Dan Mohler Weekend! Friday Night - Night One - (Dan Mohler) POWERFUL MESSAGE!

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listen pastor introduced me i was i was making sure i didn't get mushy with him because the last about four times i got introduced i thought people felt like their calling was to make me cry before i got up here and preached so i was really shutting down i was like don't cry don't cry but it's an honor like he's thanking me for things that i'm having the time of my life like we're all called to shine we're all called to walk and love people whether you realize this or not like jesus paid a price to put who he is inside of every one of us he didn't just pay a price to forgive you he paid a price to transform you okay he wanted to get you back to the father so the father could be in you by the spirit of god it's the spirit of the lord in us right so everything about your life changes when you get born again and there's this thing that burns in me all the time because uh i could preach on a lot of things i've been a christian a while i've been traveling for a while i've been just spending a lot of time with jesus for a while you could throw a topic out and i'm probably somewhat prepared to address that and could probably cover a lot of basis tonight but there's this thing that burns in me every time i stand in front of people and i can't get away from it and i don't try i feel like i preach the same thing over and over and over and over but yet when i stand in front of people it's what burns in me and it's really what it means to be a christian and the purpose of the cross and why god really did send his son and i feel like we got such a limited view and we get caught up in ministry and trying to find ourselves through what we do for him instead of who we are in him and a lot of stuff just pastor made a comment i don't know if you caught it he said all eight billion people or whatever's on the earth could pray the sinner's prayer and it doesn't mean the world will change i say this all the time you can fill every seat on sunday in every church and it doesn't mean the earth will be any different it's only when people become love there's as much issues within the church as there is in people that don't believe there's fallouts there's marital stuff there's all kinds of stuff going on inside the church people i'm not being mean look i'm not kicking off this weekend in some heavy i'm just making a point which is an indictment against us that we really don't totally understand what we're a part of what he is inside of us and why he's inside of us like everything about who he is in me now has to be challenged and changed like like like old things pass away behold all things become new so the christian life is calling me to change so so if you're not careful uh it's very dangerous like uh just thinking god's love like he said you might not have heard it for a while but god really really does love you a lot of people can't buy into that they don't believe that because their weighing is love based on how their life is working out come on it's a common mistake we'll say well if god loved me why and how come well god can't love me because look at and they share a crisis a trial a trauma maybe a physical situation that hasn't changed maybe a circumstantial situation that hasn't changed and we're we're defining god's love or lack thereof through the way life unfolds it's very dangerous and then our response is discouraged frustrated or angry at god which means we're not covenant-minded we're just expecting him to do something for us to continually prove who he is for us and christianity never works out that way it's it's never the measuring stick your life is never the measuring stick of god's love christ crucified is the measuring stick of god's love see we're going to celebrate easter coming up here soon what what passover is what next weekend and then easter so so jesus came that's amazing and and when i think about this like god i talk about this a lot don't get weary with this this is i'm not being i'm not being i'm being so serious about this like i'm saved 26 years and it's i can't hardly get a hold of this like god put himself in a woman and sat in her womb for nine months to be born of a woman so that he could come as a man it was so important to him guys this is more than inconvenience don't get lost to sleep don't let religion law you to sleep don't get so used to the story that you miss the power of it [Applause] this is this is different to this christmas jesus was born and easter he died god came as a man he was born of a woman he came as a man he was birthed by a woman she nursed him she changed his little swaddling clothes they weren't taped pampers he sweated he ate he had to poop and go to the bathroom and stuff i think about that like not in a weird way that that that's inconvenience but not to him not inconvenience to him he came knowing he'd be rejected guys come on we do things only because we're hoping to be accepted we do things for identity he does things because of identity he said i know where i came from and i know where i'm going that's amazing come on sometimes we do ministry to be accepted sometimes we do a ministry to be appreciated and while we're doing ministry we're on the thinnest ice of our life because if somebody doesn't give us what we're needing we're shattered for sure because now we can't even get it in the church what you're looking for you're not supposed to get in the church what you're looking for you'll get from him you get from knowing him if i'm trying to get it from you you just might not give it to me and then you become my reason for not being okay what a lie then i'm going to sing he's lord and let something else govern and dictate my life i'm just not going to live there i'm not going to calm down and i'm going to preach this thing like for the rest of my life i'm telling you we can be free we can be rock solid nobody has to love you and say the right thing because of what he's done and it ain't hype and we're not stuffing emotions [Applause] why do i have to be hurt and broken because i was my whole life outside of god now i'm in god he's in me i have a whole different reason for being listen jesus is amazing he came guys and he was born of a woman as a man man lost this thing god won it back through a man named jesus was he the son of god yes did he come as a man yes stop fighting over it it's scriptural he doesn't even want you seeing him coming as god he called himself the son of man he said follow me if he came as god i couldn't follow that if he came as a man anointed by god now we can follow how god anointed jesus of that's the man why would god have to anoint god he laid down his glory he made himself of no reputation he came as a man people what he created us to be is so important to him to restore that truth and reveal love through it all that he would become a man yet without sin fulfill the law and walk out righteousness and allow us to come back to the father through his shed blood but it's gonna cost us something our life is that a big price no because the life you're given is what you were never created to be anyway you're just giving self-centeredness you're just giving me myself an eye back you're giving everything adam caused us to be that's all you're giving back don't think the christian life is some big heavy crazy price all you're giving back is deception and lies and what you were never created to be anyway like your rights those bad attitudes that permission to be everything that doesn't look like jesus that's all you're giving back that's all you're given and honestly if you hold on to those things you don't have much of a life anyway do you because honestly be honest it's always going to be dictated by people and what people see will become your vision and what people do and don't do is the best you'll be and man's weakness will be your highest strength you see boldness in me when i talk do you see passion in me can you tell i at least believe what i'm saying you know why because i woke up today in him and i got this down pat for 26 years like nobody on the earth owes me a thing like i did not wake up to be loved today i didn't wake up to be appreciated i didn't wake up for you to say some nice thing over me i woke up to be more like him and that just makes my day pretty simple and pretty powerful and you really can't do much to interfere but if i woke up to be loved i'm only as good as you love me if i'm finding myself through you i'm only as good as you're doing me if i'm in a marriage living that way sure put a lot of pressure on my wife she might be the reason i'm not okay and you might see this because of her and all of a sudden you're saying stuff behind the scenes well if you were married to my wife you don't understand i wonder if god had that idea towards you wonder if god weighed you by the standard we wave one another i wonder if he allowed his heart to shift and stuff in the midst of our weaknesses and expressions of flesh i wonder if god became men like men because of men instead of remain god no turning or shifting a shadow see there's some things i've learned about him since i've been saved he created me so he could live in me and so i could follow him period so i got to keep my eyes on him not on this circumstances have nothing to do with how much god loves me christ crucified settled the love of god if christ crucified isn't the settlement of the love of god how could i ever get rooted and grounded in love if i'm allowing circumstances to decide whether he loves me or not love is never settled it's always decided in the moment and if faith works through love and love's in question then faith is subverted and i'm always driven by need and i can never see and believe i hope i didn't say too much in one breath there are you with me faith works through love we're to be rooted and grounded in love so if i'm praying based out of need questioning god's love i'm just another man in despair now i reduce this to a book of principles i'm quoting hoping something works but it has nothing to do with covenant has nothing to do with knowing him has nothing to do with being sure of who he is in and towards my life see here's the thing he never promised me that things wouldn't be trials and troubles and stuff on the earth satan comes immediately for the word's sake you hear a word like this satan comes immediately to crush the word not to crush you to crush the word why because he's angry with the kingdom he's fighting against the kingdom you have the right to carry the kingdom and preach through your life the kingdom of god is here so what's satan trying to stop you and your family and your heritage no he's trying to stop the kingdom of god so when you take adversity personal you're making a big mistake and if you don't seek ye first the kingdom of god and you take adversity personal you'll start getting hurt question god feel sorry for yourself or get angry in your heart come on and the whole time all he's ever guilty of is sending his son while we were yet sinners and bringing the plan of salvation and then we turned salvation into something that benefits us instead of transforms us so now we just come to get something from god instead of become something because of him see i promise you with all my heart ain't nobody in this room owes me a thing you didn't make me and you sure can't break me and now i finally see claire i got the best look at you i've ever had i'm not being arrogant i'm not being sarcastic i'm finally positioned to love you because i don't need you now i need you to lock arms with me to be an army rising up i need you to manifest the fullness of christ within your sphere of influence we need each other to be the manifestation of christ on the earth i don't need you where my identity is concerned ever ever watch this i'm going to challenge you a little maybe my own wife has no right to break my heart in what i see i did not wake up from my wife to do me right today i woke up to be like jesus it's the reason i'm alive he said let us make man for our image he brought me back to that truth so now i'm putting off the old and i'm putting on the new man who's renewed in knowledge according to the image i'm gonna walk in love period yay you get it come on or you can stay hurt and offended and let your spouse be the reason you're the way you are when it ain't producing life you can say they ain't speaking your language i'm not cool with that teaching i'll tell you why i'm not cool i'm not putting people down the reason i'm not cool with that teaching spouses use the teaching against each other and all of a sudden they give themselves a right to not be like jesus because of someone else so they let someone else be the dominating factor of their life instead of the beauty of who jesus is so if you're waiting up if you're waking up waiting on someone to do you right you're only going to be okay until they do you right that's so conditional that has nothing to do with sincerity surrender that has nothing to do with truth that's just reciprocal that's just obligatory that's just you do me and i'll do you i'm gonna thank you are you guys good come on this christianity this is christianity it's what he paid for it's nothing new it's it's in the book i mean it says if he loved us this way who who in here has ever done anything outside of truth once you knew the truth anybody wow if god got hurt if god got offended if god changed his mind about you big trouble nobody'd have hope but here's what we do