I Bought An ARMY RANGER's Storage Unit And MADE BIG MONEY! I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit!

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I think if I pull this hammer we'll get it you ready to try pull the baggage car anyway geez guys this is going to be part two to this epic two hundred dollar store generally picked up the other day so need not see the first part make sure you go back and check that out first earnestly found confusing but in this one we're gonna show you what was in that bubble wrap the end more importantly be open and let me know what's in there if you don't know what it looks like here's a quick little reminder [Music] all right guys we're going to get into that box but before we get into that box you guys have to leave it a like and subscribe if you're new that's Brian oh alright pull this out somebody help it was a good shot you just broke the van keys look at that they're broken now they're heavy I can't pull it out I got you I got you did you know NATO in front of this fiancee girlfriend a wife no matter how heavy it is it breaks my bag it has to come out anyway that is an awesome sweater this says Fisher Scientific I don't wanna I'm not sure what that is this is annoying why is this on the other end of this that's a little Shady I've never seen this before yeah me neither all right sweater so don't break the glass this is empty this right here I saw from afar but it might be the wires to the Harman speaker the Harman that'd be nice yeah what is that oh okay that's not going in the van yeah oh this smell horrible that smells for them set in the corner alright this is the part where somebody says that's why you should be wearing gloves Lucy this is a professional products and dvx that might go to the speaker's - you think maybe here's the back of it no bad not bad at all that's probably right OH remember the other one I found the wire everybody know what I went to I was like if you're seeing it end before this darkness so it's a carport and it has a filter in it but I don't know exactly what car parentis no idea filter air engine or more recommended part of an engine so you know is that the filter do they replace for oil changes you're asking the wrong one no idea all right so we have I'm assuming over tobacco box or cigar box this is Juicy Couture's money yeah no proof you just the top Oh old it's really fancy though where the other box had a lot of a few minutes this Oh fancy stuff what is that this though oh that's family pictures over there but why does it there's like an old painting I don't know it looked like a sketching but shout at the end when we get there okay the other side is all family pictures weird million dollars you um this is vended Tex I don't again don't know what this is what is that what the heck your camera box looks like your camera isn't no idea that aside sure there's some trash guys we need trash guys yeah a couple chat what is in that top thing is that money bag this ah look at this this is a bag with a calculator they're fancy their styling in there no nothing is I think I just missed that shot because I was too busy trying looking at myself it was no this wire right here um this is an Ethernet wire I don't know what I'm about to tell you all about this cool wire with just me thinner wire but um this right here looks like little film I'm assuming that a little black box that we found the camera is a camera that produces this kind of film hmm but again not sure everything else in like the handle of a suitcase watch this that's what the clock feels like when you're at work the score it just doesn't move all newspapers a lot of people say they look at the date on it yeah so this is Bay Area May 22nd of 29 1970 I'm sorry I'm immature guys this is my favorite cartoon I was a kid I love Popeye [Music] oh it's not a pattern in this war master black top leather jacket blue the nice that's probably worth some money or signals they're expensive okay all right since that's in there let's whip this pillar out of the way yeah oh look so good like it we used to have dude yeah that's just a blanket a little next thing another pillow in there just one more change we go okay yeah they're like $20 and changes there's a ring right here is it look real Oh China look on the inside there's a lot of scratches in here so I can't if there's anything I can't read it I'm taking this this is like this is like a little camera is unchanged over there yeah okey okay W is a master key keep that really we're gonna have to count all this changes here's your keys keep those yes jewelry and money down there yeah because it's all that I see of it yeah this change more cheese a lot of change guys what's your guess on the change right now um I guess overall $30 in sheet another reason we've really got this unit is because this really struggling curiosity what is this thing look at that what is it air commissioner ever star this come down no idea I just saw it I had no idea what it was a neighbor who's really curious about it no idea it looks like it should be an ATV on that side doesn't it yeah let's just say it's an AC if anyone knows glad to know that in the comments so let's see what's inside his little toe right here well stack it right on the AC make it easy if you see we're in a rush we got about 45 minutes to this facility closing we have everything out impact at 45 minutes so we're kind of mr. Potato Head mrs. Potato Head in their new trouble tater head now what is that right yeah beautiful a rabbit's head more rabbit says look at this another rabbit it this train really wants to go to rabbits head and unfortunately since a train what's the fight anyway that's all it's in this note so we're going to this Nike bag and it's just a lot of crappy clothes but we happen to pull up this NHL Jersey I have never watched Eva hockey a game of hockey in my life sorry so no idea if this is a good player old player traded player what it is but hopefully you guys go up you know hopefully it's worth some money let's see what you got in here thank you guys this