IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Synonyms for Common Adjectives

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hi it's keith from english speaking success and today i'm going to be giving you some adjectives and adjective phrases to really improve your ielts speaking performance are you ready come with me let's do it [Music] so a key part of ielts speaking is using a wide range of vocabulary the trouble is many students try to cram lots of words a few days before the test this is not the way to do it in your daily practice you need to start learning and using different words step by step right experiment and play with new words this is exactly what i'm going to do here today with you in this video i will show you some synonyms of some common adjectives so you can start to use experiment and have fun with them today we will look at less common ways of saying easy difficult good great bad important and beautiful let's begin so our first word is easy meaning something that needs little effort and we're going to be looking at similar ways of saying easy which include a breeze effortless a pushover a piece of cake so first of all we often talk about activities right which can be easy maybe for example a job a school subject maybe maths history geography science maybe a hobby like playing chess or collecting stamps or maybe a sport right as well so here are some examples first of all my job is a breeze well actually it's not always a breeze sometimes it's quite difficult for me studying languages is effortless notice the stress on the f effortless effortless effortless good studying languages is effortless for me maths is a pushover that's not true actually for me i don't think maths is a pushover um i think probably learning a foreign language is a pushover for me and playing the piano is a piece of cake a piece of cake try to get the connecting a piece of a piece of cake the f almost disappears a piece of cake actually i don't even play the piano what a strange example playing the guitar is a piece of cake you know as a kid i also used to play the violin now playing the violin is not a piece of cake it's actually quite difficult which is our next word difficult so our number two word our number two word come on so our second word is difficult the opposite of easy so meaning something that needs a lot of effort similarly we can talk about activities and here we're going to look at the following tough a struggle challenging a tall order a lot to ask grueling let's do it so let's talk about some activities again so here what i want you to do is first repeat with me but then also make some sentences which are true for you because when you start thinking right then you're really engaging your brain and it helps you learn the phrases better don't just go on automatic pilot right don't just be driving and repeating my job is tough my job is tough is it really no actually no my job's a breeze well actually sometimes it's tough sometimes it's a breeze now that's true for me and that is deeper learning let's look at some examples my job is tough it's a strange spelling right t-o-u-g-h but that's the f sound my job is tough what about you whoa this homework is a real struggle nice put the stress on real right this homework is a real struggle lovely what about an example that's true for you great for me maths is challenging repeat with me challenging cha cha challenging challenging for me maths is challenging and is that true for you ah now the truth comes out great next example a tall order again we link to right a tall order this is something to describe uh something because it's often unreasonable and difficult right so for example finishing my assignment by tomorrow is a tall order it's a tall order great it's like lauda a tall order great and preparing for ielts in one week is a lot to ask nice in addition if something is difficult and hard work often physical work then we sometimes use the word grueling ooh grueling nice for example running around the park is grueling for me it is i'm out of shape or i have a grueling schedule tomorrow i'm so busy that's true what about you nice let's move on okay our next word is good right meaning of high quality and we're going to be looking at spot on spot on spot on sound and nice we're going to look at some examples to describe things such as a film a concert a book or even a meal first of all that film was spot on can you repeat that film was spot on great tell me about a real film that was spot on for you great so here spot on means very good almost perfect if you like we can also use this for food in a restaurant i love the food here it's spot on an example about maybe a concert that beyonce concert was sound sound meaning good right that beyonce concert was sound not only concerts we can talk about books as well the new book you recommended me was sound next that presentation you did in the meeting was nice right nice has lots of meanings it can mean tasty but here we can use it for things to mean good right that presentation was nice tell me about a book or a film that you think was nice spot on let's move on now very often in ielts speaking we don't only talk about things being good we often talk about them being great and here we're going to look at out of this world outstanding first-rate top-notch superb great what do we talk about that's great well actually lots of things people right can be great things maybe a film or a concert or a book or even a meal events weddings meetings mind you i've not been to very many great meetings but any kind of event right let's have a look at some examples tom cruise was out of this world in mission impossible for out of this world try the linking out of this world good notice the of it's not a fur it's out of this world he was out of this world in mission impossible one two three and four if you like tom cruise outstanding obama was an outstanding leader notice here without the tur we don't explode it's outstanding outstanding he was an outstanding leader great tell me something that's true for you interesting good next one that film la la land i love