Tips for a New Playthrough of Palworld

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power world is a game about going around managing your resources collecting Pals and striving to become the very greatest unlike anyone has previously done and today I'm going to be going over some early game tips that's going to help you whether you're just starting off your adventure or your server got wiped or weird things happened or your save data got erased that's going to help you power level through the rest of the game let's get into it if you're playing offline feel free to customize the game in any way that you'd like whether you want to make it easier more difficult or absolutely brutal I'm going to be playing on default settings as far as absolutely everything here and if you're playing on an online server chances are you're going to be experiencing the same thing before you even start the game something that the game doesn't tell you is that you actually don't have to begin here at the plateau of Beginnings if you want to you can actually start at several different locations all throughout the map if you were to go into your options and then hit respawn and from here you could see all eight of the different starting areas that have different pal populations and resource amounts you may even want to use this opportunity to go around and unlock all eight fast travel points associated with these spawn points did I really start the game off with a lucky pal and mine spawned inside of this wall one of the most helpful Pals for you to actually get a head start and gather resources is going to be this guy over here katava or kativa I'm not really too sure if you go ahead and you just beat up this little guy a little bit to increase the likelihood that you're going to catch it to 100% we're going to see that this guy is cat helper which actually increases your max carrying capacity while it's in your party and then this one is also going to be giving us logging form in which is increasing our logging efficiency there's a whole bunch of other skills and abilities that it can have down here that can make the beginning of your game in easier or more difficult so at the beginning of the game if you go ahead and throw out your catp he's going to be able to mine some resources for you while you get your workbench and everything started off at the beginning of the game if you toss him out once again he's going to be able to help build those workbench with you and then he's going to go back to mining one of his regular tasks I I said you're going to go back to mining yeah see it goes back to mining no problem your absolute first priority should be getting yourself a stone pickaxe and an axe to be able to gather Stone and wood faster as resources and using your cattiva to help you actually craft these faster a handheld torch is going to prevent you from being cold at night time and a wooden Club can help you deal more damage against wild Pals opening your Tech Tree you're going to be able to build a PO Box which is required for you to claim an area as your base as well as a pal sphere campfire wooden chest repair bench ands the structure set by the time you're level three you can actually unlock everything on here except for a repair kit and I recommend that you do in your inventory you're going to be able to increase your stats health and weight seem to be doing the absolute most work speed is sort of irrelevant as long as you get good pals throughout the game and stamina is going to be helpful at the beginning but it becomes less and less helpful toward the middle and end game so I would highly recommend increasing in your weight and health equally this beginning area actually has a great advantage that you're going to be able to slide down it as long as you're running and then you tap the Crouch button doing this you're also going to be able to slide all the way down as you're playing you may actually hear the shimmering sound using your left and right speaker or headphones and then also the volume you're going to be able to track down the exact location of where the shimmering sound is coming from and this shimmering sound is a lucky pal the reason it's called a lucky pal is because it's going to be having a trait called lucky that gives it an attack increase and work speed increase if you ever find yourself without pal spheres at a very important time don't worry as long as you're not actually pulling aggression from any local Pals you'll probably have enough time for you to go ahead put down a primitive workbench and also go ahead and craft any pal spheres that you may need in order to actually catch that wild pal lucky pals are going to be a lot stronger and a lot more difficult to take down Pals with status effects like being burned from a torch have an increased chance to be caught so if you're facing a pal that's a little bit more difficult you may want to consider using this to your advantage if you ever get knocked out by a wild pal and you spawn close enough to it there is a chance that that pal is still going to be there once you get back as you encounter Pals in the wild as long as they're not aggressive toward you you may be able to increase your capture rate by approaching them from the back you're going to see that you have a back bonus which almost doubles the likelihood of you actually capturing a wild pal also if you're running low on health don't be afraid to use pal spheres for a moment for you to catch your breath