I Bought A Storage Unit Worth $1,000s! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit and Made BIG MONEY!

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welcome back to treasure and wajib is guys and this is going to be the third and final part to probably the best support unit we've ever bought so if you didn't see the first two parts we came across a Sammy Sosa rookie car which could easily be worth over $2,000 around ten game consoles including vintage games and a whole bunch of games and cartridges with them some that I never even heard of and we still have more boxes to go through and we're gonna do a huge recap of all three part and show you all the money made on this unit so don't forget to like this video subscribe your new let's get back in it alright so we got this bit of stuff right here I'll have to go through and then like we said we're gonna include this huge recap which is going to be probably the best one you've ever seen at the end so first thing we got mission accomplished frame but it has their name on it so mission specialists think that goes on with the military stuff we've got military clothes any other one maybe but it looks like this box is certificate paperwork and pictures so make sure nothing that's in there modern German so nothing no we want to see you all set this one aside and go through the next one let's get into the next box here hey it's me the Pillsbury Doughboy and you know they may like stuff animals like that does he do you feel like such this thing he's got like a battery pack you know but I don't know how to make him talk that's pretty cool I gotta behold probably does the Oh probably hold on I'm pretty sure he likes let me get down the ball another nice work Hawaii 2005 was this purchased uh Wayne's World it's an art gallery so this is another gallery piece of art at that side not a picture in here wedding card thank yous andropause not going to touch with that crystal leg crystal frames i imagine that would be expensive I don't see a price tag on it but I can't picture that being cheap these are heavy this box is a lot heavier than it looks up let's set that open here a 2007 calendar and it's all marked up why don't they save it Ice Age 2007 - [Music] things like that so most of that box will go back but we've got two more and some interesting things over there let's keep going so we just pull the top off of this box let's see what we got inside - hat she locks the paperwork no thank you no thank you we don't like paperwork here let's do comic books ooh hold on now look at that space beaver the Nam GI Joe yearbook another GI Joe yearbook look at these these are in good shape - oh they be using Butthead Oh a Beaver's and butt-head comic book that's something I have not seen yet what else do you have another one Oh all comments these might all be comics did you guys like everything that you can think of it's collectively let's see they are they're all comic books and like super 15 condition oh let's see you here Robotech another Robotech of these all relative they are never heard of Robotech look at them they're all in a really good condition and in protective sleeve so that's usually a good sign this might be more the same let's check it up and it is more robotic comics let's see if we can find a day on April in 1985 you see that hole oh well trust me they're all in there and they're all in literally perfect condition this is a huge stack of collectible comic books right here let's see what else stuff either side first I don't want to get them advanced or anything let's have you find anything else in this bag or box Carderock bags Snoopy pillow high school yearbook couple Garfield things that could be worth money to you never know these are old especially and they could have value to nothing oh my god there's a whole dark book collection all there's more look at this those are all comic books there and look here's a just a calendar these are all Garfield books and all comic books right here look at that we put these back this is all more comic books there's a lot of the edge Oh in here guys we could be sitting on another goal of mine we'll go over these more in the recap because that's gonna take a long time as there's a lot of stuff for this recap but check this out - this is a whole collection yeah of these Garfield books look at that way or anything bees are from 1978 yes it's a whole collection of them once again we could be sitting on another jackpot all right so we're down to the last box here it's labeled baseball and we found one cardigan be worth over two grand already let's see if we can find more and I like just went out well Jane has hit the Lights all right we have a light again let's see what we got in this box so the first thing I see is a brain balance book that doesn't seem like baseball right and close close something like baseball to meet you there this is a $5 back from Ross do we find that only maybe boring box yes you feel like I - it seems like we need some of these well I think we found yeah the one bag the one box of the entire unit that's just boring clothes and you know what okay with just one box of wearing clothes so this unit killed it and we still have these let's see what those are these are bronze and then wow they are worth bank but look at that this looks like it's the moon landing and it doesn't have any markings on the back that looks pretty cool though doesn't it mm-hmm check out the back of it though it looks like it's just bored no markings or anything but that's like bronze which is the color the right color that'd be pretty cool how do you tell the difference between copper and bronze you're asking the wrong one wait it's heavy I think also because of the board yeah we got this one here - that's like factory-trained Estoril revolution maybe it's like a little point of American history plus the represent the Industrial