A very creepy roommate & cousin

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to talk about creepy stories that I found on reddit now recently I don't know if you saw but I made a video about a very creepy let's not meet again type experience at a job interview I'll link that down below but anyway based on that and also another youtuber called KU star who reads reddit posts and is hilarious I decided I would do the same with some creepy posts before I get into that I wanted to thank the sponsor of this video that is shutter shutter is a premium video streaming service that is focused on horrors and thrillers and you guys know that's my favorite genre of movies to try shutter for free for 30-days go to utter calm and use promo code ready to glare one of the cool things about shutter is that it's ad free it's also affordable for $4.99 a month one of my favorite things about shutter is that it has one of my absolute favorite horror movies called hell house LLC to the Abaddon Hotel it's an awesome movie especially if you like Halloween type horror movies that really just touch on some of my deepest fears so I'm so glad that that movies there so if you're interested in a 30 day free trial on shudder go to shudder calm and use promo code ready to glare that being said let's get in to the creepiness I chose two stories that are relatively long I feel like they both have twists that I didn't really expect so here we go my significant other and I'm at the same creep before we ever met so my significant other and I were talking once after reading stories to each other from this very subreddit and started telling one another about creeps we hadn't known in the past it became clear after a while that we had known the same creep mere months apart before we had ever met each other so let me take you to that tail the tail of Carl so I would say about eight years before my significant other and I had met my ex and I were in the market for a roommate to take up the slack on the rent that the previous roommate left behind we found it in an individual named Carl now things seemed okay with Carl he went to class and work on time kept the place clean and paid rent on time we even hung out as a group whenever we could arrange it and watch things together so we thought everything was cool so cool in fact we found no problem with leaving Carl alone in the apartment well my ex and I went on a trip to my ex's family during the trip Carl let us know you need to move out because he had lost his job and was having trouble finding another one this is important we said that was fine and he just had to be out by the time we got back and he said that was not a problem since this gave him almost 60 days to find a new place and we would just take the rent he couldn't pay out of the security deposit so time goes by and we get back and we see a bunch of suitcases and no Carl and my ex and I think oh he really cut this close but whatever these things happen then we see a random woman exit Carl's room but think nothing of it because they must be here to help Carl move right nope this woman Nancy walks up to my ex and I and asks who are you and what are you doing in Carl's apartment then the story unfolds so while we were gone Carl decided they weren't super big on the idea of leaving and had moved Nancy in telling them they owned the whole big studio apartment these backs from earlier they were her bags she was moving in into our room Carl had told her that my ex and I had skipped out and he was left behind to take care of our stuff and throw it all away and this that and the other just an endless sea of lies we have to show Nancy the lease in her texts that Carl was subleasing from us before she would believe us then we offered her Carl spot since we did have a vacancy which they accepted since they had just moved out of their dorms and had nowhere to go now things aren't going okay and we were all geared up to face Carl when he gets home from work when Nancy mentioned something off handedly that Carl had been putting peanuts in the milk in the fridge this morning before he left now my ex is a terrible peanut allergy and loves milk if you had taken one sip they would have probably died because we did not have any epi pens and Carl knew that so with attempted murder now revealed and single white female coming to mind Carl strolls in sees us and says out loud oh [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] is right he was very surprised that Nancy was not on his side and that he really had to leave that second and that she had ratted him out about the milk which he tried to get my ex to drink to prove it wasn't tainted I repeat Carl told max to drink the milk repeatedly to prove his innocence knocked up the milk out and look for peanuts drink the milk and when you don't die it proves I didn't poison it yeah that's a big no so we made Carl pack that instant and leave because we were young and didn't think the police would take any of this seriously since they had a record of avoiding things that were not cut and dry or straight-up murder now at this point you may be saying to yourself work but I thought Carl didn't have a job and that's why he had to leave that's where my significant other who I would not meet four years mind you came in for you see the place that Carl got a job at was my significant others place of work Carl was hired to stop the shelves and that was it just stocked the shelves not clean or do inventory or anything else just stock the shelves Carl proceeded to follow customers around and harassed them about what they were going to buy so he would know to get more of from the back he went so far as to pick through their carts to see what items they had while they were still shopping and followed him through aisles mostly that women Carl would also sit on the floor of the aisles with Nancy and just talk blocking everyone and not moving unless someone told him to and since this was a specialty shop with intermittent traffic this could be quite a while but it was also preferable to him harass customers so management let it go so what finally got Carl fired you may ask well the owner of the store came in very early one day to do inventory and saw it lights are on in the basement of the building they followed those lights to the stock room and found Carl's sleeping there on a pile of product when they told him to leave he asked when he could come back and they told him never to it she seemed rather angry he tried just showing up to work several times after that like nothing happened and everyone had to keep kicking him out from what I understand he had a place to go he just didn't want to pay a rent there and thought if he slept in the stockroom he wouldn't have to no one either myself or my significant other knows has seen or heard from Carl since and we're all fine with that I wouldn't even be so concerned about Carl if the peanut thing didn't come up because everything else to me says that there's some kind of mental health issue and maybe there is but the peanut thing is really what scares me because the rest is all somewhat manageable or maybe understandable I feel like making up the lie about the apartment is bad in itself but it brings it to a whole new level of scary when someone is trying to poison you and I genuinely cannot believe that his way of proving that he wasn't guilty was like oh just drink the peanut milk and see if if you die then I guess I am guilty but you won't be here to see it this just makes me happy that I've never really had a roommate genuinely this makes me so happy that I decided to live by myself alright so this is another story I'm not gonna read the title because it kind of gives away what's gonna happen buckle up for this one this story all starts back when I was six or seven I was always a quiet girl that liked spending a lot of time alone or reading or playing I had a lot of friends but never spent much time with them outside of school because my alone