her any of the other stuff the ministry training hub team God says gonna put a team around you I was only I only had one other person that I was working with Tom Rotolo some of you know him he used to work for Randy for seven years sorry this is the long intro but I've only got one night with you guys in the morning - tomorrow morning but I just want to share this because it it's all about faith man and we need to step out in faith and we need to believe that God will slay a giant when everybody else says you shouldn't be doing this look it does I'm telling you it's way more responsibility than you know of so we moved in 2016 January of 2016 Sean Bowles prophesied a word at the call about a ministry training about a training center with campus with multiple buildings the banner over the campus saying just be Jesus just be love that sounded good and the land is larger than you need when it comes and it's not far off it's very soon and I'm thinking okay this is absolutely nuts oh I moved I went like Abraham nothing here like I just moved I just did it just obedient just one thing I went there so in a in a very short period of time come 2017 we were introduced to a building down there and the building was multiple buildings on the land a campus there and actually my heart is so for the purity of the gospel the passionate purity of the Heart of Jesus the reality of not quenching and not grieving the spirit mixed together perfect Jesus not clenching the power not grieving through character flaw in morality all that junk because we can be free from that we can be free I'm gonna prove it with my life people are like don't be boasting man be careful unless you fall no I'm gonna run with Jesus the same as I ran since the day I got saved I'm gonna say on my knees in the secret place I'm gonna get in his word every day I'm gonna love to feed on the bread that came down from heaven and I'm gonna feed on manna every day and I'm gonna eat the right stuff I choose to never eat meat with bones cuz I do not need bones in mummy I'm not gonna chew up the meat and spit out the bones I don't have time for it souls are at stake people's mindsets have to be shifted and changed and the best way to change that as you live out loud and be renewed in the spirit of your mind so we ended up saying okay we're gonna go for this and people were like um do you know what you're doing absolutely not I'm just being obedient to what God said because we're God's vision is provision is there guys okay so we ended up saying okay we're gonna go for this with everything so since 2016 in January with Tom and I right now we have 30 full-time employees we have about 15 part-time and so many volunteers that just want to volunteer people are like it's crazy the testimonies of people and what God has said to people and we we said we want to do a school and so our school is actually a university it's pretty amazing like Todd white house a university y'all right are you kidding people from my high school would be like that guy's dead and they're right he is if you only knew you only knew [Applause] really I'm serious I was such a bad person and then that guy died oh my if we would just know what it's like to die he would really live if you just crucify lusts and passions and live a crucified life and never let praise of people go to your head to make you think that you're something that you're not because you're not something that they say you're something that he says and 0 0 plus God equals everything that doesn't ever change no matter what you get into in the Christian walk and so we said we're gonna do a school we're gonna call it lifestyle Christianity University and we just started it and first day was Monday crazy it's beyond so-so the pasture that built this building back in 96 to 97 is a very influential pastor graduate of a Theological Seminary whatever wherever was a certain denomination and denomination doesn't matter but it was one very influential amazing articulate speaker with with crazy gifting on the words in the eloquent of speech great teacher very very solid doctrine in teaching and they built this building and they were in it it's a two hundred thousand square foot building had 3,100 members of this church he had on the other side kindergarten through twelfth grade as a school they started with a hundred acres a hundred acres I like crazy amazing vision they were gonna build the other side out to do a university eventually so come to find out that this man is eloquent as he was an amazing speaker that he was in eight months he was caught in four different adulterous Affairs and lost everything and the church went from thirty one hundred members to 400 members overnight and they've gone for twenty years in that building trying to maintain and pay the bills so they've chipped apart at the land to pay the bills to pay the bills to pay the bills to pay the bills so this place has been a black cloud or a place to hit the papers as a scandal na just all the stuff that comes with what the enemy really wants to do he wants to get in there somehow to produce some kind of lust in the wrong fashion for you to draw after something because you don't have this thing because you can be the most amazing teacher the most amazingly gifted person and not have a true love life with Jesus you can talk about it all day long you can say do you have a relationship amen brother but the reality of you having a relationship is the fruit that really hangs on your tree when no one's looking because we can have this fruit that we present to people and that they see and everybody's like wow that's amazing but the reality of your life you being rooted and grounded in love and actually having a true relationship to where it's not just a it's not just a like dialogue it's a monologue where you're actually speaking and communing with God constantly not just not just before a service to trap to teach not just trying to okay what am I going to share this night not the night before I'm gonna spend time with Jesus one night before church service on Sunday and then that's gonna keep my people going for a week you need to be fed we need to feed all of us need to feed and so this is crazy because we're gonna take back this place that the enemy has used see because what happens is past moves of God like like you have these Harvard and you have Yale in these places that were founded to raise up evangelists and like powerful men and women of God across the world they've now become a mocking ground for the church and a mocking ground for the for Jesus raising up intellectualism raising up physics and philosophy and all these other things so we're gonna turn that thing around and we're gonna use this place that the enemy tried to mock the body of Christ and it