Aging Rockers - Tim Hawkins

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Eric Clapton's getting older he'll have to change his songs like when the day's begun but some of this on Rogaine if you got a bald spot want to keep what you got Rogaine yo hell on its decline and you shine come petty's getting older it's time to go don't come in my yard no more you've ruined my lawn before whatever you kids are looking for hey don't come in my yard but KC and the Sunshine Band girl to dance with you it's my favorite thing yeah but when I hit the floor I really feel the pain uh-huh so oh I need to put on my mama orthopedic shoes don't boogie with you yeah I'm gonna put on my mama oppa peated shoes don't play with you yeah you're diamon getting older jello again jello I always eat jello I love that shitty thing you do and you make lunch screech I can hardly wait jello who else to get an older man like the Eagles Eagles getting on this is what they're gonna sing here on the dark country highway cool wind in your hair warm smell of a corn dog rising up through the end you see a sign in the distance that says we are open all day and if you walk up to the entrance it's where you live if a I'm a greeter at Walmart California yeah I work the door at the superstore I hand out stickers in a Walmart California where my vest is blue and my ears my buddies and me where once wild and free now ain't doing so great you used to go down tear up the town and now we're all in bed by 8:00 our parties are fewer worse if an inshore instead of our glass of champagne now when we get together we just talk about the weather all we ever do is complain cuz all my friends have him replacements cuz they slipped and fell in their garage your basement where old and pale and our bones are frail yeah years ago we were stealing bases now we spend our time having wheelchair races hello my friend every place man god bless you you
Channel: timhawkinscomedy
Views: 1,352,388
Rating: 4.9220219 out of 5
Keywords: tim, hawkins, rock, roll, comedy, funny, music, rockstars, getting, old, neil, diamond, kc, sunshine, band, eagles, eric, clapton, garth, brooks, Humour, live music
Id: Z7Nu7vamRCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2012
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