so this rich Minecraft base looked unraidable.. until i saw that i could raid it using a pickaxe!

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is this oh it's spawn is look oh my god that's a lot of spawn is okay see that guy with the fancy looking pick out that's me they're probably wondering how I got in this situation be honest I barely know myself but to tell you we're gonna have to tell it Oh God okay the phones got off it's ruined right hello today's video is a bit of a weird one if I'd like to say so myself I'm out in the wilderness right now and I was looking for raid and I found this faction called Z a but F who's II have these guides on F top page to the rank number 12 function right there was 16 million dollars and fourteen million dollars in sworn US and if we go to the F took to pay they have a hundred and eight bonus place a hundred and four stores so looking at that situation that's a pretty good situation for 180 claims right and looking at F map it looks definite like 180 claims but these guys are actually over claimable by nine land so we can arrayed pretty much like 16 million dollars right here but before we go any further that makes you guys do like and subscribe if you guys aren't new and turn on post notifications were on the road now to 50,000 subscribers Demi had me like should we get alright that's how many were getting in 24 hours and if you guys don't do it does he have he's gonna he's gonna over claim your base too all right I just have to basically find where the base was cuz always I didn't want to claim like that side and then run out of claims so it's looking like directly in the middle from here so if we just follow this line there we go we'll just follow this all the way back that's what we'll do it's the easiest tactic there we go until we get out wilderness and hopefully we have enough claims I'd like to hope that we do otherwise you know we're gonna have to make a can I'm very close right starts here so will claim this chunk F claim s1 I can't claim or unclaimed what is this I'm gonna have to leave you make my own faction I can't claim but it's this I'm gonna have to leave for a second we have to F create claim God or something I don't know we'll do that we're gonna CF just in case F claim s1 yeah there we go we've conquered the chunk we haven't taken the chunk we've conquered the chunk everybody it's what we're doing right now we're conquering chunks honestly I hope we have enough it's 9 chunks we have logically we should be okay there was no easy way to do this because you have to do on the edge of like the border of their base they so we combine all of this that's like four walls okay so we can make it over to here so if we surely just claim one more here we should be oh my god we actually have the base we have the whole base we actually just claim to the entire of their base with all of the value inside these guys are gonna come on and they are gonna be kicking themselves honestly that's what I'm feeling they're gonna come on and they're gonna be so mad this is just the whole base okay now we need to need to claim here there we go I'll take that chunk I'll take this chunk and then last chunk I'll take okay you can keep that one all right I'll let you have that one I think literally we just start on the bottom and work our way up I feel like that's what we need to do here you know claim God is here for a reason so let's just lock this walk all the way up and hopefully hopefully I say hopefully there is actually stuff in this actual base so this is like a vault so let's just mine in here cuz thing is you know it's our base now so we can kind of do what you want I've just realized since I left blur I'm not gonna have a place to store cuz my home's gonna be the lead oh do I still get half an hour it might have an out this vault seems very very small maybe isn't a vault maybe it's just like one single chest and that's what arraigned oh is this oh it's spawn is look oh my god that's a lot of spoilers um okay that's lovely yeah my home v2 is deleted I don't know what whoo I hope he's fornix oh jesus what have I done why did I leave I couldn't claim though it's though I fault that's so many spoilers I don't know what to do what do I do here honestly I don't know what this situation or call is if I chunk info okay there are a lot of spoilers here let's just grab let's just start grabbing right this is my plan let's just start grabbing spawn us and we'll fill up as much as my PV and a chest as we can oh that's a lot of pigs that's gonna fill up my PV just on its own yeah okay let's set home raid here you might have to go to G shop my G shop actors ran out okay listen we're gonna have to go buy chess I think what we're gonna do and just have to make an unclaimed vault until we can get back in blur because honestly if we leave all this stuff and unclaimed vault when this video goes out it's gonna get x-rayed 100% I know I'm like as well with sharing coordinates so I'm gonna double-check I don't do that so what I'm gonna do is quickly just make it unclaimed vault it'll be back with you guys in a second with my very original transition all right the unclaimed vault has been made I've put the dub and bit of spawn