Gabbie Hanna's poetry is interesting.....

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today I figured we could do something slightly light-hearted because I'm sure by my next video something terrible will happen and we'll talk about that let's just take a breather now weeks upon weeks ago before Gabby Hannah's last scandal I actually got her book of poems now before anyone screams it's secondhand she did not profit anything from it one of my viewers very kindly set this to me the reason why I chose this book over lily ponds or Lilly Singh is that its poems which means not too much of my life will be wasted on this I can get through it quickly and that's that before we get into the video I have to say the whole concept of youtubers writing books to me is very equivalent to youtubers thinking that they're musicians when in reality they're not there is a difference between someone who's always had a passion for music who happens to do YouTube and then they want to go off into their musical career totally fine the same with literature poetry whatever the hell there's another thing where a youtuber gets to a certain point and then they kind of think they're good at everything now there are some youtuber books that are good but my rule of thumb is if the youtuber has been in a lot of drama their book is probably terrible this book is called adult a lessons a very smart combination of adult and adolescent Shakespeare who so I have to say the title for me is a 2 out of 10 because it seems a little bit lazy this book was published in 2017 in 2017 Gabi Hanna would have been 26 or 27 I don't know when she wrote these so she could have wrote them when she was way younger we can hope since I'm gonna probably be roasting some of these poems I think it's only fair for me to include my own self published poems from when I was just a wee little 20 year old I'll leave those in the description feel free to roast me I only think it's fair if I'm gonna drag someone that I can get dragged and I dragged my own poems so frankly it's fine you might notice that there are some colorful tabs here I kind of did this the same way that I used to do [ __ ] in school where I would attract themes with a certain type of colored tab obviously I'm not doing an academic way because this text is not academic in any way shape or form the tabs are as follow pink for terrible green for trihard yellow for meth orange for not terrible in blue for tweets by tweet I mean it would have been better off as a tweet or it sounds like a tweet my disclaimer is in this video if I seem nitpicky it is because I have a bachelor's and master's in English literature therefore since I've studied this for so long I'm trained to spot the inconsistencies the weak points whatever you want to call them so while it may seem nitpicky to you since I've done this for six years it's kind of hard for me to turn that part off of my brain and on top of that it makes me slightly more qualified than anything else that I do because I actually have training in this so so I think we should start with not terrible and there's exactly one orange not terrible tag I stopped tabbing them after because I didn't want to waste all of mine I have actual books I need to read this is the one that I think is not terrible probably the most okay one in the book because it's self-aware it's pointing out the irony and pompous nature of the endeavor that is this text unexpected ladies and gentlemen come have a look here at last another youtuber book just what we needed someone to produce the tangible ego of a twenty-something douche like I said self-aware I can't be mad at it one thing I'm gonna say and this goes for the majority of this book one of the first things they tell you in beginner poetry classes at least the ones I took when I was in college is that rhyming should be avoided unless there's a particular reason to do it and the reason for that is twofold first of all it might sound a little bit like dr. Seuss like in this situation and second of all a lot of the times people will forget the content and just try to find words that rhyme it without thinking about how they fit into the poem does that make sense so you can tell that they chose those words not because the words mean something but it's rather because oh those two rhyme convenient haha moving on and actually threefold because the only time I really think rhyming pans out is if you're going for a Shakespearean sonnet and in that case the rhyme scheme is a b a b c d c d e f e f g g and that has a purpose because you are following the Shakespearean model aside for the I generally suggest don't try to rhyme because it rarely goes well let's look at some tweet poems also apparently some of these poems are actually stolen from tweets do with that what you want I read this one to my mom and she thought it was laughable o-positive I donated blood today feels good to finally be somebody's type like I said this just could have been a tweet that's one of the big problems I have with this entire book of poems it's that a lot of them are fake deep tumblr moments did she make you high B faster than I I got you out of my hide you smell like the dog I love you but you might be so shy whine a little laugh and I trust me I relate to that my poems were like that although they were longer than two lines so I guess it was more justifiable to pay for a lot of this really just sounds like it would be a tinder bio now I'm not gatekeeping poetry right your little heart out do whatever the [ __ ] you want but at the same time if you're gonna put a book out don't expect everyone to just automatically love it because there's a thing called the book reviews and that is kind of what I'm doing a consistent thread through this book of poems is the lack of thought in terms of punctuation grammar overall and I'm not gonna be a grammar nazi and be really boring and tell you all the ins and outs of why you should use this or that however in this one poem called sleep I circled all the times she didn't put a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and all the times she put exclamation marks you have a thing called poetic license so you're allowed to break the rules if you want to but the central thing of breaking rules is that you're supposed to break rules for a reason you're not just supposed to break them because you can and grant it if you want to have that message of I'm doing what I want because I can't go for it there are 14 non capitalized letters and twelve exclamation marks in a poem called sleep so I don't know if you were trying to some kind of juxtaposition because to me sleep and an exclamation mark seem quite opposite I would associate