Dan Mohler - Out of Darkness into the Light

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you know what excites a fellow like me when I say a fellow like me thanks my wife said she likes severe twos that's why it's still on so but you know Todd and I obviously our lives have been changed and we share it and talk and get invited to do things like this but I'll tell you what's to pay down what's exciting to me is that you're this excited seriously about being here so I look out at all your faces and you're like oh and sharing these testimonies and we just sit back err Todd was just sitting with me we're just watching the screen and we're just excited that you're excited and that Jesus is having his way in and through our lives amen amen so we want to keep that train rolling we're going to talk about that and just a lot of good things I'm just glad you're here I'm glad I got to come and hang out with my buddy and see all of you and it's just fun so you ready to roll cuz we don't have a ton of time I think they want me done by about what times my time 420 420 420 it's right on my email 420 dude like I teach to a forum by 20 after their high [Laughter] no but they did say 4:20 so that's gonna be not too far from now it'll go fast we're gonna have fun so Wow gods are really good I I don't I don't get to sit I don't do these with lifestyle that much so just sit and listening to Todd's heart this morning Tom's heart last night he didn't know I was here last night Tommy said oh you were here I said yeah because see I'm a Yankee fan and he said he doesn't talk to people that wear yankee hats so that's why I didn't wear a Yankee hat cause I wanted to talk to Tom this weekend I said oh yeah I was here I heard your bias message but you know Todd talked about this morning he talked so much about the finished work in your past and where new creation and it's done and I just want to cheer that whole thought on that I can't Amen that enough guys it is so imperative that before anything were believers in what he said and what he accomplished and that we slow down and turn off enough to to really hear what he really did and not yell but like he said yeah but well if our way around it but really settled down and really get a hold Todd just said something to me right before I got up here well before he said are you nervous and then he laughed but uh right before that he said it's amazing you can read the Bible your whole life and not see the clear gospel you got to make sure that you're not reading through what you've been taught you you got to read to see not to read because you think you already know you you want it you want to be looking you want to be always teachable it's not that you don't know anything I'm not talking about some some weird place you're putting yourself in but but but in the beginning it would be good when I got saved the morning after this is how you found me the morning after crying on my bed crying hard and I said I don't know you I don't I don't know you I know now you're real but I don't know you a lot of people are saying a lot of things about you and I believe you're in this book so when I start reading this book would you please show yourself to me and that's how I've always read my Bible to know em so I didn't read it with presumption I didn't read it with pre notion I didn't read it through the language that was put in me growing up I just read it for him to speak to me so that I could really know him and see him guys when he tells you to reckon yourself dead indeed to sin and alive under God he means it he doesn't mean for you to analytically assess and say yeah but brother we always sin and we're never perfect and you know or not he doesn't he's not asking for all that when he says to reckon yourself dead indeed to sin and alive under God he means it he doesn't want you to talk around it through life's experience he wants the truth of what he's saying to change that experience but if you keep and I keep interpreting the word through what's been we're gonna miss what he paid for when he says in 1st Peter 2 that he bore your sin and my sin in his body on a tree he means it your sin and my sin in his body on a tree why that we having died to sin now I just quoted two different sections of Scripture where the Bible calls you dead to sin and says you're to die to it that means it's stained it's desire it's memory it's actions it's pull everything about it is what you were never created for you come out of darkness into the light the gospel is so powerful to bring change not just forgiveness change like like like be honest with me and I'm not man I'm glad we're gonna live forever but I promise you the goal the gospel isn't just for you to get your name in a book called life so that when the trumpet blows you're on the list it's about you becoming the person he intended from the beginning it's about all things restored and made new from the power of Satan to the power of God out of darkness in the light right so that your life can be lived effective so that you can write a legacy that you can bring glory to his name through the life that you live it's it's not about being positioned for heaven someday it's it's everything being restored back to the beginning and all things made new again so it's just it's a big deal I'm passionate about it I'm I'm trying to stay at home enough to communicate it half the time it the the Gospels designed to transform your life our lives will never be transformed without a fresh perspective as I listened to Todd this morning I'm like man this thing is so simple that's so clear that's so clear that's so clear and what I was hearing and it's what I preached a lot its perspective the Lord wants to change the way you see the way you think the why behind your life your reason for being the thing that motivated you before Jesus your whole life it was self-centered self-serving self-conscious it was all about you getting by you surviving you getting some out of life or out of someone when you die you deny yourself when you die to live when you get born again you died us in first Peter to remember I quoted it you died a sin once for all guess what the next verse says that you might live for righteousness that what it taught you this morning what's righteousness mean not guilty that you might live to be not guilty and by His stripes you are wow isn't that amazing so the Gospels telling you every day you wake up you wake up to be found in him you wake up because he bore your sin and my sin in his body on a Tracy you wake up dead to sin and alive unto God in Christ Jesus like this thing is so simple I think it frustrates some people because we've lived analytical we've been tricked into complexity we've been tricked into a yell but mentality we've been tricked in an analytical mindset that and and by the way that's not a gift analytical is not a gift I'm sorry listen I know there's a lot of people here and there's a lot of people here that have said well I'm a very analytical person stop that's not a gift intellect high IQ praise the Lord analytical is different than an IQ analytical is making simple things complex God never gave you the ability to talk yourself out of him that came through the fall of man it's called earthly wisdom who I can feel that's not well received that's that's okay that's okay analytical is not a gift it's it's it's you analyzed the thing and you run it through you know somebody says Jesus really loves you well you know I know he said he loves me because he died on the cross he did shed his blood but I mean I didn't know better I shouldn't have done that anyway I mean where's my heart even for him it's my heart even purer how am I even saved and next thing you know you're on this thing of thinking that Jesus never put in you you can tell somebody they're forgiven and they'll talk for five minutes telling you why they might not be that's what I mean by analytical and analytical well I'm a very analytical person okay I'm gonna say this don't get mad at me don't leave to shoot her me out I've never seen a person confessing to be analytical that was walking in true freedom and blessed in the joy of the gospel because the analytical the reason you're talking to me they say well yeah but I'm analytical it's cuz they yell button the truth the high IQ is amazing use it for the glory of God intellect is awesome but the way that seemeth right to a man is not cool how do you know because of the fruit that it bears if what you're thinking doesn't produce lice it can't be from him he came to give you life and life even more so if the way you're thinking attributing it to being okay if it's not produced in life it can't be him what's this if it's not encouraging your heart it can't be him if it's not moving you forward it can't be him and I've seen too many good people that have a heart to believe the gospel gets stymied and stuck by wrong believing through just analytical process so I don't know why I camp there for a little bit but I did I'm sorry I just telling you boldly it's not a gift it's not a gift and I can't tell you how many countless people said to me well I'm just very analytical and I'm like well then stop that like right now analytical would be Jesus carrying the cross stop at about halfway to Golgotha and saying Barabbas are you kidding me I mean how much is a guy supposed to take I mean I've done nothing but good they treat me like I'm bad constantly I heal the sick and they tell me that I'm a demon-possessed Samaritan I mean these people are so against me how could they possibly before me they're certainly not gathering to me they must be scattering and now analytical's use in scripture yeah and he says you know Barabbas killed a man I raised the dead they want to release him and crucify me you got to be kidding I know all these scriptures were written beforehand and it needs to happen but I'm not feeling it right now these these people that's analytical and it's fully Yale but and we've had this phrase ever since he's known me we've had this phrase yell buts or Devils because they get in the way of yes and amen you can't have a yell but why you can't shine you you can't have a yell but why you can't love your spouse you can't have a yell but why you can't live the gospel yeah but is a lie so it just comes right back to believing God some you guys are all here we're excited and I wish I had something a whole lot deeper for you but man if we believe that he believes we were made for His image and beliefs that it's worth dying so we could come alive in him that's probably something good to believe if we can believe that he's for us and not against us he'll never leave us never forsake us and and flip that into more of the walking in love mentality instead of receiving everything we think we need to get through life see when we say he's never leave us or forsake us a lot of times we think he's never gonna let anything bad happen to us we're always gonna have enough and we get in a survival mentality we get into a god for me mindset instead of a God through me mindset and there's a big difference because want to push you into survival and I'll get you to go to God for what he can do for you but the true gospel is God making you look more like him through the person of Holy Spirit are you with me okay so back to what I was trying to talk about with everything that Todd was sharing this morning about starting where he finished