Revolution maybe that's the moon landing these are just guesses guys we have no idea for right all right then we got this which is the ship coming in this is the original Christopher Columbus the guy teaching so great history than you thought later find out he was a horrible person slaughtering and torture people he has his ships coming the Indian or American Indian like know what is this one I don't even know what that one day that's upside down isn't it Yallah Oh who's that at the top come on strange strange man I look like a Spartan shield doesn't it mm-hmm that's pretty cool right there I went to set him up here I'm running out of room it's the last thing in the unit things are less everything hidden behind him yeah this one which is right there pretty cool it already passed actually you know what it is yeah you might be right there the only other thing I see over there is this thing which looks like it was a train track at one point and like a boot for a foot and now guys I think we're finally done clearing out this unit now we get the fun part of hoping it all fits on our van I think I think we'll be all right getting on the van then going home and doing a massive recap to show you just how I pick all the stuff in this unit was I'll see you then all right guys so now we're going to begin is massive recap we're gonna do this one a little bit differently because we have so much stuff right after like go through one genre stuff then go through the next genre stuff and do it that way until we get through it all because literally 95% of this unit was good stuff which is unusual it usually it's like 90% crap 10% good but this wouldn't change the game so let's start with the best thing I think all right this little thing that we do not know what it was this is actually an old handheld gaming system right here it's called the turbo Express I never heard of it this is broken on eBay that didn't produce sounds sold for two hundred and eighty dollars and working they all sell for over 300 bucks $300 for this little thing and when we picked it up I had no idea what it was at all but we also got these little things that we thought our graphics card it said turbo graphics on it's awesome graphics card actually cartridges that play in this so we have a bunch of games for that we have vigilante we have victory run we have a legendary ax which is actually a good one we've looked these up with you they most of them are like ten fifteen dollar games but well what there's two in there there's two okay hey legendary what a nice a legendary ax is like a fifty dollar game and then on this side you have splatterhouse this one I thought was gonna be worth a lot but it wasn't yep a clan which is pac-man yeah moto runner on this side and keep courage on this side and then you have dungeon explore over here so bunch of games with it I'm saying the system in the games will self over twenty four or five hundred dollars yes if it all works and everything but I think we have a cool idea here we're gonna take all these electronics and we're actually gonna do a testing video but it's gonna be over on our second channel later on this week cuz we have so much to do this week so much remember the big huge unit we bought with storage stronger we got that take care this week so we're gonna do a second video follow-up to this it's gonna be on the second channel the link will be in the description so make sure you subscribe to that and we'll test all this stuff the games the systems and everything and make sure they all work we're gonna go over here anywhere cuz this recaps all him with this stuff I don't know the cost of anything I'm kind of a gaming area so this is I do Super Mario we're off with the Super Nintendo understand my first console era was a Super Nintendo when we got the stack of NES cartridges we have the goal soccer RBI baseball hoops none of these are like overly expensive games either unfortunately dr. Mario some of these like this one probably might end up keeping Super Mario 2 pheww prison there's a war guy ro Mike rad racer Dig Dug Mac racer duck huntin point out again it's actually just duck hunt by itself which gives a little bit more of a value usually it's the half dog half mario brothers just with all ducks huh in RC Pro Am all for the Nintendo and we also got the complete boxes for RBI baseball pinball or the other one go okay the guys top secret episode gogo 13 and renegades renegades a good one I think that's another if I remember correctly I think there's another one is it like 40 50 bucks for that one let the box yeah complete like that it's like a fifteen twenty dollar game by itself so that's how I judge them I feel like good worth more than usual buy yourself another video artwork then a between the box two really good one PlayStation 2 games Celebrity Deathmatch we have to actually there's the Madden one that told us it's supposed to be in a Simpsons hit and run but I'm just freaking it all the matter game Celebrity Deathmatch I don't think this thing we got to keep it but actually I do on our shelf so that'll you told sadly never came across the Sega Genesis or not to save you deficit the Dreamcast sorry but we came across a bunch of controllers for it think it was it's for total there's like one more on the table year for Dreamcast control yeah it's an offer and three official ones and then a bunch of little Dreamcast pieces right there they go in the back if I'm not the staging I never owned a Dreamcast at his have friend it did I don't think on the back of the controller yeah like this so we have those then I guess let's start going through all the game consoles right you know we got the PlayStation 1 with two controllers in one memory car which is filing looking at the old memory cards because they're so tiny I think it's like 8 megabytes or something like because the games used to think of nothing back then