Tips for using PRESENT PERFECT Tense in IELTS Speaking | Keith's Grammar Guides

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hi guys it's keith from the keith speaking academy and welcome to part two of this video on the present tenses last time part one we looked at the present simple and present continuous and today it's the present perfect simple and the present perfect continuous and i'll be showing you how all four present tenses are connected and how you can use them in ielts speaking let's do it [Music] okay let's move on oh but first you know i usually drink tea in the morning but today i'm drinking water get it why did i say i usually drink tea that's right because it's a habit i have but why did i say today i'm drinking water because it's temporary it's only today exactly now after that refreshing sip of water let's move on to number three the present perfect now this is a present tense it's the present perfect but it it has a connection to the past right and there are four basic ways we can use this so make a note and i'll go through each one we can talk about how long you've done something we can talk about a present result something happened in the past and has a result in the present we can talk about experiences life experiences and we can talk about something called unfinished time let me do them one by one let's begin with how long okay so you'll remember i said i live in santander i came here actually in 2017 so i have lived here since 2017 or i have lived here for three years other examples i have worked here for three years or i've worked here since 2018. i'll explain in a moment last example i've studied chinese for 10 years 10 years such a long time maybe longer actually no i've studied chinese for almost wow 18 years holy moly what a maya so how long um we can talk about so when you began something in the past it continues up until now and then you tell people how long right so questions in ielts may again when people say where do you live what do you do what do you study you can say i live in blah blah blah i have lived here since blah blah blah or i study chinese at the university i have studied there for three years hopefully not for 18 years they would kick you out if you haven't graduated right so let's first of all have a look at the form of the present perfect so we would use the subject i you he have or has plus the past participle right i have lived here for two years he has broken his leg poor thing i've visited paris so notice again in spoken english we usually do the contraction right i have i've i have lived i've lived say that with me i've lived he's lived he's lived here for ten years nice notice the four becomes f for ten years he's lived here for ten years i visited paris now that's interesting because it's i've visited there's no break right i've visited paris i've visited paris lovely good in the negative again the subject with has or have not plus the participle the past participle um putting in the contractions right i haven't worked here long have not i haven't worked here long she hasn't broken her arm hooray i was so worried about her she hasn't broken her arm after all she hasn't visited london she hasn't visited london okay when we talk about those experiences of i haven't visited london we sometimes say never not or never i've never visited london or i haven't visited london yet maybe i will in the future so that's the form before we look at the second use just a quick word about for and since right when we're talking about how long when do we use since a clue i have lived here since 2017. correct good it's for a point in time 2017 uh may august july last week i've lived here since last week i've lived here since january i've lived here since point in time four on the other hand i've lived here for three years good it's the duration right three years two months five hours i've lived here for five hours what really seriously yes i've just just moved in i've just opened the door i've literally lived here for five hours of course that's not true i've lived here since may last year so i've lived here for just over a year actually that's true in this flat we used to live in another flat in santander okay good let's move on to number two the present result so when something in the past happens like you broke your leg and then the result in the present is i can see you have a cast on your leg you're using crutches and i go oh dear you've broken your leg or you say oh dear i've broken my leg and we can see the result here now okay now then with that you never identify the time you don't say i've broken my leg last week no right if you put the time it's the past simple i broke my leg last week but look i've broken my leg you're emphasizing look now the impact on the present right now we can use this in ielts for example especially in part three where they may ask you how has something changed in recent years or how has this had an impact on something right and if you want to show the result now for example we might say we can see the government has made a u-turn we can see donald trump has made a mistake we can see kovid has had a big impact on us so that queue of we can see is showing the result in the present tense so you're probably going to use the present perfect we can see trump has made a mistake we can see kovid has had a big impact on us okay of course there are different tenses you can use but the present perfect gives you that something in the past with a present result you're emphasizing the present result okay we also use present perfect to talk about experiences in our life so you may get the same tense in the question right have you ever cooked have you ever run a marathon have you ever done this or that right yes i have uh cooked yes i have run a marathon you can see it's a life experience with using the present perfect or interestingly the question what new hobby would you like to try well i've never tried parachuting or well i've never tried painting or i've never tried sailing so i might try that right talk about things you haven't done and therefore you want to try something new right also present perfect i haven't been sailing i've never tried sailing so i would like to have a go and one of the most common one is talking about places you have visited i've been to paris i've been to london i've been to new delhi when you say that again don't say when so you can't say i've been to london last week no no no no i went to london last week right present perfect is just to show the experience like hey i've been to london right what's important is not when it's the experience right hey i can speak english i've been to london um i can speak a bit of french i've been to paris right that kind of thing good let's move on the next one is unfinished time i usually drink tea but now i'm drinking water nice one you are learning very quickly good unfinished time unfinished time is basically when we use we're talking about a period of time that is has not finished like today i've eaten a lot today i've had two cups of water i've had one cup of coffee today because today is not finished yesterday i had a cup of coffee but today i've had two cups of coffee that unfinished time we can use the present perfect for example i haven't done any sport this month now that would be great right if somebody asks you do you do you often do sport yes i do i usually do i usually play football but i haven't done any sport this month this month hasn't finished right i haven't done any sport this month because i've broken my leg right good what about the question do you like traveling yes i love travelling but i haven't traveled at all this summer it's now august summer hasn't finished i haven't travelled at all this summer because of covid19 i don't think it's very safe right can you see how we're developing the answers we can use different tenses to create different meanings how often do you eat fast food well usually i i eat quite a lot of fast food right um but i haven't been to a restaurant in the last three months the last three months is unfinished time we're still within those three months right i haven't been to a restaurant notice the past participle of go can be been it can be gone if you're still there right he has gone to london he's still there but he has been to london means he went and came back i have not been to a restaurant this these last three months present perfect unfinished time excellent so