is going to be the most pure Holy Temple fire-breathing temple to take it back to the reason why God put it there and we're gonna raise an army of warriors that will only bow to the king it's amazing I'm gonna show you a real quick video is that cool we do it all right can you play it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] some we get overwhelmed with God in such a way that there is no turning around there's nowhere to go it's only pursuit it's only running forward we've limited ourselves saying I'm called to dis I'm not called to that that's your ministry this is mine and what if it's not about ministry what if it's just about Jesus this is going to be the place for a lifestyle Christianity University [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my goodness I just I I just I just believe that God wants to shift the heart of the bride I believe that the Lord wants the bride to see just how blameless and spotless she is I'm fascinated with the gospel I've been fascinated since I've been saved and people told me you're too zealous you're running too hard you're my eyes are messed up I can't stop crying I'm seeing God's heart for his church for his bride in a different way than I've ever seen it before I'm fascinated with the love of Jesus I've been fascinated with it since I've gotten saved it's been 14 years October is 14 years October 24th will be 14 years that my wife and I are married October 24th will be the day that I got born again 2004 I've been saved for a short period of time but it seems like an amazing length of time because every day is another day that I get to grow in the reality of the knowledge of him not the knowledge about him in the knowledge of him were the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him is accessible and available and you're the only one that won't have it God will not stop it from coming for you or towards you but if you can't get over the way that life treats you in the way that people talk about you and hurt an offense and all this trash you can never get this thing on with Jesus I'm gonna back this off here so I have a running strip I'm fascinated with his love I've been fascinated with it since I got saved I just I'm wrecked literally wiped out with the truth about what he thinks about me it's all in the book all that's in the book we're like well how do you pray for people how do you have boldness I'm unashamed of the gospel gospel means good news it's good news good tidings of great joy God is excited about this he's always been excited about this all he wants us to do is believe the truth she listened to me there's so many people that tell me that they can't be free I remember sitting with somebody and I went to a something up here in Harrisburg I was sitting in a house and I was sharing my testimony and someone said oh man well he goes so how long how long I've been saved and I told him how long Negus Wow well you're gonna you know you you still got issues that you need to deal with and I'm like I'm like well yeah God deals with issues every day no matter what but his word is amazing and it cuts you deep in it it's so it's so beautiful what he thinks about us they said well you know it's almost three years and I'll finally be a Fisher of men after three years and I didn't understand what that meant and he told me well in three years it's gonna be three years and I'll finally be able to fish and I went whoa what does that mean and he started to go after me and tell me that I was in denial denying thinking that I don't need help it doesn't like that I'm not one man person that it's all about me and I'm like no no no no no no you're not hearing me like I was really really lost but then God found me like I was completely blind like I couldn't see it all and then God let me see and I'm like I'm only I'm only pray a year and a half old I'm so excited about Jesus I wake up excited I go to sleep excited I haven't had guilt shame or national regret I haven't been offended or hurt by people and people tell me that's a special gift in there right it's the free gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace we sing about it all day long we love it the songs tonight we sing about the righteousness of God and how beautiful it is and he he put on he took on sin we are supposed to put on a robe of righteousness and never take it off you're not supposed to put on Christ oh I forgot I didn't put it on today now you're supposed to wake up like that but if you don't go to sleep like that you won't wake up like that you'll need somebody's praise or somebody's petting or somebody's encouragement to keep you going and how can somebody that's discouraged keep encouraging you see it's this hamster wheel the cycle of of bondage slavery fear it's the fear bondage that's still there it's called being an orphan and not realizing your son momentary Sunnism isn't the gospel being a child momentarily isn't the gospel being born again is essential but it's to unlock your potential and your potential isn't just for the miraculous your potential starts with you being the miracle you are the miracle haven't paid a high price for you gave up everything God thought you were worth it so he sent His Son that will never change the thousand years from now God's not going to change his mind and say man I really messed up I can't believe I chose Todd but so many times we think that our father's thoughts are changeable we think that God changes yesterday he loved me but today might not because my day is not going well God didn't pay a price to give you a better day God paid a price to give you a new creation and that you would actually believe it I know this is crazy and I know you probably already know this but when old things pass away and all things become new he really meant what he said if Jesus cancelled my lifetime subscription to issues why would I not believe it this is a major dilemma it's not okay for you to be in bondage the enemy is not after trying to dethrone God he can't he already tried he tried to raise himself above God God put him here then he created man in His image and in the likeness of God he made man because God could have defeated the devil but God gets good pleasure on his children defeating the enemy Adam lost what Jesus found what was lost has been regained by Christ but the difference between the first Adam was told not to eat the tree is the last Adam not the second Adam the last Adam paid a price for the Spirit of God to come and dwell and live inside of you to keep you from ever wanting to eat the tree there's a difference Adam was told not to Eve was beguiled by the serpent Adam was beguiled - he listened to the voice of his wife instead of the voice of the father so they both fell both of them Jesus restored