The YTer who clickbaited their SO's passing

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so i want to say right off the bat i am exhausted i think my eyes are about to just like start crying because i'm exhausted so if i seem a little loopy a little weird i apologize but my brain has not turned on today and i don't know how to fix it today we're going to talk about nicocado avocado which in and of itself is exhausting i feel like i need to hydrate before even talking about this all right so basically i follow nicod avocado for the train wreck and i don't watch him as closely as i do my other train wrecks like i have a priority list of train wrecks and he's not really on it i've been kind of following him because recently his behavior has been concerning i paid for my own phone stop hitting me not hitting you stop oh my bigger oh now of course i know there are people that are gonna be like he's a troll and i agree he is a troll obviously but at the same time it's like are there some topics that are too far are there some topics that are inappropriate are there some topics that really just shouldn't be i'm not saying they shouldn't be joked about because i'm sure that there's a way to joke about pretty much any topic if you really want to but at the same time it's one thing to troll about silly things and it's another thing to troll about say domestic abuse like these things are not really things you want to make a joke out of so if you haven't been following him essentially in the past few months i believe it's been months now i have no grasp on time in my head it's still march but it's october in the past few months his videos have started to focus on drama between himself and his husband orlando deportation divorce going to the hospital i'm not obese morbidly obese i am not morbid obese those people are on scooters what are you on when you go to walmart i'm on a chair i'm on a chair i'm on a chair right now i want a chair with a ch because you say you say sh because it's not pronounced share it's pronounced when you wanted to collab with the chair yeah your stupid little dream i thought i was going to clap he made me tweet chair because he thought i did not make you do anything you wanted to clap shout out to gabby hands you have a loose hole it's loose you can fit a whole fist in there be quiet if it were just drama it's whatever because drama in my head is like petty stuff that's not actually important but a lot of the videos focus on orlan quote-unquote leaving him which obviously he hasn't or at least not publicly because they still are in videos together and a lot of the videos show them being acting obviously a lot of it is just like very cringy bad acting but a lot of it shows them being very toxic to each other and that's like the center point of the video it's like the mukbang doesn't even matter anymore like eating a hundred and something dollars of cheesecake factory does not do it anymore it's shifted towards them fighting and like almost hitting each other to quote-unquote hitting each other which like i said i think it's acting so it's not really hitting but nonetheless it's concerning to see because even if it is a troll what is the reason you know what's the reason in the sense of are you sensationalizing abuse are you kind of trying to make fun of what domestic abuse is like it's just uncomfortable the best part is that it's not even entertaining which i think is the one and only goal of those videos besides getting clicks is to be entertaining but it's not because it's just like who in their right mind would click on a video to see people be toxic towards each other if i want to see people being toxic i'll watch love island but anyway so there's been that shift in his content which is alarming aside from that if you have been following him for long enough he has gained quite a bit of weight which in and of itself is none of my business that being said it's also interesting because it doesn't seem like he's doing well if you are eating massive amounts of food that are not only not healthy for you but that are having actual daily repercussions on your health he said he has quite a few medical issues so it's also like are these eating shows essentially costing him his health because once upon a time he used to be vegan and very very very skinny and i don't know if he was healthy then we don't know what's going on behind the scenes but now he's pretty much the opposite of what he used to be and he often complains about his weight and he kind of makes it into like a meme of like it's just water weight like that's what he always says but at the same time it's like are you kidding or is something really wrong or are you using eating as a coping mechanism because that's happened to me before i know that when i was bulimic that's pretty much what was going on with me i'm not saying he is or isn't anything i have no idea like i said we don't know what's going on behind the scenes but again that's also a cause for concern the thing that made me actually want to make this video which i found so just disconcerting and also the peak of what it means to be on youtube i suppose was that he made an instagram post and i would show you but um i don't follow him in his accounts private i saw via someone else on youtube that he made an instagram post where he essentially said orlyn is no longer with us so when you when you see something like that what what do you think when someone says someone's no longer with us like the only conclusion i