Todd White - Sharing Jesus When Someone Wants to Debate

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he's so argumentative that he there's no listening in him every sentence trained to argue speak english yes how are you jesus loves you jesus loves me yeah muhammad loves the whole world does he really yeah can you give me one verse in the bible yeah that mentions literally yeah that jesus himself says he's the son of god one verse we know yes he mentioned himself he literally he sells he says he sells says that he's the son of god yeah in john chapter four you know you're not going to find it he was talking to the woman in samaritan it's not mentioned in the bible the woman at the samaritan he said i am the messiah got it for me for me now okay find it for me if you can find it the hour is coming neither in this mountain or in jerusalem you'll worship the father you worship what you don't know we worship what we know for salvation is from the jews for the hour is coming and now is the true worshipers will worship the father in this in spirit and truth for such people the father seeks to be his worshippers god is spirit and those who worship must worship in the spirit and the woman said i know that the messiah is coming he who is called the christ this which means the son of god it's not mentioned the son he's the messiah the messiah he says i who speak to you where jesus says i am that i am he said i am he i am talking to you am he yeah no no he did not say that that's what it says right here and i i don't know i was just asked to find the one place and i found it showed him he says i who speak to you am he where jesus says i am that i am third question do you believe that jesus is god do i believe that jesus jesus is god i believe that god is the father i believe that jesus is the son when i would have a confrontation with a muslim i wish that the fear of god the reverence of god the reverential of the father to come and hit the place to where everybody started weeping and not knowing why and then they realized that it was god provoking their heart to say yes [Music] because i just i've i've been in so many situations like that and in the beginning i would try to like debate well no it says this well really it says this no you never get anywhere you can't get anywhere but like what i don't like to do is someone start debating and walk away from them no argument man just a question no problem when when jesus was born who was his dad who was his dad yeah okay i'm going to ask you a second question yeah no who was his father he was talking i couldn't understand anything he was saying it's like i was trying to argue a point that didn't make any sense to me at all i'm just so convinced with jesus that and i'm not about to debate him because no matter what argument i could come up with i mean all he did was ask me a question show me one place let me let me tell you what happened to me i was a drug addict for 22 years and i hated all religions i hated jesus i hated i hated muslims i hated christian i hated them all all equally i was a drug addict for 22 years and one night i went out and i ripped off a drug dealer from new york city so i pulled out a nine millimeter and from three meters away he unloaded a gun a full a full clip a full nine millimeter in in the quran hold on as mentioned i got shot at from 10 feet away from 10 feet away all the bullets came out and i heard a voice say i took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yet listen let me i'm telling you my experience you're not listening there because it's sticking too long but you but i know but but you you want to debate me and you want to argue with me and prove your point i don't i love you man i just had to encounter with him face to face and it changed everything in my life 12 years ago so if you encountered something 12 years ago in your life and your whole life changed from that second of that day there'd be nobody no way anybody could talk about anything else to convince you otherwise he made me a man he made me a husband made me a father he made me love people man he made me know that if somebody came into this place and was going to open fire at you i would jump in front of you i would take a bullet for you ask you something you're going to smell nice so you believe that [Music] and all i can do is share my heart and [Music] pray that god makes it real he can leave tonight get in a car accident be done and be dead and what hurts my heart is that [Music] for him to for him to die he goes to hell and i just want to i want to be the best witness that i can can i give you a hug no problem i appreciate you but it's very important i love you jesus loves you bless you jesus i just ask you to touch that man i touch him god i thank you for the opportunity of being able to talk to him today [Music] i'm asking you to make yourself real to him god show up like you did in my life show up in a dream god shake him when he's sleeping because he's too smart when he's awake god thank you that you reveal yourself to him jesus name he'd make a great preacher jesus name father let the love of god stick to his heart change his heart transform his life in jesus name god we love you and we give you glory jesus name amen my heart hurts for them because i want them to spend eternity with me but if i'm not willing to talk about my faith and suffer for doing good no one else might tell them no one was willing to suffer around me for 34 years so i suffered the wrong way and i almost suffered eternally i suffered the wrong way but i almost suffered eternally i almost suffered forever because no one shared their faith with me no one shared the gospel no one shared jesus with me no one talked to me about god it took me getting shot at [Music] when jesus told saul why do you persecute me saul was persecuting the church he was persecuting disciples he was going after this thing he was going to end it but jesus said you're persecuting me because christ in them is the hope of glory so what he's trying to do is extinguish a flame that can never go out because even when you give up this tent you go to be with the lord so to live is christ and to die is gain but what we want to do is burn brightly here with that flame of god's love compelling us everywhere we go to witness for jesus every one of you has the ability to be a witness second timothy chapter 3 verse 12 says for all of them who desire to live godly will suffer persecution so if you're not suffering you have to wonder how you're living if to live is christ and that brings suffering then maybe we might be living the world and incorporating christ that doesn't mean you're a bad person that just means this thing right here needs renewed and i want to put a holy ghost defibrillator on your chest so that we can go i'm alive and to live as christ if i could just inspire you to tell one person about jesus this week just one you don't have to preach a four-point sermon just love jesus fall in love with jesus man
Channel: Todd White
Views: 510,749
Rating: 4.8845668 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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