well we expect god to be in that position because he's god and we're just people you know and but he made us for his image and jesus said to follow me he didn't just say sing to me and pray to me when you're overwhelmed he said follow me he said the things i do you'll do if you believe he's the firstborn among many it's all scripture it's all scripture he said all authority in heaven and earth has been given unto me matthew 28 he said therefore go in my name what's he doing he's taking everything he won and passing it to men he said go make you say well he's talking to those disciples no he's talking to you and me too why because he said go make disciples of all nations teaching them to observe everything i taught you if he's talking to peter james and john he's talking to you and me let's not limit this thing let's not get so theologically disjointed that we're all the sudden writing ourselves out of following jesus and all of a sudden i have a permission to be something less than he paid for if he came to give me life and life more abundantly and my attitudes not producing life then i need to challenge my attitude not my circumstance come on if i'm looking at my mindset my belief system if i'm having a little unsettled conflict within the family i got to look at what it's producing in me and how it's causing me to process and if my settled belief isn't produced in life and edifying others then i'm in question the last thing i need is rights if i denied myself if i deny myself why do i need rights how do you have rights and die to yourself how do you die yourself and have rights see when you die to yourself you assume one right to be like him and to follow him and to walk in love here's what jesus said in john 17 he said father i'm praying that they become one just like you and me are one and when they become one like you and me are one then the world will know you sense your son that's what he's talking about when you say 8 million 8 billion people could pray the sinner's prayer and it doesn't mean the world will change no it's when 8 billion people become love and you don't need 8 billion people this house right here the amount of people here this is a flat out army and i'm not being hype driven this is a flat out army like how do you weigh the impact of you and me walking in love how do you weigh the impact of you and me guarding our heart because out of our heart flows east into life and settling in god today you know what i'm done being hurt offended angry disappointed and discouraged and if i find those things trying to justify and sneak up i'm going to challenge them and kill them and find truth in the moment but i'm going to walk this thing out and i ain't talking about failing see i'm talking about becoming i'm talking about walking this thing through it ain't hit or miss it ain't like well try it or or mess up no no no we're going to walk this thing out and all of a sudden you find yourself for a half hour crying and feeling sorry for yourself and you realize it and instead of calling your friend and telling them their story so they start feeling sorry with you to allow you to be there he did what he said what well you have to be so hurt now you're crying harder i can't believe you said that he should know better now you're crying harder you know honey let me just pray for you holy spirit's not even in the conversation and now you're going to try to spiritualize let me pray for you what to stay in self-centeredness feeling sorry for yourself you don't need somebody to sympathize with you in the moment you need somebody to tell you hey look i'm sorry they did what they did i wish people didn't have the capacity they have i'm not making light of it i'm not being insensitive but listen you can't allow where he's not to decide where you are the truth in jesus in you is way bigger than what he's not seeing and forgive him father they know not what they do works right now don't get hard don't get hurt don't cop an attitude girl you're a woman of god and your man just ain't seeing what he can see so why don't you be a light in his life walk in love and cover this thing with mercy that's called a friend that sympathy thing did you ever notice how hurting people gravitate to people that understand their pain and it gives them permission to stay there because they get agreement and understanding and they call it compassion because you understand you show me one situation like that that produces life you show me one situation like that where the person rises up and produces life and manifests the kingdom ten years later they still have the same story fifteen years later they still got the same pain and they've been rendered fruitless and powerless and don't even realize it see i'm not talking about evil people i'm talking about deception are you all good listen man jesus came he did perfect every day would you agree he did perfect every day every day for years probably three right every day not appreciated judged criticized and misread non-stop every day for years and he did perfect every day and he and nobody had the power to change that perfect why because of his motive in life he's love he didn't come to get anything from him he came to lay down his life for greater love half no man than this he lay down his life for another he's passing it on guys christ jesus has become the wisdom of god for us come on he's not a hype sermon he's not a he's not uh he's gonna work everything and make everything go rosy dandy for you no there's times i didn't see the fire go out there's times i didn't see the attitude in a person change there's times the trial didn't go away so what's your response whatever jesus looks like in the midst of that whatever jesus looks like in the midst of that is what i'm to look like are you guys with me you can get in faith all you want you know i'll never have a car wreck i'll never get laid off i'll never but but see the people that have that you say well you got to have strong enough faith so you don't and then we get in this weird comparison thing so somebody does get laid off i guess they just didn't have enough faith because i never got laid off and and now we're just comparing ourselves among ourselves and we're now we're in works and competition and it just gets weird and then if you do get laid off you got all these questions and you feel far from god and you feel like you failed and what are you missing why because we get tricked into becoming what we're going through instead of already knowing who we are through what he went through so why when you get laid off do you become laid off how are you endless the son how is your calling any less i understand you have bills and stuff but where does covenant enter in why do we just fall apart and then ask everybody to pray for us and call that faith when it's absolute fear be real is it okay if i just talk plain come on am i that far off here come on we put on the identity of what we're experiencing and then we ask for prayer then it's not even a prayer issue wonder if you just lift your hands in the car and you got the layoff and it caught you totally off guard and you got bills and you get in your car and you say wow lord i didn't see this coming man if you weren't who you are in my life i would be devastated and erect i'm sure glad i'm getting to know you i don't know what you have in mind i don't know how this is going to work out i don't even have a direction but i know this you're for us you're not against us you'll work all things together for the good but i refuse to fear i ain't bowing down to this image i ain't gonna get swallowed by no lion you are the lord of all and i worship you and i thank you for provision that way when you call your wife you can just tell her it's gonna be good and even if she goes you what it's okay baby listen yeah you're right why because you're gonna manifest jesus in that thing right but you you say you're the head of the home and you're protecting your wife spiritually and you're gonna go home a wreck and expect her to be okay now i've seen some of you jesus women you'd be okay you'd be like man you better shape up is god's your god oh i've seen it i like it but you know what i'm saying we become what we're going through you're saying to people man how you doing it's not even a cool question in the church we should just stop saying how you doing because then people don't know how to answer they say well i mean i'm hanging in there what's that mean hanging in there that means life is pulling on me almost getting the best of me i'm hoping god pulls through and changes some things if you're hanging in there are you shining as a light or people will say oh it ain't going too bad man just keep me in prayer man if you think about me man just keep me prayer whatever god puts on your heart am i telling the truth or if you ask somebody how they're doing they share their two biggest challenges and then ask you to pray you know what it concerns me about they don't think we understand the beauty of fellowship with jesus in communion with god the father through the son that we actually have this abiding and dwelling place a secret place under the shadow of almighty where psalms 91 just unfolds because you're with him not because you prayed about it all because you're surrendered and you're in covenant you've given your whole self to him and all of a sudden he takes it upon himself to watch over you his feathers cover you to keep you sounds like covenant to me yeah not oh god please god you've been praying yeah oh god you can pray for people like that i've found that that kind of heart and prayer for people works really good god don't let them be destroyed god please let your mercy go god please don't let them god and you're just crying and they're just somebody you've met and you're crying like they're your own son i found heaven here's those prayers but when it's circumstantial or somebody treating you wrong god if you don't change them i don't know what i'm going to do i need another job with a christian atmosphere i can't stand here in the f-word all day long he's probably not here in that prayer sorry he's i don't think he is it's a self-serving prayer in fact he's probably going to ball and chain you there till you get a revelation you're called to be light in the world not complain about your circumstances i'm not being mean i can show you two places in the new testament it's totally unscriptural for a christian to complain that he's supposed to know better that when a christian complains he lets the devil know that he's self-centered don't let that hurt hurts so good hurts so good ain't there an old song hurt so good something can hurt really good oh that was good come on so all of a sudden you're complaining and and you're letting the devil know you know you're like jesus and you're doing it up in church and you got your little things going and you look good at it and it's just good and then you're out life and you're complaining and satan's like flags whatever see jesus could care less if you wave one five or no flags he cares when you walk in love and he cares when your life looks like jesus he cares when you walk in the nature of god he cares when you don't know how to complain even though in the way that seems right to men you have many reasons to complain but you don't know how to complain because your life is not your own now here's the biggest trap and i feel strong about this in this house tonight not because you're making a mistake i just feel strong i can't explain the emphasis i feel on this i usually don't qualify that when i preach but please please get this your motive for being a christian cannot be cannot be cannot be self-serving if you're a christian for your sake you will never live for his namesake in a true and holy way if you're a christian for what he can do for you instead of who he can make you become through his spirit you're in for a long hard confusing ride don't speak that over me i'm not prophesying i'm telling you truth your motive will find you out if you're a christian for your sake your life will not seem blessed and full of joy you will be self-conscious you will be always knocking on wood and watching your circumstances and all your prayer will be driven by trouble and you won't enjoy communion fellowship or the joy of your salvation because you're not walking in salvation if you're just a christian for god to line things up in your life the way you hope it goes you're in for a harsh surprise because none of that has nothing to do with christianity you can't even show me scripture on that stuff he said don't you even think it's strange your brothers all over the world are going through the same things you are don't you take that person or you take this person and you shine in the midst of it all if he said you're the light of the world and let your light so shine then our goal is to shine in the midst of the layoff in the midst of the marital challenge you got a spouse that goes off the deep end why has jesus changed your spouse goes off the deep end how are you any less anointed how are you any less called how's your purpose changed why would you let one person decide your whole destiny when their name's not jesus [Music] look i've seen way too much hurt and pain i understand there's a feel to it it's real we got to walk through things and some of it ain't fun but i'll tell you what when you walk in love you'll realize it ain't as painful as you think when you're self-centered it seems unbearable but when you really live for christ why aren't we hurting