THOUSANDS MADE IN STORAGE UNIT! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit! Storage Unit Finds!

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welcome back to treasure hunting with Jesus guys and today we're doing a part two to the video yesterday if you didn't see the first part make sure you go check it out we already cleaned out a little bit this unit made a ton of money I mean over $500 easy so it's only gonna get better from here make sure you like the video subscribe if you're new and let's go finish cleaning this sucker out alright guys so just got in you know it took like robbery skill since employees which is not about letting us in here for whatever reason but anyway if you didn't see if we paid 117 finishes already made a five hundred let's keep going and see how much more money we can make in this sucker alright so I think we showed this yesterday I'm pretty sure it's a muffler my guess right don't you think so yeah it looks like a muffler don't know if it's use no idea you know you would think I know if I worked that working the car dealership for nearly two years but no this little thing I'm pretty sure we show yesterday it looks like a space heater these get like 10 bucks on there we're actually going to sell the flea market tomorrow that's why the van already has stuff in it so hopefully we make a lot of cash today to this more salt you know this would've been useful funds a month or two ago but now in April I don't know how much that salts gonna help us but we'll just set it aside wait for the winner to come next year another heater another space heater that one looks nice stuff that one I get like twenty dollars where should we go from here follow those chairs they're held in there I'm gonna go ahead and show you guys what I kind of cheated and looked at yesterday while I was kind of excited to come back today so let's get into this box so Harry you ready to see where the money's at so far all the rest of them I haven't been able to get into but if you see what I see here right off the bat Louis Vuitton this one I looked at yesterday this feels like leather and I also don't see a heat mark inside of it the heat stem so I'm gonna line the limb and assume this one straight but still even the fake ones go for like $40 or more like this that's real leather this is extremely heavy and it's got the real stamping and everything so this one I'm I think is real nice quick break from the video so I got good news and bad news we won't buy three different pawn shops in the area just to get a look at these bags this one how do we suspect it 100% everyone agreed that I got look at it this is a fake this one however three different pawn shops all that have been in the business for ten plus years did all do this kind of stuff everyone has said this one is an authentic Willy Vuitton bag first time we came across it we've already had offers as high as $350 and one of the shelves but if they're offering me 350 I know it's worth a lot more than that so we decided to hold on to it just wanted to put it out there we actually got our real one back to the video obviously I'm not a person at all if you can't tell I don't use purses but if that's real you're talking about hundreds of dollars easy and I haven't even got to go any further in there so there could be more what are these guests and this is um what does that say Gianni Bernie hey does that one the Fender c4 hoping that one's in here chill that's a gas they're not expensive Nine West is one of those brands and I'm too expensive but every time we get them they sell quickly for like $20 so that's good what is this one doesn't say yeah another little purse see if it has a brand name on it not that I see the unbranded ones you still get between five to ten dollars on Poshmark easy little guest purse I see if I see any other big names in there look at that now I have the receipt in there for $150 so boom that was a little beat up now I don't know if this will come out will try but hopefully it does another few wallet another one doing any work looks like another one right there doesn't it boom let's look at that stamp sure is two of those last one we sold Dooney and Bourke was $80 and it had its fair share damage to it and these are look like they're a lot better shape so gonna be a lot of cash right here another one look at that another Dooney and Bourke there's your little heat stamp and everything so we're having for redoing a bricks one Louie Vuitton already all the rest of them it may be brand 'less Michael cor there's a lot of brand name purses news is crazy but it looks like the rest of might be random I mean well show you in the recap like that I don't see anything but just Louie the duty and Burks Michael Corps big money this is $170 unit big money already I really wish I could shut that thing up it's kind of obnoxious but guys if we cut it off the lights terrible so you can't have to be all that taking in the background but also got an ironing board I don't know about these you've had twice the first time we had it we sold it in like the first five minutes to the flea market for 10 bucks the second time we had it it's at the a the whole time and never soul even for $1 I'm not feel about to try to get this big boy closer brand new person and in clothing they're telling truth I'm gonna take that panda just something you kind of throw at the slave market a couple bucks apiece somebody buys them all every time not much money but they sell play say please say ugh these are now they're off yeah