and the the blood being enough and he was talking about several ministries and you know people get a little uncomfortable I had one years ago a minister of a ministry tell me brother I know you respect the blood and appreciate but sometimes it's you just need more than the blood and I'm like yeah I'm like you just said the wrong thing cuz that's a giveaway you're trying to do the work of God on your own or something and your heart might be right in your effort but man you're out of bounds you got teach people who they are you don't tell them to knock it off you teach them who they are if I can make a tree good the fruit will change if I can tell you who you are inspire you to believe that through Scripture and through his sacrifice and God's graces he's so good he's so faithful if the trees good fruits get so it seems like we ought to follow the word and really find out who we are and say yes and amen to the finished work and never look back because there's nothing there like there's nothing there that's why it's a gift of repentance it's a gift of righteousness you can find scripture that puts the word gift in front of righteousness and Romans five you can find the word gift in front of repentance right there you can find it in Timothy that God might grant repentance it's a gift you got to open the package and once you open the package put it on and see that it was made for you that when you put on that gift you look the best you've ever looked and you just say never taking it off again look if he made you righteous he made you righteous you say yeah but I failed afterward well then get your eyes all the more back on righteousness because that's the only reason we fail because we get off of righteousness if you start waking up every day living like you're not guilty guess what your life will start producing fruit that's not guilty your trees of who planted the trees your trees of righteousness the planning of that he might be he's talking about through your life he made you something to produce something that always looks like him first law in your Bible seed time and harvest time eat seed after its own kind if he can teach us through the cross you've been made right your life becomes right and you never again have to try to do good because you've become something are you with me and you can say all day long yeah but brother none of us are perfect and we're always going to sin and you got to be careful and you can go on that rat race tangent line that never produced anything to change to life and think you're bearing witness of human experience but when do you ever see grace when do you ever receive the supernatural power of God to live beyond what we've known this topic that I'm touching barely you can hardly talk about in the body of Christ because heresy flags and blasphemy flags start rising up in people's minds because I'm not sure we've been following him in this arena I think we've been following ourselves and I'm not sure we've been following him and letting grace have its perfect way what is it possible for a life to look like receiving the measure of grace he paid for what's a life look like that's immersed in the empowerment of God in simple childlike faith do you think that's a failure do you think that's perpetual sin do you think it's evil wicked heart what do you think it's a new heart you think it's new life new creation probably so huh so my encouragement to you just in opening up today as this take everything that he paid for and and think about this everything that he paid I mean and think about what he paid it for not just your forgiveness not just your name in a book called life but for you to literally become that thing he intended from the beginning so you could be empowered to follow what he looked like Christ in who Christ in who Christ in you you say Oh personally you got to take this Christ in you the hope of glory very very simply means any manifested made seen attribute of God anything that's seen and realized of who God is is the glory of God revealed so the Christ in you within your sphere of influence within your job within your family within your just your life within your sphere of influence you got it the Christ in you is the hope of God being seen and now now you multiply that by the number of faces I'm looking at and you tell me if we get this this isn't an army because it's not the pressure of evangelism it's not you trying to reach out it's you becoming something and in becoming something you carry the attitude of that thing the expression of that thing then the fruit of that thing and all the sudden you're not trying to evangelize a transform life is evangelistic love is evangelistic the brand new year is created to be evangelistic it's not a step to follow it's a life that you live y'all good okay good I want you to see something since since Todd was there he he he expressed what I feel all the time he started quoting chapters people say what's your favorite verse and I'm like I don't have one I really don't I'm not a favorite kind of guy I don't have favorite color I just love color I don't have a favorite number I just not a favorite guy I really don't have favorite stuff I I just yeah I mean if I think I'm if I think blues my favorite then I'm thinking red looks per good at the same time I'm just confused on that so people say a favorite Scripture and I'm like oh man I think I have one in ten more bombard me in and then it's probably I was just reading John 20 at a church last week and I said I'll tell you I could almost say this is like my favorite Scripture I know it's in the top 100 but he started quoting Colossians 2 libyans Ephesians and I'm sitting there going man they're so good like you could just sit and read one of these chapters over and over talk to Holy Spirit and ask him to teach you and just keep reading over and over amused and meditate on like you said Ephesians one over and over so that thing just gets in you amen amen look at Colossians 1 with me I want you to see this there's a reason we teach on this stuff all the time so you run well and keep running well it's so you never let those testimonies that we just heard start having a bigger voice in your identity than what he accomplished that's what pride kicks in that's where things get weird things get weird when people get in the way of grace if you're doing ministry to feel good about yourself you're never gonna cuz you're always going to be striving to maintain something and you're always under pressure and the ministries defining you that is way way out of place there's a lot of Ministers that are hurting because that was what they were doing and then they believe they actually believe people let him down and they believe ministry is so challenging and when there's self-centeredness involved in your life life is challenging I say it everywhere I go I don't believe politics is the trouble in the world I don't believe it's Isis I don't believe it's the president I don't believe it's racial conflict I really don't all those things are real they're relevant I don't think that's the problem on the earth you can't pinpoint that is the major problem I'll feel like the words pinpointed the major problem on the earth it's every day every single day men wake up and live for themselves when they were made for God's image that's why there's so many attitudes opinion so many fights that's why there's so much back and forth that's why social media can get really ugly because it's just an opinion platform and the Bible says don't be wise in your own opinion and our whole lives we well this is what I think well you know what I think well this is what I say it's probably not important if it's not coming from him like probably given your boss a piece of your minds probably not life-changing to your wife's at home pray and for you to have an amazing spirit that day and you finally just let her fly at work man and told the boss how you feel great job now the world's changed did you ever do that you finally vent and you let it loose and you share everything that's been built up and you actually for a moment you feel good you're like you just feel cocky you see how zero that is you come home from work you like strutting you praying life hi honey was your day good marty was amazing really why was it so amazing she's thinking you're like one the whole staff or something to the Lord well you know I've been pent up for too long and kept my mouth quite I finally told the boss what I think and gave him a piece of my mind okay it's probably what he needed see I remember living that way I'm glad that ways going because it says unless you die you abide alone that's a lonely place it's a lonely place unless the seed dies and falls to the ground it abides alone why because you were never to live toward yourself you're supposed to die so you can spring up see somewhere between dying and springing up something changes your motive your reason for being you die to everything you've ever been so when you spring up you can grow into everything he is in you there's a real exchange between dying and springing up because if you if you don't die you abide alone but if you die and follow the ground you spring up and bear much and I'm not the brightest man but abiding alone and bearing much fruit sound different yeah and in this the father's well pleased that you abide alone Wow so this dying thing is a big deal and it's dying to what mr. self that's not some rigid legalistic it's so simple its perspective it's waking up every day realizing man I wasn't created to be driven by need I wasn't created to be right it's created to be like him I strayed to love to believe the best to take no account of a suffer wrong cuz I don't think for myself why I was created for His image his glory I was created for others and to love and the interest of others and not just my own and to lay down my life and to be a friend that's called deny yourself people it's really simple what if you lay on your bed every morning when you wake up just teach your heart these things every morning you wake up you look up and say wow God thank you for another day that sure beats all God I hope you get me through this day that's typical Christian for air alarm clock six o'clock burn oh my goodness 6 o'clock already God please and then you think about getting up at 3:30 to go the bathroom and that disturbs our sleep and then you took to a fort 2025 to go to bed and then you're mine analytically rationally assesses that you missed an hour and a half asleep so practically you're gonna be tired and oh god if I don't have your grace I'll never make it through the day and then we call that prayer anybody ever think like that in the morning before who am I talking to no one and if you're not careful you already run your day through your mind and you pray to work beside this person and not this person and you hope you get this job and not this job and the next thing you know all your faith is wrapped around your day working out the way you hope instead of all your faith wrapped around a perspective that causes light to shine out of your life in the face of whatever comes because the whole goal is to shine the whole goal is to shine the whole goal of a Christian is to shine in the face of whatever comes that's the whole goal honestly listen I'm just gonna be so narrow with you if we miss that kind of thing we miss why Jesus came and shed his blood he