i found this unclaimed base.. so i went invisible to raid it and found this! | minecraft factions

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all right so we're at the when I hit the red rinse pool and why do I keep saying this we're with twin today twin I haven't told you anything about what we're doing today I legit I've just told you get on get some in biz we're gonna have some fun but I promise you okay this time it's not a dispenser troll I know what you're thinking it's not like this PepsiCo I've done how many of those in you know three to four there we go we'll cool it for when we will meet in the middle there we go but today's video twin is not a dispensary we have an actual raid all I've done is seen the entities it's actually really really late at the time I'm recording this I usually record my videos a lot earlier but I've had to wait for you because I was like Tim would enjoy this okay but we're gonna have some fun so let's drink up our envies because if there's a guy online and there's a go online we don't get ourselves caught but let's let me Chuck off my armor put it all in my hotbar and go right are you ready there we go all right I'm here too I take of this there's no entities 20 there's three is three so you okay now we're getting at seed okay so do you want to go down straight from this spot because if we're directly above the spawner I don't want to like okay let's go let's just go let's just go for it I don't I don't see why we shouldn't okay filter this a okay I'm shifting just in case even though I know oh okay I fell in the cave okay we need when the video needs to get to ten minutes my guy okay we need to we need to figure this out why are we seeing any names or anything we're getting quite far down where it why forty so we should be getting if like quite close to the base I don't know how far down it can be I just had someone open a chest issue I heard you buy cheap okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay do you want to take him right now let me pick this up what do you want to just have a look round because there's no there's no proof that we're in here right the guy won't know if he comes back let's just have a look we're about to you you hope in here you're here reverse take anything and you're blocked forever this guy's not nice at all he's got to find cookies twin there's two divine cookies we could have one each stealing cookies in milk there's no milk we'll just have to have cookie and chicken it gives regen 3-speed to saturation and absorption do you want one it's in the take one in your blocked chest we good load of armor just Warriors stuff it's only worth taking the warrior stuff at least I'll grab these crap it was though okay okay it's got like a like a rail cart system yeah we can take like a rollercoaster throughout this base I meet chestnuts divine cookie because I will use this okay right is there anything else looking like I'm seeing just a melon farm oh Jesus Christ that is a lot of rail cars it's not even a worker working roller coaster this guy clearly doesn't know his tactics right so it looks like just general unclaimed base I thought it's gonna be way more exciting than this I mean I didn't know there's gonna be smaller so at least that's some progress right I mean I mean we must have been the one spawning the mobster if there's no one here that must be one of those none there for a second okay so that means the guy may be online there's no sign or anything saying whose base this is so I doubt we can easily which killer take the spoilers and just wait for a few minutes and just see what goes on okay John take the spawner so you're gonna grab the mushroom I'll grab these cow I mean okay I got one cow a movie oh my god oh my god oh my god spawns font font upon set home right twin twin twin twin did you leave did you leave no I'm out I'm out okay cut stop money could take a ticket okay go I'll grab this for pigs no we don't have to do government did you get okay okay when he said 20 he just no it's when he just noticed he doing what's he doing what is he doing he's just coming to look at it first honest he's just he's like hitting the floor he's just he PD friended should we start killing you wanna stop killing okay let's go let's go let's go let's go selects Ellis Ellis do not claim it yet okay because their homes are now gone so you just deleted their homes maybe I guess that's a good thing right boss the faction called F fool cow he calls he codes in chat I'm famous they've been raided they went down to thousand percent he said why you gotta do my man like that he thinks it's just you cuz I didn't manage to hit him it seemed literally thinks it's just you I managed to do stuff to Jesus alright I mean I can sell these now we come okay I hate a horde I enter level up to level 5 when 6th Ward okay 3 minutes try to go for the next hole dude let's do the hole as well I mean I guess that's it for this base right there's no way he came back the moment we mentioned it people are gonna think this is really people do I didn't even notice I panicked i f3 I almost opened the guys I almost went like incredibly downhill ok f plane s to live they claimed it they claimed it F claimed as one as one I got I got I got ok ok ok ok ok I told twin I panicked I panicked so but we're not enemies yeah enemy and there we go wait twin I have a plan I have a plan I've planned twin how far are we down to ok nevermind I was in court I have 18 charge creepers oh yeah we can mine it right okay let's just grab another pickaxe and then we'll there we go just say hello there we go there we go or we're making some progress I mean if I haven't dried of invincible creepers because if so yeah you ready gonna get him out twin twin take me out if you can I can kill this guy I'm staking out and shop for your best stuff I did I said okay we can go through no way dude that was so intense that was so intense dude it was a festive horde is well we would have got hundred mobs out of it we made the best call I think just going for it dude I can't believe you actually unclaimed it I can't believe you actually unclaimed it I panicked so much but they never went back to it so it's like their claims were still their homes we're still in