This Storage Unit Was A Complete GAMBLE! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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well maybe try energy this guy's do a little 5x5 unit I don't remember the price what okay 40 lucky one is literally all we see in there is some code so this one's like a police roll it ice we have no idea or getting but I I can't resist gambling I love gambling so we have I think three to five mystery toes and it's all we know is pay 40 bucks for it let's hope we can make the money back don't forget to like the video subscribe for new let's get into it [Music] toe number one let's point out it feels no when I shake it I don't hear rattling I know what that usually means usually it's closed but today it's gonna be different they even outlined it in red see that whatever that means there's light but fans are good stop it let's see what's in here hey Old Spice there you go all right and then we got a charger and iPhone charger the dollar JanSport book bag people buy these all day for a few bucks at the flea market this chance bar book bag again but it's completely empty unfortunately still a few bucks we only paid 40 so we don't have much room to make up yeah well I mean if it's just spraying what's it matter if this stick no mistake oh we got a jacket a couple bucks now you know people buy you used towels for a dollar - flea market all day kind of strange to me no washing yeah two bucks for jeans clothes clothes clothes Oh would you rock bees I rock no I can't sleep in pants I wouldn't like no you drop these on yeah these look more like your style me yeah what's that where those is nice these are more my style if they fit yeah ask too much beer I like dark jeans hey it's also too skinny these are large yeah I'm gonna take those no skinny jeans look at these x-ray is that a good grant I never heard in my life Just Jeans well you gonna wear these yes Oh God and socks and boxers well drank one but you know what takes three strikes to get us out of here I'm a question for everyone slide with socks or no socks socks carry this awful look better but know something we're comfortable I agree alright alright so it looks like I got the girl tote so let's see if we got any this feels like random not well I mean it is random but it's all used bathroom stuff and this see whatever this says creoles it looks like a little kids like airbrush things um brand new what I love that like the secured a training bra I think you can have it this kid was definitely into art just like my unit yeah let's see if we got any decent clothes in here was it that's coach it is it has a few stains on looks like gone right here the bottom yes I touched it when I was gonna wash my hands you know yeah I sure did so it might be a little bit of wear and stains on the outside but overall like on the insides pretty clean hopefully that is authentic he stamped a house real are not necessarily I don't know a nice clothes I dunno me and Mama Jebus might goes in this tote yeah to make sure there's no like I don't know leave are lucky these are bamboo jeans yeah yeah not really anything jeans that are made to look daisy dukes for you guys I don't think you I've got a hand all of that cake there we're gonna be showing off about flea market all right back something there's like really white that's gave me but let's see who's got some nice brand sweatshirts and he spent speeding paychecks with [Music] pockets her alibi stay checks pockets but they're all inside out I got shirts I want to get through every single shirt for you death uh a pink night night that pig Nike sorry sorry mom we got it's like fancy this looks like that whatever kid wears this is the troublemaker in the closet sorry I'll get the new version to this begin you constantly separated from the friends sit in the back of the couch with it if anyone jacket for you down there it's super cute but I think it's a kid sighs no that looks super small got you USMC see marine corpse no that is 1775 dang well the rest of it just looks like a GBC more of these that's the best like their way to the side as mark of my thighs there's some sweat Gillian besides that you look this good nice besides that that's it's just a bunch of clothes got dryer sheets and just random things all right let's go you're going to the rack hey it's me see that yeah I found my tags specially my ear but blankets dollar cow dollar blanket dollar another blanket dollar pillow pillow pillow three pillows maybe two dollars now look a little mystery sitting over there you see that that little pink silver briefcase Lookadoo let's see what's in here first columbia sport where this sounds interesting baby wipes nevermind i take it back greater markers for this I don't know that school supplies foul smell you smell lot of times that's what I think it is I'm like a dog investigator is it school supplies if schools boring I guess that's one way to look at it Cheers I'll give you back um they look banking papers anyone store like a bacon envelope all my name at their banking paper hopefully no I don't think so jump oh there we go I thought those are Waldo I thought it was well nothing no that wasn't it get to me is it one of those necklaces like you split with somebody and they get each person you tap the heart yeah dryer sheett yeah that's about it in there pull the other one out two more books oh I see that you know what that is right yeah with the firelight it is yeah it is a flashlight it's also a Taser think it's dead though that's pretty cool yeah jewelry box hello let's see this is all obviously fixed uh there's a little cross I don't see I'm marking on it but that could be real gold maybe this point we need a saving grace no it's a coach personal not insane good all right here look at that think it's real don't what it's really small well let you know we get home but more little pieces of random jewelry and some weird coins look I don't know these are values freedom goodwill Society I don't know what looks like anonymous like narcotics and alcohol oh well look into it what is this sucker binoculars with a battery in it what do they do oh look at that it's pretty high-tech in case there's a big unit so you guys see ya sometimes you have to you know you have every advantage possible what's in here glass cleaner yeah there's another coin I know you can see like if it AAA's on it and see what kind of cost they were in doesn't actually say my gratitude it looks like a religious man yeah some type of Bible it's a journal isn't it yeah it's a journal well there's an old Bible here look at that that's not a Bible maybe it is like a Bible textbook thing it looks like a Bible I see pictures and stuff in the - we got a bunch of papers here I think anything's in here random places yeah just somebody's made all they store for some reason but nothing in there last thing we got let's look at this thing right here this is kind of interest it looks like Deal or No Deal what do you think's in there yeah judging by the color it's like a kid thing don't say that yeah box full of markers well we got that not the most exciting unit in the world but we'll make our money back last year it was only 40 bucks it's just for fun you know we'll make our money back I had fun going through it that's what matters all right you see how my stuffing on the table is this unit pumped out money not not really this is literally the only thing we set aside to recap it's the only thing that's not just gonna get toted up and taken to the flea market everything else in that unit was just a couple bucks flea market I have nothing really big but this isn't even really like big big but we got a coach person we only spent 40 bucks on the unit so if this thing brings even 25 30 bucks I'd be happy but we'll probably list it out for the only thing for the unit take a wing guy and give his mother running back from this alone and then the rest of this stuff we have what three coats of clothes for taupe two clothes or something yeah I mean really at least twenty bucks a tote I mean there's at least 20 pieces of clothing okay easy will definitely make our money back in clothes that's one of the biggest things we have to get used to I here in California we're used to every bit of clothes has to get donated left I an but out here people buy those clothes and they buy a lot of them like every time you go the flea market we at least make sixty seventy dollars you just don't selling clothes the people so now you complain about it but hey we gotta face the most our money back in the clothes and other little random things will definitely will make money on the unit which it's not a big money-making but what can you expect me only pay 40 bucks on three totes you can't exploit you can get lucky but you're probably not but you know what it was fun that's a magazine vote so if you did enjoy this video what is this video make sure you leave it a big thumbs up if you know I already hit that subscribe button for awesome check my videos all the time you do have to follow some of social media links we're gonna be on screen or click the links down screams envelope make sure you boss on whatever you kept keep going thank you so much for watching and until next time peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 22,390
Rating: 4.9289145 out of 5
Keywords: storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, mystery suitcase, opening mystery suitcase, storage unit gamble, storage auction, storage unit auction, storage locker, storage locker auction, storage units, storage lockers, buying storage units, buying abandoned storage units, storage wars, real storage auction, real storage auctions, real storage auction finds
Id: ZGjFcrmKV58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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