I Found WW2 ROCKET LAUNCHER CRATES! They're FULL! I Bought an Abandoned Storage Unit!

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every single one of these metal crates our world war two era rocket launcher crates [Music] welcome back to charge anyway jesus guys and today we're going to clean out a little locker that we bought because there is something epic looking sitting right in the front we had to pay a good amount for it but i think it's really going to pay off let's get in the van get on the road and go check it out [Music] here we are guys this little tiny locker up here not even a five by five we paid 300 that's how bad these auctions were recently but there's something right in the front that i just have a weak spot for let's get into it let me show you [Music] two things i always have a weak spot for are safes and chests this metal chest sitting right at the front is something i've never seen before it's metal and i had to have the unit no matter what i went for because that would have drove me crazy for the rest of my life if i didn't know what was in there so let's start moving stuff to see and get into that safe i think this is going to be closed oh no a lot of stuff right there is it good good good good good good all right so what do we what what's in here rudolph um frosty um bluetooth earbuds okay okay what are these the brand new somewhere here but then what's up with this it's like all brand-new stuff some shoes this thing's like something we'll go through when we get home because i feel like it's very random but if there's new skull candy here but then with bluetooth earbuds on the top i'm not gonna say it's gonna be bad it might be good let's get this bag down it's definitely not closed like i was gonna guess it's much harder than that let's open it up right from the top what is this stuff why is this unit so random that's like a new baby clothes it's all new baby stuff look at that don't touch it it's bad luck oh my gosh be touching no it's bad luck don't touch it um what else do we got going this is very this is like a staple gun it's like a brand new staple gun i think why is everything i don't know it's like a it looks like it's called trainer yeah this is very weird again it's just like random household stuff mixed in with random brand new stuff so cool so i just threw a roll of wallpaper over there and then we got this a deluxe video transfer system guys whoa if this was like you know 1999 we would be set right now we also got an executive charging station okay a very old looking book this just looks like a power it might just be a good give it a fancy name is this a bible or what is this huh i'm not sure and this these pictures no this is art it looks like look at this it says michelle michelle all right what about these i think there's a couple more in here it's another clown michelle again i'm guessing this is the collection looks like it doesn't and well surprisingly enough another clown in a rock a rock this is off to a very strange start let's see what's in this blue tote at this point i don't know what the heck is going to be here i don't know there's like no theme hugo's spanish simplified all right all right what's this it's creepy look look look oh ferrari ferrari on it what is it i think it could be something to come to the car utopia three oh it's a vr set all right why do they put it in there like there's pencils at the bottom of it why are you gonna put it in a ferrari bag man give me a height all right let's look at the doll look at that porcelain yeah but it looks like it's like just came out of a very like explosion or something like it just came out of a collapsed mine um this what are these these are all pencils what is this unit and how long has this stuff been in here yeah this is just like old stuff they feel like it's school supplies from like 50s or something i don't know what else to think of it it's just random let's see what's in here um i just don't know anymore what do we have oh look at that it's bobbler the osbourne family bobblehead cool this is a clear tv this is like a signal radio thing looks like there's some old toys in here look at these they're metal we got some good lots for the auction this weekend these are dire dyersville i don't see a date on them but the fact that they're metal makes me think that they're at least kind of old because nowadays everything's gonna plastic it's cheaper look at that again though no date that i see right now but we'll let you know later on metal all metal toys metal cars are good guys look this is all metal stuff hot wheels in there look at this vintage hot wheels car he is from i just can't tell so annoying all right we'll look at it later we'll let you know how to recap but this bag seems interesting sure look here's more metal hot wheels awesome all right let's see what's in the big part of the bag though because the zipper is busted what's that no way that's signed by magic johnson is that live that's a lot of sickness that's a live signature that's signed by magic johnson that is insane holy crap that's one of the coolest things i've seen in a while nice i see more oh there's another plot not sign but tim brown hi tim bro what is this now it's crushed though but it was a rangers um rodriguez figure but they crushed a little bit plastic's a little b that's old though she hasn't played a rangers in a long time there's something on the side here how do i get to it oh it's cards baseball football cards all football scenes make sure there's basketball football and baseball they're all in there yeah it's all in there look it looks like mixed arrows too what is that lord of the rings too all right it looks like mixed arrow shoot like i'm seeing some newer stuff some older stuff all kinds of everything in the middle i like this bag any on this side no anything in the back pocket no i think that's about it for this little pack but no there's something in here i gotta find out what it is everything i've pulled out has been interesting in this box or bag what is that thing i feel oh well i had to keep pushing it eventually i was about to pull out some crap yeah here comes the crap all right everything else besides we're gonna act like this pocket here didn't