The TikTok "commune"

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Lol Cody wasn’t ignorant, he’s a comedian making a video for comedic purpose. The people are weirdos and his video was funny. People really so soft now

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so apparently peace was never an option i am barely on tick tock for a couple days and all hell breaks loose and there is a commune slash cult on our hands i swear at this point tik tok has become the embodiment of waking up and choosing violence i really every time there's just something new if it's not a predator it's a different type of predator a cult commune we'll see so if you haven't been on tick tock or you haven't heard of tree is alive there's this account on tick tock that pretty much shows you a little inside view of this commune now i'm automatically sketched out by communes because as much as i'd like to believe that it's probably just hippies smoking weed living off the land just chilling like it's woodstock or some [ __ ] we know that most of the time cults don't really tell you oh hey we're a cult we're gonna all kill ourselves they don't tell you that up front most of the time cults pose as something beneficial especially for the earth beneficial for the earth beneficial for you with some kind of spiritual usually undercurrent so when i see communes as much as i would like to think they're well intentioned i automatically am like hold on so a common should be just a place where people live in a community setting usually living in a kind of sustainable way off the grid and that's all really it's supposed to be and we know that a cult is very different from that now if you haven't seen any of the tick tocks from trees alive i'll put some here just so you can see what exactly i'm talking about and why i am not alarmed but concerned to say the least about this whole thing in its entirety i'm going to give you a tour of the garden a community where you are welcome this is the office some perching chickens this is the free bus we have clothes and stuff that you can take that's the school house that's the kitchen bus the old community cabin a new tool shed that's the shower house the new community cabin that's the toilet there's a cabin there there's a cabin over there and a cabin here this is the outdoor kitchen we use in the summer getting renovated over there is the library a nice pond chicken coop school bus school bus school bus a watch tower greenhouse one of the gardens the dirt church and soon to be sauna here's the whole thing you're welcome to join us the address is in the description let's ask everyone if we live in a cult jeff do we live in a cult no julia do we live in a cult i don't think so brian do we live in a cult do we live in a cult [Music] do we all right she's not john do we live in a cult no find more people to ask guys do we live in a cult no what okay do we live in a cult okay do we live in a cult no it's a community and the verdict soon guys we don't live in a cult does this sound like a cult provide land to individuals families and travelers to learn teach and experiment in a variety of sustainable and self-sufficient living skills place where those that want to help others can themselves prosper through profit share in a community that provides a more wholesome and earth-friendly alternative lifestyle encourage and assist in application of these skills and ideas in our surrounding communities and among our neighbors establish a network of these similar like-minded communities across the country and beyond which functions as a way station for those travelers as well as hubs of learning and empowerment for a sustainable future family friendly while adhering to a positive work ethic that acknowledges the value of our neighbors and our community as a whole as inclusive fair and as efficient as possible while keeping a productive pace ourselves to a high standard therefore setting a good example that's our mission state hi this is my day in the life living on a commune you know what i'm looking for coffee now it's time to sit in there and answer all your guys's questions recently we've been working on the dirt church the plan is to insulate it and get ready for winter and now for me and julia to move into more tick-tockers have arrived so i'm giving him a tour lunch now back to work time to pray to a leader just kidding we're an egalitarian community we have no leader narelle has dumpster dived all that and all this that looks like we're eating pizza tonight at the bottom of each tick tock there is an address now that is their address which was one of my first red flags because as much as a commune i mean anytime i say commune just see the air quotations okay because as much as a commune might be open for people to come and visit and just see how they're just living this great worry-free life it's also like you are putting a target on your back and now maybe that's just me being paranoid but i'm pretty sure i saw other comments being like you know you could easily be targeted now because the kind of implication or the kind of assumption that a lot of people are making myself included also because at the entrance they have like no violence sign is that these people don't have a method of defending themselves like do any of these people have any way to really defend themselves probably not like i'm willing to bet that none of them have security systems put up that's for sure that they don't have because they're living very very frugally and i'm pretty sure they don't have any other means like arms and so putting your address out there is