Todd White - Set on Fire with His Presence

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dr michael brown was here this morning how many of you were here i got so wiped out i went back to my room and i said lord i need to suffer more i can't tell you how important that is for me i need to suffer because the world doesn't understand me neither does the religion well you better play thanks man this is our new shirt i need to suffer for that because my heart's on fire for the lord i got to be with him this morning for two hours i make sure no matter what i don't care how late i go to bed i'm getting up to be with him and it's amazing to me that i always say i leave my wedding bed to go to the bridal chambers because i slept with him all night and then when i went to my my closet i literally it's literally the bridal chambers where i go to be with him i need him to ignite my heart so that it would burn with such a contagious fire you know we talked earlier about sewing and tithing is such a hard thing for people and it was for me when i got saved i always thought before that i thought people were just after your money and that's why they were on tv asking for it anybody ever think that before of course you're not going to admit that but i always thought like that was the deal that's why i hated one of the reasons why i hated christianity then i realized that like giving is part of god like god's a giver he's generous people are like well god's not blessing me and the reason why he's not is because you're not being being a blessing that doesn't mean you're tired it means your life because none of your life belongs to you it all belongs to him fire falls on sacrifice if you give him something worth burning [Applause] how many students do i have here thanks bro how many students how many students stand up that's awesome okay listen stay standing i just want you to how many of students that are here has led somebody to jesus in the last three months how many how many students have seen a miracle in the last three months how many of you actively engage with people on a consistent basis with the gospel sharing something about jesus [Applause] how many of you in the last two weeks have seen somebody come to jesus how many of you in the last week saw somebody come to jesus [Applause] how many how many of you have seen this happen at your workplace how many of you have seen this happen at a grocery store how many of you have actually paid for somebody else's groceries how many how many of you have actually bought somebody coffee how many of you have done this outside the four walls of the church [Applause] amen you sit down please this is what you guys are sowing into i don't know if you know the value the value of that of somebody coming to the lord in public i don't know if you understand the value of not just sowing into something so programs can happen i'm not against programs because they help people i will i need to have this building be a conduit for god's glory i need to have this building this church be a conduit that makes outreach normal i need to have this place that the lord has allowed us to be i was just thanking god that we're allowed to be here that he allowed us to be here that he has allowed us to have a school he allowed us to have a church he's allowing us like it's amazing because all things are from him and through him and for him and all things were made from him by him and they're through him and to him everything there's nothing that is made that that doesn't belong to him his presence is heaven to me life without his presence is the same as life without breath it's death his presence david you read the psalms and you read through all these songs that david wrote and just these songs that other other people wrote david wrote the majority and they're all centered around his presence david was a man that was after god's heart and because he was after god's heart god's presence was after him if you become a person that is completely after god's heart god's presence comes after you if you seek the lord with all of your heart you'll find him if you're diligent to seek the lord he'll reveal himself to you if you seek him in the secret place when you go into the secret place that means no one's looking means no one's eyes are on you no one's seeing you're not getting credit because you're going in to pray it's not like i told my roommates i'm going in to pray guys and going in there you receive nothing you slip away when no one's looking you get inside of there and no matter what you're going after god and he who sees you in secret will reward you in the open if you're seeking him in the secret what's he going to reward you with in the open if you seek him with your whole heart you will find him he will not allow you to find him if you are seeking him half-heartedly god finds you but when you seek him and when the find becomes the found you are precious in his sight it doesn't matter where you've been it doesn't matter what you've done it doesn't matter how hard you slipped away how far you've drifted how how much of a backslider you are doesn't matter god's love never changes you can't change what you didn't earn if you just would see him just shift just just turn to true north and and see him and behold him your reward is him he is your inheritance god so loved the world why because god loved with his heart god is all heart man well that's not that's not true because god's spirit i'm telling you there is compassion there is the compassion of the lord that is supposed to drive all of us