Allegations against Nev (Catfish) - MY TAKE ON IT

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to talk about something that I know will push quite a lot of people's buttons so you know that I don't really like disclaimers but I'm gonna have to put one here because people on the internet are [ __ ] crazy me included so I'm gonna be talking about sexual misconduct sexual assault sexual harassment a whole array of sexual type of behavior one of the things I want to say before going into this video is that as much as I support the me2 movement within reason I also don't believe in believing anyone just because they have a certain type of chromosomes okay so there's no opportunity here I'm not gonna believe you just because you're a woman I'm not gonna be against you just because you're man or vice versa so when I go into this I want to go into this with logic rather than emotion and I know that there are plenty of people who go through these horrible cases of sexual misconduct of sorts and I'm not saying that all of them are lying I'm not saying that all of them are telling the truth I'm just saying there has to be a due process and I'm sorry but I'm not gonna just believe you because you're a woman I just don't think that's fair to anyone so aisha Morgan was on the TV show catfish that I'm pretty sure most of you are familiar with with the two co-hosts Nev and Max so a show has come out with two videos a part one and a part two about her experience on the show catfish she had previously made another video however in these videos she talks about sexual misconduct in terms of Nev and also sexual assault and misconduct there isn't much detail on that part but we'll get to it of a producer I think it was or someone of the crew so we're going to talk about those videos I'm gonna put some clips in here and there but both videos are over 10 minutes so I obviously cannot include everything in this video I'm gonna talk about all the points I take issue with I strongly strongly suggest that you yourself go and watch both of these videos and then make up your mind maybe you watch both videos and then come back if you want but I will be inserting the clips in talking about where I see problems in these allegations when you click on part one of the video in the description and even at the end of her part one video Aisha says if this video gets to 500 likes she will release part two obviously the 500 likes got there and she released part two I understand that her reasoning was that she wanted awareness to be brought to the whole subject and that's why she wanted 500 likes her to know that people were interested I understand that at the same time if you're talking about something so serious and so dear to your heart do you really care about the numbers that much I don't know to me that seemed a little bit suspect I'm not saying that that means she's lying I'm just saying that was a little bit weird to me okay so wonderful about money and how she would never do this kind of thing for money and I realized that it makes sense to have that disclaimer because you know that people on YouTube will probably assume the worst at the same time she goes on for what I consider to be a little too long about how she's doing well and she has money in the bank and who would do that and it seemed a little bit too much in terms of trying to convince the viewer that she's not doing it for money to the point where it was excessive and you're like okay stop we get it I don't want any money I don't want any I don't want anything from these people I'm well-off I own a business my bank accounts looking good so I definitely don't need any money that's definitely like not even a thought like I would never had a situation like this out there for money this is a serious situation and I would never I would never lie about anything that has to do with this topic for any amount of money like it just wouldn't happen like you just don't lie about things like that at 5 minutes and 25 seconds I should describe the fact that there are so many people as part of the crew she was saying that she expected it to be Max and Nev and then just you know like a cameraman or something but she was saying that there were quite a few people there which to me it was confusing because she mentioned that Nev was saying some of these things while other people were there to the point where max even told Nev to calm down so if there are so many people around you how has this not been reported by other people how come and no one has come forth to say we didn't see everything but we did see a couple moments where nave was being inappropriate where Neve was saying things that are not okay if there's so many people it's hard for me to believe that no one saw anything and of course there's the possibility that someone saw something and they're just scared and they don't want to get into trouble certainly but that too is a little bit strange I still thought he was a cool guy at this point like you know we were getting to know each other and I was gonna know all the whole team because I had no idea would be that many people like I don't know why I thought it would just be like Jack John and then like a camera person but it's a lot it's a lot that goes into it there's so many you know production assistants producers the executive producer there's so many people that are with you so it's like it's pretty cool you know it was pretty cool so I was trying to get to know everybody at 7 minutes and 37 seconds Aisha says that Neve is talking to her and trying to convince her that essentially she should have a sexual experience with a man because you know she doesn't know what she's missing out on and maybe she's bisexual instead of a lesbian and going along this kind of threat of trying to convince her that she's not a lesbian so then he says that she should experiment with people and he should be the one that she experiments with and he goes on to say that he has a big dick now look this