Todd White - Die To Yourself Already

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Here it goes. I just want you all to be normal. Really. That's it. People are always they're like, Todd White. Like, Todd White. Knock it off. All I am is normal. People are always like, pray for me I'm called to do what you do. I'm like what do you think I do? They see the videos, I'm called to be a street evangelist. Well, that's great. You're called to be a son. A daughter. Period. Street evangelism is, What people see on the videos, they see street evangelism. But that's, you can't get cameras in to Walmart. Legally. It wouldn't be good for me to film somewehre illegally and call it Christianity. But it's not just about Walmart, It's not just about the street. It's about waking up and being a son. People are like pray for me, I want a double portion of what you have. I'm sitting there thinking, so do I! I don't get it. Like, pray for me, I'm. Listen, I think we've been prayed for me out. And we've wandered and we have to be very careful because, In this generation, It's people like, It's a microwave thing. Pray for me, so I can like, have what you have right now. Like pray, impart your life to me. Like, it'll kill you. This like, this is a growing up to Him in all things. This is about you being like Jesus man. Your, your life, your giftings and callings of God are without repentence. You don't have to repent to have a gifting. And it will be really dangerous for you to walk in some kind of an amazing gifting then, Not realize who you are when all that stuff goes down. And all of a sudden you might think it's you and, Well that would be a trouble. You might try to gain, Who you are through the things that you do, and Never realize that you have been accepted by God And need to do another miracle in order for acceptance to be there. That will be dangerous for you to have to heal somebody to be validated. You don't need to pray for somebody and have someone come up to you and say, did you do that? For you to gain who you are. That's not who you are. Who you are is a son, a daughter. If I could give you one tool, One tool, It would be this one right here. Get in your room, Close the door, Open your bible, And say, "God, I don't get it". Look, look, Do me a favor, take out your smart phone right now. Hold it up. Everybody! Take out your phone. Right now. Don't act like four of you have phones. You're just not telling me the truth. Take out your phone, right now. See, I want you to look at your phone, I want you to pretend right now you're on an airplane. And I just want you to set it to airplane mode. Right now. Airplane mode. That means nobody's going to text you. You're not going to answer any texts. You're going to listen. For an hour. Can you do that for me? You're not going to post on Facebook. Oh my God I'm here seeing Todd White. And then forty people comment, Ah, I wish I was there. How is it? Then you read all those comments and fifty nine minutes in to this thing, You're like, yeah, I think it was awesome. Listen, there's a bunch of you that didn't. I should have an alter call right now. For real. You're like, I ain't doing that. This is too exciting. Because this has become your God. You're like, no, no, no, it's all good stuff. It's not. It's taking away and sucking up your life and taking away your time. And you've allowed Facebook, To replace His face. Instead of seeking His face, you've sought the attention from people. There's this gossip channel. Look, look I'm just for real man. I'm not against Facebook. But there is a problem with relationship in the body of Christ. There is a problem with intimacy. And we've replaced it with all kinds of being busy. And people are dying everyday! And we care more about our phone than the reality of our relationship with God. And we care more about a conference, Than we do about our relationship with our King. You can't affors to live that way. It will kill you and others will die because of it. So my question is if you've come here to like grow and to represent, Re-presenting Jesus isn't sitting on your phone all day long. I didn't even plan on talking about this, but, If the shoe fits, kick it off. My heart breaks for us to see what normal means. I'm just going to share on my knees for a little. Because I just want to position myself, Because everyone says they want to be like Todd, so here you go. I challenge you. To be like this. Spend your time on your knees before the Father. Look if I, I'm going to take a show of hands. I want you to be really honest right now. I'm going to show you, Show you the big problem that's like keeping us back, that's holding us back. How many of you are able to get in your bible every day and hear from your Father? Every day. Every day. Now how many of you have a hard time with that? Every day, raise your hands. You're not alone. All across the world it's the same thing. Do you know there are more people, That don't have a problem with this that are locked up with one page in prison for ten years. Because that's all they got. You know you hear about Reinhardt, You hear about the amazing, amazing things he's done through out Africa. You're talking about a people that have nothing. And all of a sudden they get a hold of this God that, That loves them. And they surrender and they just, give up everything. To run full on. In to Him. And it's like, wow, how can it be like that? How can, like Reinhardt right now, Their ministry has seen seventy-three million people, Come to Jesus. Man. Listen, seventy-three million people! These are people that have filled out, Registered decision cards. And the decision cards have been given to local pastors in the area. And have been followed up by local pastors and local church. All over. That's like ridiculous man. You know I went a couple of years ago, I went to this, this thing because, A buddy of mine, Some of you know the story. Reinhardt had called this, This, this school. This conference together and, I was over in Australia. I was doing some, some stuff over there. And a buddy of mine, named Ben Fitzgerald, Was over there. He's from Bethel. He's from Australia but he came over, he was doing some stuff. Were doing a conference with each other, and He's like reading these books. This book called Fire Evangelism, and And we're on the Gold Coast and we're ministering to people everywhere we go. But, we're out on the beach and he's carrying a Fire Evangelism book. And I'm thinking, Why are you carrying an evangelism book while we're out here? He's like, a third year Bethel student, now intern. And I'm like what are you doing dude? He goes, ah, it's required reading material for the conference. I go why would you have to read a book? He says, no, no it's two books. I'm like, to me that's like so much dude. I'm, because I'm not, I'm not a guy that can read a whole book in a day. Like, I'm not a guy that can read the bible in the year. I'm, I'm like, I'm a guy that can, Do a page, And live on a page, and I, I just have always been that way. And I'm like that's so much dude. He goes it's in like it's next week. And I go what is thing? He sais did you hear about the dream? And I said, what dream? He's like Reinhardt's dream. I go, what is it? And I had just been exposed to Reinhardt up at Jesus Culture awakening, When he was up there. First time I've. I was like so baffled and amazed. When I saw the videos of Nigeria and, I've never seen anything like it, I said, Oh my gosh! Like how many people, This is like crazy, It's like beyond my brain. Like how can, How can 2.9 million people come to Jesus? I can't, like, no way! And I'm watching them crying! It's two years earlier now and there's an awakening in Chicago. And I'm sitting there with Destiny, And we're sitting at the conference. You know, at the Jesus Culture conference and Bill's down the, right down there beside us. Guy behind me is like, I'm thirty years old, all down hill from here. And I turned around and I said dude. I said, I command that to get out of you, in Jesus name. I put my hand on his legs, And I prayed for him. I said, Father thank you to set him free from that. I get this thing. I'm in two places, I'm in Australia, but it's two years prior, it's my first exposure to Reinhardt. I was, I was amazed that this guy said this. And he was only playing. To me it's not playing. We can't afford to have that stuff in our mouth man. You know, it wasn't a rebuke, It was a Get It Out! You know? In love, the tuth spoken in love. So after Reinhardt gets up speaking, I'm like, oh my gosh, I just want to go downstairs and thank him. So I made my way back downstairs and he's in a room. I said, man I saw that guy I prayed for. I said, dude, I said I don't know who you are, but I need you to pray for me. He's like six foot four. Like the guy that was behind me, the thirty year old guy. He, he prays for me and, I said, I just want to thank Reinhardt, For I've never seen anything like this. He goes, ah okay. Well he'll be coming out of that room in a little bit, I went up to him and I said, thank you. "I bless you!" And I felt like I got saved. It was the craziest thing. And that's my only encounter with him. So now I'm fast forwarding two years and I'm in Australia. This guy Ben is telling me about this conference. He said did you hear about his dream? I said, what dream? He said well, God, God visited Reinhardt in a dream. He was in this dream and in his dream he saw all these people, Being led by God's Spirit. On a constant basis and, The streets of Germany were filled with this new breed of Holy Spirit evangelists. And I go, okay. And he goes, everywhere they went they're hearing from the Lord, They're prophesizing, signs, words of knowledge, healing, miracles. And people were being touched and then they'd turn around and do the same thing. I'm like dude, that's like, my whole Like I've been a christian for ten years and this is all I've known. Jesus, to be. I'm like, yeah! You know and he goes, then another voice, Reinhardt heard another voice in this dream, It said, whatever happened to Reinhardt Bunke? Because he's from Germany. And in Germany it's not happening like that. Right? And the voice said, ah Reinhardt he was a forerunner for this. And Reinhardt woke up from the dream, And he said I want you to call a conference. And I want yo to empart the mantle that I've placed upon your life. To raise up this next breed of Holy Spirit evangelists. And