what was lost there is a place where the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in us nothing there's absolutely nothing inside of me that has appealed to you out here James says each one is led away by his own lusts and desires that's why your lusts and desires must be crucified with Christ - love the world is not to love God we think that you can love the world and love God to know God so loved the world that He gave and God wants you to lay your life down deny yourself pick up your cross see everybody's pressing in for a mantle I want this mantle I want your mantle you know what you need we need the mantle of wood called the cross [Applause] it will change everything no one can take this mantle from you no one will come up to you say I want your mantle either I want a double portion oh you couldn't handle a single god is good and his love endures forever God said in that day in that day I will make a new covenant with them a new covenant because he found fault with them not found fault with his covenant he made covenant with man and man couldn't keep it God didn't want it that way God wanted to meet with the kids but the kids refused the mountain rumbling shaking thunders lightning Moses come on let's do this don't be afraid it's good come on the fear of the Lord is good God wants to put his fear inside of you so that you don't sin against him no way Moses we can't go less we died they needed to die the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom wisdom is found in the fear of the Lord but the fear of the Lord isn't that I'm afraid of God the fear of the Lord is that I am so in awe struck reverence of his beauty of his presence of his glorious majesty of the truth about what it means to be forgiven that I'm totally wiped out from the thought of resisting the love of God that's in Christ Jesus because Jesus who knew no sin became sin so I might become something but if I don't see what I've become I'll strive to be when the Bible says strive to enter into the narrow gate many are called but few find it many are called that broad road that leads to destruction isn't just for people that aren't believers guys that broad road a lot of the churches on because they refuse to believe the simple gospel and we need books about the Bible because we don't know the author but if you just believe the cross just believe the finished work books can be amazing I read him but I cannot afford to write on somebody else's revelation God doesn't want me to be an echo he wants you to be a voice he wants us to be a voice he wants us to walk in righteousness a righteous tree bears certain kind of fruit it says that righteousness bears its fruit unto holiness the tree that you are but a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit can't your root system has to go down deep into the right stuff to bear the right fruit see gifts gifts are given but fruit is grown and I need to fall in love with him so that my root system is solid are you man oh gosh Jesus help me migrate I was telling I was telling my friend that picked me up the airport today my favorite thing my most favorite miracle of all is when someone surely believes the gospel because I believe that we give Jesus the reward that he paid for I truly believe that we can be not depressed I truly believe we don't have to be anxious I truly believe that we don't have to worry I truly believe it says be anxious about nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication bringing requests before the Father ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and the door will be opened to you we use that knocking the door will be opened so many times to people talking about salvation but when Jesus was talking in revelation to the church and Laodicea he said behold I stand at the door and knock he said that to a church that fell asleep if you just returned to the original reason why you're even a church it's his love that brought you in God forgave you he knew all the stuff that you did he knew it was wacked out he knew you were twisted he knew that you were gonna do this and do that he knew it and he said I love you and bang there's a second when God touches your heart and you're like oh Jesus thank you thank you but this is where it starts right here and then we open the word and we find out what God says but this is the part that slips away this is the part because the word of God is alive and active sharper than any two-edged sword it's able to divide and separate your soul from your spirit so we get born again our spirit becomes one with God one spirit actually we become flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone we spent so much time trying to fight the flesh man if you fall in love with God and you love God with all your heart your mind your soul your strength if you love God with all of your mind and you realize that in 1st Corinthians 2 it talks about it talks about the reality of the Spirit and the communion that we have with the Holy Spirit the Spirit of God in my spirit become one and even though my brains not getting that my heart is and my spirit is so the Holy Spirit communicates with my spirit and all of a sudden it starts to renew my mind but what we do is we cut the process short because we let the devil whisper who we were instead of who we are and we can't read the word because we feel condemned so now I need to have somebody else feed me jesus paid a price so that you and I could feed straight from him that we can eat living bread every day give us this day our daily bread the stuff that you learned yesterday ain't gonna work today it's not gonna work it's not the same as you freshly hearing faith doesn't come by hearing yesterday faith comes by hearing now yesterday is having her today is hearing again faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God Jesus is the word of God you have to eat the reality of what he paid a price to give you to eat if you feed on the wrong stuff jesus said unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood he started it out easy he started out easy he's like your father's eight man and the wilderness but it really wasn't your that that it wasn't really Moses that gave you that because my father gave you that now they wanted to kill him because my father my father my father my father my father Jesus became at thirty years old when he got baptized in the River Jordan and he started to proclaim that God was his father the Jews knew that he was bringing himself equality with God equal with God why because even though he had that he considered it of no reputation but in Jewish culture at thirty you inherit everything your daddy has so now when Jesus said my father my father my father he's like it made him Rumble man he came to reveal the father