for one another instead of hurting because of one another why aren't we crying for one another instead of crying because one another because we haven't understood why he came and he came so we can become love and if we mislove church i promise you if we miss love we'll miss the whole point of the cross and we'll do church and run the risk of not being her yeah make sure that's a good holy quiet because that feels funny yeah are you good no it just felt a little staticky there in the air it's just true and i know we've been preached a lot of things man and a lot of it's about our blessing and our breakthrough and our provision and our protection the why behind your christianity does all those things like if i'm a christian for the right reason i'm going to walk in all those things like the truth i'm living by protects me my soul is completely protected in that truth where my own wife can't break my heart how powerful is that [Applause] because i didn't wake up today for her to love me i woke up today to be more like him and i'm serious are you with me i woke up to shine i woke up to shine not need agreement to be okay did you ever notice how it's hard for us to disagree without tension that's because of self-centeredness because you need to be right you feel dishonored when somebody doesn't agree and it's a needy thing come on there's no way we're always going to agree on everything but wise always have to be tensioned in disagreement because of the lie of self-centeredness that's on the earth come on jesus never said if you want to go to heaven pray a prayer he said deny yourself why because it's the biggest lie on the planet there isn't a human being on the earth that was made for himself every man was made for his image every man was made to live by his spirit every man was made to live in fellowship and co-union with a holy god when i say man i'm talking men and women it's a universal word man it means humanity and we just had to talk women with equal value your your value on the earth is the image of god i've said this a hundred times from the paul but you're not on the earth to serve the man you're on the earth to be found in god's image when you found in god's image you'll serve one another are you with me come on or we'll fight over these terms and and get odd in our heart and rebel and resist well as soon as that starts happening you got to be on the wrong track because none of those things are jesus come on wonder if jesus came and he does perfect and they don't accept this perfect and he just cops an attitude wonderful weekend he's wondering why he's really here because they don't want to appreciate him did you ever see that in jesus no you never will not because he's jesus because he's love you're not going to find him falling out throwing a fit having a tangent he's not going to be sitting on a rock bewildered look i'm impressed with that he said follow me and the things i do you'll do if you believe any man first john 2 that says he abides in him ought to walk even as he walked come on i'm going to preach this thing and you can say well that ain't possible well maybe you're following one another instead of following him maybe you ain't trust in the empowerment of the holy spirit what are you saying you're perfect i didn't say any of that but i want to be and if i can be i will i'm saying i'm going after him so that grace can make me what he paid for and i'm done letting human experience decide what i'm following [Music] so if i can't find it in his life i don't want it in mine and if i see something in mine that i can't find in his then why am i cool with that [Applause] you guys all right because i know what we tend to say well you got to keep it real brother you're just stuffing emotions not stuffing emotions i'm letting truth decide my life [Applause] see we're so busy living by most you know what we say we say well give me space that really hurt it ain't just that easy look i'm trying to forgive you ever hear that why do we have such a grid for unforgiveness and we're trying to find a grid for forgiveness when god has forgiven you of everything you've ever done christians i'm talking about christians matthew 18 says a man that won't forgive his brother and he's been forgiven everything's an evil and wicked servant he's bound he's tormented and he's living in separation and darkness that does not sound blessed why because he's saying you want something from god that you're not willing to become see you want god to be merciful but you don't want to become mercy you want to draw a line on forgiveness i i pray and desire that it would be a strange thing that we would grow to this place would be a strange thing to entertain unforgiveness wouldn't it be amazing to be in tune with holy spirit or to have your heart hurt and discouraged and ready to quit and give up you couldn't even think that way because you're so dead to yourself and alive to him [Music] come on if you're not self-centered could you possibly be discouraged if you're solely seeking first the kingdom of god and in fellowship with god and you're not self-centered could you be discouraged now you see why he's the god of all hope even though he sees everything because he's love come on can anybody help me with this like could you possibly be just legitimately discouraged without self-centeredness there's no way let me ask you this could you be hurt to where the hurt stays and is justified and then there's a reaction to the hurt if there wasn't self-centeredness but are these things seemingly common among us do you know how many discouraged people go to church sometimes they're going to church they're so discouraged they're hoping god goes and they just feel better but it ain't that it's believing differently are you guys good like like here's what jesus said if anyone come after me that's a great phrase that means everybody's invited so if anybody's coming they got to do something first deny them why you were never made for you you were made for his image you were made to be a light to be in fellowship with god and to manifest him okay so the biggest problem on the planet isn't racial conflict and injustice it's not the election it's not covent the biggest problem on the planet is that every day people that were made for the image of god wake up and live for themselves especially christians it's true there ain't one marriage fallout that ever took place without self-centeredness there it takes two to tango it takes one to pursue peace blessed are the peacemakers for they are the sons of god so the sons of god is in some new confession of the church it's a expression that's always been there children of god it has a life behind it it's backed by a life are you guys good so what what's the point of all this so that you individually tonight get convicted in your heart and dig deep and say you know what i'm done selling cheap if i'm not for sale if i've already been bought with a price if i'm called to this i'm going after this and it ain't about failing it's about becoming and i'm just done selling cheap i'm done living in attitudes and emotions that'll never produce life i'm done holding everybody accountable at the cost of my own soul [Applause] because if i can convict you to a place where you individually do that now we have a solid corporate army [Music] because if not we're going to see healing we're going to see miracle we're going to be celebrating what god did at the order and we're going to have some kind of fallout in in the midst and and he said and will they didn't well i think he's controlling i mean you can't let the beauty of what i saw there was an innocence up here i'm not trying to be weird i was captured by your worship today i was touched you people that were up here there was something so holy and innocent coming i'm a straight-up visitor i'm in a church every weekend but i don't get familiar with stuff i ain't religious i'm loving jesus and i looked up and started realizing i think every one of them believe what they're singing i was like they're having a blast look at them there was just there was this they were just on it every and there was there was so many people and they all looked the same protect that man you know how much weird stuff happens in churches people falling out and then you got this social media hello man you better be careful with that thing i'm not going to get too deep in that i would like to i'm concerned about that thing because paul said don't be wise in your own opinion and social media becomes an opinion platform a gossip platform it's just it's just a voice with no accountability social media has caused way more destruction than it has caused good you say why use it to preach well great but why don't you just go look somebody in the eyes go take a walk and meet somebody because i know what people do on social media and then they post some and then they check and to see comments and if they get then they're getting insecure so now they're trying to get it better to get more instead of now they're looking how many followers they got i'm telling you i'm very concerned about that whole arena and it seems like people are captured by it mesmerized and can't live without it that concerns me that concerns me when you're living in the he said she said world i've never seen the righteousness of god prevail in that thing people get swallowed up in that he said she said that they take sides spend a whole day debating over something and accomplished nothing that's social media i've seen it i've seen people caught in it i don't go on it i haven't been personally on it but i've i've seen the examples that i'm talking about so you be the judge of that and and and find out exactly why you need to be there when you might just be able to just go take a walk and love somebody just go take a walk and left somebody yeah you just might be able to [Applause] are we all okay good i want you to be all right good let's try this quick is there a oh there's a clock wow you got me up here quick my man worship was surprisingly short i was having so much fun that's not a correction that's not a correction i just i'm just sharing my excited pleasure in your worship phew let's try it let's try this never works i always go to colossians 3 and then i never read it so let's at least go there let's go there and see what happens colossians 3 is i don't have people say what's your favorite scripture i don't have one i honestly don't i love the word of god i start reading colossians 3 i started thinking it might be like my favorite chapter and then i realize it's in the top 100 anyway the word of god is amazing like i just i'm not against a favorite scripture i just don't have one i just love there's so many scriptures that if i thought i had a favorite i would get bombarded by 10 12 15 more i mean you guys realize like he wrote the word out and gave it to us like this is a big deal like jesus lived this thing he didn't just preach do this do that he put on flesh and he ain't asking nothing of us that he didn't walk out and encounter and then he said follow me oh you don't understand lord oh he said he does because he walked this thing out he was rejected like you'll never be he he was perfect do you get that he raised the dead and they were so twisted that when he raised the dead they felt more inspired to kill him for raising the dead and we think miracles is going to change everything love is what changes everything and every miracle should flow through love not because we're pressing after miracles we're pursuing love you pursue love and desire spiritual gifts are you with me how many ministers have moved in miracles and have horrible endings unbelievable endings behind the scene alcoholism adulteries and affairs and why because they're identifying through their gifts not their relationship you can't be in fellowship with god and sleeping with somebody that ain't your wife you cannot come on let's just talk about it but but you can do ministry have a gifting and be good in your gifting and identify through the gifting let your heart get hurt because you're finding your identity through people and accolade and thank you notes and all of a sudden you're weary and well doing and now you're just a mere man with gifting no relationship now you become needy well you and your wife ain't connecting and all of a sudden this girl looks at you like she ain't for a while and you have to be vulnerable ain't nobody falls in and falls out of love when a man sleeps with somebody else's wife in ministry you have a thousand plus chances to say no and run you don't just boom what happened come on let's get real you've been contemplating you've been drawing pictures you've been thinking feeling getting funny and weird and you got a million chances to run it ain't just some blind blur but if you're a communion with god if you're waking up and fellowshipping and seeking him to know see people in that situation they're licking wounds they're hurt they're looking for agreement and a friend to agree with how they feel but ain't nobody looking and you're crying and she ain't she ain't been noticing you your own wife ain't been and she's been going through a hard way come on man you could be alone god would you have mercy on her she's so much more god there's something she ain't seeing or she'd be walking in a greater blessing god in her soul i feel like she's just hurting god i so thank you for your love for her i thank you god that you're moving by your spirit all of a sudden you're blessing your wife you ain't sitting there going god i