didn't come just to forgive you of your sins he came to put his life inside of you his nature his will his motives his heart his being that's why he gave us the same spirit of racism from the dead yeah to make us one he my whole life I was taught he died to forgive my sins hey I understand in his death there's the forgiveness of sins I get it I get it he had to die because I sinned I get all that but oh my goodness it's so much more intimate and powerful he died to transform me to give me a new life to put who he is inside of me so I could look through his eyes live from his heart so I could follow him so that I could be the body of Christ yes so that I could forgive and people would know the way to forgiveness so that could love and show mercy and make peace and be a Christian not hurt and offended and hold on to my rights and I'm a Christian now I have even more rights forgive me I've pastored for a little while I've been in a lot of counseling sessions it's always fascinating me how Christians have so many rights when they've denied himself can I help us with something you got one right to be like him that's what he paid for he paid to put who he is inside of us that's what he paid for that's why I did it that's why he hung there that's why I love when change its mind he looked to the joy set before him and he saw you and me restored you know what's amazing about Jesus he did it knowing some people wouldn't receive that he did it know and some people would fight that he did it because it's truth and love made it possible for you and me to be changed so don't fight it don't don't fight it let's simple faith wrap around your heart and be like a child and say man my days of animosity offense discouragement frustration are coming to an end it's it's got to end now because there are all evidences of self-centered things I'll say this stuff everywhere I go none of this is new stuff to me it just needs shout it over and over till it just becomes who we are and becomes our life where we stop buying into any other mindset do yell buts get totally wiped out of our lives right but you be honest with me if you're discouraged if you're truly discouraged where's your focus dude there's no way you can tell me you're seeking first the kingdom of God if you're discouraged people are usually discouraged because of how things are working out or aren't working out what it's costing them putting them through and when is this going to change but now I'm not going to be able to well how come and if you listen to the language it's all about you that would be Jesus sitting on a rock at night when his disciples are sleep and crying saying I don't think they like me you know I've been trying and trying I mean I mean I preached the truth you tell me preach the truth I have to preach truth but I do love them and I care I mean how many of they're sick of I healed already and but I don't think they like me lord I don't know if I want to go back out there in the streets again tomorrow they just don't seem the friendliest I mean you're the one that lets me hear all their thoughts I wish you wouldn't even let me hear their fault because there's thoughts aren't really that edifying wouldn't be amazing to be so secure that God could let you hear the thoughts of men did you ever think about it that Jesus could hear their thoughts because he could because it wouldn't change him some of you say oh I just want to hear your voice you might be amazed but in God's great love for you he can't let you hear everything he can't show you everything he'd like to show you there was a long time ago he was showing me some things and I asked him he said do you know why and I said so I can pray he said I'm showing you cuz I can and I went I started crying because I knew what he meant and this is what he said to me laying on my bed he said I can tell myself anything you become one with me and you're in wouldn't it be amazing if they whisper something to you and it wouldn't break your heart for you but it would break your heart for them and you would actually pray from the right place and heaven would hear and grace would pour into that situation rather than break your heart for you and then you need healed and repaired and fixed and now your trust is broken and it takes you two years to let somebody even get close again it's not the gospel it's human psychology and it's Adam not Jesus Jesus didn't have walls you just be careful with that stuff okay why are you talking like this at a power love because if these things aren't relevant in your life you can go out there and pray for the sick all you want but what about freedom what about freedom wonderfully I'm for the six starts trying to take the place of true freedom wonderful word of knowledge starts taking the place of true freedom now you're doing what Todd said this morning and now you're starting to ministry because God's moving through you so much you don't want that you want to lay your head on the bed at night and know you're free that nobody owes you a thing and nobody failed your heart because you didn't have expectations wrapped around people and you woke up for one reason to be like him and you're going to bed that way and nobody owes you a thing and you owe no man anything but to love and all the sudden you sigh in that quiet place and know that you're in the best place of your life the strongest most freest most amazing place of your life and you get up in the morning and look in the mirror and you actually know you're okay this is a good place to be nice and we can all be there right now literally right now by believing that's why we're all alive to be like you are you with me okay the reason I turned you to Colossians I want to I want you to see something you guys good okay just uh I feel a little stuck right where I've been out here that's why I'm just standing there I stand there still and talk this straight like yeah it just my beard feels good too I've teased and two friends of mine that might watch this because they don't like my beard so I was just going to church so every time somebody says some nice I jab him a little I say you know what this guy just said yeah it's probably about your beard I said yeah he walked up to me so sincere and he said dude I watched you on YouTube for years but Dad beard just puts it over the top I just knew he thought that he was sincere so I ran and told my friend one guy came up and stroked my cheek and said dude that looks like doable wisdom space people say funny things the next guy said you look like you belong on a picture on a yacht and I don't know even what that means can you tell when we teach that we're passionate about this stuff that do you guys get this do you understand this I know I'm speaking for Todd right now I have no need to stand here in front of you other than I believe what I'm preaching and it's for you it's for me it's like some of you I may never even see you again I don't know but you you just might have a tomorrow huh and you might go home to a sphere of influence and you might wake up and believe these things and it might make an amazing difference in people around you might start seeing Jesus like never before and I think that means something to all of us yeah like it's not about preaching good if it was about preaching good we'd probably try to preach better whatever that means right we'd be thinking about that like I never deep if I never think about how I look how I sounded the analogies I use I just get up here it's a blur to me anyway it's probably a leg up for Todd people say oh man I watch this YouTube this one titled I said don't I don't even know titles I don't even know what YouTube you're talking about I don't I get up here and here in this room this is bright and I can't even hardly see anybody so you know I don't even I know you're out there but honestly I can't even see off a face right now it's like so that won't bother me anyway but but I can't usually usually you can see people's faces you know and I'm not here to perplex you make you mad like Todd said some of you look angry I don't know how you saw him this morning buddy I can't see anybody but I've been in services like that where I was in one a while back there are glasses the men's glasses it wasn't my imagination they were all sitting down on their noses and they were all looking at me like it because they've been in church their whole life and their pastor stood up and said we're breaking our 80 year tradition of believing God doesn't heal so what he said and that automatically dropped the glasses and then he said I'm gonna bring in this fella that dis preach to us so I was the fella and you know what I talked about for 20 minutes how they didn't know Jesus so they wouldn't be feeling what they're feeling towards me right now I didn't even talk about healing I said you come to church religiously you don't believe that book there's no love in this room right now I can tell I said you guys are see him as an enemy and if I was really that wrong you should cry for me and hope that I don't get lost you shouldn't be mad at me and blog and stuff and posting stuff that's hateful you just proved you don't know Jesus when you do that that's what you do when you say you're a Christian in your bash and other people you prove you don't know Jesus you're religious because Jesus is in fashion people he's laying down his life for people he's laying down his life for people he doesn't agree with yeah it is a good word so be careful getting caught up in that stuff in nowadays okay it's just too easy there's too easy for people to go out there and voice their opinion don't make sure you stay loving if you believe somebody's wrong and really believe they're wrong you probably had a weep for him before you talk about him ya probably ought to weep for them you're probably gonna find the capacity in God to where sin abounds like grace abound even more and don't hide religiously so I'm just God's Watchmen on the wall be careful I don't think he appointed you on any wall because here's how I know that's true and I'm not overstating anything and judging anyone because when when you do pray from that motive that wrong motive heaven doesn't respond anyway heaven responds to love God doesn't change your spouse because you're hurt by your spouse and you cried and prayed in your home group God changes your spouse because you cried for them because you know they're more than what they're living and you refused to take them personal and wake up and be needs driven and you pray for your spouse cuz their life and destiny is so much greater and you see that they're blind and they're handcuffed and they're willful and they're whatever they are and that makes you cry for them not because of them I promise you that's the prayer heaven hears and that's when grace goes into your spouse and doesn't work that brings change not because you put your spouse on every printer chain because if your spouse doesn't change soon you don't know what you're going to do that's not how you'll see your spouse change that's why it spends five eight ten twelve or you stopped counting years God responds to laughs sweetie responds to so when you walk out of these doors and start realizing that everybody is on purpose there's a time to be born they're in an accident on the planet and you start walking out of these doors from cumberly justice start realizing that everybody matters carries the