The TikTok trend

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are going to be talking about yet another niche community on tick tock and the reason why i want to talk about it is because i don't think it's an inherently bad community let me just put that out there right from the get-go but i do feel somewhat concerned about potentially what could occur and how things could get out of hand on tick tock the for you page as far as i understand bases what you get on your own for you page based on things you like so for me typically i get makeup animals and comedy skits that revolve around mental illness those are the things that are on my for you page so i was super surprised when on my for you page i got prison tick tock now let me be clear there are two sides of tick tock that i refer to as prison tick tock now there's one that is people who are formerly in prison that talk about their experiences tell you little-known facts just tell you story times about prison which i find really interesting because i feel like a lot of the times they shine a light on things that i hadn't even thought of so that prison tick tock interesting educational love it unfortunately i ended up on the other prison tick tock or what i refer to prison tick tock if there's a name for this genre let me know in the comments down below but basically they play the song from an all by britney spears and they show the website right to a prisoner or something along those lines which i'll actually show you because i went on it to do my own digging and then they'll show you a picture that they think is attractive of a current inmate and they'll like just zoom in on the picture of the inmate and their profile and they'll just be like oh my god kind of thing and i've noticed that this isn't particular to any real demographic like i've seen people that seem of very different ages doing it it's not particular women men non-binary like it's not particular to anyone i've just seen like a whole variety of people some of these prison tick tocks are people also saying that they're deciding to write to these people now i'm going to show you a few of them i have to censor them because it is a britney spears song playing in the background of all of them and i'll put a few of them here and that's not to shame any of these people they're all free to do whatever they want i just wanted to give you an example of what the content is [Music] we've known since like what at the beginning of time there have been stereotypically in the past specifically women who would write to incarcerated men even serial killers people who have done like horrendous horrific things men obviously did it too but women were you know like the stereotype since the beginning of time since the existence of prisons i'm pretty sure there have been people who write to inmates and then get into a relationship some even go as far as to get married this is by no means a new phenomenon the fact that there is a website made to write to prisoners proves that although that website does very much look like it is stuck in the 2000s regardless of that the thing that concerns me of this first of all is that i'm going to show you an example of you know the cognitive dissonance there because as much as you know people are obviously in prison for multiple reasons someone might have just gone to jail for weed and that is a very different thing for me personally than going to jail for murder rape anything of that nature when people make these tick tocks essentially thirsting over what they think are attractive inmates you're kind of ignoring the elephant in the room you know like what did they do i would say that if you're gonna write to someone a very critical part of deciding to write to someone or not is seeing what their crime is i personally would never write to someone who murdered people on the other hand would i write to someone who you know just dealt weed or something yes those are two different things not that i would write to any people i'm too paranoid about that but anyway but the thing is is that that aspect is completely ignored and i understand that a lot of these are just like funny little skits but what worries me is that tik tok has a lot of very young people on the platform and there are a lot of small things that we as adults would probably think of automatically especially if you're anxious or paranoid but that some people might not think of example this is kind of a trend if this trend gets big enough it would be hard for me to believe that 14 15 even 16 year olds if not even younger than 14 year olds honestly would hop onto the bandwagon and decide to write to an inmate they find attractive as much as of course there are plenty of mature young teens i'd be concerned that they might not take into account the ramifications example you decide to write to someone are they gonna necessarily look at what the crime they did was if they're that attractive maybe not when you write to someone if you want them to write back you need to have a return address as a young kid are you necessarily going to think oh i'm giving my address to someone who you know may have been just a small crime or maybe a murder rapist who now has your address so i don't know if they would immediately think of i need to give them a po box address or i need to you know find some other way so they don't have my actual address these are small logistical things that concern me especially if it becomes a trend because of course trends on tick tocks don't last very long but while they're around they are very intense and that's why it worries me the obvious underlying theme which i mean has gotten me so much harassment from the true crime community the negative side of it not people who are actually interested in crying people who like idolize serial killers then [Music] is that the underlying kind of discomfort i feel is that just because you go to prison i'm not saying that makes you a terrible person i'm not saying it's always irredeemable because like i said there are different levels of crime in a lot of these cases it's just like they're looking at a profile and i went on there and a lot of times the profiles are like i love pets i'm sassy i like reading books whatever it's very much the average person kind of profile then you can scroll down and then it shows you what crime they've committed right so i found one person we're not going to show the picture or their name but i just kind of wanted to see like what the whole deal was so i found this person the way you can search when you look it up is basically the gender what state an age range i'll post here how you search someone so i searched randomly and i came across randomly this one person and this person is saying that they're serving a lengthy sentence for wrongful conviction that they've been incarcerated since they were a teenager they're trying to get their sentence overturned and then like i said it goes into the average joe i love to read listen to music work out and write letters in poetry blah blah blah so you can go on this person's profile you can go and at the bottom it says to find out their crime so basically it'll just say very briefly here mentioned statutory rape and decency with a child 14 years old possession of firearm by felon probation violation failure to register breaking and entering and then there's a paragraph that says that all this information is put in by the person who's incarcerated but it is verified by which is the website itself i decided to go look up the details because like just putting you know in commas various crimes doesn't really contextualize especially statutory rape i wanted to see like what exactly occurred and here it says that he pled guilty to two counts of statutory rape of a person of the age of 14 when the defendant was at least six years older than the victim so he was at least 20 when he raped a 14 year old then he had a failure to submit a change of address as a sex offender had breaking entering which we knew two counts of felonious larceny two counts of felonies possession of stolen goods and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon pursuant to a plea agreement in his little about me he said that he was wrongfully convicted whether that's true or not i'm not here to debate what i'm saying is that the message that these tick tocks propagates makes me uncomfortable because like yeah i'm sure that there are plenty of people who are convicted of crimes and then imprisoned who are either conventionally attractive or you know just attractive to specific people whatever but the idea is that we're completely throwing away the point like you are on a website that is to write to prisoners and like we said there are different types of offenses but this kind of thing of not even looking and just looking through it like it's a catalog of models is alarming to me also because in a lot of these take talks if you go to the comment sections there are people who are pretty much in the same mindset as me who are saying you know like this let's not romanticize like writing to people who might be like super dangerous or that you're not even gonna check so you don't know if they're dangerous or you don't know what they've done and then there were people who were also sharing their stories like i remember one comment that was honestly nauseating that was someone saying that their mother married someone who while they were in prison i believe and then the person got out and then tried to murder their entire family that's not you know to say that that's the experience everyone's gonna have but i do really feel a lot of concern about the amount of caution that people are taking and i feel like because there are bars between you and whoever you're writing to there's this false sense of security but even someone in you know someone with the wrong intentions having your address that and of itself can already be super super damaging i don't know it made me uncomfortable i don't think it's inherently bad like i said if you take your precautions and you're an adult and you decide to do that fine but take the precautions it's more for like the younger side of tick tock that i'm concerned because they might be you know young people who see a dreamy person and then they're like oh my god and then they just write them and it can just get messy but you guys can let me know you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] you
Views: 150,447
Rating: 4.9708376 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tiktok 2021, britney spears, britney spears criminal, i wrote a letter to a prisoner, prison pen pals, write an inmate, prison penpal
Id: m0Jx191OJ2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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