Something scary happened

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about something serious for a change if you don't follow me on social media you won't know what happened yesterday if you do I'll leave a timestamp that you can skip to because I'm sure you don't want to hear this story again so essentially yesterday I went to a job interview now I didn't say any of this on YouTube but essentially someone in our department snitched on our department and went to the Union ta I know who it is and they went to the Union without telling me and a couple other TAS and essentially the Union inquired with our school our school didn't want to deal with it so they just downsized all of us I'm not gonna go into how I feel cuz I'm annoyed that my job is just went like because someone decided to snitch without telling me and speak on my behalf but anyway that is why I was going to a job interview this is not just gonna be a story time the story time kind of leads into the topic I want to talk about and I'm talking about this topic specifically because it happened to me and it made me think about things differently this isn't just a story time just wait for it I go on I find a job that is a tutoring job it seems legit there's nothing weird about it the wording is fine the pay is about right so I was like ok let's let's just go so I apply and they responded quite quickly they're like come and see us whatever so I had an interview yesterday at 1:30 this business is supposed to open at 11:00 and I was in the position I was applying for was specifically like an after-school type tutoring to help children with reading writing comprehension English 101 type [ __ ] so I go there and immediately I have an off 5 immediately I feel uncomfortable and I couldn't really tell what one thing it was it was just like an amalgam of things that did not look good so I get there and the parking lot is empty it's like in this like half plaza type thing that's entirely dilapidated there's no one there there's no car that there was only one other business that was an optometrist that didn't even look like it had been opened in years so I was like okay and I know that was in the right place cuz there was a sign that said the name of this business I remember being so uneasy that I messaged my friend because I also gave her the link to this job and she also got an interview message I was like this place is weird and I messaged my husband being like yo something happens to me this is where it happened like this this is weird something's up I go to the door of this business and it's all tinted windows which I was like that's a little bit weird for like a tutoring thing you'd think that people would want to be able to see in and the sign says open so try opening the door and it was opening so I try again because some doors are just difficult still not open then because the windows were tinted I couldn't tell if the lights were on or off but I look closer and it's clear that they're off and there's this desk but no one's sitting behind it and I looked on the floor and there's like a pile of mail a whiles worth of mail this looks bad like this looks really bad I go to their website I call the phone number on the website because I'm like holy [ __ ] what if I'm in the wrong place what if this is like their old venue I don't know I usually think that I'm freaking myself out so I realize I should have left earlier that I did by the way so I call and nobody answers the phone number on the website and it goes to this answering machine that isn't even set up which is weird for a business like you'd think that they'd want to seem as professional as possible so then I noticed that on the door there's a number printed on it and it's a different number than on the website and I was like that's also weird so I call that number and I'm pretty sure it went to someone's specific cell phone because the person answered be like ya know like hello you've reached whatever how can I help you nothing that would suggest any type of professionalism and I was like hi like I have an interview with said person I'm just wondering if I'm in the right place whatever and the person tells me yeah he's on his way just wait there and I was like okay and this guy gets there and he's dressed entirely informally like I'm not expecting him to come in a tuxedo but he was like in a shirt and like blue jeans like extremely casual and as soon as he opens the door I'm hit with the sensation of just fear like I have that a feeling that something is amiss like something is not right here that picks up the mail on the floor all the lights are off when you go in it's just like a rectangular room that's just like a box like this and there's a hallway in the corner so you don't see anything from the front from the front it's just like this closed room and then you have to go down this long hallway to like access the rest of the business which made me extremely uneasy because we just were getting farther and farther from the door and we start walking down this hallway and there's a sign saying take your shoes off children or like young adults would be there but at the same time it just felt weird that they would ask you to take off your shoes I don't know I thought that was a weird little thing this wasn't a daycare this is schooling so we start going down this long hallway and I can just see that this place does not look like a business it looks like a house it literally just looks like a house with a bunch of rooms that has a storefront so we start going down the hall and he's like turning on all the lights and I'm just thinking this place was supposed to be open hours ago why is nobody here now after I did my research and found out that they they supposedly have more than eight employees working there I'm like how is it possible that no one's here there's no receptionist nothing we're the only people here this is where my internal alarms just really started taking a hold of me physically like I felt my chest tense I felt like palpitations I was just kind of in this blur of how the [ __ ] do I get out of here in a way that's non suspicious and doesn't make him react in any negative way what's going on what did I get myself into he points to this room and he's like we'll interview in here and I was like okay so this room has no windows so already I'm automatically more uncomfortable because there's no way out when you interview most the time they're at their desk with their computer and