Todd White - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear

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but I was really on the plane I got really sick I haven't been sick in a long time but I was like it was awful and I mean it was awful awful I came home I had a fever I'm like yuck and then they called me and were like hey you're not gonna do service I heard you're sick I'm like I'm speaking and so if my heart tries to be here so I was up there and a little girl I don't know where you are you came and prayed for me it's a little kid a little girl yeah what's your name what is it Lila Lila when you prayed for me my sickness went away Nayla how old are you eight you pray for me and all my sickness went away that's amazing thank you you have no idea I was sitting over there burning up and fever she came over and just touched me she goes Jesus I thank you for all the people's lives that Tom wayes changes am I saying this one look like I'm not kidding I felt horrible and it's it was it's completely gone so yeah thank you Lila amen that's awesome Wow so I came home and didn't really sleep on the plane last night I was hurting and so I came to the house and my wife and my wife and my kids went to church this morning they went to a gateway so I was like I'm going to bed so I went and hit the bed for like an hour and a half I woke up and I'm like I don't feel so good so I'm gonna go in my closet the best place to be when you're not feeling good is in your closet I'm not kidding you I don't go to God for blessing I'm already blessed I don't go to him for stuff I don't go to him for gifts he is the gift I'm not a poverty mentality and don't ever ask God for anything no I I want him because when you get him everything comes with it and I got to spend like an hour and a half in my closet today with Jesus I mean I spent all night on the plane I was sick I was watching the Gospels I was reading I was listening to the dwell app which is so amazing and just fellowshipping with God not feeling good and he was talking to me today when I was in my closet about the reality of suffering yeah let's talk about it it's a blessing because christmas is coming don't worship pagan gods drop Santa sorry I'm saying I'm just saying tell your kids the truth so you don't have to lie to him tell them the truth that people get up and walk out of the meeting right about now I do yes my birthday's on Christmas I'll be 50 this year 50 on Christmas dad but really I'm only 15 it's amazing because I'm 15 years old and Jesus but I've spent my whole life without him and Jesus is so special and I'm 15 years old in the king I'm I feel better than I've ever felt I'm healthier than I've ever been I'm more fit than I've ever been and I'm I'm just starting my life in Christ and people like wow man midlife crisis no no no midlife Christ [Applause] oh no bro your experience amidlifecrisis numb I'm experienced it's it's totally different it's nothing a bummer about it like it's exciting but in this gospel not everything not everything is appealing to everybody that you talk to you like you know I'm actually believing that because of worship tonight our protesters were all laying down on the ground trembling but it's okay if they protest because Jesus is king you know if you don't run into a devil now and then you might be going the same direction if you don't stir up Devils you might be going the same way they are it's time to go against the grain a little bit guys Jesus is king he paid more of a price than to make you like be comfortable in your silence he paid a price to give you the comforter so you wouldn't be silent he didn't pay a price for you could just be comfortable in silence silence isn't comfortable man pride stops you from stepping outside of your comfort zone because you think if you step out that people are gonna look at you weird it's gonna be way more weird when the people that you could have stepped out and talked to you are looking at you on judgement day wondering why you didn't share your faith with them that's not condemning that's conviction everyone that you meet everywhere that you go doesn't matter who you encounter it doesn't matter how angry they are how happy they are how good things seem to be one day everybody's gonna face Jesus and we have the opportunity because of our commitment to Christ and his commitment to us to represent him in a lost and dying world and it's unfortunate that it doesn't always make people happy as a matter of fact it makes a lot of people mad like we're in the airport Randy and I could see went with me traveled the did the whole long travel and there was a couple that was I think where we were walking out of the club oh yeah we're in the elevator best place to be I said hey guys I mean it's packed with people I said hey I just want to tell you guys jesus loves you know if you have a great flight and a bunch of people Wow hey thanks man a lady goes why hope somebody loves me and her boyfriends like oh I love you and I'm like oh and I said to Brandi I said they're gonna be sitting right by me on the plane you know it right it happens all the time so sure enough we get to the line to get on the plane and they're staying right beside us and I'm like see bro the elevator is one of the the best places to share your faith because no one can go anywhere I'm serious I mean if elf can go like this and push all the buttons at least we can share our faith and push that button when you're in an elevator with people that are like angry or doing