Did I Buy Donald Trumps Storage Unit? I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Made Money!

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oh just the money hit me it's Donald Trump's well of Mecca treasure-hunting with Jesus guys and this is the second you know we picked up on the auction run this one we only paid $70 for it honestly I don't think it's gonna be possible and live up to the last week I'm not even comparable to the Lackey that we got but let's still hope there's some treasure in this with you don't forget to like the video subscribe if you're new let's get into it [Music] all right let's keep digging in here first thing we got is pretty nice chair actually well brand it up GCI outs or maybe this is like a canopy they're going top o fancies here huh ok I see that's living large out here look at this ok I guess if you just want to sit outside and not be able to see anything if stare at a blank thing this is for you so one of the reasons we paid 74 around the bat is this car seat you didn't know right now until September 30 the Pickens want to end you could take a car seat an older one the Walmart and recycle it they were saying before you and they give you a $30 gift card of Walmart so that's 30 bucks at Walmart we shop at Walmart all the time so really I'm gonna call this a 40 dollar stores yeah that's his money back let's see what else calm I think it works nice too it's uh can you see the brand on it yep that brand did I can't Oh air attack okay I didn't know you can see it this is another reason I wanted to buy you know I'm gonna feel as empty you look like a jewelry box to me but yeah don't afraid of it's empty so big body pillow and by the way we said this before use blankets and use pillows animal shelters will take you not to pay to dump them unless you could say I don't know where you can sell it out but we never been able to set off so donation what is this thing oh it's a massage thing oh look at this oh this is like really I really need that right now look at that all right it's heat and massage yeah that's pretty sweet thanks to me that worse a tag picture on it wears on the front got cut locks in it what brand is it that I never heard of you Big Buddha Big Buddha there's some little earrings in it too bad alright that all is you need salts we're showing anyway yep alright looks like a kids coat all Navy probably donation let's see this oh we got it was it Paul cell yeah paw patrol on actually I don't want to get banned here I'm doing the time so copyright strike whatever you call it I won't sing it just pull the kids clothes in there nothing too special oh I want to sing even I can okay elephant oh that was my attempt team elephant but an elephant actually two elephants some reason who doesn't love elephants let's see what we got feels like it's gonna be more clothes hope enough nuts not one thing in the front what is it oh this is hair pod case isn't it looks like it what are they I don't see an Apple logo on his head I don't hold anything Apple or would it be what is assumed that they'd be on the case somewhere and then I'd be knock off ear pods unfortunately I don't see anything old f initely look into it that's cool what else is in here okay come out whenever you are however these you plug it into the phone charger and it works the fan see what else we got here blanket blanket this what is that that is pencil pouch full of pens and pencils not exciting not exciting at all and you like welcome like blue outside rugs almost Fadem asked me to maybe bathmat that's true but other than that it's bags empty look what I got I think it's a little off a little off a little off and still it still special its own way though let's set the side and fall out I don't know where to go this so we got a armor-all back vacuums you know what vacuums have in common with all of our haters on the UPS you know what a vacuum does it blows it sucks and then when it's all down to gets laid in the closet but we also see over here in a torch I think it works oh look at how about that it doesn't look too promising I want to guess not but I think I see a second ones yeah that's propane torch that's it just how you coming on it works like a grill you give it some gas and you try to click it oh we got fire that's pretty cool all right we also got all speaking of the heaters we even found an in there look a fan in the storage in that's crazy thank you for the support buddy appreciate it say I want what are you doing gonna chop the camera in half all right no you're done I can't tell it's like a Batman Minecraft sword yeah let's see what's it yeah yeah looks like a fishing bag or a hunting bag or something along those lines up it's a tool bag that's the pliers socket wrench I see we got in here a little tool set as well that's pretty cool tools are always a quick and easy sale when I set that aside so looks like we have a dollar tree like hand card thing all right let's see what we got looks like wow mustn't worry yes oh I would love oreos no well Jeremy have him we have sugar we have sugar spice no where's everything nice what are the ingredients needed to make the perfect okay we're not going there I haven't really found anything nice so far decent stuff so far so you don't forget that so we also have beautiful unicorn book bag with school bulletin I guess in case things go wrong at school a steak knife all right so nice bag oh that's brand-new yeah everything else then it's actual school stuff but for some reason there's also a steak knife in it now there's a penny in there Prabhat so a book bag and check this out it's actually really nice oh it's actually personalize this part is that I'll cover so we'll let them have that back it's for somebody that passes away you won't leave that behind all right and we got Tommy help of your underwear no all right it's for you I was try to be nice and give you something look at his best to Moose Creek vest and a pet blanket or pen pen pen looks like we have the boxes beat to death but another Matthews air mattress yeah they're automatic