the love of christ compels drives is our ambition the love of christ is our number one ambition it drives us it compels us it it it pounds inside with such ferociousness that it wants to devour everything that stands in front of god's love it wants to completely obliterate it and and completely burn it up it wants to set fire set ablaze to anything that stands in the way of god's love he wants to burn it up as though it has no name he's relentless in his pursuit and i'm just meeting that i'm just so excited that i get to be a part of this this morning on my god thank you so much that you let me live for like what do you mean let you live no he couldn't let me get shot he could have let me die you never forget where you came from and never think that you've arrived the christian life is completely different you have to fall to rise you have to die to live you have to give to gain it's it's not even normal it's the completely most messed up normal [Music] god requires us to walk on water on water and the only way we can is if we're looking at jesus the storms come god wants to light us on fire his presence once you taste and see that the lord is good i was reading today all over i was reading an exodus i read all through gosh exodus and then through exodus 33 where where god encountered moses moses encountered god again second time because he goes up on the mountain and he receives from the lord all these different beautiful things including the ten commandments all these the order of this and and all of this he comes down and the children of israel have taken all it's amazing they took the metal the gold that god allowed them to take from egypt do you know they left with with pharaoh's kingdom's gold right they left with all the gold like give them all the gold and they left they made earrings all that stuff and then they gave it back and they made this this calf this this image of god and it wasn't good moses had received the law and moses got so mad first he's like god calm down no no he's like go back down your your people your people obstinate and twisted have created an image go down and i just want to kill them all start over god merciful not right then [Music] but he is merciful moses met with god face to face and he had this relationship with god that no one else had and he stays the hand of the lord i i i wanted i want to be that for my country [Applause] oh he says lord you brought them out of egypt what are they going to say you brought them out to kill them that's not a good idea don't wipe them out lord you know what if you wipe them out and blot them out of your book then wipe me out too that's what moses said moses cared that much about a grumbling complaining people that could care less about anything that moses said that he literally stood in the gap for a crazy twisted generation perverse lips corrupt and didn't care about anything but themselves moses still stood in the gap and said lord don't kill him and you know what if you kill him then kill me too come on listen we cut people off because they say something bad about us we're talking about three million people that all complain and gossip and murmur moses is like you know what if you kill them kill me too where is that in the church i'll tell you where it's at it's with one that is pursuing god with their whole heart to where god is pursuing them with his whole presence are you guys with me i just found this out today i mean it's been there all along but when i read it i went oh my gosh lord let me stand in the gap that's a lot of responsibility no it's really not if you're dead it's only responsibility if you're still alive and are getting hurt by people [Applause] god help me i should read it but i don't have time the whole bible oh i love him so much i just want to please him i really do in everything i say and everything i do i want everything that i say and everything that i do to be done and said out of the reality that i'm going to stand before him and when i do he looks at me and says well done my whole life is training is training this is a huge training day i'm an athlete i am competing according to the rules i'm a hard-working farmer i'm a soldier in the army pleasing the one that enlisted me i'm not breaking rank i'm not out of control i'm not trying to do my thing i want to go after him with everything that i am but every step i want to have him and mine and i don't want to violate presence i don't want to i love that he likes to live in me i love that he likes to flow through me i love that he loves to speak to me as a father speaks to his son i love that he sees me when i cry out and say god i need to hear your voice i love that he longs for me to say that i don't say and go i knew you wanted me to say that i'm like lord today i'm going to god i'm i'm desperate for you oh god if you don't show up i don't want to be here anymore god if you don't show up but i speak i don't want to speak anymore if you don't put the weight of heaven on the words that i speak if you don't cut the hearts of people through the truth that's in your word if you don't allow people to to burn with hunger and righteous indignation i don't want to represent you anymore if i can't cause conviction in the heart that there's someone in front of me that doesn't know you and if they died today they're going to be separated forever not just in the school but in the congregation in the kids in the youth if i can't build that conviction i don't want to preach anymore i don't want to do this anymore i'm not here just to have a a great big building with