Did this guy confess on TikTok?

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today's video is going to be an interesting one frankly i think this is going to be a very particular one because it is unnerving uncomfortable unsettling but also kind of wholesome yeah i mean like as wholesome as we can get on this channel which is not very what if i told you there was a potential serial killer on tick tock you're probably wondering [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this and honestly same here the profile in question is called psycho profit the bio reads i am the psycho profit and i am domesticated let's just look at their content so when i scrolled back to their very very initial content a lot of it was unremarkable in the sense of it was just typical tick-tock lip-syncing or jokes skits nothing out of the ordinary then he had a series where he would tell you facts about serial killers i am very unnerved by how he does this and i'll show you two just as an example and i'll explain why awkward but interesting serial killer fact part 28. jeffrey dahmer the infamous serial killer didn't wear his glasses in the courtroom because making eye contact makes him very uncomfortable awkward but interesting serial killer fact part 29 richard chase the infamous serial killer and cannibal would only enter the houses of his victims if their doors were unlocked because he thought he was welcome into their homes while these two facts were interesting and everything i'm assuming you guessed that what unnerved me is the smile at the end now to be clear there are plenty of reasons that people might smile nervously i know i tend to laugh nervously so smiling doesn't always just equate happy however the smile after the fact every time just makes me feel so uncomfortable and unnerved because i don't understand what the smile is like for like you could easily end it without the smile so i'm wondering why why you know is it supposed to be kind of like wow i just told you something super concerning i don't know so then another video came to my attention which honestly scared the [ __ ] out of me serial killer tricks that actually work because i know cause i use them because i am a serial killer [ __ ] i probably shouldn't confess that oh well trick number one if you are going to become a serial killer do not have a specific type of person that you're going to kill you know don't focus on just women or just men you know keep it random and everything also the manners of murdering you should also keep random kill with a gun kill with a knife strangle a couple of people you know drown a couple of people you know just make sure that they can't get a profile on you that is the key that one i thought was kind of a skit you know kind of like a joke and i love dark humor the thing is when he said i know because i use them in terms of the tricks i was kind of like haha but on the other hand i was like but but should i laugh and then enter a 10 parts tick tock series so 10 tick tocks of him explaining something i'm just gonna show you the parts i'm gonna pause after every single part just to give you my reaction because obviously i didn't know where it was going when i first watched it so i want to kind of explain where my head was at each part if that makes sense but stay until the end because it is [ __ ] surprising this is the awkward but interesting story of me as a domesticated potential serial killer it all started when i was born to the age of eight i came to the realization that i could not feel emotions at all so i went to my father and i told him you know what what i was going through and he told me to some people feelings are like facial hair sometimes people are just born with it and some people have to wait long periods of time for it to happen to them so i was patient and said okay and i just kept on going with my life at the age of 10 i became very impatient and i started like literally having tantrums part two soon first of all the soul concept of figuring out that you don't have emotions is terrifying to me thankfully i have not been in that position again assuming this is true props to the father for reacting in a calm way now he might have been freaking out in his head because i know that if i had a little kid my own child came to me and was like hey i don't have feelings i would be calling priests i would be like this is it guys i'm gonna die this child is either a demon or there's something wrong because how many times have you seen movies where the little kid is actually like lucifer in disguise as a little kid because little children are pure but then one day the little pure child says something really ominous and the family's like oh [ __ ] just to be clear this isn't me saying that everyone with antisocial personality disorder is a serial killer or a murderer clearly that's not my intention at all i was just making a joke because if a child said that to me the first thing i think is lucifer because i've seen enough films to think that way but that's not a comment on people who have anti-social personality disorder i think it was cool that his dad was supportive and hopefully you know between him and his wife they looked into options as well because that's a big deal to just not have feelings at age eight to ten the awkward but interesting story of me as a domesticated potential serial killer it really really annoyed me that i couldn't feel anything emotionally but my dad told me to just be patient so to the age of 10 i i was riding my bike to clear my mind and i fell off of it i gashed my knee really really badly and i came to a realization to feel something physical i have to hurt myself to feel something emotional i have to hurt someone else at that moment at 10 years old i realized i was going to become a serial killer and that that's how it began part three soon the sole concept of hurting myself so badly on a bike and that being the time when i really realized oh pain is what makes me feel things that i think would scare the [ __ ] out of me even as a little kid because obviously as an adult there are a lot of implications that you wouldn't necessarily even think of or understand as a child as someone who self-harms i understand it to a tiny degree what he's referring to but obviously i'm not a murderer so i don't understand the whole thing this whole concept of being that young and thinking a thought like yeah i'm probably gonna end up being a serial killer because this is the only way i feel things it's hard for me to grasp and in a way it's also hard for me to believe but then again i'm not a psychologist i don't know what kids