as soon as he said that, I said to Ben, I said, dude, I've got to go. To this school. He goes man, there's no way for you to get in it's only like eighty some people. And I'm thinking, Oh my gosh, I've got to go to this, This is my whole life, this is why I'm alive. You know? I at least to go and get prayer! You know? And I'm so amazed that this, this dream. And I said, to Ben, I said dude I got to go. So that night I was going to go e-mail, You know I was going to e-mail Bill Johnson and, And just ask him. But I just really got corrected n my heart. Don't, don't try to push this. Don't try to push this. And I never when God speaks to me, it's important that I listen. But my heart is so, I'm leaning in. I'm listening to what he preached last night. I'm just sitting there going, Oh God! Because I've always been hungry. I haven't been hungry to chase people. But I'm, I'm, The Spirit inside of me yearns jealously for me. I don't have anything in the inner chamber of my heart that's more important. Then more of Him. You can't afford to have anything in first place in your life. Your kids, Your family, Your wife, Your phone. See, it is kind of funny but it's a problem. It's a serious problem. How can you have more of Him, If you keep needing more of this? How can you have more of Him, If you just need, Another book? I'm not against books. How can you have more of Him, If you need the attention from somebody? Other than the affection of your Father. You can't! So that's where my life has been, It's been in that hungry place. Like, God I, My prayer for the last six years, Actually it started at Represent six years ago. With that, the baptism service. With, at 12:30, At night with grand moms and people coming in to the church. Like, this is awesome man! This is God! And we just sat there and baptised kids and it was amazing! But my prayer began to be, Help! Because I don't know what else to pray. I'm lost! Help! That's it! I remember talking to a woman of God one day, And I said, man my prayers are so silly! Just, help. She goes, oh, Bless you Todd. The Holy Spirit's a helper. And I went, oh God! Help! So fast forward, I'm on, I'm going to e-mail Bill and, I don't e-mail him. And I'm like, Gosh, I don't know what to do here, because, I'm in Australia for twelve days. And this conference is the seven day, It's in the seven days that I'm suppossed to be home after these twelve days. I'm like, so, It's so weird that my schedule would even be open, Because of the nature of the schedule, And I schedule things but I have family. Family's priority to me. To make sure that, like when I'm with my wife and my kids, That I turn off the world. Because I'm not going to be a minister that sacrifices his family on the alter, Of ministry. Because hating my, it says you can't be my disciple unless you, You hate your mother, your father, Your wife, Your kids. That doesn't mean despise them. That means love God most so that you can love them more. But, that means that God has to be priority in your life. And everything you do, He is the priority. Because He's the one, It's not God, then family, then ministry. That's not God's plan. God, then God, then God, then God. He enables us to walk, Like if He calls somebody to something, He calls you to walk with the Spirit of excellence in everything you do and say. It doesn't matter where you're at, And your job's your mission, And your school's your mission, You're not called to be in full time ministry to preach from a pulpit. You're called to be like Jesus. And, and influence the area that you're at. And everywhere you walk, you walk like Jesus. What does it mean to represent? It means to re-present? Jesus represented the Father every where he went. He came to re-present the Father. You're to re-present the Father. Every where you go. But, you can't re-present somebody that you don't know. And you can't claim that you know Him, But not have relationship with Him. It's a difference between knowing God and being known by Him. Being known by Him, only comes through personal exchanges union. It's the grace, The grace the Lord Jesus Christ. But it's the love of the Father, The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, And the communion with the Holy Ghost. The communion. Communion! Is Co-mmunion. It's where you walk enabled with communion. Relationship, and, Intense. Intense, you and Him together. That no matter where you're at, He's there. And you're burning to let Him out every day. All day long, everywhere you go. It's co-mmunion. Co-laboring. It's not co-dependency. It's co-mmunion. Co-laboring. It's not trying to get people to be dependent upon you, To keep them safe. It's co-mmunion. So, I'm in this thing, I'm, At this place. God's bigger than we think. He's more amazing than you can ever imagine. He wants to give us more than we can ask or think. But if you're seeking those things that you want to be given, Rather than seeking Him. The reason why you're not getting them is because, You're, you're yearning for something. James says that we have and, We don't get what we have, Because we ask and miss, We ask according to our own thing. And at the cost of Him. And at the cost of union. And at the cost of relationship with God. If we seek this, it will destroy you. You have to have Him, And that has to be a priority. It's wanting to be one with Him Never needing the appreciation of other people to validate your existence. Never needing a miracle to validate who you are. But understanding who you are as a son, And a daughter of your Father. And relationship is the core. See, I call this inner strengthing. Says being strengthened in your inner man, I call this core training. Because you have to be solid in here. In order to hold up what God wants to give you. But if you don't focus on core training, And be strengthened in your inner man, You will try to strengthen yourself through the prophetic on the outside, But have no relationship on the inside. And you'll have to prophecy another word to gain who you are, And that's not what makes you who you are, Because the gifts and callings of God are without repentence. You don't have to repent to walk in them. And you might just get tripped up in to this weird, Like hell's not real doctrine. And go there. You might get tripped up in to a place validated by your miracles. And all of a sudden the Kingdom looks just like you. And you might gain who you are through the miracles that you do, And you might turn your school upside down. And it would be amazing. But then stand before God and go to hell. That would be a problem. It would be really hard to go through life, And preach that hell's not real, And spend eternity there. And then answer for everybody else that hurt you. On that day when you stand before the Father. Hell is real, Jesus preached about it more than anybody. You better back off dude, that's legalism. No, I'm trying to help you. I'd rather be on fire here than burn forever then. Don't leave a, Don't leave a religious camp and think, Ah, they're legalists, Then let the pendulum swing so far that you don't realize what real grace is. Grace touched you and allowed your eyes to be opened. All of a sudden you're in this place, and, Boom! God shocked your heart. Oh my, this is amazing! And then you fly back past what's amazing. To go in to demonic on the other realm. And call it okay. It's not okay. God! My heart burns for us to be normal. I am so thankful that you came today. I'm, I'm so grateful that you'll be here tonight. I really am. It's just going to be amazing. Ben's going to bring it this afternoon. He's just amazing. He's, these are brothers of mine. These are, this is amazing. Sorry if I seem scattered, I'm not, we're still focused on the same thing. That's why I'm on my knees so that I can stay there. So I didn't e-mail Bill. And I went back, and, I'm like, With Ben and I'm like, man, I'm just so, I can't even e-mail Bill. Can't even do nothing to get in this thing. I said this is my life man and my heart burns inside. I know it is. And I'm not trying to do anything on my part to make it happen. Which is a big deal! Because there's these things that we yearn for and we long for. That, that we shouldn't try to press in to get. To that place. We should keep our heart positioned before the Father every day. This has to do with a lot of different things. There are things that we want to do in life but sometimes we make it happen. And we open a door, we try to open a door ourself. But if God opens a door no one can shut it. And we manipulate and we manuever in order to et that door open. We can't afford to be in that place man. We have to be in a place of submission. And we have to enter in through the narrow gate that's Jesus. You guys okay? Are you listening? Are you hearing me? I'm just talking about normal right now okay? So, Ben went a couple of days later, he's like, It had to new renew his visa to get out of Australia. But to get his visa renewed, because he's a Bethel student you know. An intern but he has to like, his visa status to get renewed. Because his citizenship. He went to renew his visa and they denied his visa. They wouldn't let him out. So, now we have a whole new thing. To it, you know to contend for. So we're praying and he can't get like, Any kind of like audience even with the country. Even with the officials to get his visa renewed. Because they said in two months we'll see you again. So now he's trapped. And I looked at Ben and I go dude, What do you think the chances of me going in your place are? I wasn't trying to be selfish, it was just a question man. He goes that's not up to me. But it's up to Bill, but let me ask you a question. How many from, how many people from Bethel would want to go to this? I went, end of story. Because it's a hungry church man. Hungry. I wen all right man. So Ben e-mailed Bill, told him he couldn't go. Bill then asked another pastor from Bethel. Who do you want us to send? In Ben's place. And God woke that pastor up with a dream in the morning. And said, you need to send Todd White. Without me trying to coax it or make it happen. And Bill, And Bill said I really want to send somebody from Bethel, Because I'm not from there, I'm from Pennsylvania. And they're California, I'm Pennsylvania. He said but if you believe that the Lord told you that, then I'll send Todd. So like, Bill okayed it for, For me to go and not just that, He paid for my flights, he paid for