Perfect Secret Legendary ARMOR & WEAPON! Baldur's Gate 3 How TO Get Orphic Hammer & Perfect Helldusk

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in today's video we'll take a look at another very cool legendary armor sets and weapon in Baldur's Gate 3. these are completely missable however I also want to issue a major spoiler warning for the second half of this video as acquiring the high-end versions of these will require you to be close or at the end game so I'll try my best to keep spoilers to the absolute minimum however you can always check back later when you progress a bit further in the game now we have a flawed version of the hell desk set that we get relatively early however there's a perfected version of this that comes a bit later so let me break down both of them because both of them are very very strong so for the flood version we have the armor helmet and gloves the armor provides lesser infernal retribution which has a chance to set enemies on Fire Within A 2 meter radius to attack you you also take one less piercing damage and it also comes with 18 AC so a solid option for those who have heavy armor proficiency then we have the helmet this is medium armor so it can be worn by classes with just medium armor proficiency it comes with a magical durability in which the wielder has a plus to bonus to saving throws against spells and the plus one to Constitution saving throws and finally we have the gloves no proficiency requirement and it brings the Lancer infernal touch so your weapon attacks deal additional fire damage and your unarmed attacks deal extra necrotic damage and can possibly even inflict bleeding plus you gain strength saving throw of plus one so overall a pretty good set that can be worn on a number of different classes even if you don't use it straight up on a paladin a barbarian or a fighter you can probably use the gloves for example on a monk since you will be using a lot of unarmed attacks you can also use the helmet on a character that wants to have a bit of spell resistances because of the magical durability so lots of ways to make this work on a lot of different builds now to acquire this set as well as a bunch of other interesting items you have to talk to Daemon the second time you meet him right here at the last Light in in the ruin the battlefield but he will need some infernal iron for each of these set pieces to craft them for you however you can get a lot of them very early in the game so the first you can get is right here in the basement in the abandoned house of the blighted village you'll have to clear out the web that covers the area below jump inside and there's gonna be a chest on one of these Upper Deck areas that if you lock pick will give you one of the first infernal irons the second one is the treasure room behind ragslyn throne in the goblin stronghold nearby you will probably have to defeat this boss to get the key but the infernal item will be with the remaining pile of loot there's also a third one in the zentarian basement Hideout which is one of the ways to reach the underdark via the blocked elevator if you ever went there you have to defeat a bunch of enemies grab their key and you will find find another infernal iron in one of these two chests in one of the cellars however there are plenty more even in Grim Forge there are a number that you can find even by talking to the vendor over there if you succeed all its dialogue options they will also reward one of these but once you're done you can just bring these to Daemon and he'll give you one flawed hell dusk item piece for each of the infernal iron that you give them including helmet chest and gloves possibly feet too though I only had three available at the time so I'm not entirely sure now the next set of items are the perfected hell dusk versions plus this really awesome legendary Warhammer I will talk about the spoiler stuff a bit later for now I will focus on how these function and how they look so this is the orphic Warhammer a versatile weapon so this can both be one or dual wielded it has a really good damage role as well as a really nice extra fire damage higher than the sword from the starting boss plus it comes with weapon enchantment plus 3 so your weapons receive plus 3 bonus to attack rolls as well as plus 3 extra damage it also brings spell resistance you have an advantage on saving throws against spells and this setup is actually going to hide counter spell casters as you can pretty much get a ton of resistances a ton of saving throws and other ways to mitigate or even prevent spell attacks from enemies as you will soon come to find plus it brings the unshackling strike a pretty interesting removal of any restrained paralysis or stun effect that are applied to others you can simply break them free out of those with this strike now let's also go over the armor this is of course a legendary piece and its biggest Advantage is the fact that this is going to consider anybody to be proficient with it despite the fact that this is a heavy armor set so any class any race no matter what build they have will be able to wear this armor which is absolutely incred credible infernal retribution is one of its bonuses when you succeed a saving throw the Caster receives burning for three turns so let's say the enemy tries to paralysis you and you resist that they will get that burning effect for three turns also Prime ages of fire you have resistance to fire damage and also cannot be burned and you also take three less damage from all sources so this is possibly the best version of a fire resistance we can get though it might be a bit wasted if you put it on a deep link it might work better on something else plus we have a level 3 fly transmutation skill that we can use however if you already have the fly from like the tadpole Powers really fit Powers you might not use this as much helmets is the next one this comes with The Infernal sight you can see in magical and ordinary Darkness up to 12 meters and you cannot be blinded so this works even if somebody places Darkness around you as in the skill effect or the spell effect if somebody uses arms of Hadar you can actually see through these as well as through just natural darkness and you cannot be blinded at all also the plus two magical durability makes us have plus two bonus to saving throws against spells attacks can't land Critical Hits on us and we also have the emulation games and active which Sears and frightens the target even deals extra damage if the enemy is already burning and even causes them to flee the third piece is the glove this brings the infernal Acuity it gives a plus one bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save the sea also infernal touch your weapon attacks deal additional fire damage or necrotic when unarmed plus the bleeding basically it's the upgraded version of the imperfect one and finally it also has the Rays of fire it's very similar