Bought a WEED FARMER STORAGE UNIT! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit That Belonged To A Drug Dealer

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not in with Jesus guys and today we're to Oakland California with a pretty interesting unit so we just started a peek inside the unit and we think it might belong to a certain set of riot II of people that sell or feel a certain type of thing based on what we can see from the door if you catch my drift so don't forget to like this video guys subscribe you new let's go ahead and get into it [Music] all right so we're gonna start here on this red cell first thing we see is the tool box what do you guys think inside is it paraphernalia what is it these are the things that everyone should be wearing which I'm not gonna wear what is this look at there's wires in there what do you guys think that is then the explosive box it's gonna rig blow up right when I set it down what it is look at that a straight end wired main breaker and this is 100% in there cuz I can feel this heavy weight there it is alright so we got a fire extinguisher - I think we should spray somebody with this I think maybe we should spray somebody with it not yet why don't everybody just back up around me I don't understand I'll see what's in this box where darken ice go I just had it oh well just gotta fight with the table everybody always has one with me what do you guys thinks in here what is it label before we open it door locks in the ovens been in every four knobs and that's exact what it is look at that it's a box of doorknobs why there isn't one 2.5 gallon read that for me nicely we got this thing what everything like what is that any idea event what the plug in it I don't know somebody's got to let us know what a comical we got here all right guys our second box here while we saw in here so far says fragile and plant Mac that's sketchy I need a can ice it has tape on it where's the kitty fat you have it back don't have it I got it right I got a good Dolphins color one from Frasor pricing nothing wire cable all the way up all cables all cables and extension boring alright guys next two mystery boxes you're gonna you're gonna have to help me out a little bit with this stuff so what is that portable lawn pump hmm sketchier and sketchier ulti tech it's all I can say about that one and then it was like a breaker box some outlets this all stuff it's offensive go to the countdown three two one blinds this thing what is that bf like leave us a bunch of comments down there because I have no idea what that stuff baby she is now cutler hammer AC lighting contractor I'm not picking this stuff up so heavy light switches taped up box can't even get that open whatever this is just sketchy and this looks like another like breaker switches so again not swearing that please let us know in the comments yeah all right so I bought this unit for $275 and it was quite obvious what it was it's a tomato grower unit and in here we got down here we got a bunch of ballasts these are typically two full ones are lunatics yep looma tech these these are 600 watt ones this is probably a 400 watt one 400 watt a 600 watt so yes these are all 600 watt ballasts we got one two three four five six seven of them they're about $200 new each we can usually get about $50 each on those we got one two three four five six seven eight about 15 to 20 of the hoods we could usually sell those about 40 $50 each and here it says max fans I'm going to swim they are fans duct fans that's a 12-inch one you usually get about 100 bucks on these that's the 8 inch one about 80 bucks on those did you pay for the it 275 is what we paid for the unit not that like you've already sent to Sony I think I didn't say that one time if we got more fans just like the buck said small ones usually 40 bucks and a fan cover guy so we just open this box up and according to storage Scott and the storage auction pirate these bulbs are supposedly like a hundred bucks apiece you guys gotta let me know are they liars they really fun to shoot because this box is loaded I mean you're talking probably 15 white that's 100 bucks apiece I mean that could be over a grand worth it just light ball look at this is this seven boxes out of is this the seventh box and 18 it very well might be if you haven't picked up on the vibe yet this is obviously a weed growers storage unit I mean looked over there we haven't got to it yet 100% that's what they were doing with this stuff but anyway they were growing that without the S but we're gonna keep moving stuff and then we'll be right back alright so we got this big tall box here and apparently they call this is a carbon filter which basically filters out the smell yeah so we have not not just a little small I got a couple pot plants in the back of my house we got a full grown operation going here somebody was growing for real to sell definitely a pot farmer alright so we have two more boxes over here and guess what these are what is the one thing we're missing so far and the pots to actually grow the pot that wasn't meant to be a pun but it was kind of funny but look at that it even got dirty in there still this one's let's do yeah you can already tell you another box of all the parts look how many pot pots we have in two boxes this unit is just getting crazier and crazier what did he fight no way to chart javelin what you have to say about that fight um that was easy Friday usually when I have a sword competition this competition is a little tougher but that one's pretty cake so we just pull out another toad here that's full of