Boss ensl*ved black disabled man

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna talk about a case that makes my blood boil on top of that a [ __ ] is already in a mood I am in a mood I feel like I've been tested by all sides I don't know how I haven't flown off the handle yet I am this far from losing my entire [ __ ] that being said if today I see more aggressive than usual you're right also they're doing construction work on and off in my apartment complex I'm apologetic I'm sorry South Carolina boss gets 10 years for cruel enslavement of handicapped black worker can you tell why I'm gonna get really pissed off here cafeteria manager Bobby Paul Edwards allegedly worked john christopher smith who suffers from cognitive disabilities like a slave called him the n-word and burdened with hot grease to keep him in line I think I speak for a majority when I say lock him up and throw away the [ __ ] key lock up [ __ ] what's his name Bobby people called Roberts I don't know if it's because my dad is a deadbeat also called Robert but I don't trust people called Robert South Carolina cafeteria manager was sentenced to 10 years in prison for forcing a mentally handicapped black man to work back-breaking and unpaid 18-hour shifts for roughly half a decade Bobby Paul Edwards 54 pleaded guilty in June to one count of forced labor for coercing John at Christopher Smith an african-american employee with cognitive disabilities to work approximately a hundred and twenty hours a week without pay according to the US Department of Justice I cannot stress my absolute disgust of people who first of all take advantage of people with disabilities because he had cognitive disabilities but second of all who have a racist intent on top of that like there are two of the most disgusting things being a racist and taking advantage of someone who has disabilities taking advantage of anyone but especially someone with disabilities no rage the absolute rage because it's two of the most disgusting types of crimes put together making the human it's worse than garbage Edwards the manager of J&J cafeteria and Conway about 15 miles northwest of Myrtle Beach was also ordered to pay two hundred and seventy two thousand nine hundred and fifty-two dollars in restitution to Smith is it just me or does that seem like not that much considering the crime I don't know I just would have assumed he'd get far more between two thousand nine and fourteen Smith endured a litany of beatings and psychological abuse while working back-breaking 18-hour shifts at the South Carolina cafeteria that he wasn't paid for authorities said so this is just straight-up slavery like that's the bottom line of all of this open-and-shut case you're taking advantage of someone you're making them work crazy hours and you're not paying them for stealing his victims freedom and wages mr. Edwards has earned every day of his sentence US Attorney for district of South Carolina Sherry a linens said in a statement the US Attorney's Office will not tolerate forced or exploitative labor in South Carolina and we are grateful to the watchful citizen in our partners in law enforcement who put a stop to this particularly cruel violence the disabled man who had worked at the restaurant for 23 years was clobbered by Edwards with his butcher knives frying pans spatulas and belt buckles in one instance he also had scalding grease applied to his neck according to a criminal complaint obtained by Edwards also subjected Smith to racist tirades frequently calling him the n-word I genuinely don't know what to say because this is so obviously disgusting this is so obviously racist this is so obviously abusive that I just have no words there's an Italian saying that my aunt and I used that it's not about always throwing salty which is like I don't have words on the insults and I think that pretty much encapsulate my current feeling aside from the rage it is almost inconceivable that instances of forced labor endure in this country to this day a century and a half after the Emancipation Proclamation said Assistant Attorney General Eric dry band of the Civil Rights Division Social Services were called to JJ cafeteria on October 10th 2014 after concerned person reported Smith's abuse authorities learned Smith had worked at the cafeteria for more than two decades the abuse supposedly began five years prior when Edward took over as manager of the place police said Smith worked from the time the cafeteria opened at 6:00 a.m. every day until it closed and cleaning was completed usually anytime between 12:30 and 1:30 a.m. honestly I can't imagine the mental health consequences nobody would be okay in this situation nobody would be okay barely having any time off like if you finished at 1:30 and had to be there at 6:00 that's not much time to sleep shower eat do anything and aside from that it's like how do you go in everyday to a place where someone is being abusive towards your like that would make anyone at least if it were me I don't want to [ __ ] die that's horrendous so I hope that Smith can get all the help he needs whether it's therapy whatever can help because that I can't even imagine Smith worked these grueling hours at least six days each week the criminal complaint stated on Sundays Smith typically put in 11 hours at the cafeteria he was not given any breaks or days off more was he extended any health care or retirement benefits police said he wasn't afforded as sick days either despite requiring to be carried home and physically fed some of the nights he worked I think it's clear letting Bobbie Edwards the [ __ ] [ __ ] racist [ __ ] a string of other words I'm thinking of that I'm not gonna say I don't know how you see another human in this amount of physical pain because of you in this amount of mental pain probably because of you to the point where he has to be physically fed and carried home and you can sleep at night you're okay with that that doesn't alarm you know normal human decency instincts kick in to say damn this is [ __ ] up this person needs days off this person needs to get sleep this person needs to be paid and treated like a [ __ ] human this is just straight-up slavery like in the thing that's crazy to me is that it seems like it was one of the customers who noted this which makes me think that Edwards wasn't even trying to hide his bigotry