whatever they're doing maybe your this your heart beat starts to go like this because you know you should share your faith and all of a sudden it's a little more and it's a little more I dare you I dare you to save Jesus because that's what your heart is vibrating so hard about it's because you know you should share it you know you should share it guys I want to show you scripture in Philippians I was there today I actually was in Philippians and Peter and Timothy and oh my gosh it's so happy [Music] Philippians 1 verse 21 God didn't call you to a walk of faith he called you to a fight of faith he didn't say that this is the walk of faith he said it's a fight of faith the fight the fight of faith is to not fight as one beats the air we're not shadow boxing we're direct hitting when you raise your voice in God when you raise when you use boldness of speech because of your confidence and your God for dancing and who God's created you to be see sometimes people think that this place is an evangelism school it's not an evangelism school I want to I can't reiterate that enough I'm not trying to raise up evangelist I'm trying to raise the standard to normal Christianity normal Christianity as Christians to share their faith everywhere they go abnormal Christianity is Christians that think is just the Evangelist to do it normal Christianity is if you're happy and you know it use your mouth normal Christianity is that you should be able to share your relationship with Jesus publicly with people that doesn't mean you have to stand on top of a table at a restaurant and preach although that's cool you don't have to do that but if you're in an elevator and there's one other person in there your hearts gonna beat what you want to share there's two people your hearts gonna pound there's three it's gonna be even more but the reality of it is it's the Holy Spirit in youit's Christ in you the hope of glory he wants out its Christ in you the hope of glory he wants out Jesus didn't die to make passive Christians he died to make passionate Christians Christians that are passionate about sharing their love relationship with the king see if you know that God loves you it becomes easier and easier and easier to share your faith but if you don't know that God loves you you can't share your face because you don't have faith you could have faith enough that Jesus died for you but he didn't just die for you to keep him captive he died to set captives free Jesus died for you and rose again from the dead rose from the dead for you so that you could have life eternal life and eternal life is knowing the Father you can't know the father unless you believe the father loves you you can't base who God is on somebody else you have to base who God is on Jesus Christ and how he lived see Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered Jesus learned obedience through suffering he's the king of glory he came he didn't come to live he came to die he came to live to die so that we can live in Christ in verse 21 says for to me to live is Christ to live is Jesus to live is 100% completely sold out eating breathing talking walking working doing my job doing my business no matter what you're doing you do it unto the Lord to live is Christ and to die is gain so if to die is gain what are you afraid of if to die is really gain then why would we be afraid of death if fear has lost its place and death has lost its sting why am I afraid of dying because to die is gain what did Paul know that we don't know what did he know you know that the Holy Spirit warned him every city that he went to chains and imprisonment awaited him every city he was going into the Holy Spirit said by the way you're gonna be beaten broken abused chained locked up would it Paul say I'm not going no Paul went anyway why because to live is Christ and to die is gain see the reward the reward for a life that's abandoned to Jesus isn't easy it's not even comprehensible it's not even it's it's understandable the peace that God gives you is not understandable either because the peace that God gives you surpasses your ability to understand it but your peace with God brings a not peace to people that don't have God jesus said I didn't come into this world to bring peace yet he says I came to bring peace it's what he says peace I give to you not peace like the world gives no the peace I give you surpasses knowledge but the peace that you got from Jesus he said you know I did not come to bring peace but a sword because the Word of God it's alive sharp and active and once it cuts you deep and when it separates your soul from your spirit man and your mind starts to get renewed and you start to see things like God sees and you start to hear like God hears you start to speak like God speaks you start to realize what in mind you really have that you don't have the mind of man anymore that way that seems right to a man leads to destruction but we have been given first Corinthians chapter 2 we have been given the mind of Christ and when you get renewed in the spirit of your mind and stop being so conformed to fear stop being conformed to this to this death thing like oh my gosh I'm gonna die no you're never gonna die when turbulence happens on an airplane I am praying I am praying and thanking Jesus for people around me that are petrified when their airplane goes like this people that don't even know Jesus say Jesus I'm serious there is such a fear in this world and the perfect love of God casts out all fear and if you love God and you know