baby clothes personally I think I would look super hot in this what do you guys think I mean it might be a little bit too big I think I usually wear my stuff a little bit smaller than applet that would look hot you think I shouldn't I mean that's about as far as I'm getting we got pink yellow purple even the flowers this one my bill to get on a little bit further it looks a little bit bigger than the rest what is that is that what I think it is yeah it's gonna have like I didn't see that I see more stuff at the bottom ooh see games - what do we got Sonic - adventure battle for a Nintendo GameCube and that is in there when's the last time you seen a GameCube game it's actually complete manual discs and the sure we even got super mario sunshine for a contender Gamecube - you know how long these have been in here I'm pretty sure these are the whole game stop sticker so they've had these since game stops all GameCube games they also got Metroid Prime look at that but even the bonus discs in a lot of time the bonus disc is gone these things that's both in there - look at that yeah get out get out get out Dooney and Bourke purse - these are expensive we sell these on Poshmark the cheapest we've ever sold duty and burkas 50 bucks so they're good brand what is this one does it have a brand on it that one's an ante lay somebody in the comments gotta let me know what that's worth I don't think we've sold that one before what else will be on going I see another purse or two purses come on let's hope for some high-end stuff the red one is no brand the black one is here's a logo they're looking you see it looks like a rutting horse and I was like like a Ferrari logo on a purse looks like I'm running a horse then we got this one which is pull out they're feeling well that one's City trans maybe ours DKNY so still pretty interesting box especially those GameCube games guys we want to say one thing I know we showed these boxes earlier but these are Sun reflectors cool Sun reflectors in every single box is full and in there you know how many of these things we have look how far back it goes one two three so I don't know 20 Sun so walk across the bottom what for eight there's two roses that's a sixteen seventeen eighteen ninety Oh way over twenty lights way over twenty every single one is in there all of them that is a lot of money for some weed lights so we're looking at all this beautiful baby clothes and you know what this makes me want right so put it down in the comments if you think Chivas and amber should have a baby because mama divas certainly thanks man no yeah look mama Jebus needs a grandbaby alright guys I showed you these lights before storage Scott over there said that these are worth $150 retail and $50 resale so he's gonna make Bank from this unit let's see what's in these big tubs these are probably the most mystery we got out of whole unit um I don't know cardboard cast acrylic sheet we have a top this is a Lakers baby like it yeah Lakers anyway it's gross whatever that is like it some looks like ski goggles a hard hat Edison International stop a hockey stick for the Los Angeles Kings gross a sleeping bag what is that this looks like one of those gas masks um frog jog outerwear like a bag I guess like a travel bag for camping or something terrifying filters there's another sleeping bag a headrest that I don't know what that is this oh there's a bunch of mold down there look at me oh that's too strong yeah I was not even gonna touch down there because I don't have gloves on but this whole black shoe is pretty much grey at this point hmm and this belt is pretty much great at this point so that's it for that tub and this guy's like why would you have here is about like a small amount of medical marijuana leaves before you go through this next Bureau I want to talk about these for a little bit so this is a walled-off fan switch scott said that this is like a regular fan so I don't know maybe five ten bucks on each one and then this one retails for 200 but they run out and are not really good after a while so the resale is very small so let's go through this more wires that's just water some kind of filter this is drip irrigation kit it looks like that right here if you guys know what this stuff costs a lot of snow seeding heat mat this is in there this thing is heavier than I thought um Hayward power flow Punk hmm seen better days I mean besides that it's just a bunch of random stuff we probably have like really no recent life all right guys we finished cleaning out this unit please gift storage got some subscribers he has awesome content he buys units like this all the time you paid $275 for this one is expected to make $3,000 plus so that's amazing more than we could ever buy like that so that's going to be it for this one guys if you did enjoy it please leave it a big fat thumbs up and if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunter videos all the time if you do it on follow us on social media links are jumping on screen just click things down in description below make sure you follow us and whatever you have thank you so much for watching and until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 44,553
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: i bought a drug dealer's storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found this, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage auction locker, storage locker, abandoned storage units, found in storage locker
Id: 89AQUq9f1u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2019
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