and now you can't even play a game when a new gen Taco Bell like 50 gigabytes of downloading then we got the good fat PlayStation 2 like this and it's got two controllers in two memory cards with it the fat one pretty sure is worth more than a little one if it's not should because it lasts longer can you see this one on there Thank You Carrie sure PlayStation 3 two wireless controllers and got some games with it grant Donnell for the better a fighter or whatever that one is need for prostrated army it to all with the PlayStation we got the two babies over here the Nintendo NES Nintendo Entertainment System in my baby my first console the Super Nintendo one control it the Nintendo didn't have any controllers I'm kind of sad at that but I think we actually have a couple stuff oh good there's the Nintendo 64 with two controllers we've got one game which was good what is going on I double of seven who played the games the kid come on that games awesome and then we have the Sega Genesis which is the first console that I remember having with two controllers and two games which are Tony LaRussa baseball and John Madden football 93 games and then the Wii everybody knows the week we have two nunchucks and two wiimotes and then we have but I know I have a sense of our fans - yeah yeah all the power for so the Wiis 100% accounted for we have to go through the cords for all the other systems to make sure we can find at 64 cuz I think I'm fairly distinct you guys the only window I'm talking about like a really distinct back to it yeah so we have the Wii Sports I believe this game comes with most of the Nintendo Wii so they have the original Wii Sports we have we play carnival games juice this is not in their role I don't think it's this a lot of the system when you find it already you know they have like a game at this still in there do so and the last game in their Jeep throws I'm still crossing my fingers and when I opened the ps2 Simpsons hit and runs gonna be in the air cuz that game is awesome hope so and that's it for the gaming stuff so now we're gonna clear the table and pull out whatever's next round 2 we go I'll be the table full of stuff that's a lot of time when I feel these game guys but we have a whole new table full of stuff and guys there's gonna be around 3 2 so I guess let's start here my side your side yeah good I have to get to the stuff in the front you have to lair table one hold up is the best you know we have Cartman Jimmy not passing dollar not so keeping these they're actually decent amount of money too well what about the piece yeah now so we're also keeping the complete first season of South Park vol 3 a family I Ice Age vol 6 of Family Guy vol 1 seasons 1 2 2 and Family Guy which ok we already have two copies of by the way I'm volume 2 season 3 a Family Guy volume 5 a Family Guy and fine for we've got so much family's gonna watch and then I saw a random disc 2 of South Park and I don't know what season it goes to but keep it anyway yes that so this thing's annoying yeah even though it has an item number on it this is a lead crystal frame set of three try to look him up I mean I can't find this exact box I guess we can't find this exactly set so it says 24 percent lead crystal brilliant designs and Hans's of all photos set includes one-eighth inch by ten frame and two five seven frames for one is face even the cheaper ones are like twenty bucks a frame they're heavy to this sound might be water forever that brand is like a hundred bucks our frames without a water for crystal and it was like a $70 wine glass less yeah it was the mean I guessing is somewhere between 20 bucks apiece and 100 bucks apiece anywhere in there right so minimum 60 maybe 300 nice sounds good to me alright so this pretty uh pretty surprising when I found it I thought it was a little figurine and then I looked on the bottom and I saw a 267 out of 5000 when you see anything like that which means it is a limited supply and could be collectible could be worth a lot of money so this is me Yoko figuring of the year 1992 when it's edition it says ours figure 90 to which I'm assuming just a different language but I see they listed on eBay for $200 but I haven't seen any salt for a certain price so the only number I have right now is 200 and you cut those guys put it on the air for probably 150 yeah it'll be out of there hopefully and there is no damage on this besides a few dusts and like her where her arm creases I mean no damage at all so that should be easy sites you talk about game guys so you got the official Tekken fighter sky which is not in that great condition but considering how old it is I think it's from like 95 I remember correctly it's in pretty decent shape there so we got that then we got the mat cross perfect memory right he's sliding out never played this game though I gotta tell this funny story for my gamer Jill after everyone else are they worthy talking about so when I was little I used to like the Gran Turismo racing game I tried to rent that from Blockbuster and they accidentally put grand theft auto vice city in the case instead of Gran Turismo and I got home and played by city and since then the grand style series is my like favorite gaming series of all time so I played Vice City first they went to San Andres went back and played three even tried the first to beat for beat five beat San Andreas beat by City beat all the little DLCs and grantha Dada's an awesome rock side one of the best companies ever so bad side this one's a little something that I get mixed in oh this is so many doesn't know Tekken 3 game guy Tekken is pretty popular game so I'm pretty sure this one that was 95 it's probably like 98 99 somewhere around there and we got granteth auto 4 which was the first one on the next-gen consoles at the time which was 360 ps3 so grants out of hordes of cool games for me because it was the first theme I