time was always very important to me after moving to a new city closer to some relatives that I didn't see much growing up my aunt decided that it would be a great idea if I spent my after school hours playing with her son who is 7 years older than me my cousin was an odd kid he never got on well with other people and usually ended up being an outcast he had no friends and spent much of his time indoors watching TV or playing video games he was prone to fits of Rage that usually ended with him breaking things or screaming a lot he was also a lot bigger than most people his age and was huge compared to me around when we started hanging out he was already 64 and very overweight he also had what I've come to call dead eyes when he looks at you it's like he's looking through you and any motion he showed never reached his eyes other than anger my aunt thought it would be beneficial for the both of us if we started spending our free time together so he would have a friend and I wouldn't be spending so much time alone my parents weren't as enthusiastic but thought it couldn't cause any harm everyone in my family always felt bad for my cousin due to him always being alone and having parents that weren't fit to be parents it was more like I was babysitting him more than anything which looking back was a horrible situation to put a young girl in with a guy so much older and bigger it started innocent enough we shared some common interests such as reading and video games and he seemed to not be as violent with me maybe because I was family it's hard to say it got to the point that we were talking or hanging out every day people often mistook him for my older brother when I got to be about 9 or 10 things started to change by that time he was 17 kicked out of school and regularly intimidating people he was socially awkward to the point that I was the only person whom he could have a conversation with and he came to depend on my presence I couldn't hang out with my friends or have free time or he would call up screaming and crying him or abandon him then the threats started I remember being in his apartment with him one day while his parents were out and he was showing me a new knife that he bought for some reason I was never afraid of him even when he would have outbursts around me it always seemed I could calm him down I couldn't imagine he would hurt me as I was his only friend it was this day that he laid down that we were going to run away from my home when I was 16 and I was going to be his wife and take care of him like a mother basically he would spend his days playing video games I sort of laughed it off thinking it was a bizarre joke or some sort of game he was playing this really made him angry he flew off the handle started screaming and waving the knife around with a blade out that we were meant for each other and there was no way he would let me live if he couldn't have me being a naive [ __ ] idiot I didn't tell my parents or his parents and things got worse from there tried to put off hangout with him he was threatened to kill my parents or my cats or his parents he would come to my apartment late at night knock on the door then run off I guess to let me know he could at the same time he began doubling down on me being destined to be his lover he would use his allowance to buy inappropriate clothing for me or flowers he would write poems and fanfics about our life together he would call me in the middle of the night and try to get me to talk about inappropriate things with him he also became very controlling he got to the point that just going to school for the day would set him off because it was less time he got to spend with me I remember being about 14 and him killing his parrot in a fit of rage because I was late coming over to his apartment after school it's cliche as hell but he was screaming look what you made me do over and over then crying and hugging the parrot it was one of the most terrifying things I've seen he had a new pair at the next day I can't remember how but I ended up telling my parents about everything he was doing and that I was afraid to be around him they banned him from seeing any more and told his aunt he was scaring me and not to bring him to family get-togethers I was honestly relieved and thought it was over I could start living some sort of life on my own without being tied to the hip to him but then the threatening phone calls and the text messages and the social media messages started he would try to either catfish me by pretending to be someone else or he would straight-up tell me I was going to die soon or my family was and it was my fault for ruining his life he's not a deranged and the way he would scream and scream his all-caps messages I had to stop going out for walks because he started showing up and watching me I honestly thought he was going to kill me everyday was constant fear until I was 16 or so and got my first boyfriend when he heard that I was with someone I got my last message from him saying I betrayed him in the worst way possible and one day it could be weeks from now or years from now he would kill me everything died down after that he never came to family gatherings he became a NEET and lives off his parents playing video games all day he found someone online that he started to stalk which I guess took his focus off of me my life went back to some sort of normal until I was 21 then I received a phone call from him asking me to help get his life back together because according to him the day I left was the day you lost all hope I hung up on him it's been years now he's in his mid 30s still in need I still fear you will come for me one day seem once in a while walking around where I live he still looks terrifying there's honestly so much more to the story that I forgot over the years it has become such a blur due to a lot of this stuff I was coping with around the same time and I can say he made my living nightmare for many years some of the more painful aspects of the story I can't even get into without throwing myself into a fit of anxiety I hope to god I never have to be in the same room as him again because if that happens I don't think I'll come out the other side alive I almost don't even know what to say to that like that is so scary the title of this is obsessive older relative terrorized me for years now for some reason when I read that title I automatically thought of someone in a larger position of power like an uncle or an aunt or like you know someone significantly older though this guy was seven years which is a big enough gap that I really thought I was gonna be someone in the position of power being you know mentally abusive I did not expect someone that you know you might be friends with like a cousin that's close enough to your age to be mentally abusive like that and honestly scary I genuinely feel like this guy sounds like a serial killer you know how they say that killers start with small animals and stuff like that that's so scary I think that's probably one of the things that scares me the most like obviously the screaming is in itself concerning but the fact that he just killed his parent out of this fit of rage and had a new one the next day that's really concerning like that genuinely makes me very scared for this person I hope that this girl stays safe because that is honestly so scary and the fact that he's even like visible around her neighborhood or around where she lives that's gonna be a no for me I would carry a knife around with me if I were her anyways guys thank you so much for watching let me know if you like the style of video or if you want me to look at a specific subreddit thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 423,484
Rating: 4.9631233 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/letsnotmeet, creepy story, creepy, storytime, narration, shudder
Id: O2qzaA7n2fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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