VINTAGE Storage Unit FULL OF Boxes

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what's going on guys Wade with Wade's ventures here and I'm showing you guys the last of the storage unit so if you guys have not seen the storage unit we took footage it's an hour and 40 minutes long it's in the storage unit it's antique vintage unit guys it's a really cool unit and everybody was like do the unboxing so that's what we're doing I'm going to show you the last of the stuff that we're gonna take you know video of and then we're gonna get into the good stuff which is the radio stuff now there's two other boxes that we're gonna do a video on which is all records old records so we'll do that video but let me kind of show you guys what's left here real quick and then we'll go through this year so and before we do hit the like button if you can and smash the subscribe button basically where storage unit eBay and Amazon family and we do a full time guys and actually possibly here in the next six months getting a warehouse which is gonna be great cuz I can get in have my house back and my garage back so but let's go through and let me show you guys what's left so basically this is the stuff that's left that we're gonna kind of go through right now and I don't know if we're gonna fit all in one video or not but we're gonna go through this stuff and then we have a couple boxes of Records and then we have the radio stuff and slash electronics so alright so let me set you down I'm gonna try to get some of this big stuff out of the way and show you guys that so I can clear some room here and let's get into it guys let's get into it I'll put you down right here well first let me just show you some of the big stuff and we can get this stuff out of the way a little bit here okay so we have a premium down calvin klein jackets this thing probably retails close to 300 to 350 dollars and this was in the unit case it's a very long long jacket and it's new with tags so this was in the unit so I'll probably sell this thing for 150 to $180 so it is a premium down jacket which is really good condition and it's brand new when that was in the Union guys so all right so we got this bad boy it's a really really cool all right so let's do a couple of these big items here just to make room now we also have this crock pot Lee or not this was in the unit guys not all not like a crazy old crock pot or anything but this was in the unit and it's sealed it's a brand new crock pot never used and so that was in there as well guys so it's a bigger one in six quarts so who knows maybe I'll just have to keep this thing but again that's was in the unit I already paid for the unit but the the thousand dollars for the gold that I sold so I mean just this is crazy this unit keeps on paying so all right let me move this down and then next big item we have is this bad boy here it is they basically first cigars from what I understand I don't know a lot about this this tray here this ashtray but it is in really good condition now it is a little bit bent as you can see it's a little bit bent but overall really good condition let me show you you need to be careful this glass because it does come out so we'll move it out of there just for a quick second it's where do they put felts down here so yeah there's the top and here's the bottom guys and this one says looks like Salem 59 - three or something like that so anyways guys I know somebody's going to want this piece we put this back here and this is a glass for it so all right let's go into the next big item alright so we did show this in the main photo or sorry the main video now it does have a crack here I did test it it does turn on and this is an old meat slicer guys you know honestly I don't know how much this thing's worth I have not checked it looks in pretty good condition and you got to be careful you don't take off your finger cuz the blade is still on there but yeah this is the old meat slicer and then also it comes with this which you puncture in the meat and then it pushes it towards the blade so I've got this here and the meat slicer I'll show you guys the model number on this thing or try to anyways see if I can angle the camera over here alright I can't so let me Mull number is 1 1 0 1 e - 3 so that's the model number anyways let me know guys if you think that this is worth any good money we still have to check comps on it but looks pretty good and like I said just that just a little crack there so alright let's go on to the next big item alright we have an ice cream maker here guys my mom's like that's what I have when I was a kid mom if you're watching you love ice cream alright so this is the ice cream maker original box and it is in there it's in fabulous condition how many of you guys actually buy ice cream makers and never make ice cream like I feel like that's the thing that people buy these things and they never make it at least that's kind of an appliance that happens to me or you use it like once so it's got the the manual and you always can self sell them for more when you have the manual oh it actually gives you like recipes in here too let's see I don't see a I don't see a actual date on it but look guys it's all in there they took really good care of their stuff so see it says the first and only frozen desert appliance I don't know if I I don't know if I I don't know if that's right but and look back then they paid 40 $1.95 for this thing back then so I don't know how old it is all to check but probably what 40s I don't know anyways let's go on to the next year all right you're wondering what the heck is in the box well it's actually brand new guys never used and it's a fireplace tools firebase basically what you put it by your fireplace and it's pewter guys now I've sold a lot of pewter stuff it does go for good money a lot of times this particular one brand-new I think is a hundred and sixty bucks so 160 lar pewter fireplace but yeah that it beuter guys is really I've sold a lot of pewter dragons and like knickknacks pewter and they always sell for me as you guys can see I only open the top and it's still wrapped in there guys brand new which is just between this and the coat I've already paid for half of the unit even if I didn't turn the gold in it's crazy I have enlisted one thing from this unit and it's just like I've already paid for it made $400 profit and I haven't even listed one item yet so alright so let's go on to the next big thing right we're just busting out these big things so we can make room here so this is a fresh bread baker you can make your own bread guys i boys sometimes i've thought about making my own bread but I don't