got to play ball in line of other people and going around like people's car that was the coolest thing ever hearing them wide on the mic the Golden Age of Xbox is granted out of four about warfare - I look these up actually it is surprisingly worth about eight ten dollars apiece apiece yeah for one like one about one sheet so this is like twenty four thirty dollars for the three and they've actually sold quite a few times on eBay what they're like well top Pizza collectible uncut cards I was daughter through one of those weird things that I wouldn't be able to find on eBay but they sold and we're right here in California so I think they'll be an easy sell this right here is actually a German train book all these train books right here are in all German but all I see as far as trains in this unit were the little switch that I know he pulled out and said might be - a train set it looks like a couple like light posts and then that bag of wires and he pulled out I emptied out and it has all the wires and it has like it looks like a like a set like a like trick set thing that you could put together script but I'm trying my best I don't know if that's a train thing so maybe you guys might have to help me out there and we pull this out didn't even see it we're cleaning it out actually yeah The Adventures of Luke Skywalker the Empire Strikes Back vinyl it's in there but as you can see the condition of this cover is not that great but the record is in there so I'm guessing star wars always has good collectible value and hopefully that's worth a good amount the one thing that didn't have a chance to look up yet yep this not as expected of that hope he's only like 10 15 dollars just a little Def Jam collection say what is that somehow it comes with it and all this song names on it but I don't really care what the label much but Def Jam paid for New York City the PlayStation 2 game was incredible so I still like Def Jam for that reason I think the only reason so pushing out glasses you can look on ebay now they're pretty expensive good brand like $30 sometimes up to 100 bucks so we got a paper Bushman out glasses in their golden looking sunglasses that look like they never even worn before so that's good money too close you want about a little September 11 thingy so it's a memorial this is actually about $120 when it came out right now on ebay they're selling for around $45 apiece but it's just a nice little memorial the Twin Towers now I don't know if there's just me another flag up here dot I don't know if they both have flags so it might be damaged I'm not too sure we were by DC I know the Pentagon and I never going to see the Twin Towers before so maybe that's how it was I'm not too sure don't want to damage that these little Garfield's can you believe they actually had decent value so old Garfield toys are actually fairly collectible we got three of them right here and I think they range from like 15 up to 20 for $25 a piece so again 45 is $75 on these this guy this unit was awesome this unit was awesome guys so why don't you go go through these cards really quick sure we got a little car in here a grand hail from the Detroit Pistons just a basketball card doesn't look like it sigh and doesn't I don't think it's a rookie or anything but we haven't looked it up yet so that's there and then we have a sign card bye what's his name Ryan Dempster from the Florida Marlins I don't think he plays for the Marlins yeah I don't watch baseball but it's hell on the back it's like a sign car and has a certificate of authenticity on the back because obviously the sign cards so you know it's a real signature let's hope he's good in this career I hope I mean it's a I think it's a big name oh I don't know baseball all right so all these airlines let's say we have so we have left Santa this look like um German - we have made in West Germany so all the words on here are in German but this player here some of them those are the ones I got to look up okay we have a Philippine Airlines each one of those depending on which one they are I see them going low as $25 per box it is high $80 for one box so we gotta make we have a few - Delta Airlines same yeah so I guess this is how they're different okay they're different it's this brand the left said NASA thing that name but it has an a300 a dc-10 in a Boeing 747 in there and I think this has one more Boeing 737 is actually one in this one then we have a Philippine another Philippine Airlines pan in another Philippine Airlines and this last one has the same ones in it so it's another pack of the wrong plane two seven four seven in total what do we have one two three four five and nine ten model airplanes and again the cheap one the twenty five bucks so literally that can be 250 right there so this guy really liked really like Robo tech moto or Mac Cross saga but I mean tons I didn't count them individually but this one packer here is full I think there's 11 in there some common estimate I guess there's a lot of robots I have about 20 30 maybe 35 40 Robotech wanna point out the Robo tech on all the other comics they are pristine I mean they're like perfect there's something I don't know if it's like a hard plastic in here but I mean they are just completely untouched maybe some stuff right and I guess one's got something on the cover but the magazine or the tonic books themselves are in ridiculously good shape yeah they're really good this right here is about ten space beaver comic books I think so we keep this one I want to keep that I never seen a team somebody a comic book but thieves and butt-head was an awesome show so it was and this is the next series that he collected the NAM probably about 15 20 of these these lastly GI Joe probably about 20 I'm gonna show a couple of the GI Joe cuz I'm pretty sure I don't know if it's the magazine's are just the figures my GI Joe stuff can be worth money