The worst stans on Twitter

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Wow I have outdone myself today I'm rooming pants what progress we love to see hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna talk about unfortunately again Columbine errs I'm going to give you a minute to let out the sigh potentially maybe a hysterical shriek if you know what we're in for and I'm gonna release mine now if you don't know this I'm sorry to impart this information on you but what am I really here for other than making your existential despair worse so there's a community there called Columbine errs so they stand Columbine yes the mass shooting this is a terrible world we live in I made videos about them prior because they're terrible essentially but they've made it onto Twitter I kind of knew they were on Twitter but I found some tweets that are just terrible like the community and I also looked into tumblr once more to see what our pals are up to our delusional killer obsessed I'm not like the other stands pals as someone on Twitter very eloquently said let's call them what they really are murder simps which i think is kind of funny and that's pretty much the last laugh we're getting out of this video so buckle up [ __ ] this is gonna be a bad one so the consistent thread that goes through Columbine errs brains in my opinion is that they have some kind of connection with the two Columbine killers and they feel like they would have been an exception so like had they been at the school the day of the mass shooting they think probably they would be saved or that Dylan and Eric would have some kind of affinity with them and you me I mean like that's obviously very delusional because what makes you that special in your opinion that you would just be saved and you know them better than anyone else and you just so relate to them and I mean I think one of the worst parts about this is that they attach themselves to the true crime community also known as the TCC on tumblr and as someone who is part of the true crime community not the delusional one the one that's just interested in crime it's kind of alarming and frustrating that they're kind of making it seem like we're all like them this tumblr blog is called Eric's rebel and it says I wish you didn't commit suicide so I can ride your school shooter dick reblog if you agree I truly at this point don't even know what to tell you the fetishizing the glamorizing the whole concept of creating this alternate reality where a school shooter would make you his girl his guy whatever you I identify as I don't know maybe I have some mental issue but for me it's kind of hard to get past the small detail of someone being a school shooter so that would kind of get in the way of any fantasizing I would do even as a fifteen-year-old that would be like yeah that's not something that's gonna happen in my brain because there's that little red flag that says this person shot up a school and disregarded other human lives causing pain and suffering not only for the victims but also for the families so that little red flag stops me I don't know why it doesn't stop any of these people Dylan blanks me oh my god what a perfect ray of sunshine isn't he beautiful oh sweet Jesus I'm gonna cry he's so amazing my baby I will love and protect him for the rest of my life bless this boy and his beauty another aspect of this that I think is truly unfortunate is that once upon a time people like this would just send letters directly to people in prison and none of us would have to hear about it now of course there's still people who sends letters to people in prison obviously they couldn't hear because they're no longer with us but once upon a time this stuff was private like you'd write it in your diary and little old me would not have to know anything about it and I maybe wouldn't be the cynical bit no I'd still be a cynical [ __ ] but you might say yeah some of these blogs are like anonymous but at the same time it doesn't even really matter because even if I know your name it doesn't really change the fact that you're putting this depraved [ __ ] out there and you're kind of like okay with that that's the thing that I'm also confused about why is this a point of pride for certain people it's fine to be proud to be knowledgeable about true crime it's another thing to be proud of wanting to do things to the genitals of mass shooters new case who this I don't think I'll ever use the Columbine one in public it's a little too much someone needs to take my credit card away from me Oh also I didn't refer to this because it's kind of off but there's also on one of the cases Dylan roof who was a white supremacist and a mass shooter as well so overall just [ __ ] good it's nice that there's a tiny bit of self awareness here because well tiny very small salt granule size of self-awareness that's like oh it's a little too much so at least there's some form of embarrassment here that's like yeah this is [ __ ] up which I guess is the first step in the right direction I might be too positive on that this whole concept of finding a photo cropping it so that it fits on a case and a nice aesthetically pleasing way God why am I talking about aesthetically pleasing of a picture of a murderer that in and of itself is concerning but it takes quite some effort and I know that because anytime I've made a phone case I usually do it with like family pictures though it's a little