wilderness right that's ok where do you log off just right here ok so this keeps swinging here for a second comes back I go back to shop for I'm only using a shop 3 yeah I'll save GG there we go yeah they should come back now right are they just sent to G I don't think I don't think it works to it I don't think it worked we tried right we should say in chat we should be like oh we've left now I mean you can come back I think though I think there would be like too much of a bait if they had AB City and though we would have died a hundred percent but exactly dude it helps we had all those eggs as well I do those invincible creepers are so good because they literally can't kill them I don't think this guy's gonna come back get him get up you're so bad gap I can 500 I suppose we can't get up get a load of sex get a load of child sex I can get it in like two seconds okay I have 17 charge 22 yeah no you okay you just loot at twin place there you go see now you can get them straight away rather than having the way we loo add loot space add space the name you know that we can just get it instantly so he came back around here right so his homes around here really much there anymore I'm just gonna make some more make some more holes make it a little bit bigger weight base no I can do let's drop all this there's a load of stuff in those chests no it really wasn't worth it for us but can you well are you will eventually yeah this is like a bait I'm sad I want to come back I guess I mean I guess they're not coming back Oh diamonds we could have x4 I guess they're not coming back I guess that's it I think honestly that cow guy you're right was just a complete bait to see if we were actually there but GG I guess I mean that wasn't like insanely rich but the whole map the fact that the chiton notice his spawn is missing and was just running around like nothing happened but it's a little bit better that's right I was just I was absolutely nuts all right GG I guess should we get out of here I'm gonna how many claims do we actually have I think just in the one chunk yeah we know we only have all the one chunk round over here so I'm playing this one chunk quick and I'm playing this one there we go all right should we dip to spawn let them have the rest of their base did win the guy when the guy turned up I just panicked and I just went to spawn instantly but you just told me no no no come back would you like to I was gonna do this on my own but would you like to open a charm with me I feel like we deserve it you want to open a time with me my guy okay I think - yeah I have - okay so we'll go one each for some reason they've duplicated into three I don't know I've done that oh there we go right come to the old crates and we will trade raid twin place you're too far away from me because you ran away yeah we go between place there you go have a festive charm good sir cuz it's Christmas it won't go into the thing there we go right there you go my guy Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year right you ready all right are we just gonna do all three at once I just I did all three at once I can get a load of good stuff I can get G shop out of this well I get G shop I think I'm close twin no no I didn't I got so close not they've I got like three off I got a soul pouch and 16 bloody notes kind of sucks but you know until I can do now I eat for like three days right have had a basic treasure chest I've just never had enough salt but now I have seven thousand souls I can go open this bad boy I'm gonna go where's this with this warlock guy where you acted sir where are you warlocks salvager here you are is this it this you salvage your enchant books here have you seen this point of view seamless if you have poopie custom enchants you can salvage them into titan essences have you ever seen this is this new right where is he this area's alright come anybody and boom will open that and we are gonna get oh I got 10,000 souls from that eg I'm a prick fit me perfect load ourselves I mean I only spent I mean I also got a simple money pouch so what is and this and hope they get something good we got ourselves 22 K yeah you know exactly I'm 22 K Rachel and I was previously but twin thank you very much for coming I appreciate it that was a lot a lot of fun and it expected to go that well it's alright my guy you know it's Christmas it's it's the festive spirit now so you know I'm just spreading love joy and happiness and impass raids on on people who don't know they spawn it's a mind I hope you guys enjoyed that video I apologize if I sound a little bit quiet I was recording this video a lot and I mean a lot later than I usually record it mainly because we have to go out I'm not very good at time management all that otherwise you know there's the same continue excuse but we're still going daily I think we're going to a leave read two weeks now almost three weeks which is absolutely insane to see my goal was originally you know like a few days and then that turns into a week and then two weeks and then right now it's just second nature to me to get up record record a bunch I can like have some days off over Christmas but there will be a Skyblock stream tomorrow ladies and gentlemen because obviously because the Hydra hunt is on I don't have the footage because my foot got lost in this Windows 10 update I am everyday kind of switching it up between factions and skywalk if you guys didn't know but guys thank you so much for watching today's video I hope you guys did enjoy make sure you guys like and subscribe if you guys are new with posed notifications on so you guys know when I go live for 8:30 p.m. it go live whenever a video goes out at 8:30 p.m. GMT okay so much it contains support and I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 90,849
Rating: 4.8634539 out of 5
Keywords: twin plays, dispenser troll, trolling, factionsraven, factions raven, raven, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft factions, minecraft raiding, minecraft pvp, minecraft troll, i found this unclaimed base.. so i went invisible to raid it and found this! | minecraft factions
Id: fbTrXpdowv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 28 2018
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