is a megaphone you know what that's worth $20 right there I thought the whole wall Packer Taco Bell that's priceless cuz we're keeping yeah what is this another hammer I already got in here nothing popcorn yeah it's just I wanted popcorn a makeup okay Pub isn't off dude what do you think catchy just a little bit gosh look at the chain at the bottom of it again there's so much change in the DNA we got here looks fancy doesn't it kind of something in it anyway this white and yeah bunch of like hair products lotions things like that so nothing else too exciting it out so right at a time we're getting really close guys look what I happen to come across another something that's in cardboard and bubble wrap I've said it once and I'll say it again if they wrap it in cardboard and then wrap it in bubble wrap it's either brand-new or they care a lot about it either which way is usually a good thing for us let's not go and do it first one we get what do we get then a belt that's a guitar strap isn't it fender bender your fender let's Fender guitar grip alright ready diretor ok my name is your kid we got this is cherish unfortunately this one out here put it right up here it is it look like one of those ones I'd be like a safe didn't it what if I live out over the Bible 22 caliber rifle shooting and we get that in here Oh or the tablet eight core desktop processor Oh anything else in here but again was a little bit in a rush so we do the recap the recap will be for yesterday's video and today's video since it's one big unit well let you know we saw anything else in there so we thought this box is empty but look at this see what I see right a case hopefully is a ring did you see I don't think it's real but probably this Christmas costume jewelry you didn't get anything in here yes magnet and we got beans just just what I wanted guys just what so we just moved a few more empty watches we found this black bag and look at the first thing we see on it four hundred and twenty five dollars canon camera equipment right be look at this lens is that right there is the money is it oh yeah these lenses are expensive hold on what kind of camera is this well it's got the nice little screen it comes out - this is nice this is very nice the lens even saw the cover on it and everything it's definitely gonna be something we look up it's a Sony OS 6000 can you see that yeah let's hope it was not too old but the lens right here - nice let's do it else we got probably battery here what is that flash oh it's photography / alright look at that is it no what is that vertical battery grip movie is a really good bag just watch that right here - that bag battery charger I'm sure that's a battery it looks like right there this is the lens cover probably in a wire to transfer it from the camera to the computer they're more there's more over here open check that out it's just you get that one open nothing in a tree god I don't I'll let me say that bag real long probably with more than I favor the unit I would say right there that's awesome alright I'll see what's in his red bag guys we are crunched for time right now but we must bring you videos play your tape if we get trapped in the storage unit look a pretty cool video in it scroll all right push girl hard level probably not to go into the wilderness to solve it unfortunately nothing else interesting in there let's see what else we got I want to throw in any bags now see what's in this one what do you think it seems soft oh this is what is it oh it's new day let's hope so this just the size open no price up usually winter stuff is expensive yeah that's a new - so I'm gonna go out and let me go through that's also worth a good bit of money right there let's see what else we get our hands on I want to check this bag that's actually empty Febreze let's see looks like all hotel stuff hotel nothing fun there guys so we're just moving all the clothes around we found a little HP laptop really tiny really dirty don't know if it's gonna work I'm gonna say no but once we get home we found a laptop charger I remember so fingers crossed it fits it and we'll see if we get the code owner and see what your phone last real thing any of you guys I'm gonna use my phone for light cuz we're running out of time is this box test house looks like that's what it is - oh there's four shoes in there not nothing big or anything like that but still I'd say four or five pairs of shoes in a couple pounds so let's like write that envy it cross your fingers for me to pack it up and get it in the bay at a time let's do it so for you a final recap when we first got know--but a million dollar you're a bunch of gold or something in this state so we got a big crowbar unfortunately we don't have a sledgehammer we do that all right killer hammer you think it'll work I feel like I'm out to go I don't even know ham on this [Music] try this too over the third idea you think on it I'm running out of ideas new guy who definitely hasn't been about 45 minutes at 10:30 and I try to beat this open by at you can see it's just about there and I think if I pull this hammer we'll get it you ready try I'm scared looks like paperwork what's that that is Allah to me but you think anything's in here [Music] that's it trash is it all just paperwork in this is a presidential correspondence for the United States of America honors the memory of persons name the certificate is awarded by a grateful nation and recognition of devoted and selfless consecration to the surge of our country in the Armed Forces of the United States this is a deposit for sixty holy crap oh okay nevermind I thought this said 36 million dollars thirty six thousand dollar deposit and right here is a sixty thousand dollar deposit so alright guys so now let's do the recap is this could very well be our best storage unit Oh time is really only our first once if you go back into California where do we start um those are the change so over a tenth of the money back distant changed Albert's that's a good start um so this jacket is a tourmaster black top leather jacket I saw no