that God loves you that fear thing won't ever have you ever ever never because to live is Christ and to die is game when I die I'm gonna go whoa hey Lord he's gonna say enter in he's gonna say to me well done why because every breath every word every thought is abandon to him every thought not just because I'm a preacher because I'm a believer I believe Jesus set me free from me so I could be free from you if I'm free from you I could truly tell you what I need to tell you without any repercussions on your end you can be as angry as you want you can fight me you can yell at me you can scream at me but it's not gonna change the truth because the truth is set me free if I get truly free whom the Sun sets free is free indeed and what the world needs to see is Christians that are abandoned to the truth what the world needs to see a couple of weeks ago I think it was two weeks ago I talked about that lady that was caught in adultery the lady that Jesus they brought to Jesus they threw him in front of Jesus and Jesus said he was without sin be the first one to throw the stone and it says from the youngest to the oldest they dropped their stones and they walked away and the lady was there with Jesus and Jesus is the only one that had the right to stone her because he's the only one that was without sin and he looks at her and he says where are your accusers is there no one left to condemn you she says no one but Jesus says I condemn you neither I don't condemn you either go and sin no more what does that mean that means that when you're forgiven much you love much cuz men did she she should have been killed right there but Jesus had mercy so here's what happened to me I am lost I'm hurting I'm killing I'm destroying I'm stealing I'm doing all that junk to try to make me feel better trying to get peace that can't be gotten from this and can't be gotten from sex it can't be gotten from Santa it can't be gotten from Christmas it can't be gotten from family it can't be gotten from money you cannot have peace from money it just creates more damage it just creates more problems you will not get peace from finances you will not get peace from from stuff you can only get peace from Jesus I tried to get as high as I could I smoked as much as I could I snorted as much as I could I took as much as I could poured as much as I could handle none of it gave me peace only Jesus simply Jesus simply Jesus simply Jesus religion can't give you peace only Jesus but religion comes in when condemnation still exists in you see Jesus told that woman I don't condemn you either why because God didn't send his Son into the world to condemn it but he sent Jesus into the world so that the world through him might be saved so dode saved healed delivered protected made whole kept safe and sound to do well to be kept safe from harm that's why Jesus came into the world and so when he did that for me all the junk all the condemnation all the guilt all the shame all that stuff that I should have died for when I got shot at I should have died but God said no guilty I didn't earn that but he did he said not guilty they took away my guilt he took away my shame he took away my sorrow he took away my fear took away my pain to go in my anger took away my depression and replaced it with perfect love I am NOT trying to create a church full of evangelists I am trying to bring the gospel back to the original reason he that he had it in the first place so that we could all be believin believers that are possessed with belief so that we can all be prayer warriors so we could walk in faith and not fear so we could walk in love and not hate so I could walk in faith and not doubt so I could see and not live blind so that could be an example for God's elect so they could see me the Bible says endure the suffering for the sake of God's elect for me to live is Christ and to die is gain but if I'm gonna live in this flesh it will mean fruitful labor for me and I don't know which I want to choose I mean how good will it be to be with Jesus forever it's gonna be amazing a lot of Christians cop out like god get me out of here to hell with everybody else what to have with me when you're asking God to take you out of the world what you're saying is god it's all about me it's not about people I know you died for them but it's about me take me home take me home take me home we allow life that matters least to Trump Jesus that matters most but I'm hard pressed from both directions having the desire to be to be with Christ to depart which is gonna be very much better yet remain in the flesh is more necessary for your sake convinced of this I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith so that your proud confidence in me may abound in Christ Jesus as through my coming to you again keep in mind that Paul is writing this letter from prison from a dungeon from a wet musty dungeon cell he is writing this letter saying you know what I've really want to go be with Jesus of course he does he's locked down each chain he's in prison he's in mold and must and rats and all that stuff so you know what better for me that I stay here why cuz greater love hath no one than this and he would lay down his life for his friend who were Paul's friends just like Jesus said who's your neighbor Paul was the worst of the worst the angry of the angry the one that hurt persecuted killed Christians God said I want that one take Jesus that was me he said I want that one and when I found out that he said that about me before I said that about