come to and granted i may be a morbid [ __ ] but the only conclusion i come to is someone's dead like what else could you mean with no longer with us unless obviously you're using that terminology to get people concerned so then they click on your video but what you really meant is like he went to the grocery store you know like it can mean something else granted but that's not the first thing anyone imagines and that's why i really started to just i'm laughing because it's so just gross because i couldn't imagine ever making a click bait video about my husband being like oh yeah he's he's dead like how do you do that without feeling like nauseated like the i think about that all the time because i have a fear of the people who i love the most disappearing in one way or another but anyway i almost immediately go into severe panic so the idea that someone would just clickbait that allowing viewers to actually get concerned now i can't relate to this but let's imagine let's imagine nicocado is your favorite youtube creator imagine what that'd be like but anyway he's your favorite youtube creator and he says his husband died imagine if you were actually a devoted fan how [ __ ] up it would be for you to rush to click on a video hoping that you're wrong hoping that this isn't as bad as you think and for it to be just like a massive troll of like oh yeah he's fine he's sleeping in the other room hi i'm making this video with my phone so if the quality is not good that's because i'm making it with my phone not that i've ever made videos that have good quality but that's besides the point the reason i'm making this video is because a lot of you have been messaging me and you have been telling me that i am apparently no longer a part of this world that apparently i have left the chat and i'm here to tell you that i'm still here and this rumor started because nick made a video saying that my old self was no longer with us and that is true my old self is no longer with us my old happy twinkie self is gone and a lot of you misinterpreted that and thought that i had actually like passed so like i said at the end of the day nicka cotter just seems to be in some ways weaponizing his relationship with orlan because that seems to be like the center point of his mukbangs though he has been obviously eating in the videos he's often having quote unquote mental breakdowns or very dramatic reactions to things there's mentions of cheating there's mentions of their sex life there are a lot of things that i just don't think should be public in a relationship period but i mean with nicocado that is a ship that has sailed the thing that's concerning to me is if you think about someone lying about the death of their significant other you also start thinking okay like where is this gonna go like where can you go farther than this because it seems like nicotto on youtube has just been consistently one-upping himself to do the next dramatic thing which like i said if it were stupid petty things it wouldn't even matter because it doesn't have any real life consequences but i can't imagine that this isn't already having real life consequences because in one of his last videos i can't even remember on which channel it was because he has so many of them i don't know i just google his name and hope for the best but he did mention that orlan does have an illness that's not curable and because of that he has to have a very specific diet which obviously in their household would be difficult because nakado's entire job basically at this point in time is eating unhealthy food in large quantities so imagine being on a diet and then your significant other does this for a job and i do believe that they've mentioned divorce quite a few times actually seriously i'm just wondering at what cost will this career be at what cost will it come at the end of the day content that's pretty much based on sensationalizing terrible things that are occurring in your life whether they're made up or not at the end of the day almost doesn't even matter because in reality the only thing we know about people we watch on youtube is what they choose to show us or choose to tell us so the separation between what's real and isn't almost doesn't matter because at the end of the day if you watch a youtuber and you trust them relatively speaking you'll believe that if they tell you they're having a [ __ ] time in real life or they're having a great time you're probably going to believe them so whatever nicotta shows us is the only thing we really have to quote unquote believe and even though he's trolling there are certain things that inevitably come off as potentially true like as much as these videos are sensationalizing his relationship with orlan do i think they have a healthy relationship no do i think it's exactly what they show on screen no but again the core idea of the unhealthy relationship is there and why is that because we have like god knows how many videos titled orleans leaving orleans cheating oral and this and that and so inevitably some of it will seep into your brain as potentially true to some degree anyways guys let me know what you think in the comments down below i apologize if i seem a little scattered but my brain like i said has not turned on we need a charger probably thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] you
Views: 297,800
Rating: 4.9673257 out of 5
Id: rozZTHzS0ko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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