you're sitting in front of them right here the computer was turned towards the door so they wanted me to go on the other side of the desk that makes me farther from the door and it's just very strange and now one thing I didn't mention on social media is that the room was very barely furnished like there was a computer I don't even remember seeing pens or books or a bookshelf like the room seemed barren which you know look maybe it was a workspace but seemed bare and even from for a workspace I was like there's one computer four chairs no pens no paper nothing he's like I'll be right in there and he just keeps leaving the room and going into these other rooms and switching on the lights and doing god-knows-what I sit down and then I stand up and then I sit down again and I'm trying to decide what to do in the sense of in that moment I wasn't sure whether I was overreacting but as my husband said my primal senses were just alarm bells in my head I was like excuse me sir I'm sorry to waste your time I'm feeling extremely nauseated all of a sudden I'm really sorry for wasting your time I'll call you to reschedule then I was like out the door real fast out the door I'm a very organized person the sense of when I get in my car I put in my GPS like I turned on the radio what whatever here that was not the [ __ ] case I had no idea of how this neighborhood worked I just [ __ ] drove into a suburban area then stopped my car hyperventilated and called my husband being like what the [ __ ] I ended up posting about this on Twitter and on Instagram and most people were like hey that sounds like some weird human trafficking type [ __ ] and to be honest I hadn't even considered that like I hadn't thought of what's going on here it was more of like something's wrong I'm leaving and I just didn't question what it was that was wrong I just [ __ ] left last night I barely slept I was very anxious like I woke up feeling so tired even now like I feel anxious talking about that because I genuinely and this sounds so dramatic but I genuinely thought I was gonna die like when I was in there and I started having my palpitations I was like he's gonna lock the door I'm not gonna be able to leave here something's gonna happen I'm not leaving here alive which potentially ridiculous we don't know because we don't know if this place was actually a threat I doubt were ever gonna know but I had that sensation I've done a couple of things in my life that are dangerous I could be a licensed skydiver by now like I've done [ __ ] where death is possible and I was less scared in all those other scenarios than it was here like I've never been that scared for my life ever and I've never left an interview like that I've never really backed out of a situation in that type of way where I was like this is real danger everyone on Twitter seemed to agree that it was a good idea to get out of there people were asking me what what site I went on to find this job because people are like wow was that like some shitty Craigslist ad and I was like no it was on so indeed then was like DM us an idea of them and I can show that over here but I told them that you know I didn't want to ruin everyone's life so I'm like I'm just suspicious I don't want to say that for sure there's something going on cuz I don't know that I just think it's worth looking into it and seeing whether there in fact is something suspicious which I think there is because I then looked and found these reviews that were hidden on the indeed website because that this place doesn't even have a yell all the reviews on the indeed website we're all from Texas and I'm just like what the [ __ ] because I live in California the place itself is in California there's no e commuting you can't be tutored online via this place like you need to come to the actual place I told my friend obviously about this she decided to also not go to the interview because of that I decided to look into places that are fronts for human trafficking which apparently is more common than I thought I found a couple of articles where essentially people were saying that they found fake job listings online and people would be lured to these kind of desolate isolated places and then people would be trafficked I read one story about a job search for a nanny position and a few people on Twitter also said that they've had this similar situation with a Manny position and I thought it was interesting because there were a lot of parallels with mine I got a response from one of the ads within 24 hours the pay was $400 a week and I was basically able to set my own hours clink the person in question Elyse clink and the woman continued to speak to each other via email and text messaging but not once did clink actually hear the woman's voice she said according to Clank after asking several questions about the job to figure out an exact work schedule the response she received was vague and fishy according to clink after the woman did a suppose background check on her she did not hear anything back for a while roughly a week later another email came this time with information on how to deposit a two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollar check that was waiting for the RA clink and noticed the checks she received was from Washington State but the envelope it came was postmarked from Atlanta she got freaked out by this and she went to the police and they said that eggs list was one of the largest sex trafficking hubs right this wasn't via Craigslist but the situation is very similar in that both my friend and I who applied for this job got really random hours like multiple times this person asked me if I could come the next day and they'd be emailing me past 5:00 p.m. for the next day which isn't exactly realistic then with my friend they were vague like come at 4:00 or 5:00 and then they weren't clear on which one to come at and never were like which one do you prefer and the answers all seemed almost robot generated even the ones that I got at one point I asked them to confirm the address and they just didn't respond to that and then started a new email chain where they just didn't address anything I said so then I found this other article that's titled seven ways to tell if a job posting is actually a human sex trafficker may be hard to spot a job post from a sex trafficker because it can blend in but here are seven red flags to avoid when job hunting to become a victim of human sex trafficking it can happen to anyone