Dan Mohler - Believe Because of His Word

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man I had a good morning I sitting back there we we I barely made it out here Todd and Will and I we were talking and I started sharing some things we're all crying and they're like can we just pray back turn you guys out here crying and I'm like what is going on sure I feel mushy I uh was sitting on the couch when they came in I was like I'm just so loved right now I'm just in good and Toddie at peace I said man you got peace on your face he said all dude it was this fun but I was wired last night I don't know how to say this Jesus bless me you guys bless me cuz when hearts are open and receiving and ears are hearing and people are hungry it's the best thing you know I tell people people see man that was awesome or that message was so simple were clear but profound I see man it's one thing if I'm preaching clear to me it's one thing if you think of preaching there's another thing from my shoes if you're hungry for it you want it and let it become truth in your life see that's a payday for a guy like me that's like yay cuz that's why we do what we do right because we believe what we believe so what you hear in the secret you shout it from the rooftop so I got back to my room last night I was so wired I was just I was wired and I don't sleep that much man I'm like I just don't people people say do you drink coffee I said could you picture that if I drink coffee I said I don't think I ever drank a cup of coffee in my life honestly it's never in my home and the generation I grew up in it was kind of it was kind of presented as an older person drink like kids don't touch it and now teenagers are like drinking coffee at a very young age and I never I don't think I drank a cup of coffee in my life but it's not that I'm against it or anything like that it just never was in my life but last night I was so wired I think I went to sleep about 1:30 and I didn't even know if I was gonna go to sleep and I had to go to sleep by faith you know he's just like I just turned off the light finally I had a little dim light I had some worship going I was talking to Jesus talked to my wife for a little while then just I told her I was gonna go to bed and then I was like and I said Lord this ain't working is it it's just us anyway so it didn't matter if I got mush he went through clean exits because I didn't have to preach so at 1:30 I finally just turned out the light and I was like Oh Lord I'm good and I went out and then at 4:47 I'm like I said good morning that's it it's over see I messed up right now it's just over good morning see when I first got saved I would close my bedroom door on purpose contact point of faith I did it for me theologically he's always in me theologically he'll never leave me or forsake me agree but I want to go meet with him in the secret so I would close my bedroom door and purpose never closed my bedroom door it's always open but I would close it on purpose when I got saved so that I had to open it to go in I would slip in close it and say hey it's me Zack Lee what I do but four days into that my heart caught an awareness and a knowing of him being there waiting for me it wasn't that it was a vibrating whoa kind of time it was uh it was a knowing thing it was and then it even became very tangible to me don't talk about that much because everybody's looking for the tangible to believe I believe through his word he said if I'm there he'll be there so he's there what don't feel real not talking about feelings what don't seem like he's there not talk about what it seems if he said he's there he's there when are you gonna teach yourself and when am I going to teach myself to just believe the word when I live apart from what it seems a lot of people say well I do that it just feels like I'm going through the motions there you go again it just feels stay there long enough and teach your heart and knowing teach your heart and knowing if you don't hang out with each other you'd never get to know each people weren't married because they just walk up to each other and say hey man I dig you I mean I guess it happens in Vegas but it probably falls apart in a day or two but if you're sitting here married you have a history with your spouse you hung out you went out together you spend time you grew to know each other at some level you communicated and got I wasn't real good at that with my wife I I didn't even she didn't even know I didn't want children when we got married we just got married but we hung out for nine months talking and we got to the point where we got married what I'm saying is if you don't be with him and spend time with him how we ever get to truly know him listening to a sermon teaches you about him getting along with him is knowing him if you just learn about him and get a whole bunch of knowledge of him without getting intimate with him the knowledge will turn on you in time and you'll buy into condemnation because you'll judge your life based on what you know and your life won't look like what it should based on what you know but it's not knowing about him that transforms you it's knowing him he said if you love we said it yesterday if you love it's because you've been born of God and you know God if you don't love it's because you don't know God that means watch that means you can't know him without being so influenced by him that you're transformed and changed to be more like him what he's saying is if you don't love it's because you don't know God that means you can't know him without becoming love he's so amazing the goal I said it all week then weekend and or whatever you want to call it yeah it's kind of mid weekend then late week I I said it the whole time you can't you can't miss this you you can't just receive the love of God the goal is becoming the love of God that's the gold a toss for why because when Adam was created he was created for God's image and likeness and God is love the day he ate the tree is when everything died and was lost so watch this so Adam was one with God walking in the cool the day like father like son he's fulfilled he doesn't have need he doesn't have lack the only thing he's missing is an avenue to manifest and multiply the love that's why God made man cuz God is who he is he makes man gives him a body to flesh out who he made him to be let's top just believe in our flesh hast always be evil that's living conversion our flesh was evil because our hearts were evil we got new hearts yeah yeah you know how I've prayed for years I thank you Father I live in a spirit I have a soul in a body my spirit rules my soul agrees and my flesh says yes sir I prayed that way a thousand times when you weren't looking rather than well you know the flesh is weak brother Jesus makes one comment outside of prayer watch and pray cuz your spirits willing your flesh is weak he's talking about outside of prayer and then we say flesh is weak brother and it's our justification for living week well you're not to live in the flesh you live by the spirit and if you live by the spirit Galatians five you won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh yay come on it's so scriptural so Adam is love he he made man in His image so he made man to love not to need love he made man to love because he's fulfilled in love he's one with God he's the source of love he's he's one with God right vine branch yeah when that branch got cut off from the vine through sin he got cut off from the source of love and became in need of love because he lost his idea in God every one of us sitting here was born into that dilemma we were all born into Adam needing love and the truth is we were all created to be loved not need love cuz to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge is to be filled with all the fullness of God Colossians 2 you're complete in him who's the fullness of the Godhead bodily you are complete in him be real with me we've tried to find ourselves through one another and have been sorely disappointed why we're looking for love in all the wrong places because we're so driven by the need of love that's why the words I love you work no matter what the circumstances they usually work because we all want to believe that we're loved and we all need to be loved we all need to believe we're lovable and it's a blight and a dilemma that came through separation from God it wasn't from the beginning the biggest lie in Christianity is to assess ourselves by ourselves and think this is who we are when he said that's everything that's supposed to die it's never who you were from the beginning like God didn't make us this way guys we became this way through Adam and sin we were born into Adam and we must get born and we turned that into a beneficial prayer that takes me to heaven when I die instead of a truth that restores me back to the beginning and what God intended in the first place where it's full of grace are you with me born again the motive of born again is not a prayer to go to heaven someday it's getting restored back to the reason we're here in the first place and all things renewed yeah so where I'm not in need of love cuz I've been loved and now I become loved are you with me our whole lives were driven by the need of love that's why most of us got hurt at a very young age that's why people do so many terrible things to each other because it's every man for himself at the