exist there's money in here though i feel it look at this nice that's like almost a dollar a nickel fell that's actually a dollar well there's more change in there another quarter yeah over a dollar efficiency whoa money autograph memorabilia and toys that's the bag i was looking for next bag when i've got corner where that one just came from let's hope it's kind of some more of the same looks like the same bag this looks like junk but let's see what's in the inside that's what matters oh well now this is gonna be not that kind of stuff this looks like more like crafting stuff doesn't it yeah a whole bunch of stickers and just random artsy stuff so we'll probably just put this stuff up as much as we could fit in a flat rate box and put it as like a lot in the auction and see what people want for it so i finally cleared everything around the chest so now i'm gonna get it out and then set it on the side for a while keep going through other stuff got this bag here feels like stuff it's not closed when i say that's what i mean when i say nuts when i say stuff not clothes um well it's definitely random definitely stuff let's set some of it out i see a phone i think just a random smartphone um let's see there's another phone cool pad there's two of them right here and well let's see is this like a purse get out of there just some random i see bubbles and pens and a watch careful what you're touching right there is that what i think it is blue and purple thing no it's not yes it is i gotta go wash my hands um well this is a torch it's just like an old folder with random paper so weird like it's not going to choose the store it's so random is it in there yes we still have butter butter's in there all right we're doing good guys with the rest of this stuff it's just junk if you want an idea how long this stuff's been in here this is the calendar i found and look at that 1990 so it's probably been in here for a good 30 years if i had to guess because why else would you keep a random calendar from 30 years ago unless that's when it was thrown in here that's my guess let's see oh we got golf clubs this looks like it has some old ancient looking books and stuff like look at these they look like charlie brown is it oh this is that as you like it charlie brown from oh it's comic strip too let's see if we can find a date on it this is the fifth printing from 1967 unfortunately so not going to be overly valuable there's quite a few charlie brown looks look at this charlie brown charlie brown charlie brown lots of laughs charlie brown charlie brown um joke book a rubik's cube book yeah there's a lot of books in here some of these could definitely be worth some money by the way this is a juicy couture purse but it's not in that greatest shape it looks a little dusty i think it's been in there for a long time so i just got this big heavy boy down and it looks like just a bunch of old books again and when we do a recap we'll kind of go through them if anything's worthwhile we'll show you in the recap but i don't want to go through like 50 bucks and then i'll be worth nothing that's no fun so we also got a big thing of golf clubs here i don't think it's a set because it looks like mixed brands and stuff there's only 12 of them total but i can see three different brands just by looking at the top so maybe we'll bottom up a facebook marketplace and hope for the best i may have just pulled something down and cheated just a little bit but i think we have us a nintendo 64. if i recognize my controllers yes i do with the green controller the red controller the wires and there it is a nice green nintendo 64. is that an xbox 360 controller in here in a random oh there's a game please be mario kart or super mario brothers nah f0x okay but a random wired xbox 360 controller that's gonna go in the trash look at that poor stick you ain't using that you ain't doing nothing with that but that's the kind of stuff i like to see i'm super excited guys so guess what i went to slide this out the way and look in that back corner we don't have one of those epic looking chats two three oh yeah two back there and this one right here three total metal chests in here i am so glad we bought this so under this pom-pom thing here we have a bunch of good condition but just low-end shoes so this will probably all just be donated because we'd only get like a dollar to a pair and it's not really worth pisting them out for 20 bucks over two weeks i'd rather just help some people out and we get this right here which is more video games no toys toys let's see is that hercules oh yes it is oh he's missing his arm four hercules police car oh it seems awesome awesome bubbles where's buttercup another blossom but some interesting looking toys at least i see snoopy down there too what is that ah the orange and blue controls what is that that's from toy story that's kind of creepy lisa down there too lisa so some good stuff in here yep so there's definitely some good little toys in here we'll definitely go through and make up lots and things like that because there's a lot of highly recognizable shows so i like that tote since we have two more chests i figured let's not keep waiting on it i don't know what it says look at that sn rocket what hold on sn rocket ammunition something solid something okay okay i hope there's lashes on every side all right you ready for this oh yeah three two one i'm not cheating it's not good guys let's see don't do that sorry this one's like i'd love to say christmas but he's not christmas what is there's no markings on this guy i mean he's got a candle you've got to be christmas that looks like this part's probably missing from it see her let me stand up here all right but there's another one he looks like he's missing part of his candle so we got those two figures that's power tools dang it the rest of it is tools but i definitely think this crate is military or some sort so that might have some type of collector's value too depending on what it really is hopefully you guys are in the military let us know down in the comments let's see what's in this blue bag here what is that a brass knuckle medallion that's pretty g not gonna lie some bracelets and things like that in here maybe we get