Louie Vuitton purses and Walmart oops all right yeah none of these right off the top of look like they're overly expensive or anything but I mean if they're all no brands I'm talking like five bucks apiece you probably have 10 or 15 pair in there so 50 to $75 just in the shoes we'll let you know in the recap to have any that end up being big-name brands is this sorority hmm that's the same thing we found in a sweatshirt yesterday okay you look at this verse Upali what do a sign out of an epic but that's pretty cool well let's subtract your personal stuff so right Luther King stuff like that smells really good too I don't know if I myself I would not leave that place like a doormat yeah maybe what few bucks probably trash I don't know depends if that comes off pretty gross which one this one nothing looks like you have a dorm room to me that just screams like freshman in college again school supplies I mean obviously with the other school paper nothing too big so move this up the way really quick I swear I did not just have a 10-minute fight with a duct tape that and not happen at all let's see what we got in here wow that looks like a looks like a bathroom rug type thing so that's probably cartridge maybe a dollar some feathers in there yeah those are here look at that two out of three five slipper sheets another one of those things not worth too much but money saver saving money is money Steve that's making money that is gonna make sense yeah it's all pretty fast nothing one of those hair dryer things Domino's and the rest of its just like that's just their bathroom pack from their lotion hand sanitizer soap shampoo things like that stuff we'll get this box out of the way be right back again now look at the box out the way show you somebody out over here nice snow shovel you get five ten dollars for that all day maybe not Nate broke my hold on to that tell the winner comes back around along with that salt these are just a couple cozy looking chairs I mean this so these are these are weird things that I'll sell pretty quick I think not for much but I would say 10 bucks apiece out guests and so we're gonna pick an Xbox and be right back now we're gonna get into this box labeled sheets of cases so that doesn't sound too interesting another hey hey think somebody was really into their sorority it's pretty good paddle they found one of these in another unit never to really know what to do with it what rying to put it up on ebay but never got any attention there's a nice clock in there courage that's a quick sale dollars all day other than that she's not lying at all sheets there's a coat down yeah let's make sure it's not like a North Face er but well as you know in the recap of course to free country it was not as good as North Bay so they still sold pretty quick for a good price this one looks fancy black rivet never heard of it well let you know get this out the way course today we have a movie we have all these boxes in they have all the cards taken we have no cards so we're gonna have a fun time getting these outside when you guys find it interesting to see a video or we take all of these right now it's holy crap it's heavy when I was saying they take of all the DVDs that kind of go through the clutter to see how much money we can make just on the DVDs that might be interesting yeah you never know punch set all the rest of it it's pretty much holiday with these there's a few board games not at the bottom yeah that is the extensive DVDs for days I have never had luck selling and a lot of people say they put them at the flea market for a buck we tried that last time I think we sold one for two we had like 100 plus so that's why now I think I'll just go straight to the clutter see we can get these two personal papers blankets or in all blankets and shirt what do you think stuff well what is it super glue I think this that's been in here for a long time yeah but this looks like some kitchen box tans draining coffee mugs and things like that the way and then we'll start to get into this bleeding tower boxes here so we've got everything moving around going to this box this box this one doesn't age still haven't gone into that one yet that one's not gonna be taped up but let's start here yay more kitchen stuff like I make jokes and all but this kind of stuff does not sell for much money but it always sells to flea market every have you ever been New York say like flea market where someone doesn't have a table full of weird kitchen stuff it's a requirement some states while all I think anything else in here other than that stuff not really huh that cut what it's done now some kitchen stuff let's get that one out the way this one feels really light nickel wherever it is it's me the bowties Warren let's go in the air so fix that let's see Jordans to look down there then here's something that amazing bag I feel we got come out New York and company two new companies decent I mean they're like not a guy you know what I mean decent money they're good sellers they're not high-end so I'm happy with that Oh looks like a decent these are definitely Jordans looking at size 5 you gosh someone got some little feet look at that like half my shoe still Jordans all day so these don't have a name and I see got some New Balance in there now what's in here I like that Jordan a lot put the light in there it's like inserts yeah anything else interesting a bunch of random shoes or what I can see what is that we'll go through it all let you know in the recap again because it's gonna take way too long