moment to me it was hard to believe for the simple reason that if you've seen catfish everything that's been said so far seems incredibly out of character now I know that people can hide who they are on television I'm not saying that just because you watch a show you know who someone is but to me this moment rang kind of weird it seemed a little bit too graphic I don't know it seems like a stupid thing for Nev to do to say that to her considering that she could easily do what she's doing now and go on the internet and be like hey Nev said this this and this to me so that moment was very strange to me because it seemed very very explicit and just out of the blue but again that's just my opinion I'm not saying she's lying for sure I'm just saying these are things that don't add up to me he was like well I think you should try it I have a big I would tear your ass up God strike me down right now if I'm lying like all this [ __ ] like I'm [ __ ] because I'm like the way you portray yourself on TV it's totally different than the jackass you are in person at 9:15 okay so at this point it's late night and they need to wake up early the next morning so considering that Aisha has felt so incredibly uncomfortable around Neve you'd think that she just you know get to a room and go to bed and avoid him entirely right wrong apparently Neve tells her you know like get to your room and then once you get your luggage called me and we could hang out and she says that the reason she was kind of open to this is because she thought they were all gonna hang out at the bar with the crew unfortunately that was not the case and she then says that Neve came up to a room and wanted to hang out with her alone so this part to me did not make sense because first of all if you're so uncomfortable around someone why would you be open to hanging out with them even if there are all these other people around because like she said plenty of times there were other people around and still there was this uncomfortable situation right aside from that if you were gonna hang out with him wouldn't you want to make sure that other people would be there you know just to kind of defend you or so you could run away and hang out with other people wouldn't you ask hey is anyone else gonna be there are we hanging out at the bar like wouldn't you ask more questions if the person you feel so uncomfortable with is pretty much asking you to hang out without letting you know that it's gonna be alone I don't know I just feel like if you're so uncomfortable why are you asking more questions mine's it's like 1:30 in the morning so I have to we have to be up at like 6:00 a.m. to film so everybody's just trying to get to sleep and figure out the hotel situation get our room keys and all that good stuff Erinn everybody's like get in there keys and sorting out that stuff or whatever and my producer goes hey you can um hi baby is my puppy you guys so my producer goes hey if you have your Winkie you can head up because you have to be up early like it's fine like you you can you can head up and I was like okay and then Jack comes up to me and he whispers he goes after they bring your luggage upstairs up to your room call me and we can hang out he was like are you done hang out and I was like yeah that's fine I didn't know like I don't know I thought we were all gonna hang out there was a bar everybody was talking about the bar in the hotel so I didn't know what we were gonna do I didn't know what hanging out and sensitive but I knew like you know I thought you're probably gonna go to the bar go to my room and they bring my bags and I call him and I'm go I called him and I go hey like they brought my bags and he goes okay um I'm gonna come I'm gonna come over and I was like okay so he comes and he comes in he's like oh we can hang out in here and I was like okay mind you at this point it's like almost 3:00 a.m. and so my room had two beds so I was on one bed and he was on another bed then we get to the second video so in the second video at 0:35 Aisha starts talking about how once Neve leaves her because she says she wants to go to bed he is blowing up her Instagram with comments with heart eye emojis with God knows what right and she says that even her friends were noticing that he was commenting these things and they were like hey what the hell and she mentioned specifically that she took screenshots now if I were in her situation this would have been the ideal moment to prove that I in fact and not I'm not full [ __ ] to put the screenshots on the screen where those put up no so no actual evidence was shown though she claims to have that evidence aside from that I want to ask you does it seem logical in your mind that Nev a public personality who is running a show would comment hard eyes on the picture of a girl who he's interacting with because of the show publicly does that seem like a thing he would logically do does that seem plausible to me that does not seem plausible had Edie enter how do you something were secretive that would seem more plausible to me but just commenting on our pictures where anyone can see it anyone literally his bosses his family whoever can see it that seems crazy to me and honestly close to impossible so unless screenshots are shown and are proven to not be doctored that was one of the biggest points I had a problem with I started getting like all these hard eyes comments and comments saying like come to room 409 I start screenshotting it and somebody told me like screenshot this so I started screenshotting it he was sending kissy faces and all that stuff so I start screenshotting it and my phone starts blowing up my friends are like dude so-and-so is really commenting on your pictures like what's going on cuz they're not supposed to know you're filming so at 1:24 ayesha talks about the cast talking [ __ ] so apparently everyone in the cast is sick of Nev and thinks that Nev is an [ __ ] and that he flirts with everyone so she joins into this