know there's the tag now I don't think this thing is brand-new and honestly I don't know how much you will go for it's not extremely old or anything I mean it's older it was probably 90s but if you look in here like it's dirty I got to clean it but then they kept such good care of their stuff they kept the the plastic on here you guys see that so I mean it just it's in really good condition but it was used as you guys can see they did make bread bread with it so who knows maybe I'll make my own bread but this is one of the items guys all right you're wondering why is in this long box so yes this guy's goes with I think the projector I could be wrong I actually haven't opened it yet a lot of these items like for example this box we're gonna go through I've not even been in this box yet so I just haven't had time so you guys are seeing it the first time but yeah this is a and we're gonna open it real quick and see because like I said I haven't even opened it let me put you down real quick guys just so I could oh yeah it's a projector or not a projector excuse me a projector screen I think yeah so that's probably what they use the projector let's see there's a little bit of I don't know um something there but yeah missa projector screen you guys see Oh anyway it's in there guys I don't think it's brand new but we do have a projector in fact I think we have two out of this unit so all right let's go onto the next big thing all right two more bigger things left and then we're gonna get this unboxing stuff out of the way so guys this is really cool it's a Dirt Devil I don't think you can ever kill these things my grandma has one she still uses it this one looks like it's in pretty good condition I don't know what the market is for my vaccine ever sold a I've sold like filters for vacuums all the day long but I've never sold one of these so I want to look and see if these things are even you know made in the United States royal I have to see if they're actually selling and what they're sewing for what it does work all right so the last thing that's big is this bad boy there's a wobble to it that sees it Massena no no all legs are there maybe it's just the table okay I remember going through this remember me the camera ready here so we can see what's in here you never know I found rings and random stuff and is that eight bullets is that know this well so random is it yes has made us a no or I can't read that not see if it pops up on the screen here man where your screens killing me okay so yeah looks like some jewelry some ribbon and we got a bunch of stuff in here what is in here I got to make sure I don't don't here's some more buttons we did that video guys if you want to see kind of the crafty stuff all unit we have to did so make sure when you're looking through craft stuff you got to make sure there's no needles like the little not Niels but like those little you know what are they called they put in fabric this fabric needles because I had been poked with those before in the case no snag zipper whites for skirts may be brand new alright let me put the camera down I'll start pulling some of this out here let's see what's in here all right so we have mom loves yarn and some thread there some more thread and well what the heck is this thing it just says Susan Bates mom would know Susan Bates mom are you watching are you watching alright let me know in the comments mom oh here's a black zipper so now we have a white and a black brand-new zipper back in the day and we have a little hat for oh I think this is a pin pins yes pins sorry guys oh here we go yep old fashioned pins so you got to watch out for those suckers they will get you I don't know lace maybe to some place some more that's and then kind of some knick-knack patty-whack sit here random small stuff here's some more Niels you guys can see that so all right let's put this stuff in here oh are you guys that were this when you play Monopoly the thimble anybody ever play the thimble let me know all right so a really cool little box though let me show you let me put the stuff way back in here real quick it's got like a little ledge right here solid wood it's a beautiful one I think it's like maybe 15 inches long so it's a bigger one that's the bottom of it I see solid wood all right let's continue let's continue all right as always this is the Fox here we're gonna go through guys and it's a little coffee and we'll go through one thing at a time then show you guys spear fingers are here got my drink you guys get these from Starbucks they're refreshers pretty good Oh a shout-out to Lisa you're upstairs watching the kids shout out to Lisa Lisa thank you so much for bringing these every day really helps all right so the first item we have is we have an urn look how beautiful this one is real shiny I would say five inches or so and this is the back to it it's kind of faint but this is Japan on there and then it's black jet black what the heck got one of these this is like five inches - this will son c-usa eight three five anybody know what this is USA eight three five let's sell a lot of this stuff it's kind of a good piece and there's no chips on it wait do we go through this box already I don't think so let me just check that pig looks familiar here's another one let's see give me one second guys I remember that pig oh no we didn't go to this box okay all right I was wondering I was like what the heck did we go through because I remember this pig but but all right so here's another one USA a 3/5 so now I've got two of them right here and we have this pig I can't remember if we win did that did I think I found one other Pig salt and pepper shaker on another video but maybe the second one wasn't there that's that pig threw me off a little bit all right this thing is really cool so that good look at this thing I know I didn't show this oh this one says Made in Japan but it's really weird how they put the meat in Japan parts you guys see that like that's kind of like indented in there but look at this thing so guess what this thing is guys I'm gonna give you two seconds it feels like like porcelain or clay or something there's a weird feel to it but it is really cool and look at the eyes if you guys know what this thing is called let me know but look so I what it does and numbers I know this because it was in here you put your two picks in there guys this is a to pick holder look at that so you put your own little two picks in there and these are all two picks I mean yeah so it's a toothpick holder that is really cool all right another one of these I think there's something that goes on the top kind of like what we saw prior so