5 Best IELTS Speaking Part 1 Tips

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hi guys today i'm going to share with you my five best tips for ielts speaking part one and i will do this with five model answers so you can see how to use these tips so you can improve your answers and get a higher score in the ielts speaking test let's do it [Music] so i'm going to illustrate each tip with one model answer and a total of five model answers and in fact if you go back later and watch the whole video you'll see that each tip is applied in each model answer clever hey so let's begin first of all though in case you don't know my name's keith i run ielts speaking success and i really hope i can help you improve your english give better answers and so do much better in the ielts speaking test by the way if you haven't joined me yet every tuesday and thursday 10 a.m spanish time youtube and facebook live streaming free live lessons where we're looking at different topics we have about 400 people on the lesson come and join us it is a ball it's great fun you don't want to miss out especially in this time of the lockdown what a better way to come together and learn english from each other not just from me there's some brilliant ideas and language being shared in addition i also have an online course it's on udemy it's called ielts speaking success get a band 7 plus check it out if it's right for you it will also help you do really well in the ielts speaking test so what about those tips let's have a look first of all tip number one use some connectors maybe one or two to improve your fluency now if you know the band descriptors you will know that fluency includes things like hesitation but also coherence that's the logical flow of your ideas and that logical flow is helped by connectors things like and also but in the first place right so here are some very very common connectors we use particularly in speaking natural english right if i want to give an idea or an opinion i can say in my opinion in my view to my mind i would say as far as i'm concerned right some nice natural connectors if you want to add to an idea if you want to add ideas we often say on top of that also what's more i'd also add that okay and of course if you want to contrast ideas you can say but you could say however that said mind you at the same time whilst that's true i also think right so these are natural spoken connectors and it's really important to organize your answer and to improve your fluency so let's see in a model answer for the question what's the question for the question do you think it's important for friends to laugh together and you're going to laugh what's that sorry to laugh the queen says to laugh but because i'm from manchester manchester we say to laugh so the question is from me and this is important because just in case your examiner is from manchester listen for the flat ah do you think it's important for friends to laugh together to my mind it's extremely important because it helps us to chill out i haven't been going out much lately with my friends the lockdown but when we do go out together we love to crack a few jokes together on top of that i just think laughing is a great way to stay healthy and positive so did you see there we had to my mind but on top of that different connectors that really added value and quality to my answer and tip number two is to use some complex grammar okay now to get a band 7 you need to be using some complex structures complex grammar is really divided into two areas there is the clauses so a mixture of subordinate dependent or non-dependent clauses relative clauses and then there's the tenses okay let's look here just at the tenses so we have simple tenses so when you use the present simple there's the clue the simple past another clue the future these are all quite simple tenses but we could be using more complex ones like present perfect present perfect continuous conditionals um and these show off a wider range of grammar especially when we use them accurately so i think in part one talking about yourself one of the easiest tenses to use effectively is the present perfect continuous i have been doing something right i have been living in spain for two years so this is where we talk about something that started in the past and has been continuing until now it's often used to emphasize recent activities in progress also so here instead of saying you know where do you live well i live in spain okay simple right but you could just change it a little bit and say where do you live i live in spain i've been living here for two years now right present perfect continuous it gives a real simple no complex added edge to your answer and you can use this all over the place check out all of the answers today and you might just notice it okay so let's take a very specific example here for the question do you think history is important yes and no on the one hand it's important because it shapes our identity but on the other hand i've been reading a few history books recently and it strikes me that history always repeats itself it seems like we never learn there so can you see it i've been reading a couple of history books lately very simple very effective let's move on number three is use idiomatic expressions to get a band 6 and especially a band 7 for a band 7 you must be using less common and idiomatic vocabulary idiomatic expressions are not only idioms right don't forget phrasal verbs some phrasal verbs in fact a lot of them are idiomatic so that means that the meaning of the whole phrase is different from the individual words so when i say i was chilling out with my friends it doesn't mean i was cold right it just means i was relaxing chill out to relax it's idiomatic so a lot of phrasal verbs are idiomatic so how many do you need to use well we you're not going to use them in every answer and if you use too many it will sound unnatural but you can sprinkle one or two i guess one or two in all of part one would be very very nice again it's not mathematics you just get a feeling for it but not too many but somewhere in the test you do want the examiner to go wow two or three times where they're here either a nice idiom or idiomatic expression impressing the examiner so let's take