think i just associate 10 year olds with what i was like when i was a 10 year old so obviously i don't relate which is why it's hard for me to believe but then again like i said it could be entirely true i'm i have no idea about child development and [ __ ] like that the awkward but interesting story of my life as a domesticated potential serial killer at the age of 10 i decided that i was going to become a serial killer but i did not want to disappoint my parents my dad was a good man and a good provider and my mother was very understanding and quite nurturing so i didn't want to disappoint them so i decided at the age of 18 i would start my emotional exploration so i uh from the age of 10 to 16 i just lived out a normal life i went to school i hung out with people that was pretty distant but i still tried to maintain you know normalcy but at the age of 16 my father passed away at that moment i actually felt something i felt depression i felt sadness and hatred and anger so this part actually made me nervous because i mean i think even as someone who is not well versed in psychology based on the movies i've seen a lot of the times people who already kind of have this inclination towards being a murderer let's say there's like some kind of breaking point a lot of the times that i've seen and i got nervous when he said this because i was like oh no his father the person who was supportive of him now is suddenly dead and i was like oh no he's gonna fly off the handle essentially the awkward but interesting story of me as a domesticated potential serial killer so my father died and i i was depressed and sad and i hated everything and everything but i finally felt something in my life and i felt it and i uh at the age of 16 i came to the realization that i was not going to murder for emotional exploration exploration i was actually had a new purpose i was going to murder out of a new new reason for me sorry my hands shaking i was going to murder out of hatred for humans for taking my father from me sorry for taking my father from me and um yeah i don't know i'll be right back this part actually made me sad on his behalf mainly because i feel like towards the end of the clip you can hear his voices like breaking so you can tell that you know like he really really did care for his father and in this instance i started wondering maybe you developed you know emotionally maybe later than other people but i was wondering did you convince yourself that you didn't have emotions at a young age so deeply that when some came out it was almost alarming does that make sense because you can totally be a late bloomer but if you convince yourself that you've not actually bloomed at all and that you're still exactly where you were before like emotionally stunted if you will i feel like that could be something that happened here because you can clearly tell that there was emotion for his father aside from the anger that came with his father's death and i'm not analyzing him as a psychologist or whatever i'm just saying as a regular ass person this is my thought my take on what he's saying the story of my life is a domesticated potential serial killer so i um i uh i planned on becoming a serial killer still but not for emotional exploration but for the hatred for humans for taking my father from me um i i started a new high school in six when i was 16 years old and i i found out that i really needed to be more normal so i i found a new group of people i'm still planning on doing it at the age of 18. so i um i found a group of friends and i said oh wow i should probably be more normal so i found a girl and i started dating her completely for the illusion of normalcy and i um i i started dating her for a couple of months i'll be back so when the girlfriend aspect came in i got a little bit worried because i was like okay well if you kind of don't really relate to people or have emotions what happens when you're let's say in close quarters with someone at least emotionally you know like what happens there does that make you feel things more or does that maybe worsen your urges because there's someone right there that you could easily attack and kill you know what i mean like when we got to this point i started getting kind of nervous because i was like oh no this is all potentially going in a good path but what if the awkward but interesting story of my life as a domesticated potential serial killer so i started dating my uh my girlfriend then for a couple of months and um i began to uh feel some sort of emotional constipation towards it um because i was generally having a good time with her and i i started feeling positive emotions and everything and it kind of irked me a little bit so and i still had my thoughts of you know what i was going to do when i was 18 years old so i um uh so i uh i i tried um i'll be right back this is where i officially started sweating because i was like okay this has to be a big deal whatever happened has to be enough of a big deal where he had to step back and come back to tell us and i was like oh [ __ ] please tell me nothing bad happened with a girlfriend and aside from that again if this is acting i think he's quite a convincing actor in my opinion obviously nobody except for him can know if it's true that he didn't have these emotions you know like these things may all have happened but the thing is like obviously these things can have happened with him having plenty of emotions and being a normal person but he just removes that from the story you know what i mean so like i tend to believe him saying what happened i'm more so skeptical of the emotional part whether really there were no emotions like i believe the story it's just that aspect that i'm like could easily be lied about if that makes sense the story of my life is a domesticated potential serial killer i was feeling emotional constipation towards um my negative emotions towards my my positive emotions towards my girlfriend and my friends my friends were actually there for me and helping me a lot and um [Music] i i i tried to kill myself because i didn't know what to do with my life i had all this positive emotion but i still had all this negative emotion from my from my father's passing and i i still had all these thoughts of committing murder and everything so i tried to take my own life um uh my my girlfriend at the moment texted me asking me what i was doing at that time i'll be back the story of my life as a domesticated potential serial killer so i tried to kill myself and i um and i uh um and my uh my girlfriend at the time uh texted me asking me what i was doing i uh i still