a bunch of people that come to hear a great message you walk away tickled i don't want to tickle anybody i want you to be filleted for purpose i want you to burn for purpose i want your hearts to be ignited with the fire of god's love knowing that there's someone around you that doesn't know him and they're never gonna unless someone says hey i don't want this to be just people that are trying to get in ministry i want this to be for the body of christ that wakes up and realizes that when she got born again she became ministry fear should never have dominion in us fear is present where fire is absent [Music] fear is present where love is absent god is a consuming fire but his consuming fire wants to annihilate and burn up everything that separates you from him he wants to separate the reality listen prayer is one of the most amazing privileges that we'll ever have you can communicate with the one that split the sea you can talk you get to talk with the one that was a pillar of fire you get to communicate with the one that created everything every day you get to come with boldness in prayer to the one that never looks away from you you get to have a relationship not just talking about a relationship not just confessing jesus one time and then walking away not just coming to church and and saying that you have a relationship but actually becoming the church to where you become the mobile temple of the lord that his presence dwells in and that there's always fire on the altar are you hearing me okay his grace is amazing but it's to empower you to live the christian life when dr brown talked about suffering today i thought i just i just went through my soul of all the things that i've suffered for i never suffered with bloodshed i never suffered with guns at my head i mean i've faced them but they haven't been i've just it doesn't matter see whether it's a gun or words or whatever i am done living for me and when you're not living for you anymore you will suffer because when you're done living for you selfishness wants you back i'm just going to read here i'm going to get in trouble lord stop me facebook and instagram and all the different social media things youtube all of it can be used for kingdom purposes but it can be used as a tool to gain praise and honor and likes well it can isolate you from the world and make you feel [Music] important a man was interviewed and asked why they came up with the logo that they did and the man said well what better logo than the forbidden fruit it both isolated them but made them feel important at the same time i won't tell you where that came from you probably can figure it out what oh yeah [Applause] came off of there sorry i'm just saying exodus 33. then the lord spoke to moses to part go up from here you and the people that you have brought from the land of egypt to the land which i swore to abraham isaac and jacob saying to your descendants i will give it and i will send an angel before you and i will drive out the canaanite the amorite the hittite the perizzite the parasite hittite the jebusite go up to the land flowing with milk and honey for i will not go up in the midst of you because you are an obstinate people and i might destroy you on the way see god's a holy god i mean he how much how how awesome would it be to be brought out the way that they were brought out i just and i i i i'm saying this from one that knows the lord but it had to be awesome to see the sea standing there to all the things that the lord did to see water come from a rock that's three million people drinking from a rock man that's three million people drinking from a rock that's waking up every day and having mana outside your tent like food right there like every day like and then you get meat and every quail drops out of the sky i mean it had to be god's amazing but if you don't know him nothing satisfies you if you don't know him there is nothing in life that will satisfy you i don't care what god gives you it will not satisfy you if you don't know him i don't care how much you get i don't care how big your church is how big your congregation is how many elders you have how many zillions of dollars you have how many kids you have how big your house none of it satisfies you if you don't know him nothing you will always find something to complain about and the gauge of whether you know him or not is the level of complaint that's in your life when his presence comes the reality of that hits your heart and gauges the things that come out of your mouth and if something comes out of your mouth that's not there great conviction comes because with fire comes conviction when you encounter jesus everything changes not just a one-time encounter and confession at the altar but the transformation of a mind that sees things like god sees and his presence is the only the only thing necessary to interpret that because the holy spirit is his presence when the holy spirit comes and he makes this word like fire all of a sudden he burns away what doesn't belong and transforms the way that you think so that you don't be conformed to this world anymore so that you are not conformed to this world where you're in it but not of it you're a pilgrim passing through this is not your place you're a sojourner you're hanging out you're just a visitor yeah but i got a home and i have a residence i get it but this is only a very short period of time compared to eternity and there's a lot of other people that you visit that don't know that they're just visiting they think they're staying and i got news for you