10 Smart Ways to Talk about the Future

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hi so listen in ielts speaking you will need to talk about the future right maybe future plans maybe predictions or even speculations and guesswork right so today i'm going to show you all together 10 ways to express the future this is going to blow your mind and it will blow the examiner's mind too are you ready let's do it [Music] hmm oh hello there i didn't see you there um just a moment right just just one moment i'm about to book a train ticket online okay you see next week um i'm going to visit my friend in london yeah i'm catching the train because i love watching the countryside pass as i travel so listen the train leaves on tuesday at 10 a.m oh so i'll need to get up really early actually i think i'll change it that's far too early right okay good so i should get to london by 10 10 a.m wednesday morning great i'm spending three that three days there so good and then actually i might jump on a train to manchester and go and visit the family and actually i could squeeze in a visit to nottingham and go and visit my friend there hmm that's a nice idea yeah if there's enough time i'll do that too so i'm just looking now at the weather forecast or it'll be raining when i get to london yeah so i better take my raincoat and my umbrella maybe my english flat cap what do you think great so just thinking ahead as well by the end of the week right i will have traveled i will have done a lot of traveling actually so i think i better have a day's rest before going back to work yeah yeah great good sorted right so that was me talking about some things going to happen in the future right all about the future and if you're wondering by the way who is me who are you my name is keith if you don't know i run keith speaking academy the website youtube channel english speaking success and also you should come and join us on my facebook group it's the keith ielts mastermind community for ielts speaking just focusing on ielts speaking lots of activity lots of exciting stuff there um come and join us the links are all down below now let's get back to my future plans so let's have a look now at some of the language i was using to talk about the future hmm oh hello there i didn't see you there um just a moment right just just one moment i'm about to book a train ticket online okay you see next week um i'm going to visit my friend in london first of all was about to i'm about to book right so about to we use to describe an action in the immediate future now that's relative immediate can be seconds minutes or hours right in this case i'm about to book a train ticket it was in the next few seconds yep i'm about to catch a flight could be in an hour or two but there's a sense of immediacy that's the key thing we often use it with just i'm just about to and it's great because we can use it when you don't want to do things right like for example when your partner is asking you can you help me with this oh i'm sorry i'm just about to go out great for escaping the tasks you other people want you to do okay that's about to moving on i'm going to next week i'm going to visit my friend so when do we use going to with future plans so when something is planned in this case right i had a plan i'd been in touch with my friend we'd made a plan to visit or to meet up so i'm going to visit my friend some of the organization has already been done also it even if it's not a plan it can be an intention right i'm going to visit my friend next week come rain or shine i don't care what happens it's my intention so we can use going to with a plan or an intention let's move on yeah i'm catching the train because i love watching the countryside pass as i travel so listen the train leaves on tuesday at 10 a.m oh so i'll need to get up really early actually i think i'll change it that's far too early next we've got i'm catching the train because right i'm catching the train now that is the present continuous but it's not now obviously i'm not inside a train am i right so this is used for future arrangements things that have been arranged or you're arranging now right so i'm catching the train that because i've just booked the ticket right so that's been arranged i'm catching the train next week i'm visiting the doctor tomorrow i'm visiting the dentist tomorrow it's been scheduled it's been arranged already we use the present continuous for these kind of arrangements or appointments and then i told you that the train leaves on tuesday at 10 o'clock in the morning why did i use the present simple because when we're talking about schedules or timetables in the future we use the present simple right the train leaves at 10 o'clock is not it is every day but it's referring to a specific timetable in the future very simple right and now we come on to probably the most common use of the future form is will so when do we use will we well we use will first of all with predictions when you predict something will happen so i looked at the train timetable and i said oh i will need to get up early right i'm predicting according to the timetable i will need to get up early notice of course with will we make a contraction aisle aisle it's got that lovely dark l aisle aisle tip of your tongue needs to touch your teeth at the front and your tongue kind of comes into that shape i'll i'll need to get up early right nice so that is a prediction um interestingly so we use this a lot in ielts speaking part three very often you get the question how will blah blah blah change in the future well i think this will and that will and we will right you're predicting the future for example how will the way we work change in the future oh i think we will work from home a lot more um i think we will probably use video conferencing a lot more so that kind of prediction great and that's where you should be using will or where you can use will now another very common use of will is when you decide something right now yeah okay i'll get it you hear the bell and you decide i'll get it not i get it i'll get it because it is a future but i've decided now and so when i was looking at the train timetable i thought right that train is too early and in that moment i decided i'll change it i will change it i'll change it right so when we decide something right now we can use will as well clever hey let's move on right okay good so i should get to london by 10 10 a.m wednesday morning great i'm spending three that three days there so good and then actually i might jump on a train to manchester and go and visit the family and actually i could squeeze in a visit to nottingham and go and visit my friend there hmm that's a nice idea yeah if there's enough time i'll do that too right and next now let's have a look oh this is all about the modals oh i love modal verbs don't you okay first of all should so we can use should for a situation that is likely or expected in the future right something expected i should get to london by 10 o'clock i expect to get there in the future now you're probably familiar with should as advice oh you should go tomorrow that's advice this is different this is an expected future right i should arrive by 10 o'clock we can also use might may and could for possible future activities or events i might jump on a train to manchester it's a possible future activity i'm not sure now but i might do that or i could squeeze in a visit squeeze is to when you've got limited time but you want to do something you can squeeze in a visit a bit like fit fit in a visit i could squeeze in a visit to my friend it's a possible future action again so all of these modals here can be used for the future notice i said also again present continuous i'm