same price tag and truly does have equal value and that his blood is speaking better things over every life and if people are living out of conduct it's because forgive them father they know not what they but we do know that's what we say so we shouldn't let their not knowing to determine what we do know we should let what we do know Trump all that and love them beyond that you makin sense of this come on it's simple that's simple okay I want to accomplish something here hopefully I want you to see this in Colossians 1 there's a lot you could look at at Colossians 1 I wasn't even going to read this but this prayer sounds a lot like the one in Ephesians 1 and Paul sees the believers he sees the Saints he sees how they're living let me just read it for you Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God and Timothy our brother to the Saints and faithful brethren in the in Christ who are in colossi grace to you peace from God our Father in the Lord Jesus Christ we give thanks to the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ praying always for you watch since we heard of your faith it's amazing that Paul too places Ephesians Colossians he says man ever since we heard of the faith you're walking and we haven't stopped praying for you I grew up with a mentality that when you saw people not having faith they're the ones you're supposed to pray for like he's saying once I see how saved you guys are and you're living by faith I haven't stopped praying for you see it's all about influence it's all about praying for people to become something you know the idea we've sold ourselves over the years that we're supposed to pray and believe for somebody till they pray the sinner's prayer when they spray the sinner's prayer boom we got them there in that's pray for somebody else to pray the sinner's prayer so next thing you know we got millions of people that prayed the sinner's prayer and haven't even thought about transformation walking in love and being christ-like so we make the whole goal going to heaven instead of the heaven on the earth so we're all waiting for that day when it's already here now is the day now is the time go preach saying the kingdom of God is here where is it it's in you so you didn't pray a prayer to go to heaven heaven came back into you that's not a play on words that's to dramatically different doctrines look look I'm not against the sinner's prayer it's a tool to get people to understand that they sin forgiven of their sins but man let's teach the gospel let's teach people they're being changed let's take that jug of water man and pour it over that dude Marquis I think it was yeah yeah I like it it's all about change we don't treat we preach salvation well in the sense of making sure you go to heaven and I understand there's a hell some people say you know you know I don't think Dan believes in hell I don't use hell as a motivation I want to use God's goodness and God's love as a motivation cuz if you see his first love you love him you will love him yeah and if you love him you'll obey him he doesn't say if you love me you obey me he's saying if you love me you'll do what I say to do he's not saying that as a test he's making a statement that my love transforms you and when you see the beauty and glory of who I am towards you you'll take that into your own heart and be that towards others and if you love me you obey me yeah so if you never see God's first love you'll just feel indebted to him and you'll serve Him and do things in his name that's the concubine Todd was talking about and at a service or an order call or a special moment you'll get touched by the king that's the same as a concubine getting called into his chambers spending time with him oh my goodness I was just with the king some of them Kings in the Old Testament had seven hundred concubines it might have been a while till you were with the King again especially if you weren't on his top ten list I'm just that you so watch this since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus watches and your love for all the saints you just love each other yay because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven so there's a part that's a part of the gospel but don't miss this your faith and your love for all the saints your hope will just stored up in heaven which you heard before in the word of truth of the gospel which has come to you in other words here's what here's what God did this is why we we call it going to heaven let's just phrase it this way and it might help us some say we're just never going to die we're gonna live forever because we're one with the eternal one so Adam was never created to die he was created to live the day you eat the tree is the day you surely so Adam was created to never die he was created to live not die the day you eat the tree is the day you shall he died so death came into the picture through disobedience and separation the last Adam comes and takes all that away and brings us back to the Father and we live forever so we're back to square one never going to die that's why we live forever but we've made that the emphasis and the motivation of our born-again experience and the evidence of your born-again experience should be born again not pray a prayer to go to heaven it should be born again like every man was born into Adam that's why his little two-year-olds a little feisty right now he's gonna need Jesus when he comes of age as precious as he is as valuable as he is so worth adoption right precious future destiny and God but there's something that needs to change mother's come my child's throwing a fit my little baby made faces at me - are they possessed no they're gonna need Jesus someday seriously I pastored man sweet little mothers come like they're just Jesus girls right they're just they don't even raise the voice now honey and a little bit yeah they can't be on the cry and ask if they're failing why am i failing as a mother I've never even raised my voice at my child my child made an ugly face Sydney their true stories I'm not exaggerating this and I'm like honey you're probably the sweetest mama you're probably the kindest mother there she got that from Adam she ain't get that from you remember how he said you sit the truck on the floor two little ones hit the truck on the floor you gonna have two parents it's possible you have two parents that don't fight possible it's happened in my home for 23 years yeah takes two to tango two to tango takes one to pursue peace as long as I'm alive and as long as Jesus is in me I'm not going to tango and I don't mean dance it takes two takes one to make peace blessed are the ones that tango blessed are the ones that stand for their rights blessed are the ones that get it so right and convinced they're two threads to support them and say they're right blessed are the peacemakers guess who they are sons of God so this thing I'm a son I'm a son it's not a confession it's not a new language in the body of Christ it's an expression it's a way of life sonship is not a confession it's an expression blessed are the peacemakers for these are the sons of God so when you make peace you reveal that your son not when you confess you're a sign when the confession of sonship produces peacemaking in your life watch this you say love your neighbor and hate your enemy but I say unto you love your enemy pray for those who persecute you and give to those who would spitefully use you why in the world would I do that so that you may be sons of your father in heaven who causes the rain and the Sun to come upon the righteous and the unrighteous for if you love those who love you what do you have any different and the tax collectors and the pagans do as much yeah so we get born again the Bible says we were all born into Adam and you must be born again of course everlasting life is in that mix of blessing in bag of blessings and we're kept by the power of God for life eternal it was in the gospel they preached it's part of the gospel I'll say it this way and hope you understand in June 9th of 95 I got born again at work there was nothing about my born-again experience that night that was inspired by the Lord that had to do with going to heaven I did not become a Christian to go to heaven someday I became a Christian to die to what I was living so I could become what he always wanted the reason I became a Christian was to die to live to put off to put on I'm telling you there wasn't one thing about going to heaven that inspired me to be a Christian that night I looked into my own heart and by the grace of God saw me for who I was and knew that I never wanted to live in another day that way coz it was a zero and I looked up and cried and said if you're real coz I didn't know if you're real can love me and forgive me and have a plan for my life I'll live for him and I didn't even know what I was saying but I knew I was serious and he came and he made me see that he was real and I've never been quite the same since then but I still didn't know him so I ran home I had to route through a bunch of drawers but I found a Bible it's not a joke I had to look for one but I found one I laid and I hugged it and I cried and I talked to him he began to reveal himself to me this is where I didn't know that the more I would find who he was the more I would find myself in him and the more I got to see who he was I saw who I was in him it was the most amazing thing I started to realize that he made me for His image he made me to be one with him he made me to shine like him to love like him to make peace like him and I started to think wait a minute we've been talking the total opposite my whole life going to church we're just evil wretched wicked never know about the human heart you know one day we're here one day were there so wonder God considers us thank God for the blood anybody grow up with a language like that why cuz we're following ourselves still we're not following him now we're still following ourselves wondering why he loves us because we value ourselves based on our past experiences and it's not too valuable so then we say I wonder why he loves us he loves you for what he created you to be what he called you to be what he paid for you to be he loves what he looks like when he's in you and you're surrendered and he thinks that's worth a high price yeah so we probably ought to just say okay come on it's not I'm not gonna be any more complicated he loves me how do you know cuz Jesus died on the cross it's not cuz I always feel it it's not cuz my circumstances reveal it it's not cuz anybody in my life showed it to me it's cuz Jesus died on a cross when I was a sinner and what he was saying was hey Dan I know you boy from the beginning you're a whole lot more than you understand but I'm the truth and I know the truth about you and you're worthless and I'm glad I took these blows one day you're coming free grace is pursuing you boy I've known you from the beginning yeah that's what Jesus is saying he's not saying hey Dan I hope you're happy look with your sins done to me ain't it time to change your ways pal because if he says that to me I have no ability to change but if Jesus if Jesus tells me that I can be more not a pastor not a preacher not a psychologist it's Jesus it's telling me I can anymore then I can follow him that he could put his life in me there's one thing I need from you boy deny yourself died everything you've been