This TikTok "couple" is CRINGE

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to take a break from everything that is terrible well this is terrible in a more lighthearted way we're gonna be watching some cringe you guys told me about a tiktok account that i just had to look into and turns out i'd come across it but i think my memory wiped it for my own well-being now before we get into the topic at hand i just want to put a little disclaimer out there if these people are having fun doing what they're doing happy for them if we think about it everything is cringe like surely i'm cringe to some people my whole existence might be cringe and that's totally fine they're entitled to have that opinion and have a laugh at my expense if they want to we're not attacking them we're not doing anything of the sort we're just having a laugh at really really uncomfortable content and that's the end of it so to frame all of this i think we should watch this video first just to kind of give you an idea for what we're in for if i were you i would take something like a stress ball something you can like squish so you can put all the discomfort into a little stress ball as you might notice i don't have a stress ball because the way i process things is i let them fester until they turn into a mental illness but anyway before we get into this video as you know content like this is often demonetized so i'd like to thank today's sponsor adam and eve adam and eve is america's favorite adult store not only does it come with discreet packaging but they also donate 20 of their profit to help fight the spread of hiv around the world they also have a 24 7 customer service and have 90 day no hassle returns if you go to and use code glare you'll get 50 off one item and free shipping in the us and canada thank you adam and eve for sponsoring this video so i think it's highly probable that they are in fact not step siblings at least in my heart i hope they are not and if they are i hope this is all an act because i don't know how i feel about all that again they're allowed to do whatever they want but the way that they're framing it this way and is just uncomfortable and mind you i've seen some funny tick tocks that make fun of the pornography category because there's a big pornography category that is sibling type [ __ ] and step sibling type [ __ ] so some people make fun of that category but here there's no punch to the joke so i don't know if it's a joke or if it's just like ha ha this is relatable i don't know to who this is relatable to a very small group of people who happen to be in relationships with their step siblings um whether it's real or not doesn't really matter i'm just talking about the message i don't get it if you are wearing headphones i'm warning you now you might want to lower the volume because this sound that you're going to hear at the end of this clip truly has changed who i am as a person in a terrible way wow you look so good you've never looked better wow what are you wearing you don't respect the drip no that doesn't match you should go change okay well now that we're being honest have you seen yourself look at this okay what about terrible today anyway i'm gonna go change no come back you're hurting my feelings that's so mean now i wanna cry [Music] okay you look great you look amazing so hot there is so much to unpack here i their outfits it looks like they're going to the country club which is fine but i just thought it was funny because it looks not what i'd expect young people to wear but anyway aside from that i don't know about you guys but the guy the vibe i get from the guy in all of these videos and like other ones that i'm not going to be showing here is that he always comes off as like you know when there's a 40 year old who's dating like a 20 year old and they just have completely different verbiage like the terms they use are not the same and the tones they use are not the same so you can tell that there's an age gap i'm not saying there is an age gap but it give me that vibe when she's like you don't match she sounds like a petty young person whereas when he's like oh okay well now that we're talking about it you look terrible and it's just very weird because you can tell that they're close in age but it just feels like he's that older guy who's with the young partner does that make sense am i just the only one seeing this keep the volume down for this one too baby you're not paying enough attention to me [Music] dave i give you tons of attention to me who's my baby me who's my princess me who's the most annoying not me not sure about that last one what people want to do in the bedroom as long as it's consensual is none of my business i feel like i'm talking more quietly as a result of the screeching i apologize but really what you want to do in the bedroom as long as it's consensual i do not care go for it that being said i don't know if this is like a daddy little girl kink or if it's just baby talk it makes me uncomfortable i do not care to see it you can share your kinks anywhere online of course unless you're like on something that's aimed for children that being said i do think that if you're posting your kinks on platforms that aren't about kinks most likely you're gonna make people feel uncomfortable because unless someone signed up to tick-tock to find the kink community to be part of most the people who want to talk about their kinks show [ __ ] that's on other websites so i think like that's what's off-putting is that in my mind i don't go to tik-tok to see kinks i go to see animals and renovations of homes or people being self-deprecating about mental illness those are the things i go to tick tock for so i think like that's what kind of had me like oh i don't know if this is a kink that's the way it came off also i know that these are supposed to be skits i guess although they seem very inorganic like they seem very very much like if i were trying to act plot twist i don't know how to [ __ ] act and i'd sound robotic if i did like if i were reading a script being like why are you not paying attention to me right now i am very hurt my emotions are hurt see this is not hollywood material also because i don't support pedophilia yeah so that was the vibe i kind of got but aside from that a lot of these tick tocks to me represent somehow toxic relationships because wanting attention from your partner normal being annoyed that they're not giving you enough attention when they likely are giving you enough attention to me indicates there's something else wrong and it's also like how you