everything. For me to go to this thing. I called my wife right away, Hey, I, I need to, you know, I need to talk to you and ask you if this would be okay. This before I did the flight and thing, because you make sure, And I called her, she goes, this is God, you need to go. And I'm like, overwhelmed at God's bigness, at his majesty, at his beauty. At who He is. So I land and you know I'm going from Australia to Orlando. It's a big difference. I've been gone for two weeks and, Your time change and it's like I can't even explain it to you. Unless you've been there you wouldn't understand. It's, You're on the other side of the world, twelve hours a day ahead. And you're going back in time. This, this is crazy. So I get there and I'm like overwhelmed man at the fact that I'm even there. The next morning is the thing and I really didn't sleep that night. Because the time to sleep was when I get there in the morning, the next morning. I go in, and, I'm like man, thank you so much for letting me come, Just thanking this event staff and, In walks this six foot four guy. It was Daniel Kolenda. This is the guy that I turned around and prayed for his knees because he was playing around. At that conference, I'm thirty years old, all down hill from here. It happens, he happens to be that he's the President of CFAN. He's like Reinhardt's spiritual son. That is taking over the ministry in Africa. I said dude, thank you for letting me come today. I'm like overwhelmed, because this is totally not making sense, But, now I'm like, my gosh, this is the guy that I rebuked that day! But it was in love, it wasn't like I was being mean. I don't have any, I have a Plan A, I see one way I don't have another. No matter who you are, I see Jesus man. He goes, no Todd I prayed for you to be here today. I went, Oh my God! And I just got overwhelmed. Because God knows the thoughts and desires of your heart. But God wants to be the desire of our heart. So sometimes we've allowed other things to creep in. And to be our desire. We can't afford that. This Spirit of increase, it's like on the Earth, God will take your life and in a day, sum up the twenty years you lost to religion. He can take it in a day! But what we don't have to do is press past real grace. Real truth. Bypass it and then go into here and, call, Anything less than that religious, Because you go on this other side and say you have religious spirit. And people say that about me! If you call religious spirit me not wanting you to go to hell for what you're believing, Then I guess I got one. If that's religious spirit, Pure religion is this, if you want one. This here. This is the religious spirit that I want to have. Caring for orphans, Listen to this. For it is keeping yourself unspotted in the world. But watch this. Orphans could mean kids that have no parents. But orphans could mean the world that doesn't know their Father. A widow can be a wife that's lost her husband. But a widow also is the bride that doesn't know who she is. So that's the religious spirit. That I want to carry. Because that's the Spirit of the Lord right there. And to keep yourself unspotted from the world. Untarnished, unblemished. No stain, no mark, no nothing. Says that God, Says that, Paul says in Second Corinthians eleven, He says you know what, oh that you would bear with me. In a little folly and indeed you do bear with me. Says, for I have, for I have betrothed you, For God in me is yearning jealously. I'm jealous for you with a Godly jealously. For I've betrothed you to one husband. I've betrothed you to one husband that I may present you, As a chaste virgin. To Christ. A chaste virgin to Christ. One that's soul has never splet with the world before. One that is blameless and spotless and has never, ever, ever, ever, Had intercourse with the world before. Not just, not just sexually. But spiritually. In the beatitudes Jesus starts it out. He said blessed are those, That are poor in spirit. And it actually means blessed are those that are not, That are not spiritually arrogant. Blessed are those that soul can be only be satisfied with the reality of God's spirit in union with their spirit. But it's not just to be born again. And to sit there with spirit that is regenerated and never understand that you're to be renewed in the spirit of your mind. That your minds to be spiritually renewed so that you can think with the new mind that God has given you. Says who can know the thoughts of Him? Who can know His ways, His ways are higher than my ways. His thoughts are higher than my thoughts. And in the Old Testament it talks about it. And in the New Testament Jesus didn't just give us this, The brand new being born again experience. Being born again Bill Johnson said is essential to unlock your potential. Books cannot take, they can help you, but cannot take you where the bible can. And unfortuantely because we don't understand the book, We need all kinds of different teachings about it, In order to get in relationship with the one that wrote it. But books can't take you to relationship. The Holy Spirit is relationship. He is the one that wrote the bible. And so we have a lot of different things that grab for our attention. Your cell phone. Your ipad. Your computers. It's a microwave generation. It's you want hands laid on you to get somewhere in God, And it's not about hands being laid on you. It's not about just receiving an impartation, And allowing that to be your life. You have to, you have to, you have to, You have to have your own history with God. Listen! Love is prophetic to the people that are the meanest towards you. Love is prophetic but people that don't understand, that don't understand you. But you don't allow what people don't see to influence what you do see. Love is prophetic in the secret place when you're with your Father. On a constant basis. I had someone ask me yesterday. What is like, what is like your communion look like? I said I'm sitting here talking to you and I'm having it right now. Because my Father never leaves me. Listen, we've, we've boiled this thing down and, Honed this thing down in to, To getting this from people. And I'm not against people. I'm all about that! Okay? But it's not just about someone laying hands on you, It's about you getting on your knees, Opening up the book, Ans saying I don't get it! I don't get it! But God, you created me to get it. Says broad is the road that leads to destruction. Narrow is the way that leads to life. Many are called, but few find it. What do you think that means? Do you think that the broad road is just for muslims and hindus and sikhs? No! It's what a lot of christians are on right now. It says narrow is the way that leads to life. What is life? What is life? Is life just a conference? Is life your cell phone? Is life just someone laying hands on you? No, no Jesus is the way! The truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him. You can't afford to let anything take place of being with the Father. You can't afford to let a conference. You can afford to let a youth group. You can't afford to let your pastor take the place of God. Many people don't even go to church. There are people here that are not a part of a church. Because they don't see things your way. And we seperate ourself, And we have our own thing. And I preach about it everywhere I go. And we establish these wound licking, hurt clubs. At the cost of, at the cost of God's will that He died for. And we establish these places, And we got our own thing, we don't need their thing. Ah yeah, I get e-mails dude. Not anymore, thank God, Tom intercepts them. We need you to come to our home group. You're a grace guy. Come on dude. What kind of grace are you talking about? Grace is the ability to walk like Jesus. Jesus never tried to sin and get away with it. He walked perfectly, holy. God says you be holy. Well that's false, that's legalism. No it's not. Peter. Is the one that wrote it. And Peter's the one that denied Jesus. Everywhere I go I hear people tell me, ah man I can really relate to Peter. Well which one? Which Peter do you relate to? The one that denied Jesus because the Holy Spirit didn't live inside of him? And he was afraid. He wanted to like defend Jesus, he's the only one that had a knife. I'll die for you. Really Peter? Will you really die for me? Yes! And he meant it. But when it came down to it, Denied Jesus. Because he was an orphan. As an orphan you'll always deny. God did not say, I'll give you spiritual fathers. But I won't leave you as orphans. That's really important. Because sometimes we have elevated spiritual fathers above God our Father. I remember going to Dan Mohler, And like the first guy I met. And I'm like dude, You're my spiritual father! He goes, Todd, I understand what you're saying. And it sounds right. Like of course it does! He goes there's a way that sounds right to a man. I go, this isn't good! He said, let me tell you something Todd. This is right after Teen Challenge, Brand new man, just born again. Like, like WHOA! Like, serious, on fire. And I'm full of zeal. I'm full of, my life was a whole, big lie. And now, I see. I was blind, but now I see. I was dead, but now I live. I was lost, now I'm found. I'm like, really found. And excited about being found. And I heard Dan preach, And I just, just, like been listening to him. And I'm like amazed at what he's carrying! Amazed! Just the freedom that he carries. Like dude, you're my spiritual father. He's like, Todd sounds right what you're saying. I said, it sure does man. He goes, there is a way that seems right to a man. And I'm like, ahhh. And he goes, you know what? You can glean from me, you can learn from me. I can pour in to your life. But if God doesn't become your Father, you'll always be an orphan. And you're not one. And I went, okay. Then your my mentor! Right? Because that's the next best thing right? Dan's like, Todd. It's sounds right what you're saying. But man I'm just not getting it right at all. He said, Todd if the Holy Spirit doesn't become your mentor, you'll be in big trouble. I went okay. So to some people it sounds like he's pushing me in to Lone Rangerism. Which is, I got my own thing. But that's exactly the opposite. He was just pushing me in to the secret place where I could be with my Father. And the one that meets you inside of there is the Holy Spirit. Because that's who's there. And if I seek my Father, In secret, He'll reward me in the open. So