him oh it's the problem condemnation blinds you kill shame all that junk blinds you it's just some stupid smoke screen the devil uses to blind you from receiving the love of God that's in Christ Jesus because if that touches you changes everything why because God wants to fill you with this fullness and it's all according to the love of God that's in Christ Jesus it's all according to his love and if you see that it changes everything you can't help but to be quiet I mean how many times have we going to visit friends and family and they're not in agreement with Jesus when I came out of Teen Challenge everybody couldn't stand me and when I said Jesus for His anyone here that guy's Jesus whoa I just let me have it why I'm the only Christian but didn't matter one person in Christ is the majority see it doesn't matter Jesus is king 1 billion Devils one person in Christ Christ wins does it matter how many Devils doesn't matter how much anger doesn't matter how much hatred what matters is the love factor the condemnation factor in your life what matters is what you truly believe a lot of people live in fear I refuse to live in fear buddy I would rather die than live in fear because to die is gain only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ so that whether I come to see you or remain absent I will hear that you're standing firm in one spirit one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel in no way alarmed by your opponents in no way alarmed by your opponents I mean what did Nero think when he was tying Christians around stakes in the city pouring oil all over them and lighting them on fire and they wouldn't deny Jesus he let Christians on fire as candlesticks torches human torches literally it literally happened hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Christians that wouldn't deny Jesus and we're afraid someone might say I don't want to hear it what if we lowered this gospel don't you whoa what are we thinking I don't want to tell anybody because I don't want to people I don't like that sure you're condemning me no I'm not convicting you coz I'm not supposed to be the only one sharing my face and I know I'm not but I'm telling you I don't care how good you are how young you are how long you been in the church how one gay born again it doesn't matter one second born-again you have the right to share your faith in Jesus a Living God and Christmas is coming and we go to see people that we not comfortable around because they don't believe yet we're praying for him well we hope to come to church down don't pray for them to come to church go get them well we're praying for them to show up that's not why there's buildings here it's meeting people in public it's sharing your faith in public it's actually helping something that's attractive that the world says my god that's awesome can I have what you have yes names Jesus no no I went to church friar I went there well I understand but but this though no this is Jesus no no I mean I know he died for my sin and one day I'm gonna go to heaven but what are you doing now what do you mean what do you think you are Jesus oh I hear it all the time [Music] since this in verse 29 actually 28 says in no way alarmed by your opponent's which is a sign of destruction for them but of salvation for you I want you to know that your opponent isn't the person you're talking to because your war is not against flesh and blood an opponent is somebody that your war is against so when we go to a boxing match or we're going into a kickboxing match or whatever your opponent is the guy in the ring but in the Gulf's for your war is not against flesh and blood it's against principalities so your opponent is the Principality so that person that doesn't believe in that person that's angry against you it's not them it's what they're thinking it's what's dominating their thinking and you have the ability through the light that you have through the life that he gave you through the sold-out life and showing them something that's real because then everybody dies but not everybody truly lives and when you find something that's worth dying for you can finally truly live guys here today and gone tomorrow this is for you verse 29 for you it has been granted for Christ's sake not only to believe in him but also to suffer for his sake I don't know if you want this one see you have the right to suffer God has given us the right to privilege to suffer for his namesake but how can you suffer for him say his namesake if you're still in the way I don't know why people keep coming and listening to me because it's just so convicting to me I'm tired of seeing the church be passive I'm tired of seeing Christians that that have the same gospel that I have be quiet and be more interested in everything else well they have all these different idols and all these different things that are first placed your family your family can't be first man Jesus got me first he says unless you hate unless you hate your mother your father your sister your brother's your wife your kids unless you hate you can't be my disciple Jesus got a different a different qualification for discipleship that word hate means love less unless you love less your family than you love me you can't be my disciple jesus said you have to pick up your cross and follow him but you can't pick up your cross and follow him unless you deny you and denying you is just denying your old way of thinking the old man that needs to be dead anyway to where you can live the likeness of