don't know what i'm going to do if she don't start loving me god she don't start loving me i'm going to have to find love somewhere come on that's a filthy talk show like with no redemption is all right before this appointed just talk see christians they say well he wasn't loving me like he should so that gives you permission to go jump in somebody else's bed that don't love you either [Applause] lick your wounds and get more wounded or hard come on i pastored i know what this stuff happens it's painful because we haven't had fellowship with him let me ask you this what's jesus and who he is in your life have anything to do with any of that stuff so if we're living in fellowship with god here's what i found in galatians and it's in your bible so you're going to have to fight with it and email god on it don't email me but watch this if you live in the spirit you won't fulfill the lust of the flesh i found that in my bible what are you saying you perfect i said i found the scripture in my bible if you live in the spirit you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh i'm going with scripture i'm not going with men's experience i'm going with scripture i ain't going with the way that seems right to a man i ain't going with man's alibi and yeah but well brother you know what he probably just meant no that's not too hard to interpret if i live by truth i'll walk in truth and my life will look like truth and truth will make you come on be honest with me i'm not judging us individually i haven't seen a lot of truth a lot of freedom in people's lives i haven't seen joy unspeakable in people's lives it's good tidings of great joy the good tidings the response to understanding good time great joy good tidings of so we're an indictment against ourselves that we really don't understand the good tidings somehow we bought into something that wasn't presented to us like it really and some we signed up for something we didn't well i just wanted to be forgiven well i just want to go to heaven well i'm just hoping god would bless me i was hoping god would change my marriage i was hoping god would give me a promotion you all good let me show you this in colossians let's try to do this since you were all i'm doing good man the last three times in churches i turned to this i never read it the whole night i said maybe tomorrow and i just preached all this other stuff but it's probably all here anyway you know what i think is so amazing about this if you understand that you stop if you understand i'm getting there if you understand that jesus died to put his life in you and transform you into love and restore the truth about man's creative value that was lost through sin every scripture makes sense you there's no scripture that you have to toss out to interpret to toss you interpret it this way and cost you three more you know how people interpret a scripture and then you gotta throw out like three that's a good sign that you need to keep looking when you talk about living in righteousness putting on righteousness and waking up forgiven and accepted and free in the morning not trying to live acceptable to be accepted you live acceptable because you are accepted like you put on righteousness and it produces its fruit to holiness so you're not trying to live holy to be judged righteous you've been judged righteous and you wear that garment and it changes the way you live because of the humility in the righteous judgment of god in other words if i wake up and try not to sin i'm going to be very mistake conscious and sin conscious i'm going to judge myself and i'm going to take tests that he didn't lay on the desk and i'm going to grade my own scores you say well aren't we supposed to wake up and try not to sin i've never even considered that i wake up and enjoy being his see because if i believe i'm a son my life will look like sunshine if i believe i'm forgiven i'll live like i'm forgiven and then i have confidence before god my heart doesn't condemn me and whatever i ask i shall receive it so i'm accepted in the beloved so now i'm not driven to be accepted among men i'm accepted and beloved and it causes my life to begin to live acceptable so if you don't put on righteousness but then people in the church fight the message of righteousness and it's what he rules his kingdom by there's righteousness listen you gotta be careful preaching that you're just gonna teach people it's okay to sin and get i did not find a way to sin and get away with it found a way to be free i found a way to not be marked by it not identified by it you see what do you mean you're free from sin we're always sinning brother stop believing that and thinking you have to say that watch it's you got the cameras running it's a false humility and it's revealing you do not understand the gospel [Applause] how can i romans 6 reckon myself dead indeed to sin but alive unto god if i think i have to keep boasting in my ability to sin and call it humility first peter 2 he bore your sin and my sin in his body on a tree that we having died to sin living it no longer i got two more scriptures i got hebrews 10 that says in the new covenant there's no more consciousness of sin so if there's no more consciousness of sin why do we always have to confess our ability to fail and call it humility maybe it's ignorance or a lack of understanding that's how i feel man that was good dang like because i see this other thing always attacking the message of righteousness and he says it's what happened to jesus watch did you ever think about this jesus wasn't just preaching the truth he was the truth and he spoke in the streets for years and they killed him for what he said and he was the truth and it ain't coming no clearer than it's coming from him why couldn't they hear what he said you say well god blinded him god you know isaiah the prophet it was their motive in hearing that's why jesus always said he who has ears to and he said be careful how you all they were listening for is what they didn't agree with and they compared it to what they always believed so they could never hear what he said and yet he's the truth himself now that's pretty deep deception when you sit under truth himself and you have the right to kill him for his words when you're calling truth himself a blasphemer when you're calling truth himself a heretic come on it happened to leaders and men in the church for years that just this whole what are you saying you're perfect what are you saying you never sin come on everybody sins that language is so prevalent in the church and it's never supposed to be in the church that language is supposed to have been dead a long time ago people quote first john chapter 1 and they say well if you say you have no sin you're deceived and the truth isn't in you or you make god a liar he's not saying in the moment if you don't have sin every day he's not saying if you have sin all the time because he actually said at the end of the chapter he he goes to the next chapter what he's saying is if we walk in the light as he's in the light the blood of jesus cleanses us of all sin we have fellowship with one another and and if you say you have no sin what he's saying is if you have no need for the blood if you're perfect in and of yourself the next verse says but if you confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you of okay so two verses before he forgave you of all sin two verses later he cleanses you of all unrighteousness okay forgiven of all sin and cleansed of all unrighteousness doesn't sound like the confession of sin next verse if you say you have not sinned what he's saying is if you think you have no need for the blood you're deceived and then the next verse he says little children i write these things to you so you may not sin what's he trying to preach a revelation of righteousness so when he says i write these things to you so you may not sin he's not saying but you're always gonna and don't even think you ain't because you're sitting right now you're pricing and while you're breathing oh i've had people corner me on that thing brother we we have such desensitivity to holiness you and me are probably sinning right now we're probably sinning why we're breathing we just don't have the awareness of it but see that doesn't make my conscience guilty i don't have a conviction if that's true that's not my issue he's cleansing me sanctifying me changing me right come on i'm not going to get so weird with this thing that i'm repenting for things i don't even know about because then i'm always in this place of uncertainty and i can never have an unveiled face and true communion with god that's the problem and that's what the devil would love you to believe because you know what a lot of people don't have enemies with jesus because of the lack of the way they see themself in his sight and then there's a lot of people that don't have intimacy with jesus because of the wrong way they see him but if you see him clear and you see you clear i promise you you're on his lap and friend if you ain't on his lap it's because you don't see clear come on there's people get along to pray and they say something's blocking me it's yourself you get self-conscious you don't feel like you're worthy you don't go with boldness go in the room and act this thing out if you have to just act like you're taking off a veil and just pull that thing up i'm here the thing has been removed in christ and i know you love me and i ain't claiming to be perfect but i'm claiming to be sincere guard my heart god but i want to get to know you and you go in and you shut the door behind you it's us and you have intimacy with the lord yeah yeah okay colossians three oh and you know i'm just kidding just kidding watch this since that word if if you have a new king james it says if it's a little greek word that means since he's not challenging he's he's saying since we were all raised with christ so since we were all raised with christ come on watch this that seek the things which are above where christ is sitting at the right hand of god watch this set your isn't he so loving watch where's the biggest problem this thing that's the only thing the devil's attacking right flashbacks memories impressions dreams he stalls countless christians and we spend countless time trying to taxi people through flashbacks impressions memories and dreams with ministry and prayer and all of it is a truth topic it's a separation through truth and forgiveness you don't need prayer if you're remembering your past you need to stop believing your past and put on something new just because you have a dream of when you slept with this person two years ago doesn't mean you're still carrying the desire you're not forgiven or it's still an issue you're not free when you stop dreaming it you're free when you stop believing it and i promise you when you stop believing it you'll stop dreaming it how's that frustrating you're driving to work and you get a flashback of something you knew you'd never do that you cried over and got free from and now all of a sudden it feels real and it was like you were there just now and now you thought oh man i thought i was over who's ever had that you're just driving out of the blue you're just going along in god pretty good and all of a sudden something hits your mind that tries to tear down your zeal your excitement the way god sees you and the way you see your own self growing in god who's ever had this stuff happen it's the number one attack of the enemy because we don't know how to respond because we so live central and by our feelings and if we think if we're not feeling good we can't be doing good i promise you if you're not believing good you ain't doing good yeah come on set your mind so you got a young man and he has a flashback and he's sincere he's been reading his bible he's asking for hunger he's fellowshipping with holy spirit and he can't get these memories out of his head from two years ago and it's just hitting him and we say he needs deliverance and we're constantly walking him through this stuff and trying to get freedom but but it's because we don't realize we're not separate we're ministering to essential life and where all we're doing is saying until you stop remembering you're not okay and i'm telling you until you stop believing you're not okay that thing because here's the deal he could be remembering that thing and remember that thing he don't have to get grayed out and stuff all he's got to do is go father i just thank you that you've changed my life forever father did you not put a new heart in me and wash me clean man it feels so good to stand here in your presence and be your holy child that you washed and made holy blameless and above reproach colossians 1 in your sight god you've forgiven me of everything i've ever done you put new desire in me and watch this thing comes yeah yeah yeah and father i just thank you and you just flip it you say he's a liar you say it's satan well the devil keeps oh he's a liar why don't you flip it and say what the truth is here's what he's used to he's used to christians graying out saying oh man i don't know why i keep thinking this i need to get free i don't want this stuff in my life i keep hearing voices i'm not threatened by hearing voices you say wonder if it ain't the voice of god i'm in fellowship with god i deserve it ain't the voice of god i discern it and i never follow it man i heard curse words in my head for months after i got saved i could no wise turn them off sat on my bed and cried i said holy spirit i don't