cost of whoever lays down its life for another we grew up living at the expense of one another and people living at our expense total perversion 180 degree twist yeah love lays down its life takes no account no account doesn't consider the wrong that's been done to it why do we all have a story of how wrong we've been and how they did this and I can't believe it and never again I didn't gonna know what he's ever gonna do that again and now you got walls all around you and you become a product of men's sin instead of his righteousness and you think you're winning because you cut them off and they're actually deciding your person in the moment did you wouldn't even be this person if it wasn't for them you cut a person off and don't talk to him for two years and think you're winning cuz you cut him out of your life no they're dictating your heart every day they're sculpting you they're etching you you're actually a living product of what you can't forgive you're the direct result of the thing you think you're cutting off see unforgiveness is wretched because it keeps offense alive but forgiveness is amazing because it makes it as if it never happened that's what's so beautiful about the gospel it's the design of heaven that the goodness of God would lead men to change that even in your life in times you say well I'm not gonna I'm not going to enable people they ain't gonna turn me into no door Matt was Jesus a doormat or will see the living epistle of love is he an enabler is he a pacifist or is he amazing yeah I hung out with him this morning he was pretty of anything I was nervous coming out right guys gonna be a mess I'm I feel all right you see your look all right this is the best I can give you right now I'm trying to stay a little okay he's real he's amazing and he has purpose right let's make sure it's not just a beneficial purpose for our sake see he made me for a reason on the earth when I come into agreement with that reason I'm gonna walk in a full measure of grace he's not gonna fill your tank to drive down roads he didn't create you for that's why life feels drive for people that's why they believe life is so hard beats the view they're living from everybody on the earth Peter said don't you be deceived everybody in the world is going through the same trials and challenges you are but we tend to make it all about us my go through need prayer need counsel need ministry help God and all our prayers are driven by what we believe we need instead of motivated by what we're pursuing to become I'm gonna make some strong statements right now cuz they're in my heart not one of you have to treat me right for me to be okay if I woke up to need you I'm at your mercy if I woke up to love you we're okay you get it come on now you be honest how many times do we wake up with unspoken expectations subconscious expectations just because of the level of relationship there's expectations and it's automatically I do for you you do for me well you shouldn't have did that without really hurt when you said that well why weren't you there well I thought you could be on time how come you're always late when it's important well I just don't feel like you value me well I just well you know but it's you know what that's a sign of not being smarter facetious or cynical that's a sign that we don't know him like we sing because when we live that way towards him he doesn't get that way if God ever assumed the attitude we've put on each other we'd have no hope if God said well that really hurt well I know you knew better why did you do it now your hearts in question and I don't even know if I can trust you anymore wonder if you came to the order and God met you here and spoke like that to you you'd be pretty overwhelmed and hopeless and freaked out well he made us for His image and if I put that in the mouth of God and it sounds foolish because we know him through his word it ought to sound foolish in our mouth because we're made for his image and as he is so are we in this world and as the father sent him so he sent us so if I can't find it in him I don't want it in me so here's the whole point of this morning in the whole goal to walk in this power and love thing and never get trapped in works and let it become your identity you have to have intimacy with God you get alone with him you be with him he unveiled your face through the blood if you have one reason why you can't be with him it's deception you see but you don't know what I just did I get what you're trying to say so why are you running from him and playing Adam in the garden why don't you running to him new club in a New Testament why don't you run into him in your conviction separating your heart from the action separating your identity from the action calling the action what it is stepping out of it into him thanking him for making you wiser and sharper and keeping you righteous and clean through the blood and I'll promise you if you'll do that that action you'll be way more aware of it and it won't sneak up on you you won't stumble into it why because you're separating yourself from it through faith in prayer and you become that thing you're believing because you're saved by grace through so when you release faith in the truth grace comes to make truth your reality and you didn't even bite your lip to change so he gets all the glory and then you love him more and you might get like me no I don't want to scare you with that don't anybody run away because you think you'll get like me that's that you just be like you what's wrong with you I'm in love I'm in love you know how crazy people get when they're in love they eaten off each others plates and licking off each other's spoons in love sorry yeah I could get in trouble here soon I've been up since 447 in love right now I'm so pregnant I've been with the Lord you been up to something brother you're sticking out I am man about the bear down and push that thing that comes out is gonna look just like his father I promise pregnant you ought to be pregnant listen I've learned this I've learned this too people start getting intimate together some ways getting pregnant or else they're trying real hard not to make sure you're not trying real hard not to make sure you don't just want touched by the Lord spiritual contraceptives I want to be touched by the Lord I just don't want to sell out I want to be ministered to by the Lord I just don't want to give him all that's spiritual contraceptives roughly what are we doing right now we're not looking for an experience in him we want to bear fruit unto his name and in this the father's well pleased that you bear and you know them by their and if you bear much fruit he'll prune you so you bear Wow be fruitful and we hear ooh Adam and Eve gonna get it on and have some kids the whole car the whole concept in the whole motive of Scripture is His image what he's saying is B and me B and me each seed after its own kind come together in me to one reproduce in me and everything that comes forth is in my image cover the earth with my glory be fruitful multiply he's talking about his image cover the earth with his glory he's not talking about just go have a whole pile of kids multiply who I created you to be till the whole earth is filled with my glory there in a garden place they're tending and keeping it be fruitful multiply if you can't live in a one-room apartment that long you can't start having children what's going to happen in the garden it's going to spread out they're going to tend it and work it and it's going to spread out it's God's garden of delight and paradise paradise whose man God's crowning creation and glory the expression of who he is the manifestation of God that to man is on the earth let's just get over that that's not heresy the manifestation of God in the New Covenant reborn man filled with God's Spirit is the manifestation of God the Christ in you is the hope of glory glory means any made realized manifestation of the attribute of God is the glory of God revealed Christ in you the hope of glory Christ in you the hope of God being seen and none be fruitful and multiply cover the earth with his glory so what happens they said having children they spread out in the garden the psalmist says what is man what is man that thou art mindful of him look I don't get it what is up with man why do you dig him why do you keep your eyes on him why is your gaze upon him why do you show in favor why do you give him extra chances like what's up with man that you're mindful of him that you'd visit him that you would give him dominion over the works of his hands the psalmist is saying what is man angels look and wonder I imagine the devil's thinking what is it about this man he's jealous we got Redemption he's lost forever we can walk in God's image he threw it all away that's what Todd was talking about yesterday his whole goal is to deceive the people made in the silent tune of God and make them look just like him that's his whole goal the whole war is each seed after his own kind that's why you know him by their fruits that's why you know a man and what's on the inside by what he's bearing witness of on the outside even his words give away his heart out of the abundance of the the mouth speaks you said it for the third time and you said I was just playing no you weren't it's in your heart and we learn to live on the surface we learn to live shallow I know we do because one of the