if I sought Him in secret, he rewards me with Him in the open. And that's when I get to, Represent, The Father. This is where it's at. This is where my life is built. This is where your life can start. If it hasn't been there, Just repent, so that you can represent. It's really good! There's really no way out of here man. The only way out is unbelief. He says to believe, to believe means to be fully convinced, absolutely beyond a shadow of a doubt. He gives the example of the house with no empty rooms. Like, my house is fully occupied. Or a town with no empty houses. Look. It's like a town in here. No empty houses. There's no room at the inn sign on your forehead. Occupied! The reason why we can do this is because we have become this. But if you think you have to do in order to be, You've got it upside down and inside out, And you'll only be as good as your last miracle. And you will live a life to impress people around you. But you won't be able to look in the mirror and like what you see. And it's important that when you look in the mirror that you like what you see, Because God loves what He sees, Because when you look in the mirror, You should see Him staring back at you. You should be looking in to your Father's eyes every time you look in the mirror. God loves me! He's head over heels with me. He's excited! I've lived in the place of love, For ten years! I've never had a day of condemnation, or guilt, or shame. This is not mine, that's the devil's thought. Why would his thoughts have a right here when I'm, Occupied. Why would I think like him? Oh, he's just cut off. He's finished. He's trying to reproduce himself in the mind of man. So that we can people that live by miracles. Stand before the Father one day, Say God, Didn't we do all these great things in your name? Away from me! I never knew you! You who regarded lawlessness, In your heart. There's a place of exiting lawlessness, Exiting. The firm foundation of God still stands. The foundation is this: The Lord knows, Those that are His. And let everybody that names the name of the Lord, Depart from iniquity. Oh, that's, that's just legalism. No, That's the bible. We can be a people that stand on the firm foundation. And it's amazing because Jesus is the rock. The one thing that Jesus he asked is, Like guys who do men say that I am? They said some say this and some say that. Yeah, yeah, but I'm hanging with you. Who do you say I am? And, Peter, Said you're the Christ. Blessed are you Simon. The way that seems right to a man didn't come up with that one. Flesh and blood didn't reveal that to you. But my Father did. Way to go! And you are Simon, And I tell you this. Upon this rock, I'm going to build this church. What's the rock? The revelation of Jesus Christ. What's the foundation? The solid foundation? Of God still stands. The Lord knows, Whose that are His. And then everybody that names the name of the Lord, Depart from iniquity. Who can ascend this holy hill? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. It's amazing, it's the beatitudes. Blessed are those that are poor in spirit. For their's is the Kingdom of God. What is the Kingdom? The Kingdom of God is not meat or drink, But it is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. The Kingdom of God is in the Holy Ghost. Blessed are those that aren't spiritually arrogant. That don't think that they have no need for more. More of Him! More of the Holy Spirit! More of Him! To establish righteousness, peace and joy. Righteousness is what makes you right with God. Peace is the only way to have it. It isn't from your last miracle. You have peace with God. You wake up with peace with God. You wake up in rest, because rest comes from right standing with God. I wake up right with God. I don't have to strive to obtain it. I've become it. Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin, So that I might become the righteousness of God that's in Christ Jesus. I have become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Not just obtained it on my own strength, That's self righteousness. But become it because of what He did. He who knew no sin, became sin. So we've taught people sometimes when people get saved that, They were such a horrible sinner, And Jesus paid a price because you were a horrible sinner. That's not just the price that He paid. He paid a price for you because something underneath of that sin was of great value to the Father. We've woke up in the morning sometimes because we don't understand the authentic gospel. We woke up people that are mark missers. Instead of people who have the ability to miss the mark. When I got saved, He took me out of a place, a person that was a sinner. A person that didn't know anything different than sin. I had no understanding of anything. Then He came and it says that in all your knowledge, Get understanding. So God came in to my life and He gave me understanding. Understanding who He is and as a Father. And I pressed in to that thing. Understanding. Understanding who He is as a Father. Who I am as a son. And a son as I thinketh in my heart, so am I. So I think about my Father, So as my Father is, so am I a son. And I can represent Him. That's not to take glory to me. This isn't blasphemy. This is the gospel. Jesus has given me the ability to look like him, To agency of the Kingdom. But that only comes when I am poor in spirit. When I'm not spiritually arrogant and think I know it all. Oh man. I am clueless dude. I, I ask God for wisdom every day of my life. I'm way in over my head. Way over my head dude. I mean like, Way! Way! You cannot be in way over your head, If everything else is gaining your attention, And you need this in order to make you feel better. You're status. Be a shame to have status on your Facebook, But never realize the acceptance of your Father. People don't like this. Deal with it. Listen. I'm not telling you that this, this, Facebook is completely demonic. It's not. But if it's the only thing that you're seeking after. It would be the same for you to come to a conference like this, Go out there and become like, supernatural encounters every where you go. And to gain who you are, post everything so that you can gain your value. Who do you think you are talking like that. Look at all the media you've done. You know why media, you know why I've done media? So people can see what love looks like in action. It's not to like gain like, I'm not trying to gain influence. And have everybody like me. Dude, my message is not likeable. I promise it's not. But I'm loved by my Father so I don't need you to agree with me. I'm free from me, which makes me free from you. Oh! Listen. I love you! But because of that I'll speak the truth. I won't compromise it to make you feel better. People come up and, man you've changed my life. Awesome! Go change others. I love it, I think it's amazing man. Am I making any sense? Because it's not good, Because I have like seven minutes. No. But you need to touch people. We do. Just kidding. God! So I go to this, this school. This school of evangelism. I meet Daniel, I'm a wreck. Just a wreck dude. I'm crying so hard. Because of God's bigness. He got me, He put me there. It wasn't any strings I pulled, Or any kind of opening the door, crack it open. I'm at this school and I get to meet Reinhardt you know. I'm like, oh my gosh man. Thank you so much for, For letting me come. He looks at me, grabs my shirt. Like, like this. I'm like, Reinhardt looks at me, I'm jealous for what the Lord has placed on your life. And I went, Moufassa! You know, anyone seen Lion King, you know. And I just, I cried. I cried for four days. I cried so hard that, I never cried that hard before. And I was just so like, wrecked! And I came home from that, from that school. It was the first school of evangelism that he did. I came home from school and I'm like, Totally wiped out, a wreck, I couldn't even, Couldn't even talk. My pastor's like, how was it? I was just going to lose it and go to the floor. I just tell him, I don't even know what happened. All I know is that something is inside of me. Something so deep inside of me. Something that I've been on my, I've been on my knee for since the beginning of my christian life. I've learned God. I'm listening to Sydney Jacobs talk last night, I've learned God on my knees. In my bedroom when no one was looking. When nobody's around. Nobody! When everybody was against me. When persecution was coming, Even from, from my wife. Those of you that know my testimony, We were atheists for nine years and I was an atheist my whole life. But, together, In that place, Twisted everything. Then I get shot at one night at a drug deal. I threatened to kill this girl for nine years dude. Tell her if she ever left me I'd kill her, And, kill her and kill myself, Suicide, all this junk dude! Like the worst of the worst. Extradited across America a couple times, Kicked out of the Marine Corps, Bad conduct discharge. In and out of prison my whole life. Never read a book before. I'm the worst of the worst. And then, BANG! Jesus just, Puts himself in me and says, now this is awesome! I got shot at and shot at from ten feet away. God speaks to me and said I took those bullets for you. Are you ready to live for me yet. I mean all this stuff. Boom. I went away to a program for twelve months. I was there two months. Had an encounter with Jesus three nights in a row. Came home ten months early. I got home, My girlfriend, that hated me, Had come to Christ and we got married four days later. I mean all this stuff. But when I first started to pray for people, I was like, I saw Dan, Someone getting healed, And I was like, oh my gosh, I'm going tol pray for everyone. So I didn't know that God didn't want to do it outside the church. There was no grid, there was nobody doing it. There was nobody praying for people everywhere. I didn't see anybody laying hands on people. I saw in my bible that God wanted to use me and do this. I'm like, no way! I'm on it! So I told Dan, I said dude, I'm praying for everyone. He's like, all right, awesome. I said why would God do it in here and not out there? Because today, see what you're doing is going out there. You better touch somebody today. Don't you come to a conference called Represent and not present. So I'm just going to share for a couple of minutes about this then we're going to pray. Then you're going to go out there and light the world up. Don't you dare buy your