with every pair speak of that presentation what does that chorong where do you make money so not careful with it you got a hog it kiss it put it down on a pillow just save yourself the time save my time I don't have to YouTube to filter it out so just what's in here it's the top two something okay last box let's see we got oh joy that's not need a degree let's see if they have a degree in the University of Phoenix Associate of Arts good job passport better turn this stuff to the front hope they give it back that's not actually a passport just a folder for student loans a holiday view minute so I get a tip tack papers things like a tall person an ink printer ink with no printer ink still sells on ebay enough looks like all the rest of this is books superglue and other boxes to the ground but nothing there now we're gonna take though and probably our long process to get all this stuff to the van without a car which is gonna be a freaking joy so home very happy let you know we found so I'll see you then [Music] you know what it's like to move that many boxes down that long of a hallway not fun not fun at all [Music] talk about cutting that close I don't think we could fit a nickel or a freaking feather in that van at this point but it held everything surprisingly I didn't think it was gonna happen so let's get on the road all right guys let's do a recap on this storage unit because there's a little something else we found in there that I want to show you guys that was epic as well so we got the high end items here on the table to do a recap but remember there's also a lot of smaller less valuable things we're gonna be selling at the flea market tomorrow so this is not the total profit this you're just the big money makers first things first I'm gonna mispronounce his name and he said Dooney and Bourke Dooney and Bourke that sounds so stupid but we sold these purses in the past for fifty to sixty dollars and this time we got three of them and this one's significantly bigger I saw this exact same one sell for $85 on eBay so we like posh market most likely might end up getting a little bit less but then you don't have to be able shipping and whatnot I haven't decided yet but that's probably a $60 purse right there this one is also Dooney and Bourke or however you say it I feel a stupid saying that over an hour ago that's a weird name and a major company that one is another $50 Plus this one's Dooney and Bourke but it has some staining on the side right here so I don't know if we're gonna be able to get that out I've never had to clean this kind of weird material before it's really weird heavy and I don't know if that's gonna come out we're gonna try to get that out hopefully if it comes out another 50 if not sell it low and somebody else might be able to do it might get twenty or thirty four but you saw what I saw her said earlier about the belief of tons there's something I didn't want to point out earlier there was not one riolu of Italian in there there was two another one laptop case this one we had $150 offer so I'm assuming it's gonna be worth about 350 to 400 dollars because they offer that you know pawn shops usually offer about half of its actual value so that's probably three hundred plus dollars right there this one is just a fake unfortunately kind of I wish you can like technology can evolve enough to where I can put the material there and you can feel the difference you can feel this to speak right when you pick it up this feels cheap it feels like what ten bucks or something yeah and there's also like this fabric inside is like um like a grocery like reuse bag fabric that's no real Louboutins gonna use that no most real Louie Vuitton czar gonna have leather like silk or like a high but the inside of them are gonna look like this I don't want to unzip him all the way but you see that that's one of the ways the guys told us you can't tell if it's real most of the persons are gonna have like the actual Louie Vuitton pattern on the inside as well so as we said we got an offer for this one a three hundred fifty seven dollars about three hundred fifty bucks we saw a purchase similar this one I cannot find this exact one with this thing it looks like a seven to me I don't really know I could not find the exact one the person is like this one which I like for over five hundred dollars and that's all those things which is that's crazy so potentially this could be around a thousand dollars with the purses I just showed you guys and that's not even including all the other stuff was found this one is me sure I mean this is just a little Michael Kors one we've had Michael Kors in the past but since this is a smaller one probably twenty or thirty dollars not too much butts so cool Mike of course this is a Calvin Klein this is about the same deal comment cards good brand or whatever but it's small so about twenty or thirty dollars as well and then these two I wanted to show because I am not sure what brand this is so if anybody recognizes this logo then put it down in the comments there's inside and try to google search that logo like you know you can search by image and all it comes up is person like thanks I think it's got much out good well there's there's no there's no stamp on the inside there's no other names on the inside there's no tag I have no idea so if you guys know this logo put in the comments and also this logo this is small you guys probably won't see this but you try to lean it forward yeah it looks like a little tiger with like blue behind it again no name