one of the biggest comments I get which is not flattery to me it breaks my heart actually they say what I like about you you're so real and I'm like what are we what's everybody else what are you half and half hypocrite someone in putting on a jacket come on the biggest testimony shouldn't because man I like you cuz you're real you be real too and if other preachers aren't real don't let that make you not real don't you let where their heart isn't decide where your heart is let your heart be found in him see that thing happened to me a long time ago I got invited to a pastors meeting and I was only safe for two years but I already was a full-time pastor but I'm green to them I'm young in the Lord already moved in all the gifts of the Spirit I had seen miracles a lot of the pastors didn't believe in healing didn't believe in a baptism the Holy Spirit I woke up the day I got saved praying in tongues so you got a hard time talking to me about it I'm innocent I'm naive I go to the pastor's meeting I think it's gonna be the most spiritual experience in my life I'm like man I get to go in there with 80 pastors newspapers were there writing articles unity meetings county pastors coming together for unity it was the biggest force and the biggest tragedy I ever experienced since and before it was all about who's who was about the paper publicity it was so cliquey you couldn't get close to people and everybody had each other's stereotyped for their well they came from I went week after week my heart grieved and I was in trouble I was letting my heart get offended I was let my heart get hurt by men I was getting justified because I was right when you're right that makes people wrong you're outside the kingdom that's not righteousness righteousness makes wrong things right righteousness looks at those men with hope and a future in a destiny and praise from their potential not their blight Jesus didn't come right if he came right were wrong he doesn't rule this kingdom with a scepter of right it's righteousness it makes wrong right but I started realizing Holy Spirit wasn't in the prayer meetings I started realizing it to sue I took a little personal because I cry out my heart i man in the place of intercession anyway I'm leading intercession every day I'm interceding for ours for my city and for the body of Christ ours I'm in intercession and I go to a prayer meeting my heart is raging in prayer do you understand and then I I I whisper in father I thank you and before long I'm crying and I got things in my heart and vision and now I'm praying and everybody's freaked out and all the leaders are saying you need to put your pastor on a leash he's an emotional list he's trying to get everybody emotional and yeah and I'm like what are you talking about like the world's dying and people don't understand and Jesus is Lord and He shed his blood and and I'm like right I'm like I'm probably like ah and they were overwhelmed and I decided okay so I just won't pray I'll go I just won't pray so then I said I'm not even going and my pastor said no you need to go just keep going to have faith keep going I don't have faith I said I don't have faith I'm wasting my time I don't want to go I kept going anyway because he said please go so I went and and this guy starts to praying and I lifted my head and I thought Jesus you're here no I'm not being mean I was like oh my goodness you're inspiring that that's amazing Lord and there was a glimmer of like oh my goodness you're in the prayer meeting and then I didn't even know the guy and he's praying and you could just tell the Lord was in it and the leader the one there's four leaders the leader said right in the middle of his prayer okay okay cut it off cut it off it's 8 o'clock if we don't stop now Larry you'll never get through the front 9 and I went just what I heard used to but it was a dangerous place for me I went and I'm expressive and I'm not a closet closed door kind of guy just rolled off my chair and cried on the floor not saying I shoulda but I did and 80 guys walked by me like I'm a kook three or four men rub my shoulder and patted me while I was balling I get in my pastor's car in the backseat he has a visiting pastor with him and I'm in the back seat the whole way to church Waylon that wasn't the Lord it wasn't Holy Spirit grieved he is bigger than that say I've had to pass their intercessors cuz I've led intercession for years and intercessors can get funny with this thing that they they leave the service and cry all afternoon your Sunday service they cry intercessors they cry all afternoon and then on Tuesday you see them and they're still almost crying and you say what's going on Oh Holy Spirit is just still so grieved because Pastor cut the worship off a little too soon and I'm like holy spirit hasn't even cried at all about that you cried about that because you've been praying about our worship and you have interest and desire and it's all emotional you're grieving for three days and you're spiritualizing Holy Spirit's way bigger than Pastor cut in the worship all five minutes early he's not crying for 48 hours that's you stop it I've just been around it a lot I was caught up in it I'm in the back of the Jeep pastor's driving with this little with his guest pastor his little friend and I'm we pull up to the church I get out he says are you all right I'm not exaggerating and I was heading to a room there's a place I would always go when it was intense I'd go to the nursery it was prophetic for me just to go be like a baby a child I'd take this most serious marriage counseling stew the nursery and I'd put him on the little rockers I would if the marriage counseling was intense and I'd set down in my office you guys let's just go to another room I take him right in the nursery they're like why are we coming in here because in a minute you're gonna be like little kids or we ain't even gonna have an appointment you know hi talking counseling when the doors closed and people won't repent I'll say well if you won't repent and you won't look at each other and cooperate then we might as well stop because I can't even help you you're both bound in yourselves and selfish and I'm gonna ask you if you're even born again that's how I counsel where do you say you've surrendered to Jesus and you hold such a right to have a right against your own spouse to where I can't even counselor you because you're so busy and rightness and wrongness that I can't even reach you but yet you called the appointment are you born again pastor we've been coming to your church for three years coming to our church three years doesn't make you born again Christ likeness is born again I don't see him at all that's how I passed her so you might not want to call an appointment with me I'm gentle I'll smile sometimes I've had occasions well I've asked the lady to please kindly step out of the office and close the door behind her and the guys sitting there going and then I tell him I don't become not here to control you you owe me nothing but I challenge you to man up and be a man of God and listen to me for about five minutes but if you want to leave I'd suggest you leave now no I'm good I'm good countless young men sit there and cry their eyes out I obviously don't have one memory of anybody cursing me yelling and slamming the door and walking out of my office why I don't have a need to correct anybody I love people and I hate to see him deceive themselves when they can live so much more so I'm bold enough to tell you the truth for your sake in heaven will go with me because he knows my motive I have no need to be right in your life I just want to see you do well and when I know you're crashing you better believe I'm desperately crying out you know what most of us do clam up and stop communicating because we're intimidated and we don't want it and they're already offended and we don't know they're deceived and they're spiraling and somebody needs to intervene and say hey so I'm a pastor I have that authority usually that position and it's almost expected so I really get away with it but here's why I get away with it because of love you say it for them are you with me you say it for their sake I would in the nursery I'm back to my passenger story and that awesome Holy Spirit I'll take it right back where you were you can't do that on your own I've been talking too long and I told two other stories so you just what we're back at the nursery I lay on the floor and I cry for 30 to 40 minutes I'm sobbing on the floor I'm being spiritual and I'm building a case against the pastor's in my mind and as I'm crying I'm remembering all the things I've experienced week after week in the meeting and I have a serious indictment and I'm a prosecuting attorney in prayer I sit up on my knees and put on the intercession voice I lift these men before your throne that's what I did it father I lift these men destroy your throne and he goes you know and cried and fell back down on the floor because I really got shushed by the Lord and I cried hard for a few minutes not long few minutes and in my heart I said why did you do that to me he said Dan you were only going to pray for them then because you've located what's wrong with them well first thing he said is Dan what you're seeing in the men has nothing to do with you you keep your eyes on me and go after what I've called you to and I cried hard at that because that was Stern