so everything I am can come alive in you [Applause] now I know you can't have a little of both you can't have some in inside can't no no God everything you've been so who I am can live in you yeah it's not just bring him into your life it's not let Jesus into your heart give him your life the one you were living zero self conscious self centered self defending self protecting how was that working not good for any of us alone time to die to live yeah and then do what my buddy Todd said this morning it wasn't good advice it's the Word of God don't ever look back I say it all the time it just sounds cool you know you're not Lot's wife you're his bride don't look back but you know what I mean you don't look back says in parentheses in the Gospels Jesus talking remember Lot's wife parentheses she got delivered from Sodom was hidden somewhere they were told not to look back she looked back and froze right there between where she came from and where she was going never made it so once you're forgiven of everything you've ever done there is nothing back there I know technically we say well you know I used to do this and hey I did this and it but spiritually positionally technically that person's dead like like like the reason righteousness is so amazing it's a gift he sees you as if you've never sinned so you and I can't change where we've been we can't change what we've done we can't change that storybook those pages are written right but guess what changes you change and when you change it nullifies the book because if you could go back and do something over again and you would do different you're not the person that did it you'll never be judged for where you've been you'll be judged for who you've become you get it but if you keep thinking that's you the tree never changes the identity never shifts and you keep believing that's you and you wonder why the same fruit and the same fruit and the same fruit think why I gotta read more I can't pray more I gotta try harder no no you gotta believe different you're gonna stop believing your failure waiting to happen stop believing you're barely forgivable barely lovely you're worth it to him you know wake up in the morning and not try to be good today you wake up and just take a minute and enjoy being his you watch what Dad will do for your life you just get up and enjoy being his you stand it in your bathroom and you got the door closed and nobody knows you're there but you you're conscious in him and if the devil knows let him torment himself he is not a bother a threat to you you say you wouldn't care if he was in the bathroom I could care less if he was in the bathroom stand there if you want to you ain't gonna do nothing but stand there you'd have no place in me if you want to just see my communion with Jesus but you want to walk in on my intimacy yeah stand there if you want you ought to start treating him that way instead of like he's so powerful in your life he's powerful when you don't know who you are it's powerful when you give him landing strips when you compromise when you violate your conscience and don't deal with your heart then you give him power he roams around and seeks who he may devour wonder if it comes in and observes you and says can't touch that the ruler of this world cometh and has who said that and did he tell us to follow him so if Jesus said that is there a way for me to live and not be true is there a lot of Christians don't believe that a lot of pastors will tell you that's not fully true for what's following him mean what's the things I do you'll do if you ba so it's very critical that you believe when you say I don't believe that's quite true that means you don't believe you'll never walk in the grace that empowers that truth everybody I'm looking at I get up here I can see you a little better that light's really bright but I get under here I can see your faces a little everybody I'm looking at he shed his blood for and he sees you through the blood that speaks better things he's not marking you for where you've been he's marking you for where he's been and he's seeing you through the blood of his son you see what I'm saying it's amazing it's it's it's the abundance of grace and the free gift of righteousness and it says if you receive those things you'll reign as a king in this life I'm not talking about a king where everybody's serving you but a king were you walking in authority where there's a rulership in your life of the things around you where stuff isn't owning you anymore well you're not doing what table said this morning just worrying yourself sick like Christians that worry all the time it's a self centered focus it's all deception these things are giveaways man when you're just living in worry anxiety fear it means you're not walking in a revelation of God's love that comes simply through the cross it doesn't come wellactually sorry forgive me this is a thing that just grates on me cause people get tricked right to it it's not not something you're trying to find it in order it's something you find through truth there is not one scripture that says ministry shall make you free we have become a ministry crazed people we believe we need prayer for everything hands laid on us impartation article after article after article and it's just not true you need to believe what's been done what's accomplished you need to look to the truth continuing the word you'll know the truth you'll know the truth like like like the day you camp there and don't move and say I'm done with feelings and things that are counterproductive I'm throwing y'all butts back to hell where they belong this is the truth and you're sitting on your bed reading about you have to love me or you to never died wow you value me thanks for forgiving me Thanks for seeing me precious in your sight you just start believing and all the sudden this knowing comes into you when you don't even have to try to believe it you know it you see it Christ crucified yeah it's truth you get alone you're in your bathroom wow you just love me thanks for loving me Jesus what you did is phenomenal that you would come as a man and take my place and put everything that I was in you and on you so that I could be everything you are and everything that's in you and on you on me oh my goodness Jesus you're amazing you were made to be sin so I could be never again guilty in the sight of God father thanks for loving me countless Christians have never done that when nobody's looking they've been pursuing to feel that instead of believe that I know I asked questions that counsel man I said I ask what your personal communion lift looks like most people have a prayer list they have a needs list I found lots and lots of Christians don't commune with God and talk to him and be friendly I'm just saying look there's none of you sitting right here I'm looking at in the front row if we were driving in a car together for 50 miles would we talk would we get to know each other so if you and me man would have to carpool for one straight week carpool together five days a week and drive three hours in the car every day for five days 15 hours in the car and at the end of them five days if I heard your name mentioned wouldn't I be able to intimately affectionately say oh man I'm getting to know him yeah I know him would we drive together five days a week three hours a day and not talk to each other why do we do it with the Lord all the time we'll get in a car and listen to teaching about him for three hours we'll listen to songs singing about him for three hours and let that take the place of knowing him instead of be driving and you hear that song and the things touching you that's why you play it all the time and call it your favorite song but all sudden that thinks playing and all of a sudden you're driving I'll keep your eyes on the road but you're driving in your life the Lord Jesus that's exactly how you see me thanks for loving me that way oh my goodness that's amazing you might even bump the sound down a little father thank you for being who you are thank you for putting those ways inside of me thank you god I'm lacking no good thing yeah that sure beats just playing the song to feel a little more peppy how many people listen to countless sermons and never spend one solid minute of heart time this way so you did yourself an injustice cuz you got a ton of knowledge but you didn't back it up to where it could become revelation through relationship and after a while you know so much and why hasn't my life changed and now you have more questions than you have understanding I've seen this in a lot of good people people that mean well and are trying hard but that might be the problem huh I had three ladies at a conference like this bless their hearts come up to you one day they had pens and pads they said Pastor Dan we're so glad to meet you we listen to you all the time we watch you all the time listen we want to know what your day looks like in the Lord like when you wake up like how much time in prayer what's prostrate how much time is like on your knees and they were gonna write my Christian calisthenic program like I thought man should I make a video this is you know my Christian aerobic video how to know the Lord more I bet you the thing would sell stop it stop it it's really bad see see get thee behind me Todd I was just gonna say I was just gonna say look the last thing you need is to try to do what Todd does or do what Dan does I do know you want to see what we're seeing if we have a revelation the whole goal of us teaching isn't to say all this and I did this and God did this through me in my life this just no it's I don't even talk about how I live by faith I don't even talk about the way I live every day and safe and the way I function I don't even talk about it you know why because it's very fruitful for one and people would do what I'm doing instead of purpose to see what I'm seeing that empowers me to do it and they turn it into a theology instead the beauty of a relationship that's why you don't hear me talk about stuff like that I'm real personal about a lot of things I share a lot of stories but I don't talk about stuff I don't talk about how I walk through things personally I know why because way back I realized if I did people would say oh wow that works for him people write books how God healed me of cancer they have cancer they're in a desperate place or they're reading all those books and it's a dead giveaway now's not the time to read somebody else's book on how they got healed of cancer now time to pull alone with Jesus and say you know what I don't even know what to do right now I feel like I got caught off guard and I'm trying to build a house in a storm but you know what you have to love me you never sent your son you value me and you paid a price and I'm thanking you for loving me and you just start right there with Groening God's love and you watch what that does for your life ya know and his love changes everything now preaching his love known is a big difference between me saying hey God loves you and you all going yeah there's a big difference between that and you being loved by God relationally we take the we take the preaching God loves you and we get along with him and all the sudden in that place we're being loved by God by believing the truth not cuz a man that has a revelation of love just laid his hands on your forehead and you felt the Lord I'm not