his resurrection buried with him in Baptism and live in a place of a renewed mind so you can start to think like God thinks and have their mind set on things above and not beneath it's where your whole thought process starts - your thought process changes towards not about you anymore it's all about Jesus but when you're all about Jesus he's all about you see if you're all about you he can't be all about you God will bless the world before he blesses the selfish Church God will bless the world before he blesses The Selfish Church because it's damaging you seek first the kingdom and there's righteousness and everything will be added to you but if you give him everything and you go after Jesus with everything what do you have to lose except the person that you used to be that you'll want anymore anyway it's full commitment I would tell you that everybody is excited about getting gifts for Christmas I would love for you to give God the greatest gift that's your life [Applause] give God what doesn't belong to you anyway give him your life back stop holding back stop using the scapegoat of religion and getting hurt in church well you understand what they did to me stop it's all about you yeah but you're now how they treated me me it's the key word in that phrase yeah but you don't know what they did to me well you don't know what they said about me we don't know what do you know what they did to Jesus and Jesus said Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing why cuz they don't know who they are but God if I do this when I go when I pay the price when I go into the earth when I go down into hell on that third day I must set captives free I'm coming up out of there I've set people free I've set people free they'll have to live in bondage and in fear anymore God you want to live inside of people and by doing this I'm gonna be able to come and make my home inside of the Saints and they're finally gonna know who I call them to be no longer slaves to fear no longer slaves to sin no longer in bondage to sin but a brand new creation where old things pass away and all things become new and I'm gonna put my laws in their hearts and write them in their mind and their sins and their lawless deeds I'm not gonna remember anymore and they're gonna wholeheartedly abandon everything to follow me but because of their pursuit for me I'm pursuing them and I'm gonna flows for them and I'm gonna heal through them I'm gonna save through them I'm gonna deliver through them I'm gonna change the way they speak I'm gonna change their language I'm gonna change their anger I'm gonna change their habits oh god I'm gonna make them addicted to me I'm gonna make them addicted to the presence now get the worship team out here again [Music] God doesn't want part of you he wants all of you the greatest gift that you could possibly have on Christmas is to give your life back to Jesus see we have an inheritance in him but the Bible says that he has an inheritance in the Saints an abandoned life wholeheartedly 100% surrendered no excuses your excuse for why you can't follow Jesus is no good by you holding back your life from God you're holding back the opportunity for other lives to see God by you holding back your life from Jesus you are limiting people's ability to come to salvation why cuz I can't touch everybody but if everybody in here will wholeheartedly abandon themselves to Jesus and go after him for the reason why he went after you you would see people saved every day in your life just through your life lived your words spoken and your actions you would see radical generosity sweep this nation if everybody in here were to be full bore witness every day so many people would come to Jesus there are people here right now that have come to service tonight they're like I don't want to give myself to Jesus what are you waiting for him see this isn't a soft gospel preach a soft gospel no Jesus is king and he's coming back for a return on his investment and that's real there are people that are dying that are people that are not headed to the right place I want everybody to stand please I am so grateful that you guys came I'm so thankful that you came tonight I'm so grateful that God like nudged me you will not stay home you will go and then Lily prayed for me thank you Jesus I'm telling you right now if there's ever a time to be committed if there's ever a time to be sold out and run after Jesus this now I would tell you this not worth waiting look if you're here and you're not running with him and you know you need to I would ask you to come up here right now don't wait if that's you don't wait come up here come on come on come on come on man love you rowdy man come on come on come on stand up here come on who else don't wait don't wait come come on guys fully commit fully commit fully commit fully come in hey fully commit come on it well come on who else would fully commit to live is Christ and to die is gain if you're in this room and you don't know him I need you to run up here please don't wait please don't wait don't let another day go by don't cop-out selcuk come on guys come on where's your commitment where's your commitment come on come on Wesley took that back come on [Music] come on how do you from come on where's your commitment [Music] pledge allegiance to Jesus [Music]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 20,657
Rating: 4.9006686 out of 5
Id: Ul4MjBOrSzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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