nation' yeah I'm hoping the mattress doesn't have a hole in it yeah this book bag it's so big wow do you need this boy I'm Sierra good friend you're asking the absolute wrong one echo oh no hold on um what is this this is a BB yeah I don't know what this is this is plastic but it's a BB gun but that's pretty cool bang so legit VV here it looks real yeah but somebody carries it for so I pulled this on me I was it one over that's far mm-hmm mom I'll go in there but somebody pulled this on me I run it looks real look how you like I look on the barrel I'd like to do next I guess that one hangry old guys like Shawn you don't know anything about guns looking right down the barrel of a baby got even if in it just so you know like we don't ever read that comment we just being you so just so you know you know what I don't want to waste your time let's see what else we got in here nothing but nice looking beauty guys so let's see what else with the pullout of the sucker well we forgot the bag on a top part in yeah that is a fancy bomb and we have Darth Vader in there and some more underway how interesting I'm a book bag I should say I guess yeah next we also a stroller here in a sock surprise oh don't you love socks and they're actually clean though so haha no fun but I stroll it pretty much new looking stroller that's nice thanks Phil nice charlie we also have let's see what the Ness bag this one's heavy really heavy let's see some glasses what is that how about it like a gold rock and oh boy books no no scratch that they lost nothing too interesting in this one either alright so we're gonna pull this big green bag yeah let's still down you go through it cuz then I stand up I miss a lot of pockets I can't feel so that's one of the questions do you have any pockets now that said that there's something in here that looks like a playstation wire doesn't it looks like the ps2 are to me find another place nation I'd be psyched here we go oh boy clothes tell towels and some vitamins that sucks what is this this is the money hidden socks boring um and yeah all clean clothes but just clothes unfortunately next backpack and remember all these bags you know they're just clothes the bags are sell for all worth like 10 15 dollars apiece so we already got 30 back for the car seat so you know this units pretty cool let's get out Supergirl what is that strap yeah Isis best buy a backpack strap sorry fees then we just buy them yeah they are how the world works second you wait for it in a unit you're like okay we're not gonna find it you buy it boom it spawns but it's all good we got that nothing of interest this one looks fancy is it expensive book bag I think let's see we got up here first I guess you look like nothing what are these we had to get these happy Mother's Day there happy Mother's Day wooden carvings and happy father today too that's something I've never seen before what we have in here just closed it looks like yep all clothes except for a few like hotel lotions and conditioners and things like that these people came straight from like a trip and just put it in the unit yeah that's the vibe I'm getting to cuz everything else in there is just closed all right seconds the last bag what do we have nothing in there one of these gotta be full of cash right I mean all of it according to all the movies it's gotta be the last one why is this nipper not going there guess bamboo pillow that's dirty yeah yeah yeah no there's something under this one at least see like the icing on TV thing hey I said that wires never that why are we found earlier yeah that's what that goes to I want everything go outdoor when you went outside oh yeah yeah I think so um not seeing anything else that's good value then guys uh I don't know but this bag it's pretty sucky to make sure yeah nothing in there but again it's like what four bags 10 or 15 apiece plus $30 gift already got our money back cost a little bit so look at the last one over there that we see you see what I see is like a blue looking box jewelry box I'm a whole thing fingers crossed let's go find out let's get into this bag now we got paper and nothing anything in there no whatever is in here is different clothes it doesn't feel like at least all right let's see what the box is I haven't seen this there's something in it what you think it is jewelry I want to Beasley's be jewelry and some mini yes all right what a nutty buddy bar yeah what it there's a nickel it's a change but what do you think this is I don't even have a guest section of a movie like in a box in a book bag wrapped in a towel careful sounds breaking it sounds like it's already broken and off though it is let's put on top whatever it is destroy it ring it's grand love it's a wine bottle but it's destroyed all right well that box is disappointing there's still more in here though there's still more what's this oh man oh then well there's paperwork this good tells an interesting story what is that Oh headphones it's good brand doesn't look like it looks like cheap ones to me actually I don't have surety something I don't know nice and too much in here doesn't look like it unfortunately um there's that I think I look good ah clothes other than that it's pretty what is this I think it was a phone but not no more stop storing this stuff wow you don't like to keep all your empty containers and stuff yes that's it for that book bag Wow one more bad not really a book bag like the other ones but let's see what we got is this a side pocket Oh an ID oh look at this this isn't just an ID guys it's Donald Trump's now we know his storage unit we bought they bought Donald Trump storage unit accordion whoo why is Donald Trump stuff so crappy I thought you're worth like three billion dollars where's your stuff at Donald nothing in there let's see what we got oh there it is you see that oh yeah she's something silver from here what is it it's an oh it's pretty mean up look at the back of it it's got a sticker on it yeah that's the thing they've taken the ecoATM Thanks so let's see if I could take it off yeah the 16 