The girl who went from white to "black"

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today I believe it or not we are doing something kind of light-hearted today we're gonna review a video that was posted on Barcroft TV about a girl who's obsessed with tanning and I know it's been kind of a hot topic more months ago rather than now black fishing where people pose as black whether it's by deepening their skin tones so much that I don't consider it a 10 anymore or changing the features of their face to make themselves look what they consider to be black which is usually just very stereotypical if you ask me anyway let's get into it other girls are like I can't live without having my nails done otherwise so I'm sorry to pause it so fast but the before and after pictures are actually shocking like what she looked like before looks so different and of course lighting angles doing your makeup differently wearing something else adding or losing weight yes that all makes a difference however the difference is so stark that to me they don't look like the same person at all and the other thing is when I first saw a thumbnail I thought she was like self tanning with like those lotions that you wait hours and then dirt and I thought that's what she was doing I already thought that was pretty bad because it seems pretty extreme because she is quite naturally pale but the fact that she's doing it inside of like it didn't look like a tanning bed but with those lights that is extremely dangerous like genuinely so dangerous and this is coming from someone who has all the moles in the world who is always being warned about skin cancer [Music] that was a mother when Rachel gets a new dog I love Instagram that's my most liked picture it's got 1500 and even to be thanks sweet my friend all girls on Instagram that I see girls I know hole where 50 at work gets praised yes so why not do some gets instead of we're in makeup on your body basically I feel like her relationship with Instagram is weird I don't know for that to be a fact which is why I'm saying I feel but the liking Instagram liking to take pictures there's nothing wrong with that I enjoy taking pictures to I think a lot of us do the thing is when it starts to turn into you're doing things so you can take the picture and not because you want to enjoy the moment or do things for other reasons I think that's when it becomes dangerous because she did mention like oh all the girls like I see our follow on Instagram have tans I'm wondering do you want that because you see that on Instagram or do you want that because you want that and even if she thinks she wants it I do think that there's something else to be said about maybe insecurity or not liking who she is in mind you I'm not against getting plastic surgery I'm not against wearing makeup on your face on your body whatever when you do that you also have to stay in tune with reality like for example sometimes when I'm really stressed I have eczema that flares up on my face like right on the sides of my eyes and I cover that up because I don't like having a red blotch but I also have to acknowledge the reality of when I'm traveling and that sometimes flares up when I travel I don't wear makeup so I have to be okay with myself enough to be able to not be almost like ruled by this thing that I don't like also interesting that she was saying that why not just get the ten instead of putting makeup all over your body which I completely understand because doing that would take forever it would rub off on things it wouldn't really be convenient whatsoever but the ten causes more damage to you and your skin so one it might be more convenient than the other but it's not necessarily better than that I wanted to be able Aquaman and I was trying to switch races just because I'm tannin I really care these people don't actually know me [Music] basically I'll close LOI shutter no go down and then I get in and there's a restart button I press the start button I'll just flash up and come on well it makes your connection look a lot like nicer you know when you kind of get a glue your skins looks a lot better that's what I like about it when I was younger I always were a fake time I here because I seen it washes off it starts going patchy and like I hate this man but then I'll think when I started all right a fan he was already doing something and then my brother came in my day and he was so dark how did you get that color tan injections oh this is before things get even worse I just genuinely don't understand the way she rationalizes where it's like oh like spray tans get blotchy or whatever which I wouldn't know I never do that rationalization of oh my god I'm gonna get blotchy compared to yes let's fry my skin it doesn't make sense to rationalize that way just because something's inconvenient it doesn't mean that the other solution is automatically the best one and the other thing is I keep flip-flopping between what I think she's trying to go for because I genuinely don't really think she's trying to be another race I think she's so obsessed with this idea of being tan that she doesn't realized that she's passing as a black girl at least in some of the pictures and so I don't think that she's trying to be a black girl or pretend to be a black girl as much as she's obsessed with this tanning and I don't think she understands where it kind of becomes potentially immoral potentially questionable potentially a sign