The TikTok "couple"

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel i made a promise this year that i would not do anything akin to work on my birthday which it's sunday the 25th so when you see this my birthday's past i will be older unfortunately but here i am filming nonetheless by the way this is new merch i never remember to announce that i have new merch when i do so spooky merch if you're interested i'll leave the link down below a while back i made a video about a quote-unquote couple who are allegedly stepbrother and stepsister and they're allegedly a couple i don't know which of the two is a lie if both are lies if only one of them is girl who even knows these days the things people do to get clout for the wrong reasons i could go off i'm not going to but anyway i figured what better thing to do on my birthday other than look at cringe that makes me physically recoil to the point where i want to fall into the abyss so that being said let's see what the stepbrothers stepsister couple have been up to since i last checked by the way some of it obviously has copyright music because every single tick tock in the world apparently has copyrighted music so i'm gonna have to mute it also rest in piece your ears because her voice is very shrill at times [Music] um i know that a lot of what they do is click baity and you know meant to cause controversy outrage whatever you want to call it but i still think it's really weird to want that to be your image like i understand people want to be talked about i understand people are just worried about getting money whatever but at the same time it's like do you really want to be the person online who's known for quote-unquote dating their quote-unquote step-brother and like i said it might be fake but nonetheless why would you want that to be what you're known for online genuinely and i'm not saying this in like a preachy way but it's like what do you want to be known for something else like something that you're good at something that you're passionate about something that's worthwhile first of all when i go to my tax person i already feel uncomfortable saying that i'm on youtube because people just have all sorts of weird judgments about that but anyway imagine your tax person if you have one which you should if you're self-employed because it's a show imagine someone asking you hey like what do you do online like what's your content and you say oh i i date my step brother or i pretend to date my stepbrother like how uncomfortable i mean the few times i've had the conversation it's not been good because they'll be like what's your content and i'm like pedophiles and commentary on pop culture and they're like okay so it's just so uncomfortable so okay i mean like i guess do whatever you want whatever floats your boat but very awkward i would i would think maybe tinkerbell is really hurt what seems to be the problem tinkerbell stop bro i mean peter pan is here to [Music] help tinkerbell fly away i don't know why we're here just to suffer but truly i mean i chose this suffering so i can't really complain about it because i clicked on these tick tocks but damn that voice makes me that voice makes me feel a different type of rage like shrill voices like that make me the same type of irate as when you know when technology isn't working for you and you get this kind of inner rage that's just released that you don't even know where it's coming from that's me every single time my printer doesn't work i get this inner rage where i feel like multiple times i've almost thrown it out the window just because it won't do the one thing it's supposed to do that's the type of rage shrill voice is instilling me it's just the quickest way to get me to be a bigger than i usually am which is in and of itself quite an accomplishment if i do say so myself by the way a couple of people asked the last time that i was drinking from this cup what was in it and what i was drinking so sponsored but i'm terrible at drinking water in the past few weeks i've sometimes forgotten to drink water to the point where i almost had to go to urgent care the easiest way for me to drink water is using gamer sups so this one is in mango flavor and it's the only type of powder that will not give me any type of heart palpitation and on top of it it has electrolytes it has vitamin b12 it has vitamin c so a lot of the things that i'm lacking since i don't leave the house so just letting you know it's bomb my link is an affiliate link so just so you know cheers anyway let's go to the next one you know what you guys are right you guys are completely right even though we're not blood related and like we love each other and we feel so good with each other like i haven't found anybody that makes me feel this way but you guys are right that's right even though we're just step siblings you guys are right we can't do this anymore so we've decided to just say too bad for you we love each other and if you don't like it well too bad we're proudly step siblings like i said imagine having your entire online presence revolve around the fact or fake fact that you're dating your step sibling it's like is there no other content you can imagine making aside from the fact that whether they're in a relationship or not is barely relevant mainly because that's the image you're putting out there so the image you're putting out there is that essentially you're using a relationship to advance on social media which i've always thought was gross like i don't understand people who put their relationships like that it's not supposed to be a money-making business it would be a different thing if you have a healthy relationship and you happen to document it that's different but if you're using your quote unquote relationship to be notorious i guess i don't know i've always found that kind of sick really let's watch one more just for posterity hey guys today i'm dressed up as baby and my step brother is dressed up as peter pan peter pan wear your wings peter pan doesn't need wings what i'm gonna fly away tinker bell would never like i should have said it before but tinker bell would never but it's just very strange to me and it it's also like i think the funniest thing is imagining them preparing themselves to film this dumpster fire and they're just like okay i'm gonna dress up as tinkerbell so they take the whole last time to order the costume wear the costume and be like i'm gonna put on a shrill voice and you're gonna put on this like cringy quote-unquote alpha thing and then that's content and the craziest thing is that they almost have 600 000 followers on tick tock which it's like if you like this content good for you live your truth it's fine but it's also like what like what is this and how has it not gotten old they have so many tick tocks and maybe it's just me because i don't gravitate towards content like this on tick tock the only things i watch are essentially skits about mental illness or animals but it's just very strange to me that this is so liked and so boosted and if you guys understand why people like this i would love to know why because the only way i consume this content is for the cringe factor and the only reason we've gotten to this point is because my favorite train wrecks aren't uploading so what am i supposed to do like who what train wreck am i gonna watch like i need i need train wrecks in my life in order to go forth i don't know why i don't know why i'm like this it's horrible but truly i don't get it good for them i guess if this is what brings them joy and happiness in life and fulfillment but overall this is kind of like prank videos in my opinion prank videos have kind of become obsolete there's no need for them most the time they're not funny most the time they're uncomfortable most of the time they're pushing a kind of toxic narrative in my opinion so it's just kind of like is there nothing else you could be doing does that make sense anyways guys let me know we think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 197,095
Rating: 4.9732337 out of 5
Id: _aONp0sY0Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 26 2020
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