so I'm gonna just go over the red flags that apply to me specifically and I'll link everything down in the description below red flag number two was a big one where it's they don't ask you questions or give info if a company that you're inquiring about online or via sign doesn't ask you any questions you may be in danger all legitimate businesses will want to review a professional experience even if you're applying for entry-level work they'll care if you're in their industry or interested in their industry if there's no way to apply online or know where to email your resume and they get angry with you for asking it's not a legitimate opportunity if they jump immediately to interview after you text I'm interested that's not how normal businesses operate legitimate businesses can't interview everyone that's interested it's not logistically possible that's a big red flag this is one I hadn't really thought of because I applied for the job and once they were willing to interview me that's when I told my friend because I wanted to see if they were even responsive you know some jobs just never get back to and my friend got an interview really fast so I was like that's a very fast turnover rate and she was supposed to interview the same day as me even if I contacted them like weeks prior red flag number three the interview is in a weird place small businesses will often interview in a Starbucks and that's totally legitimate but if you have ignored the first two red flags and found yourself lining up an interview look at Google Maps before you head that way some online advertisers will say you're such an interesting candidate that the boss wants to meet you personally at his home that's not normal listen to this but in the case of sex trafficking you won't have the real name of a person and if the interview location is a rundown dilapidated house you're going to end up in a trunk sometimes it will even be at Dee's in a decent-looking house but that's still not normal and they could be renting online for the day to appear more upstanding if you look on Google Maps and it's an abandoned strip mall and you know hasn't had any companies in a decade that's another terrible sign of danger to be fair I didn't know that it was in a plaza it wasn't showing up is on applause I was really showing up is just like the side of a road but that's essentially where I was the anxiety right flight number six the company's a mystery so the job I applied for had a website that looked totally legit which actually surprised me that I wouldn't have noticed that it was illegitimate because it really did look legitimate it had links it had a bunch of information like it seemed like they were willing to give out information but maybe not in most cases a lot of businesses keep their names off the ad so they're not bombarded by third party recruiting firms if they don't have a website maybe they're just getting started it but the founders should at least be on LinkedIn and have real people that are connected to which is still not a guarantee of legitimacy if there's no mention of them on Twitter Facebook LinkedIn or even Google ask for more information so last red flag your gut says it's dangerous although it should be number one the final red flag is that your gut tells you that any part of the process is off trust your intuition we've experienced it we operate a very large Facebook group called Austin digital jobs and we've worked with the Austin Police Department to report sex trafficking posts online that appear legitimate but are far from it two instances have happened in this very well-known reputable group both of which were immediately spotted by members publicly declared as sex traffickers and scams but it shows you these traffickers can blend in and go anywhere one instance gave no details but they were looking for an assistant and only offered a phone number some of our members texted for more details and within minutes of the posting shared publicly that they were asking female candidates to interview at a scary looking house in a bad part of town the post was screenshot removed within minutes and APD was immediately notified they were familiar with the address and took action separately a link to a Craigslist ad for a personal assistant at a consulting firm for $50 an hour was posted our face Book Group insisting the only attractive females apply and a picture of them was required and they'd have to be comfortable using their body it was immediately removed and reported from Facebook Craigslist and APD some people would have believed it to be real because the description of interacted with clients sounded standard but there were too many red flags so those are just a few of the right of flags I'll link this down below maybe I was extremely naive but it's just this kind of mentality where you know like we assume it's not gonna happen to us and I feel like I'm a generally cautious person because of my anxiety I kind of have to be but I really am kind of surprised at the way this panned out now like I said it's just my suspicion maybe it's completely legit and it just looks Shady's [ __ ] but the fact that this was on a relatively prominent streets not a dangerous neighborhood by any means and their job description didn't seem strange the interactions were a little bit strange but then again if it's a small business I don't expect them to be entirely on top of it the same way that you know a university would be this was a really big wake-up call for me because it's just the the usual [ __ ] you know terrible things happen to other people and not me that kind of mentality which you know like I try to snap out of but I feel like so ingrained that the [ __ ] is not going to happen to me that it's it's almost like I need to doubt my instincts which obviously is not a good thing and I obviously didn't hear but yeah it was just a very weird situation I'm still a little bit shaken up by it to be honest hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight I figured I'd let you know about this because I know a lot of us are in the same boat thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always sorry this is a dark video let's just get right into the fan art [Music]
Views: 392,036
Rating: 4.9715672 out of 5
Keywords: human trafficking, story time, job interview, job listing, craigslist, indeed, horror story
Id: kHm-cy1oJKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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