might even get lucky there's absolutely nothing wrong with as soon as you're starting off the game choosing to go ahead and put down a basee you could think of this as your starter base because it's not going to have any useful resources later on but this will serve as a base of operations for getting the hang of things if you look at the bottom left corner you're going to be seeing a temperature meter right next to a time of day icon this time of day icon is going to be a yellow circle that goes around and represents the amount of time that's left in day or night once it becomes nighttime you're going to notice that it becomes a lot colder in the surrounding area because of that you're either going to need close clothing stand by a campfire or to hold a torch in order for you to not be cold and take damage every pal you assign to your base has work suit ability and a specific level when you first start off the game the only one you may want to actually have working for you is kativa because he could go around mine resources move items around and help you craft things any Pals that are not nocturnal are going to be sleeping during the night time so you're going to be seeing these hookes over here walking around because they're nocturnal but this Kiva is not you may want to use this opportunity you get yourself a back bonus for trying to catch easy level Pals the only requirements for you to build a bed is that it has a roof above it so this is perfectly acceptable and the absolute bare minimum that you need anytime that you sleep at night time or at dusk you're going to be skipping the night time all together and you start fresh on a brand new day you could send Pals to your base by dropping them over here at Pals at the base and any pal who's at your base is going to show up on the right side on your base info however you can also throw out one pal from your inventory and that one is also going to be working and helping you while it's at your base anytime the pals are working at your base they're going to be growing hungry and they're going to be losing their sanity represented by the s n and then the number right after their name pals are going to be finding wild food all over the place and they may go ahead and drop it inside of the feed box you're going to notice that these red berries are a nutrition of 15 but if you decide to cook them and make them baked berries they become a higher nutrition of 21 will also recover one sanity so any opportunity possible you should always use cooked food for your pals to eat keep in mind that if they eat all these baked berries and then they find extra berries it's going to be going in the first slot and they will always be consuming food in slots left to the right so if neglected for too long they're going to be eating food with no recover of Sanity if you're lucky enough to get a Wandering Merchant to show up at your base at the very beginning of the game I would highly recommend using this opportunity to make a whole bunch of pal spheres and capture him while not in combat and using a back strike you're going to have about a 5% chance to catch him however once he breaks out he's going to be aggressive if you hit him a little bit and get his HP lowered you're going to have a much better chance for you to actually catch him if you drop him off at your base and speak with him you can then use that opportunity for you to buy goods from him or sell Goods that you may come across such as materials that are listed as sold to Merchants for high prices these have no use in the game other than just to be sold add your PO Box using your base upgrade feature there's a variety of different items that the game is going to want you to build after you go ahead and build these you can actually expand how many Pals can be working at your base making your overall workflow much faster to make the early game easier for you you may want to actually head down the hill a little bit from where you first started off here you're going to be finding some other Pals that don't spawn right at the beginning area including a goomas who may be a great addition to your pal team back at your base you may also come across a Fox Sparks who's going to be fantastic for cooking all those red berries back at your Camp if you don't see the pal that you're looking for on this route all you have to do is fast travel back to your base or the other fast travel point and as long as you're the only person in that area a variety of new pals are going to be spawning in around you making it much easier to hunt down the pals that you want to capture you may want to go ahead and send out another pal to help you in battle and even if you don't want them to actually be damaging the pal that you're going after you could choose for them to command to don't attack doing that there's still going to be something that the enemy is going to be focusing on giving you more opportunities to strike without them trying to bring your health down you may also find yourself a Peng gullet and Pen gullet is going to be a fantastic pal to add to your Camp because they're going to be able to water crops for you after you pass down the grassy Behemoth Hills even at the very beginning of the game you may want to progress down a little bit further in order for you to find the next fast travel Point located Northwest from where you started off right next to a big old tower that you're going to have to eventually take down as being one of the first Tower bosses of