bit different I can use it in public it's kind of a [ __ ] to be honest because most of the time the crop is hard or it looks weird or it looks pixelated these people went through all of that to make and pay for pay real money for a case with a murderer on it that to me is already something I cannot relate to truly but also if you're really really really a stem of the mass shooters how do you think their parents would feel about you being this way even if it's if you're not gonna respect the victims are you at least gonna respect the people you claim to so idolized and loved and they're your sweet boo quirky boy like what do you think the parents would think of what you're doing I'm just wondering how do you justify that one so then there's also inner Stan beef between different murderer stems which is something that I really wish were not true in 2020 and yet here we are this year is giving 2016 a true run for its money so here it says to call minors who hate on cruisers dear Columbine errs you cannot say Nicholas Cruz is sickening and you can't love him because that's hypocrisy extreme hypocrisy acknowledging you are all doing the same to Eric and Dylan but deny the cruisers their right to love someone who has done the equivalent thing as Harris and Klebold did because of Cruz's actions that's disrespectful and ignorant love is love if you're a Columbine blog and you're calling Nicholas Cruz blogs disgusting you're acting disgusting they're not hurting anyone and even if they were leave them alone if it's really severe report them thank you I'm not a cruiser nor a Columbine er don't be a hypocrite and leave them alone the sole fact that different murder stands are telling the other stands oh you can't like crews who I covered as well but you can like Eric and Dylan I don't understand what the logic is there to be honest and it's kind of funny because anytime I make a video like this I get spammed because just another community I'm enemies with I guess I get spammed with what's your problem we're allowed to do this blah blah blah it is truly hypocritical obviously they're both wrong but it's kind of funny to me that they're so invested in this community that they want to decide if they want to get keep really I certainly found that interesting god knows what kind of turf wars are going on there this one I want to think is fake or like a parody and I'm gonna convince myself of that even though I've seen too much of this and know too much to know that it's not a parody dating Eric headcanons watching scary violent movies on dates and having him comfort you if you got scared him teaching you how to shoot a gun the emojis that's what makes it seem like a parody but him being a low-key sadistic cuddles oh my god shooting short films together him buying you a black trench coat getting into a serious fight that always ends in makeup sex him occasionally spoiling you and when he does it he spells you hard and that's all I have right now for Eric stay tuned for my dating Dylan headcanons I'm gonna call my mom I want her to take me home she needs to pick me up because I things like this seem like parodies but then you see the accounts they come from and you're like oh no I was too positive see this is why you end up being entirely cynical because the few times I give the benefit of the doubt it's not deserved and then last of all it would not be tumblr if we did not have the aesthetics now I clown on tumblr a lot but I'm still on it I've been on it for ten years but they truly are great for aesthetic pictures that being said a Columbine aesthetic is not in my opinion appropriate so here it is there's blood there see you in hell there's the back of someone's neck I don't know what that's about well actually it might have a very grim connotation now that I say it out loud the aesthetic we are talking about a mass shooting aesthetic I'm doing god dammit god dammit god dammit it's not an aesthetic it's a shooting it's a shooting you were talking about a crime scene esthetic crime scene with real deaths hello like I'm calling God's not answering I I cannot with these people truly I do have advice though and my advice is knock it off you're gonna be really embarrassed about this in maybe even a year to be honest depending on how how young you are it's gonna be very embarrassing it's really not worth being a murderer sim it's disrespectful obviously don't think that one needs to really be explained but there are better things you can invest your time in and I would strongly even suggest to stay in the true crime community but go to the more mentally healthy side where instead of idolizing the serial killer or something like that you can read about them all day and find out and talk to other people who like true crime it's a great community on our side the side who just enjoys finding things out not enjoys the fact that murders happen it's a it's a good side to be on to be educated about it while maintaining a healthy sense of empathy anyways guys I probably ruined your day with that one apologies but it really does grate my gears because it's just I don't understand I do not understand and I hate it here so thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 265,562
Rating: 4.9715009 out of 5
Keywords: twitter, tumblr, tumblr community, twitter community
Id: LLzWWY25gw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 17 2020
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