damage lift it up on the eBay honestly the first price I saw was like over $200 so I was like alright $200 and then right below that I saw like seventy eighty a hundred so I don't know I'm gonna say between 100 and 200 is what we're gonna get for this I know that's a big gap but hold on one sec yeah hundred bucks this thing so I looked this up can't really see you know frame Kenya the giant speaker the Harmon speaker I don't want to lift it up and throw it over there but it's actually supposed to have a big Mara with it if it hadn't had the soundbar with it it wouldn't be worth about $350 use but because it doesn't is about 50 60 bucks no this doesn't actually play the sound apparently to stop our plays a sound it's just kind of just works with it so it's not a missionary you saw a picture of this yeah I love ya all right thing myself sends about 50 to 60 dollars maybe feel better so um next mama Dimas actually set this aside because I wasn't sure and I need your guys's help with this so there was a lot of little comics like this on this one's called treasure chest the mystery of forbidden island doesn't have 1967 mm-hmm so there's a few of these here's another one where's that Action Comics number wanna this is Motor City comics there's a few other magazines and stuff like that but I don't from around that era 1960s I think one was 1950 I don't know 1950s and 1970s all magazines all comments I don't know the one for this stuff so mama divas thought you guys might know hopefully somebody I'm gonna leave it in your head it's coming up soon just so wide range like I swear I looked up Congress of eBay there's two copies one help for two dollars one sold for 200 I'm like they're identical what is what's the difference okay next thing because we didn't expect this now remember we were just going through this bag or here didn't think nothing of it well we just look everything up this bag is worth 50 bucks if you buy this new it's like 70 to 80 dollars because it's insulated on the inside which makes it expensive so they can lunchbox you even used 50 bucks yep remember this unit only cost $200 and also we're not gonna forget after we go through this stuff we're gonna open up those big boards because fingers crossed that's gonna be something either famous artwork or autographs so let me there should be two more pair of jeans under there this para here was just up we're praying citizens of humanity so I think these were selling used on Poshmark for $30 the ones I just don't remember mama D was in clothes I don't like clothes I was born me to death for me I don't like shopping Baba she's that I don't remember the price for that but I do remember the price of two more brains we have a Lucky Brand away of Levi's so there was a white hair right here of Levi Levi Strauss of company I believe these resale for a 30 to 40 boom and then this is lucky bread these go you knew for 75 to 80 so we might be able to get 50 for those this was to have yeah these look expensive but they're absolutely just snow pants there I think they're women's 3x no plans brand-new but $15 yeah $15 they're not as much as the way of hoped but we do have the white Xbox 360 which does work by the way 60 gigabyte hard drive in the park that's usually expensive the power brick is still with it so I'm still saying this what the power brick is another $50 maybe 40 because I have dog bites on it Oh what about Zoomer I don't think any game where the world's ever like oh I can't use an Xbox the wires that bite marks in it you know work this is another thing in my need your guys's help with this is a Fender guitar strap with this design I don't know if the design matters but it's this fender I know fender is a good guitar brand so I don't know the prices is that I don't know the what for this and I understand one thing that's driving me crazy somebody please help me with it is this camera this is not for sale on eBay or Amazon or any website nobody has any idea what we're talking about with this thing that's it we can find pictures of it but it's not for sale anywhere it says binetex VDC slash 800 we can't find it for sale it was just a digital camera different weird hookup on the girl Carrie it says digital camera but it's kind of weird-looking it's not a normal camera it has a video output a USB port and DC Azure is the power outlet probably I don't know what that like these um security is what I thought well I feel like these are what photography students actually make I like a cardboard box but it's just an advanced version of that because of my digital and I think that film strip that we thought it actually came out of this so again let us know I know we're seeing a lot of you guys but if you can provide every any information on this stuff please that especially cuz I can't believe there's something out there that nobody knows for sis does that mean it's just so worthless nobody wants it or that it's so rare nobody could find it I don't know next talk with this ski jacket this thing ever I picked it up jokingly saying needs to be expensive and whatnot I had no idea but apparently these are snowboarding skiing celeste jackets it's uh Dermott acts Evie but the last one green like this is sold eBay used 128 dollars so I'm saying even eighty to a hundred bucks that's half the price of the unit furnished Jackie that's pretty awesome you want a hockey jersey this is I think I said penguins in the video but I didn't really the picture it's a shark and farlow number 12 for the Sharks I'm an NHL authentic Jersey yeah so this is a size 54 it might be on eBay store proper so I don't know but um sharks probably $30 30 bucks 30 what I won for same for this this is number 85 I didn't look that one up I think it's a vermin or Vernon Davis I think he's retired now so it's an older jersey retired jersey but still 20 to 30 dollars let's go on to the electronics you got one broken phone over there - broken phones if you didn't know what we do with the broken ones it don't work if you lock them up to about 15 or so broken smart phones you could easily sell that on eBay