correction and then this is what he said to me as a father Dan you've been looking at the men and you've located what's wrong with them and you were only gonna pray from the place of what you see wrong with those men if I let you pray from that place it won't be very long something's very wrong with you and I lost it and I cried and I said what would I be if you didn't father me I would be sure I was right and I'd be so right I was wrong might even take the time to build a ministry on being right and attract everybody else that's right and we'll just have a rightness party what will we do if he didn't father us guys if you're not in communion with him if I'm not in communion with him how can we expect him to intervene how would we ever hear that kind of Correction how would ever be at my bed crying out to go the mission field and Holy Spirit reveal that it's my frustration towards the church I'm pastoring that's birthing the motive to go the mission field it's not the Lord it's discouragement having children if you're not communing with him and talking to him on a daily basis like that and being one with him and thanking him that he loves you not hoping that he loves you he already proved he did thanking him he loves you thanks for being a father unto me Holy Spirit I receive you in my life and I'm open for your wisdom thank you you only speak what you hear and you don't even speak on your own authority you are the will of God revealed in my life and you'll reveal Jesus in your manifest Jesus and you'll bring glory to his name through my life Holy Spirit I yield to you yeah it would be amazing it would be amazing wake up in the morning and sit up on your bed and instead of just yawning and burping or passing gas or whatever we do you you actually look at your clock and go wow six o'clock that came fast but you know what Lord your grace is amazing in my life and you've taught me how not to complain and I'm done dreading my work and I'm done thinking it's a grindstone when I see now it's a privilege and a mission field and there's people all around me I'm gonna walk in the light today as you're in the light cuz you're empowering me you've got my eyes fixed on you father I used to not appreciate my job I thank you God that I have a place to work I thank you for my boss if he knew who he was he wouldn't be living and acting the way he is I'm done being mad at him I have compassion for him father he's lost and doesn't know you but you're in me and I'm asking somehow you give me influence in his life and shine father I thank you for Billy who I worked beside hand-in-hand I haven't been the greatest representative for a long time but things are changing cuz you're doing the work in me you are teaching me the truth of why you're in me and man I'm gonna have a great day with Billy thank you for your Redemption I am pumped it don't even feel like 6 o'clock now yeah young people school aged people college aged people could you imagine waking up in the morning and sitting on your bed instead of going oh man Wednesday two more days don't even came in the week a minute oh and I got science today come on I want to be a whole lot better to sit up on your bed and say father I just thank you for my school I thank you for the kids in my school my peers my age group those teachers God would you bless the teachers today with wisdom would you guard their hearts from frustration I know a lot of my peers don't respect and honor and appreciate God I think we're missing what the privilege we have and I'm just asking that there'd be a supernatural favor on our school today god and lord I thank you for empowering me and I thank you for giving me insights and anything necessary to reveal your glory god I thank you for who you are and me and I thank you for another day at school all the sudden you get the face of Jenny and you go Lord what about Jenny and all of a sudden you see domestic violence and two adults just freaking out and you see a little girl in a corner crying now you go to your locker you look down from here to that rope and there's Jenny at her locker and you hustle down there and you say hey Jenny how are you I'm okay listen I feel like there's some serious domestic stuff going on with your parents you're afraid they're gonna split I feel like you're really worried you've been crying a lot do you know what do you listen honey I've been with the Lord I've been praying he showed me your family he showed me you curled up crying it's okay honey it's Jesus he loves you so much he's gonna walk you through this we're gonna pray for your parents and most of all he's gonna teach you how to be strong and live in a healthy perspective and not be overcome by this trial who knows that is way more than possible and many of us can share testimony after testimony after testimony of those kind of things yeah I worked in a warehouse those guys are mean most of them are mean the 11 that came out of the closet and declared they were Christians I had to get a hold of myself to even believe they went to church and just understand that they were humble enough to confess they were Christians because my life so affected to make him out of the closet and said hey we've been going to church the whole time and I'm like I almost reacted like what now I'm going to get a forklift and I'm like hey Mike what do you need everybody needs something everybody will Mike listen man I just need a move you know it's the job but I'm not pushing you I'll get around to it but if you can just sit this skid in the aisle I need a whole skid it will help me a lot man okay yeah yeah I'll get to it when I can that's just a warehouse it's his job it's what he's supposed to do and he gives everybody that ask him something a hard time so you could learn to resent him dread him hate him or fight back so guess what I'm just done with that because Jesus is in me now yay so now I have a different answer in a different view so I'm like came like it'll be okay man we're gonna have a great day okay just thanks for this kid I go like this and I say hey man you know what I just saw what do you mean what you just saw bam bam bam grown man mean three seconds ago on his forklift bawling in the aisle unheard of warehouse you don't cry men each or lunch when you cry I wrap my arm around him I said it's okay I just saw that it's the Lord it's time to look to him man you've been so frustrated but it has nothing to do with your job it has to do with home and it can work out stuff fueling a fire that you've been hoping goes out you've been putting logs on that thing man dramatic come here man it's okay I can't believe you know Jesus is real dude what do you think I just have theology he lives inside of me yeah I tell so many stories from her workplace because they're fun because if you're not careful if you're not careful you let things get on your nerves instead of living with new nerves you slowly let things bother you because you justify the scenario in rightness and then you miss living in righteousness and all the sudden you build a case against somebody that it's living in deficit instead of having mercy on them you're bothered by them because you're taking their life personal instead of his life personal intimacy with God changes all that you can't commune with him in the bedroom and and be in love with him unless you're in a totaled illusionary place it just doesn't work this way see cuz this is the truth nobody on the planet truly has this and doesn't have this the evidence of this is this and the evidence of this is this nobody on the planet has loving one another without this because the whole reason for this is this you did it I remember a young guy would come to work he had purple spiked hair and it was in a mohawk and he had the sides completely shaved so you know preachers say that boys just looking for attention he's dissing that and they're so busy trying to diagnose him that they fail to even value him if we're not careful he runs for me like I have leprosy hears we talk about Jesus he's gone I wear a Christian t-shirt he don't even look at me like I can't even get to him he's on another team he runs from me like I have a plague I remember my orientation they said go around the room and share a little about yourself where your and and and did and the guys it was unbelievable they'd be like they'd stand up they laid the they'd Mambo and barely talk and sit down they got to me I'm like hey guys my name is Dan and actually I've been pastoring for the last two years and I just felt like getting back in the workplace work of in my hands nothing's wrong with pastoring actually you know I had good income there I just gave it up I felt like I wanted to come here and work so I'm excited to get to know you guys meet you guys I love the outdoors but as far as he said my hobbies I just love Jesus he has transformed my life and they're like I'm not exaggerating when we got up to leave the orientation there's two doors in the cafeteria they all saw which door I was heading to and like cattle they're all going out this other door like it was that extreme when they called out the names to pick the teams every time a team got filled and I wasn't on it they were like yes and when I got called on the team everybody was going you got the cuckoo on the day I left the head guy called a floor meeting honored me and said if we had a warehouse full of this man it would be a supervisor's dream come