Tim Hawkins Discount Grocery Stores

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less paperwork by my house registrate my kids for Vacation Bible School ization records lucky he's not frothing at the mouth this was the same songs Jesus and gay people that's the soccer wins versus a good weekend he's eight he doesn't have a beard if you become president of the United States and not have to show your purse rolling stock Oh hello mom and see mom's choice the thing is mom should always try to save money buying groceries that we ever had the groceries who is shove these discount grocery stores what kind of grocery stores you got here where you buy your groceries baseball Costco get calls from stores that ugly car put that down we're just here for samples and love those happily anything with a toothpick getting samples in front [ __ ] the sample ad a little guilty you're going to move all these just not right now my we never got decent grocery small the shopkeepers kind of corphish doors you can tell the names like satellites and Canseco and sax Asako sex trees name-brand stuff goes got the generic one of NGOs we got orange puffy sticks never have Hamburger Helper it was beat the system remember we and skinny cousin Doppler thunder you strain my soul psyche group my friends alone it doesn't know anything once they scrape their legs in a bad day all we got sticky whew never got normal cereal my friends know that I had money getting Cheerios oh we got some toasted holes 10-count bad give you second we're going to do this back board for seven years we get the scoop the bottom just a coupon for the Mentos becomes seven more years of series grocery stores now you know why because the restrooms are easy to find they're usually right in the front it used to be that head adults you ever had to go the restroom in a grocery store a long time the people work in there that nowhere was bad do I get shot I mean so you go back through the great doors like illegal dogfighting going on there she's scared you gonna get in there Chea locking up I wonder why that is these was selling trashing me oh and real hygienic vote out of those Fester's oh yeah did have the nice hair below trance anybody prefer drying your hands with the infinite cloth towel I just saw that Seamus at state 3 you see here that's what they do we want to be in comedian - the rednecks write down what you see say be happy right Nick dry it fill your bowl at all but if you build it Wow better let yourself go ladies I'll see you there just walking home I get this is that makes mistakes but nothing like that the grace of God Thanks yes on the real engine of the Walmart there's baby with wallet what let's know the logbooks create a team and take advantage of Walmart and wake the kids up at midnight taken in Walmart look at regular movie like your the bar scene in Star Wars you help procedure bah-bah-bah see five things at the store man course- had this for a while Coors Light has a beer can it turns blue when the beer is cold enough to drink you guys if you are so drunk we can trust the nerve endings in your fingers it usually call the night that's all trust this one guy right now hold your beverages I love the training yes I can't compute that is what nomination unfold anybody speed your madness your cuca website Tricia did you cheer holy ground jehova shamma bow that fits yourself other people peasants that's a message Bible you got to read that message by the way home it's a laid-back they live on this laid-back message I was like please the recipe for rice krispies treats first lol marshmallows she changes water to wine coolers okay we're vinegar hey miles catholic catholic way catheter sweet kappas love the laughs it will clamp ah these way to break in their hand oceans lingering he's beside me get this heart
Channel: Relayna
Views: 1,551,853
Rating: 4.8366671 out of 5
Keywords: Tim Hawkins Discount Grocery Stores Aug 13, 2011 036
Id: zQ6rPBmcED4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2011
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