An OG goth is in trouble

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel it is me your favorite highlighter that you lost in seventh grade so today we're going to talk about something that frankly i didn't really want to talk about because i think this person is trolling and i think this person thrives off negative attention because they're an edge lord but we'll get into it but nonetheless and so many people are messaging me i just figured let's just talk about this briefly and return to forgetting this person exists so there is this og goth creator online personality whatever you want to call them she goes by adorabat brat online and she's like i said a goth subculture type person who stands out because of you know like their out their style and appearance they kind of went viral because for halloween i think it was or if they just did it on a random day they decided to dress up as a rape victim so you see we're not going in a positive direction here so that's kind of what made people begin messaging me about her but i found other things that i find somewhat alarming and whether it's trolling or not if what you're doing is putting out a toxic message you know it doesn't even matter at the end of the day if it's trolling because for me trolling has different types of categories there's trolling that's just like people being silly about silly [ __ ] which frankly i don't care do you but then there's a different type of trolling kind of like with nicotto and like his making a joke out of domestic abuse in his videos like here trolling about rape or joking about rape is just not something i support in the least and i suppose this topic is a degree closer to me because i know multiple people who have gone through that but even if you don't know anyone who went through it it doesn't really like you can still empathize nonetheless the reason why i'm also talking about this is i genuinely thought this person was vastly younger than they are like they look way younger than they are if the online information is correct and sophie which is adorable's real name was born in 1972 so like this person is significantly older than i expected ideally with age comes maturity but perhaps not and i think that's the other thing that was disturbing to me is like i don't think it'll be okay to do this at 18 either but at least i could try and give the benefit of the doubt that someone's young and ignorant and they will grow and become more mature hopefully but like i said maturity doesn't really come with age at this point so let's just get into the content that makes me kind of suspicious so let's start with the rape costume so she posted a picture she has a shirt on saying tonight's rape victim and she did makeup to look beat up and bloodied that said as i understand it in america if you are a pretty girl a girl who likes to party and who likes being sexy you have all the responsibilities if you are raped so dressing up like this and also getting drunk i give my silent permission to be tonight's rape victim according to some i contemplated if my costume was tacky but then realized reality was i don't truly even know where to start with this one and listen no type of clothing or no clothing equals consent only consent equals consent so if you get drunk and you're wearing a skirt or if you get drunk and you're dressed like a nun irrelevant irrelevant what you're wearing it's not consent period i don't think i really have to say that i think most of us can agree on that to be clear i understand that maybe what she was trying to say is according to some if you dress a certain type of way they think it means consent and according to some it would essentially be rapists and i understand that that is a possibility of what she meant to say but regardless of that if you are trying to be an advocate if you're trying to be supportive of rape victims dressing up as one goes against your message because it's essentially making a mockery so the reason people read your text a certain way is because the image is going in a certain direction and the text can very easily be interpreted depending on that because of how the wording is put also because you're not really denouncing it you're saying according to some that's what they think and there's no point where you say i disagree with that so that's why people are interpreting it in this way and that's why later she'll claim that that's not what she meant and she had good intentions so on and so forth i just wanted to clarify that when she started getting called out for this because the least you can call it is in poor taste i find it gross to belittle victims like that i find it gross to even make a joke considering that so many victims aren't even taken seriously in the first place but when she got called out for this everything turned into a question of semantics essentially so she posted something kind of trying to explain her costume and it says beautiful people of the world equals people with pure hearts and good intentions the irony of saying that when you were dressed up as a rape okay first off i did not delete any of the posts on instagram and i never had a chance to read even one comment before it got deleted i put the comments on hold as they were well over a thousand four hundred and i wanted a chance to read them all before i could address them so i needed to stop the flow but someone had it removed as my posts after that before i put my kids to sleep yesterday and had my internet time i lived my life on the real world more than online especially during their autumn holiday in their prio one so internet just had to wait my halloween costume text was posted as a political statement and i did post it with good intentions no matter how some people read it my post unintentionally hurt you reading this i'm sorry i hurted you it was never what i intended and for that i'm truly sorry i also take the opportunity to thank everyone who wrote positive encouraging private messages and who got my intent i've never felt more loved this post aside from not really explaining anything other than saying i had good intentions sorry if you got hurt i think just reeks with kind of passive aggressiveness with like i live my life in the real world it's like is this any is this relevant at all to just say you were busy and so you couldn't answer immediately but to say oh i live my life in the real world not online i don't know seems a little passive aggressive to me anyway then there's more beautiful people of the world please do not reflect your feelings of me on friends of mine and people i've worked with they're by no means guilty and i cannot accept a witch hunt on innocent people this is not okay stop attacking innocent people you are welcome to think whatever you want of me but i still had good intentions and that is what matters between me and god i didn't post it out of hate you who attack people around me is doing it out of hate rethink stop so surely she did get some actual hate but people saying this is inappropriate this is gross this is insensitive to actual victims that's not hate that's people simply holding you accountable for what you did and frankly it's very hard for me to believe that you're gonna post something online like that on such a subject like rape and not expect anyone to have an issue and that's why i think it's also trolling because this person is the ultimate edge lord and we'll get into that after but it's just this kind of contrarian takes just to be contrarian not because you even necessarily believe it but it's just so people talk about you and i get that i'm doing that but it's like on something like rape i'm not gonna accept that so then there's another older post that says as i understand it in uk if you are an ordinary girl a girl who likes getting drunk out with friends and who likes looking proper you have all the responsibilities if you are raped so dressing up like this and by also getting drunk i give you my silent permission to be tonight's rape victim according to some then it's cut off her profile's private this rape victim thing is concerning like i don't understand what the fixation is with her and rape victims first of all it's very bizarre to particularly