true we know he's been an asset and a blessing to every one of you and this is his last day in case you didn't know it so you could give your regards but we tried to offer him a part-time position never in the history of this company have we done part-time to just to keep him here we offered it to him but he feels like he has to move on we're sad that he's going but we sure enjoyed that he was here please give him a regards before the end of the day and they treated me like I had leprosy when I got there my team said we feel like we're losing our dad what are we gonna do without you I said you're gonna live for Jesus and you're gonna run well and you're gonna stop all the nonsense you're gonna manage your money right - right because I was always on him about money and they were like yeah dad why cuz it's just not your job it's your life in Christ and and I remember he was sick the guy with the Mohawk was sick he had the flu symptoms and he was going to leave and somebody was moaning on his team up at the desk and they said well he's cutting out because he's sick we're gonna be a man short man we ain't gonna get paid nothing then we're gonna lose big if he goes home and I'm like man I wish I could talk to him I just wanna pray with him and encourage him so what happens I pick an order I take off I'm pulling my order he's got an order he's getting 3 here 2 here 3 here I'm getting one here one there two there so I'm like and I'm coming around and he's up the aisle and I'm coming but he's like he's coming he's just it's working I'm coming ain't no stopping me now so I didn't need nothing right there but I pulled in front of him and I jumped off and I said hey man listen I know we're on the clock and I can't talk long but listen I know you just you avoid me you stay away from me and stuff look I heard you were sick and I know you just I don't know it's my Christian t-shirts freak out and stuff it's your impression of God and no man listen man I said no no and right then it was so random it it sounded ridiculous I said oh my goodness I know why you got your hair like that and why it's purple he got mad he said what what about my hair he thought I was going to be religious and hit him with a diagnosis I said oh my goodness you did that because it breaks the heart of your mother you know what you know you're breaking your mother's heart wearing your hair like that because she beat you and bashed you with the Bible your whole childhood and she said the devil saw that God saw that well you just broke God's heart or the Devils please now and she hits you with language like that your whole life and you resent her and you resent God because of it he was non-functional that sure beats getting mad at him sure beats judging him for his appearance sure beats paying him back and avoiding him with you no I'll just stay away from you two I don't need you either pal I said listen man I need to pray with you I don't think you need to leave today Jesus is going to touch you okay laid hands right like this on him I wanted to get him up high I got him I fired God freezes him in the aisle forklifts are blowing by we need to get moving people were coming they're gonna be blowing their horns it's a high pace crazy place company was smart they paid you incentive they paid you for what you got done and put you on a team of eight so everybody kept moving or they'd kill you in the parking lot it was smart he's standing there like this I'll never forget it as long as I live he's just in the aisle and I'm like hey I shook him hey he's and he looks at me and he goes who's the funniest thing he's got this purple mohawk it's straight up and it's bright purple he has no hair beside it and he goes neat neat neat and he must have said neat like five times and I'm chuckling and I'm like yeah God is so neat man listen you got to get on your equipment we got to get out of here I'll see you at lunch like we can talk neat man yeah he never went home we got to fellowship talk and his heart shifted how cool was that [Applause] that just workplace skies but watch this to just want God to use you that way isn't the answer to become one with his heart is the answer because then you'll always see the boy clear sometimes we pray these knock them off their high horse prayers because our hearts are a little offended one of the reasons we have a hard time in marriage situations believe in in seein change so somebody's come into your home group and it's sweet little Sally she's the preciousness lady she's the most precious lady in our whole church and we're just tickled she comes to our home group but she's got marriage issues because it just seems like the sweetest ladies have these ogre husbands sometimes and then what happens is we get offended at that and we think how could that sweet Lu lady how could he not see and then the guys are resentful think of man if she was my wife I'd take care love that's what guys do and they get envious and covet and jealous and they think he doesn't even know what he has she's a gift and he's just abusing her and I don't even came believe she stays with him so then she comes to your little home group and she's sitting there and right before you leave home group you're like Sally I mean Sally is you know what I mean she just the sweetest lady she shines with the countenance of Jesus she's tender like flowers aren't even in their season she walks by and they just Sally she's just Sally she's amazing and because she's so precious you analyze that and then you stop and you say at the end you say Sally honey before we leave how's things at home and Sally goes and that's exactly what we do though in a bad way we go oh and you start praying for the Lord would you just come and comfort her Lord would you just bring her peace it sounds so spiritual and it feels like compassion but nobody's realizing she's letting where her husband isn't decide where she is and now she's just broken and all you're saying is oh man we know why you're broken cuz if I had to live with that man I'd be broken too or I'd have done shot him by now and now you can't even pray for Sally cuz you're caught up in the sentiment of Sally but it sounds spiritual but nothing changes coz when you pray for the husband it's because you're kicked off and you pray all these David prayers chopped up his arm break his ankle gouge out his eyes and rarely does anybody in the home to slip to their knees and pray for Johnny who's so lost and take Sally by the cheeks and say honey look at me I am so sorry that he doesn't understand you no no look at me Sally honey listen I understand it's been a challenge he's not hitting you right he said knocking you around you don't feel in danger physically it's just emotional okay listen you can't any longer allow where he's not to allow you to be where you are where he's not is not who you are who Jesus is your amazing Sally this is trying to rob you of everything you're called to productivity watch your no less anointed no less a daughter no less a woman of God no matter where Johnny's choosing to live and all of a sudden she do I say I've seen this a thousand times because it's the way I past her and I separate them from their right to be broken and pull them in to why they can be okay and actually have compassion on Johnny so where they're not living personal and taking Johnny personal letting one man decide their life when his name's not Jesus it's Johnny I never read where Johnny was Lord so why is Johnny have the right to govern her life because she's husband well who is Jesus is he greater do we seek ye first the do we love less our mother father spouse children houses land and yes our own life well then this is dead on you got a turn a person's perspective in the midst of pain cuz what's causing pain his perspective I remember walking in at night middle of the night to an adultery situation cuz I'm a pastor and I got called and they were friends and my wife said you can go and I said she's the only one there honey and her kids are in bed are you okay she said honey I am totally okay my wife is the best she knows me you ought to see the note she writes me my wife knows me she's not a youtube fan she doesn't just see me preach ease my wife I keep this right here this is just one she writes him all the time hope you have the best weekend ever you're a true man of God I doubt God can find many men if any on this earth with your integrity character in heart you want that from your wife because she lives with me she gets loved by me in Jesus and I'm not talking sexual I'm talking conversations I'm talking person I'm talking personality I'm talking disposition I don't know how to raise my voice at her I don't know how to put her down it's not inside of me I know how to be patient I know how to be loving I know how to be kind and when she went through eight years of identity crisis I wasn't weak and I didn't fall apart and when she wouldn't come to church and I was a full-time pastor it doesn't change truth see you might not know other stories you might just see me smile and figure boy he's got a special gift maybe I got a perspective that he gave me through his word so maybe I'm not a hurting husband maybe I'm Christ in me I learned this a long time ago truth doesn't know time eight years a day as a thousand a thousand as a day so what's eight years hello you say eight years truth doesn't know time why do you let time dictate truth