making light of that it's actually a beautiful thing but it doesn't take the place of relationship guys and if God touches you that way to spring you into this that's one thing but if that starts taking the place and now you need that to keep going I was in the Midwest and a lady came up to me at an order service was over and she said sir I need you to lay hands on me because I need a revelation of God's love and I said it's in the cross honey you heard everything I preached it's Jesus come on don't don't even go there no sir you're walking in it I see it in your life you exude it it comes out of you and then she named like four or five ministers that everyone would know they laid hands on me they laid hands on me they laid hands on me and they laid hands on me and I had had zero experience of God's love when they prayed for me and I have never been able to receive God's love you have it I need you to pray for me I said new see I wonder if you're bold enough to say no I said nope you're not putting me on their list you're not out of my name I said you're on a wrong pursuit I said you take the revelation heard today it's in the cross honey she got so upset at me oh it made me cry I said honey don't go there stop you're telling me that you won't lay hands on me and impart to me and this is I said I can't give you my relationship and I said you're not bound to me touching you and you going oh he really does love me and then it's like presto everything's gonna be great I said no no no honey cuz we we have this thing we say one touch I know we say this I'm not minimizing the power of God but what I am coming against is not living by truth we get mystical we think all just one touch and everything's changed no believe different and everything changes I've seen people sure they were free and not long after they weren't free and then I seen him get free again and not long after they didn't think they were free and then they get free again and now they have this whole testimony of free not free free not free if you don't change the way you believe in what you believe your life will never truly change like I don't have to believe he loves me anymore I know he does I've been with him he loves me right now I have no evidence or feeling of God's love for me right now on my body it's not tangible if I was talking about righteousness happens as soon as I go there cuz I'm going there in a second you know what he's gonna do he does it every time to this day he'll slip up behind me it feels like somebody wraps her arm around me and hugs me from behind when I preach or happens all the time I rarely talk about it but I just that's an experience I have do I have to have that to believe in righteousness I believed in righteousness way before that came that came afterward it was kind of like a kiss on the cheek yay see see he's doing it to me right now I'm just telling you you don't have to believe me cuz it's it's for me anyway you say well I don't believe you okay I'm not loosing anything I promise not loosen a thing by your unbelief I promise you didn't draw his arms back fact it's getting a little touchy right now we we gotta back off of this topic it's just bedroom stuff this isn't platform stuff Lord he doesn't usually mess with me this way there's things reserved for intimacy you know no stop stop you don't understand it you wouldn't be shouting that stuff no I know you meant well but more is not what we need right now we need to communicate no 4:20 seriously my schedule says 420 that's that little thing he's just having fun with me and loving on me like that I didn't come to believe because he did that he started doing that as I came to believe I see people going after that manifestation but the manifestation doesn't changed their everyday beliefs they start leaning on the manifestation so if they're not feeling that way they don't believe and then they wonder where God is why are we so distant as he laughs did I do something wrong listen I could wake up in the morning and he feel like he's a million miles away he could he could just feel like he's going I remember waking up already and it's like he's not even in the room but guess where he is he's in me so when you wake up and you you you you don't even go like well you're not like am I not saved that would be so weird but people live that way they're so driven by their feelings and experiences no you wake up and you just enjoy being his and you wake up and you know he's already in you and he loves you he's with you you're not gauging your experience status this morning you just already are settled in belief and that starts deciding your experience does that make sense the one is super healthy and ordained by God the other one is way backwards the one is man's attempt to get ahold of God and that's religion the other one is God getting ahold of man and settling it and that's Christianity okay I hope we're establishing something here because this is power love you guys in a minute are gonna go out again and have some supper and stuff here's what you simply need to know about that that everybody out there is worth the blood of Jesus you've been to Walmart you got price checks bar codes you got scanner guns you got product all over the shelves and you got price tags from dollar - way down cheap stuff right but there's the store of humanity and you got the same exact price tag on every one so it's not spiritual hype to say everybody's worth the same no no the blood of Jesus proves it the same price tags on every head what's that mean that every head possesses the same value to him wonderfully just get that and believe that and believe that every mountain is brought down in every valleys up and there is no hot shot in low life wonderfully actually just believe it's everybody in need of his mercy and he's amazing and all of a sudden we're just humbled and we're like wow it's a level plane of righteousness we all need grace we all need paid for and we all have the same value how can you say we are the same value we do I didn't say same gifts I said same value here's what makes us all have the same value everyone in this room and everyone on this earth could wake up this morning and wake up tomorrow morning the rest of their days to pursue His image and to walk in love you might not have the same gifts as this one you might have completely different gifts than this one but we can alway cup for the same reason we can all wake up to shine we can all wake up to be like him yeah now what do you think the earth would be like if every Christian will grab ahold of this and say you know what Christ in me the hope of glory I'm not going after things I'm going after him I'm not gonna let life determine my joy the good news already settled that Christ has come and lives in me and all the sudden you go to work with that perspective you live in your family with that perspective you go to the store in that perspective and all of a sudden you're not disgruntled and people don't bother you and you're not frustrated because they cut you off and jumped in line and they're taken too long and hit a wrong key and now they got to call the manager and am I ever gonna get on and all the sudden you're not selling cheap a hundred different ways cuz you realize you're not for sale you've already been bought with a price and you're not your so you miss a connection when you're flying in and it's not like some judgment from God because you did some and didn't confess it it's not the end of the world you miss your connection you missed your connection oh well so now you're around a whole new sphere of influence you when they've been around if you were on that plane I might as well make the most of it you're gonna be sitting beside somebody you'd have never been sitting beside you ought to say Amen yeah that sure beats being frustrated and bothered and I hate traveling and traveling really wears you out and people look at me and said well you understand you travel all the time and I'm like I don't even know what you're talking about I have fun move I just have fun let me try to get this done I go back up and get this done we got to read this I tried the Lord knows I tried since we've heard of your faith verse four I'm only on verse four this is scary I'm trying to get to 21 yeah yeah Thank You Valerie for your encouraging faith since we heard of your faith miss Val in Christ Jesus and of your love for all the saints because of the hope which is laid up for you in heaven of which you heard before in the word of truth of the gospel which has come to you as it also has in all the world let's make sure it's coming all the world and it's bringing forth fruit in this the father's well pleased that you bear much and your fruit I wonder if that means just believing what you believe and that thing will be your life consistency yeah the Lord asked me a long time ago he said and do you know why you live the way you do and I knew it would he meant when he asked me because he asked me you might not have known if he asked you but he meant consistency just everyday the same not trying to be okay I have not one memory in 23 years of trying to be okay not one I just wake up and I know who I am in him and who using me and it's just steady every day it's just been the simplest most consistent amazing thing and every day I just wake up I've never tried to be a Christian I never one time thought about trying not to sin I've just woke up on his yay so he said do you know why you live the way you do and I answered like you would have I said because you're amazing your grace is sufficient to me you're so good God and I started to give him glory and I was sure I heard the Lord chuckle in my heart and he said well that's not the answer I'm looking for and I said Lord that's the only answer because we know we are what we are about the grace of God listen nobody has a thing unless God has given it there's no boasting in men all we're gonna go down in history as is people that believed what he said and what he did I can be known as a believer then everything else is gonna fit yeah he said do you know why you live the way you do and I said because you're amazing you're gracious efficient et cetera et cetera I heard the Lord toggle on my heart and he said that's not the answer I was looking for I said Lord I'm confused that's the only answer I am what I am by the grace of God there is that is the only answer he said nope he said everything you praise me for needs a place to land in your life see it's one thing to say God is all merciful it's another thing for you to position yourself to receive mercy it's one thing you say God loves you it's another thing for you to position yourself and be loved it's nothing to say God forgives but are you walking forgiven he said do you know why you live the way you do I said because you're amazing he said that's not the answer I was looking for ice it's the only answer he said dan what you said needs a place to land let me tell you why you live the way you do everyday and I was confused not in a bad way I was just like and he said on the night you got saved you were sin conscious for a moment in time and saw your desperate need for me but ever since that moment you've been a Sun in your heart and that's all you've known and it's why you lived the way you do every day because you know you're mine I was sat there and cried and cried already had been through a whole box of Kleenexes