on the inside no anything I have no idea what these two brands are so I can't figure out the price on those and then beast nice-looking teal and black Jordans um unless they're special edition or like a brand new shoe there they're probably gonna go for like forty or fifty dollars but still overall I mean really really really good and I want to just explain something a lot of people asked how we do this so the system we're trying to get in the habit of doing right now is we're gonna buy storage units throughout the week until we fill that van up to maximum capacity like right now like when we were driving home you wouldn't have had a feather in there it was ridiculous it was driving fast like stuff on top of me we headed that path that's what I want to do every week we're gonna take the high end stuff basically if we think it'll sell for over 25 bucks like this stuff we're gonna set it aside we're gonna list that on line all the other stuff we're gonna keep in the van just pack it to a Brandon on the weekend whether it's flea market yard sale whatever we do sell everything that we can then donate and then just trash it cuz we don't have the storage for anything right now so we're talking really really quick flips right now keep the high-end items flea market your I sell this stuff over the weekend donate trash repeat it's a really fun system but you got to work fast yeah and I also wanted to mention that the stuff that you guys message us that you want or whatever if we have it in the recap then go ahead and message us it's easy we'll be able to talk to you PayPal whatever and ship it out to you but if you see it during the like actual going through the unit we might not have it we might have donated it we might to give it to family we're going to trashed it who knows so it only message us about the stuff in there recap so I mean we know we actually have it and I also want to say you can try the other stuff a lot of times like you said that we won't have it yeah but I can't put the business a lot of people ask for an email if you go to our channel go to the about page the email will be there the one time I made a stupid mistake of putting it in a video I had like 172 spam messages within hours so not doing that again what if you're interested in that go to our channels homepage click on the about then there's a little thing like click here for business inquiry something like that just click that that's the email you can reach us at I just can't put it in videos because the spam is ridiculous alright guys so that's it for the recap this is by far probably good looking like it might be the most profitable in one we found so far the second unit we did we did finally accelerate hundred dollars cash which is always you have to sell it but as far as like resale value we got a lot of money here especially this is the first time we actually came across real Louie the top yeah two out of three lease that's good everything else we came across so far ended up just being faced which I mean it's still not bad like we said this big one right here guarantee we can get no less than $20 for just because some people I mean you want that patter but you don't to pay freaking ridiculous amount for it there it is I'm yeah I'm not I don't the difference and this is 20 bucks and this is a thousand and you need a microscope in 20 step video and how to tell the difference I'm taking the $20 1/2 it's really not worth it I know some people are with designer stuff just wanted to throw that out there alright so also like you mentioned we want to fill up the van all throughout the week and then how many arts are fully working on Saturday so on Saturday if we do flea market yard sale I'm gonna try to wear a chest strap with a GoPro so we can get like everybody coming up I was bartering or me bartering and then he's gonna go around to other yards you know so we're gonna get the habit of that every weekend and then hopefully we have that video of both of us doing whatever on Sunday so you guys look forward to that hopefully every Sunday that we want to keep that going so hopefully every Sunday so sure she's gonna have the video that's selling at the flea market or yard sale but for me it just depends what I find and if it can be a gentle video if not we'll kind of smash them into one video but if sometimes I've had yard sales what I felt at my entire car and trunk full of amazing stuff so you never know if it ends up super good will have it two separate videos if it ends up DC and will probably squish them together into one alright guys so that is gonna be it for this amazing storage in a video if you did enjoy it leave it a big thumbs up and if you haven't already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos all the time every single day you know what we're getting back on that grind every single day until I cannot move you want to falls on our social media legs they're gonna be on screen click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever yeah thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 81,212
Rating: 4.8847303 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit safiya nygaard, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage unit finds 2019, storage unit finds guns, storage unit finds money, bitcoin found in storage unit, bitcoin found, real storage auction, mystery box
Id: AtnrE4iu38U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 6sec (1686 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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