feel this way about you it was directed to the lord to holy spirit it was bad phrases i didn't say when i wasn't saved people said well you need to deliver it no it was some lie playing on hunger scared of the hunger that was in me i'm burning with hunger reading my bible yeah trying to get me to think i messed up committed some unforgivable boo-boo oh i've found since i started telling this story whole bunch of people had this stuff happen to them curses in their head directed the holy spirit then they bump into the scripture blasphemy holy spirit and they think it's the thought and now they're scared and think they committed something the fact that they're scared means ain't no way they committed because they're alive inside and they care so guess what the lord did he's so wise i'm sitting on my bed i'm crying i said i don't feel this way about you he said i know. i said that was good to hear i said well lord what do i do because i keep hearing these curses what am i supposed to do it was like he wasn't too like listen game plan here's what he said he said dan listen every time you hear those voices how about telling me how you feel about me and i got it i was like three months saved and i went because you know what happens you go asking for prayer you think you need deliverance well-intended people start praying then the manifestations are a dime a dozen feelings are a dime a dozen next thing you know you're so focused on the curse words you can't stop hearing them in fact you might even be familiarizing with them you know if i say don't picture a pink elephant right now you see one as soon as i say don't picture the pink elephant you can't keep the thing from popping in your mind yeah see he was yours was cool looking though see you had a cool looking pink elephant you see power of suggestion so why we're not in a central world we're in a spiritual faith-filled world who somebody somebody come up here i need a young man i don't know you ain't got no chairs around here do you you got chair i need a young man i need somebody to help me can you sit somewhere without hurting something breaking something you got a chair you man i didn't put you all to work who's my young man who's helping me was it you was it him you come on man oh yeah sit that right there for my man thank you what's your name johnny come on say hey to johnny okay so look you can see johnny loves jesus that's a no-brainer right and johnny's a cool dude okay so johnny's saved he's on fire he's moving forward satan don't like it why because he hates johnny he's mad at johnny he hates the kingdom and he knows johnny has access to the kingdom through the blood of jesus christ so it seems like he's after johnny but he's after the kingdom he could care less if johnny's a part of this church he could care less if he's serving he could care less if he's faithful at what he's doing he cares when john he starts believing jesus so that jesus begins to be the expression of johnny's life that when johnny's done wrong he don't know how to live done wrong because he's been done way too right when he's betrayed you can't even tell he was betrayed because he covers a multitude of sin with love why because he's a man of god that's what satan's worried about so when the word comes satan comes immediately to steal the word so it never becomes life to johnny you all with me so here's johnny he's just sitting chilling i don't know you driving in the car i don't know you just said no i tell you what i don't want you reckon so he's just sitting he just sitting he's actually in his room he's listening to some stuff and and spending some time with the lord so so right then strategy satan has nothing in jesus so he leaves and looks for more what opportune time so he ain't never he just steal kill destroy steal but man i don't even think about the devil i think about jesus watch and if the devil shows up he's so exposed when you're walking in truth that's where you got to live now watch johnny's just hanging out right so satan's over here he's watching johnny ignore me man you ain't watching me preach you're just hanging out satan's over here he's watching johnny and he's like um so one of his little imps is over here he says he says yeah boss what do you want he says he says you see that guy over there man i mean look he's got crew on the back of his he's like in it man he's like serving and flowing and listen but i'm a little nervous because he's got sincerity in him man and he's been spending secret time and with god i want you to interrupt his thoughts i want you to plague his mind man okay i got i'm just skype listen go get her done man and bring him down so this thing comes with johnny johnny's just enjoying jesus right all of a sudden out of the blue who's ever been pursuing god in prayer and stupid stuff comes in your head who's ever been in the middle of a worship service and the memory of one of the worst things you ever did or said it comes right to your mind see you shouldn't gray out you shouldn't get depressed you shouldn't go up crying to the altar the fact that you're crying means it didn't even come from you it ain't coming from your heart it bothers you you didn't conjure it you ain't reminiscing it [Applause] you ought to like take the atmosphere higher right in the middle of worship when that stuff tries to happen during worship i was in a worship service that was so holy nobody would even play no people were on there laid their instruments down you didn't even want to talk you didn't want to touch a microphone man and the piano girl she's down her knees and she just touching the high keys somehow and it was like she'd just go think and you go oh ding oh it was good and i'm standing there and this video i never watch a bunch of junk videos but this video went through my head in that moment i got a microphone i'm supposed to preach i'm doing a school holy spirit's like everywhere and i got a stupid video going through my head i don't have a thing in my heart the thing was years and years ago like ah then you could be like well how come that thing and how could that in the presence god that must be lingering in me i bet that thing was in me all this time just hovering hanging out somewhere in me i haven't been all the way clean i mean i'm saved but i'm not delivered [Applause] i don't want to see that the atmosphere was so holy you're afraid to talk man you're a minister you don't even know what to do you've been in that moment you don't even know what to do you're standing there like you don't even want to say nothing you're like lord you gotta man i don't even know what to do because it's holy guess what i did right in the middle of that thing i said now everybody knew i was pastor right but this thing was holy i mean i get this little girl ain't nobody man when the guitar guys lay their guitars down when the instruments are laid down that's amazing so it's like this video comes through my head i got a mic in my hand you know what that thing wanted me to do come up to the order and start narrowing and repenting for some i'm not like feel bad for thinking it i didn't conjure it that thing ain't dwelling in me guess what i did holy hush moment i won't act it out like i did it because i'll freak you out cause i'm mic'd up but watch what i did top of my lungs father i thank you that you washed me and cleansed me that you put your life inside of me that you made me a brand new man and i'll never be the same you have purified me through the blood of jesus christ and you've filled me with your holy spirit and i just started going ballistic why this thing's gonna come up on me in the presence of god and try to change my identity change my anointing and hinder the spirit of god by breathing some lies so i cry and ask for prayer [Applause] not today friend ain't going to happen tomorrow either i went ballistic and people were like whoa there that he's a little out of this atmosphere like i didn't wasn't like and then they started thinking well he's pastor and wow that is sounding powerful next thing you know all around me i started hearing people lift their voice and in the next five minutes we're all making declarations and declaring every good thing we had in christ now watch i stood up and i started to minister and things happened that wouldn't even happen i'm convinced things happened that wouldn't even happen if i didn't see the video how do you stop that kind of wisdom if we're just believers i'm in a school i get up there i said ma'am you have a growth it's on your right ankle it's down by your ankle bone it's a it's a lump there feel it because i believe it's going right now and she went ah said sir herniated disc center of the back i said they're talking surgery you got a problem i said you feel the heat don't you oh and things just started happening i don't even think any of that would have happened if i didn't see the video and we think we have a problem i think we have an answer so here's this little wind so all of a sudden he says to johnny oh hey johnny so everything's cool huh yeah a little servant boy hey well you know well what about and you think you can just do all this when you know good and well i mean remember and you know about well what about and all of a sudden things from three two four years ago this and all of a sudden this reminder of this place this attitude that maybe was trying to grip this young man at a young age now guess what as soon as he hears that he's faced with options isn't he he's got to respond don't he so he's got choices he can either listen and start graying out and start confessing the thoughts of the mind as if there is heart or guess what johnny could do this is what you're going to do you say father i just thank you for the love you have for me and how you transformed my life forever god i thank you i'm sitting here in this chair as righteous as i'll ever be because you have washed me in your blood have you not put a pure heart in me a brand new mind in me am i not your son thanks for loving me watch this little imp he's sitting back he's like jesus runs back to boss he's the same boss he says did you get johnny did you tell him boss boss i ain't can you boss don't get mad at me boss i told johnny i'm telling you i told johnny everything and i didn't miss a word i told him everything yeah no john johnny you don't understand boss like like johnny he left he lifted his hands and he started to worship god you fool you could not have told johnny what i told i did boss i swear i swear i promise you could not have told him the things i when you talk like that to christians they get grayed out discouraged depressed and call for prayer no no no not this guy boss not this guy you know i think i think this guy's a believer he says i'll tell you what i'll settle this myself i don't need you to work this thing for me so he comes over to johnny himself right out of the blue who's ever had this stuff happen when everything seems so good no son and johnny hears it but he don't acknowledge it he don't say i bind you devil i break your power i rebuke your voice see when you put someone on a platform and give them a mic they manifest did you notice if you put satan on a stage totally ignore him watch submit to god resist the it's a one-step program your submitting is your resisting and he will if he doesn't flee he keeps provoking johnny to truth so the whole time johnny doesn't have a problem he has an answer it's not about the voice he heard or the memory that he remembered it's about what he believes in his heart right now and how he sees god sees him and how he sees himself in god and he holds tight to that by simple faith are you with me how many people can tell me they can relate to this kind of assault on their soul and they've had this kind of stuff come to try to grab out tail spin them or get them on a wild goose chase right but never again thanks let me try to wrap this up so it doesn't get crazy late because if you guys are willing i mean i'm scheduled to be back so i'll be here period but tomorrow what time 10 so i don't have to be too brutal with you tonight i got tomorrow at 10 and i got tomorrow night at gee i got a lot of time and then i got sunday morning [Applause] [Music] so i'm a happy man i'll preach to a tree if it's in front of me man so if you can come come but but i want to try to finish this quick it's 8 50. all okay now see i'm on eastern time so it's 9.50 so if i'm okay you got to be okay it's 9.50 you know what time i got up this morning 254. oh i'm playing that i'm pulling it on you i've been up since 254 you can tell you see how weary i am and it's 9.50 to my body so i'm an hour ahead of you you ain't gonna catch me so just hang in there with me all right i played that on you ought to see that when i go to the west coast and it's nine there time and it's 12 mine oh i hold it on them i hold it on no i'm just kidding well kinda set your mind set your mind what set your mind guys he's talking to us as individual christians right okay so if somebody does you wrong you got your mind set if a circumstance comes out of the blue you got your mind set on things above you're seeking first uh you know we always say this prayer of jesus your will be done on as it is in and we always use that prayer as an example of the power of god like we always say because of the binding and loosening bound on earth bound and loose and loose in heaven and earth and bound heaven and earth we always say and i'm not against it i think it's a powerful faith to watch no cancer in heaven no cancer on the earth and it