because self-centeredness is attached to your perspective and you don't know how long you can take it and how long you can bear and if they don't change by now I'm about ready to fall apart we need a breakthrough keep praying I don't know how long I can do this that's called just burying a law that's not loving that's not seeing clear that's just raw enduring here's the cool thing in those eight years both my kids were running wild too and it looked like you blew a bomb up in my family I'm not insecure it's not because I'm a bad daddy it's because everybody needs their own revelation and has to have their own intimacy and walk out Jesus so if you see me pumping gas on that day and you say hey Dan how you doing I'm not saying man you gonna keep me in prayer my wife won't even come to church my kids are running wild and I feel like I'm all alone dude I don't know what I'm gonna do if you don't pray oh god don't move I don't even I get those requests a lot but I don't even know how to think that way I'm okay why cuz he's Lord and I have a reason for being you're not gonna live that way without intimacy you're not gonna live that way cuz of willpower you're gonna live that way cuz of perspective through truth in that season I date your season I got more phone calls than you could number from people that were married crying over their marriage and their spouse going through a tiny fraction of what I was in the middle of and they were wiped out falling apart and ready to give up a fraction and I'd give them an answer and they'd say well I can't expect you to understand you're not in my shoes and I wouldn't exploit my family but I just minister truth but they couldn't receive it because they believed I have it that's why I'm full of joy joy comes from my salvation not my wife [Applause] Jesus talked about marriage and wasn't this way from the beginning and they said why did Moses then give a certificate of Jewish he said it's because of the hardness of your heart just get real it wasn't this way from the beginning we don't talk about this much it gets a little funny in the room I actually feel it already because so many of us have been through so much and we've made so many decisions some of us have been divorced twice divorced whatever I'm just saying listen you can put all that away and under the blood but that's keep getting understanding and there's be different people and that's not repeat same things and live from same places if it doesn't produce life I'm not so interested about where you've been I'm interested about where you are and where you're going it's the president the future that I'm speaking into you see I feel nervous right now damn because I filed for divorce and I got divorced no no what I'm saying is you look at your mode if you look at your life and you look at what would happen if you'd apply this to your life would you live the same and if you say no then go after the truth and become something different or you're gonna hold on to your story hold on to your decisions protect yourself through your analogies and you're gonna be in self-defense and not even realize that your whole life because you feel marked by this and the way people see you and how they and you're always in this uncomfortable place are you with me I hope you're okay intimacy with God get along with him let's look at something I want to turn your Colossians chapter 1 I'm gonna just stop all that I was doing right there I want to go to some scripture I'll just look I don't have a ton of time god you're good I dropped those little things about my family on you just so you can relate so sometimes you have to tell people where you've been just enough so they understand you're not just popping off and sharing theology like have you seen passion in me this week a little bit I can't help it because it's not my theology it's a revelation it's my life there's nothing I preached you that I haven't walked through and don't walk in daily it's my life it's not my doctrine that's why I preach it with all my heart that's why I'm so excited and passionate that's why I get silly that's why I go yeah all the stuff I must do people come up to me to go earn and I say what do I do that a lot they say you do that a lot okay because I'm not thinking about it it's not a gimmick it's not a preaching style that would be weirder I always I feel like I have to rooster crow when I get excited I've rooster crowed when I'm preaching already fast a friend of mine just sent me a little emoji rooster thing on my phone he said he said I know power love's going well you were probably feeling like this or someone you sent me a little rooster crow thing cuz I was in his church night I did a little Benny strut and I was strutting around Manny's are bad dudes man they're just this big but they'll take on the world she'd be banning Christians Colossians chapter 1 verse 21 I want you to see this guy's I'm talking soft in general right now but I can't be passionate enough about how important is that you and I see this truth stay in this truth and don't let anything take us from this truth because it's the doorway to intimacy if you don't see yourself the way God sees you you will not have the confidence to be with him intimately here's another thought that just hit me hard if you don't see God simply for who he is through his son and you don't have a clear view of God you won't be inspired to be with him either the two things that keep people from being with God a wrong view of him or a wrong view of themselves see it's the two things a wrong view of him a wrong view of themselves it's hard to tell this story about my granddaughter because people hear it for where they're not and we're just gearing here in oh boy well that's not me and grandpa say well with me or our grandchild without any my granddad and and and and we compare ourselves among ourselves instead of say wow there's a bar I'm going for it that's possible let's put this under the blood and let's go after this I have an amazing relationship with my granddaughter and I hadn't understood it for a long time I didn't understand it I said Lord I've never met anybody like this child because I'd hear stories of her at home and it didn't even sound like her and then my daughter would say she's not always the girl you think and sub and say it in front of her and she'd kind of do like this but around me my granddaughter's 12 this is not an overstatement I'm not embellishing this she's 12 she has never put me in the position from little up as long as I can remember it's this is gonna sound unreachable it wipes me out but the revelation is what wrecks me she has never put me in the position to be Stern with her if grandpa says no honey I don't think that's wise right now all the time she says okay I've never one time had my granddaughter go no but no the grandpa I would expect her to but she's never done it and never even came close people used to say but well you probably got her so spoiled I don't even know what you mean I just love her but here's what she's never gotten from me she's never got Stern from me she's never got one expression of disappointment she's never got one negative tone out of her grandpa from the time she was born not one so guess what the Lord showed me see because she was nine this is when I learned this she was nine and I said Lord what is it about this girl cuz I remember when my daughter was in labor I went into prayer and it was probably in the top three experiences I've had in my life praying for my granddaughter and and everything I remember prophetically coming out of my mouth by the Lord I see in her life it's pretty fascinating she's nine years old we drive eight and a half hours one way in a car spend two nights in a hotel and drive eight and a half hours back in a car so she's 17 hours in a car and two in a hotel nights not one remote complaint out of a nine-year-old well I've never seen anything like it even close to my whole life I would expect her to say are we ever gonna get there are we soon there [Music] she's sitting indian-style with her belt on looking at me talking laughing weird being silly about things we were doing a thing about the cows and cuz we're driving through Virginia on 81 and it's just pastures and cows for five hours and I'm like oh my goodness look at all the cows and then she'd be like oh wow cows Grande fall and then we'd be sitting in she'd say grandpa look green pastures everywhere we were just because they were happy we were act like it was the first one we saw she sitting indian-style giggling talking and we're talking the whole time she looks at the clock and she goes we're already driving four and a half hours it doesn't even seem like an hour we're over halfway there grandpa and I mean she's just that precious not a remote complained 17 hours and two nights in a hotel I get home and I said Lord I'm laying on my bed and I was actually weeping because of my experience with her and I'm like what is it about her like how do you do that is it special gift grace what he said no Dan he said it's the way she sees you values you and respects you she's got not one negative impression from you to her she values who she sees you to be so highly it brings the best out in her because she honors you it's the importance of men seeing me for who I am and it's why my name has been so profaned how many people will God well if God well God should know I'm just first