to the scorching Ray actually but it only led to send three Rays so it's probably on the scale of the level 1 variant and finally we have the boots the steadfast buff is one of them you cannot be forcibly moved by a false spell or action and you ignore the difficult terrain debuff very strong one right here for melee hitters and front liners infernal evasion helps us if we fail a saving throw we can actually use our reaction to succeed instead and finally the hell crawler a very nice upgrade to the Mystic step teleportation which instead also leaves a blast of fire damage as well as a pentagram basically at the point of destination so the entire set right here looks very hellish very devilish actually and it doesn't just fit a mainly front liner like I was tempted to put this on my Paladin but I think it just fits a spellcaster a lot better maybe a wizard maybe somebody who squished you maybe even a sorcerer since you can ensure you have a ton of AC since you don't have to worry about proficiency from the legendary set and then you have all these others counter spells and ways to deal additional damage if somebody casts spells on you but with that out of the way let's talk about how you can get this legendary version and again big spoiler warning ahead for seeing that your own caution but if you're still here then the entire sad plus the legendary weapon you get once you reach in Baldur's Gate and especially the lower City section where you will want to follow the quest line involving Raphael's House of Hope your first dialogue with him cannot be missed as he presents himself once you reach the underdark the first time but you can also meet him a second time in the Shiraz qurans right here in Baldur's Gate however if you also Miss in here you can just proceed and all cases will proceed to the next bit which is towards Devil's fee down in the lower City just across all of the elf song Tower so you will know you're in the right track if helsink the NPC vendor here has an extra third dialogue at the top besides the one that says leave or let me see your offers from here just persuade her or bribe her if you can until you get the can you help me break into the House of Hope dialogue don't pay more than 1 to 200 gold otherwise you're just wasting money but if those dialogues are successful she'll give you a pouch with a bunch of items that you can then use in the locked room upstairs to summon the portal right here by the pentagram to the House of Hope simply follow the instruction written on the piece of paper provided to you you will know if you placed items in the correct order if they have a small fire effect when you place them and once all of them are put down you're going to have the portal opening up towards the new destination now here I will not want to spoil much and I'm just going to give you a bunch of tips to help you orientate yourself your objective is to get inside the archive where you will find a bunch of very strong purple items as well as that legendary orphic Warhammer however you need to break the barrier protecting the Warhammer first plus you also don't want to alert everybody just yet so instead talk to the archive guy there and try to convince him to give you a special invitation to a room nearby you will need this to enter this room blocked by a barrier that you likely saw on your way towards the archive again will not spoil what happens inside but one way or another you might want to maybe grab a certain key that opens a certain Secret Safe in that room that in turn will provide you a way to steal the legendary Warhammer also this is where you can also grab the hell dusk gloves as part of the set so make sure you don't miss them and loot everything and everybody on your way out of this interesting room you will spot a strange gem on the wall in front of you this will provide you a wisdom and a narcana check that if you successfully passed you can grab a second hell dusk helmet from the set plus a 666 gold from this point on simply go to the archive grab the sweet legendary hammer and also don't forget these other two epic items you can find on each side so this includes this really awesome Amulet of the greater Health which gives you a constitution directly to 23 and also provides advantage on Constitution saving throws so amazing option to have on a paladin also you can get the gauntlet from the other side the gauntlets over the hill giant strength which does the same but for the strength which you get 23 plus a one two strength saving throws now from here on this might or might not lead you in a lot of trouble if you steal these items and I mean a lot of trouble so my suggestion open any of these chests or containers you might find scattered around and try to get the potions of angelic Slumber from inside this will provide the same benefits as a long rest since you won't be able to go go to your camp for the entire duration of your visit in this place but once it's done just loot everything and make sure you also grab the legendary heldusk armor and don't leave it aside it's going to be here trust me now for the help desk Boots These are actually inside of a container on the top floor of the worm Rock Fortress so you actually need to go back to the main city you will find the chest containing this next to a bed at the top floor of that um Fortress basically towards the upper west side wall of it and you will need to grab that if for some reason you break the chest just keep in mind that the item will be on the floor however it's going to be very hard to notice it that's what happened to me but I was able to retrieve it sometimes later and that is pretty much it with how you get these items now probably there's another way to acquire them without being so involved with this Quest but again you might be missing on a ton of other loot if you don't so totally check it out and let me know down below if you found any other cool Legend there is that a really strong and builds defining in the meantime you can of course check out some of the other items that I covered before including legendary quality or just go over some of the biggest mistakes that I wished I knew sooner and maybe they can help you out and avoid many of the headaches that this game can bring thanks much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 228,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, baldurs gate 3, best class, best build, baldurs gate 3 magic items, build guide, combat guide, act 1 guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, level up guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldur's gate 3 orphic, baldurs gate 3 orphic hammer, baldur's gate 3 legendary armor, baldur's gate 3 legendary weapons, legendary items baldurs gate 3, legendary helldusk armor, bg3 tips, baldurs gate tips and tricks
Id: cV6fNzpOEz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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