so this faction base was an easy raid.. but this game breaking tnt glitch made everything go wrong!

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okay so be in the creepster the creep doc were out looking for bases when we found this and decided to use silent TNT but we did not expect is this to actually break into a base he he he he like I honestly have never used this I've always wanted to and we found a base we're gonna be attempting to do an invisible raid on this base but we have to break in time we hope so Raven is here I just I'm here recording video but trust me I've been looking for content I just haven't found this work this is gonna be a Jimmy to fire I can I can stick it on right now please you just say the one I'll do it yes this tactic routine T is able to destroy defenses without works like regular TNT TNT explosions will not make sound like that is the description alright we just have to go for it I filled it with just silent that's definitely making a sound you've got clearly a faulty silent TNT just let me know when we're in no be quiet they won't hear us it's fine okay I already fired you can go check me wait a minute where are you I'm the floating Dorito are you sure can they know no the way they call it clustered together is go forward they come there calm and steady hopefully if it goes quiet I'd be like oh it was just a glitch yeah it was fake TNT not silent TNT that doesn't work yeah less all of them achieving they're probably looking at right now bro I mean it sound alright let's go for it yeah I thought they may be Michael mining if you go I mean okay so we got to go down here and I'm a pillow yeah I think I can hear him open chest dude they dig definitely heard it I mean I'm in yeah oh I see him I see him okay I see one of them do you think they know I think that I have a really big feeling that they know are we going in that room with the guy I'm in the room with me I'm just oh you're in the room yeah they've mined this bonus they've - they've mined this bonus they know yeah buddy hopefully don't know that we're inside I see you down there you are so obvious no I'm I'm miss pretty as a princess and never gonna know okay okay yeah my Albert he's attacking me animate mafia crew okay put him down die yeah you stay invisible oh my god I seeing combo to Narnia you Lou you Lou I'll distract the silent TT wasn't silent at all we was very loud stay in the water stay in the water think about what you've done okay I can put you one of these guys do we stay stay in there and think about what you've done no I'll get him Ryan the guy says the guy said hi YouTube - mourns we didn't expect him to obviously we thought the silent he would act we thought it was silent it's clearly not silent Reilly's top tier he struck to you the worst bug in the game silent routine not be they had one job literally had one job to be silent and it wasn't silent I need to get pots we can't break his sugar cabe tanking it look at this guy oh Jesus okay pots 16k I got it no idea they didn't put in the chest not any chest okay I got him don't worry I'm hoping maybe they were silly enough to put the spoons in the chest I doubt it but I'm hoping oh yeah and literally the spoilers were only we've been ruined by silent teen tea okay I have to go back oh dis cheese from stone I have to go back and actually look and make sure that you definitely saw that you can go back a hundred percent penalty can you bust a hole here can you like cannon like this yeah yeah I'm on it hang on and then the PD boopy boopy thank you and I might be down below more I'd be down here let's go in the farm we came right here know a shortcut they go just one more say please I don't have any pv-1 I have more I just I just have to confirm okay calm down below to all of us and TT or miss yes I think he did I've used silent MP before and it was silent but this one clearly wasn't or a check check yep nothing like these thank you very much I'm not done yet okay oh no I was making a lot of noise works like regular tea and tea but doesn't make a sound clearly it does yes I told you keep going isn't gonna destroy it it's doing it now there was one keep going Oh found him he's back no he's naked keep firing here one block away from the base I love to remember one more shot you're gonna go or one or two and you're gonna go directly into the farm one will go straight into the base it's clipping at the very top you're fine just keep going there we go that's what you needed it's clearly not silent oh you just hit the farm could buy farm yeah you still here in the farm it's still going don't you worry I think I messaged me this is am in a rude word silent TNT the guy goes that's my melon farm [Applause] sorry it must be the neighbors not working fix it he's the - alignment original plan was to suddenly break in there go inside there grab this we take everything amount of money worth in cows corners installs go inside no maybe he may go maybe you can use it properly so surely he can he can fix it you know I mean how he's not happy well it does hurt guy I don't know if owners that's for online going to poison yeah do it yeah yeah nice or bastard camera oh that's really bad come and I said what an absolute failed we get these guys a discord to throw to come on mystery see who wants to come on discord message Matty do you have discord we'll see if they want to come on discord it'd be funny if they do though digging themselves a hole isn't responded why isn't your responding he said yes he has discord I'll make one okay as long as I figure out how to make one yes you know it's the real factions Raven don't cry well nine days and I'll get rain in the base like this we got everything out because yeah they used your 240 or whatever well you're very lucky that you got everything out today because we try to use silent ENT to break into a base about you knowing but it seems that you have a home at the old bay so we can show them yesterday and somehow they killed Ryan it wasn't me god bless your faction members ehe here the funny part no no no to your next radon ignite and then you just enemy us in killer oh well I didn't know any of that stuff can I just say I just say this was not our fault actually if you want someone to blame blame psycho P repeats Content Manager mad beggar for actually not fixing yeah if he if he hadn't fixed 70 if the styling team were made we would have made a tiny hole inside your base you wouldn't even know we've entered when it came in took exporters and now you wouldn't even know we raided you masse except my GP yeah because the tsiyon team didn't work so we just said all right I think we did better these guys have one of you playing for nine days why how dare you you know we broke your fireman looks like you're gonna need to rebuild it's like I'm never gonna use it so come on that was his he needs that for rebuilding his farm okay okay he doesn't need that hey listen you can have that too look I don't know if this a hug but like we can just look back on now to do the intro only see massive shout out to Matty and Co I hope they're having an amazing fact an adventure and his farm now bill I'll see you guys thank you so much for watching this video if we can hit 300 likes that I'd be amazing make sure you guys like on the scope if you guys aren't new subscribe with post notifications on we're getting very very close to 40k and I will see you guys tomorrow
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 126,499
Rating: 4.8675351 out of 5
Keywords: so this faction base was an easy raid.. but this game breaking tnt glitch made everything go wrong!, factionsraven, raven, factions raven, minecraft, mine craft, creepersedge, creepers edge, raiding, minecraft raiding, saicopvp, minecraft action, missing block, rich raid, pg13, factionsraven raiding, factionsraven raiding video, factions glitch, minecraft tnt glitch, minecraft tnt, creepersedge raid, factionsraven mansion, factionsraven house, factionsraven creepersedge
Id: mkLPZdfsY80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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