he said your father's date and man in the wilderness but but it wasn't Moses he gave me but my father did matter of fact I'm the bread that came down from heaven what you psycho no no I'm The Living bread now my flesh is the real blood my blood is the real drink oh no no let me let me step it down a little unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood man a lot of times in the church we think that's just communion that's part of it because we do it in remembrance of him but what he's saying is it's the very sustenance that the only thing that you can survive on and you were responsible to eat living bread when you eat living bread and you're filled up with him what happens is out of overflow I hope this makes sense a little we would stop being hurt so bad by church stuff if we just feed on the right stuff if we'd start feeding on the right stuff we need to feed man I shared it before but Azariah he's now 2 and he's doing amazing just so awesome he went to the zoo with Jackie and the kids today and the one that we adopted but man when he was a little baby and he was going through rehab because we adopted him when he was going through rehab he had to use the money in order to comfort himself and he would grind his teeth and because he was a heroin baby and just her and just had to settle himself but there came a point where the nun didn't work anymore and he had to have a bottle because if he didn't have a bottle he's not gonna satisfy his belly and so many times were used to satisfying our belly with normal food and with the food of this world but you don't understand your spirit your spirit man and your mind is craving the reality of real milk the real milk of the word and if you don't feed on real milk you'll never get to a place where you want to eat strong meat because as we grow up out of spiritual infancy we start to grow you start to crave meat and when you start to crave meat all of a sudden your senses get discerned to discern between both good and evil and that all comes because you get trained in the word of righteousness because when you start to feed in the right place and you start to understand who's you are and who you are everything shifts and changes and all of a sudden the things that were acceptable before no longer acceptable today and God clips and prunes and trims the things that are not helping you grow and he gets rid of those things because the things that are not helping you grow are not helping people that are watching you not grow and the people that are watching you not grow really don't have an example of how it is to grow so it's this recovering cycle just keeps going and keeps going and keeps going and we build community out of a bunch of people that don't feed well and I'm not against conferences I do them all the time I love them but my job is to put you into your closet so you can seek the Father when no one's looking so that you can actually have real spiritual maturity and grow up in him and we can bring glory to his name because he's faithful and true I love him so much he's so beautiful he's so lovely if you taste and see that he is good you won't want your cake and eat it too I'm so serious you taste and see that he is good and that he is for you not against you you won't scatter from him anymore you'll gather to him you'll be excited to witness people like that's for the evangelists no it's not it's for every believer that truly believes you can believe enough when you get saved that Jesus is real and you believe that that cross was the only way and it's true but he's not just the way to heaven he's the way to the Father but that way to the Father isn't just when you got saved and now you're 25 years later and don't really know a whole lot more except for the books that you've read the YouTube videos that you've watched in the church serves you'd attended and you can only feed enough for that service or that thing and you'll gave wears off it just goes away because you're meant to feed on him every day I believe that God is God is putting his bride on the threshing floor buddy I just believe it with all my heart John the Baptist says i baptize you with water but the one coming after me he will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire his winnowing Fork is in his hand and he will thoroughly clean the threshing floor that's not mean that's just trying to help us God loves you he disciplines the ones he loves like oh I don't like discipline then maybe you're illegitimate but the truth is is you not illegitimate you just don't believe that he's your father you believe that he's your God you believe he's your Savior do you know how many people have told me that you can't be free you won't be free until you get to heaven if I can't be free till I get to heaven that death has become my Savior [Music] death is not my Savior death has no sting anymore none you can't kill me I'm eternal this tent will go my blood will cry out but I'm just gonna go be with Jesus there is no longer a fear of death and if you have a fear of death the cross has to do it's perfect work and you need the mantle of the tree because when you grip the dross when you grip the cross it's not heavy it's not a burden his yoke is easy and his burden is light but he has a burden for the church for the body of Christ do you understand that one day we're gonna all stand before him what are we gonna tell him sorry Lord my my wife she just she could never agree and I didn't want to upset her well my kids love you too just touch my kids then maybe I wanna what are you gonna tell him on that day we're supposed to have boldness because as he is so are we in this world not just as he is powerful with miracles as he is love so are we the whole chapters on love as he is so are we in this world you have to see whose image you've been created in come on they tried to tick they tried to trick Jesus with a coin they threw it to him and said come on who do we pay taxes to shall we pay taxes to Caesar Jesus said give me the coin he knew what they were doing he says whose inscription is on this coin Caesars then give to Caesar what Caesars but whose image were you created in give to God what is God's you don't belong to you you are a prized possession of our King of the Lord of glory he created you in His image Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that you and I might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus you didn't earn it you don't deserve it it's not about deserve it's about what haven't paid a price for and it's about actually giving Jesus the reward due his suffering he never sinned imagine never sinning never thinking never sinning peace talk about peace Jesus was the Prince of Peace and the chastisement of our peace was upon him so that