gives us faith to believe for healing true are you with me but your will be done on earth as in heaven the only examples i ever see used are the power of god for faith for healing and stuff and miracles watch why isn't it the heart of god is there any animosity in heaven bickering backbiting competitiveness dissension discord your will be done as it is in you see what he's restoring heaven to the earth the kingdom of god is here the kingdom of god isn't just the healing of the sick or the power of god or the word of knowledge of the prophetic utterance guys the kingdom of god is the heart of god manifest in people made for his image called lights in the world if there's anything in your life that hinders the light from shining it's flat out utter deception because the whole reason you're alive and on the earth is to shine you're not on the earth just to prophesy you're not on the earth to get a word of knowledge not on yours just to serve in a church within a ministry you're on the earth to shine your lights in the world let your light so where before men so they see your life and give glory to god you get it so anything that comes after the light to quench the light is an enemy it's a deception because the whole reasoning on the earth is to shine so mercy woke you and me up today to give us one more day to be more like him and all we could be pursuing is a blessing and then we're discouraged at the end of the day because it didn't happen the way we were praying now we're not even encouraged in prayer wondering why god isn't hearing our prayers there's something wrong with my faith and now i'm pulling back come on set your mind where not the things of the earth why are you going to do that see you never prayed a prayer to go to heaven i'm sorry that we've ever preached that in the church you'd never prayed a prayer to go to heaven you prayed a prayer to get born again to get christ in you and you in christ to get back to the father have fellowship and communion with god what for you died i wish we preached that at every order call instead of if you die tonight and don't know where you're going i understand mercy works with things and i understand people have come to god that way and holy spirit has pulled through there's a whole lot of people that came to god that way and still fought with their spouse and hated their boss come on if i make the whole goal go into heaven how's that transforming the life why not just preach the message why not just preach the message and tell them look you're coming to die and i want to water baptize you we'll find water i'll hold you down when every bubble stops i'll bring you up and we'll trust god and if it doesn't work we know where you are but just are you in i talk water baptism i don't i don't do salvation apart from water baptism there's nowhere in the bible it wasn't part of the message why because it was always about transformation not salvation meaning go to heaven it was always about transformation it was always about dying to live dying to live and water baptism represents buried into his death so you can live in his resurrection die live die live you get it yay come on that's how i teach it you died and your life is hidden with christ in god watch this and when christ who is your life and my life appears then we're going to appear with him in glory therefore because this is true that's what therefore means in light of this because of what i just said because this is true put to death your members which are on the earth did you notice he didn't say control find temperance and a healthy balance he said kill life as you know it hello put to death your members on the earth the first thing on the list is what anybody looking you ain't got it up there do you colossians three verse five anybody looking put to death your members which are on the earth what's the first thing listed fornication if you look in thessalonians galatians corinthians every list of the flesh ever listed in your new testament bible the very first things on the list are always sexuality why because they're all driven by sensuality and need and emotions and watch there's not one topic on the earth that's even a close second to the focus and exploitation of sexuality and you don't counterfeit one dollar bills you go after the big stuff so there is such a dynamic powerful truth here that was designed in god for the union of a man and a wife where he leaves his mother and father the two cleave and become one guys that holy beautiful section of scripture has become one night stands has become all kinds of stuff adulterous affairs emotional meeting of needs i'm not putting anybody down i'm just making a strong statement because if you've done those things and lived that way there's redemption there's forgiveness there's mercy but let's get ahold of truth come on put to death kill life as you know it especially concerning what fornication unclean this past and evil desire why it's all covetedness it's all idolatry why you're making something matter more than what matters most and you're being driven by the flesh not the spirit and it's essential arena not a spiritual arena are you all with me so he's saying put to death this arena in your life as you've known it because there's a holy and powerful truth waiting for you to step into and live in and i found i found that this sexual thing has so much power over people we always say it's the young people it's 50 year olds that ain't with their spouse no more and they get together and they're 50 years old and they slept with each other before they even come for counseling on something or whatever they just sleep with each other it's almost the first thing people do i've learned i'm not saying everybody most people in my in my experience 50. they don't have to be no 18 and burning with passion 24 and burning with passion i think 50 year olds they jump in bed it's almost one of the first things they do when they get together christians put to death that thing put to death that thing why because you're feeding something that was never created to be and you got to put it to death not try to balance it you got to kill it i'll explain just more in a second here but i'm just i'm just talking i go to i go to supernatural schools and they ask me to teach you got these kids there that are sincere and they're hungry and they're going after god but they're moved with passions and there's relationships and there's people in the schools almost every school you go to you talk on this topic and it gets weird in the room and you call them to repentance they break down and cry and some of the girls are crying before you even get done because they're convicted because they're sleeping with the guy sitting right beside him while they're going through the school that's alarming because we're needy and we're looking for something for ourselves and sexuality seems to be such a powerful voice in our lives it's been so exploited there's not a close second it's the number one most exploited focused on topic on the planet i mean you can't even do a commercial for something that has nothing to do then they got a lady with the air blowing her skirt open and her hair back and and it doesn't even have nothing to do with what she's wearing or the lady you wonder why she's even on the commercial but they figure it'll make you watch come on am i lying am i am i far off here and then you know what happens to women they get judged by that standard they feel compelled by that standard and good-hearted god-fearing women come under the pressure and bondage that the world has painted of what beautiful is attractive accepted and young girls live under that weight in their life whether they want to talk about it admit it or not and man it's tragic to me jesus said don't let it be any of those things then it ain't wrong to stay fit it ain't wrong to work out and do all that thing but if you're comparing yourselves among yourselves you're never wise you don't have to look a certain way you be a certain way you said it's not the adorning of yourself in the et cetera et cetera he said it's that quiet general that beautiful person that inward person to the heart women that's what's pleasurable and attractive to god yeah i've just watched so many women come under pressure on that thing and and and you are you you don't even you don't even have the genetics then you're in big trouble so then you either got to act like you don't care just get moody or attitude because you don't have a chance anyway and survival kicks in but there's just some kind of weird pressure on so many people because we've painted this thing and paul's saying kill it as you know it you know what i did when i got saved first morning i was saved i fell on my knees in my bedroom the first thing i was presence of god on me i woke up in the morning pastor i was praying in tongues i didn't have nobody in the room nobody laid hands on me nobody talked to me about baptism the holy spirit i was laying in my bed crying praying i woke up to the presence of god and i'm praying in tongues like a hundred mile an hour like a madman and i had nobody there to tell me it wasn't for today or i couldn't or it wasn't god i knew it was god he was in my room man and you know how you know it's him because you get these healthy convictions and i knew my definition of sexuality and manhood was warped and twisted and i realized it in the presence of god 12 hours saved i slid to my knees in the bedroom you know what i said i said you couldn't have made me this way because it's at the expense of another person it demands something from someone watch what i said i'm gonna say it like i said it i think we can get away with this oh jesus it's just me getting nervous it's already there so i'm gonna say it but i'm just nervous i said this in my room i said there ain't no way adam was walking through the garden with an erection saying hey what am i supposed to do with this so you made him a woman there ain't no way i said there's no woman on the earth that was created with a job description to scratch my edge i said that with nobody looking with no counsel i hadn't read my bible yet i was convicted in the spirit of the lord and i knelt down and cried and said i got this way living in the world from the locker room the magazine when i was 11 on the railroad tracks i've been taught wrong i don't know how to change i believe you can change me and i asked him with nobody looking i surrendered what i said was manhood and he touched me i can't explain it but he touched me and it sure paid off in the future because i was so afraid to even open that arena when my wife and i got restored because i never wanted to touch her wrong again i never wanted to touch her just as a man touch i never wanted to touch her just for me i never i didn't even wanna and holy spirit walked us through and showed us why this thing is so counterfeited because the truth is so immeasurable where the presence of god is what you're most aware of when you're together not the flesh orgasms or feelings but the holy presence of god hovering over you in union and communion with them and he taught us that and i said man if i'd had known this then i thought this was amazing this didn't hold a light to what's there that's why this thing is so in our face to keep us from the truth and there's people compromising and selling cheap and living by feelings and living by the flesh i'm going to talk straight to you tonight communion and relationship and intimacy with god when nobody's looking will drive all those things out of your life i promise i promise you and you might not even know what the truth looks like but you know this ain't it are you all good okay i know i take a long time for everything oh dear jesus okay these things these things because of these things verse six the wrath of god is coming upon the sons of disobedience that means those who continue to walk in disobedience continue to disobey you don't get self-righteous you don't get our again you don't get puffed up watch because we all lived that way and conducted ourselves that way when we walk that way and live that way right but now look at this separation but now look at this sanctification but now whoo see we're born again guys we're living for his great name yay we're not living for ourself we're living for his great name but now you yourselves are who you who see it in an article it ain't prayer it's you saying you never created me for this man if this anger is in my life it's because self-centeredness people are crossing lines i shouldn't have they're knocking chips that shouldn't even be there you yourselves put off these things anger and wrath and malice and filthy language from your mouth you yourself put off how am i gonna put to death fornication passion evil desire and put off anger and wrath of malice without getting into works and risking failing that's a good question i'm going to get alone with jesus because of this watch i'll show you exactly how i'm not going to tell you what you ought to do and not tell you how to get there it's real easy to get there first you got to want to see not everybody wants to love i've found a lot of people that go to church want to hold on to their rights they already reasoning themselves out of love they hear the love message yeah but you're telling me of somebody and i'm supposed to just forget it well you better be glad god's like that towards you i found in the church churches a whole lot of folks don't want to actually don't want to love they want blessing they want promotion they want