gigabyte model a one three nine five but that sticker off my mom but it's pretty beat-up welcome every electronic that's expensive the feel okay they break it and then in their head like they can't use it but also they're like I paid like $1,000 I don't want to throw it away so they're kind of just sit there with it like it's just put it in the drawer and then it just sits in a big borderline just I don't get it but stuff it it's worth something for parts Jampa that's often this bad guys but where's the idea okay no I think I might try to like take this to a bar or something right just go ahead for here's my idea I like when your finest wines you had the best they already coming for me your finest wine the greatest best wine you have absolutely best so we got this black bag here let's see what's in the side pocket before I open the main ones nothing oh it's a bag in a bag okay that makes sense so let's see what's in here first yes all right let's hear something something making noise oh yeah San Francisco giant slides a super tiny like guests wallet purse thing keeping make sure nothing in it and nope and all we have in here is another pair of shoes a light and some post-it notes what's in this why do you store these things together open yeah I thought drawings drawings are not money unfortunately we also have good doesn't sound good no it's water pastels it's all our stuff look at that so I think that's pretty much it we also have a little TV as you can see in the corner and there's well it looks like a play pin in here but other than that that's all it's in this storage unit not as exciting as last time but I'd say we still make a good amount of money on it alright so let's do a recap on this unit unfortunately it was not as good as the last one but you gotta remember we bought these two units on the same auction run so we spent a total 320 on the two and no the other one more than major for its what about bad those where we start what I don't know I keep comparing to the other units that's a problem we did ok let's start going through some stuff we got a brand new coffee press that we missed I want to go onto the unit 5 Starbucks by size Starbucks that matters a lot brand matters it is brand-new brand new tax tell Owen Brady new Starbucks coffee press 20 bucks new so I mean I guarantee young good for Cupid yeah and unfortunately not like this time it was sad he's like a really old model iPad even in working condition alone at $40 so beat up for parts will probably just throw it in are a lot with other phones and tablets the we we lot about flicking a bunch and we sell a big a lot on eBay so the home I'm just going that pile we got the fake ear box which do actually work I don't know if you're gonna see from this distance but I can press a little charger button and everything and it does light up so they do work and everything they're not real Apple unfortunately we got this BB gun but it looks real that looks so real like I so when you pulled that on me in just a hair it give me your money I'd be scared it looks pretty cool it up then we got beat up Darth Vader statue here not statue action figure I call dispatch it's tempting but I like that if I still had a Walmart Target just feel like $12 so I mean unless it has collector value it's not gonna resell for much at all okay so don't forget we also have we didn't bring on the book bags in here we got like what five book bag that is you know something like that okay once the roller ones $15 a piece yeah that's good money we also found a little Macy's gift card and hid it in there which had seven dollars and 89 cents on it so we got that besides the suitcase open this stuff I mean they're really not even any work at stuff a lot of energy get out of that yeah you did a lot of us junk um so I'll start off with this is Moose Creek puffer or quilted vest I have a couple of things on it but it looks like it come out and I think it goes used on Poshmark for like 15 20 sets Poshmark possibility oh this right here this Big Buddha flower backpack is in pretty decent condition and goes use of 20 bucks all day on pop smart all day all day well even like a three and three what about 4:47 all day every day I know I'm probably about alright keep going alright I can't keep going okay this HoMedics of massage massage pad over here maybe you got to keep it but I did test me because I found the big power block for it and I only like vibrate so I don't know how well there's no work for me so I mean I might sell it it goes new for about $30 or $20 so I'm in again not big resale value but I can resell it and books all day all right see okay see I don't get Wendy what I don't give my questionnaire I'm making sure my stuff's all 337 am yes we gotta test the all day yes this right here is pretty much brand-new it is tightened deep-freeze besides like a streak stand on the corner pretty much brand-new $30 new so I can get at least $15 for not like the colors doing it for this recap guys this unit didn't have too much to be excited about but that's gonna be that's the majority storage units if every you knows like the last one we got then everybody would do this you gotta take the bad with the good and we definitely got a good in the last time so help me forget about this bad one here so if you didn't enjoy the video make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up in if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure ever videos all the time and don't forget to subscribe to the second channel the G in there this channel both we're asking for support of two channels were greedy I know sweetie oh and if you do like also your social media links right here on screen click the links down in the description below and make sure you follow so whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time pizza [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 50,095
Rating: 4.8863206 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, mystery box, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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