I'll see if I find it but these things are always really cool nope oh here's another one huh maybe I did find the other maybe there was another set or no I don't know maybe I can't remember anyways there's another Pig so now we've got two pigs you guys know what they're called let me know makes it easy to research these things no no bottoms - then we have this little guy this little guy so there's plenty of top in here that goes on top so let's see if you find it this is really cool look at this thing look at the color on it and you can see is this Viking glass guys or do you think it's Viking glass look at the color on that thing though doesn't show up great on camera but it's such an amazing piece and I would look at me look how big it is so I would say probably 10 inches maybe 12 maybe 12 inches yep found it see a little egg and I don't see any markings on it at all yep here's the other one I know we haven't gone through these because I wouldn't have packed it like that so yeah just like that look at that though and that beautiful you guys have an idea what glass it is pretty cool I would say this is five inches all right wow this is awesome look at this little tiny thing see you Phil focus oh look at that you guys see that look at the color on that that's the bottom can hardly see it but this thing is cool maybe there's a copy here look at this so this is probably about three and a half inches but it is such a it's kind of a cool piece I don't know if it's for like a small flowers or what if it's or maybe it's a candle maybe it's for a candle I don't know but interesting another one oh no this is shot glass what is this say oh it just has like a little shield and it says L L or E or something down there that's the bottom so if you guys when we want to get our bourbon drinking on we can do that have you guys seen my bar yet let me show you yeah so you want to get our bourbon drinking on we can can't see it sorry there's a box in the way but I have a little bar and then on the side you guys remember this is from that other storage unit from the other storage unit so I've got some decanters and all that down there but alright let's get working here yeah alright let's continue it's something I don't problem is I don't think it oh wait wait wait right here look at this that's what it goes to so a little top on there guys let me know what this thing is like if you got a name for it if you can give me a link that would be great but it's in fabulous condition there's no chips or anything like that and I know that's got the top on it I would say it's like seven inches so oh here's the party dish you can put your different dips probably in here I don't know let's let me focus it you guys see the ridges on here pretty cool so yeah and I would say this is ten inches by 10 inches all right let me put this stuff away and we'll go to another box all right well let's get started so normally I don't show the books or the VHS it's not because there's no money in it just to save time and some people don't want to see that there's just two of the two boxes out of all those so I'm going to show you guys just so you guys can see because I think there's money in these books I have to check though so if you guys know anything let me know but let's get into this and then after we get these two boxes down we'll have some more boxes out of the same video so the first one is electric circuit analyst and this is pretty good condition and this is the book so here's the number four it's let's go to the next one radio equipment or sorry radio engineering there's next one it's the top there's that and um that's it let's open up the first part here so this looks like it's in the 1940s all right sorry nineteen 1937 as this book so there's definitely money in books guys I do sell books primarily Bibles that's going to show you right now I don't know how much this thing is worth but man this thing's massive guys definitely over 12 inches but look how thick it is so if you guys don't if you guys don't know about Bibles they sell extremely well again depends on the Bible older Bibles do better if you guys know anything about Bibles I don't sell time them so let me know on this one if you guys think this is gonna be a good one but you also got to make sure that you look through the Bible because a lot of people will leave money in the Bible so like this was uh this wasn't part of the Bible guys don't worry didn't break anything but yeah you got to go through this Bible this one may be worth some good money though it's an excellent condition this seems oh it's all filled out too so I gotta go through that but yeah and oh look at this look at those just those images I mean it's incredible yeah so it's a pretty cool Bible guys and it's got kind of the gold around here too all right this one says electrical engineering and that is the sight of it here and this one says part one mcgraw-hill Book Company I don't know anything about this one readers jet Reader's Digest you know I don't know if old Reader's Digest books go for a ton you can see that you can look them up right down there guys that's the number I'll hold it there for two more seconds just in case you guys are curious but yeah this one looks in pretty good condition as well you guys can see so Reader's Digest oh we have a Tektronix book Tektronix an old Tektronix book hey this stuff may actually be worth some money you guys never know and there's nothing on the front yeah this is 1961 introduction the tools and science are basically extensions of the operators sense is so arts we have an old Bible here it is taped up so not the greatest condition children's Bible I think the numbers missing there cuz this is definitely older this is 1950 1950s children's Bible it does have some color in there and then also some black and white but 1950s alright so there's a bunch of these I honestly don't know if they're worth money a lot of money into paper and stuff like that so actually let me so it's basically a space magazine just the back of it this is volume 2 it's all about man and space basically so let me know if you guys have sold any of these before this is volume 4 so we'll see we have 2 & 4 so far I'm assuming we have 1 through 4 yep this is volume 1 the first small step so probably it's just like the journey but introduction and all that Wow okay let me guess volume 3 yep I know NASA and that sort of stuff so say the old NASA stuff anything space seems to do well a lot of collectors out for that so for those books alright the next one now it says the new Webster I don't know how old this is but yeah it's in pretty good condition yeah let's see look at the