conversation and she says that the cast says that they're not surprised that Nev would be flirting with her right so my question is if the entire cast knows this it's hard for me to believe that the entire cast is so loyal or so gung-ho to keep their jobs that they wouldn't say anything especially in the light of this me to movement where everyone and their mothers is coming out saying you know like this person into this this person did that why hasn't anyone said anything and I'm not saying that just because no one has said anything she's lying but I'm just saying if an entire cast is sick of someone like that and they know that his behaviors aren't appropriate towards the people who come on the show I'm wondering how it is that the higher-ups hadn't heard of this and no problem would have risen you know that's strange to me why hasn't anyone else come forward is she the only one it's hard to believe that they're saying that he flirts with everyone so that - to me seemed like a huge inconsistency I start hearing the cast talking [ __ ] about Jack the whole time actually I was filming they were talking and she ain't talking about nobody likes him he's an [ __ ] he just all this stuff so I'm starting to see okay like I'm not tripping this guy's a pure [ __ ] [ __ ] he treats women like they're [ __ ] toys I'm not trippin so they start talking to me about it and they're like yeah it's true like whatever telling them like yeah starting with me and I'm like yeah we're not surprised at 2:52 ayesha mentions that her phone was broken the entire time and that she was having a hard time getting signal and she felt alone and so on so forth but at 0:35 she was talking about comments on Instagram so that seemed like a small inconsistency probably is just you know her error of not telling us before but that too seems like something that could make her look like she's making stuff up as she goes along the entire time it was broken I couldn't really come in here with anybody I had to download a text free app and the service still sucked in the area so it was really hard communicating with anybody so all I had was the crew at 512 a new character is introduced into the story Carol who is another cast member so Carol was essentially Ayesha's driver and Aisha said that her and Carol got along and so at one point Aisha was feeling lonely and down so she messages Carol asked Carol to come in to hang out Carol says no sorry I'm busy and then Carol actually shows up with two really big beers and you know like they hang out and they have a good time or whatever then while they're hanging out Carol is like hey do you want to chug these beers so they both chug the beers and Aisha says that she is not a big drinker but she felt like this beer hit her really hard could be that the beers were this [ __ ] big like I'm definitely not saying she joins me Don definitely not gonna jump to conclusions and say anybody joins me because that's a serious allegation I'm not gonna say that I'm only gonna speak on what I know you know what I'm saying like I'm only gonna speak on the things that I'm sure about at 5:47 Carol asks Aisha if they if she's open to going into Carol's room because Carol says that she has two beds and it would look suspicious of a crew member fell asleep by Aisha so I should goes to the room and then it turns out that there aren't two beds so in this moment considering everything that has happened between Nev being allegedly creepy and Carroll being weird - by lying about the bad thing I wonder why I should didn't just sleep now we can say that alcohol definitely has an effect on this and might have you know like affected how severely she saw the situation you know like maybe alcohol made her brush it off or whatever but that too seemed a little bit inconsistent but we're keeping the alcohol in mind so that one kind of whatever right he goes I have two bags I'm like okay I like that's cool because at first I was like I don't know you know cuz what if I fall asleep over there and she was like I have two bags we get to her room and there's one bag and I'm like I thought you said you had two beds and she's like oh I thought I had two beds we've been here for three days you forgot you had one bed so we're sitting on her bed I order some hot wings or whatever because I was like really hungry the last thing literally I remember it's just the drunk just hitting me like a ton of rocks like all of a sudden I couldn't I couldn't feel my face like it was like I was drunk off my ass so then at 7:56 she talks about how she's coming in and out of consciousness cuz the drunkenness just hit her really hard and she just remembers Carol on top of her she then goes into no further detail of what happened with Carol but it seems like some intense sexual harassment happened they don't to speculate but it seems like something serious happened there and this is a part of the story that it's hard to talk about no I do it all right so have you mmm I know some of you guys are gonna know what I'm talking about but the kind of drunk to where it's like you can't control your body you come in and out of consciousness I've only experienced that one other time in my life that's a garius [ __ ] especially being somewhere you're not familiar with with people you're not familiar with I woke up and she was on top of me Oh at 9:08 nev and max offer for Aisha to hang out in needs room because the producer has her room key so she can't go back to her room so like you can come in to hang out in here and Aisha says yes because she's under the impression that Max is going to stay there the entire time allegedly then max leaves cuz he has to take care of some stuff so she's stuck there with Nev by herself I don't know why she didn't leave immediately I don't know why she stayed if she was tired or whatever but she ends up staying then 920 she claims that Nev passed her a piece of paper saying do you find me attractive now this part is just my own opinion completely but it