so we have this one all of them just say GI Joe a Real American Hero on them they don't say nothing else no no I don't um that sucks it says May 47 whoa whoa where is he number 66 August 26th I mean it could be oh it's the date okay like yeah 27 yeah so could this really be from no there's no age of 26 1926 that can't be right I don't know I don't want to take him out they pull us back our 1887 this one that's like I can see by the comic shop can take all the stuff and get it appraised yeah this is 1988 and one more 1984 maybe we'll do a second video on the second channel yeah any updates on like these kind of you we'll fill in a second one I keep it Mannion is just cleaning out units going to auctions maybe scratching lottery over here and then but second channel is going to be fun stuff along with all the extra stuff yeah so let's go through this little glasses here unfortunately probably 85% of what was in there was broken into multiple pieces which is kind of sad cuz it's vintage Guardian a princess house exclusive these go from anywhere from like 15 up to $40 for each individual piece so there's probably 2 or $300 with the great stuff in there all broken which really sucks I thought these went together but they don't this is the sweet shop buy sing go find us do lipton but these two cups this one's the same brand as the other yeah this is a vintage garden too so that's probably close to another hundred bucks for this stuff right here and I'm gonna talk about some of these clothes yeah so this dress right here I tried to look up my best the brand is in or BCBG Max Azria so when I googled it I tried to Google like black tears ruffle dress and stuff like that but I couldn't find this exact one but some of that brand go for a couple hundred I mean even more than that but some do some Poshmark for like at least $40 so I'm hoping I can get at least 40 bucks for that if not weigh more this is what I plan on wearing out to the club this weekend now I'm just kidding by the way I say on that one video we got two thousand lights I've put a tattoo on my face and of course everybody like the crap that one so when we go back to the big unit next time you see the big you know we never store stalker I swear I'll do it I'm not lying this one has a price tag of fifty five dollars on it though but it looks good so I'm gonna have to do some crazy lecture me to put that on yeah ten dollars when we get those jobs up that amount of you so more than that I mean I said to all of you people out there everybody gets together work as a group and like it 10,000 oh I don't even care this video got ten thousand this one look at that price tag yeah so this is Jessica Simpson brand that was a hundred and eighteen dollar price tag on it boom brand new just a dress brand-new and we got the military shirt here I don't want to open does it have his actual name on it um Octavius yeah okay let's cover that we're right here but you can see the rest of it and there's a market for this which is kind of weird cause it's like name specific if it was just generic army and it had the things on the side I kind of get it but the in specific makes a little weird because you're buying somebody those actually serve stuff but they're out there pants that go with it let's get all the way over here in the corner we still know what this thing is there's still that weird little fossil thing which is just a weird little fossil things though then the other thing centipede in my great millipede I have no idea they were that big back then like how old is this I don't know what I was like a million years a little more thousands we also got there's two of these in here actually the little $10 10 whatever they are from the Philippines I think something said in the comments on $10 ones a coin now so they don't make these anymore maybe another value to it the Carlos Mencia CD but it's actually signed by Carlos Mencia inside I don't really know what that's worth everyone likes to say he's not funny I thought he's funny yeah that's one of the few people think that just goes with it another cosmic CS CD then Ralphie may is actually so also signed on the front so to sign comedian pieces then we got the hard art yeah this one was the one that came from the gallery for $150 but as you see it closer on the side here there's some damage to it so I don't know if those sell for that much again but still nice little piece and then we got this one that also came from Wayne's World gallery or something but it's neither a gallery piece if I see get came from a Gallagher in the back I'll usually set it aside because I assume the gallery took it that means it's probably a good quality it could be worse than money so those two and I guess it's time for round three isn't it right round three here we go all right round three let's go to the last bit of stuff this stuff first was making the lights clear first thing we got here is this little that thing what is it mother pearl nice so looks like something like a wedding gift or something for 25 bucks I know what we resell it and this is like a giant wedding frame I don't see a price tag on this one but it's really really heavy-duty this is a lot heavier so it might be if I had to guess some less crystal frames again except this is just a separate wedding tree does have a gray on this was not like Mikasa or whatever it is mi ka sa so that and then we have a Presidential dollar collection book but they took all the coins out those have stuff in there paper in there but no coins unfortunately so maybe some of you buy it by itself or maybe we'll keep it in the try to collect them yourself who knows then we also got I don't think I want to take it out again because they already showed you but the giant gas RC car here which looks to be all in there as well then we got this whole thing we haven't gone through in detail yet all baseball cards and other