pages on that Wow there we go okay this one says 1969 so basically 1970 70s right anyways guys this should have a number in here that I can look it up see if it's worth anything I don't it's not extremely old but who knows all right we have the next one basic mathematics for electronics and it's the second edition here we go this one says 1960 so there's some okay here's another Bible leather back Bibles always do well sorry guys I hate to show any personal information oh this is actually 1982 so it's not even that old you know it's all you got think 1982 what that's thirty-six years ago and all around there I can't that was just quick math but another Bible it will still sell though I mean I'll still be all saw that bad boy for 25 bucks or something that's a look another Bible oh man that is my least favorite word right there Oh oxide on my mouth no no mine five two three four eight but some of the stuff is worth money I don't think this is but who knows maybe I'm wrong this is 1958 on there so definitely older that's in a really good condition so no huh this may be actually worth money singer is a pretty good brand I actually bought a singer because I was going to do embroidery on clothes on t-shirts but I never found out salsa look on this one and see this one since 1949 that was one is copyrighted so I would say what basically 1950s based on this right well yeah this actually may be worth the money a 1950s singer book all right box is empty let's continue yes now I think it was dawn the oxygen professor if you guys have not seen dawn the auction professor on YouTube you should he is really cool shout out to dawn if you guys go to his channel the auction professor on YouTube let him know that I sent you but honestly he is one of the very few people that I just really enjoy watching his videos and stream ly knowledgeable a really cool guy if you guys do not have a dad in your life he would have been one that you would want to have he is such a cool guy but yeah book too this may be worth some money I had to look it up it's in pretty good condition look at that I'm not crazy just the stuff the head in there you got to look out for first editions and I can't remember the word for it oh this doesn't have it but sometimes in the older books they have like the image in color but it's actually not in the actual page it's like on top of the I forgot what that's called but those go for good money to look all the colors in this book it's crazy it's in pretty good condition let's see I see it dates on here Oh 1931 is when it was copyrighted but what's the actual date anyway who knows maybe he'll say read this when I good when I get home - Kade I don't know we'll see anyway let's sleep up there we only have a couple more books guys in fact three more books so this is interesting look at the oh it was like they put this over it after the fact hmm engineering fundamentals 1936 you know books that do really well off the top of my head Bibles also books that do extremely well are old alcohol's anonymous books guys if you find old or anything anonymous right but old alcohol anonymous books like the old ones do extremely well also another see another good book that you guys should get and I know this sounds crazy but old parenting books old books on like parenting like the old ones do extremely well - so if you find old parenting books they do well I sold one for 54 bucks about a month ago and so yes old parenting books Bibles that sort of things that's kind of stuff you want to look for and shout out to the Portland Pickers because they're the ones that got me on the parenting book they're amazing over there Portland Pickers but anyways alright second-to-last I'm sure there's more books that we'll go through later on but not in this video digital computer fundamentals second edition so you guys know anything about these books let me know I know probably a lot of them have to do with the ham radio stuff [Music] yeah this one says this is 1966 and the last one it's a Bible all right aid to Bible understanding I'm looking through the computer or the sorry that camera when I when I hold it so sometimes it stuck I'm actually looking at the item I'm looking through the screen though so in the 70s it doesn't necessarily mean the book was 1971 but in the 70s all right let's continue and see what the heck's in here we're trying to bust out a lot on this video all right let's look into this guy's all right so remember my motto if it's an old photo I have no problem showing it because I want to keep the family's privacy as much as I can but this is an old photo so I can show this so this is a 19 it shows on the back 19 it has his name so I'm going to cover it but 1924 and it says he's a sailor he's sailing he's a sailor so yeah and this is negative negatives to it but 1924 isn't that crazy that's awesome I'm awesome photo all right we also have a random wallet in here but look at the quality of this wallet it's crazy good quality obviously you want to look in every little nook and cranny make sure there's no cash right but yeah pretty good quality wallet somebody's gonna love this thing and it's in good condition all right so this we also have some keys member I show you everything I don't hold anything back from you guys transparency all right now this is a blanket so I'm gonna or no this is a pillowcase set pillowcase guys look at this it's an old pillowcase I mean it's just crazy what the quality back then there's a little discoloration which it's not too bad look it's an old pillowcase so alright that was in there let's see what else was in here I'll grab this thing ready let me flop it up and see what it says all right well this is a big sucker oh that's a personalized pillow very personalized blanket to the family we'll put that in there I did get a question I did get a question you know like when you go through the when you buy a storage unit here's what happens so you're by the storage unit depending on your process right I own my own box truck and if you guys haven't seen and I'll show you guys real quick all right so let's show you for all you new subscribers out there and I I'm just doing this just to be fun I don't care I can show you guys anything but here you go it's outside my house oh my gosh look at this thing you go to USPS comm you can get boxes free those are a bunch of boxes guys I get to ship stuff but this is my box truck guys it opens from the sides and that's what I use to get the storage units so it's really good when you own your own box truck you don't have to pay I you Stan said like rent a Penske and that was kind of annoying because you had to have the stuff back cute