seems a little bit ridiculous that a grown man would pass a piece of paper to a girl while they're in the same room being like do you find me attractive to me it seems inconsistent that at one point he'd say hey I have a big dick and then the next moment he'd be passing her a piece of paper folded up like they're in third grade me like hey do you find me attractive you know that seems very strange again I'm not saying it's not true but it is a very big inconsistency handle something piece out pretty much so he left you in his room so me and Jack were just talking or whatever and everything was cool at first and then like he hands me a piece of paper and piece of paper says like do you find me attractive and all this at 9:27 to lighten up the mood Ayesha makes a joke about how she should be his female co-host he allegedly goes on to say oh are you really interested in that what are you willing to do and then she says or like it's understood that she would do nothing and then he's like oh then forget it so there the implied allegation is that he was saying that she would just get a job if she were to perform some kind of sexual act for him and at this point apparently she's so numb about what happened with Carol that she doesn't really react or leave or say anything which to some extent I can understand if you have gone through some kind of traumatic thing being unresponsive to this kind of behavior I understand that at the same time we all still wonder why didn't you walk away I made a joke basically and said oh you should hire your female co-host and he goes oh is that something you'd want to do what do you willing to do for it nothing so never mind it was at this point to where like the comments were just I was numb to him pretty much I had the worst time and I remember I was just adding and adding and adding to my depression and I just remember I didn't even really react to much after you know the situation had both Carole I didn't really react that much so it wasn't like I was like what the [ __ ] I couldn't even react anymore and at 10:06 Nev asks Ayesha about what happened with Carol because apparently everybody knew about what happened with Carol she was a bit of a laughing stock at the moment because everyone was talking about how Carol always gets lucky apparently so then nev asks about what happened with carol and asks aisha allegedly to perform the same things she did on carol to him and at that point she decides to get up and leave and she just waits outside of her room until the producer it comes to give her the key and that's where the video ends he was sitting at his desk across the room then he gets up and he comes over he sits on the bed he goes so he was like I heard what happened with you and Carol last night and I was like oh really he was like what did you guys do I want details pretty much she was just like oh I don't know he was like you don't know what you get and I was like now it's like well how about you do what you did to Carol but on me and he laid on the bed and he grabbed my arm he didn't yank my arm but he just grabbed my arm pulling my arm away got my phone got up walked out sat outside my door until my room key got there no I want to make it clear I'm not saying that I know for sure that she is lying I do want to say that this seems incredibly inconsistent in my personal perspective this does not seem like it did happen I don't know about the Carol thing that's a different situation but even in considering this the probability of being sexually assaulted in one way or another by two separate people on a show and telling nobody and nobody noticing and it all happening in such a small span of time just seems very very implausible to me doesn't it to you doesn't it seem like a little too much happened in such a short amount of time especially because like I said at the beginning she did mention her thought that there were crew members around all the time so I'm wondering how this was entirely missed by everyone so I'm just left with wondering why she's making this and even at the beginning she talks about how she has so much money and it doesn't matter or whatever but at the same time these videos are getting a lot of views this is getting a lot of notoriety fame whatever you want to call it so there are plenty of reasons why people would fake this and even in the recent past we have seen men getting exonerated because of false allegations against them that put them in prison because we keep ignoring due process so all I'm saying here is that there has to be a due process and we can't crucify Nev just because you maybe get weird vibes when you watch him on TV so you know I'm not saying that I know what Nev is like I am just saying there has to be a due process and if she does have these screenshots if she does have this proof that has to be still shown we can't just make these stories on YouTube and then decide that that's the truth all of a sudden anyways guys I know this video was a little bit different and heavy but I watched the show and I really loved the show so I was really surprised to hear this but more than that once I watched those videos it was really kind of aggravating because there were so many moments where it seemed so doctored and invented that I couldn't help but make a sort of response now I'm not here to undermine any real allegations and if this turns out to be true I want him to suffer the consequences just like anyone else I'm just saying that without proof I don't think that we can just take her word for it let me know if you watch the show and your opinions and I'm really curious to know where you stand on this anyways guys thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 768,689
Rating: 4.761848 out of 5
Keywords: catfish, nev schulman, sexual misconduct, social commentary, news, ayissha morgan, drama, sexual assault
Id: fSZRivTsaIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Wed May 23 2018
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