demand for that attention it's all an interconnected chain of things so if it were just like one thing it probably wouldn't be toxic but a lot of the behaviors i see here especially on her end because he seems like the begrudging boyfriend who has to deal with a crazy girlfriend trope and she's like the extremely demanding high maintenance girlfriend which is another trope and that's not really usually a healthy dynamic we've seen it in a bunch of shows it usually does not end well so like i don't know if that's what they were trying to represent kind of like if we're talking about that 70s show like jackie and hyde though they kind of improved i'm not going to go into an analysis of that semi show never mind this one in terms of acting is by far just every time i watch it my toes curl into my feet because of how tense i am so just like doing little fists with my hands is not enough like i need to as a human retract into a shell that does not exist like i think i would be a great turtle because at least when i felt cringe i could just be like i'm i'm out of here but here the only thing i can do is be like pay close attention to his mannerisms because i watched it multiple times just because i was like what hey guys my boyfriend the alpha thinks that i cannot have any more guy friends and that they're not to be trusted that's right guys aren't to be trusted ever he wants me to cut all of them off but why because they're always trying to get with you every second you know any problem that we have they're gonna be right there okay just trying to insert themselves into our relationship do you want me to prove it to you i'm actually gonna call alessandro my homie okay i'm gonna move it to me go ahead i'm gonna call put him speaker i'm gonna call him and tell him not we're broken out see when you need them they're not there they treat me as a bro they don't even pick up see i'm a bro i'm a bro first of all it's kind of weird that the message is that men aren't there for their guy friends because they're bros this goes back to kind of toxic masculinity and the fact that men can't have emotions and that men aren't supportive by default which is all crap i mean societally i think there's a problem because when men are emotional other people sometimes make fun of them both men and women but the concept that her guy friend not picking up means he's he only sees her as a friend first of all isn't doesn't mean anything but aside from that i also think again the message is kind of toxic because it's like a guy telling his girlfriend that she can't have guy friends because every guy by definition is trying to get with her i think that's weird and manipulative because the bottom line message is saying like i want to be the only guy in your life even though those other guys are you know platonic and i'm romantic i think this also brings up the argument of can men and women be friends which is in and of itself a heteronormative argument because if you are bi then technically you couldn't be friends with either if you're gay then you couldn't be friends technically with men and only with women according to the doctrine of men and women can't be friends or you can't be friends with a gender that you're attracted to which i think is dumb because there are plenty of men and women who are friends and it never gets weird that being said there's also the possibility that someone develops feelings but that goes for any type of orientation whether it's two women two men two bisexual people man and woman you know like it doesn't really discriminate just on the fact of being a man or being a woman but the concept again is pretty toxic so as much as like these are supposed to be i guess humorous skits maybe i'm missing something but i just feel deeply uncomfortable because they feel one extremely rehearsed two they're not funny and three the underlying messages are not healthy but if they were making fun of the underlying messages that would be fine but i think a lot of the best comedy has actually interesting underlying messages or they're making fun of some kind of trope so the underlying message is don't listen to this trope it's stupid does that make sense okay this one is i think maybe the most cringe so really just be ready i don't even know what to tell you also can i just say a lot of pranks i find pretty cruel and not funny the funny pranks are the silly ones it's not funny to pretend to be pregnant it's not funny to pretend to have had a miscarriage it's not funny to pretend to be cheating like all of those i don't think are healthy jokes to play on someone because they are usually heavily emotional topics you know what i'm saying so it's it's kind of like i would never make a joke out of someone dying being like oh yeah i got a call your mom's dead that's pretty much the equivalent of a lot of these jokes this one isn't terrible but i still don't think it's funny either maybe that's just because i'm a person with anxiety and when people make these types of jokes i'm like what the [ __ ] was that for but anyway hello hey how are you no i can't hang out with you today i'm just gonna hang out with a few of my friends today i can meet with you on saturday no i don't have a boyfriend so i hang out with my friends who is this i know you're afraid of the alpha this guy hung up this guy's soft you're cheating on me with that somebody who can't even speak to the alpha you can do a lot better than that it's a prank babe oh yeah haha it's a prank that wasn't rehearsed at all that came off as supernatural especially him making his voice so deep and weird yeah that was totally a prank babe ha ha caught you off guard i actually have goosebumps on my legs and i get those when i'm in deep cringe or extremely angry and obviously this is deep grinch i wonder if you can see them i don't think you can see them anyway i think that's enough for today i think we have truly gone through it i'm not about this like i said it's just lighthearted it's not that big of a deal but i just kind of wonder who exactly they're trying to cater to because i can't really pinpoint what demographic would super go for this or think haha that's so funny and crazy you guys can let me know in the comments down below do you actually think they're step brother and sister anyways guys thank you so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] you
Views: 259,373
Rating: 4.9697833 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tiktok couple, viral tiktoks, cringe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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