for 100 bucks because people that repair phones you use them for parts so we just keep them until we get about 15 to 20 of them and sell them as a lock same with electronics like this I mean this laptop for us would not cut on one or anything it's not in that great condition so again all the electronics like this that aren't really worth selling a lot of up save them so you got a decent amount quoting they'll be veis products and people will eat it up easily so I just made a random connection the power adapter that I plugged into laptop's even get a turn on didn't fit I think it fits this cuz I just looked at the port back here it might fit this so we'll see you after the reset things bothering me alright so what about this hard work here alright so I did open no this is the one we opened in the unit there's an artwork you never know if it's like somebody's personal stuff or is it a professional artist that's worth thousand piece I'm not gonna completely cut this I'm just gonna it up for you guys but can you turn it yeah it's big beat-up whatever it is like an oil pastel drawing on very rough paper that just maybe go crazy I don't think um so it's just of a woman I don't know if this is a famous piece I don't know if it's just something that they wanted to draw I don't know if they were a drawer or artist or whatever so I don't know idea I don't see a signature in the bottom of this one so I guess set that one aside we'll open the other one along with the two big ones after this but let's get into the money bag yes the camera bag before you start this camera bag itself is worth about 25 to 30 dollars just for the bag okay this this right here we said it was expensive the cheapest one of these are sold on eBay was 375 dollars and I've seen some that look very similar sell over a thousand bucks so I don't really know which model other than putting punching this stuff in on eBay but they've received a range for between 400 upwards of like $800 with a few outliers like we said there was a one for 375 and there was that one for a thousand so anywhere in that range between 400 and 800 dollars just for the lens which is pretty sweet let's not also forget the camera which we have charged it works perfectly there's nothing wrong with it I think the bag there's one little thing wrong with it this screen has a little tiny like crap chick minute right there but as you've actually an app you'll see it for now far away it did not affect it yeah it doesn't affect it it's on the side where there's nothing you actually can see so the screen itself worked perfectly good this camera is in perfectly good working condition and this one sells for about $300 - but we're not done yet we're not done we're not that hold on wait there's more there is this is a flash photography yeah losing track now I think this one was like 40 dollars don't quote me on that I think this one is about $40 - but most likely we're gonna put all this in a big a lot even put it up for auction - just see what we get probably started like 500 bucks or something like that we also got that lens it comes on the camera this is an $80 lens - so these lenses I mean you're talking for 880 $300 camera $40.00 fly this bag about $1000 easy and what else do we have in there the charger for the camera is that the other thing what is this there's a bunch of random Abuna in here that I don't know what it goes to a lot of it says flash I'm assuming it controls the flash yeah there's another lens cap see with our camera it's a camcorder it doesn't have lenses and all the weird stuff it's just the camcorder microphone boom autofocus so don't know about this photography stuff yeah photography and videography are two very different things we have another piece that goes on the end of the lens but wait call now and you could get the rest of this for free Muno jetting shipping it hmm there's this thing which I think sets off the flash of a distance if I remember correctly doesn't it I think you press it from a different like and lets you take pictures from a distance don't quote me on how to be very very very wrong but I feel like I remember seeing that somewhere else you know learning another lens Kathy or to think no the big ones got it's a lens cap on it yes this little one might not this might go to this too big but there's a lot in here guys this bag is epic money here's another lens cap to lock a lens caps oh yeah by the way I forgot to mention we plug they're not plugged in but attaching the lens to the camera perfect condition there's no screw actually these are nothing at work and looks brand-new along with the can it's just that unit look picked through I'm not gonna like it look it look picked through but I don't think anyone in their right mind picked through this stuff and decide you want to leave the thousand dollars of camera equipment behind I don't think anybody would do that now this was a battery pack Mallon or something weird like that I forgot what it was but this is about $40 - I think it gave him like a grip on this side but it was also better your neck actually I think I remember now these are the two erotica peas I think this light is 50 and that one was twenty one of these are fifty and one of these are twenty I forgot what was what I was giving this is yeah I think the battery wants twenty in the light here is 50 this is vertical battery grip so that's pretty cool and you also got like a shutter remote I think so you could be like same thing from back there and that's pretty much it other than a bunch of like attachments for your phone's wire transfer photos things like that cleaner nothing else too spectacular but like I said this bag is easily worth it's gotta be close to a grand easily close to a grand on it at home and I think the last thing we got to do now is open up his artwork and see if we got some of these family photos or a multi-thousand dollar Picasso let's see now we have the bubble wrap Bob pouring it into it these lights are writing I am sweating Mickey Mania light looks so good so we took them off in this appears to be a