sleep more with an ellipsis that's just my thing but it's just to underline the point that it doesn't seem like the exclamation marks were there for a reason and like I said if you want to do things for no reason that's fine one thing I do enjoy about this book are the pictures which are all as far as I know drawn by Gabby Hannah and to be honest this is probably the most worthwhile part of the book I would contend that if this book was only pictures I would like it a lot better so here the poem I just showed you it's called pout just so we can experience this together life sucks be grateful you woke up this morning that's the worst part and you might see my comment up here that says poetry in quotation marks you know if this book had been marketed as my thoughts on life or my journal of scribbles whatever the hell I wouldn't even have a problem with it but the fact that this is marketed as poetry it says poetry up here in tiny probably for a good reason that it's in tiny all of this is incredibly surface-level and that's why I don't understand what the purpose of this book was so another issue I have with this book of poems tones like I said a lot of a grammatical choices that don't make sense to me for example this poem is called advice 10 if you'll notice instead of writing because it puts BC and instead of writing to it writes the number 2 now if it were tweet I wouldn't really care but considering it's a book of poems I'm wondering why did you choose to do this is it to seem relatable and in with the kids or are we just being lazy at this point when I was little I was the only person who couldn't do a cartwheel because I was too scared of so I tried and tried and guess what I still can't do a cartwheel but I gave it my best shot and it's okay to fail as long as you try this really brought me back to my tumblr days I'm still on tumblr but hopefully less of a tumblr Reena best everyone tells me I deserve better I know I deserve better but I don't want better I want you again why pay for something like this I do really like this particular drawing of the Unicorn is stabbing the guy through the stomach I think that's medalists [ __ ] I really do like the drawings I have to say they're simplistic about her four line work so I really I would actually really like if she had a book of just her drawings with her thoughts which is kind of like this but at least we're not calling it poetry I think this is the most famous one out of this book because it's terrible and I will never forget it and for that I will never forgive myself relative time is relative beauty is relative family is relatives how much did this cost at Urban Outfitters 1699 you decide if that's what 1699 is worth to you here we have another one called fashion I've always worn my heart on my sleeve and my feelings on my face you without a doubt could read my mood in any case glad mad sad or scared it wasn't hard to guess some only wear their emotions to bed but mine were my Sunday best then people started critiquing my style and criticizing my taste so due to public opinion my revealing outfits were replaced they'd always been my fashion choice but I needed to make a swap I've always worn my heart on my sleeve but now I prefer tank tops this poem is specifically made me think of a tumblr poem that I read that was like you earned my cup of tea but now I drink a coffee let me just pause and read one of my poems so you guys can roast the [ __ ] out of me I can't believe I wrote these six years ago oh my god so I actually wrote this one about my dad and let's get into our thespian mode fools and wise men the tragedy does not lie in goodbye the knife instead twists and the goodbyes unsaid unexplained and unforgotten when one silently slips out for the casual cigarette and never comes back those who run are called fools but we who ate behind the door or no wise men thank you very much I know I know I'm giving Shakespeare a run for his money yeah I know cringe guys I'm so sorry this is the last terrible one I'm gonna read for my own and your well-being if you could trade lives with anyone who would it be Marilyn Monroe she's dead I know I'm gonna let my silence and my faces let you know what I think oh no do I think this book of poems is the worst thing to ever exist no because tannaz book is coming out so I'm sure probably will be but I do have to say that this book does take itself seriously too seriously in fact and I do think that my personal favorite use that term loosely poems were the ones that were silly but also tongue-in-cheek and self-deprecating because the poems that seem to take themselves too seriously made me far more critical because it's like if you're talking about your heroic couplets you can talk the talk you're gonna have to walk the walk now and I don't think this can walk this if anything drags and even the blurb on the back is so pompous for what this is if you're a youtuber or just a general person and you want to write poems that's totally fine you're entitled to write them no matter what anyone else thinks totally fine but the thing is you also need to keep a level of reality and modesty and I'm just confused as to how this was edited and no one thought that certain poems here just really seemed extremely surface extremely I'm not like the other girls extremely quirky and like I said I went through that phase as well but that's why I self-published it and it costs like seven dollars because that's really probably more than it's worth to me this is kind of like one of those books that you put on your coffee table but that nobody ever opens you know what the fashion ones are like the interior design ones that you see on coffee tables are like your therapists office you guys can let me know if I'm being too harsh you guys can let me know if you think this is worth it my final opinion is that if this book had been marketed as a youtubers thoughts or something like that then it would be essentially uncritical because you're not setting it up as being a poetry because poetry immediately has this connotation of you're going for something and you're going for something meaningful or something at least that invokes a certain feeling or imagery and I just don't see that here I will leave other poems of mine to be roasted in the description if you want to leave a mean comment about mine go ahead thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 585,163
Rating: 4.9535112 out of 5
Keywords: gabbie hanna poetry, gabbie hanna, gabbie hannas poetry is bad, bad youtuber books, youtuber books, youtuber poetry, urban outfitters
Id: YwrtvdCkbYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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