they're going somewhere go up go up to the land flowing with milk and honey for i will not go up in your midst because you're an obstinate people i might destroy you on the way when the people heard this sad word do you understand that this was bad news this was evil news evil news god's not going with you that's not okay but i'm gonna send an angel i mean they represent me yeah but it's not the same it's a sad word they went into mourning and none of them put on his ornaments for the lord had said to moses say to the sons of israel you're an obstinate people should i go up in the midst of you for one moment i will destroy you now therefore put off your ornaments from you that i may know what i shall do with you so the sons of israel strip themselves their ornaments from mount horeb onward i'm going to just go real quick to verse 12. then moses said to the lord see you say to me bring up this people he didn't just say that there's an exclamation point he's talking to the lord listen how many of you have screamed at the lord before moses who talks to the lord face to face who has a relationship with god see most people that scream at the lord don't have a relationship with him the reason why we scream at him is because we blame him for things that he never did if you're screaming at him it's because you really don't know him people that raise their hands are like darn it look we blame god for so many things that he never does we blame god for what the devil does on a consistent basis the thief comes to steal kill and destroy jesus came to give us life so if it's death loss and destruction or anything having to do with that at all the lord isn't over it he didn't master it and he didn't ordain it the thief the god of this world the prince of power of the air comes and steals kills and destroys sneaks in slithers in like a snake in the grass bites somebody gets away and the lord takes the wrap then we shout at the lord and say why instead of whoa hmm so moses shouts see you say to me bring up the people but you yourself have not let me know who you're going to send with me moreover you have said that i know you by name and you have found favor in my sight so lo so moses uses his favor now therefore i pray you if i have found favor in your sight let me know your ways that i may know you then i might find favor in your sight so he used the reality of him having favor in his sight to get more favor in his sight all right listen to this it's so weird but amazing you said i know you by name and i and you have found favor in my sight now therefore i pray if i have favor in your sight let me know your ways that i may know you so that i might find favor in your sight did you hear that if i really did find favor on your site let me know your ways so i can find paper in your site and let me know your ways that i may know you so that i might phone paper on your site oh that's so good consider to it this nation is your people and he said my presence shall go with you and i will give you rest he said to him if your present does not if your presence does not go with us do not lead us up from here for how then can it be known that i have found favor in your sight i and your people is it not by your going with us so that we i and your people may be distinguished from all other people who are on the face of the earth i will also do this thing in which you have spoken for you have found favor in my sight and i have known you by name then moses said a little more show me your glory and he said i myself will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim the name of the lord before you and i will be gracious to whom i will be gracious and i will show compassion on whom i will show compassion but you cannot see my face for no man can see me and live the lord said behold there's a place by me you shall stand there on the rock and it will come about when my glory passes by i will put you in the cleft of the rock cover you with my hand until i've passed by then i will take my hand away from you and you shall see my butt you will see my backside and my face shall not be seen he literally saw god's back the lord says cut the two tablets like the former ones he proclaims this i i want to go into this and i want to i want to i want to dive into this there is no other religion on the planet not one there is no other religion on the planet where the god who split the sea comes to make his home inside of you there is no other religion on the planet where the god that created the universe comes to live inside of his creation the same god that spoke let there be light has chosen you to become the house that houses the one that said let there be so that you can say let there be oh my gosh i am fascinated with this i'm overwhelmed i mean i get it we all know it i'm just learning it i am fascinated that he allows me to be his house he allows me to be his temple this is crazy god dwelt with his people he went with his people his presence went with his people do you understand how nutso this is when solomon built the temple and they dedicated it you know what happened god's presence came and no one could stand his glory went and nobody could stand azusa street in 1904 back when this man tucked himself inside of a crate praying to a god that other people didn't know for six to eight hours a day with a crate on his head in a little how in a little stable barn the glory of god would come and rest inside of that place and it was so thick that children would play hide-and-go-seek in it 1904 that's like a hundred years ago man what is available