what is going on over there you got some geese this is outside my house guys if you haven't seen it anyways let's let's uh let's take you back inside ready anyways I don't know what I was getting at to be honest I forgot but yeah so let's go to the next box shall we that one over here this video may be a little longer guys I'm just trying to get these videos done if they're really fun to do however we have more storage units we want to do so we're gonna get this processed alright so the next thing is this case here and it holds cassettes now these are brand new actually it looks like I haven't been in here those are sealed brand new and some you got to look cuz I sell these right I'm not saying these I'm just giving an example some of them do better than others and some of them you and want to sell separately and some of them you'll want to lot up because there's two more in this is three of them you may want to lock them up and sell them but before you lock them up look at the price they're going for because some of those things are good money oh my gosh Wow ray Shh whoo we have some stuff to go through here don't we alright let me put this two back let's bring this all out here let's just show you guys you can see is this a music box no it's not I'm like is it a music books okay already so first of all the box is really good condition look at the not money this is zoom in here cuz a lot of times you can sell hold there by these rivet things whatever they're called so I don't know exactly how old this box is but it's in really good condition Oh sometimes buy those you can tell to you let me know guys what how old do you think this box is oh we even have a we even have a manufacturer on here nice let me know guys art boxes let me know how old do you think this box is anyway let's look in here and see what we have shall we alright so we have the box itself right there and then we have this stuff in it so what is that that's it just like stuck on there oh it's a tassel but it's stuck on there that's interesting alright now Don I'm just talking about the Oxford professor professor he sells a lot of these old toys and some of these things you'd be shocked they go for 50 60 70 bucks this thing looks like what does a steel or something I don't know it's heavy but if you guys know anything about this or dawn if you're watching let me know about this bad boy and see if he's worth any money let me see if he's got any markings he's kind of heavy I don't see any markings person here yet but anyways so we have that we have a key ceiling with a camera on this second an old key made in the United States somebody may buy this key just for the key alright so we have a pin here service hmm almost we have in here you know there's a lot Oh yep maybe you guys know anything about this let me know we have an old Navy pin oh it says something is that Navy Society no also look because remember it's hard looking through the camera to show you here's another one just the back of it Seattle 1942 is what it says awarded March 17th 1942 is this to pick back in the day they'd use this as a to pick all right oh look at this that's a cool piece mmm this was in there all right so now we do have some dice in here oh did I should not show this that's a really cool piece too if you guys know about those pins let me know also this here and we also had an old coin or sorry an old key there's a couple of these in this unit small keys a lot of people are saying maybe go to old lock boxes or possibly those um oh wow like this just hanging out alright so that was what's in there and then you have the box itself so this boxes look at the inside look at that design somebody's gonna love this box let me know how old do you think this thing is and also how much this should go for all right let's put the stuff back real quick and we'll continue alright spirit fingers let's open this thing up oh so you guys probably can't see that very well but it's kind of rusted off alright oh wow remember old photos I'm okay with showing just because it's just crazy I love old photos soon that will be s will be old will be considered old and there aren't years these will be agents ancient photos okay so there wasn't this in here I don't know exactly what it's for but and that's personal papers when we got out this is a dog tag we'll leave that out because it's kind of personal see here's another there's a bunch of these in here guys just and they sell I sold one recently so if you look it up they you know they don't solve our ton some sell for a good money but yeah genuine leather what is it here what is it here nothing nothing in there so now this is what I this is pretty cool I think like I don't know this one says my god bless her it bless you but I've never seen a Bible like this before guys look how it's got like it's it's it's metal like a metal little cover thing that goes on and have you guys ever seen that before on a Bible this says that shield and New Testament and it says 1943 basically so this is the Bible this could be worth a little bit of money in this Bible you know but yeah it's a really good condition and gala less you there just like some marks but yeah pretty cool I've never seen one with that kind of sleeve on it before so all right and then this may be one of those keys goes to this we'll have to see but all right let's put this stuff a little way a little bit and I'll get into the next item that's in here all right so this may be this may be worth some money I don't know it just looks very old to me we'll have to check it out that that pigs on the front dancing let me know if you got what you guys think if you know anything about this because I don't oh this says man I can't read that out but that's the front it's got a name on there so I'm just gonna cover that up it's a kids book now it does have some markings in there looks like they were working on their cursive over here it says Chicago publishers New York see yeah 1924 copyright in 1924 so it doesn't necessarily mean that this was in 1924 so no it's it's it's got to be older than that so I don't know how old it is but because it's got color in it so I don't think it's 1924 but anyways let me know guys maybe I'll look this thing up all right what is this wow I got to show you guys this this is crazy photo Wow okay we got to go through this wish I had my my seat over here all right look at this guy's so this is it I'll show let me show you the back I got to be careful at this though it's the back all right okay this is from Italy from what the cover was saying see all right look at that Wow old and it's all like taped in there or whatever an old dollar it's