This viral TikTok romanticizes a mess

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to be talking about another yes i know yet another tick tock account that is concerning to me mainly because i think it is romanticizing a toxic unhealthy whatever other synonym you want to find message that is just overall just a lot to unpack this particular video rather than the user went viral a couple months ago and i decided to check back in to see because when it did go viral at the time i didn't make a video so i figured let me check now and kind of catch us all up on where they're at now before we do that though i wanted to thank everybody's favorite meme sponsor great shadow legends great shadow legends is a free mobile and pc rpg game that's known for its fantastic graphics i personally play it as a way to take a break from everyday stress and to escape the real world for a bit recently raid has released artifact forge where you can craft artifacts directly and on top of that they've added new advanced quest system with sick rewards i'm particularly excited about the new champions they're introducing and the development of the doom tower as you guys may know one of my favorite parts of the game is finding new champions and seeing what particular skills and outfits they have so one of my new favorites is the sorceress from the undead horde who not only has a badass outfit but who also has the magic arrow skill that hits an enemy twice which i quite enjoy and the other one i really like is the theorist who is a knight revenant who has the touch of ceiling skill which is useful to debuff for one turn go to the video description click on the special links and if you're a new player you'll get a hundred thousand silver plus one free champion grumbler all this treasure will be waiting for you here good luck and i'll see you there thank you raid for sponsoring this video basically a couple months ago there was a tick tock that went viral and i'll put it here as usual music is copyrighted so i have to remove it but here's the tick tock so understandably people were alarmed by that tick tock because first of all as a social worker it is a breach of ethics to take someone that you're supposed to be supporting and getting through whatever issues they need to work through helping them finding their footing again after being in jail but instead you're taking advantage of that and trying to entangle yourself and i want to say romantically but you know it is grooming in my opinion because there is a difference of power and also there is a vulnerability as someone who just got out from jail you're just getting back into the real world after being in jail and then you have a person who's supposed to help you who's taking advantage of that and then she's also older and even though the age gap isn't enormous it still feels like a breach of ethics on top of that another aspect of this that i find kind of creepy and this is where we get into the unhealthy kind of mindset is that it's being framed as like it was us against all the odds but we still made it and it's like no it was you against the law and you against your code of ethics and you just still broke that you left your family you changed your life entirely over someone that you effectively groomed into being in a relationship with you but it's being framed in this kind of quote-unquote romantic way which it's hard to see it that way as an outsider so anyway i decided to go through her tick tocks and see what else is going on right now a lot of the tech talks revolve around this relationship about when we met you were this and i was that and again that framing is quite typical of the romantic kind of trope even in rom-com movies that you see two separate people leading their own lives and then their paths cross and then they fall in love whatever so it's kind of pretending to be that trope but it really isn't because as we know the circumstances are not those of a rom-com nowhere near so there's this one again kind of talking about how they met and it's really just a compilation of videos and it says best friends and lovers maybe eight years apart but this is love but if you look at the actual thumbnail of the tick tock it says when i met i was your social worker somehow you turned into my boyfriend and again it seems like it's a point of pride to say that they overcame the ethics of her job i don't know it's just very strange to me to see it framed as if it's this thing that it's not and it's also toxic to people who potentially are watching it and think that this is how things work which is this is in no way how things should work as a social worker it's unethical for you to do that especially with someone who's younger especially with someone who just came out of jalen is in a vulnerable position there's so many things that are wrong then there's another one and again it frames it in this kind of romeo and juliet prior to the end way of like we weren't allowed to be together but we found a way and this one says we weren't allowed to be together but we did it our love cost us everything from me losing my job and us losing our friends family as much as we lost we gained so much more now listen there are situations where you lose your job your friends or family whatever for a stupid reason that isn't justified here losing your job is a direct result of your unethical behavior in terms of the boyfriend it's it's a direct result so it's not like a point of pride of like we went against everyone because we love each other so much it's like no you lost your job because you went against the rules of your job you lost your friends and family probably because they don't support this type of behavior and rightfully so also kind of a victim narrative where it's like we lost all this stuff and it's like well whose fault is that you you did you did that like that is a direct result of your actions these are called can we say it consequences so here she continues the story from her viral clip because she's using the same song and i think it's also the same dance to continue to contextualize their relationship i think she's somehow trying to save the narrative though there's no saving here [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it's also the unabashed like oh yeah i would do it again which i understand if you love someone you'd probably do everything you've done again so on and so forth which would typically be a nice romantic little thing but in this particular situation it's like so you'd groom him again you'd break the rules of your job again you'd probably put him in a very uncomfortable and unfair situation again it's just romanticizing this entire situation which there's there's no romanticizing of in my opinion there's nothing to romanticize it's quite tragic really so then she did a kind of funny one which was supposed to be kind of a joke and it says you know like when the cops asked me what happened when my best friends asked me what happened again i had to take out the music because it's copyrighted but essentially the song was going along the lines of oh i shot him and then i reloaded the gun and shot him again or something along those lines and it's just kind of like you probably don't want to make jokes about the cops asking you what happened when you're essentially a groomer and the cops could very well at some point ask you what happened [Music] it would be like a bank robber making a joke about robbing banks when in reality they did it and it could very well end up being their real does that make sense a joke that could be very well a self-fulfilling prophecy in its own way so i was just kind of like this is interesting and again it's this kind of lack of shame as to what they did or lack of acknowledgement that is very uncomfortable because it makes me feel like they're living in some kind of alternate reality so lastly i went to her instagram and on her story on her first story that i saw today there was the emoji of a ring and i think it said 10 or 15 days i'll put it on the screen i don't know what's going on but the implication is that she's getting married to this same person that she groomed and honestly honestly i hope this young man who was 17 when they met was not actually having a traumatic time i hope he didn't suffer god knows what kind of i don't want to say mental abuse because i don't know what's going on there but i do think that there is some kind of manipulation especially if you have power over the person with age also but even just in regards to her job i honestly hope he didn't have a terrible experience but it's very hard for me to believe that they're getting married and there's nothing there that comes from that initial grooming you know what i mean like it's hard for me to believe that that all just melted away and that now everything's like a regular healthy relationship i don't know i found it her behavior specifically alarming because it was so blase about the whole thing whereas i can't imagine any single individual whether they groomed someone or not if you get accused of grooming the usual normal natural response is to be concerned because it's like first of all you wonder is this true did i do that what am i doing to make people think that you know like there's a series of questions like it's very hard for me to believe that someone just be like no that's not true whatever without even taking a step back now granted maybe she did that in private maybe these are questions she's asked herself in private but i always feel a certain type of way about people who just kind of dismiss allegations like that especially when it's all over social media and there is in my opinion a valid reason to think that she did groom that person anyways guys you can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 289,405
Rating: 4.9577346 out of 5
Keywords: influencer, tiktok influencers, tiktok, viral tiktok video, viral tiktok
Id: 0kMJ_2xVEuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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