This TikTok fboy took it to a new level

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to talk about a [ __ ] up weird uncomfortable tik-tok account the tick tock or in person is called Brad Bastidas he makes very particular content now I do think we all know that on tick tock there are what I refer to as the tick tock [ __ ] boy is really which are the ones who have some kind of music with sexual undertones or music with romantic undertones and then they'll bite their lip and then they'll look into the camera thinking that they're doing something I've been making me deeply uncomfortable I don't know maybe young it's for a younger demographic so maybe the younger girls just swoon over that I guess I'm just too old to get it but for me you just look like a [ __ ] boy and it's very uncomfortable that is totally fine because you are not breaking any laws it's cringy to me but do your damn thing enter Brad now Brad does this but his version of this is let's just look at the content and I'll have to remove the music because as you know I'm gonna get copyrighted immediately quick note I'm gonna put music with the tick tocks that's not copyrighted and I'm gonna try and find songs that emulate the same kind of vibe and the same kind of mood of the original music just so you get a better idea of the context [Music] [Music] so I don't know how much you're able to tell from this clip but you'll see in the next clips there is a little boy filming Brad now I don't know what the relation is between Brad and this little boy my assumption would be that it's his little brother or someone he's related to because that would be the most convenient someone who lives with you can help you film whenever you need to Brad has a particular formula where pretty much every single video I've seen of his he gets choked by let's say let's just call him the little brother and then the little brothers hand goes down Brad's chest implying that he's gonna go towards his genitalia which then opens a whole new realm of implications that I frankly don't want to discuss but I think that we both know let's just say it's inappropriate now obviously the little brother is supposed to be either depending on the orientation of Brad either a guy or a girl who's hopefully of a consensual age that is sexually choking him and engaging with him sexually the thing is the person that is pretending to be that romantic interest sexual interest is a little boy so I think we all see how this is already a problem here's another one [Music] [Music] so again there's the sexual implication there's the little boy's hand going down the hoodie of Brad but the thing that I find alarming is if you look at the phone case in the video there is no phone inside that phone case so that makes me wonder first of all why are you filming this like what is happening because for the most part I think we are we're seeing a kind of behind the scenes like that's why they're showing the little boy and Brad and like the behind the scenes of making the final version of the tick-tock but here their camera was probably on the dashboard or something and they're showing them but they're not making content like there's no phone in the case so like what was the point of this video that troubles me because it's like are you practicing is this something you do normally like is this boy being potentially abused in a sexual way like I don't know but this is alarming to me this is truly alarming it's already alarming if it's for tik-tok content but it specifically makes me more alarmed to think that maybe this isn't just like him essentially using his little brother as his videographer but something else and like I said it might not be his little brother but in the end it doesn't really matter what the relation is because this child is a child and that's that [Music] so in this clip it looks like the little brother videographer is having fun because he gets to slap bread right and I made this point in my prior video and when I say that it's because I had a 24 minute video that I filmed on this and the audio cut after 6 seconds the rage the thing is it seems like the little brother has some kind of enjoyment here which is great but at the same time it's like a lot of the times children don't know that something's inappropriate until someone tells them or maybe later on in life when they realize oh it was [ __ ] up that I was being used as a videographer in this context again here there is the kind of sexual dynamic of him walking into a room I'm assuming to seduce someone and the choking and slapping is of sexual nature just gonna underline that in case people hadn't realized that yet so it's not just slapping someone across the face saying hey bratty or [ __ ] idiot you're using a 10 year old videographer slash actor to do the thing that turns you on so then you can make the tik-tok that's supposed to make the girls swoon I don't know I'm exasperated [Music] I stole price moving that was very uncomfortable prior to this we saw the behind the scenes so this is like the product of those tic TOCs where we see the little kid being the videographer this is like the product of like what tic toc sees and this hand is probably that little kid's hand and again the way brat is looking into the camera it's just like I don't know how you do that knowing that the person holding that camera is related to you I might be biased in a certain type of way because I have a very particular behavior around children where example at family things where there are children I will hold Jacobs hand and if we kiss it'll be a quick Peck and that's it and it doesn't go any further than that because I don't feel comfortable with anything further than that because for me expression of sexuality and children are two separate things that belong far away from each other so the idea that someone like Brad could try and look into the camera with his seducing face or his sex face or you know with that kind of subtext I don't get it but it really just creeps me the [ __ ] out because it also makes me wonder are you doing this because you're imagining a scenario in your head where it's like oh you know I run into so-and-so who I have a crush on and I look at them like this so if he's running with that scenario in his head it still doesn't make it less creepy but at least it makes me feel better but the thing is