A case similar to the movie "Jennifer's Body"

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna talk about something I wanted to talk about for a while so the other day I had the other evening rather Jacob and I had a date night at home because where else are we gonna go and jacob hasn't seen Jennifer's body as many times as I have I've seen it many times I'm a big fan I know there are probably gonna be some people in the comments saying it was a terrible movie I personally enjoy it for what it is plus Megan Fox so automatically hello I wanted to talk about a case that is connected to Jennifer's body now there's no strict confirmation that Jennifer's body was based on this case but the parallels are so significant that I can't see it being completely unrelated or that would be a really big coincidence anyway before we get into talking about that case I did want to thank today's sponsor which is case defy case Devine makes phone cases that have a military grade a draw protection so if and when you drop your phone you're covered case defy has a significant catalog of case designs from minimal to extra and that you can even customize them which is a feature I really love and it's also very useful if you want to get someone a gift to have their name or initials on a case there are also a variety of colorways as well so you'll always find a color that you like this is the case defy phone case I'm using right now with the neon surprisingly you guys know I love neon I highly recommend these cases and have used case two five four years now go to case defied calm / ready to glare today to get 20% off your new favorite phone case Thank You case to five for sponsoring this video let's talk about the case that may or may have not inspired Jennifer's body so it's the case of Elise polar that we're talking about who was killed in Nipomo in 1995 on the evening of July 22nd 1995 15 year old Elise polar left her home to hang out with three teenage boys who had promised her drugs later that evening the aged 14 15 and 16 held her down stabbed her and later had sex with her dead body for eight months her body remained in the eucalyptus Grove on the Nipomo Mesa where she was murdered one of the boys Royce Casey then led authorities to her badly decomposed body three boys later pleaded no contest and were sentenced to 26 years to life in prison so that was a very abrupt beginning of the article but if you do not know the premise of Jennifer's body it's an old movie at this point so I don't really think it counts as a spoiler but spoilers I guess what happens in Jennifer's body is not exactly the same but it is pretty parallel because in Jennifer's body essentially just gonna give you a quick rundown I'll put a timestamp so if you want to skip it in Jennifer's body she goes to see a band live in concert she's Megan Fox so she's very attractive and the main lead singer of the band is immediately attracted to her and then they start wondering if she's a virgin and they want her to be a virgin and you know we don't know why at the beginning but it's because they want to sacrifice her and what ends up happening is that she doesn't really die she turns into a supernatural being that's all you really need to know the killing started when Jacob dilash mutt strangled her with a belt he slipped from his waist Casey held her down while Joseph yahya pulled a hunting knife from a sheath and started plunging it into the girls neck it was de leche myths turn next than Casey's forensic pathologist who performed an autopsy on the girl's body concluded she was stabbed at least 12 times none of the individual wounds were fatal he testified meaning she slowly bled to death Casey told investigators that Elise Poehler cried out for her mother while being attacked she was on the ground praying to God and calling for her mom needless to say this murder was extremely violent and extremely tragic especially because I don't want anyone to die but I think all of us usually would prefer if someone went in a quick and painless way they shouldn't have done anything that they did to her but I definitely feel like there's an extra added level of cruelty to just let someone bleed out after you've stabbed them so many times and fact that Casey and I'm assuming the others also heard that she was praying to God and calling for her mom I don't know how you see a 15 year old doing that someone who's your age or close to your age because they were in that age range and you don't you know snap back to reality or you don't feel bad and you know maybe they did feel bad but just not bad enough to do anything to save her or to rectify the situation or call 9-1-1 nothing after she bled to death they raped her corpse Casey said he few died Latin - Matt why did Elise Poehler slaying for more than a month talking about it often while playing death metal music in a band they called hatred the band was styled after a group called Slayer whose albums feature exhibition CEO Don according to Casey had several books on Satanism one of my specific questions - Casey said one investigator was why Casey answered it was to receive power from the devil to help them play guitar better by making this perfect sacrifice to the devil they would gain more craziness or nuts as he said said an investigator continuing to relate Casey's comments to him that would make them play harder play faster and by making this perfect sacrifice to the devil it might help them go quote professional Polar's killing had been plotted once before Casey said fiddling dilash ma and another teenager had nearly carried out a plan to kill Elise Poehler according to Casey so this is where this gets very satanic panicky and the reason why I say that is because there are a lot of cases especially in the 70s and 80s where the police wrote things off as satanic even if they weren't or if they were minimally alternative or pagan or gothic or anything that isn't mainstream a lot of the times they would pin ass like oh yeah this is Satanism so like this sounds like one of those cases because it sounds almost cheesy to believe something like this in the movie they actually did sacrifice her to the devil so they could be more successful the band there's no reason to murder anyone but this is such a pathetic reason why and I don't even know how they could say this without feeling embarrassed because it's so stupid but on top of that unnecessary because it's like you can attain better guitar skills with practice you know so it's not like they were trying to attain something that they couldn't actually just attain with