35 Useful Phrases for IELTS Speaking: GET

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hello today i'm going to show you 35 useful phrases with the verb to get let's do it [Music] hello this is keith from the keith speaking academy and the youtube channel english speaking success here to help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on ielts speaking so some words in english right are extremely common and we use them in many different ways for example words like have make do go get right they have a basic meaning but they also have lots of different collocations with a wide range of meanings now getting these collocations right is critical for you to improve your use of vocabulary and so get a higher score in ielts speaking so today we're going to be looking at the verb to get and 35 different ways collocations and expressions in fact we'll be looking at get plus nouns get plus adjectives and also some different useful advanced expressions with get brilliant let's do it now of course just knowing these collocations is not enough right you need to activate them so you can use them fluently now you can practice on your own that's fine but one of the best ways to practice is also to practice with a teacher because then the teacher can give you feedback and correct your mistakes mistakes are great right let's be clear mistakes are fantastic they are an essential step in your learning you just need a teacher or someone who can correct your mistakes if you make them as you make them when you make them so that you can improve and i think one of the best places you can do that is one of my favorite platforms for learning english is cambly and if you don't know cambly it's an online platform with native english speaking teachers where you can have one-to-one classes across the internet with your teacher the great thing about cambly is that you can choose the teacher you can choose the time you can even choose the curriculum and then you can even go back and watch the recorded class again to review what you've learned brilliant now you may have guessed cambly are sponsoring this video so a big thank you to kimberly but the good news for you is that there are discounts there right so if you go for the 12-month plan investing in that long-term learning that you need for ielts preparation you get a 40 discount that's almost half price right 40 discount on a 12 month plan if you want to just try out cambly to see if it's right for you you can also do a 15 minute lesson for free if you're a new user you can check out the links below i'll remind you at the end of the video as well but for now it's time to get into the verb to get so let's get cracking let's get going let's get down to business there's three phrases already there great let's do it so let's have a look first at uh get plus a noun right now i think it was shakespeare who said all the world's a stage do you remember that all the world's a stage and he goes on to talk about the different stages of life from when you're like a little baby right up to the day that you die it's very philosophical it's very interesting i'm gonna borrow that idea thank you william and talk to you about the different stages of life and what i want you to do is to spot um how many times i use the the verb get with a noun right let's try yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no i i get what you're saying yeah yeah yeah absolutely but listen now i i've got it sorted right let me tell you what life is about okay so yeah right you go to school you get an education and then if you're lucky you go to university you get a degree and then some people a lot of people go and get a job right brilliant you start working you get a salary you're feeling good but then you start making mistakes and then until the day you make a big mistake and then you get the sack and then you're at home watching tv every morning every afternoon and you've got to get a grip right you've got to get a life stop watching reality tv and get on with things and then hopefully you'll get a job and then you'll carry on working until you're 65 until you retire and then you start watching tv again in the morning in the afternoon and in the evening for the rest of your life that's what life is all about yeah okay let's have a look at the the number of times i said get how many did you spot well if you said six that's not bad but if you said eight that's even better and if you said nine then you're spot on well done spot on perfect let me just go through them with you and we can have a look at the meanings right so i began by saying i get what you're saying right i get what you're saying just means i understand what you mean it's a nice little expression i get what you're saying often followed by but i get what you're saying but and then you like tell them something else we talked about get an education when you go to school and go to college get a degree is when you graduate from university or from college and of course get a job to find employment right notice a lot of these you have the article ah so it's getter get a job get a degree or get a job get a degree slightly more american accent but you'll notice even i use that sometimes by the way some students do ask me is it okay if i mix kind of american pronunciation and british pronunciation yes is the quick answer absolutely fine don't worry about it a lot of people do then we had get a salary right which is to get your money or to get a wage a salary is a monthly payment a wage is a weekly payment and then we had get the sack right not get a sack a sack is a bag i mean you get a bag when you go to the supermarket but you get the sack when you lose your job because you worked badly right it's like to get fired you get the sack you lose your job and then get a grip to get control of a difficult situation get a grip and get a life get a life is to stop doing the boring trivial things right do something interesting with your life so we often say get a life and also we had get on with things which means to continue with things continue doing things we need to get on with things even though we've got covered and locked down we need to get on with things we'll get on with our work get on with our lives right great nine um expressions there where we've got get plus a noun let's move on okay let's move on now and talk about get plus adjectives this is very common and by and large it just means to become right so when we say to get old it means to become old or get angry you know it's to become angry the slight difference is i think is that to become old is a bit there's a little bit more formal and gets old it's just slightly more uh informal more spoken right to get angry of course you can say yes she became angry but it does sound more formal i think you know she she got angry it just it sounds more spoken which is why this is great to use get in your ielts speaking because it is a little bit more colloquial right spoken english so as i mentioned um get angry always remember if you can to have that linking get angry we have many similar words here we can say get angry get upset get annoyed get irritated i get irritated when i burn the dinner it doesn't happen a lot but when it does i get angry with myself of course we can say to get worried right um i get worried when the government tells me there's nothing to worry about get old yeah tell me about it yeah he's getting old he's getting on there's another expression means the same he's getting on means he's getting old we can say to get stuck and you can be stuck i mean to get stuck is when you physically cannot move but we also use it metaphorically right so you can get stuck in a maths problem or get stuck on a math problem you can get stuck with your english