also like now I'm wondering is he looking at the camera like that because he likes what he sees behind the camera which is far more concerning because little brother isn't just the videographer out of sort of convenience but rather as a very particular choice and that is scary [Music] so here again we have a slap with the sexual context and he's from what I gather turned on by it and then he's like saying to the viewer like get on top of me come to bed with me again the person who's actually doing that it's a little boy and then here because it's one of those kind of behind the scenes videos like after it's muted but I think he starts laughing if I heard correctly he said that the slap actually hurt him so I don't know if they leave in these behind the scenes to make him seem more relatable or something kind of like oh let me look sexually into the camera while this ten-year-old has to kind of straddle me to get the view that I want hahaha but that slap hurts so like relatable frankly I don't [ __ ] know if what in the name of God is going on here I have no idea God has left us that's for sure so since one Brad is not enough in this tick-tock we have a fantabulous new guest because why not just make everything worse in life so here we go [Music] this one was just cringe like I know there's a lot wrong but this one was just so cringe the way they were looking into the camera and I mean it's fine to be a fuck-boy just be a fuck-boy with a tiny bit of morality and ethics which means don't involve little kids in your [ __ ] oh god the look that they did into the camera like that oh my god my my brain hurts my brain hurts in this situation again we can only assume that it's the little kid who's filming them which again makes it even creepier because it's like if you have grown-ass friends who can be there for your tic TOCs can they not film some of these tic TOCs for you being in a room with two shirtless dudes who are gonna look into the camera trying to make girls or guys feel some type of way it just it's inappropriate that's all there is to it I don't know how anyone can think this is in any way acceptable same thing happens every time either choked or slapped and then the hand goes down suggestively but then because brad is so funny and relatable he's like uh haha I couldn't keep my sex face on for that long with this ten year old filming me I mean I don't know how old the 10 year old is I mean I don't know how the kid is but he's definitely very young as if this weren't bad enough some people also pointed out that the way in which he captions these videos is questionable to say the least so here's one of the captions should I read it and I like try hard sexy voice so I can pretend I'm Brad you be you take advantage of me being alone and I decide to come in while I sleep to seduce me what do you want to do now kill myself I mean realistically what do I want to do I want to run away shut the door and hopefully never hear from Brad again that's what I want to do obviously this is a sexually baby thing so girls or guys respond being like oh I would do all this to you and obviously it would turn into a sexual response for most people unless it's people like me who are meaning it again this was probably a video filmed by the kid so it's like does that not feel weird to you that a kid is filming something and then you're gonna put this like sexual context even spelled out essentially as a caption this is where I personally let's talk about another caption quv with cousins in you in my bathroom that I decided to enter to seduce you and remind you of our past what do you want to do [Music] what passed I want to know what past you have with your cousin what what passed what happened dude actually I probably don't want to know but oh my god this has so many layers I thought the cousin part was bad enough but the past like could you replace cousin with a girlfriend like your ex-girlfriend in your past sure whatever but cousin excuse me now I'm hoping that the 10 year old isn't his cousin I have no words for this [ __ ] I truly anyway for once thank God tik-tok actually did the right thing and banned this weirdo I know everyone get a box of tissues I know you're gonna need to cry for some time there's gonna be a mourning period and you know our lives just aren't gonna be the same anymore after we don't get this creepy content he made a new tik-tok of course and he had the audacity the absolute audacity to make a video on his tik-tok being upset about why he was band featuring tweets that were pointing out why what he was doing was inappropriate which in turn explains why he's banned but he made a tick-tock like that to make himself out as the victim the mental gymnastics that I had to do to try to understand his point of view you know I could have signed up for the Olympics for this [ __ ] but just watch [Music] and the best part is that when you go to the comments everyone is like I'm so sorry this happened to you I'm on your side everything's gonna figure itself out we're always gonna support you we love you blah blah blah and first of all I'm really hoping that most of the people commenting this are very young individuals who don't yet understand to gain an appropriate nature of the content that they're watching if he had just wanted to be a fuck-boy in the way that most fuckboys on tik-tok are where they're just being cringy looking into the camera there would be no problem it's just like the involvement of this little child in content that is effectively sexualized is creepy and I don't understand how Brad doesn't see that or he sees it and he appreciates it in which case there's a bigger problem even I'm not gonna throw in the P word because I don't know you know like there's nothing to substantiate that he is a pedophile or interested in younger children but content like this certainly begs the question of why is this child involved when I'm certain there are other people his own age who could help him create these tik-tok masterpieces anyway I'm going to go scream for a while you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 575,491
Rating: 4.9661412 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, brad bastidas, tiktok influencer, tiktok creator, social media
Id: IsSaQUbZe1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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