meal and rip off your waitress. And don't you dare get out your calculator and try to figure out what yourtip is. I don't even go out to eat unless I can double my bill. With the tip. Ever! Ever! Why? Because. Because then you won't go out to eat so much. Probably be good. But you can take the spirit of ugly off the church. Because a lot of people think that God's after your money. He's not after your money. It's the love of money that is the root of all evil. What is it, you got thirty bucks to spend on a meal, And you tip your waitress thirty bucks. And tell her how amazing God is. Watch what happens. Watch her shake and tremble. I'm a couple minutes behind. Sorry. Just abide for a couple minutes, a couple minutes. Because I need you to go out. I need you to bring it. So I started to pray for people the first time in WalMart with my wife. She's, like, She didn't know that, I saw this. She, she didn't read that part. She didn't read it. I did. And I saw somebody at a healing service get healed. Of like a strain of leukemia that only like fifty cases in the world. And then there was a note that came back in that they were healed. And I freaked out, I went bonkers dude. I said no way! I'm going to pray for everyone. Dan's like, good for you. I'm like if Jesus did it here, why wouldn't he do it out there? I didn't have any grid, I didn't have any models. I just looked right in my bible, That these signs shall follow those that believe. So, I'm like, wait a minute. I'm a believer, does that mean me? Dan's like, absolutely. I'm like, come on! So that first day at WalMart, We're in there and we see a lady walking with a, Like one of those walkers. And my wife is there, myself and my daughter. And my daughter she's seven and a half at the time. I'm just out of Teen Challenge, fresh out. Just a couple of weeks old in the Lord. And in love with Jesus, Like totally possessed by the truth. Oh my gosh! We see a lady and I say come on Destiny, let's go pray. So we walk over to this lady, And we say, hey, can my daughter and I pray for you? She goes, here? I said yeah, the bible says that if we believe that Godd will heal you. She says, oh honey. What's the worst that can happen is nothing. She goes, Okay. Because it's true, the worst thing that can happen is nothing. And the worst they can say is no. What have you got to lose? So we prayed. She goes, oh, thanks for trying. And she walked on and I went, It didn't work right. But I didn't get hurt. And I didn't get rejected. See, If I've been accepted, In the beloved, You can't take away what you never gave me. So since I've been accepted here, How can a person take away what they never gave you? I've been accepted in God. This spirit of rejection thing, it's demonic doctrine. You say what you want. Hey listen. If I'm ruffling your feathers, Good, you're not a chicken. Be careful that we don't amplify rejection over acceptance. And be careful you don't tell people why they're rejected, It will take them back to their first rejection. You teach them that they've been accepted in the beloved. And you teach them that God's their acceptance. They've been accepted by their Father. And they'll live from that. On a constant basis. Love God with all my heart, my soul, my strength, my mind. Love my neighbors, myself. There's no rejection in that place. None. If someone doesn't like what you have to say, Your war is not against flesh and blood. It's against principalities and spiritual hosts of wickedness. It's not about them. And it's not about you. And if you got offended by them, It's not their fault. If you got hurt by somebody, You got them, they hurt you, they hurt you, they hurt you, It's not them, it's you. You're the problem. That's why it doesn't say deny your neighbor. It says love your neighbor. I didn't have, the bible said that. Deny your neighbor. Be rejected by your neighbor. You're accepted in the beloved man. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Sometimes we need their love to validate whether we're loved. Sometimes I need to have you love me to validate whether I can love you or not. And if I love you and you don't tell me soon enough, That means that I'm not going to tell you again. It's not about you being hurt by church. And establishing your own thing. And go on from church to church trying to find if they'll love you. Because you'll go to another church until you find fault. It's about you becoming love and plugging in. It's about you becoming who God says you are. Plugging in, being a part of a local body. Plugging in and giving what you have to your local body. It's not about what you can get from them, It's what you got from Him. You come, you offer, you plug in. Stop being so hurt by people not noticing your gift. Start realizing who the Father is, That you're His gift. So that first day we prayed for that lady, And then, we couldn't find my wife. So, my daughter and I, we prayed for about eight or nine people. That day. We got out to the car and my wife is in the car. Really angry! First day! Of praying for people. She let me have it! I mean intensely. And we got home, And I didn't want to watch tv and stuff, And hang out in front of the tv anymore. I had to go in my bedroom. So I go back in my bedroom and seek Jesus. And my wife was really angry. What, now you love Jesus more than you love me? Imagine that. And I said, absolutely not, I love you with all my heart. Fine! See, people think this thing's easy. It's a fight of faith. But the fight of faith is to maintain the reality of who God says you are. But that's why we have the helmet of salvation. To maintain. That thing in the midst of everything. So that you are not moved. Shall not be moved, you shall not be shaken. So she kept letting me have it dude. And I would go in my bedroom and I'd pray for my wife. And thank God for the woman that he gave me. I never told her, you're wrong! You will see things my way. I'm your husband, you need to submit. Oh is that twisted. That's just, That's the devil in your mouth. Why would your wife submit to someone that does not love her like Christ loved the church? Come on man. You're the issue. Ah, I promise. So I pray for my wife. Not because she hurt me. I never prayed for God, you need to touch her so my life gets better. That's demonic too, your selfish prayers. Fix her so my life gets better. Man if you need people to be fixed, So that your life gets better, You don't know who you are. You have no idea. If you need your kids to be in line for your life to get better, You're deceived. You're going to stand before the Father one day, And realize you were the problem. I'd rather have you realize it now, So that you can be free from you here. Your parents aren't your problem. Your teachers aren't your problem. You are. Oh, if you get free from you there's no teacher that can stop Christ in you. None. You might just get pulled in to the principal's office, And brought in because you've been praying for people. And they might just get healed in there. I've seen so much! If I knew what I know now, If I was in school, It would have been over. I promise you. Know who God says you are! Don't settle for less. My heart burns. With a Godly jealously that we would see who we are. And who God says we are. We'd never need someone to validate. We would know who we are. And we'd stop creating doctrines. That are contrary to truth, We'd stop taking out the word of God and, And positioning a doctrine with one liners. At the cost of the rest of the word that's around it. I'm not mad at anybody. I'm just saying it's just twisted. God is not twisted. He's our Father. He's not your bell boy. He's your Father. My heart burns for us to know. Not be shaken, not be moved. By every wind of doctrine. Because people have itching ears. And they want to heap up for themselves different doctrines, To satisfy their heart that's not content with the only one that will make it content. So we're praying for more people that day, And we get to the car, she's freaking out. I go home, get in my bedroom, to pray, seek God. I positioned my heart to pray for nine to twelve people every day. Regardless. I called Dan, dude I prayed for all these people. What happened? Nothing. What are you going to do? I'm going to keep praying because my bible says if I believe it's gonna. People were always trying to tell me, Well you know the reason why God's not answering your prayers? Because your wife isn't in union with you, And God won't answer your prayers if your wife's not in union with you. How can I expect somebody that doesn't seem to be in union see what I see, That doesn't mean I'm in lack of union with my wife, That just means that I'm seeking my Father, In the secret place, so that I can be like Christ to her. But why would I expect her to see, What kind of tree I am unless she says the kind of fruit that's on it. And why would I try to sell her fruit that's not there? Why wouldn't I just grow it and have her pick it? It's God's good pleasure to give me the kingdom. And it's God's good pleasure that we bear much fruit. And that our fruit remains. It's all like the bible, it's amazing. So I'm like seeking God in the secret place, getting persecuted in the open. Which actually is acceptable. Because you're suppossed to be persecuted. If you're not, you may not be living Godly. That would be a bummer. So praying for two weeks. My wife said I will never, ever go in public with you again. It does sound funny. But when you're in the mix of that with the person that you lived for nine years with, All of a sudden everything got changed. We got married and her mother and everybody around you, Is telling you that they hate you. That you ruined every, burned every bridge possible in your life. And stole from all your relatives. You don't have any christians in your family. At all. Then all of a sudden the drug addict that I was, They rather have me be that guy again instead of the Jesus freak that I am. Nobody's in agreement and everybody's against me. Everybody was against me! Everybody persecuted me! Except my daughter. She didn't know any better. She knew she had a new dad. And the only thing that they could persecute me for, Is that I believed that God wanted to flow through me and use me. Because I'm a son. And a son's just like his Father. But I'm not seeing the fruit that I need to, But the bible says I should. So am I going to go off to the left because I didn't see the fruit. Am I going to