that la la land that film la la land was first rate first rate again it's not first rate the t is cut first rate it's just easier right first rate that film was first rate great tell me about a film you think was first rate nice nice next top notch again the top we don't explode it's a top notch top notch can you see so it really is one word so instead of top notch it's top notch top notch the salads in that restaurant are top-notch and finally superb the stress on the purp you don't have to go purp you can just say superb you do have to go up superb the whole event was superb that wedding was superb that meeting was superb really yes tell me something true for you outstanding english let's move on now not everything is good not everything is bright and rosy the opposite of good or great obviously is bad or really bad meaning of very low quality right so here we're going to look at awful shocking terrible a real letdown here are some examples that film you recommended was awful can you hear the intonation that film you recommended was awful yeah nice awful i think um let me think of a film rocky that film was awful tell me something that's true for you yeah i think i agree actually another example that dish you recommended in the restaurant was shocking shocking awful really bad that book you recommended was terrible listen to the intonation again that book you recommended was terrible tell me something that's true for you right that crime novel you recommended yeah that was terrible really bad listen stop recommending things everything's awful really bad final example well that party we went to was a real letdown a real letdown notice let down the t let the tur is not it's not tur it's let down let down can you see let down a letdown a real letdown that party was a real letdown what was a real letdown for you really it's awful isn't it terrible shocking oh dear what can we do we can move on to the next word next let's look at things that are important right meaning of significant value right here of course we can be talking about things maybe documents books emails we can be talking about events or activities maybe a meeting a party a wedding all sorts of stuff right and we're going to be looking at other words that mean important including key crucial vital pivotal of paramount importance some examples then this meeting is key you must attend right be careful key as an adjective not as a noun not a key right not a key but key this meeting is key this video is key to your learning maybe next one this is a crucial email we must send it now say with me crucial a crucial email nice next example vital this book is vital for all language teachers vital stress on the vi and it's a vi vital this book is vital for all language teachers really it's true brilliant book teach how to teach grammar check it out if you're a teacher next pivotal pivotal it has the per and the pivotal nice this film is a pivotal film in her career a pivotal film right um this is a pivotal film in emma watson's career that was a pivotal song in beyonce's career that book was a pivotal book in stephen king's career right can use it to talk about a lot of different things can you give me an example top-notch outstanding examples thank you my next one of paramount importance just meaning very important of course my daughter's wedding is of paramount importance so no expenses spared my daughter's not getting married she's only 14 but as an example right my daughter's wedding is of paramount importance what is of paramount importance to you excellent moving on and finally we're going to look at beautiful meaning pleasing to the senses right so we can be talking about things such as a photo work of art maybe a view or even a performance and of course people right okay the words we're going to look at similar similarly meaning are stunning takes your breath away gorgeous magnificent catches your eye some examples this view is stunning this view takes your breath away listen to the da da da takes your breath away again takes your breath away tell me about a view that takes your breath away yeah the view from my window takes my breath away next she looks gorgeous in that dress gorgeous she looks gorgeous in that dress she looks gorgeous in that hat she looks gorgeous in that outfit gorgeous normally with women not with men actually beautiful also with women for men we say handsome that's right next this work of art is magnificent it's a difficult word magnificent magnificent magnificent magnificent yeah this work of art is magnificent tell me what you think right i think the guernica by pablo picasso is a magnificent piece of art and this is a nice photo it really catches your eye brilliant catches your eye it catches my eye very very very nice so there you have lots of wonderful adjectives adjective phrases and synonyms to describe some very common situations right things people activities events all of which you need in ielts speaking remember don't cram learn these over time step by step in your daily practice experiment have fun remember to do what we've done repeat and then make sentences which are true for you so your brain is engaged don't let your brain fall asleep on you right excellent thank you for watching today do remember to subscribe turn on the notifications on youtube to find out about my future videos coming out and once again thank you very much i hope this helps take care my friends keep practicing see you soon bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 260,982
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Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts vocabulary, english adjectives, ielts exam preparation, ielts speaking vocabulary, ielts speaking adjectives, adjectives used in ielts speaking, ielts synonyms, ielts speaking synonyms, adjectives for ielts speaking, useful adjectives for ielts speaking, ielts speaking preparation at home, ielts speaking practice
Id: 3oFHTluSTeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 42sec (1302 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 17 2021
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