well how do I know it's sieving the Bible well God just seems I don't know he killed a lot of people in the Old Testament no how do you feel like well God God God I'm not over exaggerating even though I'm dramatic he said it's the way she sees you I'm not saying her mommy's a bad mommy but I am saying there's times where there's raised voice and would you knock it off you need it well you wouldn't even do that if you were around your grandpa you only do that to me and something gets etched away every time because the motive has nothing to do with love and innocence gets chipped away and all of a sudden you're just getting corrected cuz you're wrong now cuz you're more than that all of a sudden you believe you have the ability to get on peoples nerves all of a sudden you actually start introvert it in inadvertently believing people only like you when you're doing right and all these little messages get sent as we're growing up and it's through our parenting and it's our lives together you might find this hard to believe you know where I got the revelation to never do that to my granddaughter you say Jesus nope my grandpa I did his funeral when I was 48 years old granddad was four months shy of a hundred years old my 93 year old grandmother was sitting there at the funeral and I started boasting on granddad I used to say that I had a storybook grandparents they were Nursery Rhyme storybook grandparents my grandpa was a Christian man but he wasn't like us Todd he wasn't he didn't have the revelation he wasn't super expressive but man was he a Christian man he never spent a day waking up without kneeling by his bed he never wanted to touch his grandkids in the flesh he wanted to touch him in love I have six cousins I'm the 7 their seven cousins he had seven grandchildren when I shared at his funeral that I have not one memory of disgust frustration raised voice or tension from granddad to me and 48 years my six cousins lose it and cry uncontrollably because it was all their testimony and none of them really thought about it deeply we just kind of took it for granted that grandpa was a special nice man but all the sudden it hit us that even in our moments of giving him opportunity my oldest cousin came to me she was always called the black sheep she was in girls homes by age 13 pregnant by 1516 drugs mass she was always the black sheep she came running up to me and cried and she said I have the same testimony from Grandpa and everybody called me the black sheep and he's only ever been gentle to me and loved me and kind he's never treated me for what I did ever and she's bawling and she said now I realized why I wouldn't smoke around him because I didn't want to hurt his heart cuz I knew he loved me I realized why I wouldn't swear around him because I knew it would hurt his heart to see me that way and I just respected him so much that it brought the best out in me when I was around him that was my cousin crying at the funeral so I said in my heart if I had that with my grandpa then it is possible I'm gonna have that with my grandkids and I'm gonna let that legacy get passed on so it's well and alive that legacy right now at age 12 [Applause] now I'm stirring I'm stirring my daughter for more kids it's just not working well my son got married a year ago and I'm gonna start asking my daughter-in-law every time they come in till she's just so fed up with me that she gets pregnant I'm just gonna be like are you pregnant hey take your chin you're glowing are you pregnant I just got every time until she just gets pregnant they got twins strong running their family I'm like good give us two or three my wife and I are each have something to hold it'll be awesome my daughter she's like unlike she doesn't want no more babies and I'm like what are you talking about read your Bible you're supposed to be an olive plant at the table and around the chairs is all your little olives you got one chair filled girl I see at least six chairs around your table like what are you doing read your Bible I took her out to eat nurse and my son-in-law and she said dad did you just bring us out to eat to talk me into having children I said no to command you to have children I am your dad I said I realized you're 30 years old and you'd never listened to much that I've said but if you would listen to this you'll do well I just mess it with her she was so like done with it she's like dad just drop it just stop I said nope I'm not stopping I said to my son-in-law listen buddy do you want children she said dad I said no he's your husband let him talk you want children he said actually I do want Morrison Oh I said man where's your voice your authority in your wisdom in this marriage boy I said she's sitting there like so I go like this I go so how many do you really want be honest she said he said I would love to have two more I said dude what is your wisdom she's sitting right there I'm just playing with him I said tell her you want four meet in the middle she said dad just stop just stop I got an Amen out of my son-in-law accident and guys I'm gonna drop it now she said good I said I don't see a better night in tonight to get this thing rolling and he said amen brother and she went so I need grandchildren to love so so what I do is I just love on everybody else's kids yeah yeah I got a stop here let's look at verse 21 man I do I want grandkids back three weeks ago my wife said my wife said she said I don't think the kids are gonna have any baby she means my son and his new wife of a year and I said what do you mean they said they're gonna have kids I think they're too in love there to enjoying each other they're just so buddies and they're she's 30 he's 28 and I just I think another two years is gonna buy they're just having so much fun together and it's beautiful to watch I just I'm not gonna have my heart set on him having kids I just honestly don't see him having kids I was gonna say get thee behind me Kim but I did I didn't I'm like I said really I said you don't think that I saw I think that I could no I don't think so I said well then you know what she said what so I'm gonna cause we start calling you Sarah she said oh stop I said come on Sarah so you know a couple times in row I called her Sarah so I'm trying to change your confession that my kids will have kids I think would be easier to leave that then Sarah amen I'm just having fun with y'all I figured I could have fun we can laugh a little since I've been like slicing your hearts and pieces for two days isn't it good to get cut by the Lord though and then it's like Todd said you're like huh I call it holy ghost anesthesia see the reason you're laughing right now you should be nervous because the knife's coming like when he gets us this silly it's because what he's about to say is so sharp he doesn't want you to bleed and hurt no I'm kidding actually I'm not kidding but you look over here are you bleeding [Laughter] look at verse 21 of Colossians 1 and we'll close with this I'm done with this and and and yeah this is my last session with you guys - no it is but uh thank you for you're hungry and humble hearts and letting me talk so plain I would anyway I would because it's all I know but thank you for receiving it i sat through session after session i sat through Todd sessions honestly I'll be honest with you guys gotta be real frank and honest I could tell when I first got up some of you were a little taken back by the message just a little bit like and and in the second session I thought it was a deliverance meeting I had 20 different expressions at one time out there I could see him and I was like just looking up but I saw it sinking in I saw it making sense and I saw it becoming simple just we just see these are like identity crash courses like we want you to get a word of knowledge and see the sick healed but man we want you to wake up and have an unveiled face and be in fellowship with God because if you wake up and have a nun felt a veiled face and fellowship with God you're gonna see things in your life yeah so that's our goal so we kind of trick you in power love but it's actually love and power just power love sounds like a better flow but love and power it's like doing to be or being to do you be to do you don't do to be just don't ever get it backwards you live out of your being and all you're doing flows out of who you've become you don't do to qualify you're qualified through him you become through him you be forgiven you be loved you be accepted you be free you be fulfilled to be empowered to do what those things do here's how it works right here this thing right here I'll wrap up with this and if you do this in faith you hold on to this truth you'll you'll do well are you with me and you he's talking to you not me you know and you he's talking to all of us Sydney and you you can't get around this and you who wants were alienated separated estranged in another world alienated you were on another page so was I you were alienated and not only alienated you were enemies to everything God stands for why because he's loved and we were selfish you get it says if you love the world and the things in the world in first John the love of the father is not in you and the and the things in the world are the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life you love the world and the things in the world the love of the father's not in you that's the word lust of the eyes