#TedNation was trending on Twitter...

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today I was having and am having still God let the night come so today's suffering can end I am having a bad day because the big depression but anyway you know when you have those crises of identity and you just think you're an all-around shitty person and I'm not saying this because I want some comment being like that's not true but because it led me to this thought I was thinking how could I possibly be a worse person bla bla of course that could be a murderer like Ted Bundy or Charles Manson and I started thinking well you know what those people have stands so you could be a worse person by being a stand of a murderer now you might be confused as to why I'm bringing this up right well if you've seen I've had prior videos where I talk about tumblr culture [Music] friend being creepy fans of serial killers and kind of projecting this different image onto them that in fact is not only incorrect but delusional well I feel like I'm being really mean it turns out Charles Manson stands and Ted Bundy stands are at each other's throats which is both a funny and depressing thing to be able to say when I'm not kidding I'm being entirely serious so this was brought to my attention by one of you guys and so I started looking into the Ted Bundy hashtag because I believe it was trending it wasn't anymore when I checked essentially it seemed like there was a war between the two stands about who you should stand is the word stand becoming annoying too yet because it's becoming annoying to me so they were arguing about who you should be a fan of because why could you just not be a fan of neither am i right anyway let's just look into this shitshow so just so we remember I'm pretty sure that if you're here you're gonna know what Ted Bundy and Charles Manson did but in case you don't Ted Bundy was a necrophile a killer a rapist not exactly Prince Charming here Charles Manson in my book is also a murderer but any time I bring that up the fans pop up and they're like he technically didn't kill anyone himself whatever I don't think Hitler had to kill anyone himself manually physically for us to say that he's essentially a murderer so don't start that [ __ ] with me because it's not gonna work here but anyway he was also a cult leader and there was the Manson Family which was their little hippie ass commune [ __ ] where the girls were also quite underaged if I recall correctly so all around also not a prince charming there are a couple of tweaks I want to look at and then this particular person who has this account also has a type of formspring type thing where people can ask questions anonymously and they answer and the content on that is just you want it to be a troll but at the same time I know these people exist I mean for Christ's sake there have always been fangirls who write to serial killers and then they get married and the guys still in jail but they're so infatuated with the idea so these delusional people have always exist it's just alarming when you see it online in this day and age where we have access to enough information to verifiably say that someone was a piece of [ __ ] but anyway now I just want to preface this by saying of course I don't hear people's tone so it couldn't very well be sarcastic but Ted Bundy didn't deserve what he got everyone has their flaws people make mistakes get over it hashtag Ted nation hashtag Ted Bundy and someone commented saying the only mistake he made was existing and then another Bundy stand said Oh quirky this is what I find hilarious is that most of the people who are actually fans of murderers rapists whatever actually have the complex of I'm not like the other boys or I'm not like the other girls because it's like you're trying to do this really edgy different thing for the simple reason that you want to be different and you want people to notice you and you want to shock people and I think that until you turn 12 that's understandable I mean yeah but after that it's not cute it makes you weird it makes people not want to have anything to do with you because it not only makes you seem like you don't have a moral compass but it really seems like you have very few brain cells because as much as yes everyone's flawed and everyone makes mistakes murdering people is not a mistake when you do it all the time and then have sex with their dead bodies okay that's not like slipping and falling so then there's someone else that says I've always been afraid to admit that I love Ted because I'd get judged by the people around me but I'm really happy the hashtag Ted nation is here so I can realize that I'm not alone Ted was innocent don't mind me just gonna [ __ ] poke my vein let myself bleed out in three to five minutes Christ see the thing that's interesting about this is that most of this is entirely emotionally fueled and when I say that I mean that they rarely offer any kind of actual proof to validate their argument of Ted was innocent of course proving Bundy was innocent is next to impossible because proving innocence is difficult and he was guilty so you can't prove it but there's never an argument saying so and so does it make sense or the police [ __ ] up or anything there is never an actual argument aside from he's so dreamy Ubu like I want him to choke me you know there's never actually anything and I think that's what's most frustrating to me cuz I actually want to know how you get into the state of mind where you really think that this guy didn't do all this [ __ ] like I really want to know what makes them think that and it would be really disappointing to find out that it's just because they're like drawing their last names with hearts and their Diaries or something so then there was a screenshot of a conversation and it says dumb [ __ ] I hope you and your friends end up on the news than this person responds it WA goth then the other person says disgusting revolting this is why Manson is better you're a horrible person and then they said go to sleep aunty and then the person said [ __ ] your idol asleep for good I mean both Manson and Bundy are dead so I don't know where you're going with that I mean wait when was this it doesn't show the date because maybe it was before Manson died either way I think the world is coming to an ugly-ass place if we have people in the d-ends really screaming about which murderer was better so then enter account called Ted Bundy the one that has the formspring ask thing so the formspring thing is actually called curious cat never heard of it but it's the same concept so here there's an anonymous question that's on a question that says if you lay out all the information and evidence Ted really was innocent it's obvious his confession was forced and then the person responded saying I know right why don't more people see that so again we return to vague statements that you can't really dispute because they're so big you don't even know what they're furring to so effectively they're not making an argument but trying to so then another anonymous person says maybe you're only doing this for Klout but I hope you know what you're doing is extremely disrespectful to the victims and the victim's family he confessed it was not a mistake he murdered and assaulted 30-plus children and women youngest was 12 this is not OK and I hope you grow out of this this is extremely unhealthy he was responsible there was proof if you have a legitimate reason for standing him even if there isn't I would like to know this is sick and then they just responded tell me something I don't know by far one of the funniest things about all of this is that this person the Ted Bundy account person said that the term electric chair was a slur which just makes me want to serve them that's interesting electric chair but I'm not going to because I'm trying to keep my petty under control but someone said you say it's insensitive to say electric chair but you stand a man who raped and killed women seriously go [ __ ] rotten hell or take a seat in the chair lmao and then they just responded nobody's perfect so the only part so far where they explained the theory of why Ted Bundy's innocent says the police had evidence but they couldn't find the real killer so they found an easy target who they thought could fit the profile and framed him to calm the public really is that all you have he was framed that's it No so then last of all there's the slur thing and it says the fact y'all are calling electric chairs slur baffles me because that's so [ __ ] insensitive to people of color I think that's what they're trying to say who deal with racism and [ __ ] all the time and LGBT people who fight for the rights and then the person responded it's an insensitive word I've never used any slur I wish you'd respect Ted nation's wish to stop using it so we can all hand together and stop using slurs altogether do you want to say it with me the thing about this that makes me hopeful is a lot of people were sending this person questions that weren't really questions just saying yo this is [ __ ] up this isn't sensitive this is disrespectful so on so forth of course this person's receiving death threats and I'm not about death threats so I'm not on board with that but to share your opinion simply saying hey I don't think you should be a fan of this person is entirely okay in my book I have to say no matter how much I'm exposed to these types of people I still can't connect the dots and you know it always goes back to the thing I've said time and time again but the people who are fans of these killers think that somehow they'd be the exception when I mean we all know that's not the case they aren't the exception in fact they'd probably be the rule and an easy target because they think oh he'd never kill me and then guess what you find them in a ditch so I have no words it's always disappointing even though I'm very aware they're out there anytime I see the delusion it just makes me feel so uncomfortable anyways guys thank you so much for watching let me know your thoughts down below thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Views: 323,018
Rating: 4.9629374 out of 5
Keywords: #tednation, tednation, trending, twitter
Id: 36dsEV9Z36A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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