you and I could have peace and you can't have peace unless you understand what Jesus said on the tree the handwriting of requirements against you and I were wiped out on him on that tree if the principalities and powers would have known if the principalities and powers would have known what was happening they would have killed everybody trying to kill Jesus they would have killed everybody trying to kill Jesus because if they would have known what they were doing they wouldn't have done it but they did they can't come up into heaven and he throne God they can't they tried to can't they can't but Satan is fully convinced that he can dethrone Jesus from the soul of every Christian to get you going to church lifting your hands praising God doing miracles but really never starting to know the father he wants this thing to be so messed up that you have a form of godliness but denied the power thereof he wants you to he wants you to be so scrambled right here that you're like how you doing I'm great how are you but really inside you're God paid a price to settle this thing here once and for all see God wants to fillet our hearts so that we can boldly come and approach the throne of grace right now you are able to approach the throne of grace because of what Jesus did but if you don't believe that what Jesus did is enough you'll spend your whole life on a broad road trying to get in the narrow way not realizing that Jesus brought you in the narrow way your heart's there your head's just trying to clang it the gate gosh I don't even know why people come and see me anymore I'm overwhelmed with with the heart of Jesus for the bride ah I kidding the bride doesn't say Jesus made the bride ready it said the bride has made herself ready that's you and I there's the responsibility of the bride to make herself ready Jesus was the bread that came down from heaven and they freaked out on it the reality of the Israelites when they were in the waters is every day God provided for them every day every day because God wanted them to trust him wanted them to trust him every day for years and years one of them to trust so if they stored away extra and rotted because there was only enough for the day unless it was the day before the Sabbath and that very bread that came down was Jesus and so many times we need something else to help sustain us but the only thing that will sustain you is Jesus there is nothing else there's nothing else it's really him it's really him okay I'm like I'm overwhelmed I'm about to explode in just a minute no because I I just know I just know my dad and I'm not saying you don't know him I'm just learning there's this manifold wisdom of God that God wants to reveal through the church to the powers and principalities God wants to reveal his manifold wisdom through each individual member of the body of Christ to the powers and principalities reminding them of how messed up how messed up eternity is going to be for them because you crucified one Christ to make I would love to say gazillions of christ-like ones Christians that actually walked with the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead but if you're not careful you will walk in the power of God you will cuz it's available because the gifts and callings of God without repentance and you can go way off way off to the right way off to the left I'm just it grieves my heart breaks my heart that I'm hearing more and more stories of of pastors that are that are touching the left he goes to the right I'm not mad at them I'm broken inside my heart breaks because I see something that's so real it's so real I'm not mad at anybody I'm just I'm not reacting to error I just see the gospel I see my king I see the purity of the gospel I see the simplicity that's in this thing we can't afford to go right or left and it's a shame because when someone steps in look at the history when someone steps into something amazing like Brandon Branham stepped into something that was beyond anything anybody's ever seen that I've heard of ever and went Allen Co all them almost and there's something about this thing that that brings this weird for me it's it's Satan is always trying always looking crafty somehow someway try stick it in financially he tries to get in through lust in morality he tries to get into that but if your heart is pure and this thing is cut out of you by the cross by the mantle the mantle of the cross there's absolutely no way for the devil to get in because each one is led away by his own lusts and desires from within when he acts on it sin is enabled there is a place for us to be just tempted to love God with everything we are people are like well that's heresy no you're just comparing your life to what I just said and your life isn't the example Jesus is the model and Jesus modeled this thing I'm not saying that there won't be stuff I'm just saying that your love relationship with Jesus becomes more intense when more stuff comes and all of a sudden when more stuff comes your love relationship with Jesus goes deeper and stronger if I didn't get up with Jesus every day every day if I didn't get with him see God Here I am I need you Lord I can't do this without you you would never want me to God teach me help me feed today God where you want me to feed share your heart with me God I love you with everything I am let me bring glory to you name Jesus I will worship you today and everything I do and everything I say everything I do everything I say God you said whatever I do whether in word or deed do it as unto the Lord and not for people god I will never live to please people receive praise from people god I will live to bring glory to your name because you are Yahweh [Music] as this grows and as your life gets closer to the to the father and you start to have intimacy in relationship the enemy destroys even all the stronger he just tries and tries and tries but he's silenced with truth he's not silence with rebuke the devil is not silence with I command you get behind me Satan even Michael the Archangel said the Lord rebuke you he didn't say I command you get behind me what is that like you have power to command him to get behind I'm talking about him talking to you the enemy whispers the stranger's voice is constantly whispering Jesus said my sheep will hear and obey my voice of strangers they will not follow strangers constantly whispering constantly it never shuts up he just tries another crafty way another God he tries whatever he can do to try to gain attention because he wants worship the enemy wants worship he always wants worship tries to gain access and the hardest place the hardest place to try to avoid the strangers voice is living as a Christian born again spirit filled truly forgiven and not believe you're forgiven