for those that love him god has reserved something very special there has to be a remnant of people that will say if you don't go i'm not going if you don't go to work with me i'm not going to work if you don't go to the grocery store then i'm not going to the grocery store if you're not going to pump gas with me then i'm never driving my car again if you're not going to go with me to the drug store then i'm not going to get drugs if you're not going to go with me to church not you're going to be at church if you're not going to go with me to church what if we had a congregation of people that were people of the presence of people that were people of the burning heart of people that got together that burned outside of here came together and burned what would the flame look like inside of this place what would the flame look like upon this place what would it look like there are some churches that have thousands and thousands of members what would it look like if the fire of god rested on each one of them people like well i don't really like the word fire tough it's the only thing that you can actually use to describe him because fire burns up everything in its path it leaves nothing nothing it burns up everything listen when elijah meant with the prophets of baal he said the god who answers by fire that's the one that was really begotten so these prophets of baal dance chanted did whatever they could cut up bulls sacrifices trying to call on a god that don't have ears tried to call it a god that couldn't hear couldn't see the god of baal can't see can't hear he's not real and people sacrifice still today sacrifice the church sacrifices her time to the god of baal the church the church doesn't mind investing money on all kinds of things but when it comes to tithing we don't want to why because we're investing in baal i'm not being mean i'm being real we pay for so many different things to tickle us to help us get through life instead of going after the one that gave us life gosh people were like i don't really like this they leave i love you but i'm not trying to keep you here i don't want normal [Applause] i don't want normal we're supposed to be a peculiar people ones that are set apart we're supposed to be torch bearers we're supposed to be messengers of fire we are supposed to blaze with heaven we are so interested in everything else but who is interested in us god has given us all the same privilege some people are more holy given i've talked about purity because it's really important purity is important because god is pure and anybody that says that they have this hope in him ought to purify himself just as he is pure but purity doesn't happen unless there's fire are you with me abraham met god abraham didn't know god but he met god he looked and saw a bush that was on fire and he said that's peculiar the bush isn't burning that's what god does he lets himself rest upon you as a bush but the bush remains but it's supposed to be consistently on fire and the first thing that he said to abraham is take off your sandals abraham for the ground that you're standing on is holy ground what do you mean holy ground we're out in the middle of the desert are you with me oh god moses abraham sorry my bad gosh i read about so many people today i did i'm like oh my god it's everywhere i'm not kidding like god opened my eyes and he went look abraham joseph moses david solomon it's everywhere oh my god it's crazy elijah tells them to build an altar they build the altar they dance they dance they dance nothing happens elijah teases them about their god that's using the bathroom we're talking about 400 prophets in one man 400 demonic prophets you put a christian around one witch and they fear and tremble oh gosh oh god he teases them he's not afraid of the spell he's not afraid of being cursed it's really hard to curse what god has blessed he's not afraid he's not afraid oh my you know how gently god just corrected me he said son it wasn't abraham it was moses he did as i'm passionately wanting to he's a father he fathers me he didn't go you really messed that up todd he gently said to me as a father todd it was moses and inside i'm like better correct that quick because the hyper critics who are building an altar to baal i stand in the gap god please don't hold this against them don't hold this against them lord please stay your hand i can't tell you how important this is because i want to burn with this fire but i don't want to have so much zeal that i walk in unforgiveness and pride gosh all these prophets and elijah says okay my turn he builds this altar he cuts up a bowl puts it on top of there he digs trench around it then he has him soak the altar with the only thing that can really put out fire water soaks it and then he calls on god and god answers by fire and the fire just didn't burn the sacrifice the fire burned the rocks the fire burned everything in its path and all those slaughters all those all those prophets were slaughtered all of them and none of them none of them remained so the god that sent the presence the god that always answers by fire our god is a consuming fire he doesn't want us to be afraid of him he wants us to be so in love with him that we're afraid of living different why because our fear is so great that we look like the world that they won't want anything that we have we're so in love with jesus that the fear the fear of god comes in that if i live the other way i live like the world and it sends them to hell and if i live like the world that sends them to hell then i'm actually