as I've got in this thing right now but was in a set home unclaimed here and then do home raid again so we can like obviously transfer back and forth between the two but honestly I didn't expect like this to actually work the fact that there's actually so much stuff placed down in here is actually insane I was gonna say how are we gonna get up here I don't have a purl but I do have a pole and we can build it's our base you can honestly just keep this for ourselves I'm surprised we're not to be honest in here it's a chest we have Lou and more loot and nothing else okay so we're gonna work our way after we've got these up to like the top part of the base like the tippy tippy top because obviously we don't want to just like raid the bottom bit we want to raise every little bit of this base right now we want to make them cry because that's what we do in factions we make people cry let's put all these away and then what we would do is we have to go store these so let's go home v/o unclaimed there we go sorry force of habit if you guys do enjoy factions raiding which you guys you will I can subscribe if you guys aren't new because I do a lot of that here overall effect is very neutral channel you know the best place to be but the fact that we're gonna have near enough 16 million just sat in a vowel doing nothing until I get like I'm some on and blur that can like T P in like get all this and that you invite me back it's probably a good idea I need to be invited back team I just hope no one x-rays this and like an hour and a half that I'm not gonna be here because honestly if they do that's gonna be very depressing and we must have to dubs of spoilers or we have over two dubs as fullness and we literally all we had to do was claim nine claim it worked out perfectly though we kind of had enough just to claim the entirety of the base and we don't have to like worry about anything but that's all those gone so there is one more tippy tippy top you part of the bait obviously gonna need to swim our way up let's go out of these walls again come on let's go out of our own walls that we made is we totally made these it's it's my race right no we're out there we go we're gonna have to swim obviously don't have fly so is it an easier way we can get up come on it's my base I should know these things um just Chuck a perla whoa why not just a voice character I think oh god no pearl please no no stop it stop stop it stop dammit right I resorted to buying cobblestone that's what you've done to me server you've resorted to me buying cobblestone and we're just gonna block our way up brother and do that because honestly it's probably a lot easier up we go up we travel goodbye spawn of all I hope you have fun I'll see you later we'll go and up to the tippy tippy top now wanna see that defense looks really cool though it's I have a little pyramid we obviously have to check if there's anything else in the pyramid because obviously we don't want to miss anything but look at it it's so cute it's like real slow down as well I'm surprised they have like the like chest room and spawn a room like not together at the top and I'm surprised they have that so low because that's like on a really low level people could raid that easily I'm pretty sure and then be really difficult to read the one on top unless okay I don't have water you can she just reversed off of it I take back everything I've ever said we're almost there we're making it Swimming's almost over even though we're not swimming we're just we're just blocking we're alternating right now in patterns look at this this isn't art in the finest form I don't know what it is come on are we gonna make it no we're not we're gonna have to buy more okay go glowstone I didn't do anything okay so another stack of cobble probably should be enough we're not get like that far off we're like not that far I guess all right I'm seeing it coming up this is what we needed let's go into the water a little bit and what we'll do is I'll make it easy on ourselves we will let you just block this like this and then just build up from here I think it's gonna be the easiest tactic we can do let's just you know mine in to our new base hello new base welcome me um it's above me isn't it okay yeah it's a cobblestone there that's a slap why is it or a slam I would just mine into the wall here just so we have like an open air pocket so we're not drowning there we go lovely and then go over here because soon as we get in this chest room this might be where all their spawn is are stored because it still stares like 106 thoughts so our feeling it's either one in the vault little this little chest room in here or two it's in the little tippy tippy top of the pyramid that's my other feeling and we can be able to pile in there just eat one eat one I don't know like fireball my way through but little a second Pablo empty chest I worked oh that went perfectly that went absolutely perfectly so we need to get up have a look through this armor lost might inside there's only one p4 helmet p2 I'm not really gonna bother taking I'm probably just gonna siphon out like the p4 maybe another piece of P 4 P 4 P 4 P 3 that was that was p3 Oh God I found myself another bit of P 