spending three days there why did i use the present continuous have i arranged to spend three days there yes i have i've got an arrangement so therefore i can use the present continuous again i'm spending three days there nice finally i move on to this first conditional right now this is interesting because this is where so many people slip up it's one of the most common grammar mistakes that we see in ielts speaking um and you want to check out that video there's a video up there or up there all about the top five grammar mistakes but this one right is very very common if there's enough time i will do that if there is enough time in the future so instead of saying if there will be enough time which is the logical thing we are totally not logical in english ever or in england for that matter um if there is enough time it's the if plus the present and then the next clause is will plus the verb right the most common mistake is oh if there will be enough time i will do that ah don't say that if there is enough time i will do that if there's enough time contraction right if there's enough time i'll do that try and say that good notice the intonation if there's enough time i'll do that hunky dory very nice so this first conditional right is used for things that we feel are likely to happen in the future right clearly here i'm going to visit my friends i think it's likely you know that there will be enough time so if there's enough time i will do that great let's move on so i'm just looking now at the weather forecast oh it'll be raining when i get to london yeah so i better take my raincoat and my umbrella just looking at the weather forecast it's going to rain right surprise it will be raining when i get to london right this is the future continuous again a very common use of a tents for the future it will be raining so will plus b plus the verb in ing it will be raining um so this is simply to describe an action in progress but in the future or an expectation about the future right i think it will be raining this time tomorrow looking at the weather forecast it will be raining when i get to london right not when i will get to london when i get to london why because this is similar to the first conditional right it will be comma if plus the present or when plus the present another very common mistake so when i get to london with the present it will be raining future continuous now we often use the future continuous to project ourselves into the future especially when you're looking forward to something right you're thinking about your holiday next week on the beach oh this time next week i'll be sitting on the beach i'll be drinking champagne i'll be swimming in the sea right why because the continuous makes it vivid it makes it feel like it's happening now and it's a really powerful tense to use because you bring that image to life for the person you're speaking to right so it can be a very very nice tense to use in conversation to make your conversation or your activity lively even though it's in the future you're almost bringing it to the present by using the continuous right so again thinking about ielts speaking part three that question we saw before how will blah blah blah change in the future should i take my cap off it's not raining how will the way we work change in the future um well i think in the future right we will be working a lot more from home we will be making a lot more video conferences right now i don't know if you can hear that but what's happening is you're just making it more vivid and lively by using the continuous you could say we will work more from home we will use video conferences but notice there's a difference we will be working from home i can almost see the people sat at home working there's a really different feeling of liveliness so it can be a really nice tense to use ielts speaking part three for the future right okay so just thinking ahead as well by the end of the week right i will have traveled i will have done a lot of traveling actually so i think i better have a day's rest before going back to work yeah yeah great good sorted and the next one here by the end of the week i will have done a lot of traveling this is the future perfect um it's with will plus have plus the past participle and basically this is a completed action in the future that may be an action that you have begun now but maybe not begun yet but at this point in the future it will be finished right i will have done this right by the end of today i will have finished this video by friday this week i will have edited the video these are actions that will be finished at a point in time in the future um we often use this tense when we're planning ahead and thinking about future plans so in my example right with the trip i was thinking ahead about not only the holiday but starting work after the holiday and by thinking ahead i realized ah i will have done a lot of traveling so i need to take a day off before i go back to work so when you're planning ahead this is a nice tense to use that's it there we have lots of different ways of talking about the future now you might be thinking but hang on keith isn't there also the future perfect continuous i will have been doing well yes right but it is so strange and complex and confusing even for us that we very rarely use it right by the end of next year i will have been living here for four years it's very it's very strange it's correct grammatically of course but i wouldn't worry about it right just focus on the ones that we've looked at here today you've already got here 10 different ways of expressing the future this will blow the socks off the examiner because of course ielts speaking you want a wide range of grammatical structures using different tenses can help you do that but do it naturally don't force it um do lots of practice lots of different questions use it naturally but be aware it's not just will and going to right there's a lot more different ways you can talk about the future so i do hope that this has helped you understand more the future tenses and how to use them if you haven't yet check out the grammar series there are other videos about grammar how to use present tenses and past tenses and the top five grammar mistakes really useful if you're about to take the ielts speaking test also just to let you know if you're preparing for ielts i do have the online course ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus if you've done that course and if you haven't go and do it go and check it out the links are below but if you have done that course you might like the next course which i'm producing in the very very near future towards the end of october it's fluency for ielts speaking a brand new course it'll be on udemy and it will really help you with fluency intonation and building confidence great look out for that fluency for ielts speaking coming your way soon great listen thank you very much for watching if you've liked this video please do like it of course leave a comment below subscribe to the channel and um i look forward to seeing you here again very very soon take care my friend goodbye you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 86,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking 2020, keith ielts speaking academy, keith speaking academy, grammar ielts speaking, ielts grammar lessons, ielts speaking grammar tips, ielts speaking grammar mistakes, future tenses in english grammar, future ielts speaking, future ielts speaking part 1, future tenses, future tense, ielts speaking future questions, ielts speaking future plans, will future tense
Id: g1jGwDuXaF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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