the game and as you're approaching this Tower if you head over to the right right by where these large rings are you may come across a tanzy tan is a grass type pal that's actually going to be pretty good for your base and I would recommend him over goomas you may also come across a whole bunch of pal eggs as you're exploring grab those for later if you or your pals are star in you're going to notice in the bottom left corner that your health meter is all the way down and that you're actually going to be taking damage be sure to right click on food on your inventory and feed yourself you're going to be able to automate this later but at the beginning of the game it is going to be an inconvenience and also by this fast travel point you may come across some Syndicate Thugs who are doing battle with some wild Pals you can use this opportunity while they are damaged for you to go ahead and catch them I said go ahead and catch them and there's typically a pal at the middle of and there's typically a pal at the middle of this encampment go ahead and release them when it's safe or you know not when it's safe and uh just do it and then get the heck out of Dodge as soon as you can by the time your base is level four or five you're actually going to be at the point that you could fully start automating your base as far as food goes with a grass type pal like gumos who can plant seeds or a better alternative tany who could plant seeds as well as do handiwork gather food do lumbering level one and transport level one a water type pal I prefer Peng gullet who could do watering handiwork cooling which is a much later idea and transporting and then katava who's just going to be good for handiwork Gathering and Mining this team is going to be able to always plant down food water the food gather the food and bring the food over to your feed box and as long as you've order some baked berries to be cooked your pals will never go hungry again on the tech tree making your way to level seven and eight is going to be one of your first big priorities that way you get the logging site and the stone pit which is essentially going to make it so you have infinite resources from that point going forward then once you unlock the crusher at level eight you can Crush down stones to make pal fragments anytime that you want right by the rain Syndicate Tower entrance you're going to make your way over here to the left of the river and over here you can find a whole bunch of different Pals that are going to be useful including lift monk there's an electric type called sparket there's a ground type called rush or who's going to be fantastic for mining but most importantly if there's one pal you're going to catch I recommend it's this one Vixie and the reason you may want to go out of your way to get yourself a Vixie has to do with its ability called dig here when it's going to be assigned to your Ranch back at your Camp Vixie is going to go over here and it's going to randomly dig up a variety of items including pal spheres for you to catch other Pals and arrows for you to use for your bow and arrow and whenever you've outgrown one of your weapons items accessories whatever it may be make sure to always go ahead and sell that to one of the vendors either out of town or if you caught a traveling Merchant earlier on Pals who are going to be transporting within your base are going to constantly be looking for the closest chest to wherever they go ahead and pick up the item so if you go ahead and put down a chest close to a facility like Vixie inside of a ranch then anytime a pal sphere or something else is dug up by Vixie with her ability inside of the chest is where it's going to be going nice easy convenient place that way it doesn't bog down chests in other locations likewise I'd recommend putting down a wooden chest anytime that you're get be having an area where you're setting down a wood farming area a rock farming area as well as any natural resources that you're going to be mining and collecting in the future and with all that out of the way you're going to be having yourself a Vixie who's going to be finding you coins and arrows as well as pal spheres and anytime in the future that you need yourself wool you could go ahead and set a lambi to come into your Ranch and get you some wool for free you're going to have a Crusher that can make pal fragments anytime that you want you're going to be able to have a pal that has berries grown watered planted collected repair bench chest set up in the right places someone to cook all your food and now you are pretty self-sufficient as far as the beginning of the game of power world well great thank you for checking out this video on early game tips on power world if you found it helpful do me a favor hit the like button down below be sure to subscribe and turn on the notifications for this brand new channel and power world updates coming in the future I'm Austin John for Austin John gaming thank you so much for being
Channel: Austin John Gaming
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Keywords: austin john, austin john plays, austin john palworld, austin john gaming, Palworld Early game Tips, Palworld Tips, Palworld Early game Tips & Tricks, Palworld Tips & Tricks, Palworld guide, Palworld base, Palworld Base building, Palworld Best base, Palworld Best pals, Palworld Early game pals, Palworld
Id: usvrWP-0qZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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