Three extremely weird unsolved mysteries

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna do something a little bit different in the sense of I found three separate different cases that I thought were interesting and I figured that we could just cover those in a bite-sized way so we're not focusing on one case for the entire video you can let me know if you enjoyed that or not I think this is interesting every so often just to kind of I wanted to say relax but we're still talking about true crimes so I don't know how relaxing that can really be anyway before we get into the video I did want to thank today's sponsor which is shutter shutter is a premium streaming service from AMC networks shutter has the largest and fastest growing human curated selection of thrilling and dangerous entertainment you can stream great thrillers horror and suspense for $5.99 a month or 50 $6.99 a year and all on your favorite devices such as Amazon fire TV Roku Xbox one iOS and Android shutter has a unique collection of exclusive and original films and series such as one cut of the Dead and Tigers are not afraid which were named best movie and best horror movie of 2019 according to Rotten Tomatoes the try shutter for free for 30 days go to shudder calm and use promo code ready to glare one specific film I enjoy on shutter is titled the love which it's not as much as a scary movie as much as it's an aesthetically pleasing narrative that centers around a young which I highly recommend it thank you again to shutter for sponsoring this video and remember to try shudder for free for 30-days go to shudder calm and use promo code ready to glare anyway let's get into the video I like thinking about crime in places that aren't my immediate first image when I think of a crime when I think of a crime I think of nighttime I think of an alley I think of a non populated place but the reality is crime happens wherever and unfortunately it can happen at any given point even where you do feel safe that's not me trying to make you paranoid that's me trying to set the scene for I read this article that was titled 22 of the scariest crimes to ever hit the world of retail now the world of retail is already scary in and of itself because people but there was one that I thought was particularly interesting for young Burger Chef employees vanished while closing up the restaurant for the night in 1978 and their murders remain unsolved well the night of the November 17th 1978 for young employees at the Burger Chef & Speedway Indiana began to prepare for closing time around midnight a co-worker stopped by to help the night crew clean up he found the place empty the restaurants back doors still open the employee called the police and a search for the missing workers was set in motion that search ended tragically two days later in 20 miles away when hikers stumbled upon the bodies of all four employees in the woods the Indianapolis Star reported assistant manager Jayne freed 20 have been stabbed to death Ruth Ellen Shelton 17 and Daniel Davis 16 had been shot execution style with a point 38 caliber gun 16 year old mark Clements the youngest victim had been bludgeoned Indianapolis monthly reported that police allowed the restaurant to reopen the day after the crews disappearance despite initial worries that the group had been kidnapped crucial evidence may have been wiped away when the Burger Chef employees cleaned up the restaurant the murders remain unsolved in 2018 of the local fox affiliate reported that the community gathered to plant a quartet of red oak trees one for each victim now I found this case obviously tragic but suspicious because I couldn't really find a reason why this would happen because as far as we know it wasn't a burglary I mean I'm assuming the cops looked into it and it didn't seem like these people had prime enemies that would try to do this to them the fact that not everyone was killed in the same way was also strange to me it seems like a lot of work or extra work it just didn't make sense to me why those choices were made and I think that's why I found this case interesting is that first of all I don't understand why these people and second of all I don't understand why in the way they were murdered like what determined how they were murdered and also just how this was carried out where the next day they just cleaned everything up so anything that could have been evidence is gone I get it was a different time but nonetheless it just seems like everything was messy and didn't line up you guys can let me know in the comments down below what you think that's about if you think like me it was mismanaged next up so then I looked into crimes at theme parks because again that challenge is my idea of safety because I don't really think of theme parks as the number one place for crimes though they happen Disney now avoided a dangerous explosion when a bomb was found in Frontierland plenty of guests have tried seldom successfully to extort Disney in the past but few have caused as much mayhem as the anonymous telephone caller who tipped the company off to a bomb that had been planted in a Magic Kingdom utility shed the caller got in touch with a local sheriff's office in Orlando and demanded a $90,000 payment in order to prevent the device from detonating deputies had just two hours to find the bomb the caller claimed that multiple devices had been staged around the property but only one was found at least that's all Disney would admit to the public even one bomb was still enough to raise significant alarm and those who eventually located the neon gas filled cylinders near frontier lands now-defunct Davy Crockett Explorer canoes said they would have caused considerable damage had they exploded in a more populated area of the park while this news story caused understandable alarm from anxious guests Disney refused to shut down the park in the days that followed apparently unconcerned that similar incidents might be planned even more strange one of the