written on and then look just more money in there it's got newspaper clippings they say photos pilots look at those guys back then there probably is having a blast oh my gosh this thing is amazing look at that whoa communications I wonder if he did ham radio yes look at this this is probably some of the stuff he owns it's in the unit that we're gonna showcase look at that maybe some stuff is in here I don't know he was obviously probably a communications expert and carpenters you got old now these pictures are not part of that they're like taped in you know look at those then you have a mechanic let me put this down a little bit here and see if this alright so we left off here the line and you got mud fog and actually pictures the mud tech supply the specialist Department nor that entailed operations and intelligence radio departments and it has names down there too and then you have crazy parachutes b-25s these people fought for our country it's incredible camera repair came over here a photo lavatory Wow photo lab and look some more pictures here this is Africa all these different areas now us oh look at him just having a blast she was singing her heart out wasn't she look at that picture ooh basketball you guys don't realize this but I played a lot of basketball look at those Nets back then Wow look at those nets it's funny oh wow look at this picture it's not labeled obviously volcano was erupting all then more midnight mass Christmas see it's getting harder and harder to flip the pages one hand Italy look at those guys that's incredible all right there's s'more Italy st. Peter's Paul seam of Rome I hope you guys enjoyed that as much as I have let me know what you think let me know what you think all right let's continue here oh this is an old workbook workbook so this was just kind of like you know like you would see in schools back then they go for this may actually sell the Portland workbook that doesn't show a dates on here but older photo all right but their ration books do they sell anymore let's look through here let's look through this ration book oh well it's got a bunch of old photos be here next another year we'll go through that don't worry let me just see what else is in here let me put the camera down guys so it's easier for me to show you what's in here then I'll show the - look at this thing is this a yearbook it is West Seattle 1943 yearbooks go good especially if you find people that were famous in there yeah this is the old yearbook see you see seniors over there Wow all of your books do definitely sell especially family members that probably want to try to get some of their family history you put the year in the school and all that huh Wow we used to make these covers do you guys remember the making those covers okay let's go through the ration book now all right hopefully you guys can see all this good I'm trying to do try and do good camera skills and show you the items market let's go this way towards the light here old photos do sell I think we've seen that one already look he's hanging out with his daughter look at that one Wow we've seen that one if the internet goes down the world goes down I think ham radio is the only thing that will communicate I mean it could be wrong but we're you know virtually if I don't know a lot about that stuff but I can tell you that if all that goes down I think camera that's ham radio the end of the world people all right so do we have fractions in here though let's see yeah it looks like he was in the Navy you see that and these are these are old letters guys won't onto I don't have time to read that old letters but let's see Wow Happy Easter that's funny all right all else do we have in here let me see ups more old photos this it's not kind of an older frame to just crazy what a what an amazing family we just have some extras so you can actually get those developed I believe but all right guys this is it the end of the box and old keys well all right so let's let me put this away and then we'll continue and look what I found in another box its axle guys my youngest we have Kade you wanna say hi honey you go singing out with Daddy all right let's get into this next box are you gonna help are you gonna help big sigh all right guys let's do this all right here is another box guys so we have some sealed VHS is again some of these go for really good money if you saw them individually and then set me on to some in a pack so or you light them up alright we also have a Kenneth Cole no I think we open this one at the main the main video but these are some older watch bands so I don't know exactly how old want to check on that but there's that let me put you down now we have look at this Return of the Jedi VHS set so normally this stuff is doesn't go for a lot of money I'll have to check but somebody just do so how this guy off the scan I love barcodes you can kind of scan and see this is a VHS set guys so we have a doll here but guys it's not in there it's empty nothing in there well let me just check there may be money in here nope nothing but guess what guys this is the doll case to that other doll so you guys are right it's pulling out worth much but I need to keep this case alright box number I forgot three or four let's go through this guys we may go a little quicker here just because we don't want this video to be two hours long those don't want to show you everything alright so we have a New Testament Bible here leather I'm trying to do this with one hand so definitely an older Bible guys these handheld Bibles actually do decent and a lot of people I know lock them up so oh this is an old like notepad it's kind of fold uh but it's just an older notepad oh we don't see it that's personal what are these things that I don't understand what these things are let me know guys if you know the tides oh look at that photo that's incredible let's see what else do we have in here oh wow a songbook it's not there oh wait it's kind of there in pieces a little bit so 1948 woman's relief Corp what is this huh interesting Alta we threw that oh wow all right let me quickly go through these because I know you guys love old photos and these are old photos so I don't mind showing them let me set this up real quick we'll do it like that like I'll turn you guys close to me and we will show you these old photos will kind of go through them quick just to kind of show you a few of them Wow I have that right it's just astonishing like we forget or at least I forget sometimes that we it seems like you've always had I mean I was born in 86 right which is you know I'm not saying by no means there was like extremely good working computers