that something's wrong mentally I genuinely feel like she's just so removed from reality that the black fishing thing I don't think that's the bottom line it might be part of it I don't know but I don't think that's the bottom line one thing I totally forgot to Shindo is whatever her intention is she is passing as another race so like intention is one part of it I don't think it was necessarily her intention and that's not to excuse her behavior I just think that she has some really deep-seated issues with herself that I don't necessarily think she's trying to be another race as much as like maybe this is the biggest change she can make I don't know let me know in the comments down below however the point is to underline that intention doesn't excuse actions so I started looking for pictures of her aside from the ones Barcroft included just to get a fuller picture and honestly when I see these types of pictures of her it does seem like she is kind of trying to pose as a black girl because of the particular hair she selected whether it comes down to texture or the hair style so when I see these pictures that I don't think we're included or I don't remember seeing in the short doc by Barcroft I'm kind of wondering whether they strategically chose to not include these because these are particularly damning or what the deal is when you look at it like this it seems like black fishing might be a larger part that I initially thought I don't know this just makes her look really really bad on the black fishing account I have to say I'm embarrassed or taking this of them he was sued are at home another town to its best latencies the melanin in your skin so it make you darker then you're normally mentally [Music] it's like oh my god let this go frightening you like inject and something that your bony but it's really you know okay and it kind of like but it doesn't hurt the only side effect will be like the first like few days I've taken it you feel sick and sort of suppresses your appetite some people would say that that's a good thing [Music] like it's interesting how easily she went from being scared of injecting this substance and being kind of worried for her brother too quickly you know jumping on board let's look into what melanotan is okay so melanotan - is similar to a substance in our bodies called melanocytes stimulating hormone which increases the production of skin darkening pigments melanotan - might also work in the brain to stimulate erection of the penis the uses are for erectile dysfunction in men and obviously tanning of the skin and then the side effects include nausea stomach cramps decreased appetite flushing tiredness yawning darkened skin spontaneous erections of the penis and other side effects so a lot of what's written also is that there's not all that much known to be able to correctly say that oh you know this is going to happen lot is still up in the air for example for pregnancy and breastfeeding it says not enough is known about the use of melon oh 10 - during pregnancy and breastfeeding because I can't imagine that many people choose to take it and have enough people to be like controls and variables and so forth so to me that's potentially what's most scary is that we don't really know all that much so it could be potentially horrendous super dangerous and nobody knows because they're just trying to get their tan and they're happy that they're less hungry and when she said that the suppression of appetite could be a good thing to me that screams not necessarily someone who's just insecure but someone who's also trying to pursue a certain type of body and not necessarily in a healthy way so that really adds to my whole idea that she just has some really really big issues with her appearance [Music] no game where I was like an obsession sort of or you need to be done or they like actually feel better when I'm actually done about sitting coming here what two times a week three times a week before I started off at 12 minutes I don't see you should start to fill with the color I really see this anything extraordinary I just feel like me so basically this is what it looks like it's quite easy to get everyone is able to cut it boy I think they're salutes a Facebook reaches and they're like selling time my cousin a little sprites are really really big at the minute but we've never tried to use a little spray we share well and that would last factory weeks if you're taking a less if you're taking every night other people attack me online just that kind of thing I have a few people obviously you do say nice things if you type in black the asunder and scram or even google finding local up quite an extreme okay so this is the part where I think she's disconnected from reality because there was a picture shown before where she was wearing her hair and like it looked like box braids I couldn't tell it was a little bit far away but this is the part where I kind of wonder how she doesn't see why people might think that she's trying to pass for a different race like it confuses me that she can't conceptualize like it's one thing to say that's not what I'm trying to do but it's another thing to address like I can see why someone would think that the fact that she's seeing this just as a tan is confusing because she did say that when she steps into the sunbed thing at first she could only stay for 12 minutes but now she's built some kind of tolerance or a base I don't know how that [ __ ] works she can stand more so it's like if you're staying for really prolonged periods of time in a tan bed thing to me it says you're probably going far too dark first of all for your own good but second of all it just seems like she's trying to strategically change one of the big parts of who you are like your skin is the biggest organ on your body we can't pretend like that doesn't matter like I think a really big part of recognizing me is that I'm pale as [ __ ] if I was suddenly as dark as her put on a wig I don't think I'd be that recognizable and so it's just kind of like are you trying to change like one of the biggest part of parts of who you are just like literally your skin being the biggest organ like why that's the question I have like why it's fine to want a tan I just don't know if I'd really qualify this as a tan also I find this whole thing of injecting the melanotan into yourself really concerning especially when she was mentioning doing it like every night and that little bottle only last them two weeks I'm like why are you dropping money on a substance that isn't even fully understood at this point and aren't you concerned about the fact that you need to get it you have facebook pages like don't you wonder why you have to do it via Facebook instead of going to a pharmacy or something doesn't that maybe turn on the alarm bells as a rating much of my tell for us so they're the tongue in Jackson's but damn I haven't seen only like really bad things happen so far [Music] counselor does like a run in my family and probably be more prone to Abby Kenton skin cancer so it's just a matter of policy getting your rules to action the MCS I don't know if it's an extreme color it's no because I'm used to it myself I don't really understand if it's too much really I just see myself with syphilis is me annoying no one in my family never it all comes her so I in my hand I think counselors like genetic I don't bite myself but sometimes I would worry about how she doesn't want me unless I'm well as well she would you like 15 min I would do like damn okay so I don't think I need to say it but I'm gonna say it anyway if you were more concerned with how you look like then potentially getting cancer you have a problem you need to go see someone that's not normal I don't think anyone would think that's normal if you aren't making your skin it's so so dark that you're one of the only people in your town who looks that way you're going out of your way to take injections that aren't really monitored or don't have many known Studies on them and you're not worried about cancer I'm wondering do you really want to live like it it makes me wonder whether these people don't care if they just die or develop a horrible horrible sickness which is just kind of shocking for people who are so invested in their appearance you'd think that they'd want to look good and feel good when they're older but here it just seems like they're so careless I'm just confused as to how someone can be so unbothered she's really dark but she doesn't think it but she's for this whole side of too many some bits would skin cancer and stuff there's risk of the cancer but there's no Chopin to Hannah how's Donna her whole image is old to do with insecurity I think lunch with our Lola she's absolutely stunning and she just doesn't know so doesn't listen to you when you tell her anyway I just wait and I'd like to be overly time that's all really but it's pretty harmless I'm sort of happy if the color we are the minute because I'm saying how faint shoulder look silly when I'm really really really dark sort of keeping a normal color where does it go from here just stay the same no darker and then a typical more endless I love all right no all right spine up again a little obese mister you [ __ ] [Music] I don't know about you guys but the part with a friend made me genuinely sad because it's clear that the friend can tell it something's up and she voiced something that I said earlier as well that she thinks it's about insecurity but it's kind of sad for a friend to just like see someone go through that and even if you say something apparently there's no reasoning with her and my thing is I'm concerned that she's gonna realize that [ __ ] is [ __ ] up too late and that's kind of scary to think about being completely honest and the sad thing is I think that she's a pretty girl like before any of her alterations like I thought she was perfectly pretty and I think that's also what's sad that people already have something going for them but they don't see that it's there and so then they do all this [ __ ] to try and look better in their own heads but they already looked fine before what is the problem that I think a lot of people deal with though this is an extreme case and these guys let me know down below do you think she's black fishing or do you think she's so disconnected from reality that she just doesn't understand why people think that or do things she's really just obsessed with the tan and it's not out of insecurity let me know in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and let's get right into the banter [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 947,570
Rating: 4.9320254 out of 5
Keywords: hannah tittensor, Tittensor, instagram vs reality, tanning obsession, black fishing, blackfishing
Id: gC36IPcCLEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 28 2019
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