lust of the flesh in the pride of life what he's saying is if you invite me in and get intimate with me who I am will so transform you you'll see different and those things won't be your reality he's saying he himself will change us if we yield to him yeah yeah not one day in 23 years did I wake up a kid gotta be a Christian gotta be a Christian man I gotta do good today I don't even know what that means stop all that okay I can't send today I can't sin don't even think about sin I think about righteousness and Jesus and him loving me I think about Holy Spirit living inside of me I think about how life is a gift I'm not waiting to fail manifesting to be a son I'm becoming yeah come on good hearted people wake up and try not to sin stay sin conscious they always take their own test and grade their own scores and they always end up failing if you realize Jesus took the test gave you a passing grade you've got a diploma flip the little thing and move on in Jesus grace will begin to empower your life to live everything your heart desires starts right here and you and me having once been alienated and enemies by our minds in the way they were working see we were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works so if God can renew my mind and changed my mind and changed my perspective he can narrow my eye and bring forth life so our motivation in the way our minds work the motive of our heart the why behind our life alienated us put us on another page than God in the left field and made us enemies to everything he stands for so wouldn't you say that Christianity is a whole lot more than praying a prayer to go to heaven but it's given your life and getting your mind renewed and being renewed in the spirit of your mind yeah not conformed to the world but transformed by renewing your mind it means thinking like you never thought before so you can prove the good acceptable and perfect will of God what's it mean so you get on page with God and start seeing what he sees ain't that awesome this thing is a far cry from just bless me Lord provide for me and protect me that's called discouraged Christianity when life's not gone well confused quandary I thought he loved me while I prayed what did I do wrong see when you're doing that the enemy says wow they don't have an identity they don't even know why he's in them they're an easy target boom bam pop yeah and you resist the enemy standing steadfast in the faith a perspective we all live by it's what makes us one people you come from a different background you like it fast I like it slow loud soft whatever there's so much diversity in this room you couldn't even lay it all out some of you are called the things that other people don't even have in their heart to call the other things that doesn't make us different that's just a diversity but through diversity we've actually find true unity why because whether I Drive home to PA and you drive to wherever when we wake up tomorrow we both wake up for the same reason that makes us one we wake up to love we wake up to pursue His image that's the unity of faith it's not yeah but I go to this church yeah but I was raised in this circle but we would all agree in the beauty and power of love and were created for His image and he said follow me I think we can all agree that there's a grace that can change our lives and power our lives to live in a different place than we've ever lived that's what makes us one we can all wake up for His image we can all wake up to love tomorrow is Sunday churches all over the nation are going to have services you could fill every single seat in every church across the land and it won't change the world but if you become loved it has to so going to churches in Christianity Christlikeness is so why do we assemble ourselves together to stay focused sharp and stirred up in love and good works Hebrews 10 I'm trying to close here and I'm not doing good I keep little pointers it's my last time with you see now I'm getting sentimental I'm trying to drag it I know I'm just kidding so we were all alienated we were all enemies by the wear minds worked yet now he has reconciled us doesn't say we changed our mind says he reconciled us that means he saw us for more than we were thinking and producing do you realize on your darkest day he didn't lose sight of your creative value and who you're created to be on your most willful adventure he didn't change his mind about you he said I know you from the beginning and I know why you're here you just don't know forgive them father they don't know what they're doing now watch this yet now he's reconciled watch in the body of his flesh through death so how do you reconcile us through the cross through the death of Jesus Christ he put all that we were on him why did he do that here it is after the comma to present you uh Oh present you pull off the tarp tada unveiled present you look look what he did holy ah blameless man and above reproach in his sight so truly according to the word guess with the blood accomplished took sin away Lamb of God take away the sin of the world where he takes away the sin of the world then one I guess we ought to be sons if he cleanses of all unrighteousness I guess we ought to be righteous I guess we ought to start where he finished and if he took all this away to present us holy blameless and above reproach that's our starting point that's how you go to bed that's how you wake up that's where you camp in faith and that's where grace meets you and produces these things in your life without you trying to do those things you become those things because of the blood because the blood is speaking better things than the blood of Abel are you with me now watch now here's where you come in verse 23 so did you just see through the word that through his body you're presented holy blaming some over throats on God sod that's how he sees you period now watch here's where you come into play just living by faith verse 23 if indeed if indeed you continue in the faith grounded in steadfast watch and are not moved away from the hope of this gospel in which you heard which was preached to every creature under heaven of which I Paul became a minister here's what he's saying guys through the body of his flesh through death he washed that thing away and made you holy blameless and above reproach if you continue believing it and don't let anything change your mind that's where you come in that's the faith established so condemnation guilt condemnation shame never the Lord I did not come to come so why do we go there why do we receive it why do we say well I'm just so condemned when his goals not condemnation condemnation guilt condemnation and shame anteye finished works they're never in the tool belt of God he doesn't use them ever guilt guilt is you saying I'm not forgiven condemnation is you saying I'm worthy to be judged shame is you saying what I'm ashamed of is still Who I am that's why I'm ashamed I just read holy blameless above reproach you start there you stay there don't get moved away don't even let a slip pull you away you run right back and say father I thank you that is not who you created me to be in God those things aren't in my heart and I realize I just a god I'm just separating right now and I thank you and he goes - yeah yeah yeah thank you for the blood thank you that I'm clean thank you God holy and blameless you say you'd respond that if you slipped how would you respond lose your identity for three weeks three days three months three weeks call four friends cry go over it ten times no no no you run to him the days of naked and ashamed are over you've been fully closed amen okay I'm done I'm not I'm just stopping because of time I'm never done I just stopped but I'm done let me yeah no it's all good it's just Jesus let me pray over you guys stop stand up everybody we're gonna fly yeah it's the word it's good the words good it brings life you guys blessed me last night man we talked about it back there how nice preaching a couple different times and everybody just went ah I just jumped up I was like oh man and you know what it is it's our hearts embracing truth it's our it's clicking it's like yeah this is doable man this is this is reachable this is simple this is descent deep this isn't complex but man it's profound it'll change me yeah I can live this I can believe this that's what I felt happening last night I felt like God just session after session was just sowing into the ground of our heart and all some were like yeah I see it so I'm gonna pray a simple prayer I'm gonna pray a simple prayer but but sincere father let us continue to see what we see you came to open the eyes of the blind to give a sight Satan blinds the eyes of those who don't believe you found believers and I thank you their eyes are open and they will always see this truth and if in any way they live outside this truth you yourself Holy Spirit bring them right on course and let this conviction remain all the days of their life and let them run well because of who you are in their lives and let them stay right where you finished I bless them and I thank you in Jesus name amen and then love you bless you [Applause]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 83,346
Rating: 4.8811498 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 18sec (5478 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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