like today but you just kind of forget like there's these times without internet you know and socializing was completely different back then in many cases I kind of envy that you know you gotta meet somebody and actually talk with them you know work but then again I wouldn't give up anything for this Wow just hanging up must be somebody's mom look at this I guess they're incredible bunch of kind of small ones here we'll just do kind of the bigger photos just to save time but she's pondering oops all right looks pretty serious in that one huh pretty serious that one Wow somebody's aunt so I just want to show you this I think it's way cool all right these videos are amazing guys putting YouTube videos out there but when you do these unboxings I realize like how much work it is like it's a lot of work to do these unboxings and I wouldn't change it for anything that's why I can't do these for every storage unit because to go through everything just takes so much time but for units like this they're just so phenomenal you kind of want to take your time out you know what the heck Wow look at that that's incredible let's open this thing up here look at this thing here's a little box Wow wonderful stuff I can't play for anything but this is cool guys let me nod to see this thing's even worth any money Oh see if this thing's even worth any money but man that is awesome let me put the camera down so I can put her away that's awesome really cool and we have some tastes in there alright oh my gosh we have so much in here okay let me show you guys what's in here this is a box you kind of want to take your time out a little bit and show you guys okay all right oh I think I did I show these no these are different Oh in the main unit possibly I've shown these in the main unit so okay that's lost then that crazy that's so awesome there's some really cool people and have served honestly I don't know I have my grandpa was he served in the Navy my brother served in I believe the army and he was also in the Air Force my dad was also in the service so he had VA benefits as well if you guys don't know but my dad passed away when I was four and I'll show you something pretty cool here sorry guys this is a mess so when he passed away they put a really big American flag over their casket you guys are probably like why is flag over here it's cuz this is before I mean I don't know if you could see okay you can see right over there so that's a normal size of American flag and that's my dad's flag right there it's never been taken out so when they you know and I don't know much about it I actually took the ASVAB and was going to go into the Air Force but then decided to do something different but yeah so when he passed away that was on his casket and then they rolled up a special way and it's never been out of that so I never took it out of that so I have a lot of respect for people that were in there whatever service they were in it's just it's incredible oh here's another one have you guys seen Zorro yet my dog will show me I can try Oh how are you where are you going I blurted out his face guys cuz he didn't want to be seen okay another one this is another one let's see let me hold the camera Wow there it is right there guys there is another one so now we have two of them okay look at that crazy really awesome this actually looks like old ring it's hard to see anyway don't let me switch my sides here s'more pins looks like some more rings I'd be shocked if this was in gold just looks there's some writing in there guys but I can't see it let me stand up here okay sorry I'm holing the camera at one hand trying to show you what the other small keys in there so yeah we'll put the stuff back real quick and we will shall continue this will be the last box we do guys and I'll split it the remaining boxes in another video just because this one's getting kind of long and this is an old address book is what it is it's got old addresses in there we're really careful with that stuff all right okay let's see what's in this thing and see what's in there some more stuff in there Wow all right papers this looks like kind of like an old working you know folder basically huh and through these elementary chemistry this is addition one paper sells guys a lot of people don't want deal paper but it's lightship this sells and it looks like we have a bunch of old just really cool letters bold letters do sell just depends a lot of the stuff let's go back to the family Wow look at that alright guys here we go let's get into this I'll try not to be shaky cuz I'm holding the camera now remember I want to keep the family private so I'm only doing really old photos guys really old photos just to keep them private this was back 1920 something 1924 just a really cool book you got to respect some of these older photos I think it's just so awesome this was 1926 Crystal Lake those kids no matter how old they're amazing having two kids under two guys it changes your life you look at things way differently that's really cool I think that was 1929 this is 1930s do those photos I wish I had like a machine I can teleport back and just observe and see how things were back then maybe get an ice cream for like 29 cents or something see look at that scene see a picture like that that's like basically back in the day Instagram all right all right back in the day Instagram that was cool can you imagine like just doing a photo cool photo like that that was like their their Instagram so okay that's it that's it I'll see what else is in here all right anything new or we want to respect their privacy oh wow look at that people love these old photos oh yes I just thought about that remember what I showed you guys the truck I remember what I was talking about so you know a lot of people undo balk they unbox storage units a lot of different ways depends on your situation if you've got help if you've got a box truck if you're renting a truck if you've got a vehicle at all how much time you have a lot of places let me give you know on line they give 48 to 72 hours but when you do a live auction a lot of places only give you 24 hours also condition whether you got to think of all that stuff right so basically the way that it works is when you release for me I go through the unit with you guys to show you the unit but a lot of people they don't go through the unit at the facility they just try to get it all out of the facility and then they go through the unit either at their warehouse their garage wherever the case may be so when I'm at the facility if I do run through personal items birth certificates like modern pictures you know tax documents any kind