allow that to be, it's not my gift? It's not my this, it's not my that? Or am I going to realize that the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwells in me. And the Holy Spirit that was in Jesus is the one that was doing the miracles through Jesus. But my validation isn't because people are getting healed. Thank God it wasn't! I'd have been done. Because nobody was getting healed. Oh that's just like, we're not talking about like one day, one week. We're talking about seventy people in a week. Nobody got healed. What did you do? I just didn't allow my experience at the cost of truth to validate anything. I just went after this. So then another week went by and I prayed for another seventy and nothing happened. What did you do? I prayed for another seventy the next week. Nothing happened. What? That's like 200 people! People come up to me, I lke prayed for three people and it's not my gift. Well, who do you think you are? To allow your experience and the lack of the fruit of, What the bible says you should have to determine who you are. And what you're supposed to walk in. This isn't a been there, done that, got the t-shirt guys. This isn't a thirty day money back guarantee. This is a life of eternity. Oh, I had everybody around me dude, Telling me that it's not my gift. It's not mine, it's not this, it's not that. Dan didn't. Dan was like, way to go! I was gleaning from him. Oh man, in that secret place it's just me and my Father. Back to opening the bible, This guy never opened a book before because I couldn't read. So when I opened the bible, it's like, Oh my gosh. This is so crazy. Never read a book. Thirty four years. Never. Not once. Couldn't read. Had a reading disorder. Couldn't read. The bible started to read me. Like, oh my gosh! Really? God, isn't Ephesians good? I'm blessed? Okay. People are really mad at me. It's all right, you seek me. Yes, Dad! Ah going after, You know this hasn't changed in ten years. It hasn't changed, it's still the same seeking. I'm still in that same place. On my knees, Because that, See, Spiritual pride is somebody that thinks they know it all. It's not poor in spirit. Spiritual pride thinks you know it all when you read your bible, And read it through the same lens you always have. And you believe that you know it all. And you're unteachable. And then when some young whipper-snapper, Comes up and starts sharing, All of a sudden you're like I don't know about this. That's strange doctrine. But if you dare to get alone and get on your knees, The Holy Ghost will get you. See pride comes before the fall, but, But to the humble, grace is for the humble. So, if you want real grace, get on your knees. See, false grace is not needing your knees anymore. Because you know it all. Real grace comes to people that are on their knees, Saying God! My weakness is a magnet for your strength. My lack of understanding, Is a magnet for your understanding. The peace that I want, I have to give up the right to understand to have it. So thanks! Because the peace that you want to give me surpasses knowledge. No amount of book smart I can have can give me this God. Only relationship and intimacy. Will ever, ever give me what I need. So God, here I am. God, you said, to rightly divide the word of truth. Rightly divide the word of truth. You told me to go in to the secret place, And just seek your face. God! And your face I'll seek. My heart and flesh cry out. So all the while, being established in the secret place, Then going out of there in the open getting persecuted by my wife, Getting persecuted by family. All that stuff, everybody's against me. But, God is for me. So inside of me there's this triumphant call of God. God says you know they hated my son and hate you too. Like, that's all right God, I love you. But I've called you to hate them, but that hate is different. That hate is love them less and love me most. So all the while going through that, Going through it, going through it, going through it. Two months in to this thing, Prayed for like over four hundred people. Not one person healed. None! Not one! I saw no maifestation and all the while my daughter's with me. Daddy they think you're crazy. That's okay. I mean we have like people like, Flipping us off, And driving beside us in cars and this guy that used to have road rage, And he used to get out of the car, And punch people and knock them out in their cars. Smash their windows. That was who I was. People would drive up, Flip me off because I'm going the speed limit. My daughter's there and, Daddy. Like I rolled my window down, say hey! Really sorry man, Jesus loves you so much. Totally different dad. Everything. Prayed for another month. Not one person healed. Craziness! Another whole month, how'd you do it? I never allowed what I wasn't seeing, To determine what I need to see. Because I need to see Jesus. He's my model. He represented the Father. He cameto his own and they knew him not. God's called me to be around my own and them not know me. And that's okay. I know Him. So if I know Him, I'll model what He's shown me. And, who He really is. And the people that don't know Him will come to know Him. Because I do. But it doesn't look that way at first. See what happens is that you go up to talk to somebody, At lunch or wherever you're at. Sometimes they cuss you out. They're just groaning. That's how I look at it, someone screams at me. Ah, you're groaning. All creation is groaning. For the sons of God to be made manifest. Here, I don't tell them they're groaning, Don't do that. But in your heart, know that they're groaning. They're groaning for you to manifest your Father. Because if you tell them they're groaning, They might manifest something else. That's how I look at it. Cuss me out. Get it all the time, so what. What you going to do kill me? I don't think so, never going to die. I think different man. You're not taking this away from me, you never gave it to me. I won't laugh in your face, I'll love you. You might hit me and I will turn the other cheek. Why? Because I have to! Because I love you. Well that will be hard. No! My life has been formed in this place. The thing is that the devil comes against you, In all different areas, And what, what he doesn't want to happen is, He never wants Christ to be formed in you. But it's the hard stuff that forms Christ in you. Paul said, I labor as in child birth, Until Christ be formed in you. So it's the hard things that people misunderstanding, That form Christ in you. It's going in the secret place and seeking your Father in the secret place. And he'll reward you with Him in the open. You won't have to go through, Because I went through almost like, Probably between nine hundred and a thousand people. I prayed for before I saw anybody healed. You won't have to. It will happen, it will happen today. I saw somebody get healed and I was so excited one day. So excited. And I went and I called my wife, I said guess what? She hung up on me. I called Dan, he goes, way to go man! I'm like thanks man. I'm celebrating because I call him every day and tell him how nobody did. For three and a half months straight. Then finally one person. So now I'm going home, And I'm keeping a record of all the people that I was seeing healed. I'm, I'm like I would see maybe one or two each week. And it would take me, you know, I'd put a log down and write it down and say, So I keep my eyes on what God was doing. People would come to Jesus, people being healed. I'm like, ah, this is so exciting. And then after, About five and a half months. Of praying, which we would be about eight, probably about eight months, Then, I was spending about forty five minutes a day writing down all the testimonies from every day. I'm saying that to impress you. I'm, I'm showing you what happens in the hard places where growth happens. But I didn't gain who I was through the people that were healed. I already knew and growing in who I am because He's in me. So it's not about you using the results to validate who you are. The results have been settled in here. Christ in Him crucified, that's what satisfies. And that, that right there is who you are as a son, a daughter. Healing is a by product of sonship. But sonship, being a daughter or being a son, That's the priority. The miracles, the prophetic, I love it all. I am not against it, dude, I live in it. I walk in it. I love it. It's part of it. Like I can't get away from it. These signs follow me. I would never want to get away from it. It's exciting. But I've been in love with Jesus. That's my priority, my, My reality of my life is when I look in the mirror and like what I see. I don't have guilt, shame, blame and condemnation. And I don't do stuff to bring it on. Because I've been freed from that. I'm free, the bible says reckon yourself dead to sin. I'm dead to sin! Dead to it. Let sin no longer have dominion in you. There's a difference between being conscious of your sonship, And being conscious of being a sinner. When your sin consciousness gets crushed, Son consciousness enters in. And a son doesn't try to sin and get away with it. A son remains in sonship. And sin is a violation to sonship. So I wouldn't want to step in to that, now that I have this. Am I making sense? I'm almost done. Sorry dude. Since I went overtime you got to promise me to touch people today. How many of you are going to touch people today? What did the rest of you come here for? Why would you come to a conference that you're not going to touch people. I need to learn some more, I need some more tools in my belt. What if your tool belt is to heavy for you? What if you're weighted to the ground, because you don't know the one that, Helps you to, use the tools. What if today, That thing got unlocked and now everything is yours. According to life and Godliness? What if you have dominion? What if Jesus is the answer? What if He's the answer? What if He's with you? What if you don't have to feel Him for Him to be there? That would be amazing. Because I hardly ever feel Him. Yeah, but I feel the annointing. Well, that's awesome. That's so good. What if you're at WalMart, in a line, a customer service line. With twenty people. And you don't feel the annointing. What are you going to do? I'll wait until it comes next time, maybe. But what if somebody in that line, Is going to have a car wreck that afternoon. And die in it. And you found that you live by feelings. It's not about how you