learning you can get stuck at work you don't know what to do next right so all of these have more metaphorical meanings to get stuck good we can say to get ready you need to get ready to go out you need to get ready for your ielts test um get interesting this is getting interesting this film at the start was really slow right it was painfully slow but now it's starting to get interesting okay so all of these get plus the adjective basically is to become there are lots of things you can say you can be quite creative but these ones i think are the most commonly used ones so they're worth picking up great let's move on lovely now we're going to move on and look at some useful and advanced expressions with get we're going to do this by listening to my friend stan who's going to talk to us about covid and how it's impacted him right again i want you to spot how many times you can hear the word get and what are the different expressions that are used with get are you ready if you're not ready then you better get ready we're about to begin yo how's it going my friend good pleased to hear that so yo covid yeah i get the impression that the government doesn't really know what it's doing with covid i mean they've been saying we will all get vaccinated but we seem to be getting nowhere and now with these new variants it seems that to me it seems to me that we are getting into trouble again of course the lockdowns help yeah well they help control the spread of the virus right but they don't really help the economy or our physical and mental health you know i think we are all watching too much tv netflix getting out of shape many of us are stuck at home and we have just got into a rut right we're doing the same things day after day i think it's all getting out of hand we need the government to get a grip right to get back on track to get the vaccines rolled out yeah so dear mr president i hope you get the message yo right thank you very much stan so let's have a look how many times did he say get hmm well there were actually 10 expressions with get although one of them we've seen earlier in the video but he actually said get 11 times because one of them was repeated so how did you get on it's everywhere the word get like a ghost coming in so let's have a look um it begins or stan began with i get the impression which is a lovely expression meaning it seems to me i get the impression you're not very happy i get the impression uh that this situation is very serious right it seems to me lovely expression then we had to get vaccinated of course um is to receive the vaccine talking about kovid to get nowhere is to make no progress so i i'm trying to learn um i don't know i'm trying to learn russian but i'm getting nowhere i'm making no progress right i often feel i'm getting nowhere with this um good get into trouble was the next one which is obviously to find yourself in with problems or in trouble um so the government is getting into trouble right and listen to that cadence listen to the d the government is getting into trouble can you say that the government is getting into trouble it's real if you can pick up that intonation it'd be really nice we had them to get out of shape right people are sat at home watching tv and they get out of shape get out of shape can you say get out of shape yeah and it means well instead of being slim you're becoming fat you're becoming a different shape a round shape right so basically you're becoming unfit uh you're not as healthy and as fit as you should be right to get out of shape or get out of shape and then we had get into a rut which is to be trapped in a boring routine if you're doing the same thing every day then you're in a rut and you can get into a rut right you become inside that situation where you're you're not happy you're sad you're depressed maybe many people during their life after working for 20 years they feel that they have got into a rut they're just doing the same thing every day commuting getting up breakfast working sleeping it's and so you feel you've got into a rut great expression next one get out of hand is to become out of control so this situation is getting out of hand um covid is getting out of hand although it's getting a bit better i feel now we also had get a grip so to grip is to hold to control to take control of something right get a grip which we saw at the beginning of the video get back on track is idiomatic it doesn't mean you get back on the on the track like the railway literally um but it means metaphorically to return to your original plan or the original direction so we can say that the government is getting back on track with their plans right i've been studying but i got distracted but now i'm back on track studying and finally to get the message dear mr president are you getting the message right do you understand what i am saying or what i mean and if you get the message then it's you know to understand what someone means right i hope you get the message that's it great moving on so a final word now you know i think that listening to a few fancy words and phrases is not going to be enough for you to get a band 7 or above why because there's a difference between knowledge and knowing right knowledge is the information you have about something right knowledge about a word for example or a phrase so for example get plus an adjective get angry means to become angry that's knowledge knowing is being able to use that knowledge so knowing is being able to use get angry in a sentence right so if i have knowing i can say oh my wife got so angry because i burnt the dinner it's true right that's knowing there's a big difference between knowledge and knowing and i think you should spend as much time on your knowing as you do on your knowledge otherwise you'll just become a walking dictionary who cannot communicate with anybody and you need to be able to communicate in order to do well in ielts speaking so i think one of the great places that you can learn that knowing is of course through kimberly cambly the online platform where you you've got native english speakers and you can practice with them and activate the language and build up your knowing not just knowledge let me remind you of the discount that there are different plans for different number of months in cambly but if you go for the 12 month plan then you get a discount of 40 percent um all you need to do is use the promo code that's keith hyphen yt for youtube i think um keith hyphen ycyt you can see it on the screen the links are down below underneath the video you can go and click on there and you can subscribe for that plan or you can try a free 15-minute class for all new users see if it's something you want to carry on with i think it might be because it's great practice to activate your language also do notice that cambly have quite a few pre-prepared courses that you can follow and also use for your classes as well with your teacher including courses on ielts so go and check them out great that's it from me for today thank you so much for watching it's been a pleasure being with you and please do remember to subscribe turn on the notifications to find out about more videos coming up in the meantime stay safe take care of yourself and i can't wait to see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 199,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts keith, ielts preparation, ielts tips, ielts speaking tips, how to prepare for ielts, ielts exam preparation, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts test speaking, ielts tips how to prepare for ielts, ielts speaking band 9 vocabulary, ielts speaking collocations
Id: fG5kFKGko3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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