of financial documents I'll leave them there at the office but occasionally when you're Georgina Beyer when you bring this back to wherever you're bringing it back to you find this stuff as you're going through the boxes so some of these really old photos it's debatable newer photos I send right back to the family and even some of these older ones I send back to the family you want to try to give back as much as you can believe it or not though not a lot of people do that very little people do that and then also I know I think there's a law I could be wrong I had to look this up at least here in Oregon that they have to keep it for 30 days or is it 45 days they have to keep the personal stuff and try to get in contact with the extended family I could be wrong but the number one rule and storage unit buying is you do not contact the family yourself I know this sounds crazy you don't you don't want to do that trust me that's a number one rule and storage unit buying and you do depend on the facility some really cool managers do try to in fact give this stuff back to the family so anyway it's just thought I'd give you that that's when I was showing you the truck I completely forgot what I was gonna tell you I guess the main thing with that is yes it just means this is the first time I'm going through these boxes and it's the first time I'm seeing it - hopefully that makes sense look at this thing look at this I got the question the other day how many storage units have I purchased I purchased over 250 storage units in the last probably four years and it you know I wish I would be like 300 thousand or more followers how I done that early you just don't think about that stuff you know you don't think about filming or anything like that and it does add a lot of time to it too so it's it's a whole nother dynamic look at that this a portland doc said dog license tag wow it's really cool these actually may be Irie guys by the way I had those other turquoise I had those turquoise jewelry looked at and they're not real so those that are wandering on that turquoise jewelry it wasn't it real still worth money people will buy it but it wasn't real what the heck what is this like a tooth or something that's weird no doggy okay we're empty we're empty for that little portion that was right there okay let's look at some other stuff here what is this just like a little magical rug one second guys actually getting a lot of eBay offers here well oh wow I'll show you this guys real quick give me one second let me try to get this screen working on my phone here I'd sold okay do you guys remember that one storage unit video I did where I found um here let me make sure I don't sell it show this to the buyer okay where I found this I just sold it buy it now no best offer for sixty dollars so look at the just a little bit thing for 60 bucks remember that was on that one video that I found the Mac computer on so anyways alright so just goes to show you I do list this stuff if you haven't seen that storage unit video I found a lot of like pirate stuff and Mac and all that stuff so alright so we have a lot of old letters here I'm gonna go through these letters but just for the sake of time Wow look at this it's my Val to get this listed like soon with Valentine's Day you know what I mean look at that that actually may be worth some money there that is really cool some old letters guys a lot of old letters so I want to go through everything with you it's just the sake of time it's tough you know okay Wow look at this this another age five somebody made this back in the day at age five Wow I always have a soft spot for the children and what they do and you know get Easter this must be like a kids you know this must be a kids like box it's my Valentine look at this card wow that is just too cool they had a lot like people think back then they didn't have like a lot of like ways to make different cool things but man they did and they like they made some pretty good quality items I've gotten a lot of older units before and this one is a really fun one to go through see no whole train card it's my sweetheart [Applause] trying to do this with one hand so a lot of like hand done stuff okay all right let's see what letter this is a pitcher very careful here can't do it with one hand oh wow look at this it's not shut up look out that's an amazing he's a good-looking guy well I got all the ladies wow look at this in that crazy-cool look at that photo just everything what an amazing family look how old this photo is Wow that's been two seconds someone get this movie this just the whole family that's a lot of kids that would that's a lot of kids all right cancer you're really careful with this stuff and I think all cars in the background alright hopefully enjoyed this video I tried to get it all in we've got two more boxes so one more video of the two boxes in miscellaneous then we're gonna have one video of all the records and then we have then we're going to do the massive video with all electronics that's probably gonna be an hour and a half long video but it's gonna show every single electronic does in this unit so make sure you guys subscribe hit the red subscribe button give it a thumbs up if you can that lets YouTube know we're doing a good job here at the weights ventures house and it will cascade this video out some more people just want to say I appreciate everybody have an amazing day thank you so much for following me and my family and yeah I can't wait to get this it's gonna be bittersweet to get these videos done but then I'm still also going to be good because then we'll do more storage units so we'll get this storage unit processed and then we'll do more storage units can't promise this unboxing for all of them it's a lot of work and we probably won't do it for all of them very select for you only the best but yeah time to amazing day guys see ya
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 70,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VINTAGE Storage Unit FULL OF Boxes, VINTAGE Storage Unit, FULL OF Boxes, vintage storage unit, vintage finds, i bought a storage unit, storage unit buying, unclaimed storage unit, storage facility, mystery boxes, opening mystery boxes, storage auction finds, real storage auction, storage wars, storage auction, abandoned storage unit, antique storage unit, storage auction tips, storage auction show, storage wars 2019, storage unit, won a storage unit, storage unit haul
Id: z3M6WDObtUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 7sec (5707 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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