and I was in a service and I was supposed to preach - the timing was terrible in my opinion was terrible but he did it anyway I'm not kidding I went through a whole box of Kleenexes cuz I was trying to get up to get ready to preach cuz you can tell you do church enough and you know we're at that place I'm gonna be getting up there and he wouldn't let me get up and I'd go to get up and he'd just breathe on me and melt me and he'd say I love you I remember him saying I'm so proud of you you you have somebody prophesy that the Lord is proud it'll bring a tear to your eye you let the Lord hover over you and breathe on you and say I'm so proud of you you don't even you think you're gonna die it's too much it's like stop you know what do you do well that's why people get that's why they they've you what do you do he said the reason you live the way you do is you were seeing conscious for a moment in time and so your need for me but ever since that moment you've been a Sun in your heart not a son in my confession a Sun in my heart what's that mean that means I approach him as he's my father I approach him as I'm his I approached him unveiled with boldness not arrogance boldness cuz he loves me and when I was yet a sinner he sent his son how much more now who saved me from wrath since Jesus lives I see a high priest he's passed through the heavens Jesus the Son of God come boldly into his throne room and receive mercy and grace in every time he yeah make sure today you settle something in your heart and don't make it this process thing Todd talked about I hear that word all the time well brother some people get things right away some people process I see what we're psychologically trying to say but why would you buy time throw that away and just say you know what I see this thing you love me why would you process in receiving his love you love me period and then you start praying that way commune in that way believe in that way receiving that way amen I'll finish on going out there I was going to do that first but I'll just do this here quick I got a little bit of time so he's heard he's heard of their faith he's heard of their love for everybody and and this Gospels have been preached in all the world as it has been among you and since the day you heard and knew the grace of God in truth he also learned it from from from Epirus and our dear fellow servant he's a faithful minister the gospel on your behalf who also declared to us your love in the spirit so this guy said man these guys got love down pat he's got he was telling Paul these guys understand so for this reason see the whole goal is to become loved so when Paul heard that these guys were walking in love for that reason he didn't stop praying for this reason since the day we heard this we don't cease to pray for you did you get it what Paul was saying is yes these guys are becoming what he paid for we aren't gonna stop praying we're gonna pray that they continue in this revelation and keep manifesting the finished work of why Jesus came they're not praying because they don't have love they're praying and don't cease praying because they are walking in love they're going this is the finished work this is what he paid for this is the glory of his inheritance this is what he gets out of men by paying for his son many sons we aren't gonna stop praying that this thing continues to flourish and grow here's the raw truth today is what Thursday we got Friday Saturday Sunday on Sunday churches all over the country are gonna have services in the morning true a great simple thought right let's just get extreme fill every Church and every seat in every church across this country on Sunday it's not going to change a thing probably but you take every person in every seat and they all become loved mm-hmm that's exactly right it is Wow guys you can go to church for the rest of your life and do church and forget fail to become her I just know this is right attending church is amazing don't stop but make sure you know why you're going you're not going to qualify you already are you're not going to be accepted you already are you're going to maintain a focus stay sharp and stirred up in love and good works and celebrate a truth that we all live under that's why you gather yourselves together and you don't cease doing it even more until you see that day as you see that Day approaching why because little foxes that steal the fruit of the vine and all the sudden I'm only as good as them going as if things are going and well sudden life speaking louder than truth and all the sudden I'm not doing okay because of this that and the other come on gather yourselves together stay focused stay sharp and stir one another come on stir with it in love and good works yeah though so wonder see you could fill every Church across this country and it doesn't mean it'll change a thing but if every person that goes to church becomes love Bible love and loves not their own life unto death and doesn't take account of suffered wrongs and seeks not their own wonderful this one room I'm looking at just says you know what I'm putting my foot down today and I'm going after this love thing and I'm done making excuses and I'm done talking around it and I'm not gonna be analytical I'm gonna say yeah but brother you don't understand what I've really been going through well how would you feel if it all of a sudden you're paying some picture outside of Christ you try to tell Jesus that who got mistreated non-stop who did amazingly good like Jesus was flawlessly good and got treated as if he was totally wrong maybe you need to talk to Jesus about that that the night he was betrayed he's holding the bread and the cup he looks around at their own his own guys who he poured into all these years come on this is the recipe for a hurting Minister you lay down your life and you pour all your secrets you take three and give them the intimate things you got nine others that you run together with there's 12 and all and you're intimate you pour out your life and you'll hold nothing back and on the night you're betrayed you don't feel betrayed on the night you're betrayed you look right at the men that you see are ready to run and disown you and then renounce that they even know you come on they're all sitting I will die for him he knows not one of them will he knows all the scriptures written he's gonna be struck they're gonna be scattered you say yeah but Jesus knew he knew they were gonna he saw all things he knew and you could try to talk around it all you want but that same Jesus told me to follow him that what was in him could be in me and that on the night I'm betrayed I don't have to cry and call a friend for prayer I can pass the bread and pass the cup cuz I've already laid down my life that sounds a little more healthy than hurting or you can get analytical see I'm back at the beginning now of the service so yeah but brother I lay down my life for these people these are the people I thought I could trust if I can't trust them who can I trust and all this seems like it was built for nothing we're on this waste of time people are just people I don't know if we can ever get this ship rolling because nobody's gonna stick together like the kingdom I'm just hurt I'm frustrated well I don't know what to do oh that sounds exciting profitable the last thing you and I need is a justification to not be like him that's sure deception on the night he was his idea of responding was lay down his life when he raised from the dead he didn't have a beef with them he called him brother I love it oh I love Jesus so much he walks in a room where they're huddled for fear still afraid they're gonna die and he's raised from the dead he walks in the room full of compassion forgive him father they don't understand and he says peace to you he said to Mary go tell my brethren I'm going to my father and your father he's making on one ain't that some guys just following Jesus isn't just seeing somebody healed let's not make following Jesus all about the power of God it's about the heart of God way before that's about the power of God because the power of God is only going to be stewarded and handled properly through the heart of God your kingdom come your will be done on we always use that for the power of God no cancer in heaven it gives us faith to pray no cancer on the earth whatever we bind shall be bound whatever we loose and we always preach the power of God your will be done on earth is having no sickness in heaven no sickness all yours and it's not wrong it's a faith builder it's scripturally correct but isn't it amazing our examples are always the power of God and sickness well there's no animosity in heaven there's no backbiting there's no willfulness there's no hurt and offence there's no selfishness whatsoever your will be done on as it is in your kingdom your will be yeah yeah so good I didn't do well no I did I mean I might uh but not in regards to what I'm talking about I did I'm okay about it Oh Lord Todd read this prayer this morning verse 10 he read verse 9 for this reason today we heard of it we pray and that's that you be filled with the knowledge of his will and all wisdom and spiritual understanding why that you may walk worthy of the Lord that your life reveals him fully pleasing unto him you please him by faith guys believin never letting anything change your mind being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God strengthened with all might do you hear the revelation Paul has of the Christian life it's phenomenal according to his glorious power with all patience and long-suffering with joy not prayer requests giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us he's qualified us past tense to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in the light oh my goodness I guess you don't have a past he has he has delivered you and me us from the power of darkness he's conveyed us it's a whole nother teaching I don't have time but if you live by feelings sensuality impressions memory you're gonna think you're still in darkness and in bondage and sometimes it's lies just tormenting what you don't understand my Bible says you have been delivered I promise you this I'm looking Stern and it's talking strong I can't see your eyeballs but I'm trying to see as many as I can the day you stand in your bedroom and lift your hands high when nobody's in the room no matter how you feel and start saying father you have delivered me from the power of darkness you have translated me into the kingdom of the son of your love and I am yours and you are mine and you believe that through the cross I promise you things begin to change in the way you feel and impressions and memories and things like that what Todd was talking about this morning I totally agree with we've spent countless hours ministering to flashbacks and freshens memories and dreams and we think because we're having them it's still us instead of we recollect what was so the thing keeps us trapped in that place instead of us saying WOW God thank you I'm changed so you wake up and have a demonic remembering dream why do you need prayer you just need truth sit up in your bed and say man father I thank you that's not true about me anymore wow that would have been my life five years ago and I wouldn't had a chance but you saved me changed me deliver me let the dream throw you into intimacy and a proclamation of the finished work you