a lot of bracelets out of it get off my finger toy um let's see what else is in there lunch box full of random these are pens and pencils so i'm gonna get school supplies oh and well oh makeup i thought this is a display case something else autographed oh get out a few more toys it looks like we got a lot of more vintage books in here animal logic some of these look old the home pro guide old plumbing books it's a jimmy carter dictionary memoirs of josephine mutzenbacher that's good was that good thank you thank you or charlie brown artifacts flips violent just to meet a bunch of interesting old books that could definitely definitely hold some value there's a lot more in there i just don't want to go through all right now so we're definitely doing a lot of research on this unit so i see this porcelain set it looks really nice if it's not rusted that didn't sound good actually it looks to all be there look at that and it's all not broken i love i love and hate these i love them because people love to buy them and they're worth a decent amount of money i hate them because usps likes to i guess punt every package they get i can put it in 80 layers of bubble wrap 10 layers that everybody fragile and 40 times it still gets there broken that's like i hate them but i feel like i almost have to sell them locally because if i don't i just know them and i'm not having to refund somebody the usps shattered everything just pulled down this green bag too what's in here crafting stuff again it looks like it's going to be so let's open it up it looks like yeah more crafting stuff definitely look make your own marble what is characters another laser looks like it doesn't it looks like here is that what this pen was in [Music] it looks like it was it have earbuds maybe it saves me usually going out of the pen that's pretty cool actually this looks like a bunch more crafty stuff i'm not going to take out coffee and crafting stuff yeah halloween crafting bugs then i'm just going to leave in there again we'll probably just light it all up for the live auction guys definitely excited about this one because look down here looks cool but you see what that says right jewel let's see if we can do all of the in here oh it doesn't look like it oh it looks like it's going to be faster yeah but remember what grimes told us he always follows in the bathroom stuff and there it is there's the jewelry in the bathtub stuff but it all looks like costume jewelry that's way too bright to be gold yeah um i don't think any of this is going to be real jewelry i think it's all going to be costume jewelry but there we go yeah it's got some rocks there that's interesting stuff i'll go on a costume jewelry lot if anything let's see let's see this other stuff wow it's an iphone model a1522 apple people what is that it's not cracked either surprised usually every iphone ever like i feel like the moment comes out of the box it just cracks all right calculators almost toss that aside ooh look at that like a little pearl necklacy a bracelet maybe it looks too small to be a necklace they get to bracelet still cool well what else we i think everything else in here is going to be actual bathroom products we'll go through this really quick but that's probably the last thing yeah i'm not seeing nothing in there random still a cool box real quick i was about to look up this container um based on like the stuff that you guys saw earlier and i found this writing right here so it says 2.25 rocket uh container mk2 mod g it looks like and then i see 1945 plus some other numbers right here so based off of this is my fat video gaming self not real military knowledge it looks like in games the case to keep like the rockets like a mortar fires out of it but that's just me being a gamer and i don't know but i'm hoping they have some value let's see what's in the wooden crate here a little different from the military grade cases all right so some dvds oh look a playstation 3 wireless controller we just found like what four or five of them is the other unit checkbook um i'm not seeing too much in here besides dvds which are always good now oh that's cool it's like a bracelet with a bunch of coins in it yeah that's cool nice look at this oh get off get off i love these like old skeleton looking keys they're so cool there's any optical at least they know by the way guys i don't wear glasses but everyone in our family if you're paying like fifty sixty dollars or more of a pair of glasses go to zanyoptical.com how much do you pay i failed about ten dollars a pair yeah that's ridiculously cheap a seven transistor transceiver whoa what is that that looks super cool um is that like an i don't know what is that that's a transceiver thank you that's super cool looking now that's good i bet you that's going to have some type of family on there there wasn't on the actual model but here's a it's a model wt-78 okay that helps it looks like we're probably gonna have a second one here probably looks like you know some outdated like walkie-talkie type things that would be my guess if i had to take a guess all right put it back together other than that in the bracelet for dvds it is look at this true grimes streets of l.a hold on hold on hold on make sure these are look ps3 batman 3 batman again for playstation 3 there might be some video games mixed in this lot modern warfare 3 [Music] star wars for ps3 maybe one of these crates in the back is full of video game systems now that would be cool all right car people is this something significant i wonder why they had it matted to a piece of cardboard so gmc giant killer there's 200 000 miles a year standing still they know what a clickbait even back then these are good guys they know what they're doing so hopefully that has some value but then again people like to keep weird stuff that's significant to them doesn't necessarily mean it has money value just value to them so let's hope it does so we got a nice full-size tarp here that's usually about easy ten dollars on facebook marketplace someone always needs one of those let's get down to this because it definitely looks weird and random there's like another phone what is that number four for here i think so fourth phone set that aside these