protection they want grace they don't want to love they want to hold on to the standard that adam gave them and not christ and they want to bring him in to who they are instead of who he is becoming their life you don't pour new wine into an old wine skin no wonder the wine spells but now you yourselves are to put off these things anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy language out of your mouth look at this verse nine don't lie to one another why because you have put off the old man with his deeds and you put on the new man who's this new man because we just saw the old man and his deeds that's a pretty good list right who's this new man you put on the new man who is who is he he's renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him colossians 3 10 tells you straight out that the whole purpose of the cross is to restore you back to the image of god we know the image of god isn't a head and two arms and legs because god's a spirit he doesn't have a body jesus had to take on a body to come as a man but god is spirit god doesn't have a head arms and legs how do we end up with a head arms and legs his image is love it's who he is not what he looks like so god makes us to be love gives us a head arms and legs so we can act out what's on the inside so men think their flesh is evil and it's the inside of the man that makes their flesh appear evil are you with me this body don't get mad at it don't say you know his own body's so evil and wicked i always it's what's in a person that acts out the body if you clean the inside of the cup [Applause] the outsides be clean don't worry yeah but my heart's pure was his own flesh he gave me a body to house who he is so i have an instrument to manifest that beautiful truth and you know them by their oh my goodness and if the root's good you get it so how do i do this without getting into works and running the risk of failure it's a place of prayer people it's a place of prayer why i'm saved by grace through okay i want you to understand that grace is god's working ability and power on your behalf to make you what you can never be on your own that's grace that's god's working power and ability on your behalf that's a simple definition of grace watch when you release faith in the truth and actually believe you were created for this and you recognize this list that's not of god and you put it off in prayer and separate from it like i did with my whole manhood thing said you never made me this way it's at the expense of another you did not create a woman with a job description to meet my needs scratch my itch god there's no one that's on the earth to serve me i'm on the earth to love i had that revelation 12 hours old in christ i'm so thankful so as i'm in my prayer place doing this guess what i'm doing i'm putting off the old and in prayer in faith guess what i'm doing putting on the now guess what grace is doing grace is seeing faith and responding and going yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah remember how paul said i am what i am by the grace of god that there's no boasting in men that whatever a man has he's been given so there's no superstar christian there's just believers some of us have been tricked into unbelief for so long that when you run into somebody believing you think they're a superstar christian and they're just believing the gospel and you think they're amazing [Laughter] the only thing we should be guilty of in that day is we believed him we believed our lives were worthy when he said we're clean we believed we were clean when we were forgiven we believed it and we were so touched by forgiveness that we became it yeah and we just walked in the light as he was in the light and come hell and come high water we shine because there's no turning or shifting of shadow in him and we stayed the same come on that should be our testimony so you get alone in prayer and you put off you put off father i thank you i was never made for me i was always made for your great name in your image see this is what prayer can look like when nobody's looking it sure beats six o'clock are you kidding me god i don't know how i'm gonna get through the day man i didn't sleep good last night you got to give me grace and i don't know but i can't believe i got to work beside johnny today you know how challenging it is god please let it be billy please not johnny please no no offense johnny please god and all of a sudden you call that prayer now here's what prayer looks like you're putting off and you're putting on and man if you look on that list and any of those things have tried to eat your lunch and struggle you see i say this all the time i say a man that's bound in pornography there's a simple answer he simply doesn't know who he is and because he doesn't know who he is he's using the exploitation of others that don't know who they are to feed something that should never be fed and if a man would ever find out who he really is he would see this for what it really is in his heart would cry not be attracted because he doesn't live by the flesh he lives by the spirit and he actually sees things for what they really are and it's called holiness without trying to be holy it's just truth through a man's heart and you preach that to some people when people think oh you gotta be kidding you're telling me you can't listen just because innocence was violated can't mean truth can't be restored are you okay that'll never happen because you want it to it'll happen because you by faith put off and put on and you made a distinguishment and you acknowledged that this was non-productive it was not god and it's unpermissible to your heart watch this i've said this when you weren't looking so many times i don't say it anymore i just see it but i've said it in the beginning a whole lot father i thank you i i'm on the earth father to shine and nobody owes me a thing i acknowledge my life is not my own god the days of stress and strife and frustration are over for me god you've called me to love father when i see a man i don't see him by the cover i don't read a book by the cover i see him for his value and his destiny no matter what he appears on the outside i see him for what he's created for you have given me the grace to love god you loved me when i was unlovable because you saw what i was created to be i see all men through that light father i thank you and i would just pray that stuff and pray that stuff and guess what happened grace started to come and wrap around my faith and make what i believed my reality and all of a sudden i'm not trying to be okay i'm changed all of a sudden i'm not trying to forgive you i don't know how not did you get it because i gave up the permission to be in unforgiveness because you never made me for me now watch i'm seeking him in the secret place you're not there if all i do is pray when you're there i got my reward in open but i'm in the secret place and nobody's there i'm one of two things i'm out of my mind wasting my time and i ought to get a hobby or he's there and i'm banking on that and in that place he's going to see me in the secret and reward me where what am i seeking in secret him what's my reward openly him whoa see that sure beats blessing provision protection and all the things that have moved us because we made them our goal our goal should be transformation it should be we died and our lives are now hidden in christ and we're going to set our mind on the things above not the things of the earth and we're going to allow grace through our faith to save us you get it it says the end result of your faith if you don't back up and you go forward the end result of your faith is the salvation of your soul that means the restoration of your mind your will your emotions and your mental capacity people say well you talk about not living about feelings god gave us emotions god did not give you and me the emotions we grew up with adam gave us those and every emotion that you functioned until you were born again and even after if you didn't have understanding was all driven by self-centeredness nobody taught you to be angry it came with the package because you were self-centered one of the first things you learned to say was mine no cutie i love kids you can see they need jesus parents or think they're failing they think they're failing does my child have a demon they're going in i'm worshiping the lord and i'm talking real sweet to them and they're going i think they swung at me i've had mothers distraught because the more they pursue jesus their babies like [Music] they're like do they have a demon nope they're just frustrated and moody and self-centered and they need born again keep modeling christ don't get insecure just manifest jesus so as they grow a little older they say man what is it about you mommy you're amazing i want to be like you and all of a sudden you sit on the bed and introduce them to jesus are you with me so this is what you do you put off you put on you put off you put on your place of prayer father i just thank you you never created me for me to be driven by the flesh to look at a woman and just need a woman or one a woman god you created me to love teach me what love is holy spirit in fact out of the fullness and strength of my life let me attach myself to a woman in relationship and until then god just fashion me don't even let me be moved in this direction until i have something to give called you i mean wonder if you weren't married and you were pursuing a relationship and you would meet a woman out of the fullness and strength of god in your life instead of the need in the vacuum 99.9 unfortunately relationships come together because his teachings lacking and there's a lot of need attached that's why some of us that are even doing well had to really work through the bumps and the bruises along the way and thank god we held on and kept on rolling right my wife and i had 13 years of bumps and bruises we've been married 39 years but the first 13 were really bad wouldn't it be amazing if two people come together out of the fullness and strength of who christ is in their life and not the need most of the time when we say i love you we're saying i need you and we prove it by the way we react to one another when things don't go the way we were banking on fair enough so we read out the works of the flesh and we ran out the members of the flesh let's read out the nature of god because the image were put on we put on the new man and he's according renewed knowledge according to the image so look at verse 12. so so here's how you know this is the image because he uses the same phrase put on therefore is the elect of god holy and beloved come on you better live there church you're the elect of god holy and beloved you're not sin waiting to happen you're holy and beloved he wrote to the saints right he didn't write to the sinners waiting to sin to the saints holy and beloved you ought to get alone and accept the love of god get alone and accept that you've been made holy blameless and above reproach in a sight you're not moved away from the hope in which you heard because the blood washes you and clenches you that's not haughty that's not arrogant that's not blasphemy it's scripture and what happens is you put on a healthy identity of righteousness and it empowers you to live in a holy place that you can never live without this truth so the truth is what empowers you to have fruit in your life as a man thinketh so he the eye is the lamp of the body right come on this is just simple so i'm trying i took all this time talking about all this stuff i'm trying to wrap it up in the end with a little simple instruction of how to walk out what you heard tonight that's you and me getting alone when nobody's looking putting off and putting on because we're sincere and we ain't risking failing we're privileged to become if we keep believing now watch this so holy and beloved put on see the phrase put on what did verse 10 say put on so he said put on the new man who's renewed knowledge according to the image so when he says put on all these adjectives are what the breakdown of the image isn't that cool so now he tells you what you're putting on look what you're putting on tell me if these things were lacking in our lives before christ tell me if these things were lacking tender mercies kindness humility meekness and long suffering any of those things lacking in anybody before christ yeah watch uh-oh bearing with one another and forgiving one another bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another even as christ has forgiven you so go ahead and forgive here's the clincher and i'm done but above all these things ain't that something as if this list isn't powerful enough above all these things what are you going to put on so guess what you're doing when you're alone in prayer you're recognizing the whole reason you're saved is to become love the greatest of these is the goal of our instruction first timothy 1 5 is love if we miss become in love we've missed the whole point of the cross above all these things what are we going to put on why it's the bond of perfection isn't it amazing how god uses that word perfection quite a bit in scripture how quick we're to say in false humility well that in us what he's saying is love is that way if a man doesn't stumble even in his speech right he's been mature and perfected in love there's a place for us to see god's love for us and see ourselves in his love in such a way that it changes the way i see others and all of a sudden i'm looking out through my