don't need prayer you have answers you have truth rather than do to do beg you pray for me I just said the craziest demonic dream I know what this dreams anymore I'm so afraid to go to sleep I hate tonight I pray if God doesn't change something I see I've gotten those phone calls you could tell something about seeing different not taking it personal see if it's not about you you won't internalize the dream because you've already taken this person or you've internalized the truth and now that dream has no place to touch you accept truth and in its attempt to break you it's actually making you because it gets you to respond in what you know not what you experienced and it's a big difference it's called living by the spirit are you with me okay I'm four minutes late and Tom didn't come up and get me out of here yet so I'm gonna read something I'm real real quick I'm gonna force Tom to bump me out here no he's right there we're closed and we're closing he has delivered us from the power of darkness conveyed us into the kingdom of the son of his love in whom we have redemption that means brought back bought back to original value of restoration to truth through his blood Wow the forgiveness of sins so the sins are what forgiven he is the image of the invisible God the firstborn over all creation for by him all things were created that are in heaven that are on the earth visible and invisible whether Thrones dominions principalities powers all things were created through him and for him and he is before all things and in him all things consist isn't that amazing that he just speaks like that about Jesus and Jesus is like willing to give his life to make us one with him do you get it he says all authority and having a nurse been given unto me now go in my name he's been given the name above every name and ID to mention his name every knee will bow every tongue confess earth under the earth about the earth that he is Lord right and says you therefore he goes from that place of exaltation and goes right to us and says you therefore work out your own salvation with a trembling and a fear before the Lord what's he doing he's making us one cuz we're the body of Christ that's why you're gonna pray for people today and expect that God would move through your heart through your life you're not gonna pray to feel better about yourself you're gonna pray cuz He shed his blood he died on the cross for everyone that they might be saved that they might know him right mercy triumphs over judgment no matter what they believe or where they're living they are a candidate for the mercy of God because mercy triumphs over judgment and I've learned as scripturally there is one thing about God the devil cannot and will never defeat what the devil can't defeat about God is His mercy men don't get what they deserve wonder if you become merciful all the sudden men don't get what they deserve they get what he paid for yeah well how long brother I mean when do you just well how much am I supposed to take well I don't know if I could boy if God took that language he didn't ever send his son he gave up on you and me a long time ago friend if you can't take what you're thinking believing in feeling and put it in the mouth of God and make it work probably ought to come out of yours yeah because if he ain't saying it then I don't want it in mind okay now watch this real quick guys this is a Ville a scripture I'm skipping to 21 and you you here you go you and you see you he just exalted Jesus Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam and you who were once alienated and enemies why were you enemies in your mind your mind was working contrary to truth to love into the kingdom your mind was working in Adam self-centered wait it seems right to a man you were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works that doesn't just mean adultery murder rape robbery it means thinking for yourself when you're created for His image thinking contrary to purpose and truth yeah if you love the world and the things in the world the love of the father's not in you and the things of the world the lust of the eyes the lust of the flesh and the pride of life come on these things are motivations not evil doings motivations are you with me do you oh my goodness look at this you're alienated enemies by the way your minds working in wicked manner yet now he has reconciled he's made you friends with him how'd he do it in the body of his flesh through death why to present you holy Oh blameless haha and a puffer approached in his sight but watch almost seems like a catch but it's not a catch it's where faith comes in if indeed you continue in the faith in other words if you keep believing that's your position now that he came and you don't let anything change your mind you believe in his site holy blameless above reproach watch guys that's how you make the tree good without getting into works holy blameless above reproach a minute ago I was evil and wicked the way my mind work was contrary to the kingdom he came forgive them father they know not what they do if I be lifted up I'll draw all men unto me boom born again yay new and living way inside of me thinking through new eyes new my new heart a new reason for being yeah and all the sudden I'm hauling in a moment holy blameless and a puff reproach hey Dan you know why you live the way you do why Lord coz every day you see yourself as a son o holy blameless it's in your Bible it's not my notes holy blameless and above reproach in his sight if indeed if indeed you continue steadfast grounded and rooted and steadfast and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard watch this many people went to church their whole life and never heard this hope they've heard well you know you're always going to sin and you know try hard and make sure you do some good works here and please come to church and you better tithe and make sure you're there man when Jesus comes back you want to be in church dude you how many people lived their whole life and never heard the hope of this gospel never woke up and even considered that they were holy in the sight of God the Bible says righteousness produces his fruit to holiness when you see how he sees you the way he created your live becomes evident and obvious and simple all of a sudden you're living holy without biting your lip to be holy why because you see what you've become through him now here's the joy this and this is where it fits with power and love what God wants is for you to so see that about your life that when you walk out of these doors it has to be the same truth for everyone whether they see it or not it's their truth to grow in to be touched by and to be loved by if he did this for you did he do it for everybody out there is it once for all is it all who come all who say and call on the name of the Lord right so here's the joy of what we're preaching it's not some self-absorbed just all about me and my identity when I see me this way I realize he sees you this way and it doesn't change that just the view of my own life it changes my view of your life and no matter how you're conducting yourself or how you're living it gives me the capacity to love you because forgive them father they know not what they do that's the power of the gospel and that's what changes us are you with me so when you out there today don't be long-winded with folks like I'm long-winded in my session don't pray forever with people some people are already uncomfortable not everybody but some people just be sensitive people you want to be a blessing you want to be a blessing your goal was to give them a real encounter with God and to validly love them in the spirit of the Lord okay I understand leading to the Lord I understand salvation I understand explain in relationship with Jesus getting them saved and water baptized important that jug that's that is awesome that's full circle awesome but just be simple when you go out there and know this my number one goal is to give people the sincere encounter with God through his love just listen see I'm gonna be a seed sower and the kingdom of God is if a man scatters seed I'm sowing seed what if we don't so nothing's gonna grow but if we sow God will bring an increase are you with me stand to your feet we're gonna pray as a house as a body thanks guys no thank you for being here and being excited about being here guys this thing's not a fairy tale it's not unreachable it's actually very simple it's full of grace and it's real I can't emphasize enough as Todd was this morning it's all about believing the Bloods enough I'm a new creation you live it name if you're struggling with your emotions you get along with God Father I tend to react to the ways I used to be in the way growing up and the way I used to respond to so-and-so but man none of that is the truth about me thank you for causing my heart to be changed my motive to be changed see here's what we don't understand as a heart gets formed and loved by yielding and saying yes our response life changes the way we hear things changes the way we see changes when you become loved everything changes so father I'm asking for this grace and revelation of the love of God to come on our lives right now in a very special way not just tangible not just ooh I feel your love God but see your love and see how valuable you see us that that our lives are worth redemption to you our lives are worth the blood of your son that Jesus you were willing to come in a man's body to restore man to what he was intended to be that is amazing it's not a mystery it is revealed and we say yes and we say thank you so once you say this with me and I know it might sound like a little bit of a parrot thing or a puppet thing in a sense but don't let it be that don't get tricked into that save from your heart and it won't be anything that I'm saying that that you'll have trouble saying in the sense of just repeating but when you say it I want you to think about it and I want you to believe it okay so I want you to say this with me and listen to me and then think about and then repeat it and wrap faith around his father I thank you that you love me you've loved me from the beginning you have never changed your mind about me not one time you've always seen me for what you created me to be and Jesus's blood has always spoke better things on my darkest day you still knew exactly who I was your love has never lost sight of me today I say thank you I receive your love I'm forgiving I'm not ashamed I have new life not a past it's not about what happened to me back then it's about what you're doing in me now I accept new life and with that new life I accept new eyes but I see what you see that when I see through these eyes I'll see what you behold I believe were one you live in me you'll shine through me and you'll love through me and it'll be easy because of the grace that's on my life you're the God of all grace and I receive it and say thank you for the good news so when I go out today I thank you I'll see the value of people you're making all things now in your name Jesus we thank you and receive all these things amen amen
Channel: Todd White
Views: 84,938
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Id: CGn8uSmmOME
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Length: 112min 12sec (6732 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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