an example here indeed it does as a matter of fact recently i've been visiting some of the mountains near my hometown and they are second to none i mean they pull in a huge number of tourists and you can see why i mean because the views are outstanding so here i did sprinkle in actually two there was second to none which means at the very best right yeah this this mountain is second to none as a tourist attraction um this book is second to none it's the very best and then the phrasal verb pull in to pull in tourists is to attract tourists so i use two again it's not mathematics you could use one none two but just not too many let's move on tip number four is waiting for us let's get over there tip number four is to make use of synonyms and antonyms as i'm sure you know a synonym is a word with a similar meaning like big and large right antonym is a word with the opposite meaning like big and small now it's really important because it says here band seven you have a wide enough vocabulary to discuss a variety of topics flexibly so you need to be building your vocabulary all the time right it's an ongoing process it takes time but there are things you can be doing you to do it systematically so always be making notes of vocabulary look at word families right the noun verbs and adjectives of a different word look at prefixes and suffixes they can really help you look at synonyms and antonyms look at learning vocabulary by theme or topic look at collocations all of these are ways to build your vocabulary and i think one of the quickest and easiest ways is synonyms and antonyms let's have a look in ielts speaking right we often say i like this i like music i like painting and here's the examiner but we could um spice it up a little bit and use different expressions i'm fond of i'm really into right i'm fond of reading i'm really into reading i'm one for reading history books and then the examiner is like oh nice so synonyms help another example right we often say oh it's really good the film was really good the dinner with my family was really good and there's the examiner okay right we could spice it up again right the dinner was out of this world the dinner was a cut above the rest the dinner was outstanding and now your examiner is ooh mental note possibly band seven so you're opening up the doors for your band seven synonyms really important let's see one in a model answer do you like to go to the zoo to tell you the truth i'm not really into zoos actually i've been thinking about this a lot recently and i get that zoos can be educational right but i don't think it's fair to keep the animals cooped up in small cages all day they should be out in the wild i'd say right nice so did you see there i'm not really into right a bit different a bit nice i get right i understand that zoos can be educational i get that zoos can be educational so it's not necessarily fancy difficult vocabulary but synonyms and they're so powerful showing flexibility excellent i can see tip number five just coming in right now here it comes let's go and find out what it's got to say tip number five is to add adverbs add adverbs right adverbs like slowly quickly completely absolutely normally they have a ly on the end and they describe adjectives or verbs and how we do things now adverbs are seriously underused by students but they're really important right native speakers use them an awful lot as you can just see it helps you sound more natural helps you be more flexible and show off your vocabulary and they're so easy right i'm sure you know these um adverbs but you may not be using them so in order to say really we can say absolutely totally completely extremely in order to say quite that film was quite interesting right it was somewhat interesting it was fairly interesting it was rather interesting right and to say not often rarely i hardly ever do that i do that once in a blue moon one of my favorites remember remember or notice if it's a long adverb an adverbial clause like once in a blue moon it goes at the end right i do it once in a blue moon okay so let's see it in action have you ever been to an art gallery to be honest i've been visiting quite a few art galleries recently because my wife is a bit of an art buff we went to a modern art exhibition last week and i was completely bowled over by the paintings they were totally out of this world did you see that completely totally nice adverbs give it a touch of naturalness excellent good so we have looked at five different tips if you now go back and listen to each model answer see if you can spot every single tip in each answer a few of these tips have talked about vocabulary right learning vocabulary takes a long time it takes patience and persistence it's something you need to dedicate time to but believe me it's worth it it's well worth doing i hope these tips have helped you i'm curious which one do you think is the most useful for you write a comment below and let me know and my final word two final words first of all remember come and join us on facebook or youtube live tuesdays and thursdays 10 o'clock spain time um be great to see you there second thing is i know a lot of us are in lockdown these are very hard times right just to say stay strong stay positive i'm sure things are going to get better and the good news is your english is surely getting better day by day if you turn up and you keep going you will get there so stay positive if i can help you on your trip of improving your english i'm a very very happy man in the meantime do take care stay safe can't wait to see you here soon all the best bye [Music] you
Channel: English Speaking Success
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Keywords: ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking success, IELTS Keith, prepare for IELTS Speaking, ielts speaking best tips, ielts speaking tips part 1, ielts speakng, ielts speaking test samples band 8, ielts speaking test samples band 9, ielts speaking model questions and answers, ielts speaking part 1, ielts speaking part 1 tips, part 1 ielts speaking, part 1 ielts speaking tips, part 1 ielts speaking pdf, part 1 ielts speaking test
Id: Xp7IJ-fKc-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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