kinds of cards in there then we have this huge collection of all the old Garfield books just like these little ones but I think there is an art in it in like the set so it starts with this second book and then it's missing a few here and there so we have second to six so we're missing three to five it's 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 a lot of 10 9 six five four three are gone yeah five four three and one are gone then we have two extra so bunch of Garfield books their Filipino boy come on the talk doesn't work I didn't know if that had any collectability to it so I just set it aside if you guys know less no I think you should sing without yeah quite a few people said the other video that al could be worth a bit of money so he might go for auction Oliva see what people are willing to pay I don't see a tag whenever anything - you know he's just here no tags in the now he's oh he's ripped off he's supposed to have a tag never it's ripped so this I called it a calendar we found them in the store GM it's actually a flip book from a home run grand slam home run swing by will Clarke on the San Francisco Giants so it's actually a book this is another model plane yep I know everyone eleven model plane and then this little book which a lot of you guys told me is like over a hundred years old or something but it's all in German I wish I could see it baked in is not I mean you would think it'd be numbered somewhere but I don't know I don't see nothing there's numbers on the back we're not dates so I don't know but a lot of people said they think it was like a hundred years old or so and if it is should have some good value as well what's over here alright so over here we have all the T keys and all the metal pictures I don't know what kind of medal it is I feel like that would determine the price they all look similar if it's a collection yeah so we have the big T key back here let this up we didn't go we did notice that this guy liked to travel a lot and when he traveled he kept every receipt every baggage tag every map every picture he kept everything so I'm hoping that since this guy traveled a lot all these are authentic but I would think so I mean they all look handmade the last line person whole thing with the backside to hang it up so that is the bigger and heavier of the four then we have this one oh come on the logo was a hit a little bit every time I see these one of the smaller ones that a $70 price tag good yeah I think it's yeah this one right here at $69.99 but this is the only one that I've seen that is cracked on the back right on the nose and then on each side of the eye it's cracked and then I don't I don't know if like scuff marks like where the paint gets taken off on tikis means anything because it is champagne and handmade can I expect it yeah this one this one looks like more of an Asian descent to me and I gotta think of your agony and it looks less handmade than the other ones all together still cool could just be all maybe a batsman ship yeah um and then all of these so I'll put these up again I know I want to know what kind of metal it is so right off the bat I thought copper but he was like it can be brought to so I don't know like I said aside from the piece of wood which i think is like particle board kind of the would you put up in like a cool shot to keep all your tools hanging with the holes in it and the top is this with an engraved picture yes I think so I'm like that yeah one two three four six of them and they all are the same shape same color same it's got to be a collection of so yeah it just has to be but I don't need your help on that I don't really know that Google is I got try to google copper moon landing Nessun can't find nothing I tried copyright red bronze I don't know what else it could be you guys always help us with that kind of stuff we appreciate any advice on these things or anything that we showed you guys this is a really long recap this is the longest recap ever occur this is the best storage unit ever like we say that usually 90% 10% cool stuff this one's like let's switch those numbers 10% crap 90% cool stuff which is nice for a change it is so guys chickens can hit in this big boy you did enjoy it make sure you leave it a big fat thumbs up and don't forget we're gonna put a video on the second channel where we test out all the electronics and maybe we might do another one where we like try to take some of this stuff in places like a comic book store we can take the stuff in stuff like that yeah behind-the-scenes of you guys actually seeing us getting this up a priest so an appraisal video testing video anything like that make sure you subscribe to the second channel and make sure you hit that subscribe button there in here for awesome ferony videos here every single day over there every Friday for now it might increase it in the future but for now every Friday videos a weeks already good day's work yeah our social media links are gonna be right here on screen click the links down in the description below and make sure you follow us on whatever you yeah thank you so much for watching until next time peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 48,001
Rating: 4.9278665 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found a car, i bought an abandoned storage unit jelly, i bought an abandoned storage unit that belonged to a drug dealer, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit they left money, storage unit, i bought a storage unit and found drugs, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage auction, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, mystery box, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 5K3JT-zUah8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 20sec (2420 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 24 2019
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