This TikTok trend is...unbelievable

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to talk about tick tock again for like the billionth time but truly we are living in a cursed timeline and i can't underline how much today's video exacerbates my wanting to move to another planet so if anyone's leaving and you have an extra couple spaces in your ship i would like to come i will pay you whatever you want to leave also a quick note this is completely irrelevant but my dog is roaming so if you hear like a pitter patter or general noises biff is up to some [ __ ] so there's a new trend on tick tock and like many things that occur on tick tock it's terrible it was a stupid idea i don't know who came up with it and i hate it as much as i love funny tik tok there's also a lot of negative on there tick tock holocaust trend is hurtful and offensive it says auschwitz memorial you know something severely [ __ ] up has occurred when the auschwitz memorial has to comment on tick tock and not only on tick tock the holocaust trend there there there are no words there truly are no words just the fact that holocaust and trend are two words that go together on tick tock to me says everything i need to know but apparently some people thought it was a good idea for some reason a new victims or holocaust or trauma porn trend has popped up on video sharing app tick tock that has prompted reactions ranging from outrage to disbelief while the point of the trend seems to be educational many people have called it out as offensive and tone deaf at best or disturbing and inhumane at worst so before we continue to read what the auschwitz memorial actually said let's look at a couple of these tech talks and see if we can be educated on the holocaust maybe world war ii generally because realistically there are tick tocks that have been educational i've seen some where it's essentially just someone speaking for 60 seconds being like did you know about this did you know about that fine but there are also other educational ones where it's literally just people saying like 10 facts you didn't know about so and so and then they'll list the facts and they'll do it within 60 seconds so that actually is educational and it's bite-sized which i think is actually a really great trend so long as you actually check that what people are saying is true in most religions i'm aware of isn't god supposed to be all knowing so when you get to heaven wouldn't he already know how you died like i don't think he'd be like oh like what the [ __ ] happened to you which is already a strange concept to begin a tick tock by doing a point of view like you're dead but then also this tick tock confused me since the moment i saw it because i was like okay so god or whoever says i'm sorry and then the person's like thank you thank you for what condolences for your terrible death in the gas chamber this is so [ __ ] up like i remember seeing this and i was like surely there's something i don't understand like this is a trend of the youths that i don't understand and surely this isn't as terrible as i thought and it turns out it actually just is as terrible as i thought so this is supposed to be educational now let's play a fun game of rateless tone deaf content was this educational what did we learn here there were gas chambers people died like what what is educational about this there's no facts here like most young adults who are at least high school aged and adults know about the gas chambers they know about zyklon b so i don't really understand how this can be put out as educational in any way also because there weren't any real facts listed like they didn't say anything about the gas chambers they were acting a pov it's like they were cosplaying as a victim of a severely traumatic event that impacted multiple communities like jewish people gay people so on and so forth but they're taking a world event that was extremely traumatic even within the other aspects of world war ii the amount of people who died like i'm just gonna say this if you want to be educational don't make it a pov like making a pov about traumas that people have endured no that's not gonna work at all like on the contrary it's gonna make people think you're kind of a dumbass and a lot of these people are young adults so i'm hoping that this is a severe lack in judgment i just don't know how anyone could think this was educational i have to say there's something truly dystopian about living in a world where via my phone on an app that's potentially getting banned i can see young adults doing their makeup to look emaciated or sickly to record themselves pretending to be a victim of the holocaust to invent a story a narrative based on what we know historically of what happened to them so like this whole concept of even having 21 pilots playing when you're talking about how you died in the gas chambers holding your mother's hand and you even have a star of david in it again i don't see any educational value here because if you were doing like a slideshow presentation with pictures of an actual victim and talking about what happened to them an account of what happened to them or someone who survived in an account of what they saw that's a different story because that's like a slideshow that's that's not acting out someone who's about to endure severe trauma or their own death it's really saddening to me that in 2020 i have to sit down and be like hey don't cosplay the holocaust please for the love of god don't do that [Music] i do think that it is very disturbing that people are going to this type of length to being realistic what do they want out of this i can't imagine it being much else other than clout chasing if they really wanted to be educational in my opinion they would have done this a different way also because like cosplaying and certain educational things i guess could be useful if it's not like a massively traumatic event but then again i don't really see why it had to go this route like the putting on the makeup the filming it the putting the text over it like these are multiple steps that i'm like did you at no point stop to think does this not seem tone deaf does this not seem insensitive does this not seem like i'm trying to profit you know via followers likes comments whatever via a historical tragedy anyway let's see what the memorial said in response to the growing outrage over the trend the auschwitz memorial released a full statement on twitter aiming to educate rather than shame the participants the victims trend on take talk can be hurtful and offensive some videos are dangerously close or already beyond the border of trivialization of history writes the museum but we should discuss this and not shame and attack young people whose motivations seem very diverse it's an educational challenge i have to say the auschwitz memorial is a lot more chill about this and maybe i've just become jaded because i've seen what tick-tock stars are capable of and a lot of them a lot of the most prominent ones are often in drama that's not to say everyone on tick tock is terrible mind you i'm just talking about particular individuals and i don't want you to go send hate to any of these young people because they do seem like young people who probably i don't think they had terrible intentions but i also don't think they were pure because i do think this was to get attention so i don't think they were trying to educate to be honest it's very hard for me to believe that but there's no reason to go harass them because i'm sure first of all they've already probably received a lot of backlash and aside from that if anything at least now they have had their eyes opened as to why this is just not the way to go about educating people if you're gonna educate people about something i also don't think it's appropriate to have a holocaust trend because that doesn't sound like education calling something a trend automatically kind of implies that it's something that's popular now and it's gonna die down and then it won't matter again because that's really what happens with trends if we talk about fashion and things like that it's not something that stays forever and is something that we talk about with seriousness at least not in my mind maybe i'm incorrect about that and trends are also about patterns and everything but when we talk about tick tock trends i don't really think of having a deep meaningful conversation about something even that to me seems off but you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 376,452
Rating: 4.974803 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tiktok trend, tiktok news, social media, trend, trendy, new
Id: RsF0YjcR3VE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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