that's the hardest place people show movies of Peter of Peter how sad he is the Christian movies all Peter's and regret ease and guilt me shame because he denied Jesus I don't believe any of that stuff I've seen I've seen Christian movies where I see Peter well I denied him that was true but Jesus had to come Peter denied him when he was not born again do you know how many people say I can relate to Peter but which one do you relate to you do you relate to the one before he got saved her after was it before he got saved because before he got saved man he was an orphan with power and just got it wrong a lot but after he got saved there was one time in the Gospels where he went to eat with the Jews and pulled away from the Gentiles and he got rebuked by Paul one time and the in the New Testament I love this because in the Gospels when you see Peter he really messed up really messed up like he denied Jesus he messed up no I won't and he was the one that had the knife cut off milk's is here but yes he did deny him two three different people the rooster crows Peters living with this crazy thing the greatest the greatest thing that can happen I believe for the church for the body of Christ is that we would believe that the Holy Ghost has come to do what Jesus said the Holy Ghost has come to do Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin because they don't believe in Jesus I would like to say that the Holy Spirit convicts you of something that you're wrong even before you do it unless you sear your conscience and start to muddy up this thing and the easiest way to have a seared conscience is to not believe that you're forgiven to begin with because guilt and shame and condemnation lead to more sin to more sin to more sin and that's just this hamster wheel because you can never really be free and then you're told by people well you know you can never really be free but Jesus said whom the Sun sets free people told me you can't just treats this man you got a gift I do it's the free gift of righteousness we all haven't we just haven't all unwrapped it it's all gospel so powerful are you guys okay [Applause] [Music] the gospel is the clearest the clearest thing ever I'm watching people all over the planet get born again running to Jesus I'm watching the church actually repent and actually wake up and see who they really are and be done with all that stuff be done it's amazing you know there's a lot of people that have their wife with her husband they're stronger and they're like well your faith is amazing and mine is this and mine is that do you know gosh I'm gonna read something to you it's so good are you ready okay oh I was in first John all day today it's like if you go I'm not gonna talk about it I should say I'm gonna talk about Jude and everybody will have joy but Jude is one page he'll change your life buddy I'm not I want I want to talk about revelation [Music] are you ready come on don't leave now this is about to get fun what would it be like if you woke up right with him every day what would it be like if you never look back if you believed that you were who he said you were and it wasn't just for some dude with dreads on the stage are you ready I'm gonna look for at verse 12 we'll start there Revelation chapter 6 revelation the revelation of Jesus I want you to keep in mind a way to I want to share this with you do you remember John the beloved like he was the one that latest head on Jesus's chest Lord I love you I love John because John knew that he was the disciple that Jesus loved I can relate because I know that I'm the disciple Jesus loved I know it like you can't convince me of anything else but he loves me like I haven't been rejected it's been 14 years I haven't been rejected because I'm accepted you can't reject what God accepted unless you give people the power you can't love your neighbor if you've given them the right to reject you if I have been accepted in the beloved how could somebody take away what they never gave me when I approach somebody that's like really angry and really bitter they're not my war my wars not against flesh and blood it's against principalities demonic strongholds do you know how many people are offended by Christians that should have known better they're like well you don't understand how I've gotten hurt well I get it but you shouldn't have got hurt by what they shouldn't have done because you should have known who you were when it came and they should have been who they were when they gave it either way it doesn't make justification for being hurt the cross takes away every offense I'm so serious Jesus bleeding and hardly able to breathe said Father forgive them they know not what they do saw killed the first Christian martyr they laid the clothes at soul speed and Stephen possessed by the same thing Jesus had the love of the Father looked up and saw Jesus standing welcoming the first martyr because he was seated at the right hand standing up I see Jesus standing at the right hand of God father do not hold this sin against them and his blood cried out and gripped saw the reality of the future he couldn't shake it man he can't shake that kind of love you can't greater love hath nobody than this that he would lay his life down you can't shake that love I had I was sitting in a gym the other day I was coming into LA Fitness I was going to work out and some Muslim kid behind the counter I should man I just want to tell you how much Jesus loves you oh he started to hammer him with the Quran and I don't know what it says in there he says well do you know that it says this no I have no idea I just know that he loves me and he loves you well and he just was and he's just hammering me and he's really smart and I'm not and I'm okay with that I love Jesus and he's smarter than anybody he is the wisdom of God righteousness sanctification Redemption Jesus is the wisdom of God so I'm talking to him and the kids looking at me and God said tell him that you'll die for him right now and take a bullet for him right now I said I he goes he goes to know what do you have to say about Christianity I said I'll take a bullet for you and die for you right now he looks at me and I said will you do that for me he goes well well the Quran says and he changed everything I said no I'm really serious if someone ran in that door and was gonna shoot you I know where I'm going and I know who I'm going to meet I would die for you and then I would say I forgive them father they know not what they do what would you do i I I said I guess we're done I really love you man I couldn't look at me anymore you can't you can't believe that unless you believe the cross you can't lay down your life like that unless you believe what Jesus did sounds like the Christian thing to do but