a bridge between them and eternal condemnation instead of a cross between them and god i was reading in the book of acts i read so much today when jesus told the disciples after he is crucified resurrected spending 40 days with these guys teaching them things of kingdom of god and then in acts 1 where jesus tells them to go and wait i'm fascinated fascinated you've got peter that denied jesus you've got these disciples that wanted to be first he's got these disciples that had this total me myself and i thing upon them you've got orphans these disciples who were orphans and jesus knew that as an orphan that didn't know their father all these decisions would be based out of that and he knew that the only way that they were actually going to make the right decision is when the holy spirit came all these stories in the old testament all these leading up to this one and i looked and i'm reading in the book of acts that when they were gathered together and when they were praying together when they were all together of one mind they were all going after the same thing and they're all in this prayer room in the upper room and they're just completely invading heaven jesus was crucified resurrected told them it's not for you to know when but you go and wait so now they're waiting for what they didn't know all they knew is that he said to wait he's the master he raised from the dead just like he said he would and they watched him go up into heaven and the angels said why are you looking up he who went up is going to come back down you go and wait so they're in this room and they're all waiting and then a mighty rushing wind came if we continue church without holy spirit it's not church at all if fear is in your life it's because the holy spirit is absent if complaining is in your life it's because the holy spirit is absent now he'll never leave you nor forsake you when you say yes to jesus he comes and dwells in you and most people him being in you and him being upon you are two totally different things i heard bill johnson say he's in me for my sake but he's upon me for yours so much of the church is petrified of this but you have to understand this on the day of pentecost john the baptist said in matthew 3 i think it's in verse 11. he said i baptize you with water but the one coming after me he who sandals i'm not even fit to carry he will baptize you with the holy spirit and fire now watch there has to be something there he who comes after me he will baptize you with the holy spirit and with fire people are like no i got that when i got saved no you didn't when you got saved jesus came to dwell inside of you and he is a well inside of you a spring welling up but there's a difference between him coming upon you and him living in you living in you you bear witness that jesus is lord coming upon you you are a witness when he lives in you you bear witness with your mouth that jesus is lord you get saved what does that mean you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart you believe in your heart confess with your mouth you shall be saved yes there is a second baptism not with water but that baptism that baptism right there isn't just a one-time thing that baptism is continuous i look through the book of acts i'm looking and looking again and looking again and looking again on this day of pentecost something happened to where god that was a pillar of fire came to rest as a pillar of fire on each person in that room there's a difference in john 20 jesus is speaking to the disciples and he says peace don't be afraid he walks through the wall when all of them are in there they're petrified because of what they saw on the tree jesus comes in peace be don't be afraid as the father sent me so i send you he breathes on them and says receive the holy spirit so the holy spirit comes in them right there and they become born again it was god breathing back into creation are you with me they received the holy spirit then jesus says now go and wait why did they have to wait if they already had him because there's more this is so huge you have to understand that the god that split the sea has come to dwell inside of them but the god that split the sea wants to come and dwell upon them for the works of heaven he wants to empower you with dunamis power and he wants you to become dynamite explosive power of heaven if your christian life is boring it's because dunamis is not there [Music] i'm not kidding if you are bored with your christian life it's because the dunamis power of heaven and the holy spirit baptism of fire is not on your life the gifts are not flowing on your life it's because you need to be baptized in the holy ghost and fire that's why i promise it's like taking gasoline and pouring on people and lighting a match who wants to care about people looking at you if you're burning on fire if you're in the grocery store and you were burning on fire and people were like i don't know that guy's a little weird you're not thinking they just said i'm weird you're thinking ah why because you're actually burning there's a difference if you care more about what people think about you than you do about what god says about you there needs to be a little fuel poured on your head i don't know what you came for but i know what you will leave with wouldn't you like to not care about what people thought about you wouldn't you love to just care about what god thinks about you do you know how much better your life would be if you just were concerned about what the father thought about you wouldn't it be better to go around and