4 P 4 this is gonna be awful to wet it there is actually quite a lot of armor here I'm actually quite surprised I was literally not expecting that but I think we'll come back to you I cuz I want to I find these faunas no more armor I guess it's just like mixes and matches of armor throughout like these chests we're gonna take a fair bit of it because honestly without it probably gonna be in trouble correct top value those sets are actually worth a lot of money so if you guys are ever reading on this server and you see like Oh zombies for us okay we'll take that that's nice I like something spawn us who doesn't it's looking like the rest of this base might be empty I'm gonna be honest with you here folks it's not looking good that tea and tea oh it's a double TT we'll take that okay it's okay okay take it back it's looking better than originally planned so let's put all this in this chest right here let's get rid of it l don't want it anyway you can put all this p4 away too and we need to back and actually get the rest of that TNT because otherwise that's gonna be sat in their base if I F of ZF again I think they're literally just a four-man function and that the description is we are gods with the Z of Z anyway you look at anything else annihilation core that's mine up more spawner sheep squid cheap rabbit mushroom okay it's looking pretty good actually what sauce his head we'll take that one for the fun of it evade four we need that that can go on my people right here really it didn't do it thank you anything else anything else those player heads or fifty diamonds don't mind if I do what update will be playing heads to just see if anything's worth money note so where are these spawn is do you have them stored and we haven't taken a hundred we've taken like maybe like ten maybe fifteen a push and we're back to oh that's just in the middle P 3 and P 2 III her diamond sword earlier we found the rest of the spawn of squids for knows pigs boners everything that seems to be stored is now here the base image there now ours holy God that doesn't that contradicted itself didn't it right I'll put the rest is TNT away and we're probably gonna have to spend like a good long time moving these burners out because it's probably gonna take a very very long time is that only the one table because I swear on dub angle I'm gonna check the rest of these tress and see what happened this is the one we checked okay more spoilers are in this one and a little bit more spoilers in this one so I literally think this is the rest of the 100 spawner that they did have policy I can't believe a raid like this happened because people like don't have enough power or maybe like lost some power I find it really silly that people still manage to do these type of things come on you should check your power check you pick yourself before you wreck yourself girl yeah never saying that again well you see once you move these out this is probably gonna be the end of this rate I'm gonna leave their bases it is I like I'm not going to touch the rest of their base in case like one has a home in that last chunk and they want to use it because if they want to use this base sure go for it use it it's make sure you guys like have enough flames this time because honestly I was very very lucky I was close to cannoning this place just still like maybe get the spawn is at the bottom I didn't expect the stuff to be at the top i F hoot I saw the claims like to power ratio it was like 9 over so I just whipped out OBS and was like ok we're just gonna go for it look like most of the spoilers here are gone it only seems to be like a little bit left hopefully we're gonna have a look yeah it's only a little little bit left or take all these and then we will leave this base and that means we are leaving this video you know this is the end of the video NEX rose you know please don't come home unclaimed vault like the next hour that would not be appreciated sir or madam obviously don't want to be you know judging make sure you guys do like and subscribe if you guys aren't new honestly that raid was probably the best one I've done this season purely I'm not having to spend any TNT I just over claimed and walked in but guys thank you so much for watching if you guys want a free spawner you guys need to leave a like right now that's a joke by the way cuz I got like 400 500 likes which means I'm going to give away 500 spawner so I don't have that type of quantity but guys like I said make sure you guys like a subscribe if you guys are new with post notifications on I post every single day 8:30 p.m. gmt thank you very much thank you guys so much for watching like I said and I will see you guys tomorrow with another episode
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 435,498
Rating: 4.8606949 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, factionsraven raiding, factionsraven raid, factionsraven unclaimed, unclaimed raid factions, overclaim raid, overclaiming factions, rich factions raid, so this rich Minecraft base looked unraidable.. until i saw that i could raid it using a pickaxe!
Id: Lebdpw11VsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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