already a dangerous thing to do full stop and aside from that just inviting people generally to come to you is also a dangerous move because it's like who are you invited you don't even know it could be anyone on the internet it could be a teenager it could be a dangerous criminal it could be someone with extremist ideologies like you're just opening yourself up to that and that to me is unimaginable aside from what is dangerous to them because that's the least of my concerns frankly because i think they're the dangerous ones they have essentially tried to take back the narrative that they're a cult and they've also tried to kind of ridicule anyone that is calling them a cult because they're saying that they have a mutual decision-making kind of forum every so often where they decide on what they're going to do about x y and z so they are claiming to be leaderless now we're going to have council where we make decisions based on consensus [Music] we write the topics that we would like to discuss we read the mission statement to learn teach and experiment in a variety of sustainable and self-sufficient living skills right now we're making a decision about what we should do about some chickens that are injured or diseased make decisions with 10 seconds of silence and the proposal right now is should we kill the chickens chickens that are injured so in the clip you just saw a commune is talking about how they vote to make decisions and one of the things they're voting on is whether or not to give care to the chickens that are sick and injured on their property that's fine actually rescue chickens from situations just like these so-called ego villages and other places that claim to be compassionate but don't care for the non-humans that live among them imagine being sick it's all pseudo-activism like it seriously is they do all this in the name of the environment but unfortunately chickens are very fragile it's hurting animals it's unnecessary they're doing it because they want to they're not actually doing it for the environment these birds are not just accessories or parties end of discussion you know if you all are deciding to just leave these chickens to get sick or to be like injured and just not doing anything about it that's [ __ ] up and that also goes against their own kind of thing of like peace love and taking care of each other and blah blah but you're just gonna like neglect them it's always the same person making the tick tocks and this person seems to have some kind of authority like the dude making the tick tocks so i don't know if he's the leader but certainly it's going to be impossible for me to believe that everyone is at the exact same position like you can't tell me that someone who's been in this commune for two months is gonna be the same as someone who arrived two hours ago i just i'm sorry no so that's one of the things they're trying to use to kind of underline the fact that it's not a cult i'm not trying to make the argument that they are in fact a cult i would say rather instead of labeling them with something i see dangerous behavior coming from their end and i think that there's a lot that we don't see that is alarming to me one aspect of this is one of the particular members of this commune has some ideologies that i think are already kind of alarming to me so you guys might have heard that apparently there was this cat this wild cat that was like attacking their chickens and in order to solve the problem they decided to kill the cat and eat it okay i'm not gonna comment any further on that but then this particular member decided to make a hat out of the cat this is starting to sound very dr seuss but it truly is alarming to me so she decided to make a hat out of the cat and there's this tick tock which kind of shows this person's facebook and them kind of showing a lot of their beliefs so i'm just going to put the tick tock here okay so i've been seeing a lot of people commenting that this girl made the cat into a hat um and i just want to say like about that rumor so this particular person is an anti-massacre doesn't believe the virus exists which they're entitled to believe but it's like when you're around a lot of other people and random people are coming and going i find that irresponsible whether you believe in the virus or not like is it really necessary to have your doors open to anyone to come in and out when there is this pandemic going on the post that kind of implied that she's immune to viruses or is built different like she's not like the other girls that in and of itself is alarming this same person who is an anti-massacre and so on and so forth made a joke about drinking the kool-aid i'll put the tick tock here not again here you go julia thanks brown [Music] all right what's going on cocktails cocktails but we could make liquorless cotton like yeah just like i don't know maybe it's a possible drink drink the kool-aid oh my god my i'm not controlling my hands quick drink it drink the kool-aid drink the kool-aid guys quickly it's happening quickly treat treat get don't go like cornbread permanent get in here get there go like get [Laughter] and right after that joke decided to kind of lie and gaslight the audience by saying all this hey y'all so i made a video last night where we're all drinking the kool-aid and a lot of people are commenting about some mass murder that happened that i didn't even know about so i just wanted to reiterate to people that the kool-aid drink the term drink the kool-aid comes from ken kesey's electrocooling acid test which was a huge thing in the 60s and 70s where they went