these people that paid a price for us to have this gospel were burned at the stake not denying Jesus were sawn into we're fed to lions among whom the world is not even worthy these did it for us because you you were what they saw because they saw you and they're in this great cloud of witnesses looking at us saying guys believe believe the simple gospel stop making your technical stop making the things that matter least no matter most stop making life more important because if life is more important than the cross you love the world and you can't love God they're crying out Church we did not die in vain we did not die in vain read the book read the book reading about the these Saints how long Lord how long how long how long will we wait Jesus cloves them with these white robes that were given to these martyrs our [Music] Christian faith was founded by blood Jesus Jesus began it Stephen was the first and there been millions since how can we do this if we don't realize that suffering has been granted to you as a privilege in Philippians it's been granted to you the privilege to suffer for his name's sake how can we suffer for still in bondage here people like well I don't really like this guy's emotional though hell is real that's why Jesus talked about it 33 times and a lot of the churches cut it out of the book has cut the blood of Jesus out taking the blood of Jesus out oh he says that I looked and he broke the sixth seal there was a great earthquake and the Sun became black as sackcloth made with hair made of hair and the whole moon became like blood and the stars of the sky fell to the earth as a fig tree casts its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind the sky was split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up and every mountain and Island were moved out of their places then the kings of the earth and the great men and commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains and they said to the mountains in the rocks fall on us and hide us from the presence of him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the lamb for the day of their wrath has come and who is able to stand but Jesus was here he was the Lamb that was slain but in this picture he's not the same lamb John the beloved that laid his head upon chests of Jesus on the bosom of Jesus when revelations started and he saw Jesus John didn't say oh my Jesus my king let me lay on your chest he fell as a dead man this Jesus in here isn't the one that you see on the pictures that is so beautiful and just different this is Jesus with hair as white as wool and eyes is a flame of fire and feet as burnished bronze this is Jesus this is the one that's coming this is the Jesus I'm not preaching in times but it's inevitable it's gonna happen one day it's gonna happen people have taken rapture out of the Bible all that stuff what are we doing it says if any man taketh away from here or adds to it he is cursed look well I don't agree that that's just I mean there's other stuff too man chose no be very careful be very careful [Music] see on this day it's horrible it's a horrible day it won't be horrible for those that believe it won't be horrible it won't be horrible Jesus had Karen enjoy when you face tribulation a lot of times we go through trials and tribulation and we can't have joy because we don't have joy anyway your joy comes from your salvation your joy comes from the reality of you and having your mind seated in heavenly places you are seated a lot you are here but seated with Christ Ephesians 2:6 you are to set your mind on things above and not here but when you love here you can't be seated here I'm not saying you can't have stuff here I'm saying this stuff can't have you here or your treasure is fixed here instead of here you need to have your whole body full of light and the lamp that you have your eye needs to be single almost done for me it's really good this is such a humbling book the whole thing so humbling what guy what God would just come and live inside of me after all that I did he said I want that one I want that one father can I have that one that's crazy father please can I go can I go it's the time look I go Jesus comes in the Mary's belly grows up pays a price and the very people that said we love you we praise you they followed him everywhere miracles happen all the time he fed them till they were over for and left stuff over venom crazy spends time with the disciples that just didn't get it but still he loved him knew Judas was going to betray him and said follow me knew Judas was going to steal from him rip him off sell him out he said I want you to be my disciple and can we deal with the God like that knew that Peter was going to deny him Peter Jesus as I pray for you Simon he's sure did because when Jesus went to sit at the right hand he became our great intercessor our great High Priest seated at the right hand he's praying for all of us the same because Satan has desired to sift all of you as wheat but if you let Jesus if you let Jesus was that's when we fork clean the threshing floor there's nothing for Satan to shift oh okay cent Corinthians five I love this chapter I'm just gonna talk about a little bit behold if anybody be in Christ he's a new creation old things passed away all things become new you guys good come on you all right okay said Corinthians chapter five I'm just go start in verse one and just read a little you guys okay for we know if this earthly tent which is our house is torn down we have a building from God a house not made with hands eternal in the heavens for indeed in this house we groan longing to be clothed with our dwelling from heaven and as much as we have having put it on will not be found naked why would you not be found naked would you put on for indeed while we're in this tent we groan being burdened because we do not want to be unclothed but but to be clothed so that what is mortal will be swallowed up by life now he who prepared us for this very purpose is God who gave to us the spirit as a pledge a downpayment and inheritance therefore always being of good courage and knowing that while we're at home in this body we are absent from the Lord for we walk by faith and not by sight for we have good courage I say rather to be absent from the body to be at home with the Lord therefore we also have as our ambition whether home or absent to be pleasing to him look the life that we're living right now it's an amazing opportunity and we are supposed to live life an abundant life a violently excessively abundant life filled with grace filled with mercy bill were forgiveness filled with him possessed by him thinking like him that when you get born again God wants us to grow up into him to the complete fullness of the stature of Christ pastors