please your father and everything you did and everything you said wouldn't it be better to hear god's voice every day everywhere you go wouldn't it be amazing to sit there and have god speak to you about the person in front of you it makes it a lot easier to witness when you have god's voice speaking to you it really is easier to have your heart prompted you're not supposed to witness alone god doesn't want you to be out there afraid listen he paid a price for you to be fearless these disciples the same one that denied jesus peter that denied jesus he had to be living with guilt and condemnation and all that stuff he had to be people like well no jesus said do you love me do you love me do you love me like i get it and that's amazing and that's restoration i get it but i'm telling you restoration is complete when god comes despite what you've done and where you've been and what you've said despite where your heart is he comes and goes yep and his presence rests upon you in such a way oh god how will we see this community around us come to the lord that we would be carriers of the flame of god everywhere we go that we will be carriers of the fear of the lord everywhere we go there is a baptism of fire that is available people are like well i already was i promise you i was looking and acts today these disciples were baptized with fire they were completely possessed by god they go to prison they go to jail for being possessed by god the guy at the gate of beautiful gets up he gets healed he's jumping leaping praising god these guys peter and john go to prison for this then they get put in front of the sanhedrin the sanhedrin are the ones that hung jesus on the cross are the ones that like peter was like no way i'll deny him no way i'm going to deny him and he he did deny him but right now he's like no way will i ever do that again so he's faced with the very same thing that he was faced with before and they said you by no means will speak in this man's name again and peter's like i already went there already did that no not happening we can't help but to speak about what we've seen and heard you judge in your eyes whether it's better to listen to god or listen to man that needs to be your response consistently [Music] guys we're not facing heavy persecution like when dr brown talked about this this morning i thought about all these people and these scarred up burnt people with scars and and just for the gospel and i thought to myself my god we need a lot more suffering suffering for doing good is commendable before god to live as christ and to die is gain you can't actually say that unless you're baptized in his presence these disciples were persecuted and brought in and men there let go because they can't find any reason to hold them because all the people were praising god for the miracle that was done they're released so they go back to the disciples they're hanging out like guys guess what man this is amazing then they pray this prayer this prayer i pray to today i said lord look upon their threats look upon what the world doesn't understand look upon religion's threats because that's what it was i want you to understand that these disciples were being persecuted by religion look upon their threats and grant to your servants that with all boldness they might preach your word that you would perform signs and wonders miracles and heal in the name of your holy servant jesus and the house the house that they were sitting in was shaken a one it doesn't say the neighborhood was it just said that these hungry disciples that were representatives of god were so burning with zeal for the lord they said god we're being persecuted for all these things we're being persecuted for healing we're being persecuted for this lord step it up give us more oh my god i need a generation that says lord give us more i no no no i'm not kidding this is like i need a generation that says give us more lord give us more look upon their threats look upon america look upon what's going on look upon this politics look upon this they're saying that this is going to happen and this is going to happen lord what do we need we need more of you because why more of you more of you if i'm going out i'm going out with a bang if i'm going out i'm going out with a flame and i'm going to bring people with me i don't want people to be separated from you for eternity i actually want to burn with a greater zeal and a greater fire and a greater passion with more gifting i want to prophesy deadly accurate not to impress people but to cut the hearts of man i want to get a prophetic word that's so incredibly intimate and so incredibly intricate that it cuts and flays the hearts of people and they say surely god is real and he's among you i want to see miracles happen where amputees are healed blind eyes are open every time deaf ears are open every time people get out of wheelchairs i want to see heaven come i'm not settling for less i want to see god show up in such a way i want to see jesus show up i want to see greater greater miracles i want to see greater things i want to see more salvations i want to see the world set on fire with his presence [Music] i don't want to see less i want to see more we're just getting started i want to see kids burn with a passionate flame [Applause]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 35,489
Rating: 4.9234166 out of 5
Id: VMmIqL5vhE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 54sec (3714 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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