like he wasn't even trying to hide that he was being racist that he was being abusive because otherwise how would this customer have noticed and less like he caught him at a moment when he was saying the n-word something but to me it seems like the sky is pretty brazen and his shitty ass beliefs Smith routinely feared for his life each time he arrived at work Edwards who pummeled Smith with his fists and common kitchen utensils once threatened to stomp Smith's throat another time Edwards told Smith he would beat the brains out of his head to the point that people would not recognize him the attacks he told detectives would occur out of sight of other restaurant staff typically in the freezer a cold Locker or restaurants back office afterwards the man would be forced to return to work Edwards even once tortured Smith with boiling grease scarring his neck Edwards burn Smith by putting tongs into hot frying grease and then touching those hot tongs to Smith's neck and expose skin according to the criminal complaint the violent encounters were often accompanied by racial slurs Edwards investigators said repeatedly and habitually called Smith the n-word owner's brother Ernest Edwards was supposedly aware of the abuse and didn't do anything to stop it according to law enforcement how is the sky not getting life in prison so everything he's done is a red flag but aside what he did specifically to Smith who would feel comfortable letting a man back into society after ten years in jail if he even does those 10 years who would feel comfortable with someone who is this detached from what reality human decency I would not want this man out anywhere let alone any place that has a black population because clearly there's a hatred for black people I don't know about other races but using the n-word treating Smith like a slave abusing him physically threatening him how does that only get ten years but do you think that after these ten years he's magically gonna come out and what be accepting of all people be a decent human do charity work out of his own good heart [ __ ] no I'm sorry this is crap this is crap I know he should just be locked up for good throw away the key also what the [ __ ] the brother just knows and is okay with that that's the other thing how do you know your brother is a piece of [ __ ] who has a slave essentially who has enslaved a man with cognitive disabilities and you just don't say anything like aah that's just Bobby you know he's just a racist so we know make it make sense but even during the few hours he had away from the hellish cafeteria Smith was still a prisoner to his boss who also managed the filthy cockroach invested apartment building Smith lived in directly behind the restaurant Smith lived in what can be best described as squalor the criminal complaint against Edward stated investigators described the apartments living conditions as deplorable and subhuman apart from maintaining an iron grip on Smith's work and personal life Edwards also worked to distance the stabled man from his family through lies and deceit just when I thought this could not get worse it's like Smith genuinely had no brakes from this piece-of-shit man goes home still has to deal with Edwards as that work still has to deal with Edwards the fact that Edwards wanted to distance Smith from his family to me says that Edwards is entirely aware of how [ __ ] up what he's doing is and he wants to what minimize the probability that Smith will tell his family what's going on or that his family will see that he has like the burn on his neck or whatever other marks of physical abuse but this story just keeps getting worse it's one of those stories where you think okay it can't get worse than this can it and then it does authorities learned that Edwards told Smith he had opened a separate bank account in his name where 30 thousand dollars in earnings had been deposited Smith told investigators he was never given access to the alleged account we were very relieved to see mr. Edwards finally having to answer for his atrocious acts David Aylor Smith's lawyer told the oxygen calm justice was served this week and we appreciate all those that dedicated time and efforts to put him away for a substantial amount of time if his behavior and treatment of our client over an extended amount of time was inexcusable and inhumane in a state where slavery once flourished the cases optics were unnerving mr. Edwards horrible behavior goes beyond the location as well as the race of our client yet what he did is scary and would be inexcusable anywhere to anyone within the United States Taylor said his client is still recovering from the trauma of working at Edwards cafeteria our client is doing well and moving on with his life day by day in an attempt to put the tragedies that occurred to him for so long behind him I'm glad that Edwards is going to prison but I don't think ten years makes sense considering the nature of these crimes first of all I would categorize them as hate crimes because the canoe assistant and habitual using of the n-word doesn't bode well so I definitely think there's a racist intent here so it is a hate crime in my point of view so we have a hate crime then we have I don't know if he did it specifically because Smith was disabled but that's also another layer of this crime that makes it extremely [ __ ] up then there's the fraudulent nature of not even paying him for all these hours he's working there and then there's right like trying to separate him from his family and like the mental abuse that you know is a consequence of separating someone from their family or people close to them all these things to me would add up to more than 10 years because the damage he's done I can't imagine I can't imagine so as much as I'm glad he's going behind bars I don't think this time fits the crime I think double would still probably not be enough what do you guys think how long do you think Edwards should get in jail let me know in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always anyway let's get right to the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 161,018
Rating: 4.9616189 out of 5
Keywords: current events, current news, john christopher smith, bobby paul edwards
Id: NmKhZ_mfBGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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