focus on them in this way as opposed to being an actual advocate for example but i just don't understand what she's trying to get at here i kind of wanted to see what the response her response was to specifically this rape scandal because like that's really what kicked off and started people talking about her so she posted a video this video is like peak peak peak edge lore because at the beginning of the video i'm not going to put the video here it's only one minute but i don't want to get copyrighted or something like that i'll put screenshots it says like trigger warning a bunch of times it wasn't like a genuine trigger warning like hey i'm going to talk about this if it's a topic that you know you can't watch don't watch it it was more like a mockery because it like the screen filled up with trigger warnings as if people saying that you dressing up as a rape victim is triggered as much as like people being like this this isn't it please rethink you know your stance on this so she kind of seemed to be going into the triggered snowflake fun original joke and then in the video she essentially proceeds to say that if you don't like that post like not even offended if you just like don't like that post it's because you're not smart enough to understand her intentions and you're not smart enough to understand that in reality what her post was trying to do was to essentially say that some people say that if you're dressed in a certain way when you go out if you get raped it's your fault because in the post it says as some think or something along those lines but that's not what it translated to like and it's also like if you're gonna make a statement about something as touchy and sensitive as rape you probably want to make sure that your intention and the direction of your words is very clear because it's not really the type of thing that you just pick whatever word and it's also like it's hard to believe you had really good intentions of making a political statement by dressing up as a victim it's the kind of a similar thing as with the movie cuties like we said you don't have to show children being sexualized in order to talk about it right so in this same case it's like you didn't have to dress up as a rape victim to to make a statement like you could just post a post with text you know so i think she was just going into like semantics and saying oh well if you actually look at my words and if you're a smart human you'll understand it which again is passive-aggressive and also patronizing because it's implying that any kind of dislike towards those posts is a result of stupidity as opposed to like just not thinking that they're appropriate in the lease and this leads me into another thing there's another clip of her that went kind of viral which was a video where she was talking about her diet so i watched the whole video about her diet now i want to say the video isn't directly promoting eating disorders because in the video she herself says don't stop eating don't starve yourself because it's not good for your body or your brain so she doesn't say starve yourself i have actually seen pictures of me me on the inspiration sides and pro-anasites really it's awful no no no no no i am not anorexic and i do not want people to be anorexic please understand i eat something called mounting neck method and it allows me to eat lots and lots and lots of food but still stay skinny because i love because i love my brain and if you stop eating your brain will go cuckoo but it does send very mixed messages because there is a part in the video where she was saying that she likes looking anorexic but not being anorexic which in and of itself has a person who had an eating disorder it just feels like a very thin line to draw you're still glamorizing the look and body of someone who's going through severe struggles like people die of anorexia so to say that you want to have a body that looks anorexic is troubling to me and i don't think it's sending the right message because even if you're saying that you're eating that you follow this specific diet which we'll get into i know this sounds so stupid but i love to look anorexic without being and then in the video she also says that she was on pro ana forums which in and of itself is like not something you should particularly be happy about because it's like your image is being used to have people stop eating and then also in the video she says that she thinks she's rather skinny she put her hand around her arm and she can fit her whole arm with like within her hand just doing this look at me i am quite skinny i think enough skinny right so this is well kind of over me it's so difficult to see now i'm wearing pink it's like oh so distracted look at this see my arm here ah i can reach all the way around and if you are anorexic or if you want to be like super super skinny please take my advice do not stop eating instead use your brain and start eating i seem to be impressed by that so again that doesn't really send the same message as like eat be healthy blah blah blah so then she talks about the diet she falls which is the multi-yak diet i'm not a nutritionist or whatever but their website gave me a little bit of a weird vibe so i originally got a weird vibe because i saw that they were selling this kindle edition book called get spaghetti thin which could mean two things it could be saying like hey you don't have to sacrifice eating pasta or carbs necessarily so you can get thin while eating pasta if that makes sense but on the other hand i was like get spaghetti thin after the emphasis that we saw with adorabat brad about being thin and this is her diet i was also like is this diet really focused on being healthy or being thin but then i also saw something else that kind of contextualizes this so this is a screenshot from their official website and as you can see there's spaghetti montagnac which i believe is advertising a type of pesto because at the bottom you can see it says three times lower than traditional pesto so i'm assuming that they're just showing off a recipe of theirs which contextualizes the book because like i said they may be going for the route of like you don't have to sacrifice everything in order to lose weight you don't have to have a boring diet blah blah but if you just saw the cover of the book alone it would look quite different so with the context i don't think that this diet is necessarily just focused on thinness that's why i think she's an edge lord that's why i also thought she was younger because it's a thing that younger people do like i had my own little contrarian phase when i was younger where it's just like you get some kind of fun out of just kind of shocking or alarming people with what you're saying but you don't necessarily believe it and you're saying it for a reaction which if it weren't putting other people potentially in danger by like under eating or making a mockery out of rape i probably just wouldn't care like if they if she were trolling about other things that aren't as serious but because of the the nature of the topic it's just inappropriate to say the least and the other thing is also like this is a person who has children this is a person who's like old enough to know that these things are completely inappropriate and it just concerns me because like even if you're trolling there are some people who won't tell the difference and will internalize these opinions of like rape is funny or like let's dress up as a victim which is just obviously a toxic mindset in itself do i really think she believes these things i frankly hope not i think it's really just to be edgy and that's it you guys can let me know in the comments if you really think she thinks this way or you know if she actually did have good intentions if anyone can believe that let me know thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] you
Views: 281,615
Rating: 4.9290819 out of 5
Keywords: goth, og goth, gothic fashion, goth influencer, goth subculture, adora batbrat, adora batbrat diet
Id: rBrdYj0ZHQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 22sec (982 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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