at this day to this day blame my lack of blood um but i texted her telling her what i was gonna do you know i i felt alone i felt confused i didn't know what to do so i i told her right after i sent that message she called me and told me i uh i can't kill myself because she doesn't know what part i play but she knows that i'm going to be playing a very important part in her life and i um i shouldn't do it at that time i didn't want to die the part where he says at that time i didn't want to die strikes a specific chord with me um not to go into too much detail but obviously if you've been following me for a while you'll know i've been suicidal quite a few times the feeling of not wanting to die once you've been feeling so ready to die is surreal so that part really struck a chord with me now i do want to preface i'm a sucker for stories where someone comes into your life and changes your life so much that you actually want to continue living the one thing is i don't think we should confuse that with like the manic pixie dream girl you know like in movies a guy hates his life kind of like 500 days of summer where he's kind of like dejected or whatever and she comes in and fixes everything or so he thought you know like i don't like stories where someone saves you from yourself because for the most part it's like if they leave you are you gonna fall apart again which i think is a very depressing thought and aside from that i think most the time people can save you from yourself but the small detail is that they made you realize something about yourself and in that way they helped you because they helped you make a realization but it's not just their entire being it's their perspective you know what i mean and i think there's a stark difference between the two because overall the sole concept of someone saving someone generally i don't really like it anyway you'll see why i mention this the story of my life as a domesticated potential serial killer um my girlfriend told me that uh she doesn't know which role what role i'm going to be playing in her life but she knows that it is an important one so i um i called a friend of mine from my old childhood neighborhood and i i told him to do me a favor to stitch me up and he did he stitched me up and i uh i thanked him for it um the next day um i uh was the first time i actually told my girlfriend i loved her it was the first time i actually felt real emotions at the age of 16. i'm not a killer i'm a good man okay this part in one way made my rom-com loving self a little ubu a little like i thought it was wholesome i'm just gonna leave it at that on the other hand it's also like this part made me a little bit skeptical because it feels so cinematic this kind of realization of my god i can feel something i'm not a killer i'm a good person and that's not to say that i don't believe it but it feels like such a than larger-than-life realization to make that it's hard for me to compute does that make sense let's listen to the last part because after that that's where my real comments are gonna come in the story of my life as a domesticated potential serial killer this would be my last episode i um i'm engaged to that girlfriend right now i've been with her for 10 years i'm 26 years old i've never killed anybody in my entire life i do have urges once in a while they usually peak when my anxiety kicks in my girlfriend saved my life in a lot of people's lives i love her more than anything i'm not a sociopath i was at a young age i'm not now i do occasionally get urges i fight them every [ __ ] day my life is a never-ending battle thank you for listening so while the story ended well i have concerns this is why i was saying what i was saying before about someone quote unquote saving you what happens when something happens you break up something happens to her for some reason she's not in your life anymore how do you handle that i'm not here saying he couldn't he wouldn't know how or he'd start killing or whatever but that's the problem that i see with the whole savior complex is that they should help you realize something about yourself and of course if you love someone you always want them to be in your life but it should also be like if the person isn't there you can still be a non-killing human not be a serial killer without her if that makes sense and as much as i like the wholesomeness of it a lot of questions come up too because of the prior clip remember the first one where he's like here tips for serial killers because i am one he had used present tense so i'm not saying he did kill someone and i realize it could fully be a joke but you also have to ask yourself questions like how is it possible that a person who is so sure that they're a killer since a young age how have they been able to i mean stop themselves so i wonder if there's therapy involved or if there's medication if there isn't there should be one or one or the other or both depending on what a medical professional says but there are just so many questions in my head and of course this could have been done to get attention though i don't really know who would want attention for being a serial killer unless they're wanting attention of people who gravitate towards that which is a whole other can of worms but i just thought it was so surreal to me because apps like tik tok and instagram as opposed to youtube and twitter for me are light-hearted silly you know like it's like it's also based on who you follow of course but i don't get my news from instagram for example i might get them from twitter but on instagram it's pretty pictures pretty girls models you know like there's nothing i don't think instagram really is a platform for most people where they get news they might share things but i don't feel like i opened that app expecting to see okay what's new in the world today and it's the same on tick tock i kind of expect to see animals or like a skit or something so it even felt surreal that someone was talking about something so heavy on a nap that to me has always equated to silliness if that makes sense hopefully it makes sense to you guys anyways let me know what you guys think let me know if you think he's honest if he's trolling what do you think is going on here let me know i'm very curious thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 546,739
Rating: 4.9198222 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tiktok trends, social media, drama
Id: k64Iok2cPmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 59sec (1499 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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