remember it's all about creating the meaning let's move on okay let's move into the fourth tense the present perfect continuous great now let me take you back dddd to the beginning of the video and you'll remember when we looked at the question where do you live right i said you could actually say i live in santander i am living in santander and then my family in england will be happy um i have lived in santander since 2017. or i have been living in santander since 2017. they're all correct so what's the difference between the last two i have lived here or i have been living here well they're very very similar the difference is very very small actually and i think you can use both perfectly fine the slight difference is the first i have lived in santander for three years the emphasis is on the action have lived i have lived in santander for three years i have been living in santander for three years the emphasis is more on the time right for three years i've been living here for three years of course i know the city right somebody comes to visit and says do you know any good restaurants of course i do i've been living here for three years emphasis on the time the present perfect continuous is probably the better tense to use although you can use both i think you can interchange both but if you want to emphasize the time present perfect continuous right imagine you're waiting for a friend right oh then like an hour later they turn up and say i'm so sorry i'm late and you go come on i've been waiting for an hour right if you say i've waited for an hour it doesn't have the same impacts right you want to emphasize the time oi i've been waiting for three bloody hours pardon my french right that so this is what i mean by creating meaning you can create a feeling by using the present perfect continuous right let's have a look so you're the same with when when the questions what do you study um where do you work well i work as a teacher i've been working as a teacher for 20 years right showing off your experience i've for 20 years i've been working for a teacher i've not been working for a teacher i've been working as a teacher for 20 years right okay let's nail the form so we have the subject that's me not me it's i you he she have or has with been not mr bean or the bean that you eat but bean b e e b e [Laughter] what am i doing b e e n b double e n p n so if that's not confused to you i don't know what it has subject plus have or has plus b plus verb plus ing okay for example i have been living here for two years he has been driving since he was 18 years old right the negative subject plus havel has not been plus the verb ing right again with the contraction i haven't been living here long she hasn't been working here for more than a month okay so that's the form so the one of the big uses of the present perfect continuous is about a temporary activity so remember the continuous tense like the present continuous has this feeling of temporary so temporary activities that are happening in the in the past but still today or recently we often say you know what have you been doing recently what have you been doing what have you been doing lately that's nice isn't it instead of what have you been doing what have you been doing what have you been doing nice chunk right what have you been doing recently well i've been decorating my house i've been busy helping my daughter with her homework i've been learning how to paint right temporary activities or new activities that started in the past but continue now today some more examples i've been working late a lot recently so i feel tired i've been eating out a lot lately now that we can go out at last i've been making the most of it and i've been eating out a lot i've been catching up with friends i've been i've been catching up with friends right the chunking is nice i've been eating out a lot i've been catching up with friends great good i've been watching a lot of tv what about you what have you been up to recently what have you been doing lately excellent very very good right so these are temporary activities so maybe you can see how these might fit in with some ielts questions i mean often we get questions like what would you like to change about your work well i've been working a lot lately and i've been doing a lot of overtime so i would like to work less right what would you like to change about your diet well i've been eating out a lot lately so i would like to eat at home and cook more at home have more home-cooked food what would you like to change about your free time well i've been watching too much tv lately so i would like to do more sport so we can see this is a nice tense to use to talk about temporary activities because the question about change suggests something temporary right if you want to make a change often there's a temporary situation and you want to make a change i've been working late so i'm going to change that and work less hopefully [Laughter] next bit the present perfect continuous also has this present result use similar to the present perfect right um so we can say for example what has changed in this situation or how has this impacted us so we could say right the government has been making a lot of mistakes lately so similarly before we said the government has made a lot of mistakes we can see the government has made a lot of mistakes so what's the difference well the government has been making a lot of mistakes the emphasis is more on the action the making of the mistakes the government has made three mistakes the emphasis is on the completed action and sometimes the number right the government has made three u-turns right you can't say the government has been making three u-turns no the government has made three u-turns so you're emphasizing the completed action whereas the government has been making mistakes you're emphasizing the action the ongoing action of making mistakes right similarly thinking about numbers right i've been reading a lot of books lately i have read three books lately so i have read is for the completed number of books but the action i've been reading a lot of books lately great so we can use this also for the present result brilliant so that was a whistle-stop tour of the four tenses in the present right present simple present continuous present perfect present perfect continuous holy moly i hope you have enjoyed this video have enjoyed present perfect present result result is you're happy i have enjoyed the video a word of warning though right most students will take six to nine months or more to learn these tenses and you've just done it in less than 30 minutes i think may so the point is i'm going to be really honest with you is by watching this video you have not learned the tenses you've seen them and you've got to know them become a little bit more familiar with them but you really need to make friends with them you need to go out and have a drink and have a meal and celebrate the birthdays of these tenses to get to know them really well so i suggest that you go back you take the individual uses like habits temporary states annoying habits and just practice making some sentences and then slowly start practicing them practicing them with a friend or a speaking partner or a teacher and start using them and remember it's partly about the rule the grammar rule but it's also about the meaning creating the meaning that you want that's really important okay great i hope this has helped you and clarified a little bit about these tenses um keep practicing keep going if you have liked this video give it a thumbs up give me a comment below subscribe turn on notifications and keep following this series look out for the next videos on grammar okay thank you very much for watching take care now bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 88,276
Rating: 4.9598546 out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking 2020, ielts grammar lessons, ielts grammar lessons for beginners, keith speaking academy, present perfect, present perfect tense, present perfect continuous tense, present perfect continuous, present perfect simple and continuous, present perfect simple tense, ielts present perfect, present perfect tense ielts, present perfect continuous vs present perfect
Id: HfmTfekKt8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 48sec (1488 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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