eyes that have been loved by god and i see the same thing that i see towards me when i look at you and all of a sudden i'm empowered to love god because he first loved me and love him with all my heart my soul my strength and love my neighbor as you know how many people don't like themself and they can't fulfill scripture because they're treating others the way they see themselves you getting this so it's very very important that you let the cross be enough the blood of jesus enough you say yeah but i am such a loser stop that he shed his blood for you you're not a loser you can't say you're a loser you can't let your mistakes your weakness or your track record trump the grace that wants to come through the finished work you gotta start where he finished if you're gonna run well if you label yourself based on what you've done you'll never get the identity he paid for listen man tonight no matter how much you failed if your heart cares about that instead of actually acting like you don't care because you're overwhelmed or discouraged shake that lie off and say you know what man no matter how bad i've made a mistake he still paid the price for me he's still calling me to redemption he's still saying by the cross that he wants me that he loves me there has to be a higher answer than just being discouraged then all of a sudden you begin to put on the truth of how he sees you through the blood so you can begin to walk in a new way does this make sense i hope this makes sense this is why we pray for the sick guys this is why we believe for restoration redemption healing why because if god forgives us and sees us as if we've never sinned then the fruit of our lives should look like adam never ate the tree and humanity never fell now most theologians and pastors and preachers will argue that tooth and nail but if you look at scripture and you look at jesus's life and you look at the fruit of his life it's totally redemptive and we sing he's our redeemer the bible says he's our redeemer and when you look up the word redemption it means brought back to original value to completely be restored are you with me that's why he bore our sin and his body on a tree that we having died to sin might live for righteousness and by his stripes we are bingo is that cool or what sorry i'm just listening there's a couple routes i could go here right now quick and i don't i know i'm really late i i probably for you guys i'm not late for me i'm a eternal gospel preacher and i preach in my sleep i just do um i go to bed by faith i'm going to wake up early just the way i am i want to do something a little different than i normally do on a friday night i wasn't listening for a yes he told me a long time ago yesterday and gospel have a yes unless i hear no so i was just hanging out to see if there was happen to be a no in the atmosphere and i just haven't heard it so were we okay or am i blowing time too bad here's what i need to do i need to do you guys back here man you want to touch him keys for me a little bit you know how to love him on your instrument you know how to just love him like if it was just you in the bedroom alone you know how to do that do it dude usually we just pray for the sick we'll pray for the sick this weekend for sure tonight i want to do something specific on the first night i need your humility i need you to really listen okay who knows that some of us made mistakes in our life that we come to realize we're actually mistakes that given the chance to do something over again you would do it if you had that chance but you don't have that chance so the only answer the world has is regret the only answer the bible gives us is repentance just saying you know what i know if i could do it over i would and that means i've changed so i'm not even the man i'm remembering anymore because if i could go back and replay that night it would look different than that night lux when that's the truth in your life and you know you could go back and do who who here now that you know what you know and you've been through what you've been through and you've learned what you learned if you could go back and rewrite some pages you would be thrilled and honored to make new choices to be able to go back and relive some certain things especially that hurt yourself hurt others right so as soon as you make that yes that's me that means you're changing you're growing now here's the cool thing when you say that's the truth about your life well then that's what takes away guilt condemnation and shame because now you see now you know so now you're going to walk in this truth and you're never going to let the lie take you back there you're not going to let flashback a memory we already did that we're not going to let the devil and his little imp guy take us back there we're separated we're sanctified but you know what we're not sad we're not like oh man why'd i have to man if i wouldn't oh i just nope god you've changed me you put a new thing in my heart a new desire you birthed a new song man you have done the work of me who knows that's powerful but here's what i've learned in the church and i think we need to go after it because a lot of people say well brother you reap what you sow well i brought it upon myself well i earned it you ever hear people talk like that well i knew better this would have never happened if i did and god's just letting me so that i never go back and here's what i'm saying there's people that have made choices in this room but you're born again you're repentant if you could go back and do that thing over you would but you can't but the choice you made cost you something in your flesh in your body in your blood i've seen it i've seen people in churches they got std they got a hepatitis they got an hiv they've damaged their short-term long-term memory just by lifestyle they've affected their soul they've affected their bloodstream an organ a liver a digestive system through abuse substance whatever promiscuity has come in stuff happens to people's lives and all of a sudden watch this they come into christianity where old things pass away and behold how many things all things become new and the blood of jesus cleanses you of all sins and he says through covenant i'll remember your sins no more so watch this when you stand before god through the blood of jesus and a repentant heart will god ever mention where you've been will god ever judge you for what you've done so if god isn't judging you for what you've done then why is what you've done allowed to still be judging you [Music] see there's a thing called redemption and the restoration of truth there's a scripture in thessalonians 5 that says spirit soul and body blameless till he comes yeah but i slept around do you still would you now no well then why are you making wearing the mark of what you aren't anymore yeah but i did them drugs and i knew better and i still and i put all that in my body i brought this upon myself oh okay so what the blood of jesus and all that accomplished in the mercy and the grace doesn't i've seen countless countless people redeemed i've seen incurable stds leave people in a flash no way to keep track of the amount of people that were healed of incurable stds hepatitis gone by the score hivs i get emails they've been through months of testing negative negative negative and get released from hiv lists scars from cutting completely disappearing because if they knew what they knew now they'd never done what they did in that season and they're using it as a testimony or else they're just ashamed i was in services where girls would wear long sleeve shirts in 85 degrees because they didn't want anybody to see their arms so jesus just gave him new skin guys i'm looking you in the eyeballs and telling you i've seen it more than i can remember we've done water baptisms and it was a little cutting culture going on and all the girls got swallowed up and cutting and we they all got saved and we're doing them in the water baptism was two different states where it seemed like this thing was grabbed the culture and we it was the most precious thing pastor we put these little girls into baptism when they're shaking and crying and giving their life to jesus we'd put them under they'd sit up and they'd look at their arms and scream they'd pull up little t-shirts look at their bellies and scream and then we'd put the next little girl in there'd be like 10 12 girls and we just put them in the water one at a time old things pass away [Music] [Music] here's what i want to do tonight i don't know if i've ever traveled on a weekend and done this on a friday night but man it came on my heart tonight listen if i preach righteousness and we're clean and free from the mistakes we've made then we ought to get the clean sweep spirit soul and body blameless till he comes there's not one person in this room that hasn't sinned and fallen short of the glory of god agree watch this there's a ton of people in this room that deserve a mark and never got one there's some people that just crossed the line and got fit for keeps it ain't mercy out there and it ain't fair but he's righteous nobody's business where you've been ain't nobody's business why you're responding is nobody somebody's trying to figure that out they need touched by the lord because we've all fallen short and some of us deserve a mark and never got one i met a lady up north 52 years all she ever knew was her husband she didn't have one sexual sin in her whole life the memory of her whole life no sin she told me no sexual sin no other partner no master base and stuff no fantasy stuff she said the only man i ever knew was my husband and he's the only man i knew from the day we were married that's a rare testimony and that was her testimony but he left her for some girl 35 [Music] now there she is 52 and no husband feeling alone ashamed hurt she just doesn't have the revelation she's getting deceived she's spiraling don't i still have it anymore i couldn't keep him i couldn't keep his head turned she won him away she's got all this crazy stuff going through her and this guy comes into her life and starts saying things that she seems to need to hear her whole life people her whole life not one sexual sin and this guy comes and says all the right things or wrong things and she buys in and she said in a moment see we were at an order and i got to her and she grabbed my arm and she cried and she said i'm not that kind of girl i'm not that kind of girl and it just broke my heart for her because you know what she's saying and you could see she loved jesus religion says well she loved jesus why she this girl is in a whirlwind of emotions deception this thing was trying to get her for keeps right she found herself with this man in no time never in her life and in no time with this man and she said they got engaged into this act of of of sexual contact and she said she said it couldn't have been a minute it didn't seem like a minute and she was like what am i doing horrified i wasn't paying me she told me the whole story because i didn't want to hear the story i just wanted to pray and she told me the whole story whispered the whole story to me and it grabbed my heart she said she pushed this man off of her grabbed her things and ran crying can you imagine the torment in her soul can you imagine the long night she spent just crying how she had to feel with the convictions she carried i mean are you with me on this but it gets worse a couple weeks go by she starts getting these weird symptoms in her body she goes to a family doctor family doctor he calls her into counsel and says honey we need to talk are you okay what's going on she began to talk about her husband and what happened and he said well whatever you wear he said because honey you have an incurable sexually transmitted disease that's going to affect a couple major organs and affect the timeline of your life one sexual sin in her life and it bitter for keeps a minute long engaged she said she don't think it was a minute and her conviction swallowed her up and she screamed out of that place and ran for her life but it already bitter that's painful but he's merciful and i looked at her and i said honey i was crying she brought me to tears i said listen to me i tell this testimony at the time it was so powerful i told all the time i said honey that's coming out of you do you hear me she looked down at the ground i said no no you look because now she told me the story she can't even look me in the eyes because she's wearing that thing i said no no no i took her chin and made her look me right in the eyes look at me you woman of god i said that's coming out of you do you hear me i said i don't think you understand that's coming out of you i said and there ain't nothing nobody can do about it it's too late you say that's arrogance will you go ahead and try to tell that sexually transmitted disease that was arrogance no thunder no lightning she didn't fall on the ground we didn't need to usher to catch her i just said you let her go and you never touch her again and i just walked on to the next people weeping six weeks later she came running to me guess what pastor guess what i said what had every sort of test run not one trace of that sexual transmitted disease in her blood [Music] mercy triumphs over judgment
Channel: City Center Church
Views: 34,247
Rating: 4.9014087 out of 5
Id: T3sm9Ebzg7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 10sec (7690 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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