feel. It's about God's love for you. Your love for Him. His love through you towards humanity. That he died for, that they don't know that they're groaning, Waiting for you to manifest the reality of your Father. Waiting for you to manifest truth so they can see what truth really looks like. I have so many testimonies just happened in the last day. Love to share but can't, Oh maybe. Tonight may be a little, This is awesome. Airlines, air attendents, Overwhelmed with the gospel. Why? Because I'm on it. Not because I'm someone special, I'm a son. And the special one lives in me. I had two hours of sleep the night before. And I was here yesterday on two hours of sleep, I had three flights, about 4:30 in the morning. To get here and then, Had all day and then came here last night. I got wiped out with this Sydney Jacobson. Oh God So eight months in to this thing, And I'm like, loving Jesus. I'm writing all these things down, Like, Oh my gosh this is crazy, It's taking me forty five minutes every night to write this down. And God, I feel like, Like I'm not, I'm not there. You know, with my family, like, I need to right now. He said Todd you don't need to write these down anymore. I've logged them all in to your heart. So I was keeping track because I wanted to keep my eyes focused on what God was doing. And not what I didn't see. Because see all these times, still praying for an average of about ten people every week. It just, Not to set a numbers thing, I just wanted to make sure that, Like, I go after this thing with everything I am. Now everbody's a target for the love of God. You don't have to feel led. And stuff to know that Jesus paid a price for everyone. Don't be like where do you want to go to eat, just go eat dude. Carry Jesus when you go there. Yeah but where do you want me to go? Just go somewhere. Who do you want me to pray for? Everyone! Yeah but Todd, who is specifically praying for everyone? Let's not complicate it, get it weird. Well I'm, I'm kind of shy. Okay. Now just step out in to who you really are. And then once you get past that faith line, That the devil painted, Then you realize, Wait a minute, Oh my gosh this is, This was easy. It's easy to manifest sonship. It's hard to manifest the devil. And the devil's in fear, he thinks it's trumpet time. Dude, he has no idea. He thinks today the trumpet might blow. He wants to create in you, his image. He wants to make you a fearful christian. He wants you to get hands laid on you, So that you don't be afraid anymore. And then be afraid to approach the one to lay hands on. It's just weird! It's not about hands being laid on you to break fear off of you. It's about you seeing your right standing with your Father. I'm not against impartation. I'm just, against exalting it above relationship. So eight and a half months in, My wife said to us, one evening I come home from work. And she said, To me, she goes I'm going to go shopping with you today. And I'm thinking why? She doesn't go anywhere out of the house dude. She's because, I'm going to go with you because you take too long. Because I mean our shopping trips can take a while. Oh my gosh, we're seeing people get out of wheel chairs, Out of scooters, Carry their crutches out of the stores. Airline employees. People in WalMart, we saw, A WalMart manager, we saw his leg grow out four and a half inches. Like dude! I don't go to find people to pray for, I just shop. I just go. I just go eat, lunch. What do you do? I go to a restaurant. Why? To eat lunch. What happened when you were there? Lots of people got touched. What happened to the waitress? Well, she was really mad at us when we told her about Jesus. She brought out our food, late. It was cold. What did you do when you left? I told her she should have treated us better. Wow, that's not grace is it? Well, she didn't deserve a tip. No, if you want what you deserve, go to hell. What are you thinking? Well they need to work for it. Wow! You've got Christianity mixed up. If you think you need to work for it, you're in big trouble. It's called grace man. He gave you this thing so that you could be like Him. Represent Jesus in this world. So she said, well I'm going shopping. I'm going to this side, you're going to that side. You will not see me in the store, you will get these things, I will get these things. So I'm thinking, all right! And she let me have it the whole way to the grocery store. It's okay. She can let me have it. You know why? Because I love her. I never prayed to God, so that God would change her so that my got better. I said Father, I thank you for this woman that you've given me. She's my girl for life. Thank you Father. I thank you Lord, I'll never let anybody that doesn't see to influence what I do see. Because God I see you. You said you put all things under our feet. You said but we haven't yet seen all things put under our feet. You sent Jesus. So God, I thank you that when I'm not seeing the things that I need to see, I need to see Jesus. Because if Jesus was here it would all be done. But you are here, you live in me through the Holy Spirit. So God, help me to walk like you so that I can destroy hell for a living. And carry heaven everywhere I go. Christ is being formed in me God, And the more the world tries to squeeze against me, The more I'm being transformed by the renewing of my mind. So that I can prove your will. I can prove your will every where I go. So that when I'm squeezed, I prove your will every where I go. Doesn't matter what squeezes me. Christ comes out. People will get soaked. With Jesus, because out of my belly will flow rivers of living water. God thank you, you live in me. And rivers are in me. I'm going to flood places. When I go to a place, People are mean to me, the're going to get Jesus. People are nice to me, they're goingto get Jesus. People misunderstand me, they're going to get Jesus. And it's going to rock people. And the're going to be so freaked out. And pastors that don't agree with me are going to get Jesus. I've seen so many pastors that are cessationists disgaree. But everything I am preaching, get healed anyway. Because they're not my war. And whose going to stand in a place, of the secret place, To war for people that don't understand? Whos' going to be undefendable, And who's going to be the kind of person that will walk around, And carry Jesus everywhere they go? To affect the environment around them and to never allow the environment to affect them? Who's going to be the one that defuses Jesus' presence everywhere they go, And not be tormented by anything else? Why wouldn't we stand in the reality of the gospel, And walk this thing out and burn with a fiery passion? Why wouldn't we want to represent Him? Now that Jesus paid such a high price to redeem us. And the value of something is always determined by the price that was paid. And He paid such a high price to get me back. He didn't pay a price to get me back so that I could be afraid. He paid a price to set me free from fear. Because whom the Son sets free is free. And now He lives in me. Your not the one that sets me free. I already am free. And now the royal love liberty, the royal love is what I live by every day. And when I look in the mirror, the Lord is the spirit I behold, Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, And where He's not there isn't. But He's in here, so there is. And I live that way every day. So now my heart cry, my prayers for my wife, Aren't let her see things my way God. It's not that at all! I'm surprised she wants to go to the store. I told my daughter, I said guess what? Mommy's going to go shopping with us. She goes, no she's not! I said, yeah! I said but we can't see her when we're in here. Okay dad. Because by this time, she has come shopping with me. My daughter, she's the one. And she has seen hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people healed. Every where we go. Why? Because that's the way it is. And it's not just about healing, it's about people coming to the Kingdom. But the Kingdom is all about healing. Jesus was all about healing. Spirit, soul and body. So we're walking, We go to this side, they go to that side. We're in the vegetables section getting a couple things there. And me and Destiny, We see this lady in a scooter. And we're like, There's that lady down there in that scooter. Mom's way over there, let's go. So we walk up to this lady, And we're like hey, What keeps you in that, what keeps you in that scooter? Is it your knees? Because I didn't have a word of knowledge or nothing. She said no, it's my back. I said, ah, can my daughter and I pray for you? This lady's with her grand daughter. About the same age as mine. She goes, oh honey, I pray. I'm okay. So I said, well we're members of the Body of Christ too. Can we pray with you? She's like no, no, no. Listen, I'm okay. Thank you anyway. And I'm like, that's not okay. So I looked at her grand daughter, Do you want to have your grandma play with you again? She goes, yeah! Grandma looks at me and like, With anger. I can't believe you just did that. So here it turns out that this grandma has been in this scooter for twenty seven years. She's had four back surgeries and her back is fused in an "L" position in the seated position. So I've never encountered anything like that before. But if God heals the pinky, He will heal anything. Takes the same amount of God to heal a headache, As it does to cure cancer. So the only difference is on our end, it's not on His end. So it's not like I'm going to need more of God to get her out of that chair. If I pray harder for something, that means I'm just giving notoriety, And strength to what that thing is. Come on, it doesn't take more of God, are you kidding me? Like it took more of God, To raise Lazarus from the dead. Then it did to heal a headache. I mean how much more of God do you think? I mean we're talking about like, Jesus said if I cast out devils, The finger of God will come upon you. Where you going Ben? It's prophetic. People got to go. Sorry, I'm almost done, it's 12:30 oh God. So this lady looks at us, she goes, hurry up! She's not polite, she's not nice at all. She's kind of angry, thinking she doesn't deserve that. Some people think that way. See, it's pretty amazing, you pray for somebody and they start swearing. It's not like God covers His son's ears. Don't listen son. God has to get in there to clean them for that thing to stop. So we pray for this lady, The