shoes are what's the brand on these suckers uh charlotte ruth it's all right what's in here i better not actually be hard candy i swear since the 90s nope some more costume jewelry not bad not bad um well what else did we see in here i see lots of play-doh you think it's still good after 30 years yes let's see oh yes it is i love play-doh the feeling of it the smell of it it's just so you just kind of drift off into this paradise i'm weird sorry deal with me um well we got that is an actual ancient looking dirt devil vacuum other than that this looks like a bunch of shoes and things like that so we went through some of the bags a lot of its clothes mixed in with personal pictures that's why you didn't really see it because it takes forever headed that out and i found a candy cane and i was like why would this be in a storage unit and then i realized they sent it to me for a reason this magical bag up here you see that this is what it's for this is why we sent this candy cane from the other world to get this down all right let's see and it's just close oh well but but i did find two interesting things a november beanie baby okay those in there and this weird archer printed circuit kit for hobbyists and experimental projects not sure what it is or what kind of value it has but it looks like you design your own electric circuits but definitely something i've never seen before only two things left in there let's get in those chests all right so i got the second chest down it is way heavier than the first one and it says the same things right rocket container from 1845 yeah so i haven't feeling these traits are gonna have some type of value on their own but oh i think we have an actual just like rocket in there please that would be so cool ah looks like a lot of books and paperwork okay old books looks like more of the same stuff we've been finding like some old magazines some old books that's nice um what are these amazing library books this is a portable air conditioner an old auto racing book um not seeing anything that stands out right now but you never know what magazine to book there could be one of value in there somewhere now let's see what's in the third world war ii rocket case this one's got a lot of weight too all right let's do all these pitches again all right got it i can't get my left hand oh there it is all right you ready let's see what's in this one all right i see something halo a halo book um some look world war ii stuff right here a world war ii book uh halo book it's a game guy for halo actually some car stuff what is that like a battery thing yeah rapid charge oh well it looks like this one's going to be all books too it doesn't necessarily mean it's worthless it just doesn't mean it means i just don't know what i have yet i have to go home and look stuff up because i do not know books at all but for now guys that's all it's in the unit so we're gonna get it cleaned up get it home sort through it and then do a recap and let you know what we got so before we can start going through the items we found i gotta say we did some more research in every single one of these metal crates are world war ii era rocket launcher crates crazy every single one of these were made to hold the rockets put in rocket launchers what we found by searching up the information written on them so how these ended up in some random person storage unit i don't know but i gotta say that's one of the coolest things to come out of this unit all right so we've pretty much gone through everything in the unit let's do a quick little recap number one we ended up with five smartphones this is an iphone 6 plus there was a samsung and the rest of them are just kind of cheaper phones but maybe the iphone's worth selling on its own i don't know how many gigs it is yet haven't looked it up the only thing we haven't gone through yet are these old books here if there's any valuable ones you'll probably see a lot during the live auction for those that's good we ended up with maybe 10 dvds not enough for a lot in like five or six video games we have games from other units of dvds from other units we might need to make two lots of those a lot of them up the magic johnson card we actually sold in our last live auction already for 110 so that was cool i knew that would be a good amount this and this is all costume jewelry so i mean this is heavy too there's a lot of it in there so we'll definitely have a lot of costume jewelry for our costume jewelry people we were making like a toy lot with cars and metal cars and things like that over here where'd our media fly right go here it is this is a huge lot of toys we're gonna have for our auction i'm talking like probably 50 to 70 vintage toys most of them for 80s 90s or early 2000s so still pretty good this nintendo 64 over here apparently it's the donkey kong edition it's like a 150 dollar system with this green one of that red controller only downfall right now the reset button stuck but it's like six screws to take it out and put some rubbing alcohol and get it unstuck that's not hard that's about 150 bucks and that's actually like a 20 30 game so that right here this little bundle is at least 170 180 on ebay the magic dancer card was 110. so i mean those two things pretty much paid for our whole 300 unit and then we got toys jewelry and this is just kind of our misc right stuff that's keeping but i don't know how we're going to divide it up yet like we said we got some of the old you'll probably definitely see a lot of old peanuts books these old mad books have some collector value and then we still have those totes full of more old books so overall this unit did really good not to mention those um world war two crates are like 30 bucks online too so that's almost another hundred dollars sitting right there so i think it's an easy double easy fun unit and i'm just so happy i got to know it was in that creeks i don't think i would ever slept again but anyway thanks for watching leave it a like subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 34,751
Rating: 4.885529 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 29sec (1889 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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