apostles prophets evangelists teachers are to equip the Saints for the works of ministry but the first part of equipping is for you to understand st. so that you can have the works of ministry work through you so important the reality of this thing is that if we don't see that we have that we have gone from this place of sinner worthless worm to saint holy set apart this part in the middle needs annihilate it so that we can stand here so that you can finally breathe because the weight of the world is crushing and the demands of life are crushing and the spirit of fear is crushing but once this thing gets annihilated the spirit of fear no longer has access to your soul and you realize that God did not give you that spirit the enemy did now you have a spirit of love you have love power and a sound mind so the sound mind can only happen when the righteousness of God hits your soul because you can only be renewed in the spirit of your mind when you believe the finished work of Christ it says that our number one ambition in this life our number one ambition what we strive for what we run after what we endure for we run a race but this ambition is to live a life pleasing here not by works by grace through faith so this life right here our number one ambition is to live a life pleasing here why so that when we stand before him we'll be pleasing there because this life is a dressing room for eternity see one day we're gonna get here and it's over it's right now it's it's game on right now when you get here it'll be too late see Jesus says this he says now this is there's two judgment seats there the judgment seat that I'm very aware of is the one I'm going to talk about but there's a judgement seat the great white throne judgment for non-believers that are gonna face it and go into condemnation and it's a very horrible day but your life now living with your ambition to live a life pleasing here will infect this line so much that it will cause them to be born again because of your life lived it says this for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ this is the Christian line this is the line that every Christian will be in right here you and I all of us on this day you will not have your wife be able to stand for you you won't say well ask my wife I mean she's the Bible scholar she's the one that's really really you know she's the one that's religious you got born again but you did nothing with what you got born again and you lived your life like hell and now you're standing before the great judge and what do you expect him to say because your ambition wasn't here thinking of here I'm not trying to live here so that I get a big mansion no Keith Keith sang it right when he said when I'm doing well help me to never see the crown for my reward is bringing glory here I want to bring glory to him every day but I want to I want to be pleasing to the Father I want to be a sweet-smelling fragrance to the father I want to make sure that the fragrance that this life puts off is sweet in the nostrils of my father I'm gonna make sure says when we face trial when we face when we face this stuff that's hard it says that we have this victory parade in Christ where we diffuse the fragrance of Christ when we face that stuff when we're squeezed but if your hearts not right you will put off the wrong scent man and the devil can smell it for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ so that each one can be recompense for his deeds in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad therefore knowing the fear of the Lord we persuade men we are manifest to God I hope that we're made manifest also in your consciousness we are not commending ourselves to you but are giving you an occasion to be proud of us so that you will have an answer for those who take pride in appearance and not in heart because that day when you stand before God all that pride of appearance but not in heart will be completely utterly exposed and there's no one that's going to stand there for you you are gonna stand every child is gonna stand if Jesus came back today children that are accountable that have been born again will stand an answer for their life pastors you will stand an answer for your life and everybody that you polluted wives you will not have your husband cover for you your church shirt and stuff will all be exposed the reason why you couldn't live and you couldn't go fully after Jesus because this wouldn't hurt you and this one did this all that stuff none of it is going to stand before the king none of it all of us are going to answer so I am persuading you and I am begging you I am begging you right now with everything that I am consider this day a new day right now right now I'm asking you to consider your life right now where are you out with Jesus how are you living your life do you really love him or is your life different behind the closed door or are you living as a hypocrite or are you a sold out one choose this day who you're going to serve choose this day who you're going to serve [Music] there won't be a choice this day this day we have the choice right now [Music] father I'm asking you right now for the spirit of conviction to come in this room right now the Holy Ghost you would draw people to your heart right now that Jesus you would cause people to repent Jesus Jesus [Music] if you need to get right I want you to run up here right now if you need to get right I want you to run up here don't wait let's do this let's go after this if you need to get right I need you to run up here if your church hurt and all that stuff and all that jump let's get this thing on right now Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus I command every devil of depression of suicide [Music] every bit right now that's trying to trouble people I watch the girl get free of a devil in worship I command the voices to sup now in Jesus name get out get out get out get out in the name of Jesus right now [Music] sexual immorality and Jesus name I command you be cut out right now and the reality of the fear of the Lord will touch our hearts Jesus Jesus Jesus we ask you for more right now come Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit you're the one that cuts it out come god I ask you to place the mantle of the cross upon everyone that came forward right now in the name of Jesus come Holy Spirit right now Jesus come right now more more MORE [Music] Jesus more more MORE just do business you and Jesus right now just you and him you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 119,425
Rating: 4.871594 out of 5
Id: ziEOxd7DQCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 17sec (5117 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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