grand daughter, In the name of Jesus, In the name of Jesus. We're praying for her, my daughter's praying. You've got to get out of that, that scooter. To see what's happening. She goes, honey, I'm in pain. I said well I know but how are we going to know? I would know! I am in pain here. My grand daughter had to drive this scooter to the car, To get me in it, to get me in to the store. My grand daughter drives the scooter across the parking lot to get me out of the car. That simple. Please just try to stand up. Grand daughter's like come on grandma! I'm the instigator. She gets out of the thing. She's like this. Trembling and shaking. Like trembling. I said come on honey let's pray again. So I put her hand on grandma's back again. In the name of Jesus we command this back to be healed. In Jesus name. Like at this point in my life, I don't know what a fusion means. But a fusion means backs are locked in to position. They're fused straight, they're fused together, like, Like, together. There is no bending. I'm sorry, I'm not a complicated dude. But, I'm really not. It's simple. They're stuck together, they need to unstuck. So we pray, her back pops. And this lady in the store, stands up like this. And I went, And I start falling, I'm like freaking out, like oh my God! Destiny's like, look dad. I'm like, oh my God. The grand daughter looks at grandma, She goes grandma run! It's the craziest time. The grandma goes run, I can hardly walk! She goes come on grandma! And they take off down the aisle, like this. She comes back down the aisle and she can hardly breath. She goes, I go, oh my God! She goes, My God! And she's bending like a yoga person. I went, this is amazing. And my wife walks in the aisle. She pushes the cart in the aisle. She's looking at the shelf, she pushes it about ten feet in. And she looks at me and she goes, She's shaking her head. Looking at me. And Destiny saw her, she gets behind me. See, nobody knows what it was like in the house. Nobody does. Because I didn't complain and tell everybody. Imagine that! I didn't call five friends to complain about my wife. Needs prayer. Oh that will preach. Some battles are just to be fought on your knees. I promise you! If we would get this, Everything is yours. And you'd never think that it's you. You'd always know that it's Him. It's Him. So my wife is standing there with her arms folded. Upset. Really mad. And I said honey, that's my amazing wife. Her name's Jackie, could you go tell her what he did. She said, I sure will, what's her name? Her name's Jackie. My daughter's like, are you serious dad? She walks down through the aisle, My wife, it's amazing that she didn't turn around and walk away. She's down there like this. This lady comes down there. Her grand daughter stays with us, She goes, why's she upset? Because she could tell, the girl. I said that's okay honey. Everything's about to change. Jesus. She's taliking to my wife, she's looking at me, she's talking to her. All of a sudden my wife, she's like, She lost it, in front of this lady. I went over, my God mom's crying. Because, she goes, she's really mad. Because she would cry, but it wasn't tears of joy. It was anger and frustration because I can't shut up. Because, because I can't shut up. I tell her testimonies every day. I don't want to hear it! Please don't tell me. I go, I don't have anybody else to tell! And none of my family wanted to hear that stuff dude, They couldn't stand me. Doesn't matter. They'd persecute me everytime I cam over to the house man. All day long. Boom! All day long. Go back in my bedroom and thank Jesus. I go to family reunions, my favorite place. What are you going to do, take my Jesus from me? I don't think so. Somebody needs to stand and realize who they are in Christ. Somebody stops, somebody needs to stop calling everybody, Getting on a prayer chain for your family. Because you can't stand in the midst of them, Because you don't understand who you are. I'm not against prayers chains. Please don't get me wrong. I pray all the time, I'm in constant communication with prayer. But some battles are meant to be fought on your knees man. Because we've, we've been engaged in spiritual warfare in such a way, Need to be careful that you're not shadow boxing with the enemy. And you need to fight from the finished work and not towards it. There's a lot in there. And I can't open that one. So my wife is crying with this lady. She walks down, She says your wife is amazing. I went, thank you. Destiny's like, We go out, the grand daughter drives the scooter out. We pay, I pay for that ladie's groceries. I'm crying. My daughter is laughing. My wife is crying in our line. Looks like we have a bad child. We leave the building, I go put the groceries in the car, We drive home, I don't say a word. I go, I put the groceries away. I go right back to my bedroom and I thank Jesus for the endurance. The reality of what it means to endure. The reality of what it means to see my wife. How He sees her. To never tell her that she was wrong. But to allow my tree to bear witness to the kind of tree I am. But the fruit that hangs on it, never try to sell it to her. I would just tell her about testimonies. She didn't want to hear it. But I didn't have anybody else to tell. She's my best friend even though she hates me. She doesn't hate me, she hates this. There's something about my life, except for this. So I go back out of the bedroom, come in, After about an hour and a half of blubbering. Tears, deep crying out, deep, a wreck. And just, I was a mess. Eyes were swollen, I come out, my wife's eyes are swollen. I go, hey. I go you okay? She goes no! I said what happened. She says God spoke to me. What did He say? You see, because all my prayers, Have been that God would show her who she is as a daughter. And it's imperative that everybody hears God speak to them. Because you can hear God speak. Individually, everyone in here. Hands laid on you, It isn't to replace God's voice speaking to you. Telling you who you are. You can represent the Father, But it's not just through hands laid on you. Representing the Father is knowing Him. And diffusing the fragrance of Him everywhere you go. But you can't diffuse the fragrance on somebody that you don't know, And we're suppossed to diffuse the fragrance of knowing Him, the knowledge of Him. Everywhere I go. I'm to be an air freshener that diffuses the place with the knowledge of my Father. And everywhere it stinks, I show up. And when people squeeze me, Jesus comes out. Someone's going to make a product. Fragrance of Christ. Hang it up in all the angry places. Don't do that and forget that you're suppossed to be there. All right. So I said to my wife, I said you okay? She said, no, God spoke to me. I said what did He say? She said, That He told me that, It's always been Him, You just believe Him. Why shouldn't I? I know, I know, my God! I want to hear Him do you? She said who am I to stand in the way of God? So all the persecution, all that stuff. We embraced. And everything shed off that day. All of it! The persecution from her family shut off. One by one. Two more of them just got saved on Christmas Eve. You guys can do this. Because you become this. I want everybody to stand to their feet please. Gee, sorry John Hammer. He's like dude listen. We need to get people out of here by twelve today. I need you to promise me something. I need you to be back here by two. I need you to be here by two. You, because Ben's coming. And, Ben is amazing. Amazing. I'm going to pray for you right now. And I'm going to ask Jesus, Just, this message, That everyonebe sure today, To impart this thing right now. That it would hit your heart. And that you would go today, And test the equipment. Right now. So everyone today, no matter where you are, You're going to talk to people about Jesus. You're going to represent the Father. You're going to pray for people. You're going to radically bless your waitresses. Do not rip them off. If you go to a mall, There are janitors there. Walk up to them and slip them a ten and tell them how much Jesus loves them. No one sees the janitors man. Go up there and tell them, I do it all the time and they cry, It's amazing. God bless you, He sees what you're doing. Why, thank you! Who are you? I'm a christian. Oh my God! I am too. Awesome! You bless them. No, no, no I can't take it. Walk away before they try to give it back. Bless your waitresses, bless your waiters. Don't rip them off! Even if they don't take tips. Do it anyway. Wreck them. So Father I thank you in the name of Jesus God for everyone in here. God I ask you for great grace to come upon their life for you to radically overwhelm them. With your goodness, with your mercy. Jesus touch them! Father, thank you that you would overwhelm people with your mercy today God. I thank you that you would impregnate everyone here, With the message that I shared today. In the name of Jesus God, That they would go out there and touch the world around them. That they would re-present the Father. Jesus thank you! God I ask you, To impart to people here, The reality of what the Kingdom looks like. Father thank you that they wouldn't ever get who they are, Through people they touch. They would get who they are from you! Father I thank you that we're entering in to this era, Of on your knees christianity. Back to the original plans, sons and daughters. Father I thank you that today creation is groaning for everyone in here, To manifest their Father. Jesus I ask you to touch them. Touch them God! Touch them God! Flow through people today! Shake them! In Jesus name. Words of knowledge, The prophetic, All of it active in their life God! Let them walk perfusely, In the name of Jesus God, Speak to them! In Jesus name. Amen. Hey guys. Thanks for watching the video. We came up with a website, It's called Lifestyle Christianity. We have our newsletter that's going to go out. You can sign up on the e-mail list. Also have testimonies on there, Event schedules, all that stuff. It will be amazing! We want to empower a generation, To walk chrsitianity as a lifestyle. So we can all walk with the power of God on a constant basis. It's going to be awesome! So come on over. Bless you. Thanks for watching.
Channel: Todd White
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Length: 103min 4sec (6184 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2015
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