sheriff's said was the fact that the caller or any of their fellow cronies failed to materialise to claim their payout now this story I thought was interesting for multiple reasons the first reason of course is why the [ __ ] would you not shutdown if someone says that there's more than one explosive device usually I would give them the benefit of the doubt and be like ok I believe you let me shut this place down and you know call the appropriate people to see what's going on to check for other devices I'm gonna talk about this in the most cynical way possible from a PR stands why would you decide to stay open why would you take the risk of people dying and then potentially suing you as a company because I know that you probably don't care but from that stance why would you take that risk that just makes you look bad in the end even now it makes them look bad because just the sole concept of keeping it open with that type of risk is surreal yet are we that surprised probably not the other thing was I'm super curious about the person who called the tip because I'm just curious why they wouldn't show up for the money isn't that the entire point so then that makes me think okay well if money isn't the entire point what were they going for were they just trying to start [ __ ] was this there for of entertainment I don't know I'm just curious and I'm even wondering if it's actually true that there weren't any other explosives because it's possible that there are other explosives that they just didn't detonate right I don't know am I crazy to think that either way I thought this story was super weird I think I'm used to thinking about in the cynical way of I know companies don't really care about people they care about money and if a disaster happens that's money so why would they take that possibility who knows you can let me know in the comments down below if you have any conspiracy theories ok this is the last one this one is grimmer than the Disney one but it still includes a weird anonymous tip that ends up actually being correct the murder of Tracy and patient in 1976 13 year old a Tracy Ann patient resided with her family in the Henderson suburb of Auckland New Zealand one day in January Tracy was spending the evening at a friend's house she headed home at approximately 9:30 p.m. but she never arrived the following day Tracy's body was discovered in some bushes in the ranges she had been strangled to death with her own pantyhose two months later you flying as hell phone counseling helpline for young people received an anonymous phone call from a woman who thought she'd seen Tracy climbing into a brown car with a man in a brown suit on the night she'd disappeared the female caller was never identified but a much more chilling anonymous phone call was still to come when Tracy's body was found a signet ring she always wore was conspicuously missing the authorities subsequently released a sketch of the ring to the public in November 1977 the police received an anonymous call from a man who claimed that Tracy's ring could be found in a rubbish bin outside a pharmacy in the Avondale shopping mall incredibly the tip panned out and Tracy's ring was found in that very bin curiously the anonymous tipster also provided a number 1 2 6 0 4 0 which he said was connected to Tracy's case and promised a call back later the police never heard from the caller again and to this day they haven't been unable to figure out the significance of this number even though investigators are still working on the case Tracy an patience murder has been unsolved for 40 years now I definitely think one aspect of this case is obviously the curiosity that surrounds having a number just given to you without any real context frankly I suck with any kind of mystery that surrounds numbers I'm a word person definitely not mathematical in any way my skills in math are extremely limited and maybe that's even being optimistic but I do think it's interesting that there were two tips that ended up being correct now the first tip from the woman that might be completely unrelated to the criminal like it really just could have been a woman who was like oh I saw this that being said it could also be someone related an accomplice or something like that who knows but of course the more conspicuous tip is the one about the ring in the trashcan which I mean I think most of us would come to the conclusion that the person might not be the killer but certainly has to be involved maybe an accomplice as well if not actually the killer it's just curious to me that he would also say that he would call back that seems like such a I don't want to say pompous as much as almost like you're flaunting the power you have over the police to be Ike I'll call you back knowing full well that they can't really do anything until then if you ever do so I do think it has something to do with a power trip because imagine being a criminal having the police essentially at your mercy in you're like oh this is where the ring is but anyway I'll just call you back and then you just don't I would also want to know what the number stands for in my mind maybe has something to do with a location because when the tipster did call about the ring it was about the location of a ring so I'm wondering if the number one two six zero four zero is making reference to another location perhaps where there's other evidence who knows frankly this whole case is so vague in a way because we don't really know much at all to make any real conclusion let me know in the comments down below if there's a conclusion you'd make or if you think the number has a particular significance if you think the woman in the manner accomplices let me know all your thoughts and the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 302,123
Rating: 4.9672389 out of 5
Keywords: mysteries, unsolved mystery, disneyland, disneyland mystery
Id: lHs9DBzmlcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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