collection from an artist yeah you know I'm not sure if it's a collection or did I mean is it this guy's unit cuz I mean we did look him up on google his name is Ronald Watson and every single one of these things assigned are Watson or just Watson and most of them have 63 on it so they were painted in 63 s I know artists date it with the like the year it is when they paint it and all I know is that he was from Nebraska so one thing we did find in there for at the mansion and the safe there was a ton of paperwork that's not this guy's name okay he was an Army Ranger he served in the Army back in uh wasn't remember like the 70s oh I don't know that's what the safe one that a bunch of veteran papers and things like that it's not this good as units okay so they just liked yeah work and let's do this smaller ones first so first we got yeah it's really nice but with art it's just one of those crazy things where like something random like this to be worth thousands of dollars or be completely worthless it's really strange apart we got that one this one I literally thought was like okay I don't want to insult the guy doesn't it look like like the elementary school kids project yes it does but that's art is expensive ya know what it is what else you got this is a really small assuming a holding up like that try not to get the glare on there the doggies are same guy watch it and yeah this one too cuz when we first looked up our Watson it came up with another artist Robert Walker that was actually from Martinez California that's really close very very very weird so I says he was born in Martinez but he died in Poe way which I know is down by San Diego so in the stream yeah but the are Watson thing kind of threw us home no I really like this guy had a wiki page is it a relative that's what I'm wondering no I need irony of it saying armor watches and then being in Martinez California watching in less than an hour from here right where the unit was purchased at is a little bit too much to you know that's not a coincidence I don't think but we also got this one here which is a nice painting this one actually is not marked that I saw but I'm assuming based on everything else then it's probably done by Watson definitely hand-painted Oh 100% I see the the paint yes very nicely done too by the way so this one this and this well I guess I'll talk since you're up I'm here you have thought for the next one these are both done again by Robert Watson the price tag on these were 150 bucks apiece Ronald Ronald I want to say Robert the title this one's Icarus and it has a number on there to verify it and everything so it's real it's definitely authentic but the question is is this a well-known artist that sought-after by art collectors we don't know it can be sitting on a crap ton of money right here obviously these are not being sold until we have them looked at by somebody you got it all right I need you to talk about this all right the other one so this one looks very very similar you're gonna I thought pretty straight says about the same thing so it's a very similar design sorry about the glare up here but very similar and design maybe a few more vibrant colors but this is also priced at 150 by Ronald Watson and of course it has that number on it I'm I think it came from a gallery I don't know it did I don't know the gallery and link in the browser yeah I don't know if they purchased it from a gallery or what happened so I'm not sure all I know is we can be sitting on a lot of money guys art is just one of those things so this right here looks like it says Watson as well and this is I'm assuming his rendition of Goya child Charles versus the fighting bull at Valladolid so I don't know what that means there's that painting I did Google this one so I've seen of the actual painting so I'm assuming this one isn't like the authentic original painter I think it's just yeah what if it is I don't know if he's the first person I that came up with this I mean he's dated all this up in 1963 so I mean that's a long time ago so I don't know what to say with Jase if you guys are art people definitely let us know in the comments if we we're sitting on a goldmine or just somebody's collection like I said this is not going anywhere until we have somebody professional look at it because I am NOT going to be that guy that sells off a painting for a hundred bucks they later come out find it's worth a thousand not gonna happen I would rather sit on it and make sure before we let this stuff go so we're definitely gonna contact somebody if you want to see a followup with this make sure you let us know in the comments as well because it would be fun to make a video doing all this stuff guys but I have to say this unit was incredible and to think we bought it all the mini reason because I saw a little state that I paperwork in it and we get let's I mean easily over fifteen hundred dollars profit X is saying if this stuff is worth nothing if that's not where at the time we could be talking thousands in degree first unit California I call that a win for the west side so if you did enjoy this video make sure you live in a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for also tragic videos all the time if you do want to fall in our social media links oh you're gonna be on screen click the links down the description below and make sure you follow us on whatever you have facebook yeah especially Facebook thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 52,507
Rating: 4.8909349 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit for $10, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, i bought an abandoned storage locker, i bought an abandoned mansion, abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a navy seal's storage unit, storage unit auction finds, storage unit auctions, storage unit buying, storage unit finds, storage hunters, storage locker, storage wars, luggage auction, treasure hunting with jebus
Id: 2127_tqiSO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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