practice it's just that they were lazy or didn't believe in themselves and wanted a short and so this is what they did which i think makes it all the worse because it's like take some [ __ ] guitar lesson it doesn't have to go from zero to 100 I'm getting worked up it's all so [ __ ] up to me that there was already a plan to kill Elise prior I mean and I also wonder why her I mean like I know it had to be a virgin but it's also like they're plenty or there were plenty of other fifteen fourteen sixteen year olds that were also virgins so I wonder why specifically Elise if it was because she trusted them or something like that I just wonder how they even picked aside from the version aspect in a plot similar to that which led to the girl's death Casey told investigators the trio enticed Poehler from her oral Otto Yogananda home and walked with spa on the Mesa where there was a steep ravine one of the boys pretended to slip down the ravine as a ruse to get Poehler to the bottom the investigators said he was told Fiona then tossed Williams a knife the same one used in her killing the other teen however just stood there Casey told the investigator while Fiona Lendl a Schmidt were saying do it do it Casey said at least Poehler must have thought they were joking around and didn't report it Roy's Casey told prosecutors the trio plotted to kill Poehler since she had blonde hair and blue eyes and because she was a virgin she would be a perfect sacrifice for the devil according to investigators Casey said he came forward partly because of a newfound religious beliefs but he testified Casey also believed dilash men if you plan to kill again they told him she wouldn't be the only one there would be others Casey feared he might be the next victim because he had tried to distance himself from them a lyric from the band Slayer said if you're not with us you may no longer exist so first of all what kind of a [ __ ] reason is she had blonde hair and blue eyes like I get the virgin thing there's a reason for that but the blond hair and blue eyes I don't really know what kind of bearing that has as far as I know the devil doesn't have a particular preference I may be wrong feel free to correct me it's [ __ ] up though that she trusted them enough and didn't report them after that incident and also the way in which this article is written leaves a lot to be desired because they keep quoting the band Slayer which I understand these kids modeled their band after Slayer and that's fine but again this reminds me of the satanic panic you're trying to implicate death-metal which there are plenty of people who listen to that who don't decide to kill someone the same way there are plenty of people who watch true crime documentaries like me who haven't killed anyone so it's just I don't like when that correlation is made because most of the time it doesn't really pertain slayer didn't tell them hey find a virgin sacrifice or do all this for real so you know and music is art it's not meant to be literal all the time so I don't really get why they keep including these quotes but let's just move on a few years after the murder of Island dilash MIT told Entertainment Weekly that Slayers music had nothing to do with the murder go figure and that the murder was not intended as a satanic sacrifice but court records show that before his sentencing a fella told a probation officer he had been influenced by Slayers music and in his confession to investigators Cayce said the teens refer to themselves as Satan's children and had discussed killing Poehler in a devil worship ceremony the case garnered national attention after Poehler's parents filed a lawsuit against the band Slayer which claimed the band's music inside the murder in 2001 in a ruling eagerly watched by the entertainment industry a judge said lyrics written in the heavy-metal band may have been offensive but they did not incite three teens to murder Slayer lyrics are repulsive and profane burke wrote in his 14 page decision but they do not direct or instruct listeners to commit the acts that resulted in the vicious torture murder of elise Poehler burke also ruled that the music is not harmful to children as the plaintiffs alleged therefore he added it is not illegal to sell or market the product and is protected by the First Amendment the suit filed in 96 named Slayer and several record labels as defendants in seeking monetary damages and a halt to the practice of marketing violent music towards juveniles the case attracted national international attention because of potential impact on the entertainment industry and possible limitations of the First Amendment rights very surprisingly like I initially said Slayer had in my opinion nothing to do with it and in terms of the satanic worship and sacrifice I don't know if that's even real earth they were saying that to be edgy or if they were trying to find an excuse I have no idea in the end though they did choose a girl that as far as we know was a Virgen and they did stab her multiple times so like it could look like a satanic devil worship type sacrifice but at this point who even knows however this case is very similar to what you see in the movie Jennifer's body obviously the ending is different but I did think that there were a lot of parallels and cases like this are really troubling to me because as we've noted here a lot of the time something that is not really of consequence ends up getting blamed now thankfully it ended up that you know Slayer was just Slayer and that these kids just ran with an idea and Slayer happened to be the music they were listening to that being said I don't think you sit down listen to a Slayer album and then all of a sudden you're like hey I'm just gonna go out to the store to find a virgin to give to Satan to sacrifice to Satan so I'm glad that that was determined because it's kind of a similar argument as like violent video games make people murderers or actually violent which are claims that are usually very biased and not substantiated in my opinion but anyways let me know what you think in the comments down below let me know if you think the Satanic sacrifice was actually the reason or if they were just saying that to appear a certain way or to get away with things let me know thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 327,086
Rating: 4.9627566 out of 5
Keywords: jennifer's body, megan fox, Diablo Cody, Elyse Pahler, arroyo grande, nipomo, nipomo california, jennifer check
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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