around and painted up school buses and they gave people electric kool-aid and there's no bad joke here it's a funny joke and i don't even know what jonestown is so you guys can stop harassing my posts about the kool-aid and just laugh because it's a joke so basically this person is claiming that they don't know that drinking the kool-aid like what that signifies and where that comes from they had a whole different idea of what drinking the kool-aid means which for the most part i think all of us know that drinking the kool-aid relates to jim jones and jonestown and the massacre and people died by drinking the kool-aid and that was a cult not very differently from this commune began with you know giving away a lot of your possessions and living off the earth and living together in harmony those were the things that were kind of sold like no no cult begins by telling you hey this is going to end in violence this is going to end in us doing really [ __ ] up [ __ ] she made this joke apparently not knowing about it but then in another tick tock i believe i recall her referring to jim jones when she was saying that a lot of people online were afraid or telling other people to be aware and to be aware of this commune and she was kind of making fun of the idea that they might be a dangerous group of people which is kind of ridiculous to me so it seems to me that we have the younger generation on tick tock is coming on to our videos and being like oh my god it's a cult oh my god don't go be scared be scared be afraid and it's like the same people who have only been on their tv and their cell phone watching like documentaries about them charlie manson cult and like jim jones and all that junk on on the internet and on the tv and then there's like the old hippies from the 60s and 70s who are coming on there and commenting back at them like no guys like it's fine these have been going on like it's just a hippie commune or whatever but i just find it humorous that that the young generation has no idea no idea just just come check it out guys there's nothing to be afraid of the only thing to fear is fear itself aside from that there's also the fact of where this place actually is if you don't know there are such places called sundown towns and sundown towns are places where after sundown it typically is dangerous for black people people of color people of the lgbtq community to be out and about you are in danger in comparison to anyone else and this place happens to be located relatively near to a couple of them there's one which is called selena i think that is the closest one and then there are a couple that are like one two and then four hours away so they are not surrounded but they have quite a few sundown towns near to them the reason why this is relevant is because this commune is supposed to be inclusive friendly 12 whatever but we're not taking into account of like whatever you believe whatever the commune believes it's like we also need to think about what everyone around you might be thinking people could be put at danger if even just a couple of individuals who are of a [ __ ] up homophobic or racist mindset find out about this place and just come knowing full well again that this commune probably has no means to defend themselves if anything negative were to occur it's only responsible like who in their right mind is going to say hey there's this group of people i don't know any of them none of them are background checked that we know of we don't know any of their histories aside from what they say and what they claim we are in the middle of a pandemic they live between sundown towns all of these things alone who would say it's a safe idea to go there but she was kind of making a mockery out of the idea that it might be unsafe which again stranger danger times like 20 plus chickens so all of these things put together like i said i don't want to label them a cult because putting a big label like that i don't know but certainly to me there are a lot of red flags and i do think that one of the biggest red flags is this advertisement of their commune because it's it really reminds me of outside of scientology buildings how they just give out pamphlets like i remember i got a pamphlet once when i was outside a smaller scientology place in another country they gave me a pamphlet and it just kind of feels like that that kind of like trying to draw you in kind of thing but instead of pamphlets here they're on tick tock a place where the algorithm favors videos seemingly randomly and where there are a lot of younger people as well which is also my concern because i wouldn't want a younger person who might be having problems at home who might be going through things to just think like oh this is the place for me run away from home and think you are safe sheltered taken care of with these people because i think that's the kind of thing that they want you to believe in the idea that a lot of younger people are potentially seeing these and potentially being influenced by these tick tocks is scary to me that being said you guys can let me know we think in the comments down below do you think it's dangerous would you label it a cult is it just a commune that's trying to be quirky you guys let me know thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 259,343
Rating: 4.8890929